#tanuma appreciation post
MHA Vigilantes Week Day 5
Day 5: Angst/CC/Pro Heroes
One Thank You
The white speckled tiles of the hospital celling stare down at him.
He can hear the beeping of the monitor, a gentle reminder of his own beating heart every time the beep pierces through the room. The hum of the other machinery around him is hard to hear over his own labored breathing. It haunts him with every inhale, a slow, sickly rasp.
He lies in the hospital bed, waiting for time to pass. 
Waiting for his body to stitch itself back together. 
Out of Toshinori’s view, a man walks into the room. His face betrays his age, with wrinkles sagging over a once jovial looking face. His dark hair is patchy both his head and the scruff on his chin. He walks over to All Might’s bedside and takes a seat.
As he does, Toshinori is hit full in the face with a could of smoke that seems to radiate off of the man. He should find it concerning, given the weakened state of his lungs and immune system, but after weeks of surgeries and nothing but the smell of antiseptic, it’s a comforting change.
The old detective sits forwards in his chair, but doesn’t go to speak yet. He lets a hand come up over his face as he scratches at his stubble, staring out into the room.
Toshinori feels the weight of it. The last time he had spoken to Tanuma was right before…
He doesn’t know the man well, but he can see the way years of policing and detective work have taken a toll him. 
Then, Tanuma takes a breath, deciding now is the time to speak.
“I only have one question to ask.” He says.
Toshinori looks up at the officer and meets his gaze. His face normally looks so jovial, so ready to crack a joke or hand-wave something off.
Detective Tanuma looks deadly serious now. 
In a calm, firm voice he asks, “Is it done?” 
Toshinori thinks back. Thinks of how his two fists came down, deadly and powerful onto that monster’s head. He remembers the expression the villain had been wearing milliseconds before impact. The cracking, sickening noise that had resulted, and the red that had covered his hands and gotten between his fingers as he pulled away.
It’s with all that in mind, that he grimly answers:
Tanuma, is quiet for a moment, and takes a deep inhale before he speaks again. His eyes flicker to the wound at Toshinori’s side. He makes eye contact with wounded hero as he stands up firmly from his chair.
“All Might,” he addresses.“I need you to listen close now, because this may be the only time you ever hear this.” 
Toshinori sits straighter in his bed as he listens.
“If we planned this right, no one else will ever know what you’ve done for this country, and for the world…” He suddenly bows deeply, low and reverential to the hero in the hospital bed. “No one will ever know, what you’ve done for us. So, it is because of that, I have to say this; On behalf of the police, the citizens of Japan, the citizens of the world that can now sleep safety because of your actions, and on behalf of me, as a father and now a grandfather,” —his voice shakes at that last word— “Thank you, All Might.”
Toshinori’s eyes begin to water at the genuine gratitude in the old detective’s voice. Because it’s true, no one else will ever know what happened to cause All Might’s injuries.
Hell, no one will ever find out that All Might was injured in the first place.
So despite the pain, despite the hole in his side and the feeling that he'll never truly leave this hospital bed, he strains his head and returns the bow.
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defeateddetectives · 5 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
thank youuu @coquelicoq for the tag! yes this is an entire month late because of who i am as a person :'D
3 ships you like: actually gonna give some real estate to the ones i have NOT been rotating nonstop on this space like a rotisserie chicken lately to mix things up!
1) hiyakawa/mikado (the night beyond the tricornered window) - a plug for my tiny, spooky, hilarious and obscure af manga series that blindsided me with its pathos (and because i want everyone to read it and then create some very niche fan-content for me specifically! :D wait who said that!) emotionally oblivious loser 4 emotionally oblivious loser!!! except they're emotionally oblivious in fun, complementary ways! their whole journey is absolutely bonkers and unexpectedly heartfelt, and yes, exorcism should be this hot always!
2) natsume/tanuma (natsume yuujinchou) - i know that no one will believe me when i say that this is still THE natsume yuujinchou ship to me at the end of the day! something something if i loved it less i might be able to talk about it more! but lonely kids finding one another and making each other's lives SO MUCH BETTER solely for existing in each other's orbit and being such a paragon of healthy, functional communication and trust and growing connection that still floors me to this day (and with such courage and eloquence that most adults still cannot manage...i say...sideeyeing two v specific adults)!!! theirs was the thread that pulled me into the series to begin with (i literally just watched all the tanuma eps on first pass) and i'm still so grateful for them and everything about them
3) jack rackham/anne bonny (black sails) - platonic/queerplatonic/romantic/whichever combo or other nebulous way you slice it! THE soulmates of all time that haunt me on the regular and really said to the audience: watch us take your expectations and definitions and parameters of love, joyfully smash it to smithereens, and create something so tremendously unrecognizable and beautiful. truly partners till they put us in the fucking ground!!!
first ship ever: the first fanfic i stumbled upon in my life featured taichi and yamato from digimon adventure. i still remember this because it was interspersed with an edit of yamato in a dress and posted on ye olde personal webpages and shown to me by a school friend, both of us looking like the :o face incarnate. we were Babies. it was a Time. i don't even think i knew what a ship was at the time but hashtag formative things!
last song you heard: it's been a grimes & janelle monae - venus fly kinda day
favourite childhood book: soft spot for whitechurch by chris lynch forever. i think i read it maybe in high school? it rewired my brain and is probably a huge part of why i am the way i am/write the way i do subconsciously.
currently reading: does vi bullying me into danmei count? in which case, global examination....at snail's pace. in this house we love and appreciate a good arson!
currently watching: recently started rewatching the original a:tla for the first time since it finished airing after trying and failing miserably with the live action :( only a few episodes in but augh its still so good and some things hit even harder with foreknowledge. there will never really be another character arc like zuko's ever again.
currently consuming: a smoothie! i've discovered i am a fan of almond butter when dunked in a blender with berries, yogurt and milk. 11/10 would recommend!
currently craving: earlier today i was daydreaming of bbq so let's go with that
super low pressure tagging @endless-season @half-infinite @argyros @fadedclxssic @caroline-hill @kastellaran @doubleboyfriend @constastan @spookirou and as always, everyone is welcome to steal
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scorpionatori · 4 years
NatsuYuu Character Names Kanji
(note: this is a compilation of the kanji and their meanings and doesn’t have any info on history or context of these names. kanji is also pretty complicated and versatile and they can have different meanings and connotations depending on what other kanji they’re paired with)
夏目貴志 (Natsume Takashi)
夏=summer; 目=eye (given the kanji for “eye”, possibly a reference to his ability to see things others can’t?)
貴=precious; 志=intention (fitting for his personality and kind-hearted nature, as well as as his resolution and good intentions for wanting to return the names in the book of friends instead of using it for his own benefit)
夏目レイコ (Natsume Reiko)
EDIT: the Fandom Wiki had a kanji spelling for her name but I’ve never seen official kanji so I’m just taking that out. However, “rei” can be written as 霊 which means “spirit/souls”. It is used in the word 幽霊 (yuurei) which means ghost as well as other words related to spirits. “ko” in names is generally written in kanji as 子 which means child. So her name could be interpreted as “spirit child”, given her being a sort of “ghost” in this series.
斑 (Madara)
斑=speckled, spotted (pretty self-explanatory. he’s a creature with spotted markings)
田沼要 (Tanuma Kaname)
田=rice field; 沼=marsh (family names with 田 are very common and I’m not sure how much hidden meaning could be in this. “marsh” could be a reference to his pond, which, if that’s the case, I find it interesting that a kanji referring to marshes and wetlands and swamps, which have murky and unclear water, is used, given the fact that Tanuma doesn’t have clear vision when it comes to youkai)
要=pivot, vital point, keystone (he is a turning point in Natsume’s life, being the first person he meets whom he can share the knowledge of his abilities with. he is a source of reliability and support, and is someone important to Natsume both in his “normal” world and his world of being involved with youkai)
多軌透 (Taki Tooru)
多=many, multi-; 軌=rut (this kanji is usually used in railroad terms) (I have no interpretations for this name)
透=transparent (I’m not entirely sure with this one either. maybe related to her abilities to make invisible (transparent) things visible?)
名取周一 (Natori Shuuichi)
名=name; 取= to take/get/have/earn. (the themes with his character, especially in his backstory chapters, of trying to create an identity for himself, reviving the family name of his fallen clan, searching for his own way of living. he’s also made a name for himself by being famous in both the “normal” human world as a celebrity and in the exorcist community)
周=circumference, lap, circuit; 一=one (these kanji switched around spell 一周 (i’shuu), which means “a circuit/revolution/turn”. likely a reference to his role in the narrative as a character foil to Natsume, being a sort of older, alternate version of him (so like, “Round 1”))
的場静司 (Matoba Seiji)
的=mark, target; 場=location (his main symbol is literally an archery target. 的 can be used with other kanji to mean “goal or purpose”. 場 can be used with other kanji to mean “situation” or “opportunity”. These fit with his ambitious and goal-oriented nature, and his archery skills)
静=quiet, calm; 司=director (used in many words used to describe a leader or someone in charge) (basically “calm leader”. he’s the cool and calculating head of the exorcist community)
七瀬 (Nanase)
七= seven; 瀬=shallows, rapids, current, shoal (I don’t have any interpretations for this. There is the connection of the youkai/exorcist/shiki she met as a child who was a piece of jade from the river, though it should be noted her backstory was anime only and not from the manga. we do not know her given name)
柊 (Hiiragi)
(a type of holly. it has traditionally been used to ward off demons, and is still planted today to protect homes from evil spirits and even burglars, due to the leaves being painfully spiky. this fits very well with Hiiragi’s background of being tied to a storehouse to protect it from intruders. she is an exorcist’s familiar, which means it is her job to protect people from malicious spirits)
瓜姫 (Urihime)
瓜=gourd; 姫=princess (Natori named her after the crow’s gourd vines he found her entangled in)
笹後 (Sasago)
笹=bamboo; 後=behind, after (we don’t know her backstory, but my theory is Natori found her in a bamboo grove and named her the way he named Urihime)
(okay from here on out there might not be noticeable significant meanings for the names but I’m listing them all anyway)
藤原塔子 (Fujiwara Touko)
藤=wisteria; 原= meadow
塔=pagoda; 子=child
藤原滋 (Fujiwara Shigeru)
北本篤史 (Kitamoto Atsushi)
北=north; 本=true
篤=fervent; 史=history
西村悟 (Nishimura Satoru)
西=west; 村=village
笹田純 (Sasada Jun)
笹=bamboo; 田=field
純=innocent, pure, genuine
ヒノエ (Hinoe)
no kanji!
三篠 (Misuzu)
三=three; 篠=bamboo grass (note: “suzu” is also the pronunciation for 鈴, which means “bell”)
紅峰 (Benio)
紅=crimson; 峰=summit, peak, ridge, back of a blade
柴田克己 (Shibata Katsumi)
柴=brushwood, firewood; 田=field
克=overcome; 己=self (Shibata is determined to overcome his past behavior and reaches out to Natsume)
Anyone else who’s familiar with Japanese and kanji, feel free to add on/comment/correct!
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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“I’m happy I could tell Tanuma everything.”
I’d say I’m not crying, but I am.. I’m crying right now... The fact that our child finally has friends that he can share his problems with, and who accept him for who he is and everything he is, is just the most heartwarming thing ever. 
After so many years of having to go it alone, Natsume now turns to friends like Tanuma and talks about his worries. And the best part? Those friends are always ready to help him, immediately putting him at ease and allaying his fears. Just look at how dejected he was until Tanuma stopped him short and told him he would help him, reassuring him that he doesn’t have to handle it all alone. Having a friend like Tanuma just means so much when you think of all Natsume’s been through. It’s friends like these that have made his outlook that much different from his grandmother’s. And for that, Tanuma will always remain one of the most precious characters in the series for me. 
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owletstarlet · 4 years
future fic fashion statents for the ask game? that one is so cute :)
[Referring to this story.] 
This one was pretty challenging! The prompt was for a sort of college AU, but I wanted to see what set of circumstances in canon could’ve led to this specific situation so it took a lot of explaining and backstory to accomplish. I didn’t think that (1) Natsume and Tanuma, if they were in an established relationship, would really choose to be apart from each other after graduation, and (2) Natsume would have the nerve at 19-ish years old to follow his punk dreams and go through with getting earrings of his own accord.
But I really liked the idea of Tanuma working in the temple for a little while, and picking up a few skills of his dad’s like banishing rituals while he’s at it. Not really featured are the three or so hundred-yen pairs of plastic reading glasses that don’t fit his face quite right and are always slipping down his nose, which Natsume finds unbearably adorable. Also not mentioned: the fact that Tanuma goes to the city when he can manage it to spend a nice cozy weekend in Natsume’s apartment, and when he’s there Natori usually comes by with a book or sketch of a binding circle in tow for Tanuma to take back with him. Lastly, not mentioned: when Natsume comes in this fic Tanuma’s had a particularly headache-inducing week trying to plan out the logistics of getting a vending machine installed (from what I’ve seen, it’s extremely common for temples and shrines of any size to have, both for revenue and to give hospitality/entice visitors to stay awhile). Once it does get installed, he knows Natsume will be quite pleased because he’s impartial to milk teas and canned coffees, while Tanuma’s pretty fond of mugicha. But all in all, while he’s happy to help his dad and really wants to see the temple do well, Tanuma’s tired, isolated, and missing Natsume daily like a hole in his heart. The next school year can’t come soon enough.
I equally liked the idea of Natsume pseudo-apprenticing with an exorcist clan in order to gain the practical skills to Not Die, which the Fujiwaras also appreciate—I didn’t go much into the incident that led to them finding out, but I think it was both severe and bizarre enough that it couldn’t be explained away, and they’d both had their suspicions anyhow. As to the Matsuoka clan, they’re comfortably wealthy and well-established, and nobody directly supervising Natsume has made him do anything that makes him uncomfortable, probably because he’s enough of an asset to them being able to actually intercede and talk to whatever local youkai are involved and help them resolve matters pretty smoothly in many cases, and they don’t want to lose that. I also think the Matsuokas are fairly neutral where the Matobas are concerned, civil enough to be on decent terms with them if the need for their assistance arises but otherwise at a wary distance. Natsume doesn’t usually go to large gatherings of exorcists from the area, specifically to avoid Matoba or any of his clan, and Natori is gleefully aware of just how pissed off Matoba is that Natsume is working for a clan that isn’t his. He’s been on the receiving end of at least one very icy “you set this up, didn’t you” phone call, and reacted with all the smugness you might expect, despite the fact that he did genuinely mean well when he contacted the Matsuokas.
As to the earrings—of course Natori was involved, he was absolutely thrilled to be, and promptly dragged him to the most expensive parlor in the entirety of the Tohoku region to get it done. And Natsume’s just sort of sitting in the waiting room pink-faced and overwhelmed by the myriad earring choices. Natori doesn’t choose for him, but he does make some tasteful suggestions, and only teases him a little bit on the ride back to the hotel once it’s clear that Natsume actually does like the way it looks (not that he said so, but his eyes got very round when he first saw them in the mirror, and he keeps unconsciously looking at them in any reflective surface they pass).
