alteridolriley · 5 years
a new connection
hey guys did you hear?? it's @today-only-happens-once 's birthday!!! Happy birthday Grae!! I asked Grae to pick a Roman ship: Logince was chosen and grae also loves ace!Roman with a passion so this was born!! please enjoy!!
Human/High School AU
tw: acephobia, food mention, bullying, comical choking (on food)
Roman knew he was different. Ever since he had started dating, something felt wrong. He had grown up loving Disney and seeing a prince and princess fall in love but he... didn't feel that way about girls he learned. He wanted to find his own prince, even if Roman carried himself as one too. His mama loved him so much and she was so proud he told her how he felt and she supported him 100%. But there was another part he didn't admit to.
He'd come to learn the term asexuality.
Roman loved the flare of romance. He felt like he was born to play the part as his name implied. He loved giving flowers, hug holding, even kissing, but when he found himself in a bed with his first girlfriend at age 15: he froze. His heart began to race and Roman thought he was going to die. Luckily, Anita, the girlfriend, saw something was wrong and she stopped everything, even though Roman kept hearing himself say that he "was fine".
"Roman, you're breathing so fast and you're shaking. We're not going to do anything. I'm putting a stop to it now." Anita explained, getting up from the bed. She pulled her shirt back on as well as her sweatpants. "Maybe when we're older and you get over your fear."
He felt his heart sink as Anita left the room.
After that day, Anita avoided him and eventually broke up with him. Which Roman felt unusual about, in all honesty. Part of him was super relieved because Anita had really wanted sex but the other missed seeing her smile when he bring her flowers. Or how her eyes lit up when he kissed her cheek. He did miss that because he loved her.
And then the rumors started. Roman realized people kept giving him weird looks or side glances when the biology teacher said anything sexual.
Anita had opened her big mouth and told the whole school what had happened in that bedroom.
Roman can't have sex! He has a panic attack just seeing a girl naked!!
How the hell is he ever going to get a partner? I know he swings both ways but if he can't please the other person he's gonna be alone forever.
Gay and playing the abstinence card? Roman is doomed to be alone forever!
Try as he might to push through these rumors, they began to tear at his very core. Even rumors about how he didn't actually love Anita at all started to go around and that crushed him. He should hate her but he can't. Anita was his sweetheart. His sunlight. She had been there for him through everything.
But not being able to perform in the bedroom was the deal breaker.
Roman concluded he was broken. A defect in the human biology circle.
Well, that was until that fateful day.
It was lunch time. Roman sat alone as he usually did. It wasn't that he didn't have friends, he just chose to sit alone. Some of his friends' friends would stare and as much as he liked the spotlight on stage in the Drama Club, he liked it much less in real life.
As he took another bite of his turkey sandwich, a tray was sat down across from him and a senior sat down. Roman recognized him immediately. It was Logan Foster, Student Council President and the highest ranking valedictorian the school was ever going to have. Roman nearly choked on his turkey as he tried to swallow, taking a drink of his water to quell the ache in his throat.
"Roman Prince, correct?" Logan asked.
Logan's voice sounded like the way brownies look fresh out of the oven: firm yet soft. His caramel colored hair was slicked back, frozen in place with gel and his black glasses pushed tightly to his face. Roman nodded to Logan's question as he tried to avoid eye contact. He felt as if those icy blue eyes could see right into his soul.
"I am here to ask you just a few questions pertaining to some upcoming events." Logan explained as he neatly cut his pizza with a plastic fork and knife. He dipped the piece in ranch before consuming it and wiped his mouth. Roman was enamored by his every move. Logan was so precise. Not only with his speech but every movement. "Do you have a date to prom?"
Roman, once again, choked on his turkey sandwich. "Wait what?" He asked and as he stared at Logan, he noticed the student council president falter for a bit and a small red blush fall over his cheeks. "You want to go to prom with me?"
