#does Koichi have all for one? sure he deserves it
MHA Vigilantes Day 6
Prompt: Mirror/ Number 6/ Alternate Ending
He begins to pull on the quirk, wrenching it away from the Skycrawler’s body. The Crawler writhes in pain, attempting to escape the villain’s grip, but All for One holds tight on his face.
In the struggle, All for One focuses. He closes his eyes and waits to feel the telltale-deadweight in his hands as the Crawler goes limp, but it never comes. 
Instead, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in an empty black landscape. The floors and ceiling are indistinguishable from each other in the void, but he can tell he’s still standing on solid ground.
In front of him stands a single figure with his back to him.
“Pretty blank, huh?” the figure asks. 
“What?” All for One snarls, disoriented and confused at being pulled away from the battlefield.  
The figure takes no stock to All for One’s anger as he replies, “This place.” He gestures with a swirling hand above him. “I was surprised. I always knew that that guy was a bit of an airhead, but I didn’t expect his mind to literally be a blank slate. Guess there’s really nothing going on up here after all!” He cheers. 
“Where am I and who are you?” All for One demands. Did he miss something? Was there a hero on the battlefield that he was unaware of that had some kind of illusion quirk?
“Aw come on boss, you really don’t recognize me? I have to say that bites.” The figure leans on the last word, dragging it out into a higher note. 
All for One furrows his brow. 
“I mean, I guess you’d have no reason to think about me,” the man continues, “After all, I am dead,” he chuckles lightly, then turns his head and flashes a terribly creepy smile, “But for some reason, I’m still here.”
In front of All for One stands the image of Number 6. Dressed as he was the day he died, in his hero suit and trench coat.
“Hi boss," he smiles, "betcha didn’t think you’d see me again!”
Questions run through All for One’s head. “Wha- How?” he demands.
“I don’t know,” 6 answers. “I was honestly hoping you knew, but if you don’t that’s okay. I’m honestly not that bothered. It’s been entertaining, watching through his eyes as you guys try the whole ‘take over the world thing’.” He gestures with his hands. “Sucks that I couldn’t be apart of the fun.”
All for One confusion turn to anger now. He stalks up to Number 6 and grabs his collar and holds him in the air.
“This isn’t possible, you burned up along with everything else that night.”
“Apparently not,” 6 shrugs, unaffected by the fact that he’s dangling by All for One’s grip two feet off the ground. He watches the emotions battle across All for One’s face. Confusion, anger, and then...
“You’re afraaaaiiid,” he sing-songs. “You’re worried that something went wrong here, and I honestly can’t blame you because I think it did," he suddenly whispers, low and conspiratorial to All for One like he's sharing a secret. 
“I always did wonder if the Doc was telling the truth about all those quirks he put in me. Though that you migha be lying. That maybe he slipped something extra in as a test. After all, you wouldn’t want your prized pupil to kick the bucket if you discovered there was come complication with holding your quirk.”
He watches All for One’s face turn to horror. The counter of 6's mouth twitches into a smile.
“You had it all figured out.” He continues. “You pulled the wool over my eyes and were ready to let me burn out in one last blaze of glory! But then, something unexpected happened.” 
“I let him live,” he whispers. “You weren’t prepared for that.”
All for One stays silent, but drops Number 6 onto his feet, apparently tired of trying to intimidate him. He scowls and tries to look down on 6 with a face of disgust. 
It doesn't work. 
“Well, you have bigger problems than me to deal with right now, anyway.” 6 finally shrugs as he stares directly into All for One’s eyes.
6 can see it in his eyes. He knows he's lost. 
“Do you remember what you told me?” 6 says quietly, almost reverently. “What you said was the only effective strategy against an opponent such as the Crawler?”
All for One’s pupils dilate. He does remember what he said, he has to. 
The grin that splits his face is gleeful and manic as he purrs, “Run.”
// You say Run begins to play
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
My Top 5 BLs of 2022
5. Choco Milk Shake
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I would say it should have been poly but I can’t say that without including Uncle Coffeeshop, since he and Milk sort of stole the show for me. A fun, heartwarming, sometimes unexpectedly emotionally taxing story, it would be higher but the end sort of fell apart for me for reasons I can’t really explain. Still, highly enjoyable. Overall rating 8/10.
4. Kabe Koji
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Zany fun except for when it really wasn’t, this drama sort of took me by surprise. Episode 7 in particular elevated it for me by giving me a wholly unexpected depiction of what self-loathing and depression does to both the person feeling it and their relationships. I never found Nekoyashiki so relatable as I did in that episode - it hit me right in the gut, because it was uncomfortably familiar. That episode was the one that made me really sit up and take notice of this show - late in the game, sure, but who cares? 
Aside from that, really enjoyed Tsubasa’s everything, Issei’s whole “super sunny but I will also cut you” thing, and Nekoyashiki’s hair. I loved the character but that hair is glorious and deserves a mention. 9/10
3. Old Fashion Cupcake
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Aaaah, that that thumb bite. A gif of that was the entire reason I watched this drama, and I was happy I did. It’s a slick, well-done drama that deals with getting older and feeling like you’re past your prime, office romances, age gap romances, and lovely, epic pining. The thirst in this one is A+. Also I want pretty much every single dessert that they eat. It’s just very well done. 9.5/10.
2. Semantic Error
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Oh, this drama. I love this drama so very much. It is an example of just how good Korea can be - and showcases that yes, actually, it can serve good kiss. Shots are gorgeous, colors are gorgeous - I love the way they play with red and blue and shades of purple and what these colors represent about the relationship between Jaeyoung and Sangwoo. I love the hyungs and what they say about their relationship. Hell, even the names they give each other on their phones says a lot about where they are. The chemistry is excellent and very shallowly, both of the Parks are gorgeous. And it also features this glorious woman:
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who I adore. Honestly everything just came together for this drama, I’ve watched it too many times. 10/10 and would be number one if not for
1. Eternal Yesterday
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If you’ve even glanced at my blog, this one should come as no surprise. I love it, love it, love it. Everything about it was perfect to me - yes, even the story, tragic ending and all. The meditation on grief and loss was painful as hell but excellent, and I really felt like I was going through the grieving process along with Mitsuru. Soundtrack is most excellent, even if currently I am still unable to listen to either the beginning or ending songs without bursting into tears. Mitsuru is exactly my kind of character, too - the reticent, reserved character who opens up to one person and loves so fiercely that it’s almost palpable. And I can never ever get enough of the way Koichi looks at him, or the sweet, tender way they are with each other. The yearning with this one is strong; even when they’re together you can feel the loss coming, and their every embrace is so full of aching tenderness and the knowledge of that loss, even when Mitsuru is doing his best to pretend otherwise. 
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I fully, one hundred percent buy that these two adore each other beyond all reason, and what’s more, that they want each other, too, which is not something I often get out of JBL. Too often one is selling the romance while the other seems reluctant at best, but not here, and I think that’s what makes it work so well. The heart of this drama is really Mitsuru and Koichi’s love for each other, and if they both weren’t pulling it off it would have fallen flat. Japan really went and gave us some of the best chemistry with the saddest premise, huh? Perhaps the biggest tragedy of this drama is that we’ll never get to see these two star in another BL together, this time with a happy ending (frankly, I’ll be very surprised if we see either of them in another BL again, full stop). 10/10 with the highest possible recommendation (if you can stand the pain).
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 85, Replies Part 2
1) “Phelps, once again, don`t fucking start after you turned a blind eye for over two years. You more than anyone can be blamed by the vigilantes around the neighborhood.”- He turned a blind eye to a bunch of kids ‘playing’ vigilante, but if a serious incident like Bee Pop had occurred at any point during that time skip, he’d have been all over it and acting like he is now. 2) “Well, saying stuff like that make me question your previous affirmation of not been won over his little speech, even if you are secretly on their side considering the whole Knuckles affair. Luckily, Phelps is a moron and won`t notice it.”-He did say that Soga’s little speech didn’t win him over…because Knuckles had already long convinced him to lend a hand to the Vigilantes, so he was always on their side from the start. 3) “Goddammit dude, you`re not a metronome to keep swinging from one side to another like that, decide already if you want to imply you agree or not with them before Phelp`s brain starts short-circuiting.”- He wants to keep Phelps on his toes and also perhaps convince him to loosen up his strict worldviews a little by getting him to see things from a different perspective. 4) “Oh, so Endeavor got ahead of himself and acted unwisely when dealing with a villain? Interesting, I wonder if this will ever be relevant again”- Well, at the very least, at present, he’s acting unwisely when facing Tomura solo because there are no good chocies to make, so he’s making the best of the ones he has. 5) “koichi, stop doomscrolling, this is bed for your mental health. Get back to hunting down the bastard that made that mess in the first place.”- He’s not Knuckles. So he can’t detective out a trail on Nomura’s shadowy moments to find his lair. Luckily for Koichi, in this case he doesn’t need to, because the situation has provided him with the perfect bait to lure Nomura to him instead. 6) “You do? That`s new to me Koichi, the only time I actually saw someone threatening you was when you were stopping them from committing crimes, which is an understandable reaction from them. I don`t remember a single time besides that where someone wanted to kill you”- What Koichi’s saying is that there’s a difference between irate people yelling that they’ll kill him because he’s annoying, and somebody genuinely, whole-heartedly meaning it, and he’s never faced that kind of intense focused animosity from somebody else before, nor does he understand what he did to deserve it. 7) “Don`t worry about that Koichi, you don`t have the full picture
hell, we that do have it still don`t get what he`s on about. “- By his own admittance, everything about Nomura is half-baked and incomplete, thus even when he explains himself, there’s s till a sense of him being ‘hollow’ or just ‘not right’ somehow. Like he’s trying to fit into a role he’s just incompatible with and pretending to be something he’s not, because not even he’s sure what he is. 8) “That depends, do you still have your gun?”- He’s got a sniper rifle, and a perfect vantage point to scope out the target whenever he arrives. 9) “…
And… the hospital is just gonna let you guys do that? And the heroes and the police are cool with it as well?”- Well, not like they can stop them from loitering on the street if they’re just hanging outside the hospital grounds – and those of them in the know will appreciate the minor extra help with keeping an eye out for Pop. 10) “For a moment I almost thought it was McBee, but he wouldn`t be this stupid- no, he would, but it would be too soon for him to do that.
Also, even this dude can tell those guys were not supposed to be here, where`s the police to stop those thugs from shaking down innocent workers? Too busy arresting people that are fighting crime for free?”-  I figure Tanuma is pulling some strings to avoid them getting some extra flak for this whilst Pop’s still in critical condition. Once she wakes up and can move on her own, then the police will likely turn their attention outwards, but whilst she’s asleep and vulnerable, they’re focusing their attention on those immediately nearby her, not outside the hospital doors. 11) “OH WOW WAS THAT KOICHI
HOLY SHIT, AND APPARENTLY HE`S SOMEWHERE FAR SINCE THE DUDE DIDN`T EVEN SAW HIM”- Koichi is now a lethal weapon, locked and loaded. 12) “oh he was far
also, again, Koichi is just sniping people from ontop a building and the police wasn`t alerted? Nor the heroes? Nobody came to see what the fuss is all about? Even though they are looking for him as well?”- The media guy’s not likely to kick up a fuss given he was trying to illegally obtain footage of pop, and again, I figure Tanuma is doing what he can to direct attention away from the group whilst they’re on the lookout for the real villain. 13) “WAIT WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT OF SNIPING DOWN THAT GUY`S TOOLBOX, SECURITY WOULD NEED TO CHECK IT BEFORE THEY LET HIM IN, ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY WOULDN`T SENT IT THROUGH A X-RAY MACHINE? WHAT THE FUCK?
I MEAN, IT WAS COOL, BUT STILL!”- True, but again, this group aren’t trusting  anything to the heroes or the police. Even if the guy had been stopped by security, they’re doing what they can to make the checks themselves, unwilling to trust anything about Pop’s well-being to the authorities beyond what they have to.
14) “Our guy right there, although I’d love to know what the hell that quirk is even supposed to do”-  It allows criminals to walk free of police custody. @thelreads
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soupbabe · 3 years
hi i had seen you did the crusaders with a chubby s/o but i was wondering if you can do one with the duwang gang and a chubby s/o? please and thank you king!
Part 4 characters w a Chubby! S/O
Did I extend this to more than the Duwang Gang? Yea. Why? Because everyone in jjba would love and spoil a chubby S/O. Araki told me himself it's canon
Josuke Higashikata
He really isn't one to focus on looks in a relationship
The first thing he would love about you would be your personality, it's just a plus that you have a nice body !!
Literally you are so perfect to him omg he can't help but to smile like an idiot when you're around
On the weekends/during summer break when you're not in your school uniform and just a pair of shorts and a tank top he just melts omg
You look so good!! He's respectful with it and not roaming his eyes everywhere, but that won't stop his blushing when he sees your plush form walking over to him
He loves your thick thighs so much
Perfect pillows for when he's having a rough day
When spending time together he will do anything he can just so he can lay down on your thighs
Sometimes when you both are getting ready to go to bed he does it and lets you comb your fingers through his hair
Okuyasu Nijimura
I do headcanon Okuyasu as a bit chubby so in my mind he has no room to judge
Not that he would in the first place
First time he saw you he (not so subtlety) whispered to Josuke that he thought you were hot
He would want to hug you so much and be all over you
You're just really soft to him and like?? It's heaven
Dates to Tonio's is a must
You're a growing y/n he has to treat you right
Please don't be insecure about eating in front of him, he's literally the best at making an atmosphere more comfortable
His favorite part of you might be your chubby cheeks
He enjoys squishing them from time to time, lovingly calling them your "chipmunk cheeks"
Koichi Hirose
A lot of characters in this aren't the shallow type and Koichi is no exception!
You're just so nice and caring towards him it just makes his heart go fast around you
Absolutely loves holding your chubby hands they're just so soft to him and so comforting
Same with hugs he loves getting hugs from you
Yea it leaves him a blushing mess but it's so worth it
He loves laying on your big tummy so much
He could easily fall asleep, face buried in the soft flesh
Probably the best sleep he got, would recommend sleeping on a chubby y/n again
Rohan adores chubby bodies
Rohan Kishibe
Loves giving you designer clothes
Plus if you're more confident in yourself, it makes him like 3x more attractive omg
You look so pretty/handsome/whatever you prefer when the clothes he bought you bring out your favorite parts of your body and your curves
He loves drawing you so much
He calls you his muse a lot
If you're ever having one of those bad days where your body doesn't just "look right" to you, Rohan would simply tell you that you're very attractive and that there's nothing to worry about
Later on he would show you all of his drawings of you, capturing your beauty like no other
Hell, he could take a tiny insecurity like a double chin and make it look like the prettiest thing to exist in his artwork
He loves your stretch marks so much
When you two have the down time to just do nothing but be lazy in bed, he loves tracing them in silence
Yoshikage Kira
This man doesn't care what you look like
You only got his attention when your hands touch when he dropped something and you went to give it back to him
Yes, he usually went for slim, more feminine hands, but yours was just so soft and he thought your chubby little fingers were the cutest
Although you weren't a Mona Lisa, he still was a changed man
It was then when he saw the rest of you and thought that you were stunning
He checked his watch, mentally cursed himself for running late to work
He gave you a business card with his number on it and asked you out to lunch as a thank you
He loves having lunch with you
You two holding hands while you both talked about your day was the highlight of his
He loves giving you rings and watches, he thinks it just makes your hands shine through and he says that you deserve to be pampered
That being said he absolutely loves your hands
How his slender and somewhat bony fingers perfectly fit with your pudgy ones makes him smile
Yukako Yamagishi
Oh you're perfect to her!
