musicarenagh · 9 months
Dirty Money's "Vice and Virtue": Authenticity Wrapped in Musical Fervour "Vice and Virtue," the latest EP from Dirty Money, is a rip-roaring ride through the ethos of rock's golden era, with the raw edge of modernity. Formed in February 2022 post-Chemical Pulse demise, Dirty Money wields their instruments like proverbial weapons of mass disruption: Spud Hudson on vocals delivers an anthemic roar that meshes seamlessly with Mark Walker’s shredding lead guitar. Ross Hutton's bass lines are not merely heard but felt in the gut, while Luis Silver hammers down a percussive thunderstorm behind the drums. https://open.spotify.com/album/0zQfTBIXVkUpTyOK24hL0E?si=5ZIPuHD_SAK0FIyWWPdW9Q The record tears open with "Play to Win,” sending out high-voltage signals that this is no passive listen—the grit of gravel underfoot and the smell of rebellion fill your senses. With only four tracks to make its mark, "Vice and Virtue" doesn't dally; it demands attention at every turn. Hudson’s lyrics are painted across vast canvasses that examine life in vivid strokes - sometimes broad sweeps questioning morality and fate; other times fine dots highlighting our hedonistic streaks. The storytelling furrows deep into one man's episodes amongst chaos yet maintains universality for listeners who’ve ridden similar highs and lows. Each track feels like cruising an electric highway—windows down, windswept thoughts dissipating in rearview mirrors—as we experience Midnight Suns,’ it resonates like Springsteen's fist-pumping energy met by Foo Fighters' sonic audacity. [caption id="attachment_53357" align="alignnone" width="1000"] Dirty Money's "Vice and Virtue": Authenticity Wrapped in Musical Fervour[/caption] What stands out starkly against contemporaries is how authenticity isn't forced; they breathe as much fire performing gut-busting ballads as they do delivering chest-thumping crescendos. It makes you wonder if these guys have lifetimes worth of experiences balled up into just over half a year together because what materialises feels anything but infantile—it roars matured insights wrapped in musical fervour. As "Ego," caps off this rollercoaster—a fun upbeat piece laced with nostalgia—you emerge roughened yet strangely hopeful amidst personal symphonies oscillating between vice and virtue. “Vice and Virtue” EP is Dirty Money’s gauntlet thrown at today's homogenized soundscapes challenging them with piercing guitars crafted on roaring riffs assemblage line—and rest assured, rock puritans to casual chart dabblers will wholeheartedly agree something visceral has been sparked here. Let there be no confusion: you don't listen to “Vice and Virtue”; you feel it—in every fibre until reverberations cease long after the last notes fade away. Follow Dirty Money on Website and Facebook.
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rrainbowwarriorr · 1 year
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dam-peace · 2 years
Happy Late Newyears!. Any Ways I Should Have Asked This On My First Ask Ever: How Would The Romances (Already On Relationship With MC) React If They Found Out The Detective Was Pregnant With Their Kid And Vice Versa If The Female Romances Found Out They Are Pregnant With The MCs Kid. I Outright Imagine Tobias Either Being Really Smug About Or Going Through The Five Stages Of Grief. (Problably Nick,Elias And Kacey Pov Be Like):
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#ViceAndVirtue #VV
Thank you and I hope you had an amazing new year too! 🎉 And boy I've gotta say, this is a great ask!
Tobias is now officially asexual, so though he will be able to have an intimate and somewhat physical relationship with the MC overtime. Full sexual intercourse for him is simply out of the question. So, I'll write his part as the MC broaching the subject of wanting children, either through the use of a surrogate or adoption. Anyway....
Tobias would not take the news well at all, instinctively hurling a tirade of hurtful sarcastic remarks towards the MC, without even noticing it. Suggesting that if a child is what they want, then the MC is barking up the wrong tree. Even going as far as to offer to help the MC find the right partner to give them that happy family they're so desperately searching for.
