#violet von westenholz
-Violet von Westenholz
-The Marquess Marchioness of Cholmondeley
A bully cannot face the people she hurt & abused. In Meghan's case, we watched her mistreat the family she never had, royal staffers and ordinary British people. A friend's parent from her childhood said "she has sharp elbows" and we watched her elbow her way through the United Kingdom just long enough to become infamous. A smash and grab operation that makes her no better than the radicalized teenagers who are being used to terrorize America's cities.
She suffers from a severe case of Princess Catherine Derangement Disorder. Watching the Prince and Princess of Wales receive the honor they are due while she and H are boo'd by thousands would be almost unbearablw and in her best victim voice "such a cruel chapter."
I'm reminded of the MM who after oyw invitations and various product marketing opportunities, was such an ungrateful witch that she even refused to make eye contact in a very small cafe with the woman who made it all possible, Gina Nelthorpe Cowne.
If she were to attend the Coronation, we can just imagine her seething through that rictus grin while watching (from the nosebleed section of the Abbey) as two (2) of the honorable families she betrayed are rewarded for their loyalty and friendship.
1st-Violet von Westenholz, daughter of Camilla's longtime friend and newly appointed "Companion." Despite meeting Harry through Soho House & Markus Anderson, Meghan pursued Violet for an RL "modeling" opportunity at Wimbledon bc she needed to manipulate Violet into serving as her reputable "matchmaker." During the engagement interview Meghan lied again: "SHE (violet) said SHE wanted to set us up"🙄
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2nd- The Marquess & Marchioness of Cholmondeley, parents of Charles' Godson Oliver, page of honour & Lord in Waiting.
Meghan planted the fake affair rumor into the suckit squad to hurt William & Catherine's reputation and to pay back the BRF for the envy she felt watching Harry escort Rose at a formal event. She intentionally tried to destroy 2 families with lies & innuendo. On twatter, via her aliases, mm would threaten William with more malicious attacks on Kate if they still refused to support her in the press. These are just a few of her schemes so just imagine what must be written in the bullying report.
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During the engagement, household servants would overhear things and report them back to "R." I certainly sensed mm was a mean girl, but thought there was no way she could be so vile. 5+ years later, it was all true and the worst was yet to come.
Although Meghan ignored Gina in Edinburgh, Gina still gave a classy interview on the day of the wedding, and I believe she watched as Meghan & Harry drove around Windsor.
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"The Telegraph today reported claims members of the palace PR team "body blocked" ex-advisor Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne from coming into contact with Meghan during a visit to the Social Bites cafe in Edinburgh. Instead, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne posted a photograph of her former friend on social media from yards away."
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Imagine how Gina must have felt after everything she did for that girl mm refused to even say hello.
"A former aide today told the paper: "Anyone from the past was a problem." They added: "Meghan likes to move on". When contacted by The Telegraph, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne declined to comment on the incident.However, she has previously spoken of her declining friendship with the duchess after she married Prince Harry.Writing for the Mail on Sunday in 2020, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne wrote: "When, recently, I found myself in the same room as her, she pretended not to notice – stage-managing it so that Harry spoke to me instead.Meghan has made a habit of 'moving on' to better things. And I doubt that will ever change."She also claimed she had warned Meghan, 39, of what life would be like married to a Royal but said the future duchess replied "Save it" with a "steely manner".Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne's name has also previously appeared in court documents - accusing Meghan's friend Jessica Mulroney of "putting pressure on her to withdraw or change statements" she made in an April 2018 interview with the Mail on Sunday."
February 13th
"The couple meet with staff at Social Bite a business that runs social enterprise cafés throughout Scotland, distributing 100,000 items of food and hot drinks to homeless people each year. The business also employs staff who have experienced homelessness themselves.The couple take a tour of the cafe kitchen."
"The final straw was when MM blanked her in Edinburgh, which was a public humiliation and a bridge too far. The KP staff & Harry body blocked Gina from greeting mm. Meghan then used Mulroney to bully Gina into withdrawing her story in the paper. Adrian Sington bore the brunt of a two-hour haranguing from Jessica Mulroney, which he later described as being very unpleasant."
Lady Elizabeth Lambart, was one of the late Queen's bridesmaids at her 1947 weddingLord Oliver Cholmondeley, 13, son of David, the Marquess of Cholmondeley, and his former model wife, Rose, will also be a page of honour. 
Oliver’s father was recently appointed to be the King’s Lord-in-Waiting – a significant royal role in which he will be invited to attend important state and royal occasions. 
In 1974, the Marquess of Cholmondeley, as Earl of Rocksavage, was page of honour to the late Queen, before becoming Lord Great Chamberlain from 1990 to 2022.
Meanwhile, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley's maternal grandmother, the late Lady Elizabeth Lambart, was one of the late Queen's bridesmaids at her 1947 wedding.
The family - which also includes Lord Oliver's twin brother, Alexander, Earl of Rocksavage, and his younger sister, Lady Iris - live at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, which is just four miles from Anmer Hall, their friends', the Prince and Princess of Wales's, country retreat.
Despite the nasty rumors, The Cambridges attended church with the Cholmondeley family.
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Her so-called matchmaker "friend" didn't attend the wedding.🤔
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Meghan asked violet von westenholz to set her up with Harry and VVW sent pics to Harry who said yes (so NOT a blind date) VVW told him 6 other men were interested in her 🙄🙈 apparently Hary was the highest bidder.
