alteridolriley · 5 years
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@today-only-happens-once, hope you enjoy this, Grae! this is also unedited all mistakes are mine sorry i’m tired
tw: panic attack
(Human/College AU, Logan is a doctorate major, Virgil is an English major | also you can take this as whatever you want, romantic, platonic, QPR = sky’s the limit!)
Logan walked back towards his dorm, clutching his backpack closely to his side. He ran his free hand through his hair, feeling the early spring chill roll down his spine. Logan was exhausted. Two finals down and only his thesis to finish within the next two weeks. After that, he could finally breathe. He looked toward his dorm, only to see a familiar figure pacing outside of the building. The figure was hunched over and rubbing their own arms vigorously. Logan blinked to clear his vision (he was more exhausted than he had first thought) and it was then he recognized who was standing there.
“Virgil?” Logan questioned as approached.
The figure's head whipped to look at Logan so quickly, it actually caused Logan to flinch in response. It was Virgil. His eyes were large, nearly dilated, and his forehead was sweating something fierce. For a few seconds, Virgil stared at Logan, his breathing incredibly erratic. The early dusk sunset cloaked Virgil in a shadow and as the two met eyes, Virgil took one step towards Logan only for his knee to buckle. Logan discarded his bag in one motion, running forward to catch Virgil in one movement, bringing them both to the ground safely.
“Sorry, sorry—I'msorry—sorry...” Virgil murmured under his breath. “I—I can't...”
“Virgil, please listen. It's okay. It really is.” Logan clenched Virgil's hand in his. “Please, try to match my breathing alright?”
Logan took Virgil's hand to his chest and took deep breaths. Virgil coughed several times trying to calm himself, and after a few seconds, he clenched Logan's shirt. He pushed himself to sit up.
“L, I—I didn't mean to,” Virgil started to say before Logan shook his head.
“Virgil, it's fine. I promise you.” Logan assured. “Can you explain what's wrong?”
Virgil took in a shaky breath as he pulled his hoodie more around his body. “My manuscript... my work...” Logan could see Virgil's eyes take on a glassy look. “It's gone, L. My bag was stolen. My backup, my laptop—everything is gone.”
Logan felt his heart race and an anger swell up in his chest. “What?! When?! Where?!”
“It's been a few hours...” Virgil explained. “You were in your final and I didn't want to bother you. Patton and Roman tried to help, but they had finals too so they had to leave.” Virgil blinked several times. Two tears dripped out of his eyes and he was quick to rub them from his cheeks. “I don't know what to do. I was just a month away from submitting it and I don't know what to tell the agent who was helping me. I skipped my final today and that probably means I'm gonna fail. I don't have the money to repeat that class. Just needed to make it through and then it vanishes and I don't—I don't...” Virgil began breathing erratically again and his eyes begin to jerk around, unable to focus.
“Virgil! Virge, hey, hey...” Logan grabbed Virgil's hand quickly, jerking him back to reality. “Stay with me.” Logan interlaced their fingers, squeezing gently. Virgil blinked slowly, looking back up at Logan. Logan bit his lip as Virgil's face met his. Tears tracks formed down Virgil's cheeks, which were red and puffy. “It's okay, Virgil.”
Virgil leaned into Logan, pushing his face into Logan's buttoned down black shirt. “But this is the only thing that’s made the last three years bearable.” Virgil whispered painfully. His voice was thick with mucus and he coughed violently, beginning to sob uncontrollably.
Logan pulled Virgil closer to him, rubbing Virgil's back in soft, slow circles. Logan could see in his mind all of those late nights Virgil spent hunched over his laptop, typing up what he believed to be his best work yet. Virgil had recently emailed an original typed version of his manuscript. Virgil had always said he wrote better when he physically wrote something so he had spent a long time editing and typing. Logan was pulled out of his thoughts as Virgil shifted under him.
“Virgil, you can do it again. I know that's not much consolation at the moment, but rest assured, you are a very talented author.” Logan chewed his cheek, considering his words. “Also, I will not rest until we have looked everywhere for your bag. I will help you.”
“But your thesis--?” Virgil shuddered.
“I would say I am about 75% done with that and still two weeks out from the due date.” Logan informed. “We are going to find your bag, and then also speak with your professor about your missed final. Which final did you miss?”
“Professor Thompson.” Virgil murmured.
