gtaradi · 1 year
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bossbabesworld · 7 days
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
ok u've seen like every mika card ever so you're getting arashi beamed instead. she has a fang too and is his bestie she counts
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the fact that the one with the eepy ritsu is global is so rude. also that that ritsu card is global as well. global stop getting cards i want challenge
I need her so bad
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hurlumerlu · 2 months
Not to bring back Orestes and Pylades on the dash but sometimes I see the "I'll fucking do it but christ alive" textpost attached to characters that are sooooo "not to me not if it's you" and it's like no!!!!! you did not see the forest for the joke!!!!!!
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lanuitlennuie · 4 months
alors que je m'apprête à jeter l'éponge, au terme d'une journée à mettre les doigts dans trop de prises, lectures difficiles et virtuoses, moles écrasant sur la délicate plantation de semis que je cultive, les uns poussés trop vite comme des adolescents hâves, les autres séchés déjà poussières et tous les espaces vides de ceux que j'espère, ici et là quelques plants vigoureux qui me consolent, alors que je vais céder à la faim, à l'air d'un dimanche qui veut sa part de rien, je retrouve enfin le fameux exercice de Vitez caché en notes de bas de page d'un texte un peu anodin, une de ses nombreuses listes, rassemblée sous le titre plat de *description d'une pédagogie de l'acteur *. En 1982, Vitez avait été invité à diriger une classe d'été à l'université d'Illinois, la note est un extrait de l'enregistrement de cette classe où Vitez décrit précisément l'exercice qui revient à quelques reprises dans ses listes sous le titre de *La réunion du Comité central* (ici accolé de la brève description : On lit un article anodin chargé de menaces et de dangers. )
« Imaginons l'assemblée d'un Parti, ou d'une Église. Il y a des amis et des ennemis dans le groupe et il y a un problème de vie ou de mort en jeu. Un problème très important. Le Comité central de ce Parti - le groupe dirigeant donc - a préparé un texte. C'est un texte anodin mais il y a, dans ce texte, quelques mots qui sont eux-mêmes des provocations pour une partie de l'assistance. Comme à l'époque de Staline, en Russie : vous pouviez avoir des textes absolument neutres sur le sport, la littérature, mais dans le texte, il y avait un nom - Meyerhold, par exemple, ou le nom du théâtre dans lequel travaillait Meyerhold. Rien, dans cette situation que nous imaginons, n'est neutre, rien n'est apolitique. Tout est basé sur le double sens. Le sens de cet exercice n'est pas de jouer, pas de penser les mots, la syntaxe, mais de jouer l'autre situation. Mon idée est simplement une illustration du "système" Stanislavski : le sens extérieur n'est pas le véritable sens de l'action que l'acteur doit mener sur la scène. L'acteur doit jouer le sous-texte - c'est son code, son propos -, le texte n'a absolument aucune importance. » Vitez, Écrits sur le théâtre 1, L'école, p. 106.
Ailleurs, dans un autre texte, une esquisse biographique sur Meyerhold, Vitez revient sur cette notion de sous-texte, centrale selon lui à l'enseignement de Stanislavski, qu'il définit ainsi : "le sous-texte, c'est le courant secret que l'acteur doit découvrir sous le gâchis du langage quotidien".
Je pensais que ça me sauverait. Ça le fait un peu, mais pas à l'endroit que j'imaginais. Je distingue vaguement si je plisse les yeux pour comprendre ce qui a bien pu insister dans le souvenir de cet exercice - au-delà de la contre-bande qu'il fait miroiter, un secret voilé mais public, glissé au milieu du texte autant que d'une assemblée - la mise en garde qu'il constitue contre l'illusion d'une fiction dépliée dans un espace dégagé qui n'existerait que pour elle, unique et hors de toutes frictions, autonome. Le fameux courant secret sous le gâchis du langage quotidien est autant un tuyau de ses eaux usées, que la perspective plombée débouchant vers le large. Tout est contaminé. Ça n'est pas un tri qu'il faut faire, orpailleuse au tamis, séparer le bon du mauvais, peut-être pister et équiper la voie de l'agent trouble, figure pivot, porte dérobée et tournante ouvrant sur des mondes qui ne sont jamais les mêmes.