Given all the rumors that were swirling around at the time, I’m seriously side-eyeing Violet right now.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
The extremely well-connected Brown is a former editor of Tatler, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker. For this book she interviewed 120 sources, many intimately involved with senior royals, and her transatlantic perspective gives insight into the clash of Californian ambition with a thousand-year-old British institution.
Meghan Markle had beauty and drive, but as an actress struggled to land anything until Suits, an obscure cable TV show. One of the show’s producers told Brown she was cast because she intrigued them. “She was an interesting human that you just wanted to know more about . . . A kind of twinkle and ambition that you just somehow knew or believed she would succeed.”
But it was her only notable role. For all her relentless hard work and self-promotion — the director described her as “playing three dimensional chess with you” — after seven years’ filming, she remained number seven on the call sheet. The show was ending, she wasn’t making it on to big-time talk shows, however much she pestered, and no other acting jobs were offered.
Brown describes a woman “famished for prestige, frantic for validation”, who pursued an upward trajectory at all costs, curating her life and airbrushing her past. She dreamt of turning her website The Tig into Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop; she hustled a minor speech for the UN. But as she headed into her late thirties few people other than Suits fans had heard of her. That’s when she went career-fishing in London and wangled a chance meeting with Harry through Violet von Westenholz, a PR director and daughter of one of Charles’s best friends.
Harry, lost, rudderless and angry, wasn’t getting on as well as it seemed with his brother or father. He was aggravated by the power wielded by Camilla, even in his early thirties still complaining to friends that she had commandeered his old bedroom at Highgrove for a dressing room. He missed the army, his sense of entitlement was out of control and he was full of “ever-boiling paranoia” about the press.
Enter Meghan, who was unlike anyone else he had met — an actress, a humanitarian, a woman focused and in control of her life. “It was as if Harry was in a trance,” a friend said. Very rapidly, theirs became a pact: us against the world. When the romance was revealed, she went from being a TV actress desperate for recognition to a besieged celebrity. Her dreams had come true.
When Harry issued a statement attacking her racist treatment by the press, it got even better. Meghan made the quantum leap to being a “global avatar” for diversity and style, a wronged woman. “She devoured her new identity ravenously,” Brown says. The pair were drunk on “the shared fantasy of being instruments of global transformation”. One aide described their confrontational stance as a “mutual addiction to drama”.
William, meanwhile, worried about his brother’s mental fragility; he knew it was happening too fast. In a delicious detail — I’d always wondered about this — Brown reveals that Meghan had scarcely met her wedding guest Oprah Winfrey, if at all. George and Amal Clooney didn’t know her either. The point is they were friends to recruit.
For Meghan the limitations of being married to the sixth heir, with a lifetime’s dull service stretching ahead, swiftly became obvious. Her Californian earnestness left her at sea with the dry, satirical British sense of humour. On a charity visit she wrote “you are loved” and “you are brave” on bananas destined for sex workers’ lunches — cue much eye-rolling and sniggering. The couple’s sense of persecution grew.
Culled from The Times.
Tina Brown went innnnnnn. Damn. This is ruthless.
Credit: The Times.
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gimletagain · 2 years
Book snippet: Person who facilitated their first date is named as Violet von Westenholz. Her father is friends with Camilla, so she knows Harry since childhood. When MM did the Ralph Lauren-Wimbledon thing, Violet was working for Ralph Lauren and they met at Wimbledon. MM asked her if she can arrange a date, Violet sent Harry her pics to get confirmation before agreeing to it. Their date was on July 1st 2016, Harry came from an engagement in France. It is stated multiple times she googled him, and he apperantly also checked her background.
Regarding Cory, its said multiple times how much their relationship was going bad for both sides for a while and before MM left for London, it is said they sort of had a breakup talk, details of moving out etc not discussed.
violet is probably the most shocked out of all of us that it became anything more than a one night stand.
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sassyfrassboss · 4 years
“The newest face in her working world was Violet von Westenholz, a PR executive from Ralph Lauren who had scheduled several events during Meghan’s summer trip to London, where the actress would be one of the many celebrity brand ambassadors for the label. In addition to the fashion world, Violet was also well-known in English society. Her father, Frederick Patrick Piers Baron von Westenholz, a former Olympic skier, was one of Prince Charles’s oldest and closest friends, so Violet and her siblings grew up skiing in Switzerland with Prince William and Prince Harry." 
Remember, she doesn’t know who Just Harry was..
Yep...this was mentioned in the book Royals at War as well. She started making connections with people in his circle to get close to him I guarantee. 
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reginamuses · 5 years
Cory Vitiello: The man who nearly stole Meghan from Harry
MAY 27, 2019
The story of Meghan and Harry’s whirlwind romance is well known, but before they met on a blind date she was with someone else, and it was serious.
Little Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor should be grateful for a lot of things.
He will get to enjoy piggybacks from none other than charmer extraordinaire Prince Harry. His mum, the Duchess of Sussex, is a hugger par excellence. And, lastly, that a certain chef in Toronto and his girlfriend split way back in 2016 because without that breakup, Archie would not be here.
That man is Cory Vitiello, Canada’s version of Jamie Oliver (sans failed restaurant empire) and Meghan Markle’s former boyfriend of two years. A boyfriend she only parted ways from a matter of weeks or months before she and a certain roguishly charming royal started dating.
