#vito corleone imagines
chicaboom-chic · 2 years
"Playdates!" Young Vito Corleone x Reader
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Summary: You Frequently visit Vito in his apartment, and have playdates with his four rowdy children.
Sometimes Vito will sit on a chair in the kitchen, facing your direction; he’s silent, favoring to say nothing as he listens to the lively chatter around him. There’s a soft smile etched onto his face as he watches you play with the little ones. You’re sprawled out on the floor of his apartment, surrounded by his children: Sonny, Fredo, Michael, and Connie. 
Sonny being the oldest and rowdiest will run laps around you. He’ll chase his younger siblings mercilessly until one of them cries; his favorite victim is Fredo. If Sonny is feeling extra bold, he’ll commit to his favorite, a game that consists of pulling your hair while your attention is elsewhere and running away when you turn around. 
It never really bothers you, most of the time you’ll just smile and wag your finger at him playfully but Vito doesn’t take it too well. He’ll pull Sonny to the side and chastise him sternly. 
And then there’s Fredo. Fredo while l being meeker than Sonny, he isn’t exempt from having the occasional bout of mischief. Fredo will walk around the apartment floor stomping his little feet against the carpet, hoping to cause as much of a stir for the tenants below to hear. 
Michael is more bashful than his older brothers, you almost never expect trouble from him. Michael will opt to stay beside you, he’ll sit on the floor next to you and play with his sister Connie, who babbles to herself and laughs when Michael pulls faces at her.
During these playdates, Vito will uproot himself from the chair and join you and the children on the floor. He’ll sit across from you and tell the children to gather around in a circle. They all immediately flock toward their father, intrigued and excited to listen to what he has to say.
On some nights he’ll tell them a story, regaling his life as a boy in Corleone, other nights he’ll sing to them only to be interrupted by Connie who joins in with her babbling.
On hectic nights Vito will become inflicted by his son’s playfulness, opting to join their little boy's club. He’ll chase them around the house, or he’ll carry them, he’ll tickle them until they can no longer laugh. 
Sometimes the tables will turn and children chase him around, cornering their father and climbing on top of him. As they overpower him you hear Vito laugh and say.
“Help me y/n my children are turning on me!” Then he’ll then scoop them up in his arms. “I’m getting too old!” He exclaims as he carries them toward you and Connie who are still on the floor. He places them down gently.
But after a certain amount of hours, it begins to get late and you have to remind Vito of the children’s bedtime.
“Vito.” You say softly. “You’re getting them riled up, they won’t be able to sleep.” 
You look at his children. Connie was already too fussy and the boys were bouncing between the both of you, their energy in the room was not depleting any time soon. You looked up at Vito, you raised your eyebrows, hinting further at the time. 
Vito didn’t respond, though his eyes were transfixed on you, his mind was elsewhere. His gaze was set on you, staring at you longingly. You could see a slew of emotions in his eyes. 
“Vito?” You drag him out of his reverie.
“It’s nearly bedtime wouldn’t you say?” You look down at the kids.
This time he registers your words. “I suppose it nearly is,” He says before he leans in, enveloping your space, he places his hand on your cheek; his hand tingling against your face, and his lips graze yours before both of your lips meet and he kisses you. You kiss him back. 
Around you can hear the children all scream in disgust.
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msfbgraves · 6 months
The first Godfather movie is on Y*utube for free now! I rewatched it and it was just as great as I remember, so on to Part 2. But then I went on redd*t to check out some Godfather threads, and was disappointed to see so much discourse on who was hotter, Apollonia or Kay. And why there is so much hate against Kay, mainly because she is “too feminist” and “educated”, doesn’t “obey or support” Michael, and that she’s not as beautiful as Apollonia. All in all a disappointing experience. I didn’t see any male characters reduced to how handsome they were or were not : /
Let me help you there, then, Nonnie - of course Michael was destined to become the new Don - he is far prettier than Fredo, Sonny or Connie. And Vito was prettier than Don Fanucci all along! 😎
All this "Kay isn't good enough for Michael" discourse - he pursued her. Both in film 1 and 3. And the only time I felt Kay was weak, was when she said yes when he returned. Imagine, here is your war hero boyfriend who says he wants a clean American life... and then he shoots two people, leaves the country, ghosts you for a year, tells you he has become a career criminal and then proposes marriage. She should have said no, she really isn't open to this, but is this man, who she knows has people killed with no repercussions, a man she can refuse? As little as Vitelli could really refuse Michael's request to court Apollonia. The first thing Michael says to him is: "If you don't do what I want, I will kill you, and what I want is meet your daughter."
But alright maybe love isn't rational. Maybe they loved each other still. Kay really wasn't suited to mob life and that is on Michael. He knew who she was and it didn't matter, he wanted her. He had barely a clue who Apollonia was, her with no English and he with broken Italian. It didn't matter, he wanted her. Kay would have been perfect for Michael Corleone, aspiring senator, which is what he was when they met. But he didn't care Kay was not suited for who he was now. Why didn't he grieve Apollonia and find another mob wife? Why didn't he remarry after their divorce? Even when he proposes Kay is already reluctant and Michael pushes and pushes and pushes. She must represent something he actually does want, still.