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perfettamentechic · 5 months
30 aprile … ricordiamo …
30 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Claudia Barrett, Imagene Williams, attrice statunitense. E’ stata sposata con l’attore Alan Wells. Wells in seguito sposò l’attrice Barbara Lang, ma Lang chiese l’annullamento, sostenendo che Wells non aveva ricevuto il divorzio definitivo da Barrett quando si erano sposati. (n.1929) 2020: Sam Lloyd, attore, musicista e cantante statunitense. Nipote dell’attore Christopher Lloyd. (n.…
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radiogornjigrad · 7 months
AntonTon by Grigor Vitez in the category of Book Cover Design - Children's as a winner
The INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD, one of the most prestigious book award programs globally for independent authors, publishers, and illustrators, recognized AntonTon by Grigor Vitez, illustrated by Tomislav Torjanac, translated by Irena Stanic Rasin in the category of Book Cover Design – Children’s as a winner. The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry,…
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rivieiraa · 1 year
Je pense que nous savons presque tout, tout de suite. Notre enfance nous suffit largement. Notre adolescence, notre jeunesse, nous suffisent à peu près pour savoir tout.
Antoine Vite sur Brecht et Aragon
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British UNPROFOR group photo in Vitez, Bosnia. 1994
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whaledocboi · 1 year
janos vitez and toldi miklos crossover is 19th century self insert yaoi
so true bestie <3 (this sentence fucking kills me because to the normal person it sounds like some sleeper agent code)
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ao3feed-macgyver2016 · 6 months
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arhitectul · 10 months
vremuri de demult și din prezent.
când eram mic, mă temeam de ploaie, de furtună. Când venea, fugeam în casă, și stăteam la fereastră să o privesc, păstrând o parte din teama ce o aveam, o alta parte dispărând fiindcă eram în siguranță. Cu timpul, m-am schimbat, nu mai fug de ploaie, ci fug spre ea, să o înțeleg, să-i simt răcoarea pe pielea încinsă de nostalgiile ce ard în mine. Mă regăsesc în tot haosul furtunii, iar vântul ce bate cu viteze catastrofale, parcă îmi poartă cu el sufletul și-l izbește de fiecare obstacol întâlnit. Nu mă mai tem, m-am obișnuit cu tot acest dezastru al ploii, încât a devenit o bucurie, lăsându-mi ființa să se dezvăluie fără ca nimeni să știe sau să înțeleagă ce fac.
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rent-a-car-satu-mare · 8 months
Probleme la cutiile de viteze DSG
Cu o prezență globală și o gamă variată de vehicule, Grupul Volkswagen (VW) a devenit unul dintre liderii incontestabili în industria auto. În efortul lor constant de a oferi tehnologie avansată și performanță excelentă, Volkswagen utilizează o varietate de transmisii automate pentru a satisface diversele nevoi ale clienților iar biroul de închirieri auto aeroport Satu Mare vă prezintă în rândurile de mai jos care sunt acestea și defecțiunile care apar la ele în timp. Unul dintre cele mai notabile sisteme de transmisie automată este Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG):
Această tehnologie, dezvoltată intern de Volkswagen, reprezintă o combinație ingenioasă între eficiența unei cutii de viteze automate și dinamica unei cutii de viteze manuale. DSG este disponibilă în variante cu 6, 7 și 8 trepte de viteză, oferind schimbări rapide și precise, contribuind semnificativ la experiența de conducere.
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aristotels · 9 months
do you have any online resources for Balkan books? i'm learning croatian so it would be cool to practice reading actual books instead of just balkan twitter
balkandownload.org , knjige.club and iirc libgen has some croatian and serbian things
go crazy :) if u want croatian book reccs too, from our authors id reccommend anything by ivica ivanišević (my fav is "primavera", esp since its very classic dalmatian setting) and renato baretić. baretić's "osmi povjerenik" is a cult book, but since it uses a lot of dialect, and a made up dialect too, it might be too advanced. "hotel grand" is also a fantastic book of his, that one might be easier to get through.