So soft, you're like her personal teddy bear!
It's surprising if your self esteem hasn't risen even a little bit once you're with her
She loves complementing you so much
Will steal your clothes
And guess what.
She's another character I headcanon as plus size so you both are going to be stealing each others clothes
Best home cooked meals wow
Will make sure you get everything you need and aren't skipping meals
She would be so scary if she finds out that you aren't taking care of yourself
She cannot choose her favorite part of you
You ask her and she will say all of the above
Toshikazu Hazamada
He doesn't get out much tbh
I'll be honest anime/manga has definitely risen his expectations when it comes to appearance for a s/o
Gotta wait til he gets humbled shorter if you ever want to be with him
By then he should get it through his head that not everyone is going to have the flat stomach or big muscles as anime might have him believe
I feel like after that he might be open to collecting more diverse anime figurines, including the cute chubby anime mascots you can find online
When you said that you had feelings for him he grew so flustered that he actually accepted
It doesn't matter what you really look like to him anymore, if you like him he would like you back
Please let him sit in your lap and let him hug you
Would constantly suggest you to cosplay a character from his figurine collection
He wants his anime fav come to life you would make him so happy
Something just tells me that he would really like flabby arms tbh
The feeling of your squishy arms around him when you two hug makes his heart go so fast and his face so red
Loves cuddling up and laying his head on your arms
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sslow-dancer · 4 years
“Be Quiet.” (Rohan Kishibe x Fem Reader)
Warnings: dubcon, degradation/humiliation, fingering, edging, slight spanking, slapping, nsfw
tags: fxm, rohan kishibe x fem reader, dom!rohan x sub!reader, nsfw, smut
Description: When you accidentally disrupt Rohan’s train of thought when drawing his latest manga, he has his own ways of punishing you for doing so.
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It had been over a month since you and Rohan last got intimate. Ever since he released his newest manga, he’s choosen to spew out new chapters and volumes left and right like no other mangaka has instead of paying attention to you or really anyone who comes by the Kishibe house.
With all this information, it honestly made you very upset. You were never really the clingy type prior and after dating Rohan, but with all that’s been going on in and outside the home, you couldn’t help but mourn him even though he was in the office right next to your room.
When free, you’d do your best to take him out to dinner or have him hang out with friends like Josuke and Koichi (though of course he’d automatically refuse if Josuke is even slightly mentioned of coming to your hangout). Either way, it didn’t work. You knew he could be the cold type but hearing him repeatedly say no over and over again for weeks finally made you completely hopeless.
It’s now present time, you lie in your bed silently humming to a tune while reading a book. Rohan is of course in his office drawing up god knows what chapter he’s on. You yawn at the thought of taking a nap. You rub at your eyes as you place your book on the nightstand, sighing as you look at the time. He should be coming to bed by now, you think.
You go to remove your shirt, leaving you in a soft pink nightgown with pink shorts under. You have only been sleeping in this gown for a short while, a small voice in the back of your mind telling you to wear it to impress Rohan and possibly make him have other thoughts. Though you’re not sure yourself if pink and small frills is his thing, you wore it anyway to see if anything would or will happen.
You walk over to Rohan’s office, silently opening the door to see what he was doing.
“Rohannie...” you call out in a sweet voice, closing the door behind you. You were probably the only person in the world that was allowed to call your boyfriend that (though he did briefly mention that an old friend of his called him that back in the day).
Rohan looks up from his desk, keeping his face turned away from you. He sighs putting down his pen,
“Be quiet.”
You frown, placing your hands behind your back.
“Did you even knock? Did I allow you to come in?”
You’re taken aback by his sterness, you answer anyway,
“No I just thought-“
“You, “I just thoughtt”, what?”
He’s turned his chair; facing you now and clearly mocking your words and tone. You purse your lips, turning to exit back to your room. You yelp when you feel a hand aggressively pull you back from your wrist, their grip strong. It was Rohan’s hand, you hear the words “Heaven’s Door” before blacking out.
~ Time Skip ~
You wake up, the only thing in sight being the wooden ceilings of your home. You were on the floor, your gown bunched up to your chest and shorts slightly rising up your abdomen.
You couldn’t remember what had happened before you ended up here. You rub at your temple as you try to remember until your thoughts are disrupted by a pair of familiar hands on both sides of your waist. Before you even have time to fully react, you feel your ass resting on Rohan’s lap, his breath ghosting over your face as he goes to rub at your inner thigh.
You moan, your touch depriveness slowly wanting to leave your body. You close your eyes as he moves closer to your sex. Rohan hums, his lips forming into a smirk once he turns his soft rubbing to full on spanking. You gasp at this, immediately opening your eyes to wiggle against him; to let him know you didn’t like this. He only chuckles, keeping a firm grip on your thigh and placing his other hand on your face, caressing your cheek lightly as he speaks,
“Not fun being ripped away from your thoughts, huh? Well, don’t think I’ll stop my actions for you, you dumb slut. I’ll stop when I’m satisfied.” he glides his thumb across your lips, keeping his pointer under your chin. He smirks once again, slapping you across the face.
You squeal, raising your hands up to push him away. He prevents you from doing this by grinding his hardness against you, using your desperateness as a manipulative tactic to not let you get away. You miserably fall for this, resting your arms over his shoulders as you feel your wetness seep through your panties as he continues to make you grind into him.
“Huh...you really are naive. You’re being forced to stay here with me but instead of fighting back, you stay anyway because you don’t want to be alone and haven’t been touched like this by me in weeks. You do anything when you’re desperate, I guess my stand never does lie.”
You ignore his words, wanting him to continue his dry thrusting. He goes on,
“You’re so stupid, you look stupid. Look it here,” he pulls down your gown, revealing your breasts, your nipples hardening as they meet the cool air. He grabs at one, aggressively perking up your nipple with his pointer and middle finger, he looks up at you with hungry eyes, “you’re always flaunting them. Secretely wanting all the guys and girls in all of Morioh to look at them. Quick thinking you only do it for me, you do it for everyone. You’re a whore to everyone and anyone.”
“Stop it, Rohan!”
“For the second time, I’ll stop when I want to!”
Rohan pulls your back against his chest, ripping way the middle of your gown with ease so he can get easier access towards your breasts. He gropes at them harshly as he forcefully puts his lips over yours, preventing you from breathing normally. You mumble loudly, he groans in frustration,
“I should’ve written for you to cooperate. Though I’m too lazy to do that now...I guess I’ll just have to make you like it.” he says as he bites your lip to shush your mumbling. You gasp for air once he finally lets go.
While you to try to collect yourself, he bunches up your panties and shorts to the side and inserts two of his fingers inside you. You whimper at the sudden fullness of your sex. Your fluids already embarrassingly pooling down the base of his fingers. Rohan laughs,
“So you do like it, huh? Already so wet for me even before I even touched you. Let’s see how long I can torture you before you cum. So pathetic...”
He inserts a third finger, your legs shaking more than they ever have now. You do your best to balance yourself over his lap by putting both hands on the handles of his chair. God forbid what’d he do if you collapsed against him.
He begins to pump his fingers in and out of you. You blush at the lewd sounds coming from your pussy, progressively getting louder and wetter as he picks up his pace. You begin to feel sweat drip down from your forehead, tears collecting at your eyes as you recognize the coming of an orgasm. You plead,
“Rohan, please! Please let me cum!”
“Please! I’ll do anything!”
“Do anything, huh?”
“Then how about you learn... how not to disturb me!”
He once again slaps you across the face. You moan at the sensation the pain gives you, cumming all over his crotch area. He snakes an arm around your waist, pushing your sensitive clit down onto his hardness. You hiss at actions, resting your head against his shoulder to avoid focusing on what’s going on beanth you. He raises his fingers up to your mouth,
You oblige, sucking his fingers clean. He pats your jaw, laughing as he goes to poke and fiddle with your lips.
“It’s a shame you’re a little good-for-nothing whore, you look so pretty when you follow my orders.”
He pushes you off his lap, your body making a loud thud once it meets the floor. You kneel in front of him, holding your hand out to unzip his flyer, he stops you,
“Not now, I still have work to do. I can take care of it myself. Besides, those lips don’t deserve to be anywhere near my dick, anyway.”
You keep your eyes low as you pick yourself up. Your legs shaking as you open the door, you look up to see if Rohan is watching you. He isn’t. He’s back to drawing again. You sigh stepping out back to your room.
“Make sure you close the door behind you.” he calls out.
You oblige.
A/N: Now I usually don’t write these at the end of my scenarios but holy shit! Did you guys like it? This is my first time writing dubcon and I’m kind of proud of myself. Obviously I’m still learning but I think it’s one of the best writings I’ve done in a while. Anyway, if you’re reading this know that both sfw and nsfw scenarios are still available to request! Thanks for reading x
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mistaeq · 4 years
Tuesday, 29th December
Greek Mythology!Duwang Gang AU: Headcanons
TW // sliiight nsfw-ish or non-con hints in dionysus' part. come on it's dionysus.
Today I offer you these babies. Tomorrow who knows. Hope you enjoy, I had fun with writing these.♡
Greek Mythology AU: Duwang Gang Headcanons. [includes: Higashikata Josuke, Nijimura Okuyasu, Kujo Jotaro, Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, Kishibe Rohan]
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Seen as the most beautiful god, Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. One of the most important and complex of the Greek gods, he is the son of Zeus (Joseph) and brother of Artemis (Holly). As the protector of young, Apollo is concerned with the health and education of children.
He's seen every early morning, on his chariot, to bring the sunlight up in the sky, all over the Olympus. Josuke's the dream of many nymphs, who look at him from afar, singing songs for the god with their sweet voices, a sound so sweet, a sound so celestial... which is covered up by Apollo's voice fucking around the Olympus with young Dionysus (Okuyasu), pulling pranks on Poseidon (Jotaro) or getting drunk.
You're the most envied creature out of everyone in the Olympus, because Josuke only has eyes for you. Envious nymphs stare at you, and comment on you, trying to convince themselves that they're way better than you are.
"Don't listen to their envy and their insults, they don't know how to cope with the fact that I have clear preferences..." he'd say, caressing your cheek and neck. "This is what poisons relationships and romances... envy... jealousy... but we don't have these useless problems, do we, love...?"
His relationship with other gods on the Olympus is usually fine, but it's not like he cares about hiding his feelings. Almost everyone who knows Josuke, will get to know after not even a week that the god is crushing on you, and that he wants to marry you. You sure hope he's not gonna behave the same way he did to Daphne...
It seems that he has healing powers, and if you happen to not to be a deity, he'll gladly use them on you, Josuke wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to you.
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Surely not known for his capability to reasonate, Dionysus was the ancient god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and ecstasy. The god is shown to be a beardless, sensuous, naked or semi-naked youth. Though Dionysus was mostly a kind and generous deity, he could be cruel when he needed it. For some reason, Aphrodite (Yukako) doesn't want to get close to him. She looks scared.
He doesn't do much, during the day. Let's say his favourite thing are feasts. Not really chaste ones, to be completely true. Okuyasu's mind is almost totally hedonistic, and won't feel guilty just because he spent a day watching dancing maenads and had fun teasing them with his Thyrsus instead of caring about whatever mortal dude needed him on Earth. Most of the time he's drunk, but Josuke has his back for some reason.
Many say they don't envy you for being the god's favourite creature, but you don't really care. You enjoy lying down with Okuyasu, caught in a ecstatic feeling as he turns you on with his touch and teaseful words whispered at you.
"Tell me, is it embarrassing for you to be the only one to lie beside me during feasts?" He'd run his lustful gaze and hand all over your body as he asks so, and smirk a little. "No? It isn't...? Sounds like you really like it instead, to be completely honest. Good... really good, in fact. Kiss me now."
He doesn't really have a brilliant relationship with other deities, apart from Apollo. He sometimes sees Echo (Koichi), but not much more. Still, everyone knows it when he has someone he's interested in. The man becomes possessive, Okuyasu will make sure everyone knows you're his. He might give a demonstration during feasts.
He likes to feed you grapes, and in case you liked wine, Okuyasu would want to hold the glass for you as you drink. He likes to do this for you, and you don't mind letting him.
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Poseidon is the violent and ill-tempered god of the sea. He is nowadays known exclusively as a sea god, but in ancient times, he may have been the god of the earth and fertility or even the supreme god of the sky. His huge height and strength come from his Titan parents, Cronus and Rhea. What he can't acquire with romance and gentleness, he does with violence and craftiness.
He sometimes uses the sea as a coping mechanism for his tiring life. Jotaro doesn't find his ocean so bad to be in, he concentrates and spends his time doing stuff gods... do? What does he really do, is not clear? Apollo and Dionysus tried to stick their heads into the water to spy on him several times, without any result. It's not like he's so happy when mortals need his help, but he can't pull back from his duty.
Poseidon probably noticed you because you weren't bugging him for pointless stuff. He likes pleasures too, like most of the deities do really, he just needs to find the right creature for him. Jotaro doesn't enjoy partners who talk too much.
"Don't worry about being a bother for me. You're the first one who isn't truly bothering me, I take it as a goal by now." he'd say, after he closed you in a bubble in order to bring you under the sea with him. "I never dare to show my realm to people who I judge as annoying, remember that."
It's not like he doesn't have a good relationship with other deities, he basically doesn't really care. He'll just be happy with being under the ocean whenever he feels Josuke and Okuyasu approaching, or not to be there during Apollo and Calliope (Rohan) debates. Give him some deserved peace and an ocean and he'll be grateful forever.
If Jotaro lets you in his private place which is the ocean, consider yourself special for him, for he hates having people there, above all people who are there for him purposely.
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Echo is a mountain nymph, or oread. The myth says that Echo offended the goddess Hera by keeping her in conversation, in order to prevent her from spying on one of Zeus' lovers. To punish him, Hera deprived him of speech, except for the ability to repeat the last words of another. Because of this, his good heart is often misunderstood, but he managed to be appreciated nonetheless.
Koichi would rather have no conversations, for he's not able to say nothing more than the last words his interlocutor said. But he's down to make people understand what he wants to say, by writing it down or through gestures. Apollo approached him once, and brought Dionysus along. He doesn't know how to feel about hanging with gods, but since his issue isn't a problem to them, he'll keep them around. Until they misbehave...
When he gets to know you and notices you aren't willing to exclude him for he doesn't talk properly, his heart melts. Echo wants to spend most of his time with you now, since you make him feel comfortable about the problem Hera caused him.
"I love you, I love you, love you, love you, you, you..." he'd repeat, after you told him that. When he wants to say something like this, you say it for him, so that he can repeat it and say it as well. "You're important to me... important to me... important to me... to me... to me... me..."
Look, he's trying his best, really. Deities aren't known for their inclusive ways, and when he asked you if it was because of his past, you quickly said it wasn't. Nobody cared about it there. Deities were like that with every nymph. Echo had a chance to build up a good relationship with Calliope (Rohan). The muse taught him a lot.
He has fun bringing you to places where your voice echoes, to make you judge who does it better between him and the nature. Needless to say, Koichi always wins.