Logan coughed and the blush vanished from his face so fast Roman thought he might have imagined it. "Yes, that is what I am requesting of you." Logan verified. "However I now realized I probably should've asked if you have a significant other."
Roman laughed hotly before tossing his sandwich back onto the tray in front of him. "There's no way you haven't heard the rumors about me, Specs."
Logan narrowed his eyes. Roman suddenly felt as if he was in trouble. Logan then cleared his throat. "If you mean the discussion about your abstinence from sexual activity with Anita Morris then yes, I have heard about this. However, that also leads to another question I had for you."
Roman grabbed his water and nodded for Logan to continue.
"Have you heard of asexuality?" Logan questioned and Roman shook his head. "It is a sexuality some people have that is the absence of a sexual attraction to others. After hearing the rumors about you, I pressed Anita Morris for the full story and she explained to me the events of that night. I was pleased to hear she did not force herself onto you as that is how I expected the story to go." Logan paused. "She didn't force herself onto you, correct?"
Roman shook his head again. "No she didn't. She got dressed and left me there."
"And what did you do?" Logan asked.
I laid there and cried, wondering if I was broken.
"I got dressed and went home. That's all." Roman responded, ignoring the real memory.
Logan nodded. "Well that answers the questions I had."
"So this asexuality. It means it's okay to not be physically attracted to someone?" Roman asked. Logan nodded. "But I like kissing and holding hands and stuff like that. There's no way I can be asexual."
Logan shook his head. "It depends on how you see those things. If you're looking at them from the typical perspective, you like those things because you feel a resonance in your chest when things like that occur. Not a resonance in your--"
"Whoa okay Specs, I get it. I get it." Roman cut him off, feeling his own face get hot. "So why tell me about it? How do you know so much?"
"I am also on the ace spectrum however I am demisexual. I enjoy the idea of sex with someone after truly bonding with them. It takes a very long time for me to trust. And I might never want it. But..." Logan paused and bit his lip. Roman noticed Logan's cheeks growing red again. "I wanted to help you because I felt a kinship with you and I have been in your position before. These rumors frustrate me because of everyone's general ignorance and I have decided to put a stop to it. Now that I have varified that you are asexual, I will be asking the Journalism Club to push through the article I wrote on the subject."
Roman blinked in disbelief. Everyone read Logan's articles in the school paper and took it as the freaking bible sometimes.
"You did that for me?" Roman asked in a small voice.
Logan nodded. "Yes. As much as it is quite embarrassing for me to admit, I have found you conventionally attractive for awhile as well as your positive attitude and acting is very commendable as well." He paused. "I would like to get to know you, Roman Prince. Will you allow me this?"
Logan held his hand out across the table. Roman stared at the hand and felt a smile creep across his face. "Yeah... sure." Roman took his hand and shook it gently, feeling Logan's sweaty palm matched his own. Even under his firm, poised outside, Logan Foster could get nervous.
"Splendid." Logan answered, quickly getting up. "I must be going, I have a few club things to attend to before lunch ends so I will meet you after school?"
"I have to go to drama." Roman explained.
"That's quite fine. I'll attend and watch you perform. I enjoy your performances and I've been to most of them over the past couple of years." Logan explained and he immediately looked like he regretted it.
Roman smiled and winked at him. "Sounds good, Specs. See you then." Logan began to walk away and Roman remembered. "Oh by the way!" He called out, causing Logan to turn around. "I'll go to prom with you!"
Logan coughed and nearly dropped his tray before nodding in approval and turning back to walk away.