Though as soon as the words leave his mouth, Tobias regrets them immediately. Shame clearly written on his face, as he watches hurt flash across your loving features. The fight leaving him in an instant, he slumps down onto your shared bed.
Whispering in a strained, though firm tone of voice, "You don't want to raise a child with me....trust me." Tobias then looks up at you with expressionless eyes, before slowly trailing down to look at his palms in disgust.
"I'm not cut out to be a father...." Squeezing his fists tightly, applying enough pressure for them to start to change colour, he continues. "Some people just aren't meant to be parents...."
Tobias then finishes in a broken whisper, "I would know." And with those final words, he walks straight out of the room, and out the front door without a second glance.
Nick....well Nick is in absolute shock, though unlike Tobias he at least tries his best to think of you first. His smile strained as he looks over at you, then down at your stomach where his unborn child lies. Nick desperately tries to go on about his day as normal, dodging the topic of the baby like his life depended on it.
Faking a bright smile whilst making breakfast for you both, he's deathly silent. Only speaking when spoken to, even unconsciously avoiding your touch throughout the day. Though, when you do make contact with him by accident, he pulls away as if scolded by something hot and that's.....when he breaks.
Wide-eyed with unshed tears brimming in his eyes, Nick rushes towards the front door with a desperate cry of apology. Jumping into his car, Nick speeds off towards Kaedent, arriving at Lars' office door in record time.
He knocks desperately on the hard wooden office door, soon breaking down in tears, wracked with sobs and hiccups of shame as he starts to explain himself. Burying his face in his hands, Nick cries out.
"Lars what have I done?!" Then looks down at his shaking hands, both his eyes and voice trembling as he speaks. "I-I can't have a child..." Nick then chokes out a humourless laugh, dead eyed, except for a lone spark of madness breathing life back into him.
"What was I even thinking? Someone like me....we can't be happy."
Elias would just stare back at you with wide eyes, eyebrows raised up high. Silently taking the pregnancy stick from you, he sits there for what feels like hours, without saying a word. Only adding to your nerves....
"I know you're a quiet man by nature, but please say something...." You trail off, attempting to add some humour to the situation, well as best as you can anyway.
Elias looks up at you from where he's sat on your shared bed, rising from his seat. He places the pregnancy stick down on the bedside table, then makes his way back over to you. Looking down at you with loving eyes, he wraps his large, muscular arms around you.
Giving you a comforting squeeze, causing you to melt into his touch in relief. Though not for long as he slowly pulls away, after a short moment. Kissing you deeply, almost hungrily, leading you over to the bed.
You kiss and touch for a while, as you break apart from his sweet lips to catch your breath. Elias wraps his strong arms around you once more, pulling you in close, as you slowly slip into a deep slumber. In your sleepy haze, you feel a large hand softly rubbing against your belly whilst you slept.
Though later the warmth you felt in your dream is no more. As you wake only to find the space beside you, empty of the tattooed man of your dreams. Now replaced by a note in Elias' handwriting, explaining that he had to go on a sudden trip for a few days.
Though Team 1 will be in to check on you whilst he's away, in addition to Kacey staying over to keep you safe in his absence. "Love you" You whisper to yourself, reciting the last words at the bottom of the page. Slipping out of bed, you look across the room, finding that some of Elias' personal belongings are in fact missing.
Making your way downstairs, feeling confused and utterly empty inside with Elias' sudden departure. Especially, when you move towards the kitchen bin to throw something away, only to notice a heap of his cigarette boxes dumped down below.
Kacey.....would completely shut down, upon finding out that she is pregnant. She would be damn near inconsolable, curled up into a ball crying uncontrollably. Slumped on the carpeted floors of your shared home, rocking back and forth, refusing to let you touch her. Leaving you no choice but to call in the rest of Team 1 for assistance.