Logan nodded. “I've spoken to her previously. I'm sure she will understand.” Logan stood up, helping Virgil to his feet. Logan held onto Virgil's hand tightly, refusing to let go. Logan grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. As he adjusted the strap, Virgil leaned onto Logan's back, wrapping his arms around the taller boy in a soft hug. “Virgil?”
“Thank you, Lo.” Virgil said. It was clear he was holding back more tears. “You... you're the real reason these last three years have been bearable for me. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
Logan laughed airily, leaning down to kiss the top of Virgil's head. “I will always be here for you, Virgil.” He pulled Virgil around him slowly. “Ready?”
Virgil nodded, looking up to Logan with tears still in his eyes but a smile on his face. “Mhmhm.”
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alteridolriley · 6 years
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67 - When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More - (Human/High School AU - Patton (sophomore) is captain of the dance team and virgil (freshman) is a new transfer student who has rumors going around that he hurt someone bc he was expelled from his previous school)
Words: 1,705 - Virgil knew it was wrong. Getting a crush on the kindest, sweetest boy in school while also having a criminal record and rumors tied to your name was a terrible idea. Virgil knew Patton would never give him the time of day since he was always so busy with the dance team. But seeing Patton leading the group of dancers during pep rallies made the rally itself so much more bearable. Patton was so adorable. He always had on the biggest smile, showcasing his dimples. His bright blue eyes seemed to pierce straight into Virgil's heart. Everyone loved Patton. He was always surrounded by friends at school. Even when Virgil would run into him in the bathroom, Patton had at least one person waiting for him. Virgil wondered what that was like. Being the transfer student, with the rumors going on around him, people tended to avoid him. Didn't help he had the emo look to help him look quote on quote "dangerous". Virgil got lost in his thoughts as he walked back to his class from a locker visit. Without even looking up from his phone, something suddenly slammed into him, causing virgil to fall back, slamming his head onto the tile floor. "Its what you deserve." Someone scoffed loudly. Virgil rubbed his head as he sat up, feeling lightheaded. He looked up to see a student he didn't recognize staring daggers down at him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead. "You should apologize for running into me, Mr. Violent. Who knows what the school might do if I tell them you're harassing me?" The bully said. Virgil ignored them, choosing to pick up his scattered papers and binders. "Excuse me, are you listening?" The bully snarled, kicking Virgil in his waist, knocking him back onto the ground. Virgil coughed as the air was pushed out of his stomach. He clutched his torso in pain. "Hey!" Another voice called. Virgil opened his eyes to see Patton standing just outside the restroom door across the hall. "What are you doing, Luke?" He asked hotly. Virgil had never heard Patton so mad before. "Nothing coach." Luke said, shrugging his shoulders. Virgil noticed in that moment that Luke and Patton were similarly dressed. Dance team sweats. "This asshole bumped into me and then refused to apologize." "You can cut the lying, Luke. I saw it all." Patton retorted, pushing past Luke and over to Virgil. Patton helped Virgil to stand after gathering his things off the floor. "I suggest apologizing to Virgil. He didn't do anything to you." Luke glared. "You can't prove he didn't." "Maybe I can't. But that newly installed camera over there can." Patton explained as he pointed to a nearby exit. The camera hung down from the middle and pointing right at them. "If you had listened during the pep rally maybe you would've remembered when Mrs. Chambers told us about the new motion detected and voice activated camera systems." Patton smirked as the color drained from Luke's face. Without a word, the bully pushed past them and down the hall, vanishing from sight. "Hey... you okay?" Patton asked, during all of his attention back to Virgil. Virgil felt a bit dazed but overall felt okay. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Really. Um... thank you, Patton." He felt his face growing hot. "Are you sure?" Patton asked. "Your face is really red--" he reached out to feel Virgil's forehead, but Virgil pulled back just out of reach. "No! No..." Virgil coughed. "I'm fine. I am. Sorry you had to help me. Uh..." he fiddled with his papers, not really looking at Patton. "How did you know my name?" Patton raised his eyebrows a bit as he bit his lip. "Well, I hear the rumor mill a lot being the dance team captain." Virgil's heart sank. "Oh... yeah-- of course you would. Hey um... I'm gonna go." He turned to leave, only to have Patton grab his wrist. "I don't believe what they say about you. I truly don't." Patton said softly. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay?" Virgil shook his head. "You don't want to hang out with me. It'll ruin your reputation around here right?" Patton shrugged. "I don't really care if it does or doesn't." He said simply. "Virgil, being honest, I've been interested in you since you first arrived." It was Patton's turn to blush. "I wanted to say something earlier, but I didn't want to overwhelm you and I tend to be followed around a lot. I don't have many friends." Virgil suddenly felt terrible. All those times he could've said something to Patton and all that time, Patton wanted to say something to him too? "Meet me behind the bleachers in the gym today?" Patton asked. "Our practice starts at 4:30. So I have some time." Virgil nodded. "Okay." Patton smiled brightly and Virgil felt his face grow hot again. "Yay! See you then!" Patton waved and took off down a nearby hallway, his sneakers scooting sound echoing loudly. 