Oh, and about the lavender—at first I thought it was beyond the scope of this fic, and I was going to save it to write something separate, but it wound up fitting the general soft and comforting vibe I was trying to go for. I also wanted there to be something that Natsume knows Tanuma has been putting a lot of effort into, and is excited about, which Natsume would make a point to ask him about even if Tanuma seems to think it’s trivial by comparison to exciting exorcism things. And I’ll say from a frankly exhaustive amount of research that it’s no easy feat for him to be keeping it alive; it grows well in Hokkaido and it might in Tohoku but the rest of Japan is on the whole too humid. I liked the image of every available surface of their apartment crowded with very fragrant pots for part of the year because Natsume insisted they had the space, and then the veranda being too full of pots for the other part of the year for them to dry their clothes properly. Also, if I couldn’t end with Natsume in a flower crown, then what was even the point ;)
Fun author asks: send me your favorite scene chapter from one of my works and I’ll post a DVD commentary on it. 
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aislinceivun · 4 years
Table of contents with summaries for The Cat and His Boy.
The summaries may include spoilers, so I don’t recommend first-time readers to check this out. I wrote this up more as a guide for those who want to re-read just specific parts of the fic rather than go over all 100 chapters again :’D 
which includes me, even I can’t always tell which chapter title goes with which event, and on AO3 you can only skim through the chapter titles really xD
1. EASY – As Natsume sleeps, Madara studies the Book of Friends.
2. PLEASANT – This new body of his has some interesting reactions.
3. SIGHT – If Natsume lost the ability to see them, what would Madara do? inspired by ch10 / 1x08
4. DELICIOUS – Youkai don’t necessarily need to eat, but they can still hunger.
5. ROUTINE – Madara has a daily routine, now.
6. NIGHTMARES I – Natsume’s nightmares are not about ayakashi.
7. CLAIMED – The mid-ranks apparently noticed that Natsume smells a bit different.
8. FAMILY I – The Fujiwaras clearly adore Natsume. So why does he still have doubts?
9. SCENT – Natsume’s scent wraps around him the same way his own scent clings to the boy’s skin.
10. REPLACED – Madara can’t believe Natsume replaced him. inspired by 1x11 (which is based on special #3, though this particular moment was anime-only)
11. WARNING – The horse-faced bastard has “concerns”.
12. PROMISES – Madara may have forgotten about an old deal.
13. STRANGE – Madara isn’t familiar enough with the reproductive habits of humans to know what this means.
14. DEAL – How Madara really got that sealing mirror. inspired by ch18 / 2x07
15. UNFAMILIAR – Arguments are familiar. These other moments are… not.
16. DOWNPOUR – Madara doubles as a rain shelter.
17. CONNECTION – Madara and Tanuma share a moment.
18. BEAUTIFUL – Reiko was beautiful, Madara objectively knows as much.
19. RAGE – Red rage and bloodlust. inspired by ch26 / 3x07
20. CONCERN – Even when healing, the prospect of Natsume hurt wakes him in the night. inspired by ch27 / 3x09
21. DENIAL – Hinoe is wrong. (She isn’t.)
22. NIGHTMARES II – These days, Natsume’s nightmares are about his precious people getting hurt.
23. CHASTISED – Natori, chastised by a brat. What a sight.
24. FROZEN – Madara is immobilized by a talisman. It brings back unpleasant memories.
25. EMBARRASSING – Curse that damned squirrel!
26. LIES – They share words they both understand to be lies. inspired by the anime version of ch36 / 4x02
27. PHOTO – A familiar stranger. inspired by ch44 / 4x11
28. BRAIDS – Madara did not sign up for this.
29. APPEARANCES I – Madara briefly considers his humanoid youkai form. inspired by ch51 / 4x06
30. STUDYING – Madara didn’t want this getting out. But—surprisingly—they don’t make a big deal out of it.
31. MUSINGS – Perhaps, in another universe, Natsume Reiko and Natsume Takashi exist at the same time.
32. FAMILY II – After a run-in with a kemono resembling Madara.
33. HIGH – Natsume inhales a bit too much youkai incense.
34. WEAK – The Chuukyuu pair laments on how weak humans are. inspired by special #12 / 5x11
35. CHOICE – Madara didn’t really think about it when he went for Natsume instead of the Book. Somehow, that just makes it worse.
36. CALL – He intended to ignore her call, but… it’s been a while. Well before Reiko’s time. Why not?
37. QUESTIONS – Humans find acquiring long-term mates important, and Natsume is afraid of being left alone. So he should be looking for one, shouldn’t he?
38. UNEXPECTED – Madara finds Natsume dozing against Hinoe’s shoulder. They’re wearing matching flower crowns
39. SHIFT – “It was quiet without you.” inspired by ch70 / OVA “Party of Fun & Games”
40. STUCK – Madara is stuck in his true form for a week.
41. REASONS – Madara was waiting for Natori to say something. inspired by ch73 / 6x11
42. CRUSH – Shibata keeps stealing glances at Natsume with pink cheeks. Madara finds it incredibly amusing. inspired by ch74 / 6x03
43. BIRTHDAY – Last summer, Madara saw how the Fujiwaras celebrated, and he didn’t care.
44. MEMORY I – Many summers ago.
45. INTRODUCTION – Apparently, Natsume’s recklessness has been rubbing off on Tanuma.
46. BOUND – Even without his memories, the boy seems to be able to hear the things Madara is not saying. inspired by ch78 / 6x01
47. WISTFUL – An ayakashi has been following Natsume around.
48. SOFTENED – Natsume has affected more than he knows.
49. WARMTH – He really has no business teasing Misuzu about going soft. inspired by ch82
50. FAMILY III – These people are not his, not like Natsume is… but Madara claimed them anyway.
51. GUEST – The moment the door slides open and he smells the guest, Madara knows. inspired by ch97
52. NOSTALGIA – Madara picks up a scent he wasn’t expecting to find on Natori.
53. APPEARANCES II – Tsk. Fancy, posh bastards who only accept kemono youkai when they appear civilized.
54. BRIBES – Taki drags Madara-as-Reiko on a shopping spree.
55. TREASURE I – A truth forcibly pulled into the light.
56. TREASURE II – It’s not the Book.
57. BELONGING – Ayakashi have no place in busy cities.
58. PAST – Madara will not apologize for who he is.
59. TROUBLESOME – Why does Natsume have to have youkai and exorcist friends, again?
60. ALMOST – “Oi,” he grunts, strangely unsettled.
61. NIGHTMARES III – For him, it’s a first.
62. FEAR – Madara has realized two things.
63. MINEFIELD – A familiar faraway expression.
64. KISS – “I didn’t like it,” Natsume whispers.
65. HELPFUL – It’s not that Madara is nice. He just appreciates her culinary skills.
66. HILARIOUS – “Run that by me again?”
67. THIEF – Madara wanted those damn macarons.
68. TENDER – “I knew you cared,” he says, all soft and smiley.
69. NAMES – Names have power.
70. TEASING – Takashi only has himself to blame.
71. SEALED I – An exorcist sets her eyes on Madara.
72. SEALED II – It’s dark and tight and even worse than he remembered.
73. SHAKEN – Madara didn’t take it this bad the last time.
74. VOW – Rather than stiffening at finding Madara like this, he just frowns. “Nyanko-sensei…?”
75. STORIES – The kids chatter about their post-high school plans.
76. PICKLE – “Oh! Who’s this?”
77. STRENGTH  – Apparently, some ayakashi believe him to be weak now.
78. STARSTRUCK – “It’s never occurred to either of you to tell me?”
79. SPEECHLESS – “Sensei! Are you okay?!”
80. SACRIFICE – His mind screeches to a halt.
81. GRIEF – Madara’s heart is all twisted up.
82. COMFORT – Tanuma and Taki spend the afternoon huddled up on the porch with Takashi.
83. GUILT – Madara is painfully aware that this is the result of his failure.
84. WORRY – Takashi is struggling, and all they can do is watch.
85. FAMILY IV – Watching them, Madara feels equal parts achy and warm.
86. CONDOLENCES – Matoba manages to shock them.
87. ONWARD – Life goes on.
88. SOARING – Madara could stay in the air with him forever.
89. NIGHTS – These days, nights are better. (Mornings are even more so.)
90. PLANS – “Let’s go on a trip together.”
91. FOOLS – Circumstances bring the four of them together for a night.
92. FRIENDS – Madara is fond of Takashi’s friends. Even if he’ll never say as much out loud.
93. PRESENT – Madara takes Takashi to a place he hasn’t visited in a long time.
94. CELEBRATION – “We heard you can finally drink alcohol!”
95. NOTEBOOK  – Madara snoops around and reads Takashi’s first short story.
96. VISION – Another name gone. Another memory received.
97. MEMORY II – Family? He had no answers for her. Not back then.
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A butterfly dive.
Hello, @pondlilies00. I was your Natsume yuujinchou Secret Santa gifter. @natsume-ss
Here's the first of the Natsume turned god series. I'll do my best to post other parts before the deadline, too. If you prefer AO3, here's the link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21959386
Name: A butterfly dive.
Word count: 6856 words.
It happens one day, in late spring, when green colors slopes of mountains and flowers cover roadside in all colors of rainbow.
Natsume smiles, listening to Kitamoto and Nishimura’s bickering and jokes, occasionally joining, but mostly keeping to himself. Kappa told him about a small river up the mountain where there is very good fish, and now they are heading there, though Tanuma was busy helping his dad with something the shrine.
“Oh, how’s your cousin?” Nishimura bites his lip, “He’s better, I hope?”
The sudden change in mood attracts Natsume’s attention. Kitamoto's cousin? Is he ill? But his somber face didn’t tell good news. Natsume scowled, but remained silent.
“No. Doctors don’t even know what’s the problem with his legs. All is good”, Atsushi exhales sharply, “Nerves, bones, muscles, it’s almost like that old telltale auntie told us when we were small”, he tangled his hair,” You know that one, about a Mononoke in the left shrine on the north slope of the mountain”.
Natsume perked up at these words. Mononoke?
“Yeah”, Nishimura sighed, “Oh, Natsume, you don’t know Koonaku!” he turned to Takashi, selfconscious. Natsume only shook his head.
'Kitamoto’s cousin could be a victim of an angry yokai', he thought, 'better check, Kitamoto likes him a lot, it seems'.
“His name’s Koonaku Ryuuzan, my maternal cousin, two years older than me”, Atsushi smiled, “He’s like a brother to me, we’re very close”.
“What’s happened?” Natsume asked, tentatively observing his friend, ready to back down any moment. After all, he had the Dog’s Circle, who could find it out for him, if the need arose.
“He walked in the forest with friends after school, to find some sort of flowers for their biology project, his teacher told them where to find them, and they came to that left shrine. He said he would go inside and look for them in the yard, but didn’t come out for about ten minutes”, Kitamoto fell silent for a moment, nervously pursing lips. His fists clenched, knuckles whitening, “The shrine is small, so it couldn’t take him so long, and his friends worried. They found him in the main building, he lay on the floor. There were two small cuts on his hips, but nothing more. They weren’t even poisoned!” he swung hands in frustration and anxiety.
Natsume glanced down on Nyanko-sensei. The cat’s eyes glistened in the sun, serious expression — almost scowl on his face. So, it was a yokai. Natsume frowned. He heard about this left shrine from the Dog’s Circle. They said there was some spirit, but they were more or less peaceful, not vengeful to humans, just closed off.
“My best wishes to him”, Takashi nodded, “I’m sure he’ll be alright soon”.
“Thanks”, Kitamoto smiled wearily.
They went, more quiet now, with Nishimura talking about a new game he wanted till reaching the river. While his friends put out their fishing rods, Natsume busied himself with laying out snacks and drinks. They planned on being here for all noon, so Touko-san packed them both bento and candy bars.
"Sensei, ask Hinoe to come home, please, I want to ask her something".
The cat purred, tickled under his chin, and stood up.
"Save me those shrimps, then", he grumbled, "And don't get in trouble until I come back".
"Will do", Natsume petted him once more and Nyanko-sensei sprinted, disappearing in bushes without a sound.
He exhaled and put several shrimps away from other meals. He promised, after all.
They spent all day fishing and playing and having fun, and when they were coming back, Kitamoto was smiling, happy and wide, and it was worth all his weariness and subtle ache in limbs from running and jumping.
"Bye, Natsume!", they parted ways on the crossroad, and Takashi sped up. 'Hinoe must already be at home', he thought, pacing through streets.
"I'm home!", he spoke, taking off shoes.
"Welcome home, Takashi-kun, how was fishing?" Touko-san came out of the kitchen, greeting him with warm smile and soft homey smell.
"It was good, Touko-san, here's what I caught", he didn't keep his own smile down and stretched out a bag with several fish.
Surprise colored her face, but changed into a twinkle of a delight.
"You sure are good with it, Takashi-kun", she took the bag, "All of them big and so many, as if kappa was helping you!" Natsume laughed, not answering. It was the kappa indeed, "I'll cook something out of it for dinner. Oh, are you tired?" Touko-san tilted her head and cupped his cheek, motherly love and care in every gesture and touch, "You've been out so long, rest a bit, will you?"
"Ok, Touko-san", he nodded, "I'll be upstairs".
"Good, I'll start with dinner then", she went back to the kitchen.
Natsume went up in his room. Hinoe was already there indeed, filling the room with pale purple smoke from her pipe.
"Natsume!" a broad smile morphed her face from mildly concerned to openly glad, "You finally came!" but not a second later a pout "This guardian of yours has no manners, he didn't even offer sake or tea, despite all my long wait!" playful pout and eyes shining with well-meaning mischief from under long eyelashes.
Takashi shook head, sitting down across her: yokai and their games are so… yokai sometimes.
"Sensei, I'm sure you can share some of your sake with Hinoe, you always do", he berated gently. He was almost convinced that the cat hid some bottles somewhere in the house, with how he sometimes got drunk without even leaving it.
"What?! No way! That's feasts, this is my own sake!" righteous indignant shriek was only muffled by Takashi's hand.
"Pfft", Hinoe scoffed, exhaling a big cloud of smoke, "Anyway, Natsume, you wanted to see me. What's it?"
"Oh, sorry", he fidgeted, "Do you know anything about the spirit living in the left shrine on the north slope of the mountain?"
Hinoe hummed, inhaled and then exhaled, letting out a snake-shaped cloud. The snake turned, curling in circles and turning its head, and then slowly shifted into a more human-like form.
Natsume looked at this, not turning away for a moment. 'So this is the spirit appearance', he thrummed on tatami, 'A snake…'
"This is Mekoguro", she said, "The goddess of the shrine left it, not so long ago, couple centuries at most. He was her servant and stayed behind to look after it in case she deigns to come back, which I doubt very much. She left for another world". One more smoke-filled exhale and another figure rose near to the serpent-like yokai. Female figure in colorful heian clothes with snake pattern on long sleeves and lower hem, long black hair with a braid in the middle. Her face had fair features, just like beauties of ancient times. A small beauty mark under her right eye caught Takashi's attention. He saw someone who looked exactly like that not long ago. 'Not now', he passed this thought.
