#vikings verse.
gejo333 · 9 months
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Viking Miguel x Female Viking Reader
Summary: You were the chieftains daughter of your village and you had just turn the age for men in the village to begin courting you in hopes of having you as their wife and becoming the next chief. However, no man caught your eye until your childhood best friend comes back home from battle to make you his.
I’m sorry for the lack of updates my schedule is beyond crazy! But I promise to update “An Unexpected Match” and get the sequel of perfect picture out too.
But as an apology here is a fluffy random Miguel Oneshot🥰
Inspired by this song I haven’t heard in a while on TikTok.💕💕💕
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes. I didn’t read over this yet. 😅
Today was officially the start of your adult life as you now were old enough for the unmarried men in your village to begin courting for your hand in marriage.
As you finished getting ready you head downstairs to see your parents and younger siblings.
“Good Morning.” You smile at your parents as you head down to the kitchen to help your mother with separating the herbs.
“Good morning y/n. You must be excited for today. You’ll definitely have quite a few prospective suitors from what I’ve heard.” Said your mother with an upbeat in her voice.
“I’m definitely excited, but nervous too. Hopefully it’s not too hectic.” You chuckle nervously as you put the finished separating the herbs into the wooden bowl and began to mush them.
“It’s definitely exciting my beloved daughter. But those men will have to be brave enough to stand against me. No man is perfect enough for my daughter.” Your father huffed as he helped lift the meat to hang over the fire.
You chuckled from your father’s words. You did feel a bit bad for the poor souls who had to go through not only your father but the chieftain of the village to have a chance at courting you.
“So, any men in the village that you hope comes knocking on our door?” Your younger sister teasingly elbowed you in your arm, trying to get the juiciest gossip for the nosy villagers. You roll your eyes as you try to hide your smile on your face. You then pass the wooden bowel to your sister to continue mushing the herbs as you make your way to get the bucket to fill for the animal feed, one of your daily chores.
“I think I know who.” Said your younger brother in a sing song voice as he helped with making the bread with your mother.
“Wait who?!” Your sister asked eagerly.
“Not telling you.” Your brother smirked which made your sister puff out her cheeks in annoyance as she threw a bit of flour at him, which he did in return.
“Knock it off you too.” You loved your younger tween twin siblings, but they definitely got on your nerves sometimes. More like all the time.
“Just tell me!” Groaned your sister as she wiped the flour off her face with a rag.
“I’m actually curious too now.” You chuckle as you cross your arms with the bucket hanging on your arm to the side.
“It’s Miguel O’Hara.” Your brother said proud of his answer. Your eyes widen and cheeks redden.
“Now that’s a man I could see as chief and be a good husband for you.” Your father said as he kept on eye on the cooking meat.
“It’s a pity he is off at war. And it’s been five years since he was back home. Who knows when the men at sea will be back.” Said your mother with a small frown on her face. You internally sigh at your mother’s remarks. Miguel was your childhood best friend. He was three years older than you but the two of you were inseparable when your were kids. The last time you saw him was five years ago when your were still a kid and he was just barely old enough to be an adult.
As the years went by you eventually became use to him not being around, except for every once in a while you got the painful reminder of the lack of his presence. You did wonder what he would look like now after five years. You assumed the same boyish person you grew up with.
“Bye.” You say to your family, not wanting to partake in your future suitor gossip as you walk out of your home towards the farm.
Of course you didn’t think this through when you walked outside as countless men were waiting for you.
“Y/n, I brought you your favorite pastries!”
“Y/n, look at this wolf coat i made for you!”
Overwhelmed by the vast amount of gifts and men flocking around you in competition to gain your attention, you quickly walk back into your house as you close the door behind you.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” Asked your mother as your entire family looks at you, curious and startled by your sudden reappearance back inside.
“Is it possible if I don’t do chores today? There seems to be a sea of men in front of our house.” Your words perked your families interest as they all got up and moved passed you and through the front door. Taking a deep breath you joined them outside.
“It’s the chief!”
“Chief, can I speak with you?”
“Leo go do your sisters chores. She has more important things to attend to at the moment.” Said your father as he gently took the bucket from your hands and passed it to your brother who groaned in annoyance.
“Don’t start Leo.” Your father gave him a stern look to which your brother straightened up and went on his way to the farm to complete your chores.
“Go back inside the house y/n and I’ll bring one man at a time and tell me if you want to marry him or not.” Your father smiled at you as your mother gently guided you and your sister back in to the house to the main area.
As the hours passed the line of suitors made outside of your house grew smaller.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t see us getting married.” You say to the disappointed man in front of you as he lowered the array of flowers gathered in his hands. You tried to seem remorseful for him, but your response felt automatic as he was, what it felt like the hundredth man you have turned down today.
