#virgin durge lol
reikodoesfanstuff · 6 months
I get and love rough, confident Durge in Durgetash as well, but also consider this (it's spicy again and I apologize for your eyes);
Enver and Durge worked side-by-side for months, and Gortash had never felt more alive. This stoic beauty, his favorite assassin, works with him tirelessly to create their combined empire that they would rule together. With so much personal time spent in each other's company, Enver can't help but want more.
His initial subtle flirtations and teasings rewarded him nothing. At first, he thought the attraction was not returned, but quickly learned that Durge was just… oblivious? Or perhaps distracted by their current endeavor to catch Enver's hidden meaning. Slowly, he started to come on stronger: inviting them to stay late at meetings and share ideas, join him for dinner at the finest restaurant in Baldur's Gate, and a forward request to join him in his quarters for a drink. These evenings were fine or friendly, but not the nights of passion he was hoping would spring forth from their time alone.
Eventually, one night, Gortash finally convinces them to join him in bed. Their emotions quickly shifted from suspicion, to confusion, then finally embarrassment. They seem so, truly bashful when they begin to strip, and even more so when Enver does. Despite all of this, Gortash still expects their urge to take hold, for the pain to be shared as well as the pleasure, but it never happens.
Instead, Durge holds Enver close as he takes control, shaking ever so slightly. Their hands and lips are clumsy as they touch him and their face flushes at every perceived mistake. He hardly needs to do anything before Durge is gasping, clearly overwhelmed by the lightest caresses. Enver can't get enough of making his little bhaalspawn writhe in ecstasy.
Suddenly, Enver realizes this is much better than the red-filled night he was anticipating. Having his gorgeous assassin falling apart at his hands, mind lost in pleasure whilst mumbling his name like a prayer. And, Gods, did he want Durge to worship him, always. The thought surprised him, but he couldn't possibly care. Especially when Durge begs for more even after they are both clearly exhausted.
They, unexpectedly, lay together after, Durge stayed cuddled at his side. Their hand over his steadily beating heart. Durge was quiet for such a long period, that Enver assumed they had fallen asleep. He was about to join them in rest when they gently asked "…What was that that we just did?"
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meanbossart · 2 months
Sorry if you answered this, I did go through your asks a bit but didn't find an answer and I was just curious if you have any lore regarding the drow and Orin? Does he have, like, any thoughts regarding her as a pseudo-sister or she is just a henchmen that stabbed him in the back? Or like, regarding the fact it was her betrayal that got him out from the cult and eventually meeting Astarion and the gang? I feel a lot of people sanitize the Durge a little too much (which fair reaction, they are very fucked up in the game 😂) so I love hearing about people who have their durge lean on their violent weirdness
Huh! I guess it's been a minute since we've talked about Orin. Yes, their relationship was very significant and you should be able to find all that I've written and drawn with/about her here (save for anything I forgot to tag, which happens sometimes, lol.)
Also as a side note to everyone, please abstain from making comments about how other people choose to write their Durges (and Astarion for that matter) in my askbox, it is rarely (If ever) necessary.
Anyways, I guess this is a good opportunity to try and put it all down cohesively, so here we go:
DU drow came into the Bhaal temple at ages 17-19, he had lived a profoundly isolated life up until that point where his only constant companion would have been the lackey Sceleritas and, for a time, a horse. He had no friends, no companions, and killed the one woman he lost his virginity to the day after he met her. Sarevok and the rest of the Bhaalists taking him might have been a mockery of a family unit, but it was the closest he ever had to it nonetheless - and by far the one person in it that he felt the closest to was Orin, who was close to him in age and in that moment in time occupied a similar place in the temple's hierarchy as himself.
It's important to note here that when I say they were close, I'm talking about a closeness befitting of Bhaalspawn. They didn't share any good times; they had bad times together. And they enjoyed it to the extent that two profoundly dysfunctional young adults groomed to become murderous deities can. There was no tenderness here, feeling was expressed through violence and vulnerability wasn't only discouraged, it straight up wasn't practiced or even conceptualized in either of their heads. They killed together, mocked one-another, and hurt each other on the regular, and it's through those actions that they saw each other.