Virgil sat there and stared at the clock on the wall. It was 2:55pm. Classes ended in 20 minutes. In 20 minutes he would be alone with Patton Foster behind the gym bleachers. 
As the blood rushed to his face even worse, Virgil turned on his heel back to his class. 
Focusing was, luckily, unnecessary as when Virgil arrived back in class, all of the students were talking. Virgil snuck back into his desk, quickly taking down the few notes he had missed in the notebook he had gone to his locker to get. 
Virgil looked up to his teacher, Mr. Picani, waving at him to come up to his desk. Virgil took the long way around his classmates but eventually arrived at the desk.
"Yes sir?" Virgil asked. He held his hands together nervously. 
"I passed out a homework assignment while you were going to your locker. Here you go." Mr. Picani said with a smile. Virgil glanced at the math packet and released a breath. Good. He wasn't in trouble. "Also, I just wanted to let you know, all of the teachers are aware of the rumors going around about you. We will take care of it soon. There's only so much we can do unfortunately. But just know we are on your side, okay?" Mr. Picani placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder and squeezed. 
Virgil bowed slightly to his teacher. "Thank you sir..." he turned and walked back to his seat only for the bell to chime as he arrived. 
All of his classmates clambered out of the classroom quickly. Virgil felt his heart start to race as he packed up his last book into his backpack.
He walked out of the class and towards the center of the school to the gym. Upon walking inside, Virgil saw all of the dance team member stretching and getting ready. 
Virgil looked towards the bleachers to see Patton waving at him. Virgil quickly walked over and slipped into the small opening between the two sets of bleachers. It was an obvious hangout spot as there was trash laying all over the floor and discarded drinks and bags. 
"I'm glad you came." Patton started as he sat down on his varsity jacket. "I kinda wondered if you were actually going to." He scratched his head. 
Virgil shrugged. "I mean... it's not like I can tell the most popular kid in school "no"?" He meant it as a joke but Patton's eyes drooped.
"Yeah I guess not..." Patton leaned over, grabbed a light blue water bottle and took a swig. "But I'm honestly just a figurehead for it all." Virgil sat down across from him. "I'm the captain because I'm good at what I do. That part is true. But I'm far from being the most popular. Most people say I'm just a goody two shoes, walking around buddy buddy with the teachers so I can get what I want." Patton took another drink. "I'm not Patton to them. I'm Foster, the top dance team member, honor roll, probably will be valedictorian." 
Virgil could see a gloss look cover Patton's eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but Patton continued. 
"When you started at school, you were the first person to talk to me like I was just another student. You didnt talk to me to get anything out of me..." Patton smiled. "I admired you for that." He fiddled with his bottle. "Then I heard the rumor. The rumor that you had assaulted someone and had a criminal record." Virgil felt his body tense up. "I'll be upfront with you. I did some digging online and I found what actually happened...and I'm so sorry." 
Patton reached his hand out and Virgil gently took it into his own. "Thank you Patton." Virgil said softly. He felt his hands trembling but he was powerless to stop it. Patton took his other hand and Virgil's, holding Virgil's in between his own. "I-- I have wanted to speak to you for awhile now, Patton. But I... I was afraid." Virgil felt his face grow hot. "But it's great to know you're just as kind as you look."
Patton blinked, his own face flushing a bit. It was in that moment both boys realized how close they were sitting to each other. Their eyes met and without any words, both leaned forward and their lips touched. It was soft and dry. Minty and sweet. 