But, let’s rewind shall we?
In 2014, Meghan was living in Toronto, working incredibly long hours on Suits and recovering from her divorce from her first husband Trevor Engelson. She was very close to her co-star Gina Torres, and the pals regularly hit up some of the city’s cooler joints for vino and dinner. On that list was the Harbord Room, owned by hot (in every way) chef Cory Vitiello.
Cory was quite the catch: He was wealthy, very successful and very connected. Reports vary about how exactly Cory and Meghan got together. Some say they were set up by a mutual friend (Megs clearly loves a set-up clever girl) and others that they got to know each other when she popped by the restaurant for a plate of pasta.
Either way, at some stage in 2014, he and Meghan started dating and became something of a stealth power couple in Toronto. For her 33rd birthday that year, the Suits cast and crew gathered at, where else, but the Harbord Room to toast the actress’ big day.
While she was the star of a hit US TV show, according to the Daily Mail, “Vitiello was the real celebrity in his home city.”
Basically, in Canada, Cory was the bigger deal, and he provided Meghan with an entree into the upper echelons of Canadian society.
Theirs was a very low-key romance. She would go to his restaurant after a long day of filming and wait for him to finish. Neighbours have reported spying them wandering around a local supermarket shopping together, and they rarely attended fancy society shindigs together. (There is pretty much only one photo of them together taken at an event.)
It was through Cory that Meghan met Markus Anderson, the global membership director of the exclusive Soho House who would go on to become one of her best friends. (He would also be responsible for arranging Meghan and Harry’s very private first date at the London outpost of the famed members-only establishment.)
By Christmas of 2015, things between the couple were so serious Cory took her to spend the holidays with his parents who were reportedly somewhat taken aback when she turned up with her beloved dogs Bogart and Guy.
His mother Joanne Vitello has told the Daily Mail: “We are very fond of her. She is a lovely, lovely woman. Very smart, very bright, very caring. She’s a warm personality, very sincere.”
Quite at what stage things started to sour for Meghan and Cory is uncertain. However, The Sun reported things ended for the couple in May 2016 — the same month Harry visited Toronto to promote the Invictus Games.
What better way to get over a breakup than a girls’ trip to Europe? At this time, Meghan packed her bags and headed to London, Madrid and the Amalfi Coast with good mates producer Lindsay Roth and designer Misha Nonoo, according to royal biographer Katie Nicholl.
Some stage on that trip Meghan and Harry enjoyed their first date, and the rest is glorious history. There are two main theories how this fabled evening came to pass. The first is Nonoo played fairy godmother as her husband Alexander Gilkes is a good friend of Harry’s.
The second is Meghan knew Ralph Lauren PR Violet von Westenholz. Violent has known Harry for years — her father, Olympic skier Baron Piers von Westenholz, is good mates with Prince Charles. There is a very good chance Violet was cupid and, at some point during that fateful European holiday, arranged for the couple to meet up for drinks.
What makes this so intriguing is the gap between relationships (Cory and Harry) is not huge.
The Telegraph has reported Harry and Meghan met while she was still dating Cory. The same story also alleged it was only a matter of weeks between Meghan calling time on her relationship with Cory and being in contact with Harry. At that stage, he is said to have started following her on Instagram using an account under a pseudonym.
No matter the beginnings of the Sussexes’ history-making romance, today their love and commitment is apparent whenever they appear in public together. (Never has there been a royal couple who enjoys getting quite so touchy-feely in public. Bless.)
Don’t worry, things ended well for Cory too. Last year he had his first child — a son he adoringly posts about on Instagram — with his partner, singer Martina Sorbara.
And obviously things ended perfectly for Harry and Meghan. And Archie? He has several weeks in 2016 to thank for his parents becoming an item and thus his being here at all.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, October 21
Cover: Jennifer Aniston is dating again 
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Page 1: Angelina Jolie’s kids are all grown up
Page 2: Contents, Leonardo DiCaprio and Camila Morrone
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Page 3: Abby Lee Miller, Tori Spelling, Lin-Manuel Miranda 
Page 4: Julia Roberts is keeping a wary eye on husband Danny Moder as he shoots a movie with bad boy Sean Penn 
Page 5: Anorexia fears for 85-pound Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Garner’s insomnia blues, Harry Styles has been staying up late composing moody tunes for his new album and his wineglass runneth over 
Page 6: Demi Lovato faces backlash over spiritual trip to Israel, Paula Abdul’s cosmetic procedure confessions, Star Spots the Stars -- AJ McLean and Carrie Underwood, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Nikki Reed, Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons, Kristin Chenoweth, Tyler Cameron, Lance Bass, Olivia Palermo 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Natalie Portman, Melanie Griffith and her mother Tippi Hedren, Bradley Cooper and daughter Lea 
Page 9: Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson, Charlize Theron in costume at Disneyland 
Page 10: Kesha, Kristen Bell, Justin Timberlake 
Page 12: John Cena and Ellen DeGeneres, Eiza Gonzalez, Rachel McAdams and Will Ferrell filming Eurovision 
Page 14: Camila Cabello, Evan Ross and Ashlee Simpson Ross and daughter Jagger Snow
Page 15: Jason Momoa, pregnant Jenna Dewan and daughter Everly Tatum, Renee Zellweger at the London premiere of Judy 
Page 16: Eva Longoria and son Santiago, Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons, Penelope Cruz 
Page 17: Lea Michele, Rami Malek running errands in NYC 