And yet, DU drow felt a burning limerence towards her from the moment he laid eyes on Orin, and this feeling never faltered, only grew. Orin cut off his matted hair in a careless, uneven slice of a blade, she pulled out his rotting molars with rusty pliers, she mocked his stink and resented his arrival (dare I say she was afraid, because she knew what it meant) but they had much more in common than they had in difference. This was a silent understanding, a screaming fact of life that led to them often gravitating towards each other in both packed and empty rooms, but never once discussed aloud.
I have no doubt that what would eventually become this Rabid, burning crush and later obsession of the drow's towards Orin is a result of their continous Isolation. The rest of the world was beneath them and temporary, and above was only Sarevok and Bhaal. Because of this, DU drow never once thought or desired to search for companionship and love anywhere besides for her, and so he started to see her not only as the vague concept of a sister, but also as his only option for a mate and wife, one which he embraced wholeheartedly (and that's putting it lightly).
Orin, on the other hand, had no such desires. Not to mention that her fear of being replaced and the implied consequences of it always spoke louder than any genuine feelings of comradery.
As DU drow ascended in the ranks and became head of the cult, those fears solidified in several ways. Not only did Sarevok favor him and she could feel herself being pushed aside, but DU drow's ego grew tenfold. What was once a quiet young man who saw himself as an equal to her became a self-righteous bhaalspawn who lavished in his role and all the boons that came with it. DU drow took everything he had acquired for granted, including her, whom he assumed would eventually succumb and become his romantic partner.
It didn't help that Sarevok subtly encouraged this partnership, thinking that through their children they could continue to produce bhaalspawn of a purer and more efficient pedigree.
Ironically, DU drow's disillusions went so far that he never once in his life thought Orin would turn against him, and as much of an egomaniac as he became, his love for her was always genuine - misguided, but genuine, and he never once wished for her death until she betrayed him. Realizing this, as well as that Bhaal would only accept one chosen, she struck, putting the tadpole in his head and sending him off to Kressa.
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ceeridwen99 · 7 months
BG3 is a R O L E P L A Y I N G GAME...
Okay, time to be a bit controversial but I need to get this off my chest. Mainly because I've been seeing it everywhere. Instagram. Here. Youtube. Even the cursed site that is Reddit. I doubt this will reach many people, but I'll feel better having gotten it out of my head.
I think that a lot of people who play/played BG3 have forgotten that it is of ROLEPLAYING game. Let me repeat that. ROLEPLAYING. That means, that your game is based off of YOUR choices and YOUR choices alone. Meaning that the things you choose to do in this game are based on YOUR interpretation of the media. There is NO canonical interpretation of the game because it is YOUR campaign based on how YOU play. The plotline, the romances, and everything that happens is based on YOUR choices and how YOU decide to ROLEPLAY it.
Why am I putting so much emphasis on this? Well, because with the new patch, some additions were made to Durge's storyline. Mainly regarding Gortash. Nothing major at all, honestly. But, as we know, durgtash is quite a popular ship in the fandom. There was an added line during Gortash's coronation when Gortash expressed that he "liked" the Dark Urge in comparison to his sibling. A line has been added where the Durge can reply "I think I liked you too." That's it. That's what all the fuss is about. Because oh boy, did some people interpret that as Larian forcing durgetash on the players. First...what? How--
Let me preface this by saying I'm NOT a durgetash shipper AT ALL. I don't even like Gortash. Believe me, I've tried to see what people see in it (and him). I went and found all the journals and letters trying to see the romantic connection, and I just couldn't. It seems more like admiration and respect than love for me, but hey...guess what...that's MY interpretation. That's not what those who love this ship feel and that's perfectly okay because it's THEIR Campaign.