"You once said he's not antagonizing humans", he said.
"Mostly", Hinoe nodded, "If they don't disrespect rules of the shrine or trespass where they can't go. The usual of his kind", she flailed her pipe, turning her illusion null.
Natsume scowled. The usual…
"And the rules are?" he asked. Better safe than sorry, with yokai especially.
"Also the usual. Don't step on the goddess' road, cleanse before entering, and the like", she shrugged.
"You said 'mostly'", remembered Takashi, "What do you mean?"
"Some foolish humans thought it was a good idea to break those rules", Hinoe exhaled another smoke cloud, "Mekoguro punished them accordingly".
Natsume tensed. 'Accordingly' could mean a lot, particularly if it was a servant protecting a god or a god's honor.
"Was among them anyone who lost their legs?" he clenched fists.
Hinoe nodded, somber all of the sudden.
"Yes. These are the ones, who stepped on the goddess' path. It is a grave insult, you see, and I heard that Mekoguro only left those fools alive because of the goddess's order. She's forbidden him from killing humans".
"Step on the god's path…" Takashi grit his teeth. This was more than just a mean spirit.
"Do you know if they had cuts on legs and then lost their legs?" it was his last attempt at hoping for the better.
"Two small cuts, one on each leg", Hinoe's words were the final nail in the coffin.
Takashi heaved a heavy sigh and lumped, crouching. This was going to be a mess, he could say.
"You need any more, Natsume?" Hinoe smiled reassuringly, concern clear in her red eyes.
"If you could, ask around, please. This Mekoguro recently punished a human, what did that human do?" the boy massaged his temples, feeling impending doom of headache coming.
"This I can answer right away", Hinoe shook her head, "He trespassed the goddess' path and didn't even acknowledge it".
"Idiot", Nyanko-sensei huffed, "Now that you know, what will you do, Natsume?"
"So it was your human", hummed Hinoe, "I thought they know better".
"I don't have humans", Takashi snapped, "And it was my friend's cousin, I don't know him personally".
"The kin of the one under your wing, then", corrected herself Hinoe, "Still your charge, I say. Blood of your retinue is under your protection, it is a basic rule", she said, "You can use it".
"What do you mean, Hinoe?" Natsume perked up.
"I mean that this foolish human is your charge. You repay his debt and you're good", she flicked her pipe, "Though price will be high, this I can promise".
Natsume rolled his aching shoulders. Tomorrow is going a busy day, it seemed.
"Do you know what would suffice as the peace offering?" he had no idea, so any advice would be highly appreciated. Nyanko-sensei still kept silent, so he assumed the cat didn't know, too.
"Something pricy. It may be anything, I really don't know, Mekoguro is too closed off", she shrugged, with guilt clear on her face and hunched pose.
"Still, thank you, you helped me very much", his gratitude was sincere, she told a lot.
"Of course, it's you, so no problem!", cheerfulness came back to her in an instance, "Call me whenever you need me", she smiled, playful and mischievous as always.
"Will do", he didn't hold back his own smile. She meant well and helped so much, he was thankful.
The next day he warned Touko-san that he may be late for lunch at breakfast.
"Oh, that's not good. Are you planning to go see friends?"
"Something like that", he nodded, uncomfortable with almost lie.
"Then wait a bit, I'll pack you something", she fussed over the kitchen after a loving kiss on the top of his head, and he couldn't find it in himself to refuse her care.
"I put a bit more, so share with your friends, okay? That's a new recipe and I wanted to test it". The woman wrapped his bento in blue fabric and gave it to him.
"Will do, Touko-san", he felt something warm clutch his heart. He didn't know what he did to deserve such good people as her and Shigeru-san. He waved her goodbye and hastened his bike.
Nyanko-sensei jumped in the bascet on the front, grumbling.
"You always meddle in other people's problems, brat, one day it will bite you back", Takashi waited till the cat made himself comfortable and then began to ride.
"I know, Sensei", his answer was quiet, "But I can't leave it just like that. I want to help, and I need to know what's happened".
The cat huffed, but didn't say anything else.
The ride till a shop and then the hospital took him less than half an hour. Even easier was to get access to Ryuuzan, when he said he was visiting a friend.
"Ward B, Room 326, third floor", the nurse at the reception waved him to the stairs, "The room's to the left".
"Thank you", he nodded and took the stairs
"Sensei, behave", he scolded the cat, who obviously didn't like the hospital smell. The cat tsk-ed, but didn't make any other move.
Takashi looked up the names, searching the one they needed. The fourth room was it.
"I'm sorry, is this Koonaku Ryuuzan's room?" he knocked and asked behind the door.
"Yes, come in", the male voice answered.
Takashi let Nyanko-sensei on the floor and pushed the door.
It was a usual hospital room, full of artificial lights and sterile white, though more habited than he expected. A teen older than him by a year or two sat on the bed, with a folded book on his lap.
"I'm Natsume Takashi, your cousin Kitamoto Atsushi's friend", under a measuring and curious look he decided that it is better to introduce himself first.
"Ah, that Natsume!", Ryuuzan exclaimed, and it took all Takashi's willpower to not flinch away, "Atsu talks a lot about you", a smile graced his face.
"Yeah", Takashi took a shuddered breath. This choice of words… "It's me".
"Why did you come?"
Now that Ryuuzan knew his name, he seemed to warm up a bit.
"I heard you got a trauma. Kitamoto worries and I worry about him", he answered honestly, it seemed like the best way to get to good graces of this upperclassman, "I brought you fruits and bento", he held out the bag in his hands.
"It's nice of you", Ryuuzan nodded, taking them, "Though I really don't understand why come here".
Something bitter leaked in his voice and Natsume's heart clenched. That… was too similar to the old him for his liking.
He took a deep breath.
"I wanted to say that believe in you", Takashi said, firm and almost strict, "Kitamoto is strong and tough, and he said he got it from you. I know him, and I believe that someone like him won't break. I'm sure you will heal and come back to family, friends, and school, and I wanted to say this", his knuckles were white from the grip force, and face flushed with awkwardness, but a startled chuckle from Ryuuzan drew his attention.
"So my cousin was right about you being a softie", Ryuuzan outright laughed at Takashi's dumbfounded face, "He often said you're kind to a fault, now I am sure it's true", Ryuuzan's smile was warm and sincere, "Thank you. Really. My family is too scared, my friends guilt themselves, and it gets… You know, heavy", he waved his hand with a grimace, "You are the first to say that and really mean it. So, thank you", Ryuuzan bowed his head.
Natsume bit his lip. This was a lot harder than he anticipated.
"I… don't know what to say", he admitted.
Ryuuzan huffed and gave a small smile.
"Do you want to hear what happened? I promise to be absolutely honest", he quirked lips and put the book on the bedtable, eyes sad but clear.
"If you are comfortable with it", Natsume nodded.
Ryuuzan took a second to sigh deeply.
"I and my friends were walking down the forest. Our biology teacher gave us a project, so we needed to find one certain type of flowers and bring them to the school for the research. We were looking for them on the mountain where she said they would probably be, but found little to none, so we decided to search on another slope, too. We found that clearing where the left shrine is, and looked around. There were a lot, but still not enough. I suggested we look in the shrine's yard too, there must have been a lot, since it's not tended. No one wanted to come in, and I decided to do it myself. I thought it wouldn't be difficult, so went through the gates and in the yard. I must say, it looked strange, like it was actually tended, but flowers were still there. I kneeled to dig them up, heard a snake hissing, and then nothing".
Natsume kept himself from scowling, but didn't manage to keep away the gentle scolding tone of voice usually reserved for the Little Fox.
"Did you step on the god's path?"
Ryuuzan looke up, perplexed, but under Natsume's serious gaze he scowled trying to remember.
"I don't know", he answered hesitantly, "I mean, I know not to stop there, but I was tired and a bit angry back then from all the walking and digging", he scowled deeper, "Yeah, I did step", he nodded, "It was unintentional, and I didn't think much of it".
Natsume heaved a sigh, shaking his head. Oh, at least he wasn't doing it on purpose.
"You really shouldn't have", Takashi said, "Even if a god forgives you, it's a tradition, and they have a reason for existence".
"I know", Ryuuzan nodded, too serious and understanding for a usual human, even a superstitious one, "I know it may look strange what I say, but I think it's a yokai's doing", he motioned to his legs, "You know, even if the shrine was left by people, no one said the gods left it".
Natsume looked at Ryuuzan and suddenly smiled. This may become easier.
"I think you're right", he said, "You should say you're sorry, just do it so you are heard".
Ryuuzan huffed, but didn't take eyes off Natsume. For a minute they just looked each other dead in the eye.
"You are right", Ryuuzan said, loud and decisive, "I will!"
"Ok", Takashi nodded, "You didn't mean any harm, so I don't think it will be hard to get your forgiveness".
Ryuuzan nodded yet again and fell silent, looking out in the window.
"You know, I once saw a yokai, I think", he says, low and unsure, "It was a frog, a really big one, its leg was broken and the poor thing was freezing in the night. I took the frog in, fed it and tied a lace around the broken leg. The next morning it wasn't there, instead was a small grey stone", Ryuuzan reached to his neck and showed him a twined with black leather cord stone, "It seems to bring luck. Nothing big, a question I know on the test or a lucky roll in a game, but..." he shrugged, "You know, it doesn't look like something normal".
Natsume tilted his head to the side. It must have been Misuzu, and the frog was his head servant. No wonder the yokai was generous with Ryuuzan, he took care of his underlings.
"I think I understand", he said.
Later, after bidding farewell to Ryuuzan, Takashi headed for the shrine. There was a little money left in his wallet, so he bought two onigiri in a shop on the way to the mountain. Nyanko-sensei could be insufferable when cranky.
"Eat, sensei, I'm sure it will make you feel better", he pushed one of the onigiris to the cat.
"You better havve bought a good one, or else", mumbled his bodyguard, taking the first bite, "Not the best, but bearable", he huffed and proceeded to chew down the whole thing in less than two minutes.
Takashi shook head, smile exasperated, but fond nonetheless.
"Let's hurry, I don't want to be late for lunch", he said, feeding the last bits to his cat.
"Yeah, Touko-san promised to cook stew, so hurry up, slow Natsume!" Nyanko-sensei grumbled, jumping on the bike.
"Then don't distract me", Takashi sprinted down the road.
An hour and a half later he stood on the clearing, cradling Nyanko-sensei to his chest, the shrine walls high and intimidating, covered in vines, and gates open. The road inside, covered in stone flags, swept clean of leaves and twigs.
"Mekoguro is really a loyal servant", Takashi said stepping forward and letting go of the cat, "Sensei, don't intervene, unless I call you, ok?"
"What are you thinking of, Natsume?" his bodyguard narrowed his yellow eyes.
"I want to talk to Mekoguro and try to convince him to take his charms off Ryuuzan", explained Takashi, "And I need peaceful atmosphere for that", his soft chiding tone made the cat huff in annoyance, but nothing else.
"Ok, deal", Nyanko-sensei agreed with a sigh, and jumped upwards, turning into his true form with a big cloud of smoke. Natsume can't help his smile: Sensei really can't just say he cares, can he?
He stepped in the yard, through the gates to the left. There was the washing stand, and he was going through the usual routine, when he heard a male voice calling him.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" displeasure and hostility in lilt.
Takashi turned and saw Mekoguro, same to the illusion Hinoe had shown him. Dark blue kimono with black snakes on the sleeves and a bright yellow obi, same color as his hair, tied in a high ponytail, a sword on his back and long green-grey snake tail instead of legs. His eyes, that shade of dull yellow-green you would usually see on snakes only, were sharp and bore a threat.
"My name is Natsume Takashi and I came to talk to you", he bowed his head in greeting.
"Natsume?" Mekoguro scowled, "Are you that obnoxious girl, loitering around to bind yokai?" he gripped the hem of his sword.
"No, that was my grandmother, she is already dead", Takashi shook head, raising hands in a placating gesture, long ago resigned to being mistaken for his grandmother.
Mekoguro scowled, but his face cleared a second later.
"You are that brat giving names back", he hummed under his breath and let his hand slide back down.
Takashi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He will be a brat for the spirits even on his grave bed, they are just too much older.
"That would be me", he nodded.
"Why did you come here?" Mekoguro repeated his question, "Your kin didn't take neither mine nor my mistress' name".
"I wanted to ask you to take your punishment off from the last human you did it to", told Takashi, mentally preparing for a long bargain.
"No", was the short, aggressive and decisive answer he got. He sighed. Yes, it was going to be difficult, "He insulted my mistress. He will know better".
"He didn't do it intentionally", Takashi tried to reason, "He regrets his actions".
"As he should", stone-cold voice, "Humans still teach their young basics. It is the easiest rule. To comply to it one does not need to be clever, just walk one's road".
Takashi heaved another sigh. 'Let's try Hinoe's advice', he thought tiredly.
"I understand and I will punish him for such behavior, but he will not be able to serve his punishment without legs", he said in one breath.
Mekoguro inclined his head, looking him in the eye with contemplation.
"Is he yours?" he asked after a minute of silence, nervous to no end on Natsume's side.
"He is the kin of one of mine, he is my charge", explained Takashi.
"Then why did you not teach them better?" the spirit was angered, it showed in his pursed lips and whitening skin, "The yokai of Yatsuhara sing praises to you and your knowledge and you can't do this?"
"I didn't know about his existence till yesterday", Takashi answered, keeping himself calm and collected.
"You should take care of your human part of retinue better", Mekoguro parried, "Most of them are ignorant at best".
"I will", Natsume nodded. 'Good, seems like he's ready to bargain'.
"Then…" Mekoguro suddenly froxe, tense like tight strings, "Orokimaru-sama?.." his eyes widened with disbelief as he looked behind Takashi.
Natsume turned in a moment and saw a woman standing in gates. Her hair was swept back, but as she stepped in, Natsume was sure in his recognition. This was the goddess of the shrine, the woman he saw two days ago by the river.
Her blouse and long skirt turned to colorful heian clothes, long black hair freely falling on her back as walked in the middle of the road.
"Mekoguro", she greeted her servant, eyeing him with care and love, "You kept your promise".
"Orokimaru-sama", the yokai stepped forward and knelt before her, bowing his head, "You came back. Will you stay in this humble shrine? ".
The goddess smiled, sad and rueful, and gestured him to stand up, but the yokai didn't obey. Takashi bit his lip; he had a bad premonition about her visit.
"No, my little snake", Mekoguro jerked upright, shocked, "I came to say farewell".
Silence reigned in the shrine. Takashi turned towards the forest and took three steps back. This was a private moment, and he didn't want to intrude.
"My time has come to the end, Mekoguro. Humans forgot about me fully and even the sacred village can't protect me. Without their belief I'm fading". The goddess waved her fan and closed her face with it.
Mekoguro gripped his kimono, hunching lower.
"No one?" he whispered, "Not a single one? They all forgot your grace and all your good deeds for them?" his weak voice filled venom, fury, and desperation.
