amateurcomics · 2 years
This trend has been going around: draw your OC mew on someone's hand
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I'm not all that happy with it but it's the best I have done. This is Cotton, my OC Mew from VIDM
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relladoeslifeiguess · 2 years
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Máshogy Is Történhet - első rész (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1309024933-m%C3%A1shogy-is-t%C3%B6rt%C3%A9nhet-els%C5%91-r%C3%A9sz?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=moonlightrella&wp_originator=dQoWyLyQljumgLDkXO4Ym9zKBrXKP0lWeurmBQo2PFtFuliCQqVwEypf1j5DOTC5n6hsSJ2VpHHLALF90x6MxMicDPJcTitB%2FzVDuMNsEhPb0G7eKJ3L8zeDD7R6Hqzw Nos van hogy a kocka a rosszabbik felére borul társasjáték közben és nem arra amerre mi szerettük volna. Az élet is hasonló. Van hogy nem úgy alakulnak a dolgok mint elvártuk, de vannak olyanok is akik mindig hatost dobnak a kockával. Biztosan láttál már olyan filmet ahol a fiú avagy férfi kétségbeesetten próbálja megmenteni a lányt valamiféle bajtól. Viszont néha megeshet az is hogy nem a nő szorul megmentésre, hanem a férfi. Az élet nem hosszú, így tudni kell gyorsan beszélni, illetve cselekedni. Pontosan ahogyan a főszereplőnk teszi ebben a könyvben. Vigyázat! Ez nem egy szokványos szerelmes történet. Ez sokkal több annál, ez egy életérzés. © Rella | 2023
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lady--vixen · 2 months
Melancholia, Jon Fosse
"Perché lui, Vidme, un uomo sui trent'anni fatti, ma già con qualche capello grigio, ritiene di aver scoperto qualcosa di importante che gli cambierà a vita, ha capito che si è addentrato in qualcosa di importante attraverso la sua attività di scrittore, qualcosa con cui deve fare i conti se vuole continuare la sua vita, e per questo Vidme cammina nella pioggia e nel vento pensando che già molti anni di lavoro come scrittore gli hanno man mano insegnato qualcosa di importante, qualcosa di cui pochi sono a conoscenza, lui ha visto qualcosa che non così tanti hanno visto, pensa Vidme, mentre cammina nella pioggia e nel vento, infatti, se uno si concentra abbastanza, lavora con sufficiente profondità e concentrazione, a capofitto in qualcosa, se uno vuole, se solo arriva dentro abbastanza, se si immerge abbastanza, arriva a vedere qualcosa che gli altri non hanno visto e quello che lui ha visto, pensa Vidme, mentre cammina nella pioggia e nel vento, è la cosa più importante che ha ricavato di tanti anni in cui praticamente ogni santo giorno ha scritto."
un solo periodo, un solo punto finale per buttare lì un pensiero fondamentale sulla scrittura ciapa lì
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nostalgicalice03 · 1 month
“ E Vidme si è immaginato tutte quelle persone confuse che hanno cercato un senso alla propria vita dicendo che è il volere di Dio e che succederà questo e quello, perché il buio è stato pesante, il vento forte, l’amore è stato, come sempre, a metà tra uccidere l’altro e preoccuparsi per l’altro, il mare è stato troppo duro, i parti ancora più duri e sopra tutto quanto c’era un enorme cielo.”
- Melancholia I-II, Jon Fosse
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jthm-moved · 2 years
Let's all move to vidme
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reinadelcaoss · 2 years
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Pues ya se pueden hacer directos en esta nueva plataforma llamada STARDEOS y se empieza a MONETIZAR como en Twitch ¿Cual es la novedad? Que tanto el creador como los seguidores SON LIBRES DE ESCRIBIR Y DECIR LO QUE QUIERAN, así es, leíste bien, aquí el link https://stardeos.com/Pajarodelalmaa
Lo que debes saber de la plataforma:
- Sigue siendo una plataforma nueva, por lo que puede haber fallos y cambios de reglas
- Esta pensada para adolescentes y adultos, LOS NIÑOS NO TIENEN NADA QUE HACER AHÍ
- Si vas a comprar STARDUST (moneda de la plataforma) te recomiendo que empieces comprando 100 stardust, pues el sistema aun tiene fallos pero lo están puliendo
- Los directos se anunciaran en mi grupo de Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/DypDu3J
- Ahí hago también videos exclusivos que otras plataformas no me dejan subir
- Los directos serán ÚNICOS, pues no se guardaran y tampoco se publicaran en otras plataformas a menos que el creador quiera
- No se pueden anunciar otras plataformas en STARDEOS
- Las funciones de los directos por ahora es sencilla pero sirven
- Los directos son de facto 1 hora, se extenderán si el publico paga 100 STARDUST como mínimo
Por ahora es todo, si, me la estoy rifando ahí como me la rife en facebook y en VIDME y así me la llevare en otras plataformas donde me den dineros jaja, si te la quieres rifar conmigo ya sabes, empieza a hacer tu cuenta
Nos vemos en STARDEOS
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radiance4d · 6 days
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Vidm yakisty vidpovid photo. Duge neochivano-delivered to the Moscow Street👍👍👍 Access this link
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amateurcomics · 2 years
Where do all the Twos fit in the VID time line?