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Aphrodite was known primarily as a goddess of sexual love, beauty, fertility and even occasionally presided over marriage. Even prostitutes considered Aphrodite their patron. She's had many mortal lovers, and none of them should have ever dared to make her upset. She won't be down for forgiveness, she's really never been. Still, Aphrodite found herself often in trouble due to her personality.
Differently from many other deities, Yukako's real fun consisted in watching humans' love stories bloom and wither. Sometimes she was the reason, sometimes she wasn't. Mortals were so easy to play with. It was when she thought that playing gods was just as simple, that she got caught into a trap. Since that mistake, she decided she would have been amused enough to be happy by mortals' love stories.
Oh, Aphrodite's so used to creatures - above all gods - who tried to stick around her for her body only, so that when you give an appreciation for her intelligence, she'll remember it and love you forever. It's like you signed up a free trial to be loved.
"You know, it's difficult to make me feel love so strong I don't even think about the lustful part... but apparently you managed to do so..." she'd say, sitting in the calm forest as she hands you a flower. "It's good to know someone doesn't love you for your body only but for yourself as well."
Yukako's relationship with other deities and creatures is just... ambiguous? She may never judge what's behind everyone's gaze. Hatred? Love? Lust? Who knows. All she knows, is that the only sight of Dionysus makes the ground under her feet disappear in fear. Compared to him, she'll just be fine in everyone else's company.
Everything she does, it's for the good. If it happens to harm you, Yukako definitely didn't mean it. It'll be enough to tell her, and believe me, it won't happen again.
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In Greek mythology Calliope is the muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry. He's called the "Chief of all Muses". He's down to help every literate artist who needs him, gives inspiration and guides the mortals' talented hands, as far as they deserve his power. Calliope's used to be mentioned, and might happen to get upset if not. Even if he's only halfway a deity, he's known for his confidence.
The most famous out of the Muses, Rohan won't forgive anyone who's never heard about him before. He can be seen around Echo a lot lately, since he found the nymph's story interesting and won't hold back from inspiring a mortal with writing about what happened to Koichi. He's used to collect creatures' stories, in order to be written by someone who's talented enough to talk about them properly.
He probably got interested in your story first. Then, for some reason he grew possessive of it. Calliope won't let a mortal put their filthy hands on a story so pure. Let the Muse be the only one who can properly love you.
"This story of yours is so beautiful, I can never have enough... and it's mine only, is it, y/n? Is it?" he'd ask him forever until you answer yes, he'll find no peace at all. "Let me get inspiration from you. Let me be the only one who can properly appreciate your life... just like you deserve."
His relationship with other creatures and deities is... rather good? Rohan's used to have debates and discussions with Josuke, and most of the time they just disagree. Though, many envy his capability of being so creative and smart, mortal writers ask for his help several times. Aphrodite and him sometimes fight over Echo.
He'd write lots of poetries in order to edulcorate your feelings towards him and make you forgive him for his excessive possessiveness. Rohan often succeeds.
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gladdygirl18 · 3 years
Echoing Laughter
Summary: Koichi isn’t in the highest of spirits and claims that he wants to be left alone, even though he wants the company. Luckily, he has two, amazing best friends to turn his frown upside-down and to give him all the company and attention he deserves.
Word Count: 2647
⚠Warning⚠: Mild swearing
Let’s get one thing straight. Koichi Hirose is probably the kindest person you will ever meet. He is very polite and respectful to everyone he meets, and he earns that respect and politeness back. When it comes to his family and his friends, he will lay down his life for them. Koichi is slow to anger but when he is, he's a completely different person. Nevertheless, Koichi Hirose is kind, loving, respectable, polite, and cheerful, and his family and friends love him for it.
However, Koichi wasn’t feeling anything today. He wasn’t feeling his cheerful, upbeat-self for some reason. It’s the summertime here in Morioh, and Koichi has been cooped up in his room for the past few hours for the past few days. The only time he would leave his room was when he was getting something to eat. He would come when a meal was called, then retreat to his room. His sister would try to convince him to come on a bike ride with her, but would respectfully decline by saying,
“Thanks, but no thanks. I just want to be left alone if that’s all right...”
Obviously, she or her mother weren’t all right with this. Koichi would even decline hanging out with Josuke and Okuyasu. That’s when they knew something was definitely wrong. Well, it was nothing serious. Koichi has just been feeling tired and stressed out lately. He says he wants to be alone, but he yearns for company. He just didn’t want to bother his friends or family with his problems.
That day, Josuke and Okuyasu were going over to visit Koichi to see if they can make him feel better. Knocking on the door, Ms. Hirose opened it with a smile.
“Welcome, boys!” she said, “Please, come in.”
The teens thanked the woman and stepped inside.
“Koichi, honey! You’re friends are here!” Ms. Hirose cried.
No response. The woman breathed out a sigh and shook her head in defeat.
“Still not comin’ out of his room?” Josuke asked.
“No... I don’t know what’s going on with him,” Ms. Hirose said, “He’s rarely ever like this.”
“Well, it’s a good thing we’re here!” Okuyasu said, “Maybe we can help him!”
Ms. Hirose sighed with a smile.
“Thank you, boys,” she said, “If anyone can make my Koichi smile again, it’s you two.”
Josuke and Okuyasu smiled at the woman’s compliment. Koichi’s mother lead the two teens to her son’s room, who’s door was shut tight. Ms. Hirose sighed and knocked on the door.
“Koichi, you’re friends are here,” she said softly, “Don’t you want to hang out with them?”
Koichi’s mother quietly opened the door to see Koichi laying on his bed reading a manga. He glanced at his mother and friends before looking back down at the manga.
“No, thank you...” he said dryly.
Ms. Hirose sighed and looked back at the two teens. They both walked in with sad smiles.
“Hey, Koichi,” Okuyasu began as he sat on Koichi’s bed, “You sure you don’t wanna hang out with us?”
“I’m sure...” Koichi answered, not once looking up from his reading.
“I’ll give you three some privacy.” Ms. Hirose said, shutting the door with a silent click.
The two sixteen-year-olds glanced at one another and sighed. Okuyasu then snatched Koichi’s manga from his hands.
“Okuyasu! Give it back!” Koichi said.
“Not until you come clean about why you’re shutting yourself out from the rest of the world.” Josuke said.
Koichi groaned and flopped back on his bed.
“Whatever. I already read that one four times...” Koichi sighed.
Okuyasu scowled and looked at Josuke for help. Josuke took the manga from his friend’s hands and placed it on the nightstand.
“C’mon, Koichi,” Josuke began, “There’s gotta be somethin’ you wanna do besides staying cooped up in your room hours on end.”
“What I’d like is to be alone, please...” Koichi confessed harshly.
Koichi’s sassy attitude surprised the two teens.
“Yup, something’s definitely wrong...” the two teens thought.
When the two looked back at their friend, he had turned on his side, his back facing the two older teens. The older teens glanced at one another and grinned, as if they read each other's mind.
“Alright, Koichi, you’re gonna have fun with us today, one way or another.” Okuyasu said.
“Yeah. If you don’t get up and hang out with us, we’re just gonna have to make you.” Josuke said in a warning tone.
“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Koichi said, sarcasm poisoning his tone, “Do your worst...”
Just what the teens were expecting their friend to say. Okuyasu got up and walked to the other side of Koichi’s bed, standing parallel to Josuke.
“Last chance, Koichi...” Josuke said, a sly grin growing on his face.
Koichi neither replied nor moved. The older teens saw this as a challenge, and they were willing to tackle it and succeed. Josuke and Okuyasu glanced at one another and nodded with grins.
“You asked for it, Koichi,” Okuyasu said, “Now, suffer the consequences!”
That’s when Okuyasu started digging his fingers into the fifteen-year-old’s sides. Koichi let out a giggly yelp that turned into uncontrollable giggles. Koichi twisted and turned, trying to escape his friend’s tickly fingers, all while kicking out his legs.
“Ohohokuyahahahasuhuhuhu! Stohohohop!” Koichi cried, “Leave me alohohoooone!”
“Nope! Not until you quit your moping and start hanging out with your friends and family!” Okuyasu said, climbing Koichi’s ribcage like a ladder.
Koichi continued to giggle like crazy, a wide smile adorning his face.
“Actually, I have a better condition.” Josuke said.
“Ooh~! What is it, Josuke?” Okuyasu asked eagerly, halting his tickle attack.
Koichi took in the much needed air.
“If you tell us why you’ve been so mopey and down these past few days, we won’t tickle the shit out of you,” Josuke said, “How does that sound, Koichi?”
“What!? No! Why would I agree to something like that?” Koichi asked, “Can you guys just leave me alone?”
“Fine. More fun for us!” Okuyasu said cheerfully.
That’s when both teens started clawing away at Koichi’s sides, causing the fifteen-year-old to let out a new stream of giggles. His kicking and squirming soon started up again.
“Guhuhuhuys! Come ohohohon!” Koichi giggled out, “This isn’t fuhuhuhunny!”
“Sure, it is! Look at that smile of yours!” Josuke said, “That’s the smile we missed these past few days, right, Okuyasu?”
“Oh, absolutely, Josuke!” Okuyasu replied, “However, I wanna see if this smile can get bigger, y’know?”
Josuke couldn’t help but chuckle when he caught onto his best friend’s plan. The two looked down at their giggling friend and stopped their assault so Koichi could get some air.
“Wanting to agree to our terms yet, Koichi?” Okuyasu asked.
“Hell no... Get out... and leave me... alone...” Koichi panted.
“I’d watch that mouth of yours,” Josuke said, placing a finger on his friend’s nose, “You are in no kind of position to be making any kind of threats, demands, or insults.”
Koichi growled and brushed away Josuke’s hand.
“I’ll ask you again,” Okuyasu began, “Are you gonna agree to our terms, or do you need more persuasion?”
Koichi scoffed and glared at his two best friends.
“I already told you no.” Koichi said.
That’s all Josuke and Okuyasu needed to hear. The older teens shrugged their shoulders before they pounced on their short friend, initiating their tickle attack once more. Koichi didn’t even hide the smile that was on his face or tried to stop the giggles that flowed from his lips.
“Josukehehehehehe! Okuyasuhuhuhuhu! Stop ihihihihit!” Koichi giggled.
“No way! You need to laugh!” Okuyasu said.
“Yeah! C’mon, Koichi! Laugh for us!” Josuke said, scribbling all over Koichi’s belly.
Koichi let out a yelp of surprise, causing his giggles to escalate in volume.
“That was a reaction.” Okuyasu commented.
“Nohohoooo! Please stohohohohohop!” Koichi cried.
“Quit begging for us to stop,” Josuke said, “We’re not gonna until you comply!”
Koichi rolled around in what little space he had on his bed. His giggles were the most adorable thing either Josuke or Okuyasu have ever heard. Even though he was a year younger than them, it really showed the kid-side of Koichi, the side they loved most of all.
“Guys, plehehehehehease! Knock it ohohohohoff!” Koichi giggled.
The two older teens nodded to each other before slowing to a stop.
“So, are you gonna tell us why you’ve been shutting yourself out from the rest of the world?” Josuke asked his panting friend.
“You guys... wouldn’t understand...” Koichi panted.
“We would if you just tell us,” Okuyasu said, “And maybe, we can work something out... together.”
Koichi bit his bottom lip and looked away from his friends. In truth, this is exactly what Koichi wanted, if not, needed. He yearned for affection and to be close to the ones he loved dear, but whatever that was plaguing him still was preventing him from saying that he wanted affection. Whatever plaguing Koichi now is not letting him open about what he has been feeling, only making it worse on himself; whatever plaguing him now was making him believe that he didn’t need to bother anyone about his problems. Right now, Koichi was just happy that his friends were here and are determined to help him out, despite their torturous tactics.
When Koichi didn’t answer him, Okuyasu shrugged and started squeezing Koichi’s hips. The fifteen-year-old gave a small buck and started giggling once more.
“Okuyasuhuhuhu! Quit ihihihit!” Koichi cried, “That feels sohohoho weheheheird!”
“It’s called having a tickle spot, little buddy,” Josuke said, “Which brings me to my next point: what’s your worst spot, Koichi?”
Koichi tried to glare at his best friend, only to get a smug grin in return.
“Why would I tell youhuhuhuhu?” Koichi asked.
“So, we can hear the famous Koichi Hirose laugh, duh!” Okuyasu said dramatically.
“Yeah, what he said.” Josuke said.
Koichi continued to giggle and twist around in complete disorder.
“No! I won’t tehehehell!” Koichi said.
In truth, Koichi didn’t really want the tickling to stop. That horrible, aching feeling is beginning to subside. Koichi knows he’s going to get it if his friends find his weak spot, but if they did, it might just lift the weight off his heart.
“Okay, have it your way!” Josuke said.
Josuke soon joined his friend and started tickling Koichi’s neck. Koichi let out an adorable, giggly yelp, causing him to scrunch up his neck and start to fight off Josuke’s hands.
“Oh, my Gohohohohod!” Koichi giggled out, “Stohohohohop!”
“Sorry, pal! This is way too much fun to stop!” Josuke said.
That’s when Okuyasu started attacking Koichi’s exposed armpits. Koichi screamed with laughter.
“I think we struck gold!” Okuyasu commented.
“More like diamond! Look at him!” Josuke said.
Koichi’s arms were clamped to his sides, refusing to lift them. This only made Okuyasu’s fingers press deeper into his hollows.
“I can’t! My hands are trapped!” Okuyasu said, putting little to no effort into trying to pull out his hands, “Josuke, buddy, could you lend me a hand?”
“It would be my pleasure, my good friend!” Josuke said eagerly.
Josuke grabbed Koichi’s wrists with one hand and held them above his head on a pillow. Okuyasu’s fingers soon started dancing all over Koichi’s armpits, making the fifteen-year-old thrash and laugh like crazy.
“Don’t worry, we will,” Josuke began, “If you give into our demands.”
“Yeah! Tell us what’s been goin’ on with you, or we’re never stopping!” Okuyasu said.
Josuke loomed his other hand over Koichi’s belly before scribbling all over the sensitive area. Koichi’s laughter went up an octave and his small body continued to twist and turn.
“All we want is for you to talk with us, and this can all be over,” Okuyasu said, “Or... do you like being tickled?”
Both teens stopped to look down at their panting friend.
“Do you like being tickled, Koichi?” Josuke asked with a wide grin on his face.
“Eheven if Ihihi did... Why do you cahahare...?” Koichi asked, giggles escaping as he spoke.
“That wasn’t a no, little buddy...” Okuyasu said.
The two older teens shared a knowing look before tickling their friend again, causing another eruption of adorable laughter.
“Did you just say, ‘don’t stop’?” Josuke said, “You really must be enjoying this!”
“Say less, Koichi! We read you loud and clear!” Okuyasu said.
The older teens soon started fluttering their fingers across Koichi’s body, his laughter escalating in volume.
“We’re ready to talk to you, Koichi. We’re just waiting for you.” Josuke said.
Koichi suddenly felt that heaviness leave his heart. Whatever horrible feeling that was plaguing him was gone. Koichi was ready to talk to his friends, but secretly, he wanted the tickling to keep going for a little while longer, but he knew he would pass out in mere seconds.
The older teens stopped the tickling and Josuke released his friend. Koichi took the next minute or so regaining his energy and controlling his breathing. When he felt better, the three of them sat cross-legged on Koichi’s bed. Koichi took a deep breath before speaking.