Takashi sighed. He needed to ask for the goddess' help, she could talk her servant out of punishing Ryuuzan. But right now, with how angry the yokai was at humans…
"They do not believe in gods and yokai now", her voice was soothing, pacifying, "I an no major god, just a guardian goddess of Yatsuhara".
Mekoguro gritted his teeth, "But Orokimaru-sama!.."
"Hush, my little snake", she kneeled before him and enclosed in a hug, shielding him with long sleeves of her robe, "Everything will turn out fine".
Quiet sobs and soothing murmuring could be heard, if you strained your ears, but Takashi turned on his heels, back to the entangled couple. He had basic decency, after all.
Takashi waited in silence until he was called.
"Natsume Takashi" the goddess addressed him with a nod, "Why did you come to my shrine? I believe you were notified that your kin did not bind any of us".
"Orokimaru-sama", Takashi politely bowed, "I came to ask for mercy on one of the humans in my charge", he chose words to be absolutely polite. The goddess did not look aggressive, even forbade to kill humans, but still better safe than sorry.
"What did your human do, Natsume Takashi?" the goddess waved them to a small pond, "I believe it must be serious for you to intervene".
"What do you mean?" Takashi couldn't help but tense at her choice of words: if it was small, he would not intervene? Or that he would intervene only if it turned dangerous?
"Spirit world is small, tales of your deeds reach the sacred village rather often", the goddess gave a quiet chuckle, seeing him flush, "They say you protect yokai from humans, from exorcists, you help them, and they love and follow you in turn", her smile was serene and sincere, "You help yokai reach for the humans they got affectionate to, you protect Yatsuhara, both its humans and yokai", she sat on a small bench by the pond and gestured on the same one beside, while Mekoguro took place to her right. Takashi took his seat, "So I believe it must be a serious issue to lead you here".
Takashi fell silent, not knowing what to say. She held him in high regard, it was crystal clear, and his usual actions would fall in the pattern she described, but this request he bore… Was egotistical in comparison to the others. Would it be for worse?
"The human in my charge unintentionally insulted you by the action of stepping on the god's path”, the goddess stilled, “He did not bear any ill will and regrets his actions," he added hastily, "At this time he is serving punishment of your servant Mekoguro's choice. He cannot walk despite having two good legs. I came to make amends in his stead".
The goddess scowled and didn't answer, slowly fanning herself all the while. At last, several minutes of tense silence later, she sighed and shook her head.
"I am ready to forgive this foolish human of yours, but you must promise to teach them better. Not every spirit will forgive them, be it intentional or not", she said slowly, "And I have a question for you, Natsume Takashi", she told seriously, looking in his eyes, "What is Yatsuhara for you?"
Takashi blinked, surprised by her sudden change in the topic of talk. But her gaze alone told him he must think his answer through.
But… The answer was not far away. Yatsuhara was the place he found the peace of heart in, where he bonded with many people and spirits, where the cold of inside changed into the warm embrace of family and friends.
His answer was simple.
"Yatsuhara is my home", he said, pulling his heart into his words, "The place I feel peace and safe in. I want it to remain so".
The goddess smiled at him and nodded.
"Then I know your price I will take the punishment away for", she said, prim and regal all of the sudden, "You will take over my duty of the guardian god of Yatsuhara, become thou yourself, and for this I will forgive your human".
Takashi froze. Become the guardian god of Yatsuhara? What?
"I beg your pardon", his voice rose from sheer bewilderment, "What?"
"Become the guardian God of Yatsuhara", the goddess repeated, "And I will forgive your human".
"But… That is impossible", he shook his head, "A human cannot be turned into a god".
"Who said so?", Orokimaru-sama inclined her head, "This knowledge is forbidden for most, but there is a way".
"But why me?" he pointed at himself, "I honestly doubt I am fit for this position".
To turn into god? That was the last thing he would expect from coming here. Maybe owe a favor, some object, but this never even came into his mind. This was really really not the best idea in his life.
And seething Mekoguro behind his goddess was clearly of the same mind, taking in account his pinched face.
"But why think so?" she gave a sad laugh, startling both males, "You have already been performing the duties without realizing", she said, rueful lilt to her voice, that made his heart squeeze, "You keep Yatsuhara safe and in peace, help and get respect from spirits. All you lack for the title of the guardian god is power and your human shackle not being the body of a god", she motioned her fan towards him, "And this I can change at your agreement".
Natsume kept silent, too shell-shocked by the offer.
The goddess snapped her fingers, catching his attention.
“I understand that this is a sudden proposition, and you have all the rights to doubt its usefulness, but let me clear some of your concerns”, she fanned herself, looking at Takashi sharply, “You will be able to age together with your human lot of retinue. Maybe slower, but nonetheless, you will be able to keep your human life. You won't need to eat and sleep, but can if you so desire. Your appearance will change a bit, more refined and fair. It is probable that you will be able to communicate with snakes and command them, that's my ability I intend to pass to you. You will be able to have children. Otherwise, your life won't change all that much, and yokai will be much more respectful. Your family treasure will be in more safety then because you will have all Yatsuhara to back you up against aggressors", the goddess takes Takeshi's hand in his, and now that her face is close, he sees it.
The jawline. The face's oval. The shape of her eyes. It's not much, and if he didn't look for it, he would've never noticed.
It's almost identical to his grandmother's features.
"You..." he doesn't have words. It can't be...
"I was your ancestor, your grandmother's great-great-great-grandmother, to be precise. Soon after I took up the mantle of the guardian goddess, there was a big conflict", the goddess — his ancestor, he can't believe his ears, "And my family was erased", the bitterness and echo of grief in her voice make his heart clench.
"But not all of them?" he asked. If there was him and his grandmother, then someone lived through.
"Yes. My youngest sister, the baby of age four. She hid under the ruins of our home for three days and then run as far as she could. She ended up living in Hokkaido", the goddess took a sharp breath, "I didn't know of it, I thought all my family had died, until Reiko came here", the goddess fell silent for a few moments.
"But she was gone too quickly. When I came looking for her, she already disappeared, and no one knew where to find her. There were many who remembered her, but no one close".
"Yeah", Natsume couldn't help a weak smile, "I was told she had a habit of doing it".
"I tried to find her, but to no avail. My powers were seeping rapidly, and I had to come back to the sacred village. I tried sending my snakes to look for her, but they are no yokai, they couldn't find her", the goddess gripped his hand stronger, "I lost my claim as the guardian goddess of Yatsuhara when I entered the sacred village and now can only pass it to the next holder. So please, accept this offer of mine", she pleaded, earnestly and so sincere, "I looked for you here, when I understood who you are, and yesterday I found you. I was never so happy, when I knew — my family is alive. You are alive", she exhales, trying to reign in her emotions, before speaking again, more firmly now, "I know I didn't make it in time to save you from so many hurts, but in this last moments I want to do my best to make sure that you live your life fully. I want to you to be happy, safe and live a long life that will be filled with your laughter. You are a child of my family, mine in all aspects that matter".
Natsume can't help it. Tears slide down his face, he can't stop them, and he's not sure he wants to.
This goddess is his family, family who wants him happy and healthy just because he is it — family. She could go away freely; bide goodbye only to her servant, and fade from this world. She didn't have to, and yet she did, because she cared for her family — for what left of it. And she would go away, just as she came because it her time. He thought absentmindedly that he understood the yokai who knew Reiko better.
"Hush, dear, it will turn out good", she wiped his tears and smiled, "Remember, I love you. No matter your choice, I love you, child mine, and nothing in this world will change it. I'm so proud of you, words can't describe it. You turned out so beautiful, kind and bright, oh how much I want to tell my father about you, we would all be so happy", Orokimaru cupped his face, "Never forget this words, child mine".
Natsume nods and swallows the lump in his throat.
"I won't. And I accept your offer", he squeezes her hand and smiles, "Let's do it".
Orokimaru nods in turn and takes his another hand in hers.
"It can hurt a bit, like needles in your fingertips", she warned him and began.
The wind swirled around them, and Natsume felt the itch in his hands, but held on.
She opened her mouth and breathed out. A small yellowy-grey cloud came out.
"Breath it in through mouth", he was commanded, and complied.
It felt strange on his tongue — like cotton candy Nishimura bought for all of them on the last festival, just salty and mild.
"Breath out and kneel with me", Orokimaru turned his hands so that his back of hands was turned up and hers down.
It felt strange, as if a small warm ball formed between their hands. It wasn't unpleasant, more like a small bird in hands, just not fluffy. The feeling changed as the ball cooled to cold.
"Put your hands together and concentrate. When you feel it's time, breath out into them and push towards sky", Orokimaru let his hands go and smiled reassuringly. Her hair slid down shoulder when she siddenly teetered to left, pale and gasping for air.
"Orokimaru-sama!" Mekoguro gripped her shoulders, steading her, with panick on his face. Natsume tried to reach out for her, but she cut both of them out.
"Do not worry", she clasped Mekoguro's hand, and nodded curtly to Natsume, "Continue".
He pursed his lips, holding her gaze until she sighed and relaxed into her servant's hold. Only then did he revert his attention back to the ethereal ball in his hands.
It is still cold, not quite pleasant against his skin. He brings it closer to his mouth and exhales into his palms. Suddenly the warm air is swirling in circles inside, coating the ball, and the next thing he knows is that the yellowy-gray ball changes its color to pale green with darker specs. He feels the pull to let it go, to fly high and reach all land, and raises his hands, letting go of the ball.
It flies off his hands and rises above trees. Soft dull glow grows brighter and soon it looks like there're two suns. And then it explodes, showering them with tiny green sparkles. Winds are curling around Takashi, flapping his shirt's tails, like playful kittens, when Nyanko-sensei roars, entering the shine grounds with loud swish and lands beside him. His fangs bared, crouched pose, ready to fight any moment, the inugami was quite a fear-inducing sight.
"Nyanko-sensei!" Natsume exclaimed, stunned to his very core, when his guardian snarled at Mekoguro, who tried to unsheathe his sword. This was a goddess before them! There's no way he didn't scoop this before coming here! He was confronting a goddess, albeit well-meaning and not prone to antagonizing them, but Nyanko-sensei didn't know it, and yet put himself between the threat and him. Natsume doesn't even try to contain his gratitude and happiness, hugging his guardian and nuzzling into soft white fur.
"Don't worry, sensei", murmurs he, "They don't mean harm".
"As if you would know, brat", huffs the inugami, but still relaxes a bit, coiling his long tail around his charge.
"Your guard is admittedly loyal, I see", Orokimaru chuсkles, "Good. Now I can go, that you're in good hands", she holds out her hand, and Natsume kneels to take it and stand eye to eye with her. Her figure bleaks with every moment — it's time for her to go, "You are a good boy, my child, with tender heart and pure soul. You will do just fine. Don't forget my words. I will always love you, Natsume Takashi, child of my family", her smile is quiet, all motherly love and care, and sad, "Forgive me for not finding you earlier and leaving so soon. If I had a say, I wouldn't leave your side", she squeezes his hand stronger.
"You came to find me", he can't say it doesn't matter; these years when he suffered thrown from one family relative to another as if some sort of stinky ball did hurt him. But she searched for him, cared and loved just because he was her family, she did her best to protect him, and he will never forget it, "I forgive you".
"Thank you", with smile on her lips, she closes her eyes, dispersing into nothing but flare of dim sparkles that disappear high in the sky.
Natsume brings his hand in closer — it holds a simple white jade ring, that was on Orokimaru's left hand. He smiles — he is glad to have at least this much of her left for memories.
Takashi sighs out. He is tired. With all this running and worrying and rituals he didn't notice, but a good part of his energy's gone now.
"I'm tired. Let's go home, sensei", Natsume climbs on a silently offered back of the inugami, "I'll come here tomorrow, Mekoguro. Could you please prepare everything necessary for the commemoration? And, about your curse on my charge… " he asks the yokai. He doesn’t know if it is a usable practice for spirits, but he wants to say farewell to her as is just, and commemoration is a good choice for it, in his opinion.
"I will immediately take it away, my lord, and begin the preparations", Mekoguro bows.
Natsume sighs again. And this.
"We will talk about everything else later. For now, let's go".
Nyanko-sensei leaps towards the sky, and winds billow in his hair.
18 notes · View notes
roedusk · 5 years
Natsume FFXV Crossover Notes
I’m trying to organize my thoughts and figured an update might not be a bad idea for the people without access to my thoughts.  So here you go.
Let me know what you think?
(Will probably change as I write things, and I'm certain I forgot explanations and notes I was going to write because of tangents…  So sorry about any confusion.)
World Notes
General World Notes
- FFXV setting with Yokai/Ayakashi based on Natsume added.
- Plot of Natsume happened during his teen years and he and his friends are now adults, 21-26 ish so they’re around Noctis and Co.’s age.
- I'm classifying some yokai or yokai abilities as “divine” for lack of a better word.  This is yokai such as guardians of temples, and abilities such as Nyanko-sensei/Madara's purification ability.  Yokai with this classification are generally more powerful than equivalent non-divine yokai, and have power over the world in some way.  They so tend to be bound up in complicated rules most ayakashi don't have to deal with. In exchange Divine Yokai are generally not affected by yokai exorcism, or at least not to the same extent, it depends on the Yokai and situation, aka the plot.  Yokai with divine abilities are also usually powerful, and tend to be exceptions to rules that usually apply to all yokai.
- The Astrals are the same type of creature as the deities Natsume bumped into in the Moon Splitting Festival, powerful on their own but regenerate their power (if they use it up doing things like making the land fertile) through worship of humans.  They all fall into the category of divine beings Madara can probably oppose and maybe manage a win, but it would probably get him cursed.
- Bahamut, Ramuh, and Leviathan are all at their original undamaged power percentage, having never taking a serious blow to cut their power.  They are about equal in power to Fuzuki from the Moon Splitting Festival, since he hasn’t been diminishing his power like Hozuki was.
- Titan, Shiva, and Ifrit are at post-damage power levels.  Titan however has a lot of worshipers and followers that he amassed while dormant, so his damaged power level is about equal to his non-damaged brethren.  Shiva and Ifrit are about equal in power to Houzuki (who is not as powerless as they appear in the Moon Splitting Festival episode).
- The Astrals are both powerful enough to be seen by humans and chose to be so.  The deities in the Moon Splitting Festival (unlike in Natsume canon!) can also make this choice, but generally chose not to.
- Each Astral has a realm of influence. Their influence changes the feeling of the area, such as how welcoming it feels or how prone its inhabitants tend to be towards settling in one place.  
- Bahamut's influence is over Insomnia, and his disapproval of yokai/ayakashi makes them less common, and the ones who stay in spite of the encouragement to leave tend to be stronger and less family/group based.  Insomnia tends not to be comforting, but has a feeling of purpose living there that generally feels lacking when moving away.  This feeling of purpose can also feel grating tho, like being forced to do things all the time can be draining.