But it's always the woman's fault when relationships don't work out, isn't it? No Kay wasn't a good mob wife. She didn't want to be one. She got out with her children - that is something Michael never managed. And Apollonia is something many men imagine they want, but when they have it, they get bored. I am not saying Apollonia wasn't intelligent, but if you get told to completely erase yourself into motherhood, which means you can't offer more than comfort and sex - that's not enough for a lot of people. And it's not like these women wouldn't have had more to offer but everytime they try they get shut down. And what you get then is Carmella, which may have suited Vito - that man who craved domesticity above all else - but even Sonny and Michael needed more input from her than she could give. So Michael fell for the total opposite. And maybe Apollonia was a fierce presence who might have become to Michael what Connie became, but we can't know. We don't know what she and Michael talked about. We know she was very beautiful and made Michael laugh, and she may or may not have had a slight independent streak. That's it.
I feel that they might have worked because they clicked emotionally and Apollonia knew the life. But Michael didn't look for someone like her again. He looked for Kay, again and again and again.
If she doesn't suit him - and no, she doesn't suit a Don - Michael should try to figure out what itch he was trying to scratch with her. Oh, and that obedience shit - in my experience, boys who go on about that are deeply insecure about something. They couldn't get a well trained dog to obey them, let alone a person!
All these men who think they're owed power while being unwilling to do what they'd have to to obtain it, always want women to fawn. Men who have what it takes to gain power, should they aspire to, usually spend time honing a skill. They rarely throw their weight around putting others down. No matter where they start, the bottom or the top - they put the work in. Michael did, Sonny did, and Fredo mostly complained. As much as we see anyway. If Fredo had done a good job with what he was given, or would have found himself an opportunity, he would have won Michael's respect. Not position,but respect, like Tom. Instead Fredo demanded respect for his position as an older brother.
That's the type of man who whines about having women obey him.
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corpseflwr · 9 months
Because of your transgender Michael Corleone propaganda I know imagine his coming out going like this:
Michael: I think I’m a man.
*Corleone family nodding approvingly*
Michael: Also I’m joining the army.
*Everyone starts screaming,Sonny is held down by Fredo while Vito shakes his head”
i am SO GLAD i can infect more people with the trans michael brainworm.and yes i 100 percent agree with this 😭😭😭
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A few Tom Hagen headcanons
1) Tom is not an animal guy. He can appreciate that they're often beautiful or sometimes cute but they're too unpredictable and messy for Tom who is anxious, sensitive and something of a neat freak.(Look at the way he so tentatively reaches out to touch Khartoum, as though he's scared of the horse.)
2) Tom has assimilated so much into the Sicilian culture of the family who adopted him that he doesn't quite fit into either the Corleone's world or the outside world. He's fluent in Sicilian, has an Italian wife, uses Italian hand gestures and(in the book) he even has Italian facial expressions. He doesn't have Sicilian blood though so he'll never be fully accepted by the family and the other mobsters, but he's so Italian in every other respect that he seems odd to non-Italians. They find him a little unsettling and strange and because of this he was largely excluded from drinks and other after work events, when he was working for the top law firms Vito got him into. He'll always walk between two worlds.
3) Tom secretly loves dancing with Theresa. It's one of the things he enjoys most, though never in front of the family it's one of the few times you seem him drop that business like exterior.(Blame Robert Duvall for this, The man is completely obsessed with dancing)
(4) Tom is a stress eater. He eats more when anxious, also as an excuse to avoid talking during tense situations, and no one makes him more anxious than his brothers. (Watch in the Chinese food scene, he's the most anxious of all of them, and he crams his mouth with food, partly from anxiety and partly to stop him from expressing his fears for Michael.
5) Tom is permanently exhausted as he works so much(Go read the book, the man does just about every job you can possibly imagine) and on the rare occasions he gets to relax he just melts into the chair or drapes himself over the nearest last object. It's one of the few sloppy things the almost impeccably neat Tom does.(Look at him when he sits in a chair, he slumps into it and he's always got his feet up, like he doesn't have the energy to sit upright)
6) Tom considers his loyalty to be one of his biggest strengths but he secretly knows that it's also one of his biggest weaknesses. That he's participated in some way, in so many unspeakable crimes because he is so loyal. He's more grateful than he can ever express to Sonny and Vito for saving him from a lonely death as a child and so terrified of finding himself unwanted, unloved and back in the gutter that he'll do almost anything to avoid losing his family and the status he now holds. He rarely allows himself to think about the crimes the family commits, and he feels guilty when he does, but he's not nearly as ashamed as he knows he should be.
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ladyanaconda · 10 months
Don Alessio au I definitely would love to see more of that. How this timeline affects everyone around, what is Alessio and Giulia’s relationship like, what is Alessio like as a mob boss (and if possible to explore Noda and Bianco because Bianco has been mentioned a few times before. Just really curious 🧐)
How this timeline affects everyone around?