“Darling, is there anyone who you see fit? You’ve turned down almost the entire village.” Your mother said with concern in her voice.
“We want you to make the decision, but you also need to find someone.” Said your father as he shared the same concern as your mother.
“And I understand that, but I just couldn’t picture standing by any of their sides for the rest of my life as future leaders of our people. How many men are still outside?”
“Three.” Said your father. You bit your lower lip as a nervous habit as anxiety and worries of not finding a suitor began to consume your thoughts. Your mother placed her hand over yours as she smiled at you.
“Try not to worry. We’ll figure it out.”
Your father let the next suitor walk inside the house, but before he could speak a loud horn echoed throughout the air. It was the rest of the men returning from battle. You felt your heart beat out of your chest as the sound of the horn echoed inside your head. They were back which means… so was Miguel.
Ignoring the man before you, you quickly grabbed your sweater as you ran out of the house towards the beach. You weren’t the only one who decided to head to the beach as the entire village left their evening suppers to welcome back loved ones.
By the time you made it to the beach, it was crowded with joyous laughter of reuniting families and couples as well as mournful tears of loved ones lost in battle. Your heart began to ache as you were starting to lose hope on seeing him again. Your fears were washed away when you heard a familiar voice, just deeper. Turning around your froze as your gaze met a familiar pair of warm ruby brown eyes.
As he drew closer to you, you noticed the stark differences. His height. He was significantly taller than you, not the couple inches five years ago. And his build was bigger too, massive even. Guess being in war for that long can make you build a lot of muscle. He was so different yet so familiar at the same time. He placed his hands on your waist when he reached you, lifting you up and twirling you before setting you down again.
“Gods I missed you.” He said as his large coarse hand gently caressed your cheek, which you leaned into his touch as you placed your hand over his.
“I miss you too. I was scared that I never would get to see you again.” You smile up at him as you couldn’t break away from his loving gaze.
“I was scared when I came home you would be married to another man. I hope I’m not too late.” His gaze shifted to different parts of your face to try and guess your facial reaction.
“No your not too late. Just in time in fact. And I passed up quite a few proposals today.”
“You did?” Miguel chuckled.
“Yes, I was hoping for certain man.”
“And has this man proposed to you yet?” Miguel smirked as he lifted your chin slightly, his thumb grazed your lower lip.
“No he hasn’t.” You smile as you shake your head.
“Well let me change that then.” Miguel leaned down as his lips met yours in a loving kiss, which you happily returned. Your lips separated from his, both needing air.
Miguel took your hands into his larger ones as his facial expression turned serious.
“Y/n, my love. I’ll swim and sail on savage seas with never fear of drowning, and I’ll glady ride the waves of life, if you will marry me.” His words made your heart glow as you couldn’t hide your excited smile.
“Yes, a thousand times, yes.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, jumping into his arms as he holds you in a loving embrace. Miguel twirled you around one more time before placing his lips on yours again.
“I think our daughter has found her suitor, dear.” Your mother smiled as she leaned on her husband’s shoulder who loving held her by his side.
“This cause for a celebration!” Your father roared in joy across the excited crowed, as the cheers grew from the chief’s announcement.
“And that’s the story of when your father proposed to me.”
“That’s so romantic!” Said your daughter as she hugged her wooden doll.
“Did the line of suitors really go across the village?” Said your other daughter who sat next to her younger sister.
“It did. And even after I officially courted your mother, I still had to shoo away suitors hoping to steal her away from me.” Miguel chuckled as he walked in holding your son and your youngest, well for now.
“You know, no one could steal me away from you.” You say as you rub your large round belly after feeling the baby kick.
“I know, my love. And it’s too late now to try. Your stuck with me forever.” Miguel chuckled as he wrapped his free arm around your waist as he brought you close to his side and gave you a loving kiss.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I hoped you liked this little oneshot🥰
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writingsofwesteros · 9 months
rhaenyra’s only daughter going to storms end instead of luke and still getting chased by aemond, somehow managing to survive the chase but she’s miles away from dragonstone, she gets found by a bunch of viking’s who seem to be very fond of the sweet little dragon, not wanting her to leave and go back to dragonstone.
VIKINGS!!! SO HOT!! I imagine them being obsessed and she is just not in the mood okay!
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spirits-art · 7 months
new spider sona!
[new spider sona]
meet viggo pedderson aka norse-spider, a spider-venom variant in a dimension facing the begining of Ragnarök.
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please ask me about him i have so much to say about them and their whole thing including their dimension and the people there. this might be my most detailed and fleshed out spidersona ever.