This is very long, I have put a cut in so you don't have to read it if you don't want to :)
View it Differently is what started my love for making all these fanfics. Really it started because I wanted to give Mewtwo somewhat of a childhood. Now it has four pretty much finished books and one that I'm writing, and a few side stories, like Past and Future.
All the stories fit into a timeline. Starting from when Usagi was made.
Usagi was made from an experiment where Dr Fuji took a baby Mew and fussed human DNA with it. This resulted in Usagi. Usagi went though life like a normal kid, until she was thirteen and was asked to help research Mew with Dr Fuji. When she was seventeen she made Mewtwo. Not long after Dr Fuji fussed her DNA with Mewtwo's. Resulting in her being a Mew and Mewtwo cross-between. This had consequences for Mewtwo, who started to fail. He had to put inside a living being with the strength to carry him. Usagi was the only one, so she got pregnant with Mewtwo, giving birth to him on February 3rd 1998.
Jump ahead a few years to 2002. Usagi had had to give Mewtwo back to Dr Fuji not long after her birth. At the age of four Mewtwo meets Amber, we know what happens there. After that however he gets a high fever before the scientists can erase his memory. Usagi takes him out of incubation to nurse him back to health. He slips into a coma a few days later, meeting Amber's ghost who gives him the choice to stay or go on. He chooses to stay.
Go on a few more years to 2019, Mewtwo was once again given back to Dr Fuji and finished his incubation, age 20. He breaks out of his tank, meets Fuji, and Mum and then get very confused resulting in him destroying his "birth place" and killing everyone but Usagi, who takes him in. Mewtwo learns to live a comfortable life, and takes control of his powers, until Usagi has Amber. He doesn't like not being given attention and loses control of his powers, hurting Usagi (she's fine!). After that Amber gets sick and needs to go to hospital where Usagi meets Mono.
Jump ahead about a year, 2020. Usagi goes to Unova, rescues a Babytwo, Ashley who Mewtwo adopts, Usagi also has Ai. Ashley's creater Dr Finley tries to get her back, resulting in the family moving into hiding.
Ahead, nearly 2022. Amber gets abducted by Dr Finley and used as a hostage to get Mewtwo. He agrees to be experimented on. These goes by alot of blood extractions. His blood is used to make Mewthree, but also Past, who Mewtwo doesn't know exists, that's where the story splits into Past and Future.
Jump ahead five years, 2027. The family takes him in. They find Jess, a Babytwo made from Mewthree’s DNA, who Mewthree adopted. The family moves, Mewthree discovers his body doesn’t change to the seasons, so he needs to be kept warm and cool during the months. He unknowingly gets pregnant the Mew way. He finds out while he is in human form and is forced to give birth human, to Leslie.
Past and Future's story starts in 2027, when Past meets Future.
Jump way ahead to 2055, Past and Future have Kat, and end up meeting Mewtwo, and Mewthree. That's it :)
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dream955 · 3 months
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Vidm down jacket cuffs on the sleeves regulation kapishon light that hot super. For Zrust 179 Vagu 90 bravh HSI .. SIV Super click on this PINTEREST
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raspberryrambles597 · 3 months
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The goods were delivered to the city in 12 days. Vidm NN B prim fabric-Sitka ideally yagagagai in Figuri pidkreslyugi and not enough. Rozmir m on the parameters 90/74/104 Syl good yakraz not a stretch. The goods are baked. visit this link
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tapestry209 · 3 months
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I take it to this store not the first time. Vidm yakiste tsyna is good. Link provided
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tranquility941 · 4 months
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A monster set. For their own pennies just a kazka. as a vidm Shvidko was delivered. Yide on XS SM. Panties for Mayu Gusset check out this link
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dusk977 · 4 months
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Vidm lykhtarik having worked on 15 years old with a different charge. see the link here
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harbinger604 · 4 months
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Duge Class Panties. As well as vidm Garnet merezhivo. On my parameters the Garno was blowing. I'm fooled🙂 For the delivery😊 Sell the best. Definitely recommend! link provided
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journey286 · 5 months
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Super panties👍👍👍👍The quality of the vidm. Recommend seller Finetto access this here
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beautybelfry · 5 months
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As a chokhlu vidm just be matched on my phone now. Recommend + Shvidka shipping check this link
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