“For the past few days, I’ve been feeling... well, rather, I wasn’t feeling anything to be honest...” Koichi began, “I don’t know how to describe it, but I didn’t feel like myself at all...”
“You can say that again.” Okuyasu commented.
Josuke bumped his friend’s arm with his elbow and shook his head.
“My physical being wanted to be left alone, but mentally... I just wanted... affection...” Koichi admitted, “I wanted to do fun things and go out with you guys, but my body was telling me no. I didn’t wanna tell anyone because I didn’t want to bother you guys with my problems. I didn’t want to be a burden...”
A look of sympathy washed over the older teens’ faces.
“Koichi, you should never feel like you’re a burden,” Josuke said, “Never have been, never will be.”
“Yeah. If you have a problem or goin’ through something, tell us, and we’ll do everything in our power to help,” Okuyasu said, “Me, Josuke, your mom, your sister, Mr. Jotaro, Rohan, and Yukako are all willing to help you out. You’re problems are our problems, and we’ll do everything and anything to solve ‘em,”
Their words made tears well up in Koichi’s eyes.
“Thanks guys...” Koichi said.
Koichi smiled and leaped into their arms, the older teens embracing the younger teen. When they parted, the three of them burst into laughter.
“I gotta say, though, you got a pretty cute laugh, Koichi,” Josuke said, “Glad we were able to hear it.”
“Yeah! A cute laugh for a cute kid.” Okuyasu said with a smile.
Their words made Koichi blush and smile sheepishly.
“Come to think of it, you never answered my question,” Josuke began, “Do you like being tickled, Koichi?”
Koichi’s cheeks became red and hot.
“I... uh...” Koichi stuttered.
Koichi jumped off his bed and made a dash for the door. Okuyasu called upon The Hand and deleted the space between him and Koichi, bringing the fifteen-year-old closer to him and Josuke.
“Okay, new conditions,” Josuke said, “We’ll stop tickling you until you admit you like being tickled.”
Koichi didn’t have the time to protest. He was soon tackled onto the floor by his best friends, reduced to another puddle of adorable laughter.
Koichi’s mother had been standing outside her son’s room for a while now with a wide smile on her face as she listened to her son’s laughter.
“There’s my Koichi...” she said sweetly, “Like they said, you are not a burden. Never have been and never will be...”
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
people misinterpreting characters is one of my biggest pet peeves ever. I really liked how you brought light to the fact that DIO is not as deep as the fandom makes him seen and Bruno is not a gold hearted ’mom’.
what other characters do you think are heavely misinterpreted? I’d like to hear your opinions. some characters that are heavely put ooc by the fandom (in my opinion) are Jotaro, Giorno, Johnny and Gyro.
Yeah, while everyone is free to their own interpretations, those are two that just really personally bother me. I don’t like to straight-up accuse someone on being wrong, but at the very least, I think the ‘mama Bruno’ interpretation is wrong and bad, lmao.
As for the other characters you mentioned? Hmm. Here are my opinions - as always, y’all are allowed to agree/disagree/have your own thoughts on them.
Jotaro - I don’t like seeing him interpreted as an uncaring piece of shit. Now, he does act like a shithead at the beginning of part 3 - calling your mom a ‘bitch’ is a shit move and he deserves to be called out for that. Just because he does good things doesn’t excuse his poor behavior. That being said, I think he’s a pretty complex character. He’s only 18 (after the retcon) when Part 3 takes place. Not only is he tasked with traveling cross-country to save his mom, but he’s forced to take on the Joestar family burden without even really knowing about it. He has to deal with three of his friends dying brutally and is forced to kill an ancient vampire that killed his great-great-grandfather. He also thinks for a brief moment that Joseph was killed by Dio - that’s a lot for a teenager. There’s no doubt in my mind that Jotaro suffers some form of PTSD.
He gets married, has a child, and then is forced into another dangerous situation thanks to his misfortune of being born into the Joestar family. It could be argued that he didn’t have to go to Morioh, but who else is there? Joseph is too old. Kakyoin and Avdol are dead, and Polnareff isn’t around at the time - so it has to be him. Now, I am not excusing the way he treated his wife and daughter at all. That’s all on Jotaro and his poor communication skills. I don’t think for one second he wanted to leave them like he did, but... It happened, and he couldn’t fix it.
One thing I don’t like is people saying we should forgive Jotaro for what he did to Jolyne. We can empathize with his situation, but it’s up to Jolyne to forgive him - it’s unfair for us as the audience to say she should have been more understanding. She was a child abandoned by her father - Jotaro could have handled things differently, and I think that there’s enough unsaid context to imply that he does regret how he handled things. A bad father can still love his child. I don’t think Jotaro is a bad person at heart. He’s incredibly selfless, but that selflessness also led to hurting the people closest to him. TL;DR - Jotaro is pretty complex and there’s a lot to his character, but people tend to focus on one aspect of him.
Giorno - I love Giorno and think he was very underrated before Vento Aureo was animated. I think he’s still fairly underrated compared to the first 4 protagonists, simply because he expresses things in a much different manner. Giorno acts as a protagonist in theory, but he is not a good person and that’s what I love about him. It’s made extremely clear (some people miss this despite it being explicitly said by Koichi) that he’s a mix of Dio and Jonathan. The ruthlessness of Dio runs through his blood, but so does the kindness of Jonathan. 
Giorno is not boring. He is a calculating, cold, manipulative person. He is also an ambitious, caring, and highly-observant individual. Giorno is trained to hide his emotions, as per his abusive upbringing. Giorno’s smarts and capacity for observation are a core part of his character. He is quiet because of these traits, but I don’t think that makes him boring. I think it makes Giorno interesting and complex. A teenager joining the mafia and attempting a coup to take it over is... not exactly a normal thing. It’s what makes Giorno so scary. You know what he’s going to do next because he’ll tell you, but you won’t be able to stop him. And if you’re in his path? He doesn’t mind taking care of you. If you’re loyal, though, he’ll extend a gilded chain - the chain that makes him so intriguing to others, and the reason people are so eager to follow him.
Johnny - I know I just said I loved Giorno,  but I also really love Johnny. I don’t have as many thoughts as I really haven’t seen any conflicting popular interpretations of his character, but I’m sure they’re out there. To me, Johnny is very important. He’s outward with his depression, his self-hatred, his fear, his cowardice - it’s a big change from the previous protagonists. Despite this, he overcomes and finds his strength. I guess one thing I disagree with is the notion that Johnny is ‘whiny’ or ‘weak.’ I won’t spoil too much, but just like the other main JoJos, I think Johnny is a very complex character that Araki clearly crafted with care.
Gyro - I feel similarly about Gyro as I do with Johnny - I haven’t seen too many confliciting interpretations of him. I do think Gyro is more ruthless than some people paint him as. He’s not nice - he even says it! That doesn’t mean he can’t be silly or absurd. There’s a lot of facets to Gyro’s personality that make him the perfect companion for Johnny. (Or BF, hehehehe)
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remuswriting · 4 years
next to you; u. keishin
Summary: Keishin Ukai wants to play with Y/N L/N no matter how hard he has to work for it.
Pairings: Keishin Ukai x Male! Reader
Warnings: Swearing and fighting
Word Count: 4,571
Notes: I’m not sure if what this is in terms of angst or fluff.  I just wanted Ukai to get some more love, so I wrote him to be in high school.  Like all my other things, I’m going to add that I’m new to writing reader inserts, so they may not be all that good.
 Y/N always glided down the court as if he could fly, and everyone watched him in awe.  He was beautiful with the way he played, because he made everyone else feel so alive that they couldn’t help but want to grow as players or maybe even join volleyball.  The ace should do that though, he should motivate others to thrive.
“Give it to me, Koichi-san!” Y/N called out, and the setter set it perfectly to where the h/c haired boy seemed to be flying.  It the ball smashed into the ground, no blockers being able to touch it, and he grinned over at the setter. “Hell yeah!”
Keishin watched him from the sideline in awe, like he always did.  The boy who flew around the court was something the buzzcut boy wished he could have.  Whether it be in volleyball or in friendship or in love; he wished he could have him. Y/N’s smile brightened up the court, and everyone seemed to get even more motivated to do their best.
“I wish I could just play in a game so I can play with L/N-san,” Takinoue said, and some of the players around him agreed.
“He forces everyone to play harder,” Tamura said with a slight sigh. “It could be kind of exhausting to keep up with him.”
“Wouldn’t that be the thrill of it all?” Takinoue asked, excitement slightly in his voice. “You get to see how hard you can actually fight, because he will make you fight.”
Even though Keishin didn’t say anything, he agreed with his friend.  Y/N forced people to fight on his level, because when everyone was with him; Karasuno was unstoppable.  He had heard his grandfather say how it almost like a miracle to get the outside hitter, because no one flew like he did.
“Don’t give up now!” Y/N screamed at a player that Keishin couldn’t distinguished.  There were five other people besides the spiker, so it was hard to realize who was being scolded. “When we win, then you can give up, okay?”
For a second year, the h/c haired boy acted more like the captain than the actual captain.  When he looked over at the sidelines, e/c eyes catching Keishin’s brown ones, the setter felt a chill run down his back; the look in his eye could nearly be considered murderous.
Sometimes everyone wondered if Y/N would murder someone to win, and their coach once said it showed that at least someone was dedicated.  Even if people knew this, they still wanted to play next to the h/c haired boy to feel the adrenaline he gave.
 It was a Friday when Y/N sought out Keishin during lunch.  His hands were on his knees as he panted as if he had just ran a marathon. When he looked up at the buzzcut boy, Ukai was sure he would never forget the look in his eyes; desperate and hungry for something that would take the setter a while to fully understand.
“Set to me,” Y/N said as he stood up to look at the other in the eye. “I want to see how high I can fly with you.”
Keishin had been working hard, had even been complimented by his grandfather (who had even once said the only thing he hated was grandson) and everyone had been seeking him out to practice with.  He just never expected their beloved ace to be so determined to practice with him as well.
“What if I’m not as good as Fujii-san?” He asked, and the outside hitter chuckled as he shook his head.
“Doesn’t matter who’s better; matters who makes it feel right.”
Ukai had been a spiker once, because he had to be, but it never appealed to him.  He didn’t have the same rush that he hot when he saw someone perfectly spike the ball he set.
He noticed how Y/N’s eyes shined as if he had won the lottery every time he spiked one of the setter’s sets.  His smile was always so big and contagious that the buzzcut boy found himself smiling too.
“Again,” Y/N demanded, something he did a lot. “Make me fly higher, Keishin.”
“Okay, L/N-san,” he said, his cheeks bright red and the spiker grinned at him as if he had been invited to be on the National Men’s Volleyball Team.
“Call me Y/N.” The spiker chuckled slightly. “It’s only fair, right?”
“Yeah, it’s only fair,” Keishin breathed out. “Now let’s make you fly higher.”
 Keishin wasn’t exactly the person who was used to setting to Y/N during practice matches.  The beloved ace had been paired up with Fujii since their first year, because they could do attacks that the buzzcut setter could only wish of doing.  When he did become used to setting to him during practice matches, they became unstoppable.
He’d watch Y/N stare at his red palm after a particularly strong spike before he’d clench his fist and look up at the setter.  His eyes were desperate and hungry like the first time he had asked the other to set to him.  Keishin felt so much pride that he never wanted any of it to end.  He wanted to stay on the court with Y/N.
“You give Koichi-san a run for his money at times,” Y/N said as they took a break, only for the setter stared at him in confusement only for the h/c haired boy to chuckle slightly. “Don’t look at me like that and just take the compliment.”
Coach Ukai noticed the obvious connection between the two and moved Keishin to be a starter who was switching in and out with Fujii in games.  The ginger always glared at the other, because everyone wanted to fight with Y/N, even if they never said.  Or even refused to admit it.
“Don’t try to make a move on him,” Fujii said when the two setters were in the club room alone. Keishin wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by the statement. “It’s easy to get caught up in the way he acts when he’s on the court, but he doesn’t give a damn off it.”
“Why do you care what I do and what I don’t do?” Keishin asked as he stared over at the other, who gave him with an annoyed look.
“We all keep getting our hearts broken by him,” the ginger said as he ruffled his hair slightly. “We get our hearts broken without even realizing we were in love with him.”
The buzzcut boy froze, because he wasn’t in love with the h/c haired spiker.  Admiration and love were two separate things, and he definitely wasn’t in love with L/N.  The silence was filled by Fujii chuckling at the other.
“Don’t worry, you’ll realize it soon enough.” The other setter patted Keishin’s shoulder firmly. “You never know, he could fall in love with you too.  He’s quite unpredictable.”
Keishin didn’t process Fujii leaving and that he was alone in the club room.  He stared at his cubby with a frightened expression.  He couldn’t be in love with Karasuno’s ace, because he was straight; they were both straight.  There was that feeling he got in his stomach when they shared smiles after a particularly good spike.  Or the way his heart clenched whenever Y/N wanted to eat lunch with him, especially when the spiker took him to the roof because “it’s the best place to eat obviously.”
He wasn’t in love with him and Y/N wasn’t going to be able to break his heart.
 Keishin was taken off the court during a practice match, but this time it wasn’t like their temporary switch outs they had been doing.  His grandfather had a stern look on his face, one that the buzzcut boy had only seen him give to other people when he gently scolded them.
“Keishin,” his grandfather started, and their male manager looked scared. “What’s wrong with you today?”
“What do you mean?” The setter asked, because he really didn’t know.  He felt fine, and all of his sets to the spikers were fairly solid.
“You’re not able to keep up with L/N,” coach said calmly, which made it even scarier. “He demands his setter to reach his breaking point faster than he reaches his.  You’re too close to yours and we’re barely halfway through the first set, so you started to falter.”
His grandfather could be right, probably actually was, but Keishin had no idea.  Maybe he had started to be more cautious because the spiker had been feeling good today.  When he felt good, the entire team was required to feel good too; it was how they won.
“Sorry, sir.”
“You’re out for the rest of the match,” Coach Ukai said, his grandson gritting his teeth at the statement. “Go watch Fujii and see how he’s able to keep up with L/N.”
When he went to where the rest of the benchwarmers were, they all looked at him so confused.  He always sat on the bench next to their coach and manager.  They all let him go behind them, crouch down, and watched him muffle a scream into his hand. He deserved to be on the court, even if he apparently couldn’t keep up with the spiker right now.  Keishin would fight harder if it meant he could be on the same court as the other boy.
“Hey, you okay dude?” Takinoue asked as he approached him, and it seemed like he was the only one confident enough to do so.
“I’ve been taken out for the entire game,” Keishin said, and his voice sounded so at ease but his body language was so aggressive.  The bleach blonde middle blocker gave him a look of understanding.
“You won’t be fighting next to L/N-san,” the middle blocker said. “You’re used to him by your side, hitting every set you do.”
The buzzcut boy didn’t make a comment, because he didn’t know what to say.  It was true that it fucking sucked to not be on the court with Y/N, but it was more than that at the same time.  He had started to work so hard to keep up with him; volleyball and school was all that he was he did so he could stay on the court.  Was that what he was supposed to say?  Was he supposed to admit that he wanted to be next to the outside hitter so badly that it killed him to have to sit out.
“Koichi, stop throwing the ball so fucking high!” Y/N screamed, causing everyone to look over at him as he got into the other’s face. “Just do it how Keishin does it, because I can actually hit it.”
“You hit that one though!” Koichi screamed back. “So, stop acting like you can’t.”