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missallanea · 19 days
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She has lead these patrols for the better part of six-hundred years now, and what once was a source of great pride — the chance to do some good for her people — has now tapered into the routine. But, given how close the last group of outsiders had come to finding the entrance into the city ( and had paid for it. that ship was a plaything for the Leviathan, now. ) her father had wanted the patrols made more thorough.
Often tense movements are more relaxed, now that she has split off from the rest of her party. No less dangerous, to be sure, but... by the kings, she has become bored of the routine.
@dragetunge for HICCUP HADDOCK || sc
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ashklad · 9 months
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He’s going to need several wooden stakes.
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betweenlands · 1 year
(dominion) viking headcanon: knows like nine different variations on battle hymn of the republic.
his favorite one is blood on the risers.
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thegothicviking · 1 year
The best part is that this song (by Feeling B, pre-Rammstein) is about all the amazing things/inventions humanity has done simply out of boredom...and now me myself am trying to learn this entire text simply because of (you guessed it) BOREDOM! ❤ 😂
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viikingwitch · 7 months
JEREMY ( @wehowl ) SAID : ❝ you stay here. you hear anything, yell. ❞  
last of us (show) starters
               Much as pride would want her to argue, this is his terrain – and she does not exactly fancy wading through the bushes with an open wound. And so she doesn’t protest when he sits her down against a fallen tree, a spot no doubt picked so she has a good view on her surroundings and yet remains hidden herself. She only grabs his arm when he is about to leave. “Shall the sound of a neck snapping suffice as yelling? I still have enough magic to defend myself, Jer.” Of which she should be saving every last drop but playing damsel in distress simply isn’t her style.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
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wolfkcst · 1 year
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writingsofwesteros · 11 months
*types in guilty* 🥹 Oh shoot, I'm def writing this too late, feel free to ignore this request.
Clan or viking Harwin fucking you so primally, savagely in front of the others, kind of a bedding ceremony to show you belong to him. You're so out of it, but the way you're clenching around nothing when his cock leaves you tells him you need more. He takes you to his cave/tent/whatever, you're like a doll in his arms, mind still so hazy. But still, you clearly crave the pleasure he just gave you and who is he to deny you?
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
The fire crackling around them began to come over your ears as the sounds were slowly becoming heard by you. Not that any of the words or cheers of the audience around you entered your mind as it only became more softened. You began to hiccup in pleasure; loud moans escaping you with ease as you gripped onto anything that could make you steady
Your legs began to shake at the intense feeling moving around your body as Harwin’s grunts echoed in your ear. His larger hands slowly moved up and down your soft skin as you bounced back and forth on his fat, throbbing cock. Harwin hummed; whispering sweet nothings in your ear as your eyes rolled back at the intense pleasure.
A sweet blush came over you at the louder volume of the audience. His fingers moved into your locks now and tugged back. A sharp gasp escaped you; echoing in the cold night as the breeze moved over your soft skin. Goosebumps easily moving over you with your soft, pink nipples pebbling for his eager fingers to touch.
His dark chuckles echoed in your ear once more as he leaned closer; his body weight pushing down onto you. The change of position only allowed Harwin to be that much deeper inside you. Gods, you could feel him everywhere, you thought to yourself. His larger hand snaked around your body now and pressed against the bulge in your stomach.
His thrusts only continued as you whimpered and moaned out his name like a prayer to the Gods. “Hmm, they will not help you now.” Harwin purred; his hot mouth soon on your soft, sweet tasting neck. The marks he always enjoyed leaving on you would be for all to see in the morning. The thought alone had you whimpering once more.
Your legs were beginning to shake now; your heart pounding in your ears as you still bounced back against him. “So beautiful..so good..” Harwin whispered; his own moans echoing into the dark evening without any care. You were shaking some more as he pounded away; his fat, mushroom head pushing deeper and teasing your sweet, spongy spot.
Your eyes fell shut as you clamped down on his twitching cock. Your climax was soon ripping through you under the moonlight. His dark chuckles only echoed even more in your ear as he fucked you through your orgasm. You knew it was to be a long night. His larger hands were soon palming at your bouncing breasts once more.
You were squirting around his fat, thrusting cock as sharp gasps escaped you again and again. Harwin’s larger hand reached for your arse, spreading your cheeks apart as he watched the sight. A ring of cream easily formed around his thick, twitching cock. “Fuck..that’s it.” Harwin groaned as the wet, squelching noises echoed.
His larger hand came down on your arse; causing you to shake and clamp around his fat cock once more. It was an act you both had only recently discovered and enjoyed immensely. Harwin enjoyed how red you became and sensitive. The soft pain was dull compared to the pleasure coursing through your body with his thrusts. 
Harwin repeated his action as you fell into the ground beneath you. Still, he did not stop nor did you truly want him to. Your eyes rolled once more as he took control. Your body seemingly not your own in that moment as the pleasure had your eyes hazy and mind softening. Harwin grunted behind you; his body slapping against your own.
His larger arms wrapped around you; bringing you impossibly closer against his bare chest now whilst his thrusts never stopped. The cheers around you continued as your sweet, ample breasts continued to bounce with his movements. “Good girl. I love you.” Harwin began to whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
If only you could reply back, you thought as your delicate fingers moved into his dark locks as he chuckled still. He leaned in and began to softly mouth at your neck whilst his larger hands palmed at your sweet, bouncing breasts. His free hand came down on your arse once more; an act he repeated again and again.
The warmth of the furs wrapped around you. Harwin’s embrace is still as loving and tight as ever. A soft look of confusion came over you as you realised where you were. A soft whine escaped you as you moved; his thick cock still stuffed inside your weeping pussy. “Harwin…” You began to softly whisper out to him.
His fingers were gently brushing through your lock as your eyes sleepily began to open. Slowly, you looked up at him. A soft, gentle smile was on his face as his hand reached to cup your face. His thumb is now brushing against your cheek. “Hmm, beautiful.” Harwin whispered as he leaned in; his soft lips lovingly capturing your own.
Your legs were tangled together as you slowly moved on top of him. A whine escaping you as his twitching cock rubbed on all your soft spots before you settled. “Good girl.” He whispered praises still before pressing soft kisses down your neck. You had hardly remembered moving from the public space to here.
Not that it truly mattered; you were forever safe in his arms. A soft hum of happiness escaped you as you cuddled closer. His chuckle vibrated his chest as he brought the furs further up your soft, bare body. His larger hand now resting on your hip as he kept you impossibly closer. You could already feel the sleepiness returning.
His hand still stroked up and down your arm as the pitter patter of rain began to fall. “I love you.” You softly whispered out. “I love you too.” Your eyes began to flutter shut as his words washed over you. Not that you could pay attention as dreams wrapped around you. As did Harwin’s loving embrace.
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writingkitten · 9 months
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sageofjustice · 4 months
"  you looked lonely so i got you a drink.  " he announced as he grinned up at the redhead and held out a drink to him. "If you don't like mead, I'll drink it for you." Fancy seeing Angel there... It'd be a missed opportunity if he didn't at least go and say hi.
A welcomed surprise, contrary to popular belief it wasn't often the lumen got offered a drink, which could be because most had not dared approach him, or it could be that most believed white mages never took to drink..perhaps some didn't..but he was not one of them... "Thank you....Cheers ey?" Angelus accepted the drink, taking a huge swig of it, a smile present on his face the taste of aged honey liquor a faint bouquet of roses...and ochus doing wonders for his mood .
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kit-the-gaygent · 6 months
Today I had a talk with some friends
And we started by talking about how America's sex education is flawed because we're shamed for sexual things until we reach adulthood where we are then shamed for not having sexual things.
And then we somehow shifted to how sexualized the omega verse is and how it's based on old misogynistic veiws
And then we moved to talking about how vikings were superior because they practiced hygiene and stole the englishmen's wives
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ashklad · 9 months
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there’s no björn, no thorfinn, no torgrim or atli or even ears for that matter.
“ well . . . suppose it’s time to recruit new men. ”
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wolfsbarbarens-a · 7 months
xx. plotted starter for @wolfkcst
Three days prior, Brynja recieved word she was being hunted. She hadn't slept more than two hours at a time since.
The hunter was named Myrgjol. Brynja had never met them before, but the description her friend gave her from Denmark was quite vivid - blond hair, tattood from the tips of their ears down to their ankles, and scarred, with a particularly distinctive one on Myrgjol's cheek. So when she was crossing the length of Jorvik, skirting past the Roman fort jutting from the hill in the center of the city, and saw the striking Norsk drengr that was Eivor - who could blame her for jumping to conclusions?
From that point on, Brynja made it a point to shadow Eivor. Killing Myrgjol without causing an uproar would have to be done clandestinely, and whilst Brynja was not the clandestine type, she was extremely determined to live - or at least, to drag her murderer to the depths of Hel with her.
And the tracking went well - for a while. That was, until she got too obvious. Until she slipped into a tavern after her quarry, and ended up face-to-face with Eivor instead of hidden at their back.
"I won't make it easy for you," she said, bull-headed, heart in her throat and hand hovered above her axe, still not clued into the fact Eivor was not actually the warrior sent to kill her. "I'm not afraid of Valholl. I'll take word of your cowardice to the Allfather. I'll make sure both of you are denied!"
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