Roman laughed lightly and turned back to his lunch. Not only did he learn that he wasn't broken, he also learned there were others like him and maybe, he had not only gained a friend but maybe something more.
hope you enjoy! please reblog! 💙❤
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alteridolriley · 6 years
Tumblr media
67 - When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More - (Human/High School AU - Patton (sophomore) is captain of the dance team and virgil (freshman) is a new transfer student who has rumors going around that he hurt someone bc he was expelled from his previous school)
Words: 1,705 - Virgil knew it was wrong. Getting a crush on the kindest, sweetest boy in school while also having a criminal record and rumors tied to your name was a terrible idea. Virgil knew Patton would never give him the time of day since he was always so busy with the dance team. But seeing Patton leading the group of dancers during pep rallies made the rally itself so much more bearable. Patton was so adorable. He always had on the biggest smile, showcasing his dimples. His bright blue eyes seemed to pierce straight into Virgil's heart. Everyone loved Patton. He was always surrounded by friends at school. Even when Virgil would run into him in the bathroom, Patton had at least one person waiting for him. Virgil wondered what that was like. Being the transfer student, with the rumors going on around him, people tended to avoid him. Didn't help he had the emo look to help him look quote on quote "dangerous". Virgil got lost in his thoughts as he walked back to his class from a locker visit. Without even looking up from his phone, something suddenly slammed into him, causing virgil to fall back, slamming his head onto the tile floor. "Its what you deserve." Someone scoffed loudly. Virgil rubbed his head as he sat up, feeling lightheaded. He looked up to see a student he didn't recognize staring daggers down at him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead. "You should apologize for running into me, Mr. Violent. Who knows what the school might do if I tell them you're harassing me?" The bully said. Virgil ignored them, choosing to pick up his scattered papers and binders. "Excuse me, are you listening?" The bully snarled, kicking Virgil in his waist, knocking him back onto the ground. Virgil coughed as the air was pushed out of his stomach. He clutched his torso in pain. "Hey!" Another voice called. Virgil opened his eyes to see Patton standing just outside the restroom door across the hall. "What are you doing, Luke?" He asked hotly. Virgil had never heard Patton so mad before. "Nothing coach." Luke said, shrugging his shoulders. Virgil noticed in that moment that Luke and Patton were similarly dressed. Dance team sweats. "This asshole bumped into me and then refused to apologize." "You can cut the lying, Luke. I saw it all." Patton retorted, pushing past Luke and over to Virgil. Patton helped Virgil to stand after gathering his things off the floor. "I suggest apologizing to Virgil. He didn't do anything to you." Luke glared. "You can't prove he didn't." "Maybe I can't. But that newly installed camera over there can." Patton explained as he pointed to a nearby exit. The camera hung down from the middle and pointing right at them. "If you had listened during the pep rally maybe you would've remembered when Mrs. Chambers told us about the new motion detected and voice activated camera systems." Patton smirked as the color drained from Luke's face. Without a word, the bully pushed past them and down the hall, vanishing from sight. "Hey... you okay?" Patton asked, during all of his attention back to Virgil. Virgil felt a bit dazed but overall felt okay. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Really. Um... thank you, Patton." He felt his face growing hot. "Are you sure?" Patton asked. "Your face is really red--" he reached out to feel Virgil's forehead, but Virgil pulled back just out of reach. "No! No..." Virgil coughed. "I'm fine. I am. Sorry you had to help me. Uh..." he fiddled with his papers, not really looking at Patton. "How did you know my name?" Patton raised his eyebrows a bit as he bit his lip. "Well, I hear the rumor mill a lot being the dance team captain." Virgil's heart sank. "Oh... yeah-- of course you would. Hey um... I'm gonna go." He turned to leave, only to have Patton grab his wrist. "I don't believe what they say about you. I truly don't." Patton said softly. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay?" Virgil shook his head. "You don't want to hang out with me. It'll ruin your reputation around here right?" Patton shrugged. "I don't really care if it does or doesn't." He said simply. "Virgil, being honest, I've been interested in you since you first arrived." It was Patton's turn to blush. "I wanted to say something earlier, but I didn't want to overwhelm you and I tend to be followed around a lot. I don't have many friends." Virgil suddenly felt terrible. All those times he could've said something to Patton and all that time, Patton wanted to say something to him too? "Meet me behind the bleachers in the gym today?" Patton asked. "Our practice starts at 4:30. So I have some time." Virgil nodded. "Okay." Patton smiled brightly and Virgil felt his face grow hot again. "Yay! See you then!" Patton waved and took off down a nearby hallway, his sneakers scooting sound echoing loudly. 