Page 18: Benedict Cumberbatch, Giada De Laurentiis and daughter Jade Marie, Jameela Jamil 
Page 19: Amy Adams, Busy Philipps and Blue Man Group 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Helen Mirren, Naomi Watts, Sarah Jessica Parker 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- Red gowns -- Marisa Tomei, Zoey Deutch, Brie Larson 
Page 23: Cobie Smulders, Mandy Moore 
Page 26: Sofia Richie and Scott Disick -- wedding and a baby 
Page 27: Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott -- what went wrong, Victoria Beckham and David Beckham renewing their vows, Love Bites -- Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker expecting a baby via surrogate, Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef are adding to their brood, Tatyana Ali and husband Vaughn Rasberry welcomed their second child, Eva Marcille and husband Michael Sterling welcomed a baby boy, Gigi Hadid and Tyler Cameron split 
Page 28: Milo Ventimiglia and Diane Guerrero dating, Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa more in love than ever, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban’s romantic getaway to Italy 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Jennifer Aniston is ready for love again 
Page 34: Insiders are worried about Prince Harry as he battles the blues 
Page 36: Heath Struggles -- Selma Blair has multiple sclerosis, Sarah Hyland has kidney dysplasia, Venus Williams has Sjogren’s Syndrome, Bella Hadid has Lyme disease 
Page 38: Sarah Jessica Parker -- the secret to a happy marriage 
Page 40: These Stars Played Cupid -- Anne Hathaway set up Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Emily Blunt set up Felicity Blunt and Stanley Tucci 
Page 41: Nicole Richie set up Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden, Danny DeVito set up Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ed Sheeran set up Courteney Cox and Johnny McDaid 
Page 42: Jesse Tyler Ferguson set up Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello, Jimmy Kimmel set up Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, Violet von Westenholz set up Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 
Page 43: Hailee Steinfeld set up Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas, Kristen Bell set up Jaime King and Kyle Newman, Chloe Grace Moretz set up Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara 
Page 44: Double Takes -- Duchess Meghan vs. Cindy Crawford 
Page 45: Hailey Bieber vs. Abigail Spencer 
Page 46: Style -- Breast Cancer Awareness Month -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus 
Page 49: Amy Robach 
Page 50: Entertainment 
Page 60: Parting Shot -- Gigi Hadid took control after YouTube personality Marie S’Infiltre jumped on the runway during Chanel’s show
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celebritywotnot · 6 years
The Lifetime movie titled ‘Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance’ will show the moment Meghan’s friend turned matchmaker and introduced the now world-famous couple...
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"...she persuaded Violet, a sensitive soul to arrange a blind date with Harry."-Revenge p108¹
"I didn't know much about him and so the only thing I asked her when SHE said SHE WANTED to set us up was---I had 1 question---I asked, well is he nice? because if he wasn't kind it didn't seem like it would make sense."🙄-Meghan Markle Lies
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Why can't they just speak the truth?
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¹Revenge Tom Bower p. 108
²Engagement Interview 11/27/2017 BBC TV Mishal Husain
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Submitted: Violet Von Westenholz is confirmed matchmaker
Hey Plant, our group has a member that already has Lady Cs kindle book and she Confirmed the matchmaker is this lady that was actually in the news last year. Why so damn secretive?
Thank you so much. I’ve been wondering about that too. This has been an open secret for years and yet they keep hinting that it was Misha or Markus. Maybe they just wanted to get Misha and Markus press?
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Skip, Julie here. The Wimbledon photo. Has someone got the video. In the video you will see Cressida Bonas (CB) and her older sister Pandora Cooper-Key walk past. Douglas Booth (DB) stands up as they pass. Pandora first then CB. When they’re seated it looks like Julia De Boinville between CB and DB. MM watches almost mesmerised when CB walks to her seat. I think that is Douglas Booth asking MM if she belonged there. Apparently that’s Violet von Westenholz on MMs right. 1/2
2. Skip, Julie here. Wimbledon 2016. After the photo where she was near Cressida at Wimbledon she moved into the box with Serena Williams family. She shows more cleavage and takes the hat off ( no hats at Wimbledon). Now that is Hilarious. She plonked herself in the middle of Serena’s mother and another family member. Then moved to behind at back of box next to Anna Wintour and her daughter. This was just in front of Pippa Middleton. They had no idea who she was. They all ignored her.
Great summary.  Thank you Julie😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
What I really want to know is how an ordinary and obscure z-lister who oozes desperation and sleaze like Meghan was able to “wangle” a supposed “chance meeting” with Harry through Violet von Westenholz - as someone who had just met her? A total stranger. This is the second or third time in print that it’s all but confirmed that Violet was the ‘matchmaker’. And we know Meghan did not go to London to career-fish; she went ‘fishing’ to con herself a rich husband under the guise of promoting Suits. A rather polite way of calling her an opportunistic, brazen gold digger. Everyone has exactly the same story about her intentions and why she cosied up to them whilst in London for ‘work’ during that same timeframe. I bet Harry was targeted by her months prior and the humanitarian cosplay is what gives it away for me. It was all much too accidentally on purpose. IMO she doesn’t do coincidences and is known to be very calculated and predatory as well. I do wonder if we are finally getting closer to the truth about how they really met? Hmmm.