Coach Ukai had to call for a timeout and L/N refused to calm down.  He screamed about how tired he was of Koichi trying to dictate how every spiker should play when they all weren’t the same person.
“Stop bitching and just hit the damn ball,” Koichi snapped, and the h/c haired boy looked over at him with a murderous expression.
“If we weren’t doing a match right now, I would’ve fucking decked you already.”
“Calm down right now, you two!” Coach Ukai yelled, and the two boys immediately became quiet. “Do I need to bench you, Y/N?  Or are you going to behave?”
E/C eyes looked down at the ground before they looked back up at the older man.  They held anger, resentment, and something else that no one knew what it was.  Keishin knew the ace just wanted to play; wanted to win.  He had told him that, confessed how he knew what he wanted to do on the court and he would fight until he no longer could to get there.
“Sorry, coach,” Y/N said softly. “I’ll calm down.”
He had to put his anger and preference aside so he could keep fighting; keep being on the court. When the timeout was over, L/N became a different person on the court.  He encouraged Koichi and the rest of the players on a new level.
“He just wants to stay on the court and fight.”
 Keishin found Y/N practicing in the gym alone every night after practice.  The setter had been made the person to kick the ace out, because everyone said he had a way to get L/N to listen.  He was fine with making the other second year leave, but no one realized that.
His brown eyes followed the spiker as he did jump serves, determined to make them service aces. Y/N was always growing and the setter wondered if he would ever stop.  Part of him couldn’t actually comprehend the idea of the outside hitter not being able to improve when all he ever saw was him improving.
“Oh, Keishin, it must be time for me to leave if you’re here,” the h/c haired boy said with a sigh and a nervous smile.  He never acted like this before, so what was going on?
“I can give you a couple more minutes if you’d like,” Keishin said as he leaned against the gym wall. “I’d join you, but I’m pretty exhausted after today’s practice.”
They had to run up the mountain near the school, because their endurance wasn’t good enough according to his grandfather’s opinion.  Somehow the spiker in front of him didn’t seem to be tired in the slightest, and he was jealous of the energy he had.
“I’m done, so don’t worry,” Y/N said as he put the volleyball he had using. “It must be annoying for you to come get every night.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be our ace if you didn’t practice like you do.” Keishin paused as he looked from the floor to his teammate. “I don’t find it annoying; if I did, then I’d make someone else come get you.”
“Then why have you been acting like you no longer want to be on the same court as me?” The h/c haired volleyball player asked with a tilt of his head. “You even got yourself benched at the last practice match.  Do you want to be a bench warmer again?”
Keishin didn’t move or talk, because he didn’t think the other would read so much into this.  It made sense for him too, because Y/N had always been the person to somehow read people fairly well but let them still have their secrets.  The setter wondered if maybe the other knew he was starting to fall for him.  There was no beautiful explanation as to why, but just the fact it felt good to be near the other and he liked how the spiker laughed as well.
“Is it true you keep breaking our teammates hearts?” Keishin finally asking the question he had wanted to for weeks.  Koichi’s words had clung to him as if they were clothes soaked by the rain.
“I wasn’t aware of doing that, so it must be unintentional if I was doing it,” Y/N said, his voice casual but eyes held a kind of vulnerability that scared the setter. “Only one person has confessed to me, so I guess I’ll take credit for that one. Is there a reason why you’re asking?”
“Someone warned me you’re too different off the court to actually fall in love,” The buzzcut boy said, and e/c eyes trailed his face as if he was searching for honesty in his features.
“I guess you could say I am two different people; one person on the court and another person off the court, but you need to be when it comes to sports,” Y/N said before he sighed, obviously not enjoying the conversation.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, on the court, I know what I want and how I’m going to get it, but it’s different off the court because life isn’t made up of certain plays and combo attacks.” The ace walked over to the other to lean on the wall next to him. “I also don’t demand attention like I do on the court.  I don’t want to be seen unless there’s a volleyball in my hand.”
“Is that why you break hearts?  You don’t know what you want off the court, so you don’t know you want them,” Keishin said as he turned to face the other and noticed how there was little space between them.  Maybe a foot, but that seemed so small when Y/N was next to you.
“I imagine I break hearts because I don’t want them,” Y/N said as he chuckled softly. “I know what I want, but I don’t have a play on how to get him to really notice me.  It’s different when someone sees me as the person I am on the court, but not as the one I am normally.”
“You shouldn’t need a play to get him to notice you.  You are kind of hard to miss.”
Y/N pouted as he pushed at the other’s shoulder.  Blush covered his cheeks and Keishin wanted to laugh.  He wanted to laugh because Koichi had probably wanted at this at some point, but never did.  Or at least never had according to the setter’s knowledge.
“Are you insulting me, Keishin?” The spiker asked, his pout only growing more and more.
“No, it’s a compliment, dumbass,” the setter said, only to get another shove at his shoulder from the nickname. “Sorry, let me say it again; it’s a compliment.”
“Well, if you keep complimenting me, I’m going to fall more in love with you.” The buzzcut student choked slightly at the comment.  This was actually unexpected. “That was a bit forward, sorry.  I guess this is a confession, even though you most likely don’t like me the same.”
“No, I do like you,” Keishin said as he scratched his neck and looked away from the other, not sure what to say. “It’s just kind of weird to like guys, since you’re the first one I’ve ever liked.”
“That’s okay, I’d never force you to do anything you don’t want to,” L/N said, and even though the younger Ukai didn’t know if he believed him.
You force me to my limit every time we play together.  You force everyone to play as hard as you do, even though all of us struggle to.  Even though you know you demand attention on the court, do you know how much?
“Fujii told me I was useless to you now because I had been taken off the court,” Keishin said as he looked back at the other. “Told me that it was just heartbreak waiting to happen.”
The buzzcut boy had partly agreed with the ginger setter.  Y/N had always seemed like the kind of person who refused to play with someone who wasn’t valuable to the team.  He had acted like that with Keishin for the last year and a half, so why wouldn’t he act like that again?
“Koichi is just mad I rejected him as a setter and a boyfriend, so don’t listen to him,” the other said as he tilted his head to touch the gym wall. “Tell me, what do you want to do?  About this, not anything else because this is the topic at hand.”
The setter chuckled at how the other clarified, obviously nervous.  He wasn’t sure if he had ever seen the other nervous, because Y/N was always confident in everything he was doing.  Or that he had seen.  The spiker always gave his all and it made him seem like he was overflowing with confidence.
“I’m not sure,” Ukai said softly. “What are our options.”
Well, there’s dating or just being friends.  I’m fine with either.  Whatever makes you comfortable.”
Maybe Y/N really was different off the court, even though he had slightly already known that.  Eating lunch every day with someone for two months made it obvious who they really were, even if it was just barely.  It was so weird to think he wanted others to be comfortable when he was the person who forced others to do what he wanted.
“We can date,” Keishin said slowly. “I just don’t know if I want to be public about it.”
Y/N reached out and touched his shoulder, comforting him, and smiled at him.
“That’s fine,” he said, his smile so soft Ukai could feel it as if a feather touched him so delicately. “We can work up to it, okay?”
Y/N dropped his hand and walked away before he turned to the other and clapped his hands.  He then grabbed the container holding the volleyballs with an expectant look.  The setter walked over to him and helped him put them all up.
“Let’s leave now,” the outside hitter told him, and he nodded before he grabbed the other’s hand for a moment before dropping this.
He was dating the ace of Karasuno and it was kind of crazy to him.
 It was 5 am when Keishin gets a call, and he grumbled slightly until he saw the caller ID.  He ran a hand through his bleached hair, shocked at seeing the name on his phone.  The coach answered it, realizing it won’t answer itself.
“Hello,” he said, voice groggy and rough from being woken up.  There was rustling on the other side of line.
“Shit, I woke you up didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but I needed to wake up soon anyways,” Keishin said, wishing he could see the person calling him. It had been years since they had seen each other, and the blonde missed the other.
“If you say so.  I didn’t mean to though; I just forget Japan and the United Kingdom have different time zones.” A chuckle from the man on the other side of the line filled the coach’s ears. “I do have a reason why I called though, but I can call later if you want me to.”
Part of the blonde setter wanted to tell the other to call him later, because that meant he would get to hear his voice even more than he would if he didn’t.  That was stupid, because he imagined the other had things to do most likely.
“No, it’s okay, Y/N,” Ukai said, the name felt weird to say since it had been so long.
“I found out through Yukinari that you’re the new coach of Karasuno,” Y/N said, and his voice seemed awkward, but it was probably because he lived in London now. “Were you planning on never telling me?”
“I was conned into it by the brat players,” Keishin said, and he knew that he was starting to love coaching the Karasuno team. “You never told me you finally published your novel.”
“My novel doesn’t mean shit compared to Karasuno going to nationals.” More rustling on the Y/N’s side, making the blonde wonder what he was doing. “Also, those first year’s quick attack is fucking insane.”
“You’ve seen our matches?” Ukai asked, not hiding the shock in his voice and the old outside hitter laugh slightly.
“Of course, I have. Makoto downloads the recordings they take at the tournaments and emails them to me.”  More rustling and a sigh. “Katherine, I’m on the phone. Stop rolling around my bed. Sorry, my roommate is annoying.”
The rustling had been from Y/N’s roommate though.  The old setter smiled, remembering how annoyed the other would get whenever he got on his bed.  Always told him that his bed was a place for sleep and homework, not moving all over the place.
“No worries.  So, you like our freak duo?  Anything else the beloved ace likes from Karasuno’s national qualifying team.”
“Your ace, I think it’s Asahi, is crazy powerful.  I wish I had been powerful like him.  Also, that captain of yours holds the ground down so well, your grandfather would’ve loved him on his team.  He would’ve loved all of them, especially your libero.”
Ukai wanted to say how it was the team that would’ve been able to keep up with Y/N; the team he deserved. He wanted to tell him how he had been so much more powerful than Asahi may ever be, but the other would only ever deny that.  He denied every compliment after his ACL injury that took him out from the second half of their first set to the rest of the year.  They lost and his grandfather always said it was because none of them had the drive or fire to compete without the injured outside hitter.
“I’m going to come to nationals,” Y/N said and it made Keishin choke on his own salvia.  The h/c boy had been in Japan for nearly 10 years now after he moved to the United Kingdom to study abroad and then never came back. “Is that okay?”
“Of course!” Ukai exclaimed a little too loudly, excitement getting the best of him. “Maybe you could show them a few things.”
“I can try, but I’m really rusty.  I’ll be in Japan for two weeks though.  I can get work done there too, so it’s not a problem.” Y/N chuckled softly and Keishin could basically see him shaking his head. “I’ll also get to see you, so that’s a plus.”
Even after their breakup in their third year, Y/N was always flirty and somewhat affectionate with him. The blonde man assumed it was because the other didn’t want to actually breakup but being around someone so into volleyball when he couldn’t be was something that he just wasn’t able to do. Instead he had started writing, forced his ex-boyfriend to read everything he wrote, and ended up studying abroad in the United Kingdom for creative writing.
“It will be nice to see you,” Ukai admitted with a sigh. “You’ll have to talk to everyone we went to high school with though.”
A groan was heard on the other side of the line.  Of course, the once beloved ace of Karasuno didn’t want to talk to anyone he had once played with.
“There was something else I wanted to tell you, still volleyball related, but not nationals,” the h/c haired man said, avoiding hearing who would be at nationals that he’d have to talk to. “Your freak duo, it’s Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shouyou, right?  I can’t remember who plays what position though.”
“Yeah, Kageyama is the setter and Hinata is a middle blocker, but mainly spiker,” Keishin said, unsure of what the other was about to say. “Why?”
“In a way, I was like Kageyama and you were Hinata.” A laugh that wasn’t Y/N was heard on the other line, which made Ukai assume it was Katherine. “I controlled the court like Kageyama does, but you were free like Hinata is.  We made a really amazing team.”
“No, you’re wrong. You’re both of them and I bet you’ll see that when you come to nationals.”
Y/N chuckled slightly before he let out an irritated sigh.  There was muffled talking and then a groan.
“Sorry, babe, I have to go.  Katherine is complaining about being hungry.  See you soon, okay?”
Ukai’s heart fluttered at the pet name he hadn’t heard in years.  It made him feel stupid really to still be so affected by someone he hadn’t had real contact with in so long.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Me neither.”
The call ended and Keishin let out a deep breath as he grinned.
Y/N was coming back to Japan.
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cassyapper · 4 years
jotaro kujo song analysis: “eight” by sleeping at last
i could not figure out what the fuck to title this for a long time. please forgive me ik it’s awkward but it’s the best i got
anyway the song “eight” by sleeping at last made me mentally ill so let’s get into why <3
here’s a link to the song: https://youtu.be/obi4KCh6eHQ
here’s a link to the lyrics i referenced: https://genius.com/Sleeping-at-last-eight-lyrics
be warned there are part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6 spoilers in this
with that let’s begin.
“I remember the minute;/it was like a switch was flipped --/i was just a kid who grew up strong enough/to pick this armor up,/and suddenly it fit” Lengthy first line to start this on i know but cutting it up didn’t make sense so please forgive me… Alright let’s get to the meat of this hm? This line is about when jotaro first manifested star platinum. “I remember the minute, it was like a switch was flipped” fits perfectly with how suddenly and obviously star platinum became known to its user, as jotaro first manifests it when he’s in the middle of a fight, a fight star platinum ends very quickly and brutally. The “i was just a kid who grew up strong enough to pick this armor up” is about jotaro having the willpower to control a stand such as star platinum and not get ill over it. He “grew up strong enough to pick this armor up”, this armor being star platinum (which, yes, star platinum is armor more than a weapon because its strength is used to protect. This is stated explicitly in the jin hashimoto song “star platinum” which was written specifically with jotaro/star platinum in mind, as the title suggests). It also shows how young jotaro was re the “kid” description; he was only 17, the youngest jojo up to that point. the “and suddenly it fit” also mixes with how suddenly star platinum manifested, particularly how jotaro gained passable control over it very quickly
“God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago…/I was little, I was weak, I was perfectly naive,/and I grew up too quick.” Another long line im sorry it just doesnt make sense to cut it up 😭 Anyway this is part 6 jotaro reflecting on his past self, PARTICULARLY part 3 jotaro, which explains the “god, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago…” segment “I was little, i was weak, i was perfectly naive” is kinda gold coming from part 6 jotaro cause end of part 3 jotaro is canonically when he’s at his strongest but i dont think part 6 jotaro is talking about star platinum in this line. He’s talking about jotaro being tactless and rude and pushing away his loved aways in a disillusioned attempt to keep them safe. By part 6, jotaro has to have known his coping mechanism of self-imposed isolation wasnt fair to his loved ones/himself and it clearly didnt WORK as evidenced by jolyne’s situation, so he’s cursing his younger self for it here. Hence, the calling of part 3 jotaro “little, weak, perfectly naive.” part 3 jotaro starts making the bed that part 6 jotaro ends up having to lay in and he hates him for it. The “and I grew up too quick” part is jotaro acknowledging his trauma. Even before part 3 started jotaro clearly had issues and they just kept building and building and building from part 3 and on. Combined with his self-imposed isolation, jotaro had to grow up quick to survive, and this line is part 6 jotaro reflecting on that
“Now you won’t see all that i have to lose,/all i’ve lost in the fight to protect it.” Remember the self-imposed isolation i mentioned in the last line? This line is about why jotaro does that. He hates being vulnerable. He hates relying on others. We only see him comfortable trusting others to take care of things ONCE the entire series, during the steely dan arc, when he believes in kakyoin’s abilities to keep joseph safe and get the lovers out of him safely. ONCE out of the four parts he’s featured in, out of the three he’s prominent in. jotaro does this, as i previously mentioned, out of a disillusioned attempt to keep those he loves safe, hence the “now you won’t see all that i have to lose” line. This behavior is solidified in jotaro at the end of stardust crusaders, when the two final times he tried to trust that others would handle it resulted in the deaths of over of half those he cared the most about (he may have gotten joseph back, but don’t forget that joseph did actually die). Thus, this decisive night ties into the “all i’ve lost in the fight to protect it” line. He’s lost loved ones but he won’t lose them again, not in the same way at least. Ironically, the self-imposed isolation only puts his loved ones and himself in danger, but i can get into that later.