Virgil sat there and stared at the clock on the wall. It was 2:55pm. Classes ended in 20 minutes. In 20 minutes he would be alone with Patton Foster behind the gym bleachers. 
As the blood rushed to his face even worse, Virgil turned on his heel back to his class. 
Focusing was, luckily, unnecessary as when Virgil arrived back in class, all of the students were talking. Virgil snuck back into his desk, quickly taking down the few notes he had missed in the notebook he had gone to his locker to get. 
Virgil looked up to his teacher, Mr. Picani, waving at him to come up to his desk. Virgil took the long way around his classmates but eventually arrived at the desk.
"Yes sir?" Virgil asked. He held his hands together nervously. 
"I passed out a homework assignment while you were going to your locker. Here you go." Mr. Picani said with a smile. Virgil glanced at the math packet and released a breath. Good. He wasn't in trouble. "Also, I just wanted to let you know, all of the teachers are aware of the rumors going around about you. We will take care of it soon. There's only so much we can do unfortunately. But just know we are on your side, okay?" Mr. Picani placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder and squeezed. 
Virgil bowed slightly to his teacher. "Thank you sir..." he turned and walked back to his seat only for the bell to chime as he arrived. 
All of his classmates clambered out of the classroom quickly. Virgil felt his heart start to race as he packed up his last book into his backpack.
He walked out of the class and towards the center of the school to the gym. Upon walking inside, Virgil saw all of the dance team member stretching and getting ready. 
Virgil looked towards the bleachers to see Patton waving at him. Virgil quickly walked over and slipped into the small opening between the two sets of bleachers. It was an obvious hangout spot as there was trash laying all over the floor and discarded drinks and bags. 
"I'm glad you came." Patton started as he sat down on his varsity jacket. "I kinda wondered if you were actually going to." He scratched his head. 
Virgil shrugged. "I mean... it's not like I can tell the most popular kid in school "no"?" He meant it as a joke but Patton's eyes drooped.
"Yeah I guess not..." Patton leaned over, grabbed a light blue water bottle and took a swig. "But I'm honestly just a figurehead for it all." Virgil sat down across from him. "I'm the captain because I'm good at what I do. That part is true. But I'm far from being the most popular. Most people say I'm just a goody two shoes, walking around buddy buddy with the teachers so I can get what I want." Patton took another drink. "I'm not Patton to them. I'm Foster, the top dance team member, honor roll, probably will be valedictorian." 
Virgil could see a gloss look cover Patton's eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but Patton continued. 
"When you started at school, you were the first person to talk to me like I was just another student. You didnt talk to me to get anything out of me..." Patton smiled. "I admired you for that." He fiddled with his bottle. "Then I heard the rumor. The rumor that you had assaulted someone and had a criminal record." Virgil felt his body tense up. "I'll be upfront with you. I did some digging online and I found what actually happened...and I'm so sorry." 
Patton reached his hand out and Virgil gently took it into his own. "Thank you Patton." Virgil said softly. He felt his hands trembling but he was powerless to stop it. Patton took his other hand and Virgil's, holding Virgil's in between his own. "I-- I have wanted to speak to you for awhile now, Patton. But I... I was afraid." Virgil felt his face grow hot. "But it's great to know you're just as kind as you look."
Patton blinked, his own face flushing a bit. It was in that moment both boys realized how close they were sitting to each other. Their eyes met and without any words, both leaned forward and their lips touched. It was soft and dry. Minty and sweet. 
"I'm sorry." Patton pulled away. "Are you sure you--"
Virgil cut him off by crossing the gap between them and kissing Patton again. This time it was passionate and messy as Virgil held onto Patton's cheeks gently. Patton ran his hands through Virgil's hair. It was quiet as the two parted lips, leaning back and smiling sheepishly at each other. 