When they arrive, you quickly explain the situation. Upon hearing what had happened, Elias would move over to his cousin, attempting to hold her. Jolted by the sudden touch, Kacey would act on instinct, trying to fight back.
Though, Elias is much too quick, as he catches hold of Kacey's hands. Grasping them tightly, causing Kacey to look up at him. "Elias..." she whispers his name softly in realization, before throwing both arms around him, wailing like a new born baby. After sitting with her like that for a while, simply holding her in his embrace.
Elias hoists her up into his arms, carrying Kacey out of the house and into the car outside. Whilst Nicholas and Tobias help to pack away some of Kacey's things. Explaining that Kacey, the love of your life and mother of your unborn child will be staying with them for the time being.
After Team 1's departure, you travel upstairs, your body feeling as heavy as lead. Sitting down, confused and defeated on the bed you shared with Kacey just this morning.
Sat there for what seemed like hours, wondering where you went wrong. Only to get a call from Lars of all people, reaching over, you lifelessly answer the call. Only to hear these unbreaking words......
"[Insert MC's Name], Special Agent Daniels....would like an abortion."
If the MC is pregnant, (through a surrogate if with Leena):
Luther/Leena would raise a brow, a part of them already thinking this might've been the case. From your sudden bouts of sickness throughout the day, to your complete loss of appetite and constant mood swings.
They knew....they knew even before you did, but Luther/Leena certainly wished it wasn't the case. They knew they'd have to be a parent some day, but they certainly didn't think it would be now, or that they would be having a child with you of all people.
Make no mistake, Luther/Leena's happy that it's you, there's no one in the world they'd want to start a family with but you. It's just....they never intended to marry or start a family for love, only duty.
So they're quite apprehensive at this sudden turn of events, dare I say it....scared even, of losing this....of ruining this beautiful thing with they're own hands. Even worse....by the very same hands that helped 'raise' them....
And in a desperate effort to control the situation, Luther/Leena will be the most dutiful partner to ever grace this earth. Anything you desire is there before you can even think to ask for it, they'll be sure to keep people away from you and out of your personal space.
In addition to, strongly advocating that you start taking time off of work from now, because the last thing they need is for both you and the baby to be under stress.
Speaking of baby, get ready for every expensive piece of brand name clothing. Elaborate story books, cots, buggies and children's toys to move itself into your shared home.
Luther/Leena strides into the master bedroom that you both share, a questioning look gracing they're attractive features. "The baby room is already built, what colour would you like it painted?"
The MC balks, "Luther/Leena...honey, I'm three weeks pregnant."
They nod, "You're right, we don't know the gender yet, white it is." They reply back with a determined look. "Also, the baby cot will arrive tomorrow, I think you'll like the diamond cut." Luther/Leena calls over they're shoulder, as they start to depart from the room.
The MC splutters, jolting up from their place on the bed. "DIAMONDS?!"
If Leena is pregnant:
Leena would raise a brow as she stares down at the pregnancy stick, a part of her already thinking this might've been the case. From her sudden bouts of sickness throughout the day, to her complete loss of appetite and constant mood swings.
She knew....but she certainly hoped it wasn't true. Leena is well aware that she would have to be a mother some day, but she certainly didn't think it would be now, or that she would be having a child with you of all people.
Make no mistake, Leena's happy that it's you, there's no one in the world she'd want to start a family with but you. It's just....she never intended to marry or start a family for love, only duty.
So she's quite apprehensive at this sudden turn of events, dare I say it....scared even, of losing this....of ruining this beautiful thing with her own hands. Even worse....by the very same hands that helped 'raise' her....
And in a desperate effort to control the situation, Leena will be the most dutiful partner to ever grace this earth. Anything she feels the baby may need will be there, from extra daily supplements, to classical music to stimulate the baby in the womb.
And although, slightly annoyed that she won't be able to work for the time being. Leena happily accepts her new role as a soon to be mother, taking time off to become the most productive house wife and mum in training.
