#villa arianna
romeneverfell · 8 months
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Twin-flamed lamp with bat-shaped reflector; bronze, Roman | Found in the Villa Arianna in Stabiae, south of Pompeii | On display in the Capitoline Museum, from the MANN collections.
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lospeakerscorner · 2 years
Un sistema idrico di 2000 anni fa
Un sistema idrico di 2000 anni fa
Riportato alla luce un serbatoio in piombo decorato, parte del sistema idrico di Villa Arianna Anche l’antica Stabiae rivela eccezionali reperti sulla vita quotidiana di epoca romana. La pulizia archeologica condotta nel peristilio piccolo (giardino colonnato) di Villa Arianna ha permesso di riportare alla luceun serbatoio in piombo decorato, già individuato circa un decennio fa,  che faceva…
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opium-duchess · 8 months
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1x11 - "Paris is Burning"
There's a reproduction of Diana/Ariadne from the Villa di Arianna in Stabiae at Rory and Lorelei's house))
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A lead tank (1st Century AD), found in Pompeii in Villa Arianna, to which water was supplied via a single pipe, and from there it was directed to different parts of the house through two other pipes, capacity of which could be regulated using valves.
The tank was above ground level, so it was visible. That's why it gained decoration. Even technical devices had to have an appropriate appearance back then.
Roman artifacts: https://thetravelbible.com/top-artifacts-from-ancient-rome/
Source: Facebook
Museum of Artifacts
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peaceinthestorm · 2 years
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Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893, British) ~ A Garden, 1869 ( Image © Tate)
Cosiddetta Flora (from the Villa di Arianna in Stabiae near Pompeii),1st century Roman fresco
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noragaribotti · 6 months
Castellamare di Stabiae-Villa Arianna-Named after the famed Roman fresco of Dionysus saving Ariadne from the island of Dia. #castellamaredistsbia
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coolancientstuff · 1 year
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A team of archaeologists in Stabiae, southern Italy, recently uncovered a perfectly preserved lead water tank that was part of the Villa Arianna’s state-of-the-art water supply system. The city was one of several that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
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Wall painting of Diana - Artemis, holding bow and arrow (Pompeiian fresco Third Period, c 50 CE) found in Stabiae (modern Castellammare die Stabia), Villa (di) Arianna, cubiculum w 26 Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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“Feminism is an endeavor to change something very old, widespread, and deeply rooted in many, perhaps most, cultures around the world, innumerable institutions, and most households on Earth—and in our minds, where it all begins and ends. That so much change has been made in four or five decades is amazing; that everything is not permanantly, definitively, irrevocably changed is not a sign of failure. A woman goes walking down a thousand-mile road. Twenty minutes after she steps forth, they proclaim that she still has nine hundred ninety-nine miles to go and will never get anywhere.” ― Rebecca Solnit, Men Explain Things to Me
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Fresco featuring birds and vines.
Villa Arianna, Castellammare di Stabia.
(This is one my absolute favourites; it’s so delicate and pretty.)
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illustratus · 2 years
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Fresco with a Cupid Seller, Roman, A.D. 1–50, found in the Villa di Arianna at Stabiae.
An Ancient Fresco
Cut from the wall of the luxurious Villa di Arianna at Stabiae, a coastal town south of Pompeii, this fresco depicts an older woman forcefully lifting a winged Cupid from a cage and offering it to a potential buyer. Since its discovery in the mid–1700s, this fresco has inspired numerous reproductions and adaptations.
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tangledbea · 8 months
That foreigner question got me thinking, where did Eugene live before Corona? I know he was raised in Varados and that he left eventually to become a thief, but where exactly did he stay. I thought he may have stayed around Varados for sometime, maybe on the streets. But he dated Stalyan when he was a teenager and I feel like the hostile takeover of Varados by the baron kinda implies he, by extension Stalyan aren't native to that area, so Eugene must have left Varados young. I think Eugene traveled a lot, I think its implied in the series he even went to italy. But even a traveler such as himself had to have stayed somewhere semi-permanently, some place he just kept coming back to, some sort of house or hideout. Heck, even Gothel had a house at one point, but she just abandoned it.
