#vile stans
phatcatphergus · 7 months
Niki saw people were acting up and absolutely destroyed them. Niki deserves everything good in the world for eternity and I will support her no matter what
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shieldofmen · 1 year
Catelyn’s scared of society’s image of what a bastard is. This is why she treats Jon the way she does, because of her classist ass belief that Jon is inherently evil by nature of his birth. Shes not truly scared of anything hes done within those 14 years he’s lived in Winterfell. But Jon? The way he feels about her isn’t connected to some bullshit societal prejudice. That comes from her, and how shes reacted to him. (Which clearly still has an impact on him even after he no longer lives with the Starks) But yea somehow shes in the right for treating him like shit and hes in the wrong for? Existing within her general vicinity? Despite the fact that he had no choice. Would they have preferred Ned kicked him out? For an ADULTS comfort? Ah come to the asoiaf fandom where we think children should accommodate the adult because we are ass backwards.
Yall do realize just because someone lives in a time/place where the prejudices they hold are common does not mean they are absolved of the hurt they have caused, right?
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
the most rancid drama starters in fandoms are always like "gee i wish this fandom was nicer, why do we have to fight all the time :("
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utilitycaster · 1 year
*person who repeatedly complains that all actual play is D&D voice* Oh I stopped listening to TAZ after Balance and dipped in for Ethersea but never really got into Amnesty or Steeplechase or any of their mini-series. No, I haven't checked out Candela Obscura or any of the CR one shots...heard weird things about the Monsterhearts one. Yeah I'm more into D20 now...no, haven't been keeping up with Mentopolis.
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murmel-malt · 2 months
Ok but what the fuck were the writers thinking in that convo between Jace and Rhaenyra about the dragonseeds?
Those that married outside the family??? It's only five generations post-conquest. All Targ women that marrird outside the family married back in the very next generation or had no descendents. Rhaenyra and Jace should know this unless they have no knowledge of their own family history.
Being on the topic of Jace: loved his questioning of Targ propaganda and I really hope this was a set up for Nettles 🙏🙏
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lorillee · 27 days
one thing about lorillee and her taste in media She loves messy family drama where everybody kind of sucks more than life itself
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adelacreations · 5 months
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And yet you can't even come off anon and say all of this to my face referencing @stranger-rants response to you. Like you're the one that decided to come onto their account and dump all of your issues onto them and the thing you are bothered about is "i hope you have the day you deserve"
and this was made weeks ago? And I still stand by that. Get blocked fucking loser
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feluka · 11 months
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Neil Gaiman has literally said "I think Israel has the right to exist." a full year after the killing of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza in 2014 - by very definition, Zionism. If he currently feels that this statement is outdated or inaccurate, then he should have responded as such or acknowledged that what he has said before warrants suspicion at the very least, but instead his response has made it seem like OP's post came out of nowhere, causing his leagues of fans to flood OP's blog with assumptions and accusations of antisemitism - knowing full well they are wont to jump to his defense at the slightest judgment, and yet he chose neither a definitive statement in response nor to ignore the OP, but the most deplorable middle ground. He must have known that accusations of antisemitism are THE leading silencing tactic against anyone who opposes Israel. He couldn't spare support for the cause, and even fanned the flames against it, and I'll always remember how people considered their love for a show more important than bearing the thought to even QUESTION its creator.
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nakamurareia · 10 months
ppl say it’s not that deep to like morally grey/straight up villainous male characters and that is true!! u can absolutely like your shitbag dickface character and not condone their actions irl!! but like so many of u r just straight up misogynists like. u can love your emotional support asshole man without degrading women in the process. it’s rlly not difficult
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jaegerisim · 10 months
schnapp is a racist pos. i am honestly so disgusted by him. there is no other word for it. he should know better. Zionism is genocide! the fact that he is backing up the slaughter of millions of innocent ppl is horrible and cruel. how can anyone be so cruel as to post a video smiling and laughing while holding up "Zionism is sexy" sticker and knowing children, women, men and entire families are being displaced and massacred for literally no reason. FUCK NOAH SCHNAPP. period.
a jewish person <3
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chivalricmaiden · 2 years
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Her elation when she thought his response was genuine. The happy twirls. Staring at her phone happily on her bed. I CAN'T TAKE THIS, STOP SHATTERING MY HEART.
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If she knew... Bro was also literally on the toilet continuing this shit, I can't stand it.
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allgremlinart · 2 years
anyway. completely non sequential but: the Joker being queercoded isnt exactly a win guys...when he is clearly queercoded he's a borderline homophobic stereotype (acts creepy around guys/makes unwanted advances towards straight men) whose queerness/attraction to men is played off for creepy points and absolutely nothing else... idk like. the Joker's queercoding makes me feel more othered than represented or seen, but thats just me ig
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secretceleste · 2 months
Fans defending a celebrity from general opinion based criticism is so funny to me. Like I can think your fav is not attractive and a bad actress and the world isn’t going to end. You defending that millionaire celeb is not going to make them magically float down and praise you! People are allowed to share opinions on the internet!
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armoralor · 10 months
my favourite irony of the current shipping discussion is the folks who allege WolfWren enjoyers sent “threats” to people who enjoy cishet ships (I have asked for ANY examples or usernames of anyone doing this multiple times), have also been calling for Filoni to suffer & die if he doesn’t make their ship canon. but don’t forget, it’s definitely the sapphics and queers who like WolfWren that are the problem
#queer nbs & women get harassed for MONTHS by sabezra stans: [complete silence & all the major sabezra blogs still interact with those folks]#wolfwren gets a little love from the cast: “UMMM ACTUALLY THIS SHIP WAR IS SO TOXIC NOW AND THE WOLFWRENS ARE THE PEOPLE THREATENING OTHERS#are there wolfwren fans that suck? probably. & if you would like us to do something about it please give us examples and show us who#so we can make sure we aren’t supporting ANYONE sending threats and hate.#I’ve even seen wolfwren shippers giving sabezra shippers advice on blocking IPs + turning on stronger privacy settings#but where the fuck were Sabezra shippers when other Sabezra stans were talking about rape + murder + abuse in queer peoples posts?#I have about more than 20 examples of disgusting vile HATE (actual hate & not “haha RIP this ship) that I’ve been directly sent#multiple wolfwren fic writers have had to turn off their comments on fics because of homophobic hate#artists have been getting dumb shitty homophobic comments on their wolfwren art with “gay garbage!!! Sabezra of life!!!”#and I’m not seeing anyone calling out sabezras as a whole for being bad toxic people (which no one should because they aren’t)#do you understand & feel the hypocrisy now?#I have no doubt there are “mean” WolfWren fans that are saying silly shit like “hahah we won” and “our ship is better”#and yeah! That’s mean. HOWEVER it is not fucking harassment or the same as “fuck this LGBT shit”#and it’s wrong that queer sabezra stans are being harassed too- there is way too much biphobia & homophobia in this whole fucking fandom#but let’s not act like being called homophobic is the same as suffering under homophobia#and let’s not forget that queer people are capable of being homophobic themselves by perpetuating harm#thank you for coming to my TEDtalk#text
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Muh patience has been running thin because last i checked it's the idw critics getting death threats and insults (slurs included) for not worshipping the ground idw sonic walk on
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vadergf · 11 months
Drontroversy last year saptroversy this year tune in next year for the gogtroversy folks !
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