if you want classics, one of my favorite book series is "grička vještica" by marija jurić zagorka (the first croatian female journalist). its 7 books, with plot taking place during maria theresa's rule of hungary, but the speed and the twists are like a modern netflix show. she did the "enemies to lovers" trope back in like the 1910. and she and jane austen are the only people ive ever liked it from. ive read all the books like 5 times, and insisted my sister is named Nera after the main character. if netflix producers read this, they would sign the production papers within 10 seconds of finishing the books. unlike krleža, she wrote in a quite simple style and language (tho there is nothing simple about croatian anywhere i guess).
if you want to read some poetry i recc dobriša cesarić - he is one of the most famous croatian poets, and his poems are simple but with incredible flow. you can also find the texts online without downloading. just google dobriša cesarić pjesme. :) "balada iz predgrađa" is one of his best ones. "voćka poslije kiše" is something every single croat can quote.
grigor vitez was also a wonderful poet but he wrote for children - idk what level youre at, but that might be a good start too! his poems are beautiful. "kad bi drveće hodalo", for example.
on topic of poetry, since this is a communist and antifascist blog, i recc you the main poem of yugoslavia: desanka maksimović's "krvava bajka" about genocide in kragujevac. its short and you can find it on wikipedia.
from recent books which were translated to croatian i rly enjoyed nita prose's "maid" and from this french author "fresh water for flowers" (too tired to remember her name rn). anthony doerrs "the light we cannot see" is a bit reactionary but still a great read. "the cathedral" (cant remember the author rn) also won me over.
if you want to watch a good movie i recc "svećenikova djeca", if you can find the torrent. idt i was able to last time when i wanted to watch it. :/
from bands, if you want to hear some dalmatian music and accents, i reccommend daleka obala, tutti frutti band, dino dvornik ("afrika" and "manijak" are bangers), oliver dragojević (listen to "nadalina" its super cool!), TBF ("genije" plays in my head always) and if u wanna see the traditional split dance just search "splitsko kolo" on youtube :)
i can also just send you my own book if u wanna read that lol (im a published author in croatia, and a class traitor for advocating book piracy here on tumblr i guess) . it does use some dalmatian slang tho.
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mariacallous · 6 months
The Bosnian state prosecution said on Monday that Samir Nukic has been indicted for posting insults and expressions of hatred on Facebook during an anniversary commemoration last year for eight Croat children who were killed by a shell in a playground in Vitez in 1993.
Despite warnings from other Facebook users of the social network, Nukic “repeated the curses and insults towards the victims”, the prosecution said in a statement.
“In the above-mentioned manner, the defendant caused anxiety for Ivan Garic, who is one of the survivors and whose sister and brother were killed in the above-mentioned incident and who is the founder of an association dedicated to the death of the eight children in Vitez, as well as to other people to whom the disputed hate speech… caused anxiety and discomfort,” the statement added.
Nukic has been charged with publicly inciting violence or hatred against a group of people because of their ethnic background, thereby provoking ethnic, racial and religious hatred, discord and intolerance.
BIRN reported in 2020 that no one has ever been brought to justice for the artillery attack on the playground in the Podgradina neighbourhood of Vitez in June 1993, which killed eight children and injured others.
The indictment of Nukic has been forwarded to the state court for confirmation.
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lanuitlennuie · 4 months
« Ce théâtre [celui de Maïakovski) est un théâtre primitif, un cirque, un guignol (attention : ce n'est pas péjoratif, le guignol est un grand art). (...) Il y a dans les Bains un personnage qui court tout le temps, poursuivi par un flic. C'est un comptable, qui a volé de l'argent pour aider l'ingénieur à fabriquer sa machine, c'est-à-dire à bâtir le socialisme. Donc un personnage qui a choisi un moyen illégal pour faire avancer la révolution. Une jeune fille d'un lycée de Caen m'a dit qu'elle avait beaucoup aimé ce personnage, elle y voyait un homme à la recherche du bonheur, poursuivi par la police. (...) Parler. C'est le plus difficile. Car le texte est d'une densité incroyable ; tout signifie ; et pas seulement les mots, mais la composition des phrases. Là où l'œil lit une phrase ordinaire, en style administratif, la lecture à haute voix révèle un découpage ironique des masses sonores qu'il faut rendre sensible sur la scène. D'où la nécessité pour les acteurs d'un entraînement particulier à projeter les mots dans la salle, de façon inhabituelle. » Vitez, La scène, 1954-1975, p. 181.
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