Well, the main cast (including Striker and Jake) are mostly unaffected by this turn of events. However, the Exes and Oohs events didn't occur because Crimson died six years earlier. Everyone involved in Crimson's Mafia was the most affected, especially Alessio, the main victim in all of this.
Jawns—borrowed from Noody_Noodles—had a bit of trouble in accepting Alessio's leadership at first because, well, he was in love with Crimson. But he did come around eventually.
GaGarret and Cecilia—characters borrowed from Wumbo Mumbo—were devastated by how things took a turn for the worse for Alessio. GaGarret, in particular, decided to work with his uncle, if only to keep an eye on him and hopefully keep him from becoming like Crimson.
Giulia's personality is, for the most part, similar to the original one. However, there's some key differences, the most notable one being that she does carry her shawl around; with Alessio in a position of power, the Yakuza didn't dare start a war with the Commission over a dolkril. Still, Alessio won't take any chances.
what is Alessio and Giulia’s relationship like
If you think Alessio is overprotective in the Helluva Dad AU, wait until you see him in this AU, where he takes it to a whole new level. Being the only member thing he has of Bianca, Giulia means the world to Alessio. She's the only light left in his life, the one thing that keeps him from completely crossing over to the 'dark side.'
Unlike her Helluva Dad AU counterpart, Giulia is aware of what her father does for a living. But Alessio still doesn't want her to get involved in the business. Regardless, Giulia is still 100% a daddy's girl, even if she does feel suffocated by her father's overprotectiveness; she doesn't know how her mother, brother, and grandmother died, and so doesn't understand that their deaths have made Alessio terrified of losing her too, which is why he's hellbent on keeping her safe.
Alessio gladly makes time to spend with his daughter, and doesn't let his work get in the way of it. While she did have a nanny for when Alessio has too much work or must leave for business, he usually takes care of her himself. In fact, everyone knows not to bother him on Giulia's birthday.
what is Alessio like as a mob boss
I'd say he's a combination between Vito and Michael Corleone. He's cunning, ruthless, and a nice strategist, but there's still certain lines he won't cross even for the same of business. Just as the Commision—the ruling committee consisting of the Dons of the Five main families—imagined, Alessio was a far more effective Don than Crimson ever was.
However, if you cross him... he makes Crimson look like a saint in that regard.
Man, I'm actually considering exploring more of this AU now!
Regarding Noda and Bianco, I haven't figured out their place in this AU just yet because I'd have to discuss it with Noodles first.
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melis-writes · 10 months
Does Matteo get the same criticism for cheating on his wife from the Ferrari family as Sonny gets from the Corleone family(mainly Vito)?
I feel like Victoria would be upset for how her sister-in-law is being treated and talk to him and her father would be very disappointed as well
Matteo most certainly gets it from his parents, Victoria and Leonardo especially. Alessio and Lorenzo could care less, but it’s very harshly overlooked and scolded in the family so you could suppose Matteo would need to do whatever he needs to do without either of them finding out or hearing about it later.
Victoria and Giuseppe’s disappointment is grave, I’ll tell you that. Especially because these two would never imagine of ever doing that to their own partners so it baffles them a family member so casually wishes to do so and thinks nothing of it despite having a wife and kids back home.
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zayaanhashistory · 2 years
The Mafia in Popular Culture
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From Al Capone and Vito Corleone to John Gotti and Tony Soprano, real-life and fictional mafiosos have captured the public imagination since the 1920s. Ruthless and violent, these men are nonetheless often seen to maintain their own personal brand of honor and decency. In this way, they are modern-day versions of the outlaw heroes of the Wild West, such as Jesse and Frank James or Billy the Kid. Gangsters were only a tiny percentage of the huge migration of Italians, primarily from the south of Italy, to America in the early 20th century. Still, “The Mafia” has become the primary pop culture expression of the Italian American identity–much to the dismay of many Italian Americans. This is due largely to the enduring influence of Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 Oscar-winning smash hit film “The Godfather” (based on Mario Puzo’s novel) and its reinvention of the gangster movie genre. 
As the era of Prohibition gave way to the Great Depression, the first wave of gangster movies mirrored the growing anger and frustration of many Americans at their worsening economic conditions. In movies like “Little Caesar” (1931) with Edward G. Robinson, “The Public Enemy” (1931) with Jimmy Cagney and “Scarface” (1932) with Paul Muni, the main characters–all Italian Americans, some based on real life mobsters such as Capone–suffered the consequences of their law-breaking, but many audiences still identified with their willingness to go outside the bounds of the traditional system to make a living. After 1942, gangsters largely disappeared from the screen, as Nazis and monsters took the place of mobsters as Hollywood’s preferred villains. This began to change after 1950, when a Senate committee set up to investigate organized crime began holding public hearings. Thanks to the new medium of television, millions of Americans watched the testimony of real-life mobsters like Frank Costello (or more accurately, they watched Costello’s shaky hands–the only part of him shown by the camera). In the early 1960s, Joseph Valachi, a soldier in the Luciano “family” organization, took a starring role in later televised hearings. It was Valachi who introduced the now-famous Mafia euphemism “La Cosa Nostra” (Our Thing), and his testimony revealed the evolution of Italian-American organized crime in America, especially in New York. “The Valachi Papers,” a book by Peter Maas, came out in 1969, the same year as the novel that would do more than any other to establish the mythology of the mafia in popular culture: Mario Puzo’s “The Godfather.” 