Leena will also be extremely protective of both you and the baby, the baby because well that's her offspring, need I say more? But with you she loves you, and now that she's in this for love.
She refuses to raise this child alone, expect her to go out of her way to fix you healthier meals, schedule regular workout routines for you. Making it her business to limit your alcohol intake, and if you're a smoker....well, you'd better kiss that nasty little habit goodbye, because Leena is having none of it.
As the door bell sounds off, you slowly extract yourself from Leena's embrace on the living room settee, where you were both cuddling. Walking over to open the front door....
"Uhhh Leena..." You call out in confusion.
"Yes." Leena responds back, making her way to where you are. Only to come face to face with a number of unknown faces, all with an assortment of various classical instruments in hand.
"Why is a whole orchestra at our front door?"
"It's for the baby." Leena replies back as it it were the most obvious thing in the world, softly rubbing her flat stomach. "Our child deserves a live show, a private one at that, with the melodic sounds of revolutionary geniuses to fill their ears."
"Leena...babe, you're three weeks pregnant."
Leena raises a brow, "And?"
If the MC is pregnant, (through a surrogate if with Shuri):
Shyam/Shuri will be over the damn moon, so ecstatic to be a parent and with you of all people. They're best-friend and love of their life, they're truly living the dream and would never shut up about it. They'll tell anyone who'll listen about your love story, and how you're both expecting a little bundle of joy as proof of that.
They'll definitely be the type of partner, to worry over every little thing that you do from here on out. I mean they respect the fact that you're more than capable of doing things for yourself, no matter if you're pregnant or not.
But just go ahead and let them hold that blanket for you, please and thank you. Wool can be quite heavy you know, and no one needs that kind of weight bearing down on them. Especially not a pregnant lady, and certainly not their pregnant lady.
Shuri/Shyam would definitely fantasize about what their child will be like, trying to figure out who they'll take after. Or, whether your bundle of joy will be a happy blend of both of you, a super human really, blessed with both outstanding looks and talent.
Though, out of everything else Shuri/Shyam would be happiest to tell the news to their family, who they're extremely close to.....though, unfortunately the moment won't always remain a happy one.
If Shuri is pregnant, (through a surrogate):
Shuri will be over the damn moon, so ecstatic to be parent and with you of all people. They're best-friend and love of their life, they're truly living the dream and would never shut up about it. They'll tell anyone who'll listen about your love story and how you're both expecting a little bundle of joy as proof of that.
Shuri would definitely fantasize about what her child will be like, trying to figure out who they'll take after. Or, whether your bundle of joy will be a happy blend of both of you, a super human really, blessed with both outstanding looks and talent.
Though, out of everything else Shuri would be happiest to tell the news to their family, who they're extremely close to.....though, unfortunately the moment won't always remain a happy one.
Shuri would also be the type of partner, to worry over every little thing that she does from now on. Like seriously, her slightly reckless ways would have to take a backseat, right there and then, which means no to high heels for a bit.
Something she is utterly devastated by, but she's doing this for her little bundle of joy after all. Making it all worth it in the end, though she will stress much on whether her body will bounce back after the birth.
However, to quell her growing fear of not actually becoming the hot mum that she envisioned herself to be. Shuri will use her pregnancy as an excuse to take certain liberties....
"Babe!" Shuri calls out to you sweetly, batting her eyelashes at you. "Can you hold this for me, please? It's a little heavy, and I don't wanna upset the baby." She continues, rubbing gently at her flat stomach.
I raise a brow, amazed at the audacity of this woman. "You cannot be serious, it's a woolly blanket! And you're three weeks pregnant Shuri, not three months. If I knew you were gonna be this much of a princess, I would've carried the baby myself."
She grins back in response, handing the 'oh so heavy' blanket over to you. "No take backs!" She calls over her shoulder, now walking off to the fridge. No doubt to eat her second tub of ice-cream for the day, and blame it on the baby...again.