100% agree, especially on the timing of when she hired Kruger Crowne to build her humanitarian profile out of thin air.
BTW can someone explain to me how she had the connection to Violet von Westenholz? Who introduced her to Violet? I feel like I know this but can't remember.
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duchessanon · 2 years
Violet Von Westenholz
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sassyfrassboss · 4 years
“Except this date was with no ordinary guy. Over lunch on July 1, Meghan revealed the mystery man’s identity to her London-based agent Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne. Gina and Meghan, who first met at the 2014 One Young World Summit, had traveled to numerous overseas jobs together and even took a side vacation during a work trip to Malta in March 2015. So the actress felt she could confide in the agent as a friend.
“I’m going on a blind date tonight,” Meghan said coyly, after finishing off her salad at the Delaunay restaurant, near London’s Covent Garden. “Who is it?” Gina asked. “Do I know him?” Meghan leaned in excitedly and whispered, “I’m sure you know him. It’s Prince Harry.” Floored by the news, Gina asked her friend in a hushed tone, “Do you know what you’re letting yourself in for?” “Well, it’s going to be an experience,” Meghan said, “and at least it will be a fun night.” “This could be crazy,” Gina said, trying to impress upon the American the insane and unique culture of tabloid coverage in the UK that came with dating a royal. “You will be the most wanted woman.” 
Meghan wasn’t thinking that far ahead of herself, particularly since the woman who had set her up with the prince said, “Let’s just get you in a room together and see what happens.”
Despite reports that Violet von Westenholz had set up the date, it was mostly Meghan’s pals Misha Nonoo and Markus Anderson who were in on the first meeting.”
Her own words from FF - so she knew who he was and it wasn’t a blind date after all 😒
I mean we all knew she knew who it was...a blind date is that you go in blind not knowing. This was a “set-up” so they need to stop calling it a blind date. Also, I thought she was all about keeping their relationship private but she sure was all over telling people right away. 
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
Gossip site for both celebs/pseudo-celebs arrests, divorces, breakups and hookups, new deals and cancellations, A-D listers and everything in between.
Read the comments, presumed to be you-know-who!
I kicked a hornet's nest last night. I posted the entire thread, I’ll let you guys be the judge. Thank you anon 🌺🌺🌺🌺
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2018
Blind Item #13
Apparently when our favorite former actress was back in the States a few months ago, she slipped her drug of choice past her protection via a friend. This time around, she is going to have to find a new way to get herself supplied. Oh, I have no doubts she will. It is one of the main reasons she is visiting. She misses that kind of partying and she knows no one will dare arrest her if she is busted. It is partying without having to worry about any legal consequences at all.
1 – 74 of 74
Guess she didn’t lose him!
9:59 AM
Just Paige
We will know this is true if she ends up dead. If it is there will be proof and the Monarchy won't allow that.
10:00 AM
Do Tell
Is this saying that Meghan yachted WHILE she was dating Harry?
10:03 AM
I'm sure she needed the additional income a yachting excursion provided her. Entern has always said she just an opportunist looking out for herself.
10:03 AM
Sd Auntie
She must be a firecracker in the sack. Harry does not care and probably used escorts his whole frickin life.
10:04 AM
So was she with Harry when she was yachting?
10:04 AM
With him as in relationship wise
10:05 AM
Ash X
Is yachting like prostitution? What is yachting?
10:06 AM
Sounds like it was before...then XX introduced her to Harry thinking in terms of Harry hiring Me-Again and either she spun it into a "blind date" (as reported for their meeting), or he didn't understand the setup and assumed it was a blind date. Question is, who's the fixer? Guy Pelly or Markus Anderson? And has HRH twigged yet? If not, who's going to tell him?
10:07 AM
Don Kieballs
I can't see Harry marrying a yacht girl. Reformed yachter possibly, but not one who was doing it while they were dating. He may be a ginger, but he's a Power Ginger.
10:08 AM
Appalachian Mothersauce
I think they're truly smitten, and that longevity will only be tested by time.... But Harry is no saint, and if he judges her on her past, he's scumA++.
10:12 AM
Shakira Eakins
I agree. It seems fitting he find a party girl that understands his past and won't treat him like crap for it.
10:15 AM
Don Kieballs
If you go by this blind. Megan was a yacht girl and Harry was one to use the services of yacht girls (why else would the friend make the assumption?) If they both participated in yacht activities, then neither is morally superior. Harry would have no standing to criticize her - not that he has or would.
10:17 AM
Do Tell
It's not 100% up to Harry. If the Palace finds out that she was doing this, he will face a lot of pressure to dump her or renounce it all to marry her.
10:19 AM
Observant One
When I hear the story about how PH and MM met, I immediately thought of Bani and the Celebrity Sex Broker blinds.
10:44 AM
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10:48 AM
Just Paige
@Observant - when I watched the engagement video of them tellling the story I immediately thought of this blind. She is a terrible actress and it was so rehearsed: she touches his arm - reminds him to seem off the cufff...