"I like you, Patton. Your smile, your laugh, your kind heart." Virgil explained. "I hope... I hope that's okay."
Patton smiled, showing off his cute dimples. "I like you too, Virgil. A lot. Your understanding, strength, and your resilience." 
The boy's leaned together, touching foreheads and laughing. This was their moment and it was just the start of many more moments to come.
(Prompts are closed!)
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alteridolriley · 6 years
Deceit's Birthday
A/N: This is hella late and unedited but I had to finish for our snek boy because I love him. Sorry for no read more - posted on mobile. Also also Dee's appearance in this fic is semi based on the look of @availe birthday art of smol Deceit!! 💛💛
Tw: sympathetic Deceit, age regression
There had been a lot of things Virgil could've imagined to see waking up on a lazy Sunday morning: Patton cooking a large breakfast for the group, Roman belting out the newest song stuck in Thomas's head from the day before, and Logan, yet again, experimenting with something questionably dangerous but continuing "for science". All of those things were quite possible. However the one thing the anxious trait didn't expect was to open his room door to see a baby Deceit sitting on the floor sucking his thumb and holding onto a very equally tiny snake plush.
"Dee...?" Virgil said questionably.
The baby turned up to look at him and he cooed happily, reaching up with his hands towards Virgil. "V! Up!"
Virgil looked back and forth down the hall before leaning down and picking up the small child. Deceit grabbed onto Virgil's jacket tightly but in the motion of going back up, the snake plushie was dropped.
Virgil winced at the piercing cry before realizing what happened. "Hey hey it's okay. It's okay." Virgil leaned over again and picked up the snake, giving it back to Deceit.
"Snek!" Deceit said, stuffing the plushie head into his mouth. He smiled through the action and Virgil felt a swell of something inside of him.
He and Deceit hadn't always seen eye to eye in the past but this was very different. Somehow Deceit had been age regressed. He had no comprehension of the past disagreements between them. All baby Deceit knew was that he knew Virgil and apparently trusted him enough to hold and take care of him. Virgil couldn't say he didn't feel a sense a pride building in his chest. It felt nice to be trusted by a child.
Virgil glanced at a nearby wall clock and felt his stomach grumbled. He had gone to bed without dinner (don't tell Logan or Patton) and now it was only 6:43am and he was starving. Dee suddenly frowned and looked like he was about to cry again.
"Shh..." Virgil bounced the child in his arms and he giggled in response. "Let me guess.. you're hungry?"
Dee nodded, biting on his snake plush again. "Pancake!" He said, even though it sounded more like pawncake.
Virgil couldn't stop the smile spreading across his face. "Pancakes it is." He responded, walking towards the kitchen.
Carrying a child made it a little more difficult but Virgil managed to mix the batter fairly well along with cooking some eggs and toast on the side as well. Dee reached towards the tray with the eggs and, just by instinct, Virgil swatted Dee's hand away with a soft slap. The baby's face scrunched up in sadness.
"V...." he moaned. "...hurt me."
Virgil stopped his motion of cooking and took the finished scrambled eggs off of the burner and turned off the heat.
"I'm sorry Dee but that pan is very hot. It would've hurt you more than my little slap. It would've burned you." Virgil explained. He grabbed Dee's hand and placed a kiss on the back of Dee's palm before he even realized what he was doing. "H-how's that?" He stammered. Why was he embarrassed in front of a child?
"Better!" Dee wrapped his arms around Virgil's neck. "Sorry V. Won't do again." He promised.
"Yeah..." Virgil rubbed his back in response.
Virgil continued cooking and he felt Dee get heavier as he did. Glancing down he saw the infant sound asleep, cuddling into his chest, clutching onto his snake plush and sucking his thumb. Virgil finished cooking the pancakes and put them carefully onto a plate and covered them to keep them warm. He scratched Dee's back.
"Hey Dee..." virgil said softly. "It's time to eat bud."