If the MC is pregnant, (through a surrogate if with Marley):
Mason/Marley would be absolutely ecstatic at the prospect of becoming a mother/father. Not to mention building a family with you of all people, someone they greatly admired, and quickly fell head over heels for.
Oh Mason/Marley would damn near be on the brink of tears, hugging and kissing the MC. Showering them in praise and gratitude for choosing them out of so many, making Mason/Marley the happiest man/woman in the world.
Mason/Marley would want to share they're happiness with those closest to them. Their best of friends, colleagues (definitely Shuri/Shyam, Irene & Chief Richmond for starters). And lastly but certainly not least....they're beloved mother.
Taking the MC with them to personally deliver the news to her. Though, also as a means to safely divulge their concerns to their mother. Sharing their fears of becoming a failure of a parent....Lord knows they know what that looks like.
If Marley is pregnant:
Mason/Marley would be absolutely ecstatic at the prospect of becoming a mother. Not to mention building a family with you of all people, someone they greatly admired and quickly fell head over heels for. Though, she would be extremely nervous when telling you the big news, knowing how important your career is to you.
But with the proper reassurance Marley would let a tear or two slip through in relief. Hugging and kissing the MC, whispering in wonderment about how lucky they are. Wondering what they could've done in their past life to deserve this.
Marley would also want to share her happiness with those closest to her. Her best of friends, colleagues (definitely Shuri/Shyam, Irene & Chief Richmond for starters). And lastly but certainly not least....they're beloved mother, taking the MC with her to personally deliver the news.
Though, also as a means to safely divulge her concerns to her mother. Disclosing her fear that the MC may no longer find her attractive, as her stomach continues to grow. Especially, with all the messiness that comes hand in hand with pregnancy, when it slowly starts to rear it's ugly head. As well as, her fears of becoming a failure of a parent....Lord knows she knows what that looks like.
"Mum?!" Marley hollers at the top of her lungs, in her mother's native tongue.
"Yes, baby?" Her mother answers back from the next room over. Making her way over to the room where Marley is, frantically pulling out clothes from her chest of drawers in search of something.
"Mamma, have you seen the stretch mark cream that you made me? [Insert MC's Name] will be here soon, and I want to smooth out the marks before they arrive." Marley groans in frustration, looking over at her growing stomach nervously.
Marley's mother huffs out a quiet breath of amusement, "Kindje, you do not need it. You are lovely, a bringer of life. Your love does not care about your new stripes, and neither should you." Marley's mother answers back in a soft voice. Making her way further into the room, to kiss her daughter's forehead, giving her a gentle squeeze which Marley returns in kind.
"Bedankt, mamma." Marley whispers softly, holding her mother closer. As her earlier worries slowly start to melt away....
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viceandvirtued · 1 year
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#VICEANDVIRTUED : independent, private & selective portrayal of Henry Monty M.ontague, from M.ackenzi Lee’s “The G.entleman’s G.uide to V.ice & V.irtue”. a study in self worth, forgiving yourself, cutting ties of the past, leaving a toxic environment, being a bi disaster
supervised by Flora ( 25, she/her, gmt+1 )
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fenixburned · 1 year
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@fenixburned - multimuse, most active
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@m4zed - ariadne from inception, low activity
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@viceandvirtued - henry "monty" montague from the gentleman's guide to vice and virtue, low activity
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@immergrun - mathilde wolfhart (a forest deity oc), low activity
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What shatters you?
you have tried to be Atlas for far too long. your legs tremble and shoulders creak beneath the weight of the world you carry. every step forward is a battle, yet you soldier on... for what? when will you learn that you are allowed to lower your heavy burdens?