“I won’t let you in, i swore never again --/i can’t afford, no, i refuse to be rejected” This line kinda ties back with what i was mentioning in the last line, but it hones it a bit more on jotaro’s complete denial of being vulnerable rather than how he acts to ensure he isnt such. “I wont let you in, i swore never again” is a direct tie-in for how jotaro feels after stardust crusaders; he is never going to get as close to anyone or anything the way he was close to the crusaders ever again. Nothing is ever going to matter to him the same way and he is going to make sure of that, as the “swore never again” implies, because he is certain, at least at first, that this will keep others safe. The “i can’t afford, no, i refuse to be rejected” part goes into how selfish and arrogant jotaro’s mentality is. Don’t get me wrong, jotaro’s self-imposed isolation can be seen as selfless, especially because the main driving force behind it is to keep others safe -- but it’s not the only force driving it. Like i said, jotaro doesn’t want to be vulnerable, and to be sure he doesnt feel that way, he needs to ensure he won’t be hurt. Can’t be sad when people die if you were never close to them, right? So as much as it is to protect others, he also is protecting himself by closing off from others. It’s also arrogant of jotaro to assume he is the deciding factor of who lives and dies, that he gets to choose/manipulate the cycle of life and death by deciding on if he opens up to others. Jotaro had this mentality of being a “deciding factor” shoved into his head during the journey to egypt, and that kinda warps his worldview as a result; everything must be his fault. Things go bad surely because he let them somehow. And it’s not jotaro’s fault he’s ill in the head like this but it is still arrogant, and the “i can’t afford, no, i refuse to be rejected” line attests to this.
“I want to break these bones until theyre better/i want to break them right and feel alive” Oh jotaro you have the shittiest fuckign coping mechanisms Alright. “I want to break these bones until theyre better” ties into jotaro throwing himself into dangerous situations alone. He’s just so so damn convinced he can handle everything himself -- bc again, he is led to believe he is the deciding factor of life and death -- he just has to try. If things go wrong, it’s bc he didn’t try hard enough, hence the “break these bones until theyre better”; jotaro will hurt himself and will be convinced he deserved it until he “learns” how to be perfect like he’s “supposed” to be. But being perfect isnt something you can learn, you mentally ill motherfucker jotaro. anyway “I want to break them right and feel alive” ties into the fact jotaro would rather break his body over and over and over rather than tell his loved ones he cares. The only right way to be hurt to him is taking a hit that was meant for those he loves. Jotaro is very much a man of action rather than a man of word, and this line is about his rather unique way of acting (that is, getting beat the fuck up over and over) Basically jotaro can’t tell the people he loves that he, well, loves them, unless he is literally dying. Examples of what i mean: jotaro preferred going on a perilous, 50-day journey to just telling holly he loved her; jotaro preferred getting beat over the head with a rock in the lovers arc rather than risk hurting joseph; jotaro preferred to literally get blown up by sheer heart attack rather than tell koichi to his face he is a good kid; jotaro stepped knowingly into a trap for jolyne and had to literally believe he was in fact saying his last words before he uttered “i’ve always cherished you.”
“You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong --/my healing needed more than time” Oh my GODDDddDDDdcdd im sobbing as i type jotaro your head is so so damn ill Okay so i see him spitting this line towards joseph. Let me explain Joseph would no doubt pick up on jotaro’s ptsd and he’ll do his best to console jotaro over the deaths of their friends. But see joseph is ALSO an ill in the head idiot whose idea of therapy is electroshock and who calls ptsd “shell shock”. So all he can offer to jotaro is “youll feel better in time” because that was kinda true for him; he managed to move on in time. What joseph fails to realize is what made him feel better was not time, but the support of those remaining in his life (lisa lisa, suziq, erina, smokey). But jotaro listens and tries to give it time but the thing with jotaro is he just gets worse and worse as time wears on because he deliberately cut himself off from anyone who could console him (as well as got continually traumatized throughout his life), so time never helped but actually made things worse. Thus jotaro spitting “you were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong, my healing needed more than time”. In terms of timeline, probably happens right after part 5 jotaro stares longingly at the crusaders picture
“When i see fragile things, helpless things, broken things/i see the familiar” Im sorry every new line i start to analyze i begin crying so im just letting you all know incase the coherency takes a dip (as if this was coherent in the first place lmfao) Anyway so this line in relation to Jotaro is about how he projects HARD on the new generation. We see this w his interactions w josuke and koichi, the “fragile things” (there is no way he didnt see koichi as a filler for kakyoin im sorry. Also he just wants josuke safe with his friends like how he wished he was safe with his own friends as a teenager), how he was wary of giorno, “the helpless things” (jotaro is scared he’ll be similar to his dad, just like jotaro is similar enough to dio to share the same stand power…), and his interactions w jolyne, “the broken things” (angry teen in a prison? Come now). 
“I was little, i was weak, i was perfect too/now i’m a broken mirror” Throwback to the second line. Once again part 6 jotaro is reflecting but the difference here is that part 3 was when jotaro was last unashamedly happy, but more than that, part 3 jotaro was on his way to healing before everything went to shit. like i mentioned earlier, jotaro only relies on someone else completely once, and that happens in part 3. Jotaro is finally able to trust in someone else’s capabilities, which is what he needed to do before he could allow anyone to help him with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Hence, why part 6 jotaro would describe him as “perfect”; because he would’ve been perfect enough if he could just trust in others like that again But as the line suggests, that went wrong. Jotaro is now a “broken mirror,” which alludes to the fact that while he projects onto the kids, the kids (the ones that know him at least) project onto him as well, especially jolyne, because in part 6 she finally figures out her dad’s thought processes, as she is experiencing those patterns of thinking too. Jotaro is a role model for them in the sense of “see him? Do the opposite of what he did” KJ;DNJ;DN;SN
“But i can’t let you see all that i have to lose/all that i’ve lost in the fight to protect it” Same meaning as before mostly but the repetition is important me thinks because it mimics jotaro like frantically trying to remind himself why he must be distant when all he wanted to do was go home to jolyne and be her father
“I can’t let you in --/ i swore never again,/ i can’t afford to let myself be blindsided” This means roughly the same thing as the previous line that’s similar to this, but the “i can’t afford to let myself be blindsided” is less about jotaro’s selfishness/arrogance and more about how he believes enemies will use his loved ones against him and how goddamn, it would work, it would work so well because jotaro loves so, so damn much It’s a shame distancing himself didn’t work the way he wanted it to and ended up making his loved ones even more vulnerable than they would have been otherwise
“I’m standing guard,/i’m falling apart/and all i want to do is to trust you” (Begins screaming and doesn’t stop) okay so this line is about jotaro and jolyne during the beginning of stone ocean “Im standing guard” alludes to the fact that jotaro is still desperately trying to appear distant and uninterested even as he attempts to break his fucking daughter out of prison “I’m falling apart” ties into jotaro failing miserably at remaining cold towards jolyne, how he eventually caves in and tells her he loves her in addition to taking a literal bullet for her, using time stop to ensure he can make it to her to do so. and also this line ties into how he is literally physically shot and how his memories and stand are taken from him “And all i want to do is to trust you” is directed towards jolyne of course. God his whole “i’ve always cherished you” ties in with this line; like i mentioned earlier, jotaro by part 6 knows his self-imposed isolation is useless, but old habits die hard and also he was in very deep by the time he accepted there was no reason to go in the first place at all. So he doesn’t know how to change, he doesn’t know how to trust jolyne, it’d been 20ish years since he last trusted someone completely, but god he wants to. He wants to trust her. It’s all he wants to do hence this line
“Show me how to lay my sword down/for long enough to let you through” So continuing from the last line, jotaro just wants to let jolyne in. he wants to learn how to do that. I think this line is actually directed towards his younger self; 17 year old jotaro managed to let in a person once, after all (more than one person in fact, but all the crusaders). This would also make more sense w my interpretation of how part 6 jotaro calls part 3 jotaro “perfect” in this regard Essentially it’s jotaro thumbing through his memories to figure out how his past self gathered the security to trust in someone else wholeheartedly...which makes the fact that pucci steals his memories particularly fucked up in this context
“Here i am, pry me open/what do you want to know?” Another line directed toward jolyne. “Here i am, pry me open” refers to how after jotaro tells jolyne he cherishes her, all cards are on the table. He’s shown vulnerability, might as well go full throttle. So, he’s willing to talk to jolyne for the first time ever, especially because she’s a stand user now “What do you want to know?” ties into jotaro being willing to open up, but also the fact that jolyne doesnt really know her dad ):
“I’m just a kid who grew up scared enough/to hold the door shut/and bury my innocence” Hhnghg begins wailing this line is again about post-egypt jotaro. A lot of jotaro’s like...emotional maturation (and even some physical) occurred during the trip to egypt and immediately afterward. he’s in pain and desperately trying to rationalize a way he can be in control of never letting something like what happened in egypt happen again, hence the “im just a kid who grew up scared enough” “To hold the door shut” refers to how jotaro cut off other people, even the people who used to know him very well, like joseph and polnareff and holly “And bury my innocence” i mentioned this in another line but this bit also refers to how jotaro had to grow up quickly to survive, considering his self-imposed isolation and his life path of chasing down dio’s remnants
“But here’s a map, here’s a shovel/here’s my Achilles’ heel” This line is SUPPOSED to be directed toward jolyne but inadvertently it is also directed toward pucci. When jotaro says fuck it and gives up on his pretense of disinterest in jolyne, finally letting her know he loves her, he’s finally building the frame of a bridge to jolyne; he’s ready to do what he’s wanted to for so long, no matter how vulnerable it makes him, and that is to be jolyne’s father. However, pucci takes note of this; he knows to aim for jolyne in the final battle because of jotaro’s earlier actions when he tries breaking jolyne out of prison. It really is a shame how the narrative keeps fucking enforcing jotaro’s shitty self-imposed isolation
“I’m all in, palms out, i’m at your mercy now and i’m ready to begin/i am strong, i am strong, i am strong enough to let you in” Hmm i imagine this line being when jotaro meets back up with jolyne after he gets his memory disk back. The first thing he does is hug her and cradle her close to him, showing off to the world, right in front of pucci, how much his daughter means to him. But jotaro, at least for the moment, is not scared to be vulnerable anymore. Ever since he decided to give up his cold facade, he was ready to let jolyne in, and he finally has the chance to do that at least a little right before the final battle, which is what this line is about
“I’ll shake the ground with all my might/i will pull my whole heart up to the surface” Final battle in stone ocean,,, What the “i’ll shake the ground will all my might” line refers to is jotaro’s willingness to use star platinum the world during the battle. He’s ready to go all in to save the world, and most importantly, save jolyne, even if he has to use the source of his greatest trauma to do it. Jotaro’s a key player and he knows it, has known it for a long time, and this time he’s going to use that for his happy ending. And well, as i mentioned in the last line, jotaro’s done with the self-isolation and throws himself into the role of jolyne’s father, at least as much as he has the right to throw himself into. This is mostly what the “i will pull my whole heart up to the surface” line refers to
“For the innocent, for the vulnerable/i’ll show up to the frontlines with a purpose” More stone ocean final battle. The “innocent and vulnerable” jotaro is showing up for are jolyne, namely, but also hermes and emporio, and beyond that, the world. Jotaro understands how serious this is and he’s always been a force meant for protection, so he is here to do just that, which is what the “i’ll show up to the frontlines with a purpose” line refers to. Jotaro doesnt believe he’s a good person -- and he might not be, in the grand scheme of things -- but he does fight for what he believes is right, he always has, he mentions this way back in stardust crusaders during his fight with kakyoin. He’s never going to let injustice stand, especially not when he knows he’s such a key player
“And i’ll give all i have, i’ll give my blood, give my sweat --/an ocean of tears will spill for what is broken” This line actually applies to all the “final battles” jotaro has been involved in; part 3, part 4, and part 6. Jotaro, as i mentioned in the last line, has a strong sense of justice and is a force that first and foremost tries to protect, which the “i’ll give all i have, i’’l give my blood, give my sweat” part of this line refers to. Jotaro gives his all, has given his all, to rid the world of dio’s influence, he ruined his entire fucking life to do so, and this line gives credence to that. “An ocean of tears will spill for what is broken” refers to jotaro mourning all the what-ifs in his life, which are all tied with how the outcomes of these final battles go. If part 3 didnt end the way it did, jotaro would know how to trust still, he wouldve been happy even, maybe he wouldnt have had to sacrifice the rest of his life to dio; if part 4 didn’t end the way it did, maybe jotaro couldve gone home to his daughter, maybe he couldve been a bit of a better dad (this is because kids were involved in part 4 even if they didn’t try to because stand users attract stand users, and jotaro couldnt risk doing that to his daughter, so he ends up never coming home); and now for part 6, jotaro hopes that if it ends just a little better than the previous two, jotaro could at least died a satisfying death of sacrificing himself for jolyne, or maybe even got a chance to try mending his relationship with jolyne if they both survive
“I’m shattered porcelain, glued back together again” So this line speaks to both physical and emotional states Jotaro was physically “shattered porcelain” when he lost his stand and memory and also was shot, and he was “glued back together again” when he got medical attention and jolyne got back his disks Jotaro was emotionally “shattered porcelain” due to the fact he couldnt trust anyone completely since he was 17 goddamn years old but he’s “glued back together again” in the sense he’s ready to finally, finally try and be vulnerable in order to save his relationship with jolyne
“Invincible like i’ve never been” This line hurts so fucking much because i believe jotaro was optimistic, all things considered, at the beginning of the final fight in stone ocean. After all, he knows he’s an important figure in all this, he has his stand disk and memories back, he and jolyne and the others have a plan, and he has a future he wants to fight for in addition to the world’s continued functioning So he feels “invincible” like he’s never felt before because not even during the part 3 final battle with dio did he have the hope for the future he has now. But then. Then pucci brings out the knives. And the man who could control time never had enough in the end. He dies and cant even save jolyne with his death. The world ends. He failed. I think this is perfectly represented with how suddenly the song ends. It just perfectly encapsulates the tragedy that is jotaro kujo and i cant stop fucking thinking about it
thanks for reading all this if you did. jotaro kujo makes me feel mentally ill
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divinedecay · 4 years
What Could Have, Should Have, Been
Prompt: exile by Taylor Swift + relationship angst Pairing: Rohan Kishibe x GN!Reader Word Count: 1,633 Warnings: Slight mentions of blood, angst, Rohan being sad A/N: This is purely self indulgent, please don’t come at me for anything that’s ooc. Also I recommend listening to exile by Taylor Swift while you read
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Rohan saw everything coming.