Dee yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Pancake?" He asked and Virgil nodded.
Virgil pulled a chair out with his foot and sat down, sitting his full plate down in the process. He gently cut the pancake on the plate and held a piece for Dee to eat. The small trait took the bite and smiled.
"Yummy!! Even better than Pat Pat!!" He declared. "More!"
Virgil took a bite for himself and they continued eat until they heard clamoring in the living room.
"Hey I smell food!!"
"Awww, Virgil made us breakfast!"
"I think that means he didn't sleep since he was awake even before I was."
Virgil glanced up at the doorway to see Roman, Patton, and Logan standing there staring at him. All 3 were wide eyed and gaping.
"Virgil... is that...?" Logan started but before he could finish his thought, Patton barrelled through him and Roman, stopping to bend down to Dee.
"Oh my gosh is this little one Deceit?????" Patton questioned, his voice reaching another octave. "You are so cute!! Come hereeee!!"
Patton reached out but Dee turned towards Virgil, wrapping his arms around virgil's neck.
"No no no I want V." Dee responded. "Go away."
Patton was crushed as Roman came behind Virgil. "Amazing. Why is he so small?"
Logan put his hand on his chin. "I can only guess one thing." He pulled a pocketbook out of his shirt pocket and flipped through a couple of pages. "Ah. There we go. Today is February 3rd. Deceit made his first appearance in a video one year ago today. That must be why. Thomas is seeing a lot of fanart today and people are saying he's a "year" old. By that conclusion, I'm assuming Thomas inadvertently caused this regression by thinking of Deceit in that way."
"Astonishing!" Roman responded. "What a magician our Thomas is. Guess this problem will fix itself in due time." He turned to see all the food Virgil made. "I'm gonna help myself to this delicious buffet." Roman bent over to see Dee from his level as Virgil fed him a fork full of eggs. "You're kinda cute this way, Deceit."
"My name Dee." Dee said without a missing a beat.
Roman laughed. "Gotcha little man." He ruffled Dee's hair and turned to the food.
"I'm glad you let Virge help you, kiddo." Patton said as he helped himself to a plate. "That was very brave of you." He sat down and smiled.
" I like Vir...gill." Dee tried to say. "I love V!" Dee said smiling.
Virgil felt his face grow hot as Dee kept eating.
"Uh Logan do you think he'll remember this once he's back to normal?" Virgil asked.
Logan shook his head as he sat down with his food. "Highly unlikely. It'll be as if he's aging nearly 25 years instantly. We don't remember being smaller when Thomas was so I highly doubt Deceit will."
Virgil nodded and looked back down, seeing Deceit cuddle into his chest again. He scratched Dee's back softly and whispered, "Happy birthday bud."
Patton leaned over. "Let's make him a cake later." He grinned, whispering to not wake Dee.
Virgil nodded. "Yeah... let's make it the best birthday he's ever had."
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alteridolriley · 6 years
Prinxiety 12?
So I know this was sent for a different prompt thing but I used it on the kiss prompts I reblogged recently? I hope that’s okay!
12- Kiss on the nose
“Yesmy emo one?”
“Please.Come. To. Bed.” Virgil demanded from under his blanket hood.
Virgilhad come into Roman’s room late to find the creative side stillsitting at his desk, working on the next video. Thomas was asleepand, since his dreams were particularly vivid, Roman was able to getsome ideas from them. Sometimes, well most of the time, they werepretty outlandish, but Roman could still use the basic idea to breakdown into a coherent story or premise. Some of Roman’s best work camefrom Thomas’s dreams. Recently, Virgil had begun to sleep more inRoman’s room since it was easier for him to fall asleep there andsince the two had begun a relationship together, Virgil enjoyed beingwith him as much as possible.However, Virgil was not particularly the type who liked to stay uplate. (It makes metoo anxious,he explained once. Whatif I oversleep and that causes Thomas to make a mistake because Iwasn’t there to stop him??)The sides were linked to Thomas still. When he was asleep, it madethem all particularly drowsy. Roman had stayed up late on so manyoccasions that he had grown quite used to ignoring his tiredness andfatigue.