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tagged by @el3nas
@seesgood @dethtale @s4ints @viceandvirtued @honorhearted @reiignonme and anyone else
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m4zed · 1 year
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#M4ZES : independent, private & selective portrayal of Ariadne from Christopher Nolan's Inception. a study in: the myth of ariadne, the nature of dreams, transformation, the god complex, discovering your own potential
designed by Flora ( 25, she/her, gmt+1 )
affiliated with @4ger & @pointm4n
other blogs: @fenixburned @immergrun @viceandvirtued
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north-peach · 5 years
Sooo, look what this seriously competent and amazing person did. In like...an hour.
I am shook.
And I love this.
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willwootenart · 5 years
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Slow going as usual, but here are a few progress shots of #Wrath. Since I’m consistently engaged with the painting’s gradual development, it’s cool to cut segments of time out and see the layer-by-layer process captured in still images #wip #art #painting #oilpaint #oilpainting #arm #skateboard #skateboardart #skateboarddeck #skateboarddeckart #fineart #contemporaryart #urbanart #sevendeadlysins #sevendivinevirtues #viceandvirtue #albuquerque #albuquerqueartist #abq #abqartist #willwootenart https://www.instagram.com/p/B12aIlJFq3n/?igshid=1880mud3fp8s2
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overthetopracks · 4 years
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As good a day as any to C R U S H | I T. . . . . . . @overthetopracks @skibigwhite @viceandvirtuebeer #theadventureawaits #skibigwhite #crushit #crushinfuel #viceandvirtue #powder #champagnepowder #lovelife #recharge #kelowna #okanagan #yolo #thatsoverthetop #getoverthetop #allroadsleadtoadventure #carpediem #enjoytheride #safetravels #autorackskelowna #themountainsarecalling #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocal #bcisbeautiful #explorekelowna #okanaganexplorers #optoutside #goexplore #adventureracks #adventureracksystems (at Big White Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKkRnC9BKbs/?igshid=cf3v5z6wx444
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thecuriouscoconut · 7 years
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#CoffeeAndDonuts - what better way to enjoy a lazy Sunday, and to get excited for the new #TwinPeaks episode tonight??! This week is National Farmers Market Appreciation Week and I am sure feeling that #gratitude right now thanks to this spread I got from @cyfarmersmarket yesterday! #top8free #organic and #fairtrade donuts (strawberry balsamic and apple cinnamon) by my amazing friend @thepinkbakerydm and the best coffee in Memphis by @vicevirtuecoffee - our only purveyor of #specialtycoffee in town, which means it ranks among the top 3% of beans produced world-wide. Side note: I had given up coffee (along with alcohol) a few years ago when I had my health crash because it made me feel terrible. I should have known that when I was able to enjoy wine again that my body was ready for coffee, too, but I only tested coffee a few weeks ago. I'm so thrilled to be able to enjoy it again after a long road of healing and so much #acupuncture, especially with fall approaching. I am still a #greentea fiend but it's nice to enjoy a #damnfinecoffee now and then too ☕️What are you enjoying this fine Sunday? And are you watching Twin Peaks too?! #sundayvibes #allergenfree #notpaleo #primal #eggfree #peaberry #braziliancoffee #viceandvirtue #thepinkbakery #memphis #farmersmarketfinds #memphistn #memphisfood #memphisfoodie #901eats #901foodie #901 #localfood (at Memphis, Tennessee)
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queerbooklife-blog · 6 years