10:50 AM
It´s a LARP. Enty is a cuckservative 4chan larper and is angry because Obama did an interview with Harry and now is visiting William. While the dumb Trump is hated by everyone. lol
10:50 AM
Not a fan of the royals but I can't believe that the palace hasn't thoroughly investigated Markle, so she must have passed muster. The palace staff are more class conscious and snooty than the royals. I googled, "who introduced Harry and Meghan" and the name "designer Misha Nonoo" kept coming up. I'd never heard of her so I looked up her website and her designs are meager, repetitive and forgettable, however Nonoo is a tall attractive blonde, so I totally believe that she could be a yacht girl who does the part time work to finance her design house.
10:58 AM
John Doe
Who is Harry's friend that she was yachting with? We all know she has a history but I doubt that Harry cares much because his whole life has been about hookers and weed.
10:59 AM
Cheez Whiz
WTF is a LARP? Live Action Role Play? @Rafael, your comment makes absolutely no sense at all. Too much DemocraticUnderground before the morning coffee?
11:01 AM
Nonoo was married to a friend of the royals. That's how she comes to Harry. The other person who may be the matchmaker is Violet von Westenholz.
11:03 AM
Observant One
@Just Paige - That's exactly what I was watching. I agree with your assessment of her behavior during that video.
11:10 AM
I think this blind implies she yachted before Harry and that is when one of Harry's buddies used her. Later when he saw them together he just assumed that Harry was using her services also. Doesn't necessarily mean she was yachting when dating Harry. Ash X - just google yacht girls. The term started when beautiful girls hung out at Cannes Film festival and then just with rich guys on their yachts in the med. It has evolved into just high high priced escorts to rich guys and not necessarily on yachts and generally referring to celeb or semi celeb women doing it. It is apparently a real thing. A lot of blinds here about actresses you would never guess that have been 'yacht' girls or still do $$$$ escorting.
11:17 AM
Lol at “power ginger” thank-you @Don... you’re on fire today 🤓
11:30 AM
Unpopular opinion, but the Queen saw her sister, who was also the "spare", destroyed by being unable to marry the man she wanted. Harry is 6th in line to the throne, or will be by the time he marries, so I don't think the vetting is as extreme for Meghan as it would have been for anyone William dated.
11:30 AM
Daily Union
Factor this into the equation. Meghan Markle is paid to perform. (In all kinds of situations). She has now lucked into the gig of a lifetime, playing the role of Prince Harry's loving wife. The Princess role- with the being American,divorced,multi-cultural thrown in for distraction and media-adoration bonus points. The reason for this performance is simple, Prince Harry is a closeted Gay Man, who wishes to pursue his lifestyle behind closed doors. Ignore the manufactured P.R. around his bachelor lifestyle, and examine his past "romances". Think "straight" about this, no man in his position, or a Joe on the Street would ever consider marring Meghan Markle , with the slightest knowledge of her past. This is just a "Hollywood type" arranged marriage to give the Stars cover.
11:35 AM
Gordon Scott
Agree, Nutty_Flavor; it's a lot lower standard for Harry than Billy, as Harry will never inherit. And the standards for Billy are lower than they were for Chuck. Still, I'm sure that Betty and Phil Battenberg think that Uncle Eddie's spouse was enough yachting for the family. The question is: do they care enough at their ages to push back? Certainly there is no cattier bunch than the palace staff, and if there's a rumour, they either know about it or they started it. Perhaps Meggie has a unique ability to charm them. Stranger things, what? Meanwhile, Sarah and Andy grind their teeth....
11:46 AM
Gordon Scott
@Daily Union: well, that would explain a lot, now, wouldn't it? Uncle Eddie is said to have been fond of playing the whistle, with Wally cheering him on. Perhaps grandma Betty should create him Duke of Windsor.
11:53 AM
Clearly Me-again (good one) got herself knocked up. It’s the only way the Windsor’s would agree to this ridiculous marriage. A black prostitute marrying a royal. Only in Hollywood. What a dumb skank.
11:55 AM
+1 That made me spit out my drink.
12:10 PM
Andi F
She's the usual actress, a user and social climber, who believes her own hype. I sometimes watched Suits and didn't know her real name until she got with Harry, B grade is being generous.
12:25 PM
SdAuntie A LOT of rich men end up marrying their favorite escort. The upper east side is filled with 'em
12:28 PM
12:34 PM
Normal. Yes indeed.
Really rich people own yachts. Yacht girls are hookers that charge prices only rich guys can afford. Hence the term yacht girl. Go spend a weekend in the yacht...
12:39 PM
She must be good
1:16 PM
Remember: Long ago, a blind here revealed that Grace Kelly was a yacht girl.
1:26 PM
Grace Kelly had a healthy sexual appetite. I’m not sure she would have required payment for a weekend on a yacht.
1:36 PM
I assume yachting means more than yachting.
1:57 PM
But don’t you think - to use the water metaphor - that that ship has sailed. I think it’s too late to back out even if he or his family are having doubts.
2:00 PM
@ Nutty_Flavor - excellent point about the queen seeing her beloved sister destroyed by not being about to marry her divorced lover. Maybe the Q has accepted that her heirs will marry who they want? Her (alleged) favorite son married and survived Fergie, so maybe Markle will be a walk in the park. (Or a flash in the pan??) @ Observant one - When H and M were doing their interview, the thing that caught my attention/bugged me was their talk about roasting a chicken. "Look! We were cooking our simple dinner! Just like you regular folk!"