- Titan's influence is centered on his temple in Old Lestallum, but has also spread from his physical location at the Disk of Cauthess.  He appreciates life that thrives but especially the kind of life that can cooperate to do so, like early settlers of the area or yokai living among the forests and human settlements in symbiosis.  Titain's power is more attractive to those who are clannish and protective of their important people.  It also exudes the feeling of being guarded, since Titan was injured protecting the area and those in it.  This can be comforting or constraining depending on the individual and how they feel at the time.
- Ifrit's influence is lingering over Ravatogh, but is also present in the Meteor and it's shards.  His influence is both the creative inspiration he gave to Solheim and the impulse to act that can both lead to good decisions without hesitation and quick bad decisions based on anger or lack of forethought.  His anger at the war of the Astrals also lingers in the sphere of influence over Ravatogh making the area less friendly to living things that can feel it, but it has been largely tempered out of the Meteor by Titan's protective influence.  Lestallum started based on inspiration of those drawn to the Meteor and thrives on those working with the shards now.  Tempered by Titan's influence towards cooperation it's the most successful new settlement in a millennium.
- Shiva's influence is centered around her corpse, but is also present in Tenebrae where her messenger lived.  It tends to encourage self-possession, people who know what they want and go for it regardless of what anyone else might think. This helps people like Lunafreya keep their strength up in bad situations, and allows people like Versatile and Ravus to pursue their goals without worrying about the morality of them.  As the same time it also encourages self-restraint, not in matters of morality but in not revealing yourself too easily.  This can be armor but can also make it harder for the individual to understand their more “firey” emotions.
- Leviathan's influence is found deep in the ocean, and while certain things can bring it to the surface it's much weaker up there.  The strongest surface place is the Altar of the Tidemother, where she was worshiped and interested enough to look at humans in return.  Her influence is part of the strange feeling the Ocean has, where it's huge and vast and cares nothing for if you live or die.  If you want something you have to go after it yourself, there is no promise of divine intervention or idea that you may get ahead if you do things the right way.  There's no judgement from a higher power for doing something underhanded, and if you want rules you have to find a way to build and enforce them yourself. This attracts those with a drive to get ahead and play the angles, eventually leading to the founding of Altissia.  Leviathan herself takes interest in those who fight for what they want, but that's no guarantee she will respond to a plea for aid even from those she likes.
- I have no idea about Ramuh right now?
- ???
- As far as I can tell canon Starscourge is explained as a mutated malaria virus.  But it also drives people mad before vaporising them and the resulting Miasma somehow both eats sunlight preventing it from reaching the ground, and generates demons based on the remainders of the mad dead people's egos that die instantly in sunlight.  These vaporised egos can also apparently be used to power magitech armor but the ego in them makes them difficult to control??? And the "only"/prophesied cure to the disease is to kill Ardyn (who is neither the source or receptacle of the disease, nor the source of its recent resurgence, tho he did help it along in the last 30 years), then to die so we can kill his soul.  This somehow purges the Miasma. (And spoilers? depending on if the book is canon or not it may be the last part needed for a world killing wave Bahamut wants to use?)  I also can't figure out where in the game I bumped into the explanation that the Starscourge is from the meteor Titan is holding? Because it's something everyone in the fandom thinks is true now that I go looking but is apparently not canon?
- And a cure?? I have no idea, really??? But I have some thoughts???
- Has existed at least since Solheim, and was around long before Ardyn.
- It infects yokai/ayakashi as well as humans and animals.
- Is probably a miasma in the greek tragedy sense? (If my greek dramas seminar in college is to be believed) Miasma in greek tragedy apparently coincided with someone who was “to blame” and whose death was needed to stop the poison from killing people.  The King does bad and the whole kingdom suffers kind of thing.  But if they don’t kill themselves in penance then the person that kills them becomes the problem and the miasma continues.  Not sure where I’m going with this but it matches nicely with the Natsume system of problem solving being about emotions and experiences?
- Probably need the modern trope of a Panacea to cure it? Something everyone worked together to get/make (in true Natsume fashion) to give to Noctis after the 10 years???
- How do I cure this??
- Did this disease ever even make sense?
Character Notes
- Born in Duscae, Natsume’s family is descended from people who settled Old Lestallum a thousand years ago, so most of his relatives (who he was passed between as a kid) were from the Lestallum/Old Lestallum offshoots area.  However he did have a few relatives in Insomnia he lived with as a child for a little bit.
- Natsume had never lived in Old Lestallum until the Fujiwaras took him to their home there.  He loves the town because of the good memories there and intends to live there the rest of his life if he can.
- Because of his unique heritage Natsume has the ability to help purify Yokai/Ayakashi and help them move on (in the psychopomp way or just therapy way) even when those difficulties are caused by infection by the Starscourge.  He’s unaware that he’s purifying the disease when he does this, thinking those cases are just more dramatic versions of what he deals with every day.
- Examples of the above are Shigure (the luck god trapped in the old school), Rokka (leader of the Masked Yokai), and Sui (the broken guardian and companion Gen was trying to save).  The Mirror Yokai’s ill friend also has the Starscourge which is why he disappeared on her, not wanting her to get hurt when his emotions were bad.
- Natsume still lives in the Fujiwara’s house, and is technically employed by Tanuma’s father.  He travels the area making sure the wards on the Havens are fully powered and has the rest of the time to devote to Ayakashi problems.
- Natsume feels like this should be a temporary thing rather than a lifelong job and that he’s taking advantage of Tanuma for employment, while Tanuma is worried they’re using Natsume for their safety the way others have tried to.  But he’s happy and Tanuma is happy to be working with him so they reassure each other it’s ok.
- Due to slightly different setting details Tanuma decided to follow in his father's footsteps as a priest.  He is currently his father's apprentice, but is mostly left to his own devices at their home temple while his father travels.
- The little used temple he and his father moved to in Old Lestallum is Titan's temple there.  It was once the main one, but as Old Lestallum wanted in population and importance it was abandoned in favor of temples elsewhere, most especially the temple/tourist attraction at the Disk of Cauthess in modern day.
- Several temples to Bahamut have also sprung up in the area, much more regimented and grander than Titan's newer temples due to the active ancestor worship of Lucis being mixed in.
- While people in Old Lestallum kept the main temple building and living areas more or less clean, they didn't take much care of the grounds.  Enough care to keep the wards up, but not much more (not that they were really aware of this, it was just muted respect and in case a new priest moved in).
- Since Tanuma and his father moved in the wards have strengthened.  At the same time Natsume has been incidentally expanding and strengthening the weak wards around the town his grandmother had created by living there.  This makes Old Lestallum a remarkably safe place compared to elsewhere in Lucis, and people have started attributing it to the temple's new care pleasing Titan.  (Hense how the temple's income can support 3 workers now.)
- As caretaker to the temple, Tanuma has gained some strength from growing up there.  He still has a weak constitution, which yokai/ayakashi can stress by being present, but his stamina/resistance is much better now.
- Ever since he was little Noctis realized he could see things other people couldn't.  In his case, unlike most others who can see yokai, the ones he saw were few and far between due to living in the Citadel, the center of Bahamut's influence.  Pretty much the only one that interacted with him was Carbuncle, and they were a benevolent guardian spirit.
- After his injury, while in Tenebrae, he saw more “spirits”, but also learned Luna could sense them (but not see them) when she sensed Carbuncle with him.  This lead him to believe the ability to see/sense spirits was tied to him and her being chosen ones.
- He tries not to worry his friends by any weirdness with creatures other than Carbuncle, but he doesn't try to hide that he can see them either, assuming it's understandable, so they just accept his little comments as well.
- After leaving Insomnia and entering Titan's influence he starts seeing a lot more, and less refined ones and is getting overwhelmed.
- As one of the line of the Oracle Luna has the ability to sense people, such as knowing where they are in space in relar to her, and if they're sick or injured.  This extends to yokai/ayakashi though she isn't able to see them unless they have the ability to make themselves visible to humans.
- Umbra and Pryna are yokai guardian dogs, what their divine abilities allowed them to assume a form visible to humans, which is how Lunafreya found them as puppies. They have since adopted her as their charge.  Gentiana has accepted them as her guardians due to them being divine, she wouldn't have allowed any other yokai near her charge.
- Gentiana is also ayakashi and has the ability, from Shiva's power, to become visible to humans, though she can be more seletive of who can see her than most can.
- Taki grew up wanting to be able to contribute something to helping her friends that they couldn't just do without her.  This lead her to joining the Hunters so she could keep them safe, and she has since become an expert marksman, (though she largely prefers the bigger guns hunters in the game use rather than pistols like Prompto).
- She generally sticks to Cauthess, because most of Natsume's travels are in the area, but she has become good enough at her job that she is asked to help further afield occasionally.
- She still remembers many things about yokai from her grandfather, and what she learned from growing up with Natsume, so she can sort of tell if ayakashi things are happening and ask for him to help.  She still tries not to draw her circle until he (or Tanuma or Natori lately) tell her it's ok with the yokai.
- A woman yokai speak of in fear and respect and humans talk about in disdain if at all, but nobody really knows anything about.  She lived in Old Lestallum and in spite of bad experienced there saw the area as her home.  This was enough to take protective barriers around the town, but weak ones.
- More concentrated barriers were created around places she camped/spent the night because of her deliberately attempting to create a safe place to sleep.  These eventually became Havens once she realized she could do it deliberately.
- Unknown to her, or anyone else anymore, and independent of her ability to see yokai/strong spiritual power, she is descended from a bastard male child of the Oracle’s line.  This altered her powers just enough to make her unlike any other human's.
- Towards the end of her life she met Regis and company out in the wilderness around Old Lestallum.  A strange unapologetic woman who laughed at them and called them idiots before helping anyway.  She gave Regis specifically some pointed advice before sending them on their way.  (Not completely certain what it was yet but not sure if I need to know.)  When Regis went back to look for her later in life people were confused why he cared about that strange woman and he could only find out she wasn't well liked and had since passed away.
- Regis has no ability to see or sense yokai, but he was best friends with Aulea, who could but kept it a secret.  On his road trip to Accordo in his youth he bumped into Reiko, now an adult.  She was unconcerned with who he was, and unthreatened by his retinue.  She didn't want anything from him either, but gave him some pointed advice on the world being more than what he could see that stuck with him through his trip.
- When he returned home he realized Aulea could see things he could not, and managed to broach the subject with her.  After convincing her to believe him, and that he believed her, this brought the closer, lessening a bit the stress being able to see yokai had put on her.  He respected her wish for it not to be known, even to his friends, until after her death, when he explained a little to Clarus (and maybe Cor) in relation to Noctis.
- Per Word of God she's Regis’ childhood friend.
- Born into a low ranking Noble house in Insomnia she was the first in generations to be able to see yokai. However it wasn't unknown to happen, and her family had been on the lookout for it since implications of collusion with any spirit other than Bahamut needed to be carefully repressed.  She grew up learning her ability to see strange things was to be entirely ignored, trained in composure and people reading (to determine what other could see).
- She also grew up responsible for the family's guardian spirit, Carbuncle.  They were the only yokai she was allowed to talk to and then only in private.
- As an adult this composure training made her known as someone impossible to startle, and she gave up trying to fake alarm at things other really did see because it was a good reputation to have.  (Those close to her learned to read her microexpressions and she was comfortable enough with them to drop the full mask to her more normal reserved self.  Deadpan is her favorite I joke.)
- Either way, as a child she stumbled on Regis out alone, and ignored him entirely because there wasn't anyone else around for her to realize he was human instead of a yokai.  This intrigued him, and when they were next introduced (at a public event her family had been invited too) he insisted on talking with her.
- Regis spent a lot of time with her as a child, so he saw her eyes flicker to things that weren't there, picking up on it because of his own training to avoid threats to the royal heir.  He noticed her aborted movements and how she would look over at him for context, but didn't realize what it all was.  Instead he dismissed it as a child can as just how the other was.
- After meeting Reiko something she said made him think about what his friend acted like, and he eventually concluded he should just ask her.  Tho she was startled, Aulea was able to avoid an overt reaction but also decided to just agree he was right, startling him and herself.
- Since them the two of them sorted out how to discreetly hint something was up and Aulea allowed Regis to ask about yokai she saw in private if she indicated no yokai were nearby to hear.  This is how Regis learned about the dragon yokai that lived in the throne room but just watched, and about his family's new guardian spirit, Carbuncle.
- After Noctis’ birth Aulea was able to tell Regis he had the ability to see Yokai since he would play with Carbuncle.  She passed away soon after but not before making a Carbuncle statue to help the guardian protect her family.
- As a child in Galahd, Nyx grew up in the shadow of an old temple, still maintained out of respect for the protective spirit (no one said deity out of superstition the Astrals might get offended) that lived there and their followers.  Unlike most, tho, Nyx had a little sister who swore she could see them.
- Nyx still isn't sure if he believes Selena when she told him about the Coeurl guarding the temple, and he regrets that she died knowing he wasn't sure if he could believe her. He doesn't realize him trying to believe her and standing up to the people who insulted her “stories” was more than enough for her. He even walked with her the second time, when they were very young and she was scared of the wild cats everywhere but wanted to pay her respects at the temple.
- Selena befriended one of the guardians at the temple, and he lead some of the others down to try and help (without permission) when Nifelheim attacked.  The temple was destroyed in the attack and the guardian was unable to save Selena.  Unlike the rest who stayed to try and find those who flead the temple's destruction, this guardian attached themself to Nyx out of regret, and has been protecting him since.  This is at least part of his ridiculous luck.
- Libertus doesn't believe in spirits or guardians, because wouldn't they have protected Galahd if they existed?  He respects Nyx's wish to respect Selena's superstitions but privately thinks he needs to let go of the little rituals to move past her death.
- On the other hand, he took in Crowe when they first met because she reminded him of Selena (tho he keeps looking out for her because of who she is now), so he's not coping with her loss as well as he thinks he is either.
- When she mentions she was driven out of her hometown, Crowe lets other people assume it was by the empire. She doesn't mention that fearful villagers drove out what they thought was a cursed orphan before they could be cursed in turn. She's still seen the evil of the empire and wants to stop them, but she didn't have the personal stake people assume she has until she heard what happened to her new family.
- In her travels before being picked up by other refugees headed to Lucis, Crowe ended up giving in and yelling at a yokai to leave her alone.  A crow yokai, Yatagarasu, heard her and their flock took pity on her, driving the yokai away. Yatagarasu took it on themself to help Crowe navigate the world of yokai, since they had gotten involved already.  They and a few of the crows from their recent flock accompanied her in her travels, becoming her signature talent and inspiring many people to point out her name.
- Crowe is able to blame most of her jumpiness on the crows, because they get between her and yokai all the time, and hasn't told anyone she can see yokai.  She doesn't want to get driven away again.
- Pelna is from one of the smaller islands in Accordo which was mostly evacuated during Regis’ attempt to oppose the empire there.  He spent most of his young life as a poor refugee along the Lucian coast, eventually moving to Insomnia when he proved compatible for Kingsglaive.