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A rather steamy novel about a bisexual lad, the love of his life, and his sassy sister. Over the course of a European tour gone wrong, this story confronts love, abuse, disability, racism, sexism, self-doubt, and of course pirates, all in a rich narrative voice brimming with good humor. A jaunty read for high school and up! ⚓️ @themackenzilee #mackenzilee #thegentlemansguidetoviceandvirtue #gentlemansguidetoviceandvirtue #viceandvirtue #lgbtbookstagram #bookstagram #gayliterature #queerliterature #yaliterature #lgbtqliterature #grandtour #gayhistory #lgbtqbooks #bihistory #disabilityliterature #gaybookstagram #lgbtqyabooks #lgbtqiabooks #queerbooks #historicalfiction #lgbtliterature #lgbtbooks #montyandpercy #ishipmontyandpercy #felicitymontague #lgbtpirates #slowburnromance #montyandpercyforever #yaromance https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSLxvtATbJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8hnmlczguxk6
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dam-peace · 2 years
Final Part Finally
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Ask 4: Just Imagine Listening To The MadnessCombat Soundtrack While Answering This (Chokes On Spit And Nearly Dies). Anyways That's Me Putting Reference Where They Don't Need To Be Anyways. How Would The Team React To The Detective Saving Them From A Tight Spot By Derailing A Fucking Train And Smashing It Against There Enemies. Like Let Me Elaborate A Little. There Surrounded The Detective Said They Were Gonna Get The Bombs On The Train. Nick Never Expected Them To Surround Them Like This And Now The Detective Is Probably Rushing Here But There Not Gonna Make It Before They Kill Us. The Mob Of Mercenaries Move Closing In. To The Teams Cover Before They Even Have A Chance To Fire On Them Their Eyes Nearly Bulge Out Of There Eyes When A Train Smashes Against The Mob Of Mercenaries Nearly Wiping Out All Of Them. And Crashing Into Another Train Causing A Massive Explosion Throwing Them Off There Game. And Giving Nick And His Team To Regroup They See The Detective Walk Out Of The Fire Of The Train They Smashed Against The Mob Some How Unscathed. (Side Note: Damn That Mothafucka Got Plot Armor For Days. Back To Head Canon.)With A Crazed Smile On There Face. They Grab A Broken Stop Sign(Obvious Tricky Reference) And Proceed To Open Fire On The Mercenaries And Impaling And Slashing Through Them Like They Were Not Protected By Body Armor Or Something. After The Carnage Is Over They Approach The Detective Covered With The Blood Of The Mercs.
Ask 5:How Would The Team React To Finding Out The Detective Was A Geek And Also A Cosplayer. The Detective Leaves Their Office To Go Get A Coffe Or Something And They Leave There Phone Unlocked. Kacey Notices Something On The Detectives Phone Which Catches Her And Checks It Out Which Makes Tobi And Nick Be Like Why Are You Snooping On The Detectives.Phone And When Tobias Grabs The Phone From Kaceys Hands He Accidentally Opens The Gallery.On The Detectives Phone And What He Sees Make Him Be A Bit Embarrassed Which They Note And Find Out Why There's Tons Of Pictures Of The Detective Dressed Up As A lot Of Different Characters From Anime And Fantasy Creatures And Other Media.There Most Recent Being A Succubus/Incubus Wearing Very Revealing Clothing. In The Other Side Of The Precinct The Detective Realizes They Left There Phone Unlocked. In Which They(PROCEED TO RUSH E)Nearly Knocking Over Or Trampling Anyone In There Way. They Bust Into There Office Looking Over EveryBody In The Room And Grabbing There Phone But Elias Says Something That Makes.The Detective Freez Right On There Way Out The Door The Detective Turns Bright Red And Shuts The Door And Yells At Them To Not Tell Anybody. But Knowing The Department That Isn't Gonna Stay Secret For Long.
Ask 6:How Would The Team React To The Detective Is A Ex Or Part-time Nun/Priest. This One Is A Funny One If You Really Think About Them Being Of The Cloth Is Pretty Funny Taking There Rep Into Account. Like For The Part Time They Bump Into Them Leaving There Part Time. Or When There Working In The Church Like. I Think It Would Be Pretty Funny Having Elias Or Tobi Messing With Them While There Working The Confessional.
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Finally If Your Reading By Any Chance. Your Awesome And Thanks For Bearing With This 6 Asks. I Know Writing Is Not Easy So Thank You.
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VV# #ViceAndVirtue
Thank you so much 😭💕 and as always, I really appreciate you taking the time to send these in.
