#visceral discomfort!!!
quillyfied · 2 years
Today on “oh, oh no, that is not the word you were looking for, I am so sorry”, we have a case of mistaken identity that actively turns my stomach a bit!
Doe-eyed: means the eyes are soft and gentle and innocent, as in the animal the doe, the deer, the female deer.
Doughy-eyed: means the eyes are soft and malleable like dough and sends me straight to Ick Town.
English homonyms (sort of, pretty close, doe and dough are the homonyms but y’all get it) strike again!
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normalbrothers · 7 months
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TOMMY: Why do you play games with people when there's no benefit to you? TATIANA: In Russia, because we were bored. In England, because we don't know how to stop. At least there are silly games and orgasms. TOMMY: So lets fuck.
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ghey-menace · 2 years
never seen anyone else mention this so i'm curious
anyone else feel sick when Kim goes for his gun or cuffs? like when i'm playing and that happens its like my stomach drops and i feel physically ill and afraid. and i dont mean Scared but Horny i mean afraid of him. its like i forget he's a cop until the gun comes out and it's suddenly like oh fuck, a cop. it gives me this whiplash and it's really cool as a storytelling device, but very discomfiting
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saturnniidae · 6 days
Fascinating how I can dress fem and people will legitimately think I'm a girl sometimes though unfortunate but also funny side effect: a guy did ask for my number once but then he heard my voice and had to skedaddle before the gay allegations began
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clotpolesonly · 3 months
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Call Down The Hawk ch 17 // Greywaren ch 26
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rominasaintofthebud · 6 months
i have typed out and deleted four different posts getting mad about dungeon meshi fans today i truly have the buddha nature. im literally gonna have to blacklist the tag it sucks so much because i love dungeon meshi So Much but the fandom is so fucking crazy racist and so unbelievably frustrating when it comes to character readings and SO INCREDIBLY PROJECTING so so SO much onto the themes and i literally cannot stand it anymore. if i see one more person paint laios as completely in the right and totally helpless victimized in the toshiro-laios conflict im actually gonna start sending bombs through the mail
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subway-dove · 8 days
i dont think the coffin of andy and leyley has a "good" ending so far like in any capacity. looks like shits been irredeemably fucked since they were five years old and its so much so that nothing can be truly well, truly fixed, in these sibling's lifetime. they can just aim to survive. they have taken so many lives in the name of survival already! ! its very good horror for that, very tooth and nail, for trapping them in an inescapable situation the moment each of them was born. they only started eating people after starving but they have been consuming each other since forever. they're all they have. is it fate? is it a breaking point? after decades of not being able to exercise any agency outside of forcing their will unto each other in such convoluted, cyclical, abusive ways, no place they end up in together is a good one. and yet no other place exists for them. those serial killers will not stop until theyre dead, but it would be pretty sad if they died
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stunfiskz · 6 months
its fun how when people dont acknowledge me i feel sick and want to tear my skin off my body and drown myself but when people do acknowledge me i also feel sick and want to tear my skin off and drown myself
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kotaerukoto · 2 months
Hey all! Hope everyone's been okay, I've been out and about enjoying the summer these past few days, getting out there and all that. I'll be back on here and on Discord soon (I've been cooking some IC replies when I can) but I'm feeling pretty recharged! Thanks for all the patience.
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zapsoda · 10 months
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gwensy · 3 months
the older i get the more i wonder if i ever actually got past 16
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
Sustaining a mismatch between beliefs and reality for any length of time usually makes us sick in one way or another, as Bessel Van Der Kolk explains in The Body Keeps the Score:
When our emotional and rational brains are in conflict . . . a tug-of-war ensues. This war is largely played out in the theatre of visceral experience – your gut, your heart, your lungs – and will lead to both physical discomfort and psychological misery.
"In/Out: A Scandalous Story of Falling Into Love and Out of the Church" - Steph Lentz
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songofdefiance · 1 year
listening to perry talk to his brother's wife like
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tiefling-queer · 4 months
the tmagp fandom's obsession with rich old lady who hunts you like an animal feels like an instance of 'you'd fuck a fence if it was white'
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
oh jesus christ adminbright jumpscare in the history of that tale
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fics-n-stuff · 2 years
Episode 7, like 5mins from the end of the episode, when Amerie finds out that it was Dusty who started the rumour and confronts him, the acting in that moment is phenomenal. From both of them. Ayesha and Josh ate that scene.
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