Puzo’s novel tells the story of Sicilian immigrant Vito Corleone and the family and “business” he built in New York, including the struggles of his son Michael, who will succeed him as the new “Don.” Paramount Pictures bought the film rights to the novel, and studio head Robert Evans turned to the young Italian-American director Francis Ford Coppola to direct. (Coppola also co-wrote the screenplay, with Puzo.) With Marlon Brando (Don Corleone) and Al Pacino (Michael) leading a stellar cast, “The Godfather” gave a fuller, more authentic and more sympathetic glimpse into the Italian-American experience than had been seen on screen before, even as it framed that glimpse through the lens of organized crime. It also painted an undeniably romantic portrait of the mafioso as a man of contradiction, who was ruthless toward his enemy but devoted to his family and friends above all else. Unlike previous gangster films, “The Godfather” looked at the Mafia from the inside out, instead of taking the perspective of law enforcement or of “regular” society. In this way, “The Godfather” reinvented the gangster movie, just as it would influence all those that came after it. “The Godfather, Part II” (1974) was darker and more violent than the first film, but both were box office smashes and multiple Oscar winners. (“The Godfather, Part III,” released 16 years after “Part II,” failed to impress critics or audiences.) Over the next three decades, Hollywood never lost its fascination with the Mafia. A partial list of related films includes dramas like “The Untouchables” (1987), “Donnie Brasco” (1997) and especially Martin Scorsese’s “Goodfellas” (1990), which showed the underside of “The Godfather's romantic vision of Mafia life. Mafiosos also made their way into comedies: “Prizzi’s Honor” (1985), “Married to the Mob” (1988), “My Blue Heaven” (1990) and “Analyze This” (1999). From animated films to children’s cartoons, video games to “gangsta”-style hip-hop or rap music, the myth of the Mafia was everywhere, thanks in large part to the enduring legacy of “The Godfather.” On TV, of course, mobsters turned up regularly on crime shows like “NYPD Blue” and “Law and Order.” In 1999, however, came the debut of a cable TV show featuring a mafioso like none ever seen before. 
In Tony Soprano, David Chase, the creator of the HBO series “The Sopranos” and an Italian American from New Jersey, managed to create a new kind of gangster. Chase moved the action from the traditional urban environment to the New Jersey suburbs, where Tony (James Gandolfini) visits a psychiatrist to deal with the stresses of work and family (including wife Carmela, mother Livia and two teenage kids). In the world of “The Sopranos,” gangsters like Tony are simply trying to achieve the same kind of affluent lifestyle as their fellow suburbanites, all while struggling with a sense that something is missing, that things aren’t like what they used to be. “The Sopranos” ran for six seasons from 1999 to 2004, won more than 20 Emmy Awards and was hailed by some critics as the greatest show in TV history. In acknowledgement of Chase’s debt to other works of Mafia-related popular culture, the series continually referenced those works, including “Public Enemy,” “Goodfellas” and, especially, “The Godfather.” 
Like “The Godfather,” one of the most impressive aspects of “The Sopranos” was its richly detailed portrait of first- and second-generation Italian Americans, as seen through the experience of one extended family. The fact that both of those families were Mob families, however, means that many Italian Americans had mixed feelings toward these works. In 1970, the Italian American Civil Rights League held a rally to stop production of “The Godfather.” As for “The Sopranos,” the National Italian American Foundation has railed against the show as an offensive caricature, while organizers of New York City’s Columbus Day Parade refused to permit “Sopranos” cast members to march in the parade for several years running. Though pop culture’s fascination with the Mafia has undeniably fueled certain negative stereotypes about Italian Americans, acclaimed works like “The Godfather,” “Goodfellas,” and “The Sopranos” have also given many Italian Americans a sense of shared identity and experience. Despite its controversial nature, the myth of the Mafia–as created and nurtured by “The Godfather” and its many pop culture descendants–continues to enthrall the masses of Italian and non-Italians alike. 
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thedelulus · 5 months
Film Review: The Godfather (09)
The film “The Godfather,” directed by Francis Coppola, really is a masterpiece. The different elements used such as sight, sound, color, motion, and emotion are what collectively made this film come together.
In the film, each scene used various sights which emphasized what the film was trying to tell the audience. It was as if the upcoming scenes were unpredictable but predictable at the same time.
The sound effects were very important for this film. There were instances where intense music was used to show and give the audience the feeling of how intense a specific scene was. Next, the colors used in the film were mostly toward the dark side and gave a secretive or mysterious vibe to the film.
The motion also played an important part in this film. For instance, there was a scene where Michael’s little sister was being chased and beaten by her husband. At the end of that scene, the view is fixated on the door, and behind that door is for us to imagine.