    With Heaven’s Door, he could read people, predict actions. He was confident in his abilities, in his relationship, in general. Especially in his relationship, in you. He’d never met someone quite like you, someone able to match him blow for blow. You were gorgeous, inside and out, and everyone loved you. You even ignored his jabs, something Josuke was amazed over. For every stupid little “you think I, Rohan Kishibe, care about something so trivial?” when you were upset, there was always an “I know you do.” Frankly, it kind of scared him. Just a little. And a little voice in the back of his head kept saying he didn’t deserve you.
Sometimes, he was inclined to believe it.
    But he never gave that voice the satisfaction, never voiced the doubt. After all, who wouldn’t want to be with him? People would line up outside his door just for the chance. Besides, when he met you, he read all about you. There was nothing he couldn’t predict about you. At least, he thought so. But, when the two of you became a couple, you put forth a condition.
He wasn’t allowed to use Heaven’s Door on you, for the duration of your relationship.
That one was new, but he swore he wouldn’t. And he was a man of his word.
    To his pleasure, everything went well. The two of you dated for a while, and, after around a year, you moved in with him. More important than that, he loved you. It was obvious to anyone who looked at him looking at you that he loved you, not that he would ever admit it. Love scared him, the whole of the emotion, the massive feeling, it terrified him. It was something he couldn’t predict. He might have been a little in love with you before the two of you even began dating. Not that he admitted it to himself.
    You surprised him at every turn. He had, once, read everything about you with Heaven’s Door, but sometimes it felt as if he didn’t know you at all. You would surprise him with breakfast in bed, or with a date night, or something else suitable romantic. And you were patient. So blessedly patient with him. You took everything in stride, matched him blow for blow, and even somehow managed to get him to stop overworking himself (as much).
One day, Rohan woke up and realized you were his home.
That was why what came next hurt so much.
The two of you had been dating for one year, eight months, and twenty-three days - not that he was keeping track or anything - when it happened. When he woke up alone.
    It wasn’t all that unusual. It was a weekend, and sometimes he slept in. He figured you were just in the kitchen, or the sitting room, or out doing something. Then he noticed it. The lack of things. Your stuff was nowhere to be found. Sometime during the night, you’d managed to move all of your things out. And you were gone.
You were gone.
    He searched the whole house, just in case. Maybe he was dreaming. He had to be dreaming. Or this was a joke. A cruel joke. That had to be it. He was hoping, praying, for this all to be a dream. Then he made it to the kitchen. There, on the table, was a folded piece of paper. Written on it was just his name, in your lovely handwriting.
    He shakily picked it up, almost afraid to read its contents. But he had to. He had to know. He swallowed, rolled his shoulders. It couldn’t be that bad, could it?
    He slowly opened the letter, and an earring fell out. One of his pen earrings. The one he’d given you, so that the two of you could both have one. As a promise. Something in him cracked, then, but he took a breath and began to read, taking note of the tear-stains on the paper.
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve restarted this letter. I never seem to be able to get the words right. Hopefully this will be the one that does it right.
    I want to start by saying that I love you, Rohan. I have from the beginning. I might always love you. That’s what makes this so hard.
    I think you love me, Rohan. I really think that. But I think love scares you, and the more it scares you, the more you distance yourself. Which leads me to now, I guess. I’m sitting in your kitchen, crying, writing this letter. But I can’t look back now.
    I have to leave you, Rohan. And, don’t worry, I’m going to tell you exactly why.
    I feel like we’re a car crash; everything is going downhill fast but you can’t help but watch the disaster. I’ve tried - God knows I’ve tried - to put in the effort to get close to you. And you know what you do? Nothing. You don’t try and take me on dates, you don’t thank me, you don’t open up to me. This thing between us? It’s so one sided. And I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired, Rohan. I’m tired of putting everything into this and getting nothing back. 
    Koichi and Josuke say that’s just how you are - selfish. But I don’t think that’s it. Not exactly. You are selfish. But underneath that, you’re scared.
    I’ve seen this film before, Rohan, I know how this ends. So I’m ending it before it can get that far. I can’t stay in a relationship with someone who won’t put in the effort. I refuse.
    Maybe, one day, it can be different. Maybe you’ll realize what it is that scares you, and face it. Maybe then we can try again.
But, until then…
Goodbye, Rohan.
He drops the letter back onto the table with a dismissive wave.
“Y/N’s loss.”
    Somehow, he manages to move. He goes through the motions, for a while, but never leaves his house. Never answers the phone. Or the door. Barely eats. Barely sleeps. His manga goes on hiatus. He can’t bring himself to care. Then, three days later, he sees the earring on the floor, where he left it. His thoughts drift to you and everything comes crashing into him at once. The pain, the heartache. For three days he’d managed to numb it, but one reminder of you and it was all over.
The next thing he knew, he was on the floor.
    He wasn’t sure how he got there, but once he was there time seemed to slow down. He hugged his knees, resting his chin on them and ignoring the fact that he was actually crying. He reached beside him and grabbed the earring that had fallen from the note and bounced onto the floor. He wrapped his hand around it, feeling the sharp edges dig into his palm and not giving a damn. He would never wear it again. If it wasn’t you wearing it, he never wanted to see it again.
    He didn’t know how long he was on the floor, ignoring everything. At some point, he registered a knock on his door, but didn’t think anything of it. At least, until he vaguely registered a crash that sounded suspiciously like his front door being kicked down. He couldn’t find it in himself to care.
He couldn’t find it in himself to care.
    That was what had gotten him into this mess, wasn’t it? He hadn’t cared enough, hadn’t shown it. What was it you had said? He was afraid. Rohan Kishibe, afraid. Impossible.
Koichi’s face appeared in front of him.
“Rohan-sensei? Y/N told us-” At the mention of your name, he tightens his grip on the earring, but doesn’t speak.
“There’s blood dripping from his hand!” Josuke. Of course that brat would be here too.
“Huh?!” Okuyasu. Why was everyone here to witness his shame? Could they not just leave him alone?
“I’ll fix it,” he hears Josuke say, and jerks his hand away.
“No.” It’s the only word he’s spoken in who knows how long.
“Open your hand, dumbass.”
“No.” He feels like a broken record, but it’s the only thing he can manage, he thinks. Is he still crying? He hopes he’s not still crying.
“Rohan-sensei, let him help you.” Koichi’s voice is soft, gentle. Patient. Hesitant.
“I’m fine.”
I’m fine, he tells himself, this is nothing. He pushes himself off the ground. “I’m fine. Get out.”
“This is just good manga research material. Get out.” The lies are easy, spilling out from him. In truth, he’s not sure he wants them to leave. But, like so many other things, he’d never admit it. He wipes his eyes, pushes past them. How had he missed all the signs? How had he missed your discontent?
Selfish, a voice in him cries, you’re a selfish bastard. Of course you wouldn’t see the signs, all you care about is yourself.
He was a fool.
    There was so much that could have, should have, been. And he’d ruined it. He’d ruined it all. He looked down at his hand, slowly opening it to reveal the earring. It had dug into his palm and broken skin. He felt like he deserved the pain.
They were still here?
He turned to look at them, not truly seeing them. His mind was elsewhere, on you. Was there even a way to fix this?
“Koichi-kun,” he says, his voice quiet, “I was a fool.”
What could have, should have, been, he would find a way to make it reality.
He would change. He would put in the effort. He would win you back.
Or his name isn’t Rohan Kishibe.
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Fandom’s 5 Manga That I Think Deserve an Anime Adaptation
Winner of the last poll was with, so here’s what we’re covering today. 
These are five manga series that I feel deserve an anime adaptation. Series that for one reason or another haven’t gotten one, but would absolutely be great on the screen with the right team attached. All of them I’ve read and find absolutely enjoyable, and I think they deserve a spot in the limelight. 
Note: Some of the series listed do cover heavy topics, so please be sure to check for warnings before checking them out. 
And with that, let’s get started!
#1) My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
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Koichi is a young man in university who always wanted to be a hero, but things didn’t work out quite like he’d hope. After running into a brass-knuckle weilding old man called Knuckleduster, and an aspiring street pop-idol known as Pop Step, Koichi finds himself roped into the world of Vigilantes; Heroes who operate outside of the proper legal channels and, by current societies standards, are technically criminals themselves.
While I know this will probably get some of its scenes animated given its relevance to the main manga’s current plot, this prequel story has more than enough to stand on its own as an anime spin-off. Old and new faves interact in amazing ways, and I absolutely suggest you give it a shot. 
#2) Kitchen Princess
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Najika Kazami is a young orphan girl with a strong sense of taste who, after much hard work, manages to get into the prestigious Seika Academy with one goal in mind; to find her “Flan Prince”, a boy who saved her from drowning and cheered her up after her parents died, giving her the dessert that sparked the nickname for her unnamed hero. Before they parted, she promised him she’d someday make him the best dessert in the world when they finally met again. 
This one is a lot darker than the cover may initially let on and one I definitely suggest you look into the content warnings for before opening up the first volume. But the story is mostly solid and in the end ends on a sweet note, even after many bitter flavors.  
And if you don’t want to read it, I recommend getting the books anyway, because they include recipes for the dishes featured in every volume. 
#3) +Anima
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In this world, there are those known as +Anima. People who have the ability to change their bodies and use the abilities of the animal they get their traits from. In this story we follow four young protagonists; the ever optimistic Cooro the Crow, the stern and serious Husky the Fish, the kind and quiet Senri the Bear, and the sweet young Nana the Bat, as they travel through the countries in an attempt to find a place where they belong. 
This was one of the first manga I ever read and by god is it an amazing 10 volume ride. The story is dark yet hopeful, the art is beautiful, and the characters are by far one of the best casts I’ve seen in a manga.  
#4) Yotsuba &!
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Yotsuba Koiwai is a young girl who just moved into town with her father. As she explores the world around her, she gets into adventures with her father Yousuke, his best friend Jumbo, and their neighbors the Ayase Family, along with many other characters who come and go through the story. 
A simple slice of life story from the creator of Azumanga Daioh, filled with comedy, fun memes in the making, and all around a genuinely good, light hearted story. And while I know the writer said Yotsuba isn’t really suited to an anime format, I truly believe it would be perfect for an anime adaptation with the right team behind it. 
#5) My Son is Probably Gay
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Hiroki is gay. He doesn’t want his parents to know. But his mom has already pretty much figured it out. She tries her best to support him regardless, and does her best to encourage his romantic pursuits and personal hobbies, without bringing it up and waiting until he’s ready to tell her himself. 
This manga is just...so goddamn sweet. You can tell this mom really cares about her son and really wants him to be happy. And Hiroki is a sweetie and you really want to see him find happiness. This manga would make a perfect mini series of shorts.
And those are 5 manga I think should get an anime adaptation. What manga do you enjoy that you’d like to see animated? Are there any series you think I should check out? Let me know!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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thequietmanno1 · 1 month
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 118, Replies Part 1
1) “So, as it turns out, there is in fact 126 chapters rather than 121. I’m not sure where I got the impression that there were 5 less chapters in the story, my brain was apparently trying to protect me. 
Regardless, we had our seance there, Koichi got another power up but not the will to kill, and we continue our spiraling madness into Chapter 118: All the Fun.”- Koichi could have ended this on his own without allowing the “clean-up” to be passed onto “official heroes”, which I think says a lot about missed opportunity here. It was his time to shine, and given the outcome, defeating a rampaging villain on his own like that wouldn’t have really changed much, but instead this got dragged out beyond the necessary stage and handed off to less deserving individuals to finish the climactic battle, just so Koichi can keep his pacifism intact. And I don’t think that marks any good character development for him.
2) “Huh looks like even McBee’s skeleton is starting to evaporate now, the upper half of his skull is gone, exposing his brain.
You know, like a Nomu.”- Which, in hindsight, just raises further questions as to how he was even in one shape, let alone semi-solid, for one final conversation with Koichi. He should have been melting everywhere like Clayface on a bad day.
3) “There’s the man, I wonder if he’s having all the fun here”- He’s having a blast. Us? Not so much, even with Koichi finally stepping up to the plate. 4) “Is it, All for One? Are you sure about that? Because he didn’t even trained that much and he’s able to fucking bulldozer over a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut like that.”- Like so many people in the story, AFO judges on appearances…which is both ironic and appropriate, given his current disfigurement. Guy looks the part of the evil villain, and he wants to be judged that way to boot!
5) “No, it definitely isn’t. Koichi trained the quirk, but he didn’t polish it that much, people in the hero course train their quirks far more intensely and even so they can’t bring out such improvements. Koichi’s quirk is far from mediocre, in fact, it might be one of the most OP things in this story.”- Koichi went from Mineta’s power level to “potentially challenging to OFA” over the course of a single battle.
6) “Oh, okay, so now we need to handle a bullshit reason for AfO to not have stolen Koichi’s quirk as well huh”- The reason is: AFO can’t steal shit if he doesn’t have his passport for an overseas trip!
7) “KOICHI MY MAN, CAN YOU FINE TUNE YOUR AIM A BIT? REMEMBER THAT GHOST POP GAVE YOU THE ALL CLEAR TO KILL”- His aim is fine, it’s his will that’s the problem…and the will to not kill is sadly unbreakable.
8) “So, what will be the excuse for AfO not try to steal Koichi’s quirk? It either is strong enough with barely any training that it can suit Shigaraki, or it would be useful after AfO bodysnatch him, since he’s far more adaptable. There’s literally no reason for him not to try.”- The reason is that powerful as the Quirk is, it pales still in comparison to OFA, and AFO judges that the effort required to go halfway around the world for a single Quirk won’t be worth the payoff, especially when his ongoing operations need his direct oversight for the moment. Essentially, Koichi has caught his eye, but he’s not as invested in chasing him down as he is All Might and Izuku, who literally cannot run away from him no matter where in the world they go.
9) “Yes because, you know, he can regenerate, and we haven’t decided if that’s actually plasma or if he managed to solidify it into a physical form.”- Still should be taking a lot out of him to generate this much mass, so lord knows where he gets the strength form to last a further 5 or so chapters.
10) “I love how this is again throwing shit at McBee. Koichi is actively not giving his all so as to not hurt him, and the guy is getting obliterated to hell and back.”- When taking the gloves off still does nothing to stop you enemy treating you with kid gloves…
11) “Good thing all the buildings around here are conveniently totally empty, it would be a real tragedy if this was taking place somewhere not completely devoid of people”- A magnificently abandoned section of the city this, to have a final battle in. Not like it’s within driving distance of a major hospital or anything…
12) “even my sarcasm doesn’t work when they literally use it as an excuse the following page”- Your sarcasm Quirk is hard countered by Furuhasi’s tendency to play all the absurdity straight as an arrow. @thelreads
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fish-of-aquaza · 4 years
~~Okay so, hi, I'm new here, in tumblr... and, I... just got into self shipping half a year ago... aaand only have platonic and familial ships.. and you can call me-
me: ~~J...Just call me any of these, I will clarify which name is which fandom, and-
Me: ~~Dude, what da heck?! Stop interrupting me!
~~Okay, I'll just read it out then.
~~So, first of all, of course as you could tell, Homestuck. I have Eridan, Terezi, Tavros, and of course you could tell, this rage nugget next to me called Karkat.