- Family superstitions that he grew up with require an offering of thanks in return for actions above and beyond the expected response to a situation.  The superstition started as something similar to a temple offering you give to the helpful stranger to make sure if they're a spirit it knows you acknowledge its help so it doesn't throw a fit.  Also decent advice for dealing with Exorcists.  But the specific reasons have been lost to tradition.  Now it's just the difficult to explain idea that if someone goes above and beyond for you, you owe them a well thought out thank you gesture, so they won't think you put less effort into coming up with the gesture than they did helping you out.
- If someone is close enough to be considered family it's mostly moot tho, just give them the consideration and care family is due, and that will repay their care for you.
- The Matoba clan is a wealthy family in Accordo which also happens to be secretly Exorcists.  They do own an old house in Duscae but it hasn't been used for more than a staging ground in generations.
- When Regis came to Altissia to oppose the empire the Matoba family took interest.  Hunting yokai and yokai turned demons in secret was tiring and difficult.  If they could get involved with Lucis they could have an excuse to be at many more locations, and armed.  So the family inserted several of their members into the resistance, and once they fled to Lucis afterwards some of them were able to enter the newly formed Kingsglaive.
- Over the years multiple Matoba family members were able to infiltrate the Kingsglaive, including Matoba himself.  They have no loyalty to Lucis, but are definitely anti-empire.
- An actor who grew up in Old Lestallum, Natori is really an exorcist whose cover job was surprisingly successful.  Probably mostly famous in Insomnia unless Nifelheim and Insomnia share movies.
- He moved out when he was of age, fleeing his family mostly, but came back to deal with an exorcist request in his old neighborhood.  Since meeting Natsume he has been spending more time in the area.
- I think he lived in Accordo and has recently bought a place in Lestallum instead maybe?
- Was in Altissia when the signing ceremony happened, probably waiting to meet with his agent or at a shoot.  He's been trying to get news of what happened since then, worried for Natsume and co in Old Lestallum more than the city tho. He's most worried Natsume somehow got involved because he does that a lot.
Plot Summary
Crowe's Path
- I know the least about this path right now, but it insists on being a separate one from the other two, so I'm going to try to honor that.
- This path starts first, ish, with Crowe's mission from the Kingsglaive movie.  For those not in the know, spoilers, this is a mission assigned by Regis to rescue Luna from house arrest in Tenebrae and get her safely to Noctis in Altissia.  Only she's attacked and killed on the way.
- In this fic she is on her bike with the black van coming around the corner at her when the crows start going nuts, but not because of the van.  Nope, there's a rogue behemoth that just came out from behind the nearby stone structure and has seen her.  It charges her, body checking the van as it attacks her.  She loses her hand and watch to its teeth and is thrown from her bike by the force of it.  The bike is pretty totaled and she's struggling to get away when she blacks out.  The glaives in the van open fire drawing it's attention, and are too busy fleeing the behemoth to keep track of her.
- Dave (the hunter from FFXV) was nearby tracking the behemoth for Hunter tags, and his dog drags Crowe to safety for him.  He gets her into the van with a tourniquet and rushes her to medical attention.  Once she's safe to be moved she's transferred to Meldacio HQ for the monster attack specialists there.
- Because of her mission, when Crowe wakes up she doesn't ask to send a message to the capital of what happened.  She tries sending Yatagarasu back but they aren't able to talk to anyone but Nyx's guardian and just presence alone isn't able to get the message across.   Someone will know when she doesn't make a checkpoint but not soon enough.
- Note here: I'm making her leaving the city earlier, to give her more than 2 days to pull off an infiltration rescue, especially when the empire probably had Luna traveling for at least one of those days.
- With the help of a post surgery potion Crowe's wound and bad bruises heal up enough to move around in a little under a week.  But she still has to do physical therapy and learn to move around with only one hand (The amputation to clean up the injury is under the elbow but she did lose the hand and at least half her lower arm).  So she can't head back to report in then either, much to her annoyance.
- To keep her cover she had a physically present gun for protection, as anyone traveling beyond the wall would have had some sort of physical weapon the lack of one would be strange.  Only now most of her fighting ability with it is diminished due to needing to somehow use it with only one hand.  Dave asks Taki to stick around for a few days and see if she can work with Crowe on adapting her style to one-handed.  Taki agrees and tho Crowe is generally untrusting and frustrated she is thankful for the assistance.
- Once she can fire and reload the gun, if not all that well in the latter case, Crowe insists on heading back to Insomnia even though she's not done with her recovery or used to the loss of her hand yet.  Taki is resistant to clear her, but really the say is Crowe's.  So instead she offers herself as a driver, and Crowe a place in her truck on the way there.  Crowe grudgingly agrees, since she can't be sure she'll be able to drive herself back even if she could get her hands on a vehicle.
- The make it almost all the way back before Dave calls them to pull I et and turn on the radio.  Insomnia has fallen, and the empire has it blocked off do they can't even get inside.  Crowe is determined to try anyway, her family is in there, but Taki refuses to let her and Yatagarasu promises to scout and report back if she waits here.  So she caves and the duo stop at the local hunter station to rest and wait for news.
- Yatagarasu returns with a report. Not sure exactly what they found or didn't.  Crowe is unable to either locate or join Luna's group, and isn't aware any of the royals survived.
- Somewhere around here Taki realises Crowe can see yokai because she's doing similar things to Natsume. She tells Crowe a this, and about the circle she can draw to make yokai visible and her experiences with Natsume.  Crowe is skeptical and alarmed but Taki refuses when she offers to just have the other drop her off somewhere and go about her business.
- Not sure what Crowe's plan is at the time or ends up being (other than learning to use firearms and other weapons one handed)?  I know most of the flexibility in solving the main plot comes from her trip, since she's a completely new element to the story.
- Since I was unoriginal and went looking for crow yokai, then ended up with Yatagarasu instead of Tengu, Crowe's arc probably has something sun related to do, not sure what.  Is it Solhiem related or is that too much of a deus ex machina?
- No matter the plot they have the support of Dave.  If they need a boat to get to Altissia/the other continent he's probably the one who finds them one
Luna's Path
- Luna's plot starts with Kingsglaive. She's in Lucis as a pawn of the empire and the Kingsglaive is sent to rescue her.  Pelna is able to locate her on the ship as in the movie, and gets her out just in time to be snatched by an Ultros demon. Iltros drags him away around the corner as Nyx gets to Luna, and he's forced to leave Pelna to get Luna to safety. (I have to assume he's struggling with this somewhat, because it's so against his established character to never mention it again.)
- Ultros is a yokai based demon, so when Matoba catches sight of it he's able to kill it with one of his exorcist arrows in one shot.  When he comes over and finds out it's Peln who was injured he decides to use Pelna as assurance against them pro-king factor, proof that he is not on the empire's side in the coup attempt.  In the interest of this he protects the inured Pelna from the other Glaives, helps him survive the airship exploding and crashing, then helps him escape the city when it would really have been a better idea to leave him behind.  Even when their powers fail he steals them a car and gets them to the exit, where Pelna is able to reunite with the others, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
- Back with Nyx and Luna, the Glaive who was stabbed in the back still manages to explode most of the ship, and Nyx and Luna manage to escape onto another before Luna jumps on to the Citadel and Nyx goes after her.  They intervene in the battle with Glauca and escape with the King and Clarus when the Mist Dragon (and Nyx until the last minute) keep Glauca busy.
- Regis still gives Luna the ring for safekeeping and puts up a barrier to force them to go on without him and Clarus.
- Before he dies Glauca is able to get Nyx's call for backup and direct him to the trap with Luche.  He also gets the call from Libertus on the revolutionaries’ line, and incidentally reveals himself through his wording.  This is around the time that the Glaives’ power from the king cuts out, signifying his death.  Libertus arrives at the location given to find it's a trap for Nyx and Luna, and is able to apologize to Nyx, and reveal Glauca is Drautos.  The three of them get in Libertus’ car and escape through the battles raging in the city.
- At the outskirts of the city they stop to find a change of clothes (less Kingsglaive) and a way to escape the city.  This is when they regroup with Pelna and Matoba joins the team.
- After escaping Luna insists she needs to fulfill her calling rather than heading to Altissia immediately. Pelna points out the empire is probably blocading the sea as well and they need a place to lie low and plan.  Matoba recommends a compromise, and suggests they seek sanctuary at the temple of Titan in Old Lestallum.  It's not where the empire would expect her to go due to it being neglected in favor of the Disk of Cauthess these days, and he can vouch for the priest taking them in secret.  Pelna backs him up, saying it's a reasonable idea, and with no other options this becomes the plan.
- Matoba wanted to be able to try to bug Natsume again, and also knew Natsume and Tanuma would take them in and wouldn't betray them, so a win for him either way.  (Pelna had been having trouble reading him and eventually asked what he would take as a thank you gesture, which surprised Matoba.  He was disappointed to find that Pelna was traditional instead of from an exorcist family tho, and informed him that he wanted to head to Old Lestallum to seek sanctuary with a friend and asking Pelna to back him up if they ask where to go.)
- Once they get to the temple and Tanuma agrees to hide them from the empire there the party meets Natsume.  They don't get to talk much but he is aware Luna is the Oracle and was there to make a covenant with Titan.  He also helped the others get things from town that they needed.  (Luna calls Nyanko-sensei cute which he approves of.)
- Matoba tries to get Natsume to agree to join his clan for protection, but is turned down, and Pelna interrupts, feeling guilty about helping get Natsume into this position.  Matoba is entertained by this rather than upset tho.
- Once Titan awakens Luna heads to the Disk with her guards to talk with him.  Then she announces she needs to get to Angelgard to awaken Ramuh.  This is a bit more difficult but eventually they are able to haggle a trip over out of a fisherman willing to do a favor for the Oracle.  They hide below deck until arrival, when Luna gets out and awakens Ramuh.  On their way back they're flagged down by a larger vessel with Nanase on board (Matoba's clanswomsn with the spectacles) asking for him.  She got is message and is here to take them to Altissia.  Since they need to go anyway they accept his offer to accompany him, even if it is suspicious.
- It turns out Matoba is part of a major Altissian family, and they're able to enter the city unnoticed at his private dock.  However Luna needs access to the Altar of the Tidemother, which requires her to negotiate with the government, essentially turning herself in to them.  Matoba leaves the party but the other three all insist on accompanying her to be her guards even while they're on house arrest pending the First Secretary's decision.
- Once Noctis arrives and negotiates successfully with the First Secretary she comes to lay out her terms to Luna.  She is to send her guards to help in the evacuation of the citizens, same as Noctis, and in exchange they will be allowed access to the Altar.  However, Ravus is threatening war if she is not released into his care, so Luna needs to convince him to let her do it herself.  He is asking for a private audience first, to keep her safe from Ardyn, and Claustra intends to turn Luna over to prevent this if she can't convince him.  Luna agrees.
- The Glaive refuse to leave Luna alone with the enemy commander, so Ravus and Luna have their talk but now with an audience.  They argue and Ravus threatens but eventually he says something that gets Nyx to interject.  They argue about trusting the magictech troopers Ravus has to ensure her safety if the Chancellor countermands his orders, and about losing little sisters to the empire.  Luna takes back the conversation at this point and is somehow able to convince Ravus to let her go through with the covenant?  He places the burden of her safety on Nyx before storming out, and when Luna tries to protest she promised Claustra their help in evacuation Libertus says the Secretary is just going to have to deal, she can spare their best to guard their Oracle.
- Lunafreya still gives a speech, but it might be a radio address instead of in person?  And it's a better speech.
- Luna and Nyx are on the altar when Leviathan responds to the summoning, and Nyx is later able to prevent Luna from getting stabbed by Ardyn long enough for her to summon Knights of the Round power-up for Noctis of it's still needed, and not from hp this time.
- Natsume arrives on Madara's back in the middle of the fight between Astrals and is able to help Carbuncle heal Luna after she nearly kills herself healing Noctis.  All of this adds up to Luna surviving and being alive when Ravis and Ignis arrive.
- Ardyn really wants to know how Natsume can fly.
- Elsewhere Matoba petitions Leviathan for power to fight the demon hunting him.  She is impressed enough by how strong he is fighting that fate to not kill him immediately and says she might even consider it before disappearing.
- After a group effort manages to drive away Ardyn again Luna and Noctis’ groups combine into one, and end up staying at Matoba's Manor until they're well enough to be on their way.
- Not married to this flow of the fight scene, so there are other ideas floating around about Misuzu or Sasafune from Natsume showing up…  Much thinking to do.
Noctis's Path
- This plot starts 99% the same, only Carbuncle is a companion character who texts Noct's phone to talk in texts that people who can't see yokai can't see.  The others sort of realize he's Noct's guardian but not that he's physically present.
- Until Titan's covenant is complete it also goes almost exactly the same, maybe with a bit of dialogue about about seeing more yokai as they get to Duscae or some conversations with Carbuncle from time to time.
- Unknown to Noctis and co, Titan vanished in the crater to retreat to his Temple to recover (he knew the basic size of the temple and shrunk to a taller than human but still small form to not crush it).  Natsume panics at the bleeding yokai (since Titan chose to hide himself while recovering) and Tanuma and him bandage all his injuries and tuck him into a bed in the temple, only later finding out he's Titan himself.
- Not sure if they realize who he is only after Noctis shows up (because he's unconscious until then) or if he wakes up earlier than that.  Nyanko-sensei can speak astral tho, so that should help (since we don't have Luna or Ardyn to translate).
- I still have no idea where the Meteor ended up??
- In the trial with Ramuh the revelations aren't just scenes from the past to teach the audience context.  They're actually something helpful to Noctis himself.  I have no idea what yet.
- Noctis and co retrieve the regalia, but ping into Ravus (and Ardyn), then head back to Lestallum to find Jared dead.  Iris leaves the city with them to get her to safety, but the guys decide to stop at Old Lestallum and head to the nearby Imperial base to get vengeance for Jared.
- Somehow this ends up with them deciding to visit the temple of Titan before moving on.  At the Temple Noctis sees Titan injured and is startled to realize the gods he's been calling on are people too.  Should be obvious in hindsight but it's hard to wrap your head around.  He also meets Natsume, who startles him by being able to see Carbuncle too and realizing Noct can see Carbuncle as well.
- This leads to Noct having to adapt to the revelation that seeing these creatures isn't a chosen one exclusive thing.  Natsume is also struggling with meeting a child as clueless about yokai as he was as a kid and being able to help with that but unsure if he can handle it.  With some encouragement from his friends he decides to go for it and he and Noctis have awkward conversation together.
- This somehow (how ??? For future creativity to figure out) ends up with Noctis and co coming back to visit on their way up to the Vesperpool.  Natsume is glad to see them but on his way out, explaining he's headed to Meldacio HQ to look into a request from there and check on the nearby Havens.  Noct offers for him to come with them, since they're headed that way themselves, and Natsume is startled but appreciates it.  (Noctis preens a little at being able to help his new friend.)
- Because of this new unknown being there, Gladio hesitates for a bit to leave Noct instead of protecting him, but his need to prove himself better than both Ravus and his father wins out and he leaves the party here, meeting Cor at the Crow's Nest instead.
- Natsume worries his presence drove Gladio away, but tells himself it's a silly thought.