The last element is probably the most important for this film. Without the emotion conveyed by each and every character, there wouldn’t be any meaning to the story being told. For example, when Michael first saw his wife, the look in his eyes showed that he was in love. It was like his love at first sight.
This film was based on mafia families and their businesses. This film shows that not all mafia members are cold-hearted, emotionless, or immortal. For example, after Sonny died, Vito Corleone did not think of getting revenge for his son, but he tried to settle the issue with the five mafia families. The heads of the five families also talked about drugs. Some of them did not want to continue that type of business; however, some had different opinions. One even said that his business would continue, but the drugs cannot be anywhere near schools or children. For this reason, we could see that not all the mafia members are bad.
Some scenes in the film hinted to the audience what would happen next. For instance, there was a scene where the car exploded, and seated inside the car was Michael’s wife. Before the car exploded, a man was running away from it, and at that moment, you could already feel that something bad was about to happen. These hints had the audience guessing about the possible scenarios that could have happened. It makes the entire film more interesting to watch. On the other hand, each of the characters also had unique and interesting personalities, which impacted the audience.
To end this, I would recommend this film to other people. I find this film very interesting. The only part I didn’t like about the film was the ending. I wished for it to be longer and not end like that. However, I loved the plot of the story, it was on point, and the actors also portrayed each character very well.
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Vito Corleone with an artist s/o would include~
(Not my gifs)(Requested by anonymous)
(Surprise, there’s two!)
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- Vito was probably already in love with you by the time he found out that you were an artist so your “secret” talent was just another endearing part of you that added to his decision that he was going to marry you someday.
- Vito is an extremely old fashioned man so you’re probably his wife after like three days. Because of this, you have pretty much the whole day to work on your art since he’d insist on being the one to provide for you.
- The most he’d allow you to do is sell some of your artwork on the street and only because you really want to do it. Even at your poorest, he wouldn’t want you to worry or work yourself to the bone for a little more cash.
- I can definitely see you sat outside of your little apartment with a table of artwork or homemade jewelry, waiting for him to get home to retire yourself. He’d give you a kiss and help you carry in whats left over, asking about your day.
- No matter how hard times get for the two of you, he always surprises you with a little something when he gets home from work: whether that be a pot of paint, a new pencil, or whatever else you may want or need.
- When he gets into his role as Don, he doesn’t have a whole lot of time to spend with you; though he certainly tries his hardest to be there for you and your family, so it’s good that you have a time consuming hobby.
- He’ll come up and hug you from behind, kissing your cheek and silently watching what you’re doing for a while. After he’s had his fill and decided that he’s bothered you enough, he’ll give you another kiss before walking off without another word.
- Whenever you get frustrated with whatever you’re making; or whatever you’re not making, he’ll rub his hands down your arms or back and quietly tell you to come away and take a break. He hates seeing you upset so it almost physically pains him to watch you get so worked up over something so arguably trivial.
- He’s developed a certain fondness for the sight of paint splatters and graphite marks on your hands and arms. He always gets this small little smile on his face when he notices it and just shakes his head when you ask him “what?”.
- Little hand massages. Whenever he does it, you tell him that you should be giving him the massage since he works so much harder than you but he always just shushes you and pulls you into a kiss.
- Him bandaging your fingers when/if you cut yourself. If you do it yourself, he’ll always take notice and insist on looking at it as though you’re trying to hide a gaping wound that you’ll bleed out from.
- Murals around the house and in his offices.
- He gets all these beautiful frames and stands for you to display your artwork in/on. He enjoys when you get a little bashful over them, he thinks it’s the sweetest.
- He probably had a whole art room set up for you in your home and the look he gave you as you gazed around in awe was something straight out of a fairytale. It would have been obvious to anyone in that moment that he loved you more than life itself.
- When it’s time for you to design and decorate your new home, he lets you use your artistic vision and go wild.
- The smile on his face when you show him your drawings of him should be framed in itself.
- At dinner, he’ll ask you to show him whatever you made while he was off at work and he’ll sit back, looking at it for a while before complimenting it in his usual quiet tone; a proud little smile on his face.
- Considering the numerous amount of dealings that he has with people, there’s probably a few instances where he asks you to go paint/draw something for someone; because who better to do it than you? He thinks you’re one of the best artists in New York.
- So many doors open for you because of him. He holds so much power that making your dreams a reality is completely possible for him. So if you ever wanted to work somewhere, take a class, or make something that would otherwise be too expensive or a waste of time, you’re now able to do it.
- He doesn’t understand abstract art or the whole artistic vision side of things but he thinks that it’s pretty and he appreciates all the work that you put into whatever you make.
- You definitely paint the nursery yourself when you’re getting ready to have kids and he loves all the little details that you put into it. When you’re still pregnant, you’ll occasionally catch him standing in the room, tracing the wall or just looking around like he can’t wait for the moment your little one gets to see the place.
- When you finally do have kids; which is pretty much inevitable with Vito, he’d love to come home to them all happy and beaming, trying to show him what mommy and them made while he was gone.