2:20 PM
Andi F
Grace was supposedly sexually abused by her dad growing up, and used the casting couch in HW for acting roles and yachting in Europe for the income.
2:22 PM
OH BS!! Trust! The Queen knows everything..,and apparently, it’s either NOT TRUE or Queen realizes times, they are a-changing and DGAFF!
2:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that Harry had to ask the Queen's permission before he could get engaged to M.M., I don't think he's far enough down the list to be able to avoid that. I'm also pretty sure that the gossipy Buck palace people made sure her majesty heard about all the info about her, not to mention any information their version of secret service dug up. My guess is that it's a combo of Harry being down the list of succession and the example of all four of her children being divorced were enough for her to decide it wasn't that important....as long as she doesn't continue on like Fergie did. @ Don, 'Power Ginger': Love it!!!
2:44 PM
Grace wasn't abused, no sexually anyway, her father pretty much ignored her, the boys were everything to him, not to mention that stories abound that he believed she was not actually his daughter. She spent her whole life trying to win his praise and affection which resulted in a father figure complex,and affairs with much older men (Bing, Gary Cooper, Gary Grant) as a dark spin off from this. She was no angel and actually very catty to other women, Ava Gardner called her out in public on her hypocrisy, Liz Taylor and Joan Collins were in the room at the time. As for this blind, I take it with a pinch of salt , MI6 would have everything on this woman and the Queen would be told as she seems quite taken with Meg, it probably came from one of Harry's friends who isn't happy about him marrying Meg so is sticking the knife in. Enty is safe from litigation because the royals never sue about gossip , too many other things might come out in court.
2:46 PM
Do Tell
She is the new Koo Stark. I guess time will tell if things play out the way they did with Andrew and Koo.
2:49 PM
I see ZERO chemistry between Harry and MM. Is this like a George Clooney/Amal Beard situation? Also, I've seen some reports that Harry is not Charles son. Some have reported he looks like one of Diana's lovers. Any truth to this? If there is any truth to the former, why should the Queen care who Harry marries if he's not related to the Queen anyway?
2:53 PM
Observant One
@Mango - The roasting a chicken bit made me wonder if it was a code phrase....they said it multiple times. I know I'm cynical as hell, and maybe I have read too many of Enty's blinds over the years, but I thought it was way too contrived. I am trying to figure out why she ALWAYS has her hand on his arm, or his back. So far, my reasoning has led me to think she knows he misses his mother desperately, so she has determined that he needs constant touching and reassurance. I don't like being catty, and I am certainly not racist, but this relationship seems too contrived, like the roast chicken.
3:27 PM
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3:27 PM
Dallas Alice
Or, maybe they were just roasting a damn chicken and he proposed. I certainly have no means of comparison, but I’d imagine cooking your own dinner is quite a lark when you have to make an appointment to see your own Grandmother. She’s definitely grabby, but Americans tend to be more like that. Perhaps they’re actually in love. I’ll choose to think they are.
3:39 PM
Donna Marie
346NYC, apparently Diana did have an affair with a ginger. However, Google Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Baroness Fellowes. Those are Diana's older sisters, they are both gingers, and Harry strongly resembles them. I've also noticed that as Harry gets older, he begins to look more and more like a Windsor male in all but coloring. (though the height comes from his mother's side) All in all, I believe he's a genetic Windsor.
4:14 PM
No one ever says what the past allegations are about Markle. Just this yacht story. Harry has definitely changed his demeanor/appearance since the engagement announcement. A couple of psychics have said it won't last more than five years. Markle was supposedly up for the next Bond movie as a Bond girl. That would have sent her career into the stratosphere. Hmmmm.
4:22 PM
She is pregnant.
4:37 PM
Only Markle says she was supposed to be a Bond girl. Nobody else - certainly not the Bond film people.
4:39 PM
just sayin'
What I find interesting is the theory that Diana's biological father is James Goldsmith. She looked so much more like Jemima Kahn then the Spencer sisters. If true, it would make Harry's children with Meghan 1/4 Jewish and 1/4 Black.
4:41 PM
Gordon Scott
Meggie a Bond girl? Not the lead, certainly. She's not that hot. As for Harry being one of mom's lovers' sons? The timing is wrong for that. Also, there's a pic of grandpa Phil at about Harry's current age, with beard. They look like brothers. He's got the Battenberg Y chromos. The word among those who served with Harry is that he's a good chap. Passing on the family tradition of the holiday hunt because Meggie doesn't like it--plus his body language around her--well, that doesn't bode so well for the future. But his gonads are surplus to requirements now, thus he can just be gossip fodder. It's a shame, as he was thought to be the one to bring back some rascally masculinity in house Battenberg.
4:49 PM
It was interesting to me that the last (and only other) blind by Enty that 'revealed' Markle as a yacht girl disappeared from this site overnight. It said like more and more people were coming forward about it and named other women from MMs Deal or No Deal days that did the same to supplement their income. They commanded higher rates because of being on a tv show.