“Rooooommmmmaaaaannnnn.”Virgil whined. He wiggled across the bed towards Roman who wassitting at the desk next to the bed. Virgil leaned his head againstRoman’s arm. “Pleeeeeeeaaaasssssse.”
Theprince laughed lightly. “You sure are needy tonight.” Heteased.
Virgilfrowned. “I’m sleepy. It’s 3:30 in the morning. As much as myoutward appearance suggests I don’t like sleep, I actually do.”
Virgilreached out of his blanket cocoon and placed his hand on the back ofRoman’s head, rubbing his fingers in a massaging motion. Virgil couldfeel the tension in Roman’s neck subside instantly. The prince leanedinto his touch, but Virgil pulled his hand back quickly and thenleaned towards Roman, kissing him on the nose.
“There’smore for you if you come to bed.” Virgil promised, falling backto the bed. He rolled over to the far side. It was Roman’s turn tofrown.
“That’sawfully mean to tease me like that…” he said with his bottomlip sticking out. Roman sighed, stretching his arms above his head.As Virgil tucked himself under the covers, Roman realized how tiredhe actually was. “Alright, my chemically imbalanced romance, youwin.”
Romanclosed his notebook and stood, snapping his fingers. His princelyattire was replaced with a red t-shirt with a crown on the front andred sweats. Roman crawled onto bed as the light in the room grewsofter and the fairy lights above the bed began to glow. Virgil metRoman in the center of the bed and, as promised, began to massage theprince’s shoulders and neck. Roman leaned into Virgil relaxing as histension was worked through. Virgil had been right of course– Romanhad worked basically all day and after sitting that long, hisshoulders and arms were very sore.
Romanfelt himself falling asleep rather quickly so he leaned back to lookat Virgil. He had settled himself into the fluffy pillows and lookedjust as sleepy. Roman leaned in and kissed Virgil on the nose.
“Ialways do… you know.” Virgil said groggily.
Romanraised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
“Ialways win.” Virgil said smugly, a grin appearing across his face.“I always convince you. I guess I’m your weakness.”
Theprince released a breath, smiling. “Yes, that is true… but you’reexhausted. I can see it in your eyes. Sleep, my dark prince.”
Virgilnodded, holding his arms out to Roman. Roman tucked himself intoVirgil’s embrace, laying his head on Virgil’s shoulder. “I love youRoman.” Virgil said breathly, barely above a whisper.
“Ilove you too.”
(Prompts are closed!)
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alteridolriley · 6 years
"Hey Pat?"
"Yeah Virge?"
"You ever stop and realize how lucky you are sometimes?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I guess, like, I could be laying literally anywhere in the world right now. I could've ended up anywhere. But fate laid me here. In this bed. Next to you."
"Yeah it did. I'm happy it did, kiddo."
"I'm really thankful it did. Because I can't think of any other place I'd rather be. I mean, this world is a shithole most of the time, but being here with you... it's good. Great, even."
"I feel the same way. Life's kinda funny like that huh?"
"Promise me you'll never leave. Promise me you'll never go. Will you?"
"I promise, Patton. With all my being."
"Thank you, Virgil."
"You're welcome, Pat."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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alteridolriley · 6 years
Stones in the Well (for the made-up fic title thing)
There was a rumor that circulated the small rural town: if you threw a stone in the abandoned well near the lake in the dark forest, your biggest wish will come true. Virgil Storm never really believed in rumors but his brother, Roman, was different. He always believed in fairy tales. So when Roman told Virgil he was finally going to search for the well, Virgil went with him. Roman was known for getting into trouble and what kind of older brother would Virgil be if he didn't go with him? But of course, rumors aren't always what they seem and who knows what's truly hidden in the forest.
(Send me a fic title and I'll write what I think it would be about!)
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