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- You and Vito probably met while you were selling your art on the street or because someone gave him a painting of yours as a gift so your art was immediately a part of your relationship; whether you realized it or not.
- He’s a traditional man, one that has enough money to support himself and several others, so when the two of you get involved, he’d insist on supporting you so that you could pursue art full time. He’d want you to get the most out of life and it’s both safer and less stressful than you keeping a regular 9 to 5.
- Vito isn’t the young man he used to be. He’s certainly slowed down in his old age so he’s more than happy to sit and relax with you while you draw or paint. It’s like his own little slice of heaven: a quiet afternoon with you by his side, no worries and no obligations, just the sun and the faint smell of art supplies.
- He’d probably try to take up painting or drawing as well so the two of you will sit together in his garden and sketch together. He finds his attempts at art to be amusing and never takes himself too seriously; though he isn’t actually half bad.
- Having galleries funded by him. He always makes an appearance at them and you constantly have an influx of his associates that come to pay respects and take a look around. It’s; at least, nice to see some friendly faces there; though some people probably think the galleries are just a cover up for mafia deals to take place in public.
- People know Vito and the power that he holds so they’ll spend money on commissioning you or otherwise purchasing your drawings just to get into his good graces. It doesn’t necessarily work but hey, if they want to give it a try then you aren’t gonna turn down the opportunity, right?
- Need art supplies? You got it. He’s got enough money that practically buying out an entire art supply store would barely make a dent in his fortune.
- Him taking you to art museums. They’re a nice, calm date that the two of you can go on and the glint in your eyes when you look at particular pieces makes him smile.
- He likes hearing you gush about art related things. It makes him happy to see you so happy and excited about something.
- Him watching fondly as you do arts and crafts with his grandchildren. Family means everything to him so it’s a sight that he loves to see.
- Honestly, Vito is genuinely so handsome and the lighting in his home is surreal so you’ve done quite a few studies of him. You could probably sketch him by memory at this point.
- Whenever you do decide to draw him, he’ll usually say something like “what do you want to paint an old man like me for?” and tell you that you should do self portraits because that’s the sort of beauty that people want to see.
- He’s probably asked you to paint his cat for him and he has it framed in his office. It’s one of his favorite pieces that you’ve done.
- He’s also had you paint his family for him or done separate portraits of all of his children and grandchildren. You also have the chance to do a bunch of character studies whenever he has one of his big get togethers and is too busy with business to keep you company.
- Whenever you’re painting, you’ll usually wear one of his old button ups and it never fails to make him smile.
- His go-to word to describe your art is “beautiful”. He says it almost every time you show him something. It’s always the first word out of his mouth and it’s become a bit of a running joke between the two of you.
- The older Vito gets, the more appreciation he has for art and all the smaller, more beautiful things in life. He didn’t have the time to sit back and look at art closely before, but now he does and it holds a special place in his heart; especially because of you.
- Taking trips to Italy and whatever other place you want to see. You get to visit all those gorgeous places an artist; or literally anyone else, would want to visit.
- Honestly, if there was ever the perfect place for painting, it’s the Corleone house. Wine, vegetable gardens, a strong Italian atmosphere: it feels like you’re in Renaissance Italy. Go crazy you little da Vinci, go crazy.
- All his kids have their own little specific ways of responding to your art.
- Sonnys very blunt and masculine, giving a simple “looks nice” sort of compliment.
- Fredo is sweet and compliments it quite a lot but usually it’s mainly to ease a little tension in the room.
- Michael gives you a polite, sweet compliment and a kiss on the cheek. He might ask a few curious questions as well.
- Tom is probably the most cultured out of the whole bunch and will actually talk to you about it like a fellow artist, even though he doesn’t make any art himself. He gives you specific compliments that make you feel particularly good about yourself.
- And lastly, Connie usually asks a bunch of questions before saying something about how she could never make something like it even if she tried.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Vito Corleone  x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: nothing I don’t think 
Author’s Note: I am so proud of how this turned out. Like very proud. I hope you guys like it as much as i do!
Requested: by @sweet-hot-latte​, Hello Maya ❤️ Okay, I wanted to request for Michael, but you already have a few requests for him. Can you please do a thing with Vito where he's being all cute on the first date? Thank you for writing about our boys ❤️
Summary: the request 
Genre: fluff
Song: I have but one heart by al martino 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Vito had never imagined himself nervous for anything. He thought in contrast that he would be cool through his whole life. Like every tribulation was a simple task that he could overpass. 
You however stepped into his life and made his heartbeat a little beat faster. He saw you in the market one afternoon. He had been looking at an apple when he looked up, his eyes landing on your figure. You were wearing a sundress that poofed out at the end and he was in love.
He watched you move for so long that the street vender accused him of stealing the apple. He had to pay for it quickly so that he could go over and speak with you. You thought he was charming and beyond handsome too. When he asked you out you didn’t have to think about it.
Now here you were, standing in front of the mirror, brushing through your hair just a bit. You were making sure it was perfect, your outfit, your hair, your makeup. You agonized over every bit. Your roommate knocked on your bedroom door.