See, I don't agree with that, because Quaid already knew Eugene and Lance as thieves. I think the Baron kept a low profile for a long time, possibly even pretended to be a benefactor, until he knew that there was no one that could hope to stand in his way. At that point, he went from benefactor to iron-fisted ruler.
One thing about Vardaros that I never see anyone mention is that it clearly used to be on a river. There's remains of ships everywhere, and the buildings are elevated from the ground. But now, the whole place is like a dustbowl town. But the Baron's villa? Beautiful, lush green grass. He's got trees. He has a reflecting pool.
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That means he's diverting and stealing all the water for himself. He's probably got the mouth of the river dammed up.
I suspect he made his move after Quaid retired, because no one else held a candle to his ability to keep law and order in that town.
As for Eugene, I think he was homeless after he left Vardaros. After all, in "No Time Like the Past," he and Lance are living in a cave. I bet it was a lot like that, a lot of the time. In "Queen For a Day," he makes mention of spending a lot of time up in the mountains (like when he robbed Arianna).
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garadinervi · 2 years
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«Mosaic of Theseus, fourth century A.D. – A mosaic floor from the Roman villa of Loig in Salzburg which today is displayed at the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna. The side panels show the story of Theseus: on the left he receives the thread from Arianna, top Theseus and Arianna set sail for Attica, right Arianna is abandoned by Theseus. Lastly, the centre shows the minotauromachy.» – Labirinto della Masone, Fondazione Franco Maria Ricci, Fontanellato (PR) and Milano
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mr-e-gallery · 9 months
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Paintings from the Villa Arianna, Stabiae
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keybladewolf26 · 2 years
The Cosenza Family
The Cosenza Family is a wealthy Cuban-Italian family, dating far back to the Renaissance and the Roman Empire. The family has their own form magic, that directly ties with Etruscan and Greco-Roman Gods, but unlike the Madrigals, they had to earn it. 
The Cosenza were also one of the most wealthiest bootleggers during prohibition, selling the most quality alcohol at reasonable prices, without attracting the attention of police,
In my canon, the events of Encanto took place between in the 1950′s, what directly ties the Cosenza’s & Madrigal’s is that Alma Madrigal and Felice Cosenza were formerly lovers. Thirty before the events of Encanto, Alma had rejected Felice’s proposal to be his wife, due to his bootlegging operations, which left a rift between him and Alma.
His family was also involved in the planning of Operation Husky and the execution of Benito Mussolini during and after WW2. It was around that time, Felice had adopted several orphans that lost their families during the war and to the Franco Regime in Spain, who then made them apart of his family.
Now the Cosenza’s have invited the Madrigal family to a private dinner to the Cosenza’s Villa, “Casa Galilei” in Sicily, traveling through the use magical keys by Felice’s son Franco Cosenza.
Galilei acts similar to the Madrigal’s Casita, however, it is not sentient but rather it has the ability to warp reality and it’s surroundings in each room, to generate extra space for each occupant and each function.
During the Madrigal’s visit to the Casenza Villa, one of Felice’s sons develops a crush on Mirabel. 