5:06 PM
Scandi Sanskrit
I saw "Diana: In Her Own Words" on NatGeo channel. It was originally first aired during a lunar eclipse (well, that was my memory of it). She said she used to hear voices. Like Prince Charles proposed to her and said something along the lines of, "you realise that means you might become queen someday?" And the voice said, "you won't Ben queen but you'll have an important role." And it came true... 🌙
5:51 PM
Scandi Sanskrit
⚡️GO GO POWER GINGER! ⚡️ (He'd be the Orange Ranger)
6:02 PM
Longtime reader here, first comment - Had to ask if anyone remembers that Jimmy Saville, underage rapist and sex purveyer extrodanaire was also intimately connected with Prince Charles and considered his "mentor", and was allowed to come and go in Buckingham Palace as he pleased. The Queen knows how to handle little Miss Markle, and it will be to appear to be kind and accepting but make no mistake, Markle will be lucky to last through the next five years, and the tabloid thrashing that is going to hound both her and Harry will "teach" him to fall in line next time around, no doubt about it.
7:54 PM
My take: Meghan is approved because with all her diversity (American, actress, biracial, divorced) and the distraction it has created, she makes Camilla look less awful, and a bit less controversial. It's pretty clear that the Queen plans on Charles taking the reins, and whatever Camilla will be (Consort? Surely not Queen, one hopes!), she will be in a position that has not occurred in the British Royal family in centuries, as a divorced publicly acknowledged adultress & cuckolder (or is it cuckoldress hahah?). Royal PR are very savvy & trying to spin Chas. & Camilla as less unsavoury than they have been viewed in the past. BTW, has anyone seen Tracy Ullman's take-off on Csmilla? Very spots on Youtubr: it's a scream.
7:58 PM
McJ 2051
So PH has a Pretty Woman fetish I guess?
8:32 PM
boredatwork boredatwork
I agree with the commenters saying that Harry has hit a new low. Everything about those 2 seems too fake and contrived - at least on her side. She's really a mediocre C list actress, with mediocre looks. A trip to Top Shop on Oxford Circus, and one can spot 100 Markles, much better looking than this one. He could do so much better, but prefers to settle for average, in every way.
9:43 PM
Mrs Meat
I know someone who moved in Royal circles who says it's openly acknowledged within the fam that Harry is James Hewitt's son. But personally I can see Prince Charles in his looks.
12:41 AM
Media Viewer
I heard it was the other way round. Awkward when a mutual acquaintance turned out to be a girl from Harry's past. At 1st, Meghan Markle repeatedly turned down Harry's invitations because she had a boyfriend. I remember reading about that back in 2015 when Harry 1st spotted her as an exercise guru on Canadian TV. Finally she agreed to go on a date with him and it was arranged through a friend. Could it be that not every human with a vagina is a whore for fame, money and power? Could it be that those at the British tabloids are just bitter? They hated Frank Sinatra too. That's why they called them rats. Could it be they buried the truth about Harry trolling for chicks on TV programs because it's unseemly?
12:43 AM
Nonya Bidness
A new low? I tend to think his low was the Nazi costume. So you think he only consorted with pedigreed virgins before? Curious what bothers you most about MM, her sexual history or her race.
6:37 AM
@Media Viewer, not sure where you got the idea that the British tabloids were "bitter" about Markle. Both the Daily Mail and the Sun have been outdoing themselves to sell her to the British public. The last 3 Markle headlines in The Sun: "Get that Markle Sparkle: Meghan Markle's Skincare guru on the perfect prep for your big day." "One is Amused: Meghan Markle's Xmas gift to the Queen caused Her Maj to burst out laughing." "Royal Knees Up: Pubs to open until 1am for 2 nights to celebrate Harry and Meghan's wedding." The tabloids are there to get clicks - and have a healthy side business being paid for placement, which is why you see so many articles about Emily Ratajkowski in them. Whether the positive Meghan articles are paid-for-placement or just a way to stay in good graces with the Firm is unknown. The fact is, though, that the British tabloids are not tearing Meghan down at this point in time.
8:39 AM
Em Lew
It can't be anything worse than what Prince Andrew got up to with his friend Epstein. Then there's Charlie's friendship with serial abuser Savile. The Royals can cover up scandal no problem, as they have the security services doing it for them.
2:06 PM
Count Jerkula
I hope one of Markle's tricks had his cabin wired for video and sound, and the tape finds its way to a foreign file locker or tube site.
3:58 PM
He looks so much like a young Prince Philip it’s ridiculous. How can people ignore such a strong resemblance to his father and paternal grandfather? It makes no sense. Yes, Diana had affairs. No, she did not father Harry with one of them.
6:03 PM
boredatwork boredatwork
None - you must be one of those ppl who judges ppl by the colour of their skin, and not the content of their character. To you, MM, who is average in every way, is special, because of her race, while I don't give a shit about her race, and I dislike her purely for what sort of person she appears to be. Reverse racism it's called.
12:48 AM
Gail Banks
Fairylights - only three of Queen Elizabeth's children are divorced, not four. Prince Edward is still married to Sophie Rhys-Jones.
4:56 AM
as much as I dislike him, remember, Charles too knows what its like to be forbidden to marry who he loved- and look at the lengths he ultimately went ot and the disaster that ensued. Maybe Harry really loves her- given his past, I have to believe he knows all about her. I bet the castle/crown staff just keeps all of Meghan's indiscretions/past secreted from the very old Queen, whose husband is failing... can't be too hard.
12:52 PM
Sharon Betz
Does anyone have info on Joe Guiliano Meghan Markle first husband? Joseph J. Goldman-Guiliano, Northwestern grad, criminal defense attorney in MA?
8:01 AM
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