“He’s just pulled up,” she said. You looked up and smiled, nodding. “You nervous?” You stood up from your vanity and smoothed out your dress.
“You know I thought I would be but it feels right,” you said truthfully, nodding your head a bit so your hair bounced. She smiled and leaned against the doorframe, gesturing for you to leave. There was a knock on the door.
“Your life awaits,” she teased. You knew she was joking but something about it felt so real, no matter the conclusions you were jumping to. You walked to the door and opened it. Vito was wearing a velvet color suit and his hair was slicked back. He was taken aback by you, how gorgeous you looked. 
“My memory doesn’t do you justice,” he whispered, looking up and down again. You smiled sheepishly and gestured to him.
“You looked very handsome. I love the suit,” you said, touching the jacket a bit. He gestured to his car. 
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
You walked to the convertible and he unlocked the passenger door with a key. You slid in and leaned over the driver's seat, unlocking the door for him. You glanced back at him and caught a small smile at the kind gesture. He slid into the car as well. 
“Where are we going?” you questioned. He had never actually told you before when he asked you out originally. 
“You’ll see,” he said quietly and started the car. A soft music was playing over the speaker, something in Italian. You liked it and couldn’t help but sway to the music a bit as he drove. You put your head on the window and looked out at New York as it passed you. It was a nice night, not too hot and not too cold. He watched you, glancing at you each chance he could get. He thought you looked stunning and the soft smile on your face was making his heart calm. 
Eventually Vito pulled up to a corner restaurant with outside seating. He walked swiftly around the car and opened the door for you. You stepped out, thanking him.
“What is this place?” you asked. He placed his hand on the small of your back and you didn’t protest. With his other hand he pointed up at the sign, illuminated by bulbs. 
“Isabellas,” he said simply. “The best food in the city.” 
“That’s bold. New York is a big place.” He turned to you and his face was almost cocky with well deserved arrogance. 
“Trust me.”
You walked inside and it was packed. Every table you could see was packed with families and couples. He walked up to the waitress out front who was taking peoples names. The couple in front of you walked away, out the door, complaining about lack of tables. You got nervous, scared that you were going to be like them as well and had to console Vito that you were fine with the second best place in New York. 
“Corleone,” he stated simply. You messed with your fingers nervously and he grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. You smiled softly. The waitress looked down at her clipboard and looked back up at you with a smile.
“Right this way Mr. and Mrs. Corleone.” You opened your mouth to correct her but thought better of it, washed over with relief from getting a table. You followed her through the crowded tables inside and then outside where there was a single table available. It sat right beside a large fountain, close enough where you were just barely getting wet. There was a statue of cupid on top, sculpted perfectly.
“I’ll be back for your order,” she said and you nodded, sitting down at the seat Vito had pulled out for you. You smiled as he sat down.
“This place is amazing,” you said honestly. There were lights hanging over you that looked like stars.
“I told you it was the best place in New York,” he said almost sheepishly. 
“I haven’t tried the food yet Corleone.” 
You talked a bit before you ordered about how he found himself in New York and vice versa. You felt you could tell him just about anything you wanted and he would listen with his whole heart. You ordered (he ordered for you) and you were silenced as the food came. 
Your dish was gone in seconds.
“Alright,” you said, finishing your glass of wine, “I’ll give this one to you.” He smiled happily.
“Heavenly,” you said honestly. 
He was so happy with the way this evening was going. He was worried it might be a disaster but it really was the dream he was hoping it would be.
“Would you come back?” he asked. You nodded quickly.
“If you’ll join me.” Vito smiled.
“It would be my pleasure.”
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chicaboom-chic · 2 years
Can you do a corleone family favourite movie headcanon?
This is so random😭 but I got you. (I didn't take this very seriously. I'm sorry)
Vito Corleone: His old ass unironically really enjoys this movie. His grandkids probably made him watch it, and he immediately liked the story and the music.
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Carmela Corleone: Likes the story and the music and is a sucker for romantic movies. She's also a fan of Meryl Streep (has watched all her movies).
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Sonny Corleone: Fucking loves this movie! (Has seen all three movies) Forces everybody he knows to watch it. His goofy ass is also the type to watch the movie once and think boxing is easy.
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Tom Hagen: Tom likes to watch this movie in his free time. (cries every time)
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Connie: Her marriage is in shambles so likes to watch a movie that resembles her life (but make it a musical💀) Also really likes dramatic shit.
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Fredo: Lives vicariously through the characters. The movie helps him escape the sad reality of being the family's disappointment.
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Michael: Michael's goofy ass watches this movie alone in his room with the lights turned off.
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msfbgraves · 5 months
You mentioned that in Mobverse, The Sound of Music’s Captain would be an Alpha which makes perfect sense, considering his clueless behavior around his own children lol. Would Maria be an omega, then? 
But now The Godfather cast!
Vito and Sonny are both 100% Alphas. Would Michael Corleone still be a beta or an Alpha JUST IMAGINE if Michael actually was…an omega. Lol. The idea amuses me greatly. Anyway, I’m conflicted on if Fredo is a beta too, or a loser omega. Sorry Freddie, still love ya ♥️ 
And Connie…Connie confuses me most of all. She leans omega in movie 1, but more beta in movie 2. And 3…who can say? Carmela is either an omega or beta.