Me: ~~yeah, sorry. -giggle-
~~And I'm still reading homestuck, so there might be more f/os
Me: ~~you think that I wouldn't if I could? I procrastinate too many things qwq
Me: ~~well.. I have been procrastinating it a lot.. But can I continue? I'm finally doing it..
Me: ~~So, the next fandom is The Owl House. Let's see...We have Amity(familial/sister, she deserves better siblings)..... Gus...., Hooty-
Me: ~~yeah? Why did you ask?
Me: ~~well, I would say it differently, but yeah, it's basically what i think. Anyways, the last thing remaining is the Slitherbeast.
Me: ~~yeah?
Me: ~~well yeah, but they are still pretty cool
~~Let's move on, the next one is Danganronpa. We have:
~~Gundham Tanaka
~~K1-B0 (kiibo/keebo)
~~Leon Kuwata
~~Chiaki Nanami *
~~Koichi Kizakura (familial/dad)
~~Possibly will be more, I'm still watching the walkthroughs and stuff-
ME: ~~Hm?
Me: ~~okay, first of all, that's a girl, second.. It's just a... A marking, a marking because she's my favourite woman f/o
Me: ~~Oh! Oh yeah.. I.. I forgot! Let me just -scribbles a star next to his name-
~~Here! Done ^^
Me: thanks...
~~So anyways, next on the list is: No Straight Roads, AKA NSR We have Neon J-
Me: ~~No, his name literally means 1010, the name of the boy band he created
Me: ~~Neon is the 10th element of the periodic table and J is the 10th letter of the alphabet.
Me: ~~It is. Can I continue now?
Me: ~~It wouldn't take so long if you wouldn't keep interrupting me.. -_-
~~So yeah, he is familial, dad figure. the rest is 1010, and Yinu along with her mother
~~There are only a few fandoms left, I'll be quick.
~~Tokoyami, I loved his appearance since their first training, he's the coolest and strongest when he's in beast mode (in my opinion of course).
~~Other dad, he's a familial, as a dad of course
Me: ~~He deserved better...
~~And, the last fandom,
~~Epithet Erased:
~~Zora Salazar(Familial/Aunt)-
Me: ~~Yes she does my self insert keep teasing her about it.
~~And the last one, Ramsey. I like his style, pretty much a loveable character, i wanna be his friend.
~~And, as a last thing-
~~Ookay... Soo..
~~I just... wanted to mention that... I'm the brother of (@fishy-moirails), and we have shared f/os, and sibling self inserts in most of the fandoms that I have mentioned...
~~Soo.. Yeah..uhm..I will... update later.. Bye! -runs away-
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cheemerthelizard · 4 years
What about a platonic reader x okuyasu where she’s dating josuke but is great friends with okuyasu and he also cares for her as a best friend. One day josuke has to attend some business with jotaro so he skips school, okuyasu and koichi are just hanging out when they hear her pleading to be left alone so they go ???? and when they find her she’s getting teased or harassed by some dude who has fought josuke before and okuyasu is all out to defend his friend, LOVE YOUR WRITING THANK YOUU🥰
I cannot BELIEVE how well this worked out for a sequel to one of my other fics (it is NOT required that you read it in order to understand what’s going on in this fic). Enjoy!
It had only been a month, but that month had felt like a lifetime. After Josuke defended you from the punks trying to steal your wallet and invited you out for ice cream with his friends, he told you all about the ‘Stands,’ as he called them. Turns out, those friends had Stands as well, but made sure not to leave you out of any conversation when you were around. And somehow, Josuke and you had developed feelings for one another in such a short time, and now you were dating. This month had been the best month of your entire life, and it didn’t look like the good times weren’t stopping anytime soon.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I know I promised a date today,” Josuke said over the phone, “but Mr. Jotaro needs my help with a Stand user that’s been harming people in this town, and I have to go.”
“I understand,” you sighed. “I’ll be fine another day. Make sure this guy gets what he deserves!”
“Thanks for understanding,” Josuke told you. “Love you. I’ll take you somewhere nice tomorrow, promise.”
“Love you, too,” you answered. “See you tonight.”
You hung up, smiling to yourself. Maybe today you could go on a special date, one where you take yourself somewhere nice. Yes, that sounded good.
“Mom, I’m going out!” you called.
“Be back by dinner!” she replied.
And then you were off, opening the door and breathing in the fresh Morioh air. The day was all yours, and you didn’t know where to start.
“I should probably start with breakfast,” you said to yourself. “Get something nice, like pancakes. Then I should definitely splurge a little and go to the movies. No, no, I need to save something for Josuke to do with me tomorrow. Ah, what the heck, I’ll just watch a different movie! Then go to the arcade, that’s something fun I can do again with Josuke.”
While you were muttering and planning out your day, you accidentally bumped into some guys who were walking the opposite direction. “Oh, please excuse me!” you said. However, when you looked up, you saw some faces you never wanted to see again.
“Hey, watch where you’re going, runt,” the leader of the boys who tried to take your wallet just a month ago snapped. “You better be careful if you’re looking for a fight. I haven’t lost once.”
That was a lie, but you sure weren’t saying anything while you were alone. “R-right, sorry!” you stuttered, quickly walking away. Thank goodness they didn’t recognize you.
“Hold it.”
A chill went down your spine. You spoke too soon.
“Aren’t you that girl who we tried to take that wallet from a month ago?”
“I… I have n-no clue what you’re t-talking about,” you were frozen right where you were, bug-eyed, sweat dripping down your forehead.
“Do we believe her, boys?” the leader asked. The two grunts shook their heads.
“You can have my wallet, take it!” you cried. “Look, I even stuffed it with cash because I was planning on splurging today! It even has my credit card and driver’s license!”
“Oh, but it’s not your wallet we want,” the grunt smiled in a way that made you very uncomfortable. “We want revenge on Astro Boy, for shaming us. Obviously, we can’t beat him to a pulp, but we sure can do that to you.”
“N-now, hold on,” you laughed nervously, backing up as the boys got closer to you, holding your hands up in either defense or surrender, you weren’t sure which. “When Josuke finds out that you beat up his girlfriend, he’s not gonna be too happy with you. Better think twice about it.”
Oh, but they weren’t thinking twice. The leader locked your arms behind your back while the grunts swung punches on every part of your body.
“Maybe that Josuke guy will think twice before messing with us!” one of the grunts laughed.
“Stop!” you cried, tears streaming down your face. “Please, just take my wallet and leave!”
“But where’s the fun in that?” the second grunt sneered. “Have we done enough, boss?”
“Not even close,” the leader cackled. “Keep going!”
“Leave my friend alone!”
You knew that voice. It was Okuyasu’s. The boys turned to the sound, realizing someone found them out.
“Well?” Okuyasu asked. “Why aren’t you letting her go yet?”
“I don’t think you understand, runt,” the leader scowled, tossing you to the first guy and walking closer towards your friend. “We are the best gang in Morioh. Nobody takes us on, you know why? Because nobody can beat us in a fight.”
“Except for Josuke,” you blurted out, earning a hard punch to the eye from the punk holding you.
“That was only one guy, and he was cheating, anyway. Using some sort of special power. There’s no way you could take us on.” Before the leader said the last words, he got right up in Okuyasu’s face. “So, beat it.”
As the leader was walking back to you, signaling to his grunts to keep going, Okuyasu said, “Wait.”
The leader turned back. “What? You still think you can take us?”
“I do,” Okuyasu stated, “because I have a special power, too.”
The three boys scoffed.
“You can’t scare us just by telling us that,” the grunt holding you laughed. “You gotta prove it.”
“I’d… rather not do that,” Okuyasu muttered. “But if you make me, I will.”
“Aww, looks like someone was lying,” the other grunt mocked. “He better run back home before he gets beat up along with the girl.”
“Or maybe he’s scared,” the leader taunted. “He’s a scaredy-cat. He doesn’t want to fight us, so he pretends he has a ‘cool power.’ Come on, scaredy-cat. Show us.”
Suddenly, the leader slid forward towards Okuyasu, who grabbed him by his shirt and held him close.
“Don’t lay a hand on my best friend,” Okuyasu growled, “or I’ll scrape you away just like I did with the air that pulled you this way. Got it?”
The leader nodded, sweat dripping down his face.
“Then, scram!”
The boys did exactly as they were told, dropping you and running away.
“Oku...yasu…” you breathed heavily, limping towards your friend.
“No, no, no, don’t walk!” Okuyasu scraped away the air in front of you, and you teleported straight to him. “Where does it hurt?”
“Everywhere,” you groaned.
“Does it hurt when I do this?”
“Ow! Ow! Yes.”
“Oh, you’re really beaten up. I need to get you to Josuke right now.”
“No, no,” you told him. “Josuke is dealing with a Stand user right now. He doesn’t need to worry about me.”
“But he does! Look at you!”
“If we go and find him now, I could distract him from the task at hand.”
“But I can’t bear to see you like this!” Okuyasu exclaimed. “Fine. If you really don’t want to see Josuke that bad, I’ll take care of you until he’s done with the Stand user.” He picked you up, and walked to his house while carrying you in his arms.
“Thank you, Okuyasu,” you smiled weakly. “I’m sure Josuke will understand.”
Sure, the road to a great day will always have some annoying bumps, but with your friends being as caring as they are, those bumps were a little easier to drive across.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a matchup?? I'm 5'4, INFP-T, and I'm a chubby girl with brown skin and glasses with thick lens! I'm a perfectionist that often gets stressed out easily and think critical of myself when I fail, sometimes to the point I might harm myself. I'm trying to better myself though.
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TW // self-harm is mentioned
Thank you for your request! You sound like an interesting and friendly person, and I'm sure your art is amazing ^_^ enjoy your matchup~
Diamond Is Unbreakable and Vento Aureo Matchup
My first matchup choice for you is...
Higashikata Josuke!
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Josuke loves your height. As he's really tall, he enjoys resting his head on yours, hugging you from behind.
The Higashikata boy is a sucker for your physical appearance, he feels so lucky you chose him over all the guys in Morioh Cho. He loves hugging you when you aren't expecting it.
He says glasses make you look the cutest thing ever. If you feel uncomfortable with your glasses, he won't bring the topic up. Just know he finds you perfect anyway.
He's the kind of dumb fuck who steals your glasses.
You're a perfectionist? Maybe it's a side of Josuke you don't really see much, since he's pretty clumsy. But he is, too. Above all on his physical appearance. Above all on his pompadour. Above all on his eyebrows.
Also, Crazy Diamond is a licensed perfectionist, though. Since its ability is bringing stuff at its original form, he pays attention to every detail, and won't let Josuke move away until it hasn't fixed things how it wants.
If you happen to see a lock of his hair out of place, knowing you're careful abour details and perfection, Josuke will let you fix his pompadour. But only because it's you.
Josuke is used to comforting you in moments when you think critical of yourself, when you happen to fail. He has a certain best friend that does the same.
If he happens to find out you've been self harming, he'll sit next to you. And will lovingly and respectfully talk to you, without pushing you, if you don't feel comfortable.
He'll take you hands in his, and caress your wrists. You'll notice Josuke has healed you. He will kiss you, where your wounds were, and if his love can heal other wounds, he won't ever abandon you.
Tomoko loves you like a daughter, she knows her son is safe and happy with you.
When you met, you had an intimidating aura, all around you, and Josuke was able to see through it. Koichi told him to pay attention, but the tall boy never gave up on you.
Now, the whole Duwang Gang absolutely loves you. You stood with them against Kira, you went through heaven and hell with them, and you happened to hang out with them even when Josuke couldn't. You boyfriend brought you in such a good atmosphere.
You know there's someone who's got your back any moment. Also, there's plenty of reasons to laugh with them. With your boyfriend and Okuyasu around you, you're not the only giggly loud mess.
"Babe..." Josuke whined, tackling you on the couch, squeezing you with his weight. "Do you really have to attend that Writing Class... wouldn't it be better to stay here and cuddle with your amazing boyfriend that happens to be me?"
He understood you don't really enjoy those lessons and that you get stressed over them. So he tries to keep you home from those with every type of excuse. He once pretended to be sick to keep you by his side.
Josuke would be more than happy to be your armchair, while you draw. Just because he enjoys keeping you close while you do something you like. It makes him happy.
He's amazed by your drawing skills, and he usually showers you with compliments. Josuke tried to draw something for you. It was a horrible drawing, but you never told him. What you cared about was the fact that it was Josuke's one.
He sees you pout because you'd like something you can't afford? Josuke's romantic ass will buy it for you in a heartbeat.
If you enjoy daydreaming while listening to music, Josuke will make your dreams come true. He'll let you close your eyes, in his room, music all around you, while he holds you and kisses you.
My second matchup choice for you is...
Bruno Bucciarati!
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You're his right hand. You have your desk right in Bruno's office.
Bucciarati likes art. And you're like art for him, your beautiful skin is, your whole body is. He likes caressing you and kissing you.
As a responsible capo, he made sure everyone in his gang respected you the way you deserve, but they're fine, so you are too.
Bruno tries to keep it professional in front of the gang, but when you two are alone in his office, he's the one who approaches your desk, looking for attention.
Your glasses have a special meaning. You now use the ones he gifted you. Their frame has the same pattern as Bruno's signature suit.
He cares about that gift, too, that's why when he cuddles with you or he smothers you in kisses, he usually takes off your glasses from your nose.
It's a good thing you're a perfectionist. Bruno cares about precision in work too, and having someone so precise by his side guarantees a high quality work to be done.
Bruno's desk is messy please put his pens and tools in order he's baby.
When you happen to fail in a mission or get something wrong while you work with him, Bucciarati knows you're gonna underestimate yourself. That's why he always pulls you in a tight embrace and reminds you he's deeply proud of you and thar you've done great.
Bruno banned every type of sharp thing from the base. You happened to harm yourself several times, but he won't allow this anymore.
He can't see you suffer, and if you want to express your worries, he'll be there for you. He'll spend extra time with you, if necessary, but won't leave your side until he knows you're fine enough.
When you met, your intimidating aura didn't stop him from treating you a nice dish of spaghetti at Libeccio's and politely asking you to join Passione. Bucciarati is an amazing man.
If he happens to see you giggling and having fun with the gang, especially Mista and Narancia, will sincerely thank them afterwards for making you laugh and smile.
Passione takes your time away, you honestly have no time to think about the Writing Class, and you're quite thankful for this.
"If that Writing Class stresses you so much... just don't go anymore." you can't believe it's a smart man like Bruno, cuddling with you while telling you this. "Passione already gives you lots of work... you don't need more pressure, tesoro..."
You'd rather spend more time drawing, and remember to show Bruno and the gang your drawings! They'll genuinely and positively react to your art. Bucciarati pushed Abbacchio to react a little more to your enthusiasm, but knowing him, after seeing Leone smile you know he appreciated your drawing.
You afterwards thank Bruno for being so caring towards you and worrying about the gang's reactions to your drawing.
Bucciarati spoils you. But only if you're a good girl. "What about we finish signing this last stack of papers and then your loving boyfriend gets you a special gift?" and he buys you the art supplies you were pouting at last time you two went on a date.
If he finds you listening to music, probably daydreaming about him, he'll join you, catching your attention singing a couple lines of the song.
Bruno's suave and soothing voice is perfect. As soon as you hear him, you stop your music, without opening your eyes, and listen to him humming a couple more lines of the song, before the feeling of his loving lips meeting yours.
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