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Ask 4:
Nicholas is absolutely speechless, the whole ordeal has practically shaved 10 years off of his life. "A-are you okay, Detective?"
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Tobias' face is scrunched up in disgust, as if the Detective being alive and well has somehow offended him. "What the f*ck was that?!"
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Elias raises a brow, a smirk playing on his lips. He nods over to the Detective, "Nice."
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Kacey's eyes widen in shock, as she slowly takes in the scene before her. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!"
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Ask 5:
Tobias faces the Detective with a grimace, "Really?" He questions, judgement clear in his tone. "If you're trying to get back at your father somehow, I promise you, you're only hurting yourself." Tobias looks down at the unlocked phone on the Detective's desk, then back up to meet their eyes with a raised brow.
"And Hannah Annafellows, really? Of all people, that's who you chose? She got beat up and talked down to, near enough every damn episode. By a child no less, not only are you a cosplaying geek, evidently you're one with poor taste."
Elias' eyes trace the length of the Detective's body slowly. Watching them in a new light, his eyes twinkle with amusement. He then nods over at the unlocked phone on the Detective's desk, "Nice garter belt..." He trails off, then looks up at the Detective with a smirk, "Hannah."
Nicholas' face is riddled with both horror and shame. "Detective! I sincerely apologize for the poor display, I assure you, we never meant to pry into your personal life." Nicholas' eyes slowly trails down to the photo open on your phone, holding back a cringe, he finishes. "You have a lovely hobby."
"You're a cosplayer?!" Kacey screeches out in disbelief, "OMG! We've totally gotta go to comic con together!" Quickly making her way over to you, Kacey hands your phone back. "Love the costume by the way, Hannah Annafellows is badass. So what's your favourite anime/manga?"
Ask 6:
Nicholas notices you, and for a split second he's absolutely speechless, completely taken aback by what he's just seen. Though, in the blink of an eye, he quickly flashes you a soft smile, slowly making his way over to you. Nick smoothly strikes up a friendly conversation, before finally addressing the elephant in the room.
"I must say Detective, you're certainly a Jack of all trades."
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Tobias notices you standing there in your religious attire, looking you up and down with disinterest. He turns away from you, walking away without a second glance.
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Elias looks over your body with an appreciative gaze, "Nice outfit, Sister/Father."
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Kacey almost rams into you on her way over, "OMG! No way! You're a crime fighting Nun/Priest?!"
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viceandvirtued · 1 year
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#VICEANDVIRTUED : independent, private & selective portrayal of Henry Monty M.ontague, from M.ackenzi Lee’s “The G.entleman’s G.uide to V.ice & V.irtue” (& the rest of the M.ontague Siblings Trilogy). a study in self worth, forgiving yourself, cutting ties of the past, leaving a toxic environment, being a bi disaster
supervised by Flora ( 25, she/her, gmt+1 ), formerly found on @fenixburned
triggering content present !!
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chvazquez · 6 years
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#Repost @churchpop (@get_repost) ・・・ Our values reflect both the virtuous habits we maintain in our lives, and the vices that lead us to sin. What would you add to this list? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸Shout out to our friends @catholiclink_en 🙏🏻#christianlife #churchpop #ewtn #viceandvirtue #christianvalues https://www.instagram.com/p/BthXLTYHH1Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4hb394ds1o5l
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Tagged indirectly by @aercnaut
i tag everyone as I am searching for new friends on here
but @reiignonme @poaeise @viceandvirtued @belovedemily @heldheart
ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms. in no particular order:
Kaz Brekker [six of crows]
Jude [ the folk of air]
Finnick Odair [hunger games]
Aurora O'malley [ Aurora Cycle]
Benedict Bridgerton [ original bridgerton series]
Annabeth Chase [percy jackson]
King Francis [reign]
Helaena [Hotd]
Sarah Cameron [outer banks]
Tris Prior [Divergent]
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