In my universe, there is fierce debate over Maria. Most read her as beta, as this is Hollywood, they're not going to be transgressive and betas as second marriage mates is very well accepted. Also Maria is very outgoing and independent in story, very ready to cede territory to the Baroness, also planning to be a nun and therefore childless, and takes no shit. Betas, women especially, are fiercely protective over her as a bonafide romantic heroine who also wins the love of all these puppies, and the handsome Alpha. Like, omegas are not better parents or mates, see the Captain being smitten with Maria.
There is an omega counter argument saying that Maria simply was an omega with a delayed presentation, what with having been around beta women all her youth. The second they really connect, Maria may have suddenly presented off screen, in seclusion in the convent. This they substantiate with the fact that once married, Maria's demeanour is peak omega, leaving much of the action to her Alpha mate.
This rubs betas the entirely wrong way ["show us the bitemark, then, where is it, where?!" "Not EVERYTHING is about YOU!!"], which I find funny to imagine, and goodness, there's merit to both readings, though I lean towards beta too. Jane Eyre definitely is, to go for another classic. The only one in TSOM who is 100% omega is Uncle Max! 😄
Oh the Godfather. Michael omega? Now that would be interesting! I think he is beta, though, always have. Because he is so detached, impassionate most of the time. Dangerous because of his very clinical approach to power.
If Fredo were omega, that would solve so many problems for the poor bean! Doesn't have to hold his own, simply needs to be married off! Wish that he were. He's not Alpha, he doesn't have the fire. If he is beta, then the whole "I am your older brother!" makes more sense.
What about Tom? He too could be beta, but I feel he is Alpha, just not Sicilian style, and therefore feels he's "not Alpha enough". It's the German in him. German Irish is a hard combination to wrangle, I say this as the daughter of a German who was too passionate for Germany, and now I am too passionate for Holland, and feel strangely at ease in Ireland, but like, still with a German sense of caution, just like Tom.
Carmela is omega. 100%. Perfect spouse, sweet, beautiful, and with zero interest in getting involved in the business, or building anything other than a safe space for her mate, her everything, and her children.
Connie has been raised as a Sicilian traditional girl, and there would be very little difference in expectations of a Sicilian beta or omega girl in my book. That's why she is so hard to read. But an omega would remarry yesterday and start a new family and would probably never even want to become Michael's consigliere. No, she's beta.
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nymphastoriasblog · 3 years
perfect. my first crush. perfect. childhood crush. perfect.
warnings: a little bit of smut and my english.
nymphastoria’s masterlist
buy the chaotic author a coffee ☕️
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first of all, he’s old fashioned
you’d probably met him at college and he would be really shy and quiet at first
but after a while he’d open up to you and would ask you to a dinner
he’s the type of guy who brings roses to the first date
he is a true gentleman
opening doors to you, pushing the chair, bringing your hands to his arms while walking
he’s so smart 🤧
you guys would stay up all night having random conversations
why is he always wearing suit? we dont know, but we dont complain neither
sometimes he will just pass by a bookstore and buy you a book that he thinks you’d like
on special dates, like your dating anniversary or your birthday, he would plan a whole day to you
would plan a dinner on the fanciest restaraunt ever
buys you a bouquet of peonies or roses
and a chocolate box (if it’s valentines day)
would also buy you a nice dress for the night (and a lingerie)
and during the dinner will give you a expensive jewelry to make you happy
but he knows that jewelry and such arent the only thing you like
so after the dinner he would randomly take you to the cinema or if you’re too tired, take you to a park for a little walk before going home to just have fun
he’s also the type of guy to buy you new shoes if yours are hurting your feet
he treats you like a princess
so modern!michael would be on gen z, thats obvious
i think he’s not really into social medias
his only photo on instagram is a family picture of connie’s wedding
he doesnt update his facebook since 2012
he is always typing correctly, putting “.” and “,” in everything and doesnt use emojis
he always answer you as he can, but always leave sonny on seen 💀
sometimes connie calls him randomly when she’s having an argument with her husband and for this reason he blocked her for two days
michael’s roll camera are full of your pictures, family pictures and his trip to Corleone
i think that michael would love to watch The Deads Poet Society for no reason, i just think so
sometimes you will just call him to have a nice time together and he will show up with a bottle of wine and two glasses
if you work while on college, he will randomly show up at your work to see you
and he always brings you a little treat, such as a chocolate bar or a cigarette, if you smoke
it would take him about three months of dating to have sex with you
theres nothing wrong with you, its because he is old fashioned and at first he wanted to wait until get married to you
but the boy couldnt resist to you and you changed his mind
he still wants to get married to you
100% breeding kink
he moans in italian because he knows you like it
he calls you “amore”
he’s touch starving and you cant convice me otherwise
he loves to cuddle you at night after a long day
and loves the back massage you give him after his classes
sunday lunch with his family is your favorite hