#vf lotor
funtimecheetah · 1 month
Sneak Peak Into A New VF Fanfic!! 🎉
The draft is not finished yet, but is so far 4,000 words! I would like people's honest opinion about it so far!
⚠️Future Warning!! ⚠️ This fanfic will include many major character deaths, suicided themes, lots of angry and more. But the sneak peak does not include any of that.
Word count: 604
Rewriting The Past
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Keith pov: Arus is gone. A planet, like many others, destroyed completely by the Drule Empire Great War. Killing numerous people that it cannot possibly be fathomed by any mind. Ruling that dreadful Drule Empire is King Lotor, a fierce leader who spares no one, not even allies or soldiers who have failed him. The only soul who barely escaped being killed by his majesty’s hand is the right man, Maahoxs. One, and only reason he lands himself into safety, is that he is the only one able to create what Lotor wishes for battle. His deep knowledge and understanding of Haggarium is the key to their so far success. Transforming normal soldiers to deadly beasts from that vile violet bright liquid. The deadliest among those infected is Lotor’s right most ‘trusted’ soldier…Chaos. A brilliant soldier that knows Voltron’s weakness, our normal strategies, and is too chaotic to figure out what they would do next. Flash to a small planet, far off Drule’s map, where the resistance hides and plans. The main power force in the resistance, letting the innocent have a chance to live, is the Voltron Force. The leader of the team and the resistance as a whole is Keith. He sighs to himself, as he leans back in the chair, deep in thought. Mind going through every that has happened because of this great war. ‘This was supposed to be a time of peace, a new era. One with a new black lion pilot…Daniel.’ A sad smile across his face before tears rolls down his face, ‘It was torture for all of us to see Lotor take Daniel’s bloody broken body. He came out of nowhere, but we all should have known that he would never stay dead. Daniel fought so hard to fight back against…and the Haggarium infection. But not even Daniel was strong enough to survive that long fight with the infection taking over his mind and body.’ The painful memories cause Keith to dig into his arm, almost making it bleed. More tears fall out of his eyes. ‘If only I did things differently, then maybe Daniel would have trusted us…me about his Haggarium infection. This would have never happened in the first place. Larmina and Vince apparently knew the whole time. They explained that Daniel thought he would kick off the force if we found out. We never really treated the cadets as members of this team, I know that now. We never allowed them to attend meetings or anything planning, leaving them in the dark without a clue of what they will be thrown into. Being forced to act like adults in a war but treated like children by everyone around. I thought since they were kids we shouldn’t put them through every part of that war, let them enjoy life. How foolish I was, we expected them to act like adults when most of the time we treated them like children. I was blind. I wish I could go back and change that.’ A loud alarm sounds, red flashing lights flickers. This pulls Keith out of his thoughts. He jumps out of his seat. Running to the black lion. The final stand to turn the tide of the war is upon them. Five lions fly into the air with surrounding ships of many kinds following them to battle. Quickly, they all fly to Earth. Finding Earth in its middle of its destruction. The Drule Army is destroying everything in sight…just as the resistance thought would happen. Luckily, they have a plan. If it fails there is no more hope for victory. This can not fail.
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chibi-pix · 2 years
What would be your be your VLD design/take on Zora and Roza from the VF book series? (They’d obviously wouldn’t be Lotor’s nieces in VLD and would probably be ether be Lotura children or some form of Lotor clone attempt)
So that's their names! Okay, let me start with being honest. I know the books exist. I was aware that Lotor has nieces, twins I think, thanks to what research I could manage. But I knew nothing further about them, not even their names. And I've not been able to read the books. I don't have a means of obtaining them and I haven't been able to find them to read online.
So, that being said? I may need to get back to you on this, especially with a VLD design. As for take?
If clones, then boy did Haggar mess up. She tried to clone one person and got twins that probably listen even less and do their own thing.
If Lotura children? They'd probably be the reason Lotor (who I like to have be good in VLD AUs) would find a new love in Earth coffee. Especially with a bit of brandy and Kahlua because twins cannot be easy to deal with.
I don't know anything about the girls in the VF comics. I could try and talk with some of the others in a discord server I'm in that have the comics to see if they can give me insight, especially designs so I could redesign them. But honestly? For a VLD take? I feel like they would definitely be adventurous and off ready to do their own thing. Like many teens (I would think they're teenagers), they would try to assert their own independence and not listen, maybe even argue with Lotor and Allura a lot. Because honestly? Some teens do that.
I really can't say much else with my lack of knowledge. It'll take some digging and thinking it over. But we'll see what comes up in time.
Thank you for the ask and getting some gears going in my brain. This ought to be fun.
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My fanfic, “Defenders of the Multiverse” is a crossover story featuring the characters from three different versions of Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Voltron Force, and Legendary Defender. Observant fans will notice that I put VLD’s Keith and Allura in a scenario similar to what DotU’s Keith and Allura faced in the Fleet of Doom movie. This movie was also an inspiration for the whole novel-length fic that I wrote. The movie has two different Voltrons teams teaming up for an adventure, specifically the Lion Force and Vehicle Force teams. My story details a team up of the heroic Voltron pilots of three different universes, with the primary focus on developing the young Legendary Defender characters.
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“Defenders of the Multiverse” began as a VLD Plance fanfic, an AU which is a revised version of the “Clear Day” VLD episode. I decided to continue that story with a second chapter called “The Greatest Gift” which led right into my Multiverse crossover fic. The two Plance fics became official preludes to the larger storyline.
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In “Defenders of the Multiverse” I also emphasized that Kallura is canon in both the DotU and VF universes. I think VLD Kallura shippers will enjoy both the Fleet of Doom movie and my fanfic. 😉 Besides the Kallura scenes, I really enjoyed writing the Keith vs. Lotor sword fights and the space battles.
Spoiler alert: the “Space Angel” character in DotU was referenced in this story along with the Omega Comet DotU storyline, so look for that when you’re reading.
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empressgeekt · 7 months
What would their doppelgangers be like in your VLD multiverse fic? And how will they interact with the main characters?
like I mentioned in the post the three major arches would be going to the VF universe, the 80s universe, and the paladins of old. I'll be basing the doppelgangers on how the characters are portrayed in the other cartoons, for the first two arches, with a few extra-headcanons thrown in (like keiths always have some form of a troubled family/home life, and all hunks love food). Currently my plans include, Lance and hunk getting swapped out with their doubles from the VF world along with larmina and Daniel, and the full team voltron getting trappedin the 80s world.
The VF universe is canonically further ahead in the future compared to the rest of the continuities, so the paladins(or pilots as thee called in that reality) have a lot more experience with war. The VF team is kinda shocked that the VLD are so young, like they are baby pilots to them, buy impressed with how well they work together. On mire personal interactions, larmina is kinda of confused by this elf version of he aunt allura; keith tries to be a good role model for Daniel and everyone is confused about his galra heritage, especially when krolia shows up; the perky coran coran the gorgeous man is baffling when compared to his more serious counterparts; and I'm pretty sure the ex-generals would totally take in larmina as their pseudo-niece once they got to know her. On the other side of the portal, Lance is sort of shocked that VF allura and Keith are married; everyone is weirded out by pidge being a literal dude; and Vince is finally getting some answers regarding his gift. Once more serious coran.
80s arch, well be getting more one on one dobbleganger interaction. The alluras bond over mice. Hunks bond over food. Keiths relate over family issues. Both keith and Lance are confused as they kinda swapped personalities in their reality. Pidge is too focused on getting the group back to their home world to bond with her doppelganger, she is also fighting tooth and nail against tbe blantent sexism in thia reality. We're even getting some lotor on lotor interaction, and storming castle doom. And serious coran...
There aren't dobblegangers int the third arch, as it's a crossove with a reality that is really similar to VLD just behind in its timeline.
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cxrsedboo · 11 months
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is it obvious i dont know how lighting works? CAUSE I DONT!
pidge and hunk are such an adorable duo to me, especially in vf with their already established relationship i love them sm not to mention how protective they are of eachother, i mean sure the vf cast is protective of everyone but i mean have you seen the way hunk called out to pidge once wade’s lions got a hit on him? not to mention when the man got ELECTROCUTED, hunk was on him asap (i refuse to believe pidge walked away from that instantly, check my buddy’s @toasthoneyandstardust rant about it if i were to start ranting, i dont think i’d stop)
they’d do basically everything together early on like train, clean up the lions, work on maintenance together but also on their days off they’d just talk and talk about literally anything and turn it into a 5 hour rant like how penguins can’t fly to keith’s new haircut (im sorry love but the mullet was NOT it) and if they were too busy saving the world from lotor or wade then they’d spend nights reading or watching movies to catch up for lost time
keith lost count how many times he’s had to wake both of them up from the couch the morning after and has plenty of photos of the cadets joining them in on their nightly movie or game night sessions or even as far as late night reads (but also can you really blame them? hunk has the best narrator voice and can imitate almost every accent at least somewhat decently, ignoring how everytime he does it his voice cracks so badly it sounds like he’s a teenager again)
this art is more messier than the other ones since 1, i dont know how to draw couches, and 2 lighting can suck my dic- but its punk so therefore i love it, did i mention how much i love these dorks?
i would’ve drawn hunk with a tattoo but i got lazy so just imagine he has one on his shoulder hidden away underneath his shirt okay
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scattered-winter · 11 months
Hey, have you ever considered incorporating some some characters from Defenders of the Universe or Voltron Force?
Like Lotor’s fiancé, Merla, from DotU, and the villains Maahox, Kala, and Sky Marshal Wade from VF could all serve as interesting antagonists, be they one off threats or over arching villains.
And the Voltron Cadets from VF, and the pilots of Vehicle Voltron from DotU could serve to help fill out the ranks of the Galaxy Garrison or have other uses.
And I hope I’m not overwhelming with all this stuff, I just love your VLD rewrite and I think you’re a really cool person.
I haven't really thought about it much, just because I haven't seen any of the earlier versions and so honestly I have no idea whats going on over there and it's never been a priority for me to watch them (that might change ?? eventually ??? don't hold ur breath tho my To Watch list is 3 miles long) AND the plot for the rewrite is already really complicated and there are so many characters and subplots and moving parts that I don't think I want to like. add in More characters and subplots and moving parts unless I need to, ykw? that being SAID I do think it might be fun to maybe use the names for like. one-off random background characters!! they're not gonna be like. important to the plot really but idk maybe it'd be cool reusing some of the names from other versions. who can say
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lion-time · 3 years
Time for some VF headcanons cause I’m bored
-The Force will just randomly install and uninstall the fridge in the main room whenever they feel like it.
-Pidge has a nape piercing which not many people know about.
-Chip helps with the vocals for Stereolactic. He also helps beta test the Voltron game from time to time.
-Lance will set EVERYTHING on fire every time he tries to cook. The food. The kitchen. Himself. EVERYTHING.
-The cadets make a game out of stealing Lance’s jacket. Whoever steals it without him noticing for the longest is the winner.
-After Keith cuts off his mullet, the rest of the Force hold a little funeral for it. Tears ensue.
-Daniel’s extensive Voltron knowledge can freak out the active pilots sometimes. Dan is completely unaware of how much potential blackmail he actually holds.
-On a similar note, Daniel has written Voltron fanfiction and you can’t convince me otherwise.
-Hunk has written a theme song for his lion
-Whenever the team strumbles across something which is annoying yet perseverent, they will describe it as being powered/infected by Lotorium.
      -e.g ‘Ugh. This thing is being really annoying!
             ‘Sounds like it might be powered by Lotorium.’
-Just like how there’s an ex-Lotor group of evil Drules (the Syndicate), there’s a group of good ones too, who help the Den.
maybe i’ll do more when i feel like it these were just ones off the top of my head
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flion · 4 years
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voltrongen · 3 years
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He was not scared 🤭
-@siennavf2021 | Sienna on Pinterest
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Okay y’all, thanks to @toasthoneyandstardust, I was able to see the epilogue comic of Voltron Force and see Haggar, which sparked thoughts and ideas for AU stuff.  But, a thought hit.  The others were changed so much in appearance from DotU to VF.  So, why not change Haggar up a bit, too? And with that, and taking inspiration from VLD’s Haggar, I have this. The ominous witch with a bit of haggarium and insulting Lotor.  Perfect.
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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paladudesquotes · 2 years
Lotor: Do you know what the question I'm asked the most is?
Lance *deadpan*: Will you please leave the premises?
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voltronforce · 7 years
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Going to wipe that laugh off by Cheetoy
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lion-time · 3 years
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got inspired by art to finish a wip that had been sitting around for months.
VF Pidge may be the babysitter, but he’s still a Pidge, and so has that signature Pidge chaos.
And constantly hanging with two mega chaotic individuals, some evidence of that chaos can start to show.
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