- Natsume separates from them at Hunter HQ and they go into the dungeon with Aranea.  Staggering out with their prize they bump into him staying in the caravan at HQ.  He offers to share since they look exhausted and they're tired enough to agree.  The trio bond with Natsume a little independently, and the next morning Noct asks if he'd like a ride back.  Natsume admits his job ran longer than he was expecting so he still needs to check out the havens before he can head back.  The guys surprise him by suggesting they accompany him then.  They see him safely to the Vesperpool and Myrlwood havens and Noct even gets to do some fishing.
- After dropping Natsume off back in Old Lestallum they head to the cape, only to be sent to Lestallum to refine the mythril. (Gladio rejoins party like main game but maybe Noct recognized his voice at least?)
- Meanwhile Natsume is worried about the party and startled by the impulse to go after them.  (Probably because he's realized who they are and that they're going to leave to get put in danger again.).  Nyanko-sensei tells him something along the lines of if he wants to he should just do it, and Natsume decides he’ll at least offer to help however he can.  He heads to Caem to try and find them, is startled by the dragon, has to stop a fight with Madara and the dragon, and is almost treated as a threat to the people there before Iris speaks up for him.  Then he gets to hear the first person who remembers his grandmother fondly when Regis mistook him for her for a second.
- Noct and co return to find Natsume waiting for them, wanting to help.  They're flattered but not sure they want to put him through that, but he insists he wants to help the people important to him instead of waiting and wondering if he could have helped.  (Something along those lines.). In the end they're convinced to bring him because Noct could use some help figuring out the yokai thing and no one else they know can help with that.  Plus everyone but Gladio thinks he's a good guy from traveling together a bit.  (Mild personal conflict between him and Gladio as a recurring plot point.). And of course Nyanko-sensei is going too.
- (Back in Old Lestallum Tanuma ends up telling the Dogs’ Circle that Natsume went on a trip, which ends up being spread around to everyone it might concern as gossip pretty quickly.)
- Natsume heads with the party to Altissia, where Natsume bumps into Natori, who is oberjoued that he survived the Imperial Invasion alright and horrified to realize he's gotten dragged into things again (tho he's ok at hiding this).  The party is suspicious of him, but Natsume is clearly happy to see him so they decide he's trustworthy.  Natori offers himself as tour guide for their first time in Altissia and they accept.
- Then they bump into Matoba on the street.  The party are unimpressed with yet another Ardyn type character, and neither Natori's or Natsume's body language reassures them.  Matoba offers for them to stay at his Manor while in town, since he's a part of a powerful family they would have greater protection and more leeway in Altissian politics than staying at the hotel.  They agree to think about it and get his business card before he leaves them to it.
- Natori is able to bring them to Maagho where Weskham is able to give them information on the people they've bumped into.  (He's interested in the fact that Natsume, someone he knows nothing about, is somehow connected to one of Altissia's oldest families and a famous actor known as a bit of a loner.)  He advises them to take up Matoba's offer, since he can provide protection, but they're still hesitant about what he might ask Natsume for in exchange.
- Natori is willing to out them all up in the Leville, but Natsume wants them to accept Matoba's offer, so he insists on going with them instead.  Matoba's perfectly happy to have him staying at his house too.
- The party is startled to learn Matoba knows where Luna is, since she stayed with him when they all got to Altissia.  Information that she had 3 Kingsglaive members with her is appreciated as well, tho his own background as former Kingsglaive doesn't help their suspicion.  Matoba is, of course, unsympathetic.
- Natsume is among the currently undecided factors that help keep Luna alive.  I have at least one possible scene of Natsume bring carried by Madara through the Titan vs Imperial Army battle, then helping Carbuncle heal Luna while Nyx, Ravus, and Ignis face down Ardyn.  So might use that or it might change.
- After the battle the combined parties bump into Matoba, who offers to let them stay at his family home again, they accept because once again he's a non political option and theoretically a bit safer.
- I have no idea of they manage to convince Ravis to join the party here, but that is a possibility.
- And… this is where I know very little about how things are going to go.
- The party is still interested in getting the Crystal and probably all insist on going.
- If Gladio has anything similar to his macho episode on the train it needs to be better written so he's not just being an asshole and is going to have several people vocally angry with him.  Not sure if Ignis blinds himself tho.
- If Prompto gets knocked off the train Pryna goes after him.  No idea if other helpful yokai are involved yet and if so how he'd tell.
- Also, does Ardyn have illusion powers or not?  If so I need him to use them earlier and have limits/specifics.  If not I need to rewite those scenes.
- Noctis meets a Phoenix yokai in Tenebrae.  No idea if he's important later or just a handy visual metaphor.
- Not even sure if Noctis gets sucked into the Crystal, but I think he probably has to be?
- Somehow at this point, Noctis or no, the main problem is the Starscourge, and between Prompto and Noctis we should have enough notes to make a guess as to what it is, a disease instead of an unknown.  So we do the Natsume thing and everyone starts working together to find a way to solve this without needing the Prophecy because that requires Noct to die (which we now know how…?  Luna maybe?  Does she even know?).  By the time Noct returns (if we lost him) we have a solution.
- No I don't know what that solution is yet.  My current best guess is a magically quest created Panacea. Are we going to throw it at Ardyn? Is it a spell like Holy in 7?
- Somewhere in here Noct does fight Ifrit.  He's learned that Astrals are people too and wants know why Ifrit is so angry.  The Astral is able to describe what happened in Solheim (need to figure out what I want this to be for this fic) and afterwards, and is able to let go of anger at humanity.  He was mostly holding onto it because he felt betrayed by his fellow Astrals.  The fact that Lestallum managed to use the power he left to make hope is helpful.  So he contracts with Noctis after Noctis cures him of the Scourge (with help).  
- Ifrit's purification removed his empathetic link with Ardyn.  Ardyn loses most of his rage.  Not uis feelings of betrayal, just the burning rage he had absorbed from Ifrit.  Usually he absorbs the fill echo of the killed person but Ifrit was alive still, so purifying him took the emotions away again. This may or may not be important in curing the Starscourge…?
- Details for the future as I get there I suppose?  But really, how and when does Crowe get involved???
Side Path: Regis
- This one is a plot point I've had for later reveal, but basically essential to Nyx's survival, so I guess I'm ruining the surprise now.
- I mentioned in Aulea's entry that there was a dragon yokai in the throne room.  She's based on the blue guardian dragon from Natsume more or less, but much larger, and her abilities are inspired by (liberal interpretation of) the Mist Dragon.  She arrived in Lucis somewhere in the middle of the 2000 years it has existed, and settled in the throne room to watch.  She doesn't move around the Citadel, and mostly treats it like an interesting that show she enjoys watching and piecing together.
- This got more complicated when Aulea married into the royal family and told Regis she was there.  The show started to address her own presence as a watcher, if only two of the characters.  Made it slightly more personal, especially when Regis started complaining about things under his breath while sitting on the throne and idlu asking her opinion tho he know she couldn't respond.
- When Aulea died outside of the throne room, Regis came privately to tell her before the royal announcement of her death, crying and unable to share with anyone else the secrets Aulea held but let him see.  The dragon responded by summoning a light mist in the throne room in mourning, which made everything look very ethereal for weeks.  People talked about an I'll omen, while other conjectured the crystal was mourning.  Regis appreciated it tho, and took it as a sign she cared, so he extended a formal invitation to the funeral. And for the first time in centuries the dragon left the throne room to attend, summoning a similar mist over the event.
- Regis still spoke to her now, and she sometimes even showed she was listening by summoning a wash of mist that swept through the room.  Mostly she still just watched tho, ignoring the little prince who could see her too.  Regis didn't invite her anywhere else, but did ask her to look after the kingdom while he rushed to Tenebrae with his son.  Then they both witnessed Nifelheim's demands for the peace, and Regis spoke long into the air about his misgivings.  The dragon settled in to watch what unfolded, but feeling angrier than she had in situations like this before.
- On the day of the signing, whole lingering in the throne room after speaking with Nyx, Regis told the dragon (uncaring of Clarus’ presence) that they were going to have the signing in a different room, because the Emperor would be slighted if only Regis has a throne, so she's welcome to come.  And so she goes.
- She's angry when the battle starts, how dare the empire try to end her watch?  Mist swirls around ankles, and then Glauca appears.  And she's not about to let the rule of Lucis end in such a way.
- She uses the power she's never felt a need to before, summoning a physically present form out of the mist. She snatches Clarus out of the air as he's thrown, the sword thrown after him passing harmlessly through her Misty neck.  And then the Mist Dragon engages Glauca alongside Clarus and Regis.
- When Nyx and Luna arrive she fights alongside the Glaive, buying time for everyone to escape down the elevator, then disappears to arrive after them.  Regis puts up the shield and she stays with him and Clarus as Nux and Luna escape.
- Glauca is not used to the opponent having as cheap an ability as he does to reduce damage, and this battle is much more even.  At the end he disengages and escapes back up the elevator shaft, where he has time to receive Nyx and Libertus’ calls before the dragon finds him.  She able to deliver a final blow to his already severely injured self and he dies early.
- She returns to Regis and Clarus who are trying to figure out what to do now.  Regis insists on heading back to the throne room to summon the Old Wall, but Clarus isn't going to let him warp up the elevator alone.  The dragon ends up taking them.
- ? Not sure what the cost of summoning them is this time, but there has to be one.  It's just not deadly.
- Afterwards Clarus insists Regis disappear, cut off the surviving Glaives so it looks like he died and focus on getting out of the city alive.  Regis isn't happy with that idea, because it would require him not to help anyone they came across as they left.  And Clarus doesn't like their odds of surviving even without a fight.  They kind of decide their only real option is to make a last stand here.
- Clarus asks if the dragon could take the king to safety while he made a last stand, which Regis objects to.  The dragon says she could carry both if them to safety, but why should she?  Regis asks her to, please, because he doesn't want Clarus to die for him.  She agrees on the condition that he do as Clarus says and fake his death, cut off anyone who could claim otherwise beyond Clarus himself, and stay where the two of them decide he is safe.  Regis isn't happy but agrees.
- Clarus suggests they head to the hideout in Cape Caem, and agrees to give the dragon directions.  So she grabs them both and flies them away in the night, using the battles and darkness as cover for them to escape unseen.  Once at Cape Caem Regis and Claris switch to everyday clothes and live in the ship bay. (If she can assume human form like Nyanko-sensei the dragon is probably the one to buy food, if not Clarus is.)  They aren't discovered alive until Iris and co. come to Cape Caem, and it's Cid who discovers them (and nearly gets attacked by Clarus).
- When Noctis arrives in Cape Caem there's an unseasonable mist, and above the cape is the dragon from the throne room back home.  She sees him and goes to circle the top of the lighthouse, which is enough for him to sprint over and warp up to the ladder rather than wait for the elevator or anyone yelling after him.  Up too he finds Clarus and his dad and they have a reunion.
- Regis’ friends refuse to let him go with Noctis to Altissia.  Not willing to let him reveal himself just yet.  So Weskham doesn't know he's alive, and Noctis isn't supposed to tell him.   Not sure how that will end up.
- And not sure how Regis changes the plot yet either.  But he's there at least?
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Small Suprises
Word Count: 1.4k
@natsumeweek Day One: Natsume’s Birthday
A/N: This is barely proofread and unbeta’d, so I’m sure there are a plethora of typos and mistakes. Also to clarify: This is set up so Natsume’s birthday is on a Saturday because I don’t know how time zones work and it was convenient for plot reasons.
Touko checks the clock and nods, noting everything should be done right on time. It’s been awhile since she’s planned any surprises like this and was a bit worried her timing would be off. But dinner is progressing nicely, the cupcakes are cooling before being frosted, and the gift wrap has been located from the depths of storage and laid out should Shigeru arrive home before Takashi. The plan was for him to leave early with a quick stop at the post office, but the post office isn’t always just a quick stop. The wrapping really doesn’t matter all that much, she thinks, but it’s a nice touch she knows Takashi will appreciate. Satisfied all of her ducks are nicely in a row, she turns back to her cooking smiling in anticipation for tonight.
Kitamoto should have expected this, yet somehow he’s still surprised. Nishimura is dragging him into the bathroom in the worst attempt of looking casual he’s seen from his friend yet. After verifying no one else is dumb enough to be in the bathroom this close to the start of classes, he leans up against the door to attempt to maintain their privacy. “Are you sure this is going to work? Do you think he’ll hate it? What if we forgot something?”  The rapid fire questions are quick and panicked with no room for response between them.
“Relax,” he says, grabbing Nishimura by the shoulders, “Everything is going to be fine. He’s not going to hate it, it’s not live we’ve never done a day trip before. We didn’t forget anything. You checked with the Fujiwaras like three times that he’s never lived in that city, Tanuma bought the train tickets yesterday, Sasada and Taki made sure everything is open, and I just checked the weather this morning.”
“But what if—“Nishumara starts.
“It is going to be a beautiful day and nothing is going to go wrong,” Kitamoto cuts him off. “Stop worrying, everything is fine. Besides, we’re out of time to worry anyway, if we don’t book it to homeroom we’re going to be late.” Deciding to leave the conversation off a strong note of reassurance, Kitamoto promptly twists his worry wort friend away from the door and starts off towards homeroom. He can hear a sigh from behind him and Nishimura starting his only rush to not get another tardy. He knows his friend means well with his fussing, but there is nothing to worry about. The five of them could give Natsume a bag of rocks and he’d probably feel honored that they gave him anything at all.
He smiles a bit at that thought as he slips into homeroom, all of his friends are so ridiculous.
Today is not going quite as planned. The original plan was to work late yesterday so he could leave early today, but of course the client pushed up the timetable on this project, meaning Shigeru’s contribution had to be finished before the weekend. Now Shigeru is stuck in in line at the post office amidst all everyone else who just got off work. A glance at his watch confirm he’s not going to make it home in time to wrap the present. He’s a bit disappointed, he knows where the wrapping paper was and the effort Touko had to go through to get it. The line shuffles forward as another person claims their spoils and something on the wall catches his eye. It’s a bag, dark blue with sliver stars on it. There’s nothing particularly special about it, except if he remembers correctly it might be just the right size. He grabs it just in case, it isn’t the wrapping Touko retrieved earlier today but it’s better than nothing.
“You’ve got that look on your face again. What’s bothering you this time?” Nyanko asks as soon as the two of them are alone.
“Nishimura has been acting weird today,” Natsume responds, the little crinkle in his brow still present. “I can’t tell if he’s mad at me for something.”
Well, that’s about what he thought. After watching the kid grow increasingly more jumpy as the little group’s plans came together, Nyanko isn’t surprised Natsume twisted it around to make it his fault. “Did you do something that would make him mad at you?”
Natsume slows down as he thinks, probably going over every interaction he’s ever had with Nishimura since they met. “I don’t think so…” he eventually replies, hesitance obvious in his voice.
“Then don’t worry about it. If he’s got some issue with you he should tell you.” He knows there’s no problem, but Natsume needs to hear stuff like that from time to time anyway. “It’s not your problem he’s being weird.”