"I'm sorry." Patton pulled away. "Are you sure you--"
Virgil cut him off by crossing the gap between them and kissing Patton again. This time it was passionate and messy as Virgil held onto Patton's cheeks gently. Patton ran his hands through Virgil's hair. It was quiet as the two parted lips, leaning back and smiling sheepishly at each other. 
"I like you, Patton. Your smile, your laugh, your kind heart." Virgil explained. "I hope... I hope that's okay."
Patton smiled, showing off his cute dimples. "I like you too, Virgil. A lot. Your understanding, strength, and your resilience." 
The boy's leaned together, touching foreheads and laughing. This was their moment and it was just the start of many more moments to come.
(Prompts are closed!)
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alteridolriley · 6 years
Prinxiety 12?
So I know this was sent for a different prompt thing but I used it on the kiss prompts I reblogged recently? I hope that’s okay!
12- Kiss on the nose
“Yesmy emo one?”
“Please.Come. To. Bed.” Virgil demanded from under his blanket hood.
Virgilhad come into Roman’s room late to find the creative side stillsitting at his desk, working on the next video. Thomas was asleepand, since his dreams were particularly vivid, Roman was able to getsome ideas from them. Sometimes, well most of the time, they werepretty outlandish, but Roman could still use the basic idea to breakdown into a coherent story or premise. Some of Roman’s best work camefrom Thomas’s dreams. Recently, Virgil had begun to sleep more inRoman’s room since it was easier for him to fall asleep there andsince the two had begun a relationship together, Virgil enjoyed beingwith him as much as possible.However, Virgil was not particularly the type who liked to stay uplate. (It makes metoo anxious,he explained once. Whatif I oversleep and that causes Thomas to make a mistake because Iwasn’t there to stop him??)The sides were linked to Thomas still. When he was asleep, it madethem all particularly drowsy. Roman had stayed up late on so manyoccasions that he had grown quite used to ignoring his tiredness andfatigue.
“Rooooommmmmaaaaannnnn.”Virgil whined. He wiggled across the bed towards Roman who wassitting at the desk next to the bed. Virgil leaned his head againstRoman’s arm. “Pleeeeeeeaaaasssssse.”
Theprince laughed lightly. “You sure are needy tonight.” Heteased.
Virgilfrowned. “I’m sleepy. It’s 3:30 in the morning. As much as myoutward appearance suggests I don’t like sleep, I actually do.”
Virgilreached out of his blanket cocoon and placed his hand on the back ofRoman’s head, rubbing his fingers in a massaging motion. Virgil couldfeel the tension in Roman’s neck subside instantly. The prince leanedinto his touch, but Virgil pulled his hand back quickly and thenleaned towards Roman, kissing him on the nose.
“There’smore for you if you come to bed.” Virgil promised, falling backto the bed. He rolled over to the far side. It was Roman’s turn tofrown.
“That’sawfully mean to tease me like that…” he said with his bottomlip sticking out. Roman sighed, stretching his arms above his head.As Virgil tucked himself under the covers, Roman realized how tiredhe actually was. “Alright, my chemically imbalanced romance, youwin.”
Romanclosed his notebook and stood, snapping his fingers. His princelyattire was replaced with a red t-shirt with a crown on the front andred sweats. Roman crawled onto bed as the light in the room grewsofter and the fairy lights above the bed began to glow. Virgil metRoman in the center of the bed and, as promised, began to massage theprince’s shoulders and neck. Roman leaned into Virgil relaxing as histension was worked through. Virgil had been right of course– Romanhad worked basically all day and after sitting that long, hisshoulders and arms were very sore.
Romanfelt himself falling asleep rather quickly so he leaned back to lookat Virgil. He had settled himself into the fluffy pillows and lookedjust as sleepy. Roman leaned in and kissed Virgil on the nose.
“Ialways do… you know.” Virgil said groggily.
Romanraised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
“Ialways win.” Virgil said smugly, a grin appearing across his face.“I always convince you. I guess I’m your weakness.”
Theprince released a breath, smiling. “Yes, that is true… but you’reexhausted. I can see it in your eyes. Sleep, my dark prince.”
Virgilnodded, holding his arms out to Roman. Roman tucked himself intoVirgil’s embrace, laying his head on Virgil’s shoulder. “I love youRoman.” Virgil said breathly, barely above a whisper.
“Ilove you too.”
(Prompts are closed!)
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