Members of the Family:
Felice Cosenza (Patriarch & Grandfather of the Cosenza Family)
Maria Cosenza née Ortega (Wife of Felice, Deceased)
Ennio Cosenza (Son/Firstborn)
Marcu Cosenza (Son/Secondborn)
Franco Cosenza (Son/Thirdborn)
Sarafina Cosenza (Daughter/Forthborn)
Velia Cosenza (Daughter/Fifthborn)
Rosina Cosenza (Daughter/Sixthborn)
The Grandchildren:
Giuseppe Cosenza 
Vittorio “Vito” Cosenza 
Orella Cosenza 
Cinza Cosenza
Sofia Cosenza
Tomas Cosenza
Leo Cosenza
Carlo Cosenza
Alejandro Cosenza 
Lucas Cosenza
Arianna Cosenza
Lucio Cosenza
Elena Cosenza
Hugo Cosenza
Nevio Cosenza
Julia Cosenza
Benvolio Cosenza
Lorenzo Cosenza
Ezio Cosenza
Gemma Cosenza
Valerio Cosenza
Valeria Cosenza
Nicola Cosenza
Severo Cosenza
Silvio Cosenza
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noragaribotti · 2 years
Castellamare di Stabiae-Villa Arianna-Named after the famed Roman fresco of Dionysus saving Ariadne from the island of Dia. #villaarianna
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sfiorisce · 2 years
Sempre nel suo bilocale ho conosciuto una delle due sorelle maggiori di M.G: A.
Il primo ricordo che ho di lei è questo:
canottiera e pantaloncini, sigaretta in bocca, musica a tutto volume di qualche rapper, forse Willie Peyote e nel frattempo alle prese in cucina, stava friggendo delle olive all’ascolana fatte dalla madre. 
Nella mia testa quando penso a lei penso sempre a questo momento. 
A. dentro quella casa cantava senza sosta ma soprattutto scriveva di continuo su foglietti e post it che poi lasciava un po’ ovunque. Una volta studiando con M.G. sulla sedia affianco alla mia trovai uno di questi bigliettini, “ non farci caso, mia sorella scrive un sacco”
“Lei è Arianna, te ne ho parlato”
Chissà mai cosa abbia raccontato di me M.G., ma qualunque cosa avesse detto, dall’espressione contenta e soddisfatta di A. capii una cosa:
Ero ufficialmente nell’area di protezione delle sorelle Ficcadenti, è esattamente così che funziona.
Se hai  la possibilità di entrare nelle loro grazie puoi dichiararti a posto. 
A, infatti, ha sempre avuto una forte simpatia nei miei confronti, era molto affezionata a me, mi vedeva, credo, come un’altra sorella minore, 
Mi ricordo la prima volta che andai al Cassero con loro due, M.G. ad un certo punto era sparita ed ero rimasta con A. la quale disse:
“Non me ne frega un cazzo di quel tipo, se vuole stare con me bene, altrimenti cavoli suoi, io sono qui con le mie amiche a divertirmi”
poi mi abbracciò, pensai, ho una nuova amica.
A. si è trasferita a Lugano per lavoro e l’ho rivista dopo anni alla laurea di M.G.
“Non appena le cose mi vanno male io prendo e parto ho vissuto a Bologna, poi a Firenze e adesso in Svizzera. 
Non mi piace stare ai comodi degli altri, voglio fare quello che voglio e dove voglio, non sono mai stata in grado di scendere a compromessi. Viaggiare così tanto e vivere così ti da tanta indipendenza ma anche tanta solitudine, la capacità che ho di stare da sola è sempre stata un mio punto di forza. Non vedo i miei genitori da 2 anni. viaggio da sola e mi godo la vita. Chi vuole stare al mio passo bene, io non scendo a compromessi, altrimenti amen, voglio libertà e indipendenza”
“Sono stata a Marrakech da sola, ero terrorizzata all’inizio, avevo paura di ritrovarmi in brutte situazioni e, cazzo, è stato uno dei viaggi più belli che abbia mai fatto, da lì poi ho fatto tanti altri viaggi da sola, te lo consiglio”
“Ari da Milano c’è il treno per Lugano, perché non mi vieni a trovare? Anche se non c’è M.G. e stai da sola, tu vieni quando ti pare, basta che mi scrivi una settimana prima e mi organizzo, ho delle gatte ed una villa vicino ad un lago, vieni da me, stacca per un po’ e ci divertiamo, vorrei davvero tu lo faccia”
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