Natsume looks down at his sensei walking in front of him and thinks for a bit. “Nishimura will probably tell me when he’s ready,” he decides, and tries to push the thought from his head.
“I’m home,” Touko hears accompany a quiet shuffling from the general direction of the front door. Looks like Takashi beat Shigeru back after all. Ah well.
“Welcome back,” she responds as she finishes placing the plates on the table. She examines her spread, smiling at the short longevity of the perfection of the three settings before her. The small noises grow louder as they grow closer and soon enough he’s standing in the doorway, Nyankichi strolling between his feet to examine the meal laid out for them. His plate is still on the counter, where it will stay until everyone is seated and ready to eat.
He looks slightly worried about something and that won’t do at all, so she scoops him into a hug until he relaxes and hugs back. When she pulls away there’s a hint of a smile on his face that belies a silent thank you. She users him into his seat and before she can even step away she hears the door open again.
Shigeru’s announcement of his arrival is greeted by two voices, a small thing that will never fail to bring joy to her heart. He appears in the doorway moments later, slightly disheveled and carrying a blue bag that doesn’t quite conceal the gift inside. It’s clear he rushed back from the post office in an attempt to arrive before Takeshi even though he had already realized it was unlikely, judging from the gift bag.
“Sorry I’m late, I got held up at work and the post office was slow as always,” He tells the two as he takes his seat and gently places the bag next to Takashi. “This is for you, from both of us.”
The furrow between his brows is back, but this time his face is full of confusion instead of concern. Takashi slowly looks from the notebook peeking out of the bag to Shigeru and finally to Touko.
“You didn’t think we’d not get you something for your birthday did you? That wouldn’t do at all.” Everything about her reply is carefully crafted to be the warm and cheerful response Takashi always deserves, but Touko can’t help the deep seated anger at all the faceless relatives that would make this wonderful boy doubt a birthday present. “I know it’s a bit early, but we thought you might want to spend tomorrow with your friends.”
His gaze drifts back to the gift bag as a blush covers his cheeks. “Oh…thank you,” comes his small reply and Touko’s heart aches for all the past birthdays he endured before coming to them.
“Well,” Shigeru prompts, smile leaking into his voice “go on and open it. I know the bag is a bit small but I thought it would be better than nothing.”
Takashi slowly pivots the bag so the opening is facing him and very carefully removes the sketchbook and pencil set from within. He handles them so delicately, like he can’t believe they’re real and could vanish any moment. When he looks back up his eyes are a bit teary and Touko works very hard to suppress her urge to hug him again.
“We thought you might like somewhere centralized to keep all your sketches,” Shigeru says, grabbing Touko’s hand. “The pencils were Touko’s idea.”
“Thank you,” Takashi says again, this time without any hesitance at all. He carefully places the set as far away from the food as the table will allow, almost as if he’s afraid to have them out of his sight. “Thank you for everything.”
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sarukui · 7 years
natori appreciation post
reasons why natori shuuichi deserves more love and hugs :’) this is very image-heavy under the ‘read more’! no spoilers if you’re caught up with the anime.
as a sidenote: i did not include chapter 84.1 aka special 17 for spoiler reasons since it hasn’t been animated, but i recommend checking out the chpt! it’s another natori focused chapter where you’ll learn more about his character c:
01) first things first, let’s start off with some natori background info: 
he was born with strong spiritual powers !! during natori’s first exorcist meeting he was asked about the color of a kimono hanging outside and he replied with “deep red.” as reference, the truly strong, rumored matoba seiji sees gold floral patterns on the kimono; takuma sees the kimono closer to a red-orange. natori lies somewhere in between.
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02) he comes from the natori clan (which specializes in paper shikigami); it used to be well known in the exorcist business, but slowly disappeared as less and less people in the clan could see youkai ... until shuuichi came along generations later.
03) BUTTTTT shuuichi had a harsh childhood and was blamed for all the disasters that struck his family.
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but look at little natori helping hiiragi with her bandages.
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who else is crying? please protect this child.
04) and has to live with a youkai crawling all over his body (does he feel it? does it tickle? i’m just --). unfortunately, it’s a factor that started his dislike of youkai. there was a page where natsume said that natori probably sees youkai as a misfortune.
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05) had to deal with people gossiping about him (at school) and his family (at exorcist meetings)
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06) can we respect how much he’s self-studied to become the strong exorcist he is now. it takes a lot of courage to enter the exorcist business by himself with very little prior knowledge.
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even went after the three-horned youkai by himself (natori please... chill, don’t hurt yourself...), which was feared, but targeted by many exorcists (but matoba helped him lmao)
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... but please give yourself more credit than that natori. unlike natori, the two exorcists didn’t even sense the presence of the youkai before it attacked.
07) fast forward half a decade, he is apparently so strong now, his rivals even sends him cursed voice messages in attempts to scare him.
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08) look at how talented he is with paper shiki now.
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and he manages to stay cool and composed even in stressful moments (but it’s kinda sad when you think about it too ??)
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(note: right bubble = tanuma, left bubble = nyanko not exactly a praise, but kinda a big deal when it’s said by nyanko sensei)
srsly tho how are you so calm here when a youkai wants to eat you.
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09) a really important point: he is VERYYYYYYY protective over natsume takashi.
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aka natsume.
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can we talk about how natori grabbed natori’s hand to pull him into safety :’)
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...there’s more protective natori scenes, but this is getting long LOL but i think it’s proven that natori worries about this kid because he’s an important friend.
but it’s nice seeing how natori’s changed-ish. he doesn’t want to involve natsume in any exorcist business anymore, but that may seem even tougher now that he knows about the book of friends.
BONUS: he’s an up and coming actor, who’s apparently released a CD and been in movies, even nishimura’s a fan. how do you find the time natori.
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lol never change natori.
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goodlucktai · 8 years
are you still accepting natsume prompts? you're writing is amazing holy cow thank you so much for posting these and blessing us all with these wonderful fics Prompt: one of the guardians natsume used to live with run into natsume and some of his friends in a store/mall and try making him look bad, but his friends step in and defend him (and then they all go have a good day together)
“Natsume listen. Listen. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Natsume is grinning widely, amused and affectionate and maybe pleased, too, if the pink in his cheeks has anything to say about it. Nishimura is holding him by the shoulders with both hands, hopefully impressing upon him just how big of a deal this is.
“I can’t believe you got us into a private screening of Natori Shuichi’s new drama. How do – I mean – what kind of connections do you have?”
“It’s nothing impressive, really. Natori is a – friend,” Natsume says, and stumbles over the word. More like he’s not used to saying it than because it doesn’t truly apply, and that makes Nishimura want to drop his shoulders and wrap him up in a hug instead. “He was happy to have us here.”
‘Happy’ seems like too mild a word.
“Natsume! Thank you for coming!” Natori beams, as though Natsume was doing him a favor, instead of the more obvious other way around. He’s a pretty great actor, but his delight seems sincere as he looks over them all. “And you brought your friends, after all. Did you all enjoy the show?”
Tanuma coughs delicately into his fist, and Kitamoto quickly finds something else in the room to look at. That’s okay, though—Sasada and Taki and Nishimura himself are way more than enough to make up for the wet blankets’ lack of interest.
Natori indulges them warmly, answering their dozens of questions with equal enthusiasm, and patiently signing posters they thrust up at him, and posing for selfie after selfie. The girls are absolutely besotted, and so is Nishimura honestly, and he glances over his shoulder to find Natsume to thank him again, because wow.
Except Natsume isn’t where they left him. Nishimura blinks, and forgets Natori exists, just a little bit; turning to take in the rest of the room in search of a familiar head of dusty blond.
“Man,” he mutters to himself, frowning when he doesn’t spot his wayward friend right away. “How does he do that?”
Tanuma and Kitamoto are coming back from the refreshments bar, carefully balancing drinks for the whole group in their hands, and Nishimura says, “Hey, did Natsume go with you?”
“What? No,” Kitamoto says, pausing in passing out cans of cold tea. “Wasn’t he just here?”
They all take a moment to appreciate the Natsume-shaped absence in their party. Tanuma’s expression does something bizarre, shifting slowly from confusion to alarm, and he trades a weighted glance with Taki that Nishimura can’t make heads or tails of. Natori’s perfect smile fades.
“Oh, there he is,” Sasada says suddenly, pointing Natsume out of the crowd.
He’s been sequestered into a corner by two women who look about Touko’s age. They’re well-dressed and only slightly taller than him but they seem to loom, and Nishimura can’t make out what they’re saying or what their faces look like, but he doesn’t like the tight way Natsume’s shoulders are curved.
He shoves his canned tea back towards Kitamoto without looking. “I’m gonna go, uh – “ Rescue him wouldn’t sound right, but Nishimura is moving forward automatically to do exactly that anyway, without second-guessing himself for a second. “ – I mean. I’ll be right back.”
Someone says his name, but he’s already halfway across the room at that point, and he doesn’t want to hear whatever the women are saying to make Natsume look so small, so he pointedly doesn’t listen. 
(Still, he makes out a “–can’t believe this, what are you thinking coming here–” and feels ice gather in the pit of his stomach.)
“Natsume!” Nishimura says sternly, interrupting as obnoxiously as he knows how. The women frown at him, but he has loads of scary aunts and older cousins – these people don’t phase him in the slightest. “What the heck? You can’t just wander off like that. This isn’t a supermarket with a service desk where I can make a lost child announcement, you know.” 
He doesn’t know what’s going on here, he doesn’t know if he’s maybe misreading the situation, but he knows Natsume. And Natsume blinks round eyes at him, and Nishimura hates – really, hates – how dark those eyes are, like it’s the beginning of their friendship all over again. It took lots of hard work and dedication to brighten this guy up, and one conversation is enough to tarnish that? 
Something swells in Nishimura’s chest, something white-hot and toothed, ballooning under his ribcage with what feels like enough force to crack bone. The arm he slings around Natsume’s shoulders is less of a tease and more of a guard. 
“So who are you talking to over here?” he says, as if noticing Natsume’s company for the first time; and he can’t help the acid turn his voice takes. “Do you know them?”
“They’re,” Natsume says, and his voice is so small. “Um. Relatives. I stayed with once.”
Pieces come together with all the force of tectonic plates colliding, and Nishimura’s eyes narrow. He can’t help it. 
The last time he remembers feeling this protective was probably back on the day he and Kitamoto taught Natsume how to ride a bicycle, those pleasant hours of late afternoon that swept by so fast. He had been unprepared for how thin Natsume’s shoulders would be, how fragile his back would feel under Nishimura’s hands. This quiet, gentle ghost of a boy, who laid in the grass with them under a darkening sky and laughed, eyes bright with happy wonder – like he had never laid in the grass and laughed with friends before.
His fingers curl into Natsume’s shirt. He opens his mouth, and he’s not sure what’s going to come out but he knows the words are shaped like something he’d get smacked for saying at home, something mean for the sake of being mean.
“My, my,” a familiar voice says, from behind and above Nishimura’s shoulder. He turns, and finds himself looking up into Natori’s smiling face. “What have we here?”
If there’s anything Natsume’s relatives were expecting, it wasn’t for the actor of the hour to appear out of thin air next to their former charge. Their eyes widen, and the disdain drips out of their faces like a leaky faucet.
“Nothing,” Natsume says quickly. There’s color rising in his face, and the dart of his eyes is ashamed. “I was just – talking. To my cousins.” 
“Your cousins?” The chill in Natori’s pleasant tone of voice brings the temperature of the room down whole degrees. “Wonderful. You know how pleased I am to meet your relatives, Natsume – the Fujiwaras were absolutely charming, after all.” 
The tables have turned. Two against one turns into two against seven, as the rest of their group is only steps behind Natori. Taki slips her arm through Natsume’s, hugging close to his side, and Tanuma’s hand finds a home on the small of Natsume’s back. Kitamoto and Sasada are an unflinching presence on Nishimura’s other side, and Nishimura thinks, Ha. 
He’s not as easy to bully anymore, is he?
“You don’t have to introduce us, Natsume,” Natori says, with that same cold kindness, and his hand lands lightly on Natsume’s hair. “Why don’t you go meet my co-stars, I’ve told them all about you. I’ll be along in a minute.”
It’s a dismissal if Nishimura’s ever heard one, and Tanuma and Taki are already tugging Natsume away. Loathe to lose his prime spot at Natsume’s side, Nishimura scuttles along, only casting a single glance over his shoulder. Kitamoto hasn’t budged, dark eyes bright with the same protective fury Nishimura felt before, and Natori doesn’t send him away. 
“What was all that about?” Sasada asks quietly. She’s not a usual fixture in their group, she isn’t sure of the dynamics. Nishimura can feel Natsume go tense under his arm, so he shrugs, even though this is the least shrug-appropriate situation that he can think of. 
“I dunno. Just sounded like Natori wanted to have a talk with them, that’s all.”
“Sorry,” Natsume offers softly, when Natori rejoins them minutes later. Natori’s face does something gentle, and his smile is warm again, without any sharp edges. 
“Don’t be,” the man replies. “If anything, I’m sorry. I’ll make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.”
“Yeah,” Kitamoto says, sounding impressed. “He blacklisted them. Indefinitely. From like, everything. I think they’ll have a hard time buying one of his CDs from now on.”
“Natori,” Natsume starts, in some surprise and some protest. Natori waves it away, cutting him off without any cruelty. 
“Good,” Taki says decisively, and Sasada nods, but Natsume looks stunned. 
Color comes slowly back into his pale face after that, the shadows in his eyes burned slowly away by that brighter something Nishimura missed so much. He manages a smile, and it’s small and limping but it’s sincere, and Nishimura likes to think it’s because of them. At least a little bit. For being there, for standing like a wall between him and potential hurt, even though he never asked them to.
He asks Kitamoto about it later on, when both of them are sitting on theriverbank near home in the early dusk, with convenience store icecream melting in their hands and no real need to rush in for the night. 
“It just seems kinda obvious Natori would do something like that, you know? I mean, he loves Natsume, and he doesn’t care about those other people, so it just – makes sense? But Natsume looked totally blindsided by it.”
“Well, I don’t think he’s used to it,” Kitamotosays slowly. “That – pettiness. Pettiness for a friend.”
At Nishimura’s blank stare, Kitamoto rolls his eyes and resigns himself to further explanation.
“It’s like– imagine you saw someone throw my bookbag into the river.Then later on in the day, it starts raining really heavily, andthat person asks you if they can borrow your umbrella. What would yousay?”
Hackles rising at the hypothetical, Nishimura scowls. “’Drown.’”
It makes Kitamoto laugh, warm and fond. He’s grinning as he says, “See? It’s petty,but it’s for my sake. Getting back at them for me, in thesmallest way you can. And it’ssomething good friends just do. AndI just – don’t think that Natsume has ever – y'know. Had good friends to do that for him.”
Nishimura thinks about that, and finds himself nodding. “Yeah,” he says, warming to the idea, “okay. I can do petty.”
Kitamoto leans back in the grass, and his expression is a familiar blend of amusement and affection that Nishimura can trace back all the way to their preschool days. 
“You do plenty already, Satchan. You just don’t see it.”
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