My point is, in no way is Larian FORCING a romantic relationship between Gortash and the Durge UNLESS you interpret it that way. Gortash says he "liked" you. Okay, That can mean many things. He respected you as his partner in this whole scheme. He enjoyed your company in comparison to Orin. Or, he saw you as a true friend. Or if you want--and only if you want it--he liked you romantically. And this is vice versa for the new line that was added to further differentiate the Durge from a Tav. It is such a vague line and can be interpreted in so many ways, that I truly don't understand what all the fuss is about. If you don't see Gortash as a previous romantic partner...then don't.
The Dark Urge is in many ways a blank slate. Yes, they have a bloody past when it comes to murder, but you don't have to add personal relationships to it if you don't want to. Hell, in my latest playthrough, my durge was a virgin when this whole mess began lol (They, of course, didn't know that, but it's what I roleplayed). They also never fully recover their memory outside of what's shown in the game. They're a complete blank slate at the start and the end. The durge has no personal background so you can make your own. So you can ROLEPLAY.
If you don't like the idea of Durge and Gortash being a thing...don't roleplay it that way. And, if you interpret that line as romantic DON'T click it. But there is no reason to be going around saying something is being forced on you when it isn't.
(If you want to be mad about something, be mad about Wyll constantly being sidelined compared to every other companion, but that's another post in itself.)
Anyway, if you read this thanks and have fun with whatever headcanon you carry.
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leebee287-art · 4 months
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Decided to draw @jaigeye ‘s BG3 Durge OC, Darling. we’ve been mutuals on Tiktok for a while and i’ve wanted to draw Darling for so long but never got round to it until now.
i’m not 100% happy with how it turned out, but honestly if i don’t stop now i’ll never finish it lol
i used the lyrics from I WHO BEND THE TALLGRASSES by Lingua Ignota because the song gives me Durge vibes (along with Mutter my Rammstein)
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this is the outfit i drew her in cause i thought it looked pretty and the hood was reminiscent of the virgin mary and im a sucker for religious symbolism (if it wasn’t obvious by my song choice)
for her heart-shaped scar i wasn’t sure if the lines were stitches or part of the scar. i decided that it looks better in my art style for it to be part of the scar so drew her like that
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majiil · 6 months
Can you tell me more about your Durge? 👀
well first things first i don't refer to ren as a durge character (lol, theres a reason i dont use those tags), bUT i can infodump about my son to you, yes!
tldr: hes essentially a clone of bhaal from just before the time of troubles when bhaal was at the height of his power, hes a titan class quasi-deity in the death domain, and he is Dumb
long version: ren (yvrennen ((the Y is silent)) ) is the "test run" predecessor to bhaalspawn that bhaal fucked up with making and is unable to properly control, he is a separate being born of bhaal rather than literally made of bhaal's flesh, and his story does not follow the game at all--though he does fit the durge role in the story and replaces the durge character in-game. he presents primarily as a half-elf male that resembles his mother (a virgin bhaalist who he was implanted into like bhaal jesus), but can change his form at will and does as needed. he is also functionally immortal, but can be injured.
he's demiromantic, doesnt care about mortals in the slightest, and only truly begins to care about gort after his orin induced lobotomy. he is also mortephilic (into death itself rather than dead things like with necrophilia), but uh... isnt picky, lmao.
he has two other forms, the fleshrender and a form derivative of bhaal's slayer, but neither are separate things he can turn into, they're equally as him as his humanoid form. the fleshrender form is a state between his humanoid form and the slayer, and is the form he has least control of himself inside of, although he still has a "human" mind. the slayer form, on the other hand, is much more animalistic and has a mind much closer to that of an animal. he is much more aware of things in the slayer form when compared to the fleshrender form, but cannot fight basal instinct.
that should cover most of the important stuff!
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Were any of your Tavs/Durges virgins when they started romancing Astarion?
No, they've all been older adults or at least in their late 20s and I imagine they've all had previous lovers and experiences before the events of the game. Esme isn't very experienced but she has had sex, just not many lovers. Being possessed by the god of murder at random tends to put a damper on your love life lol Tomie used her sexuality to kill, so her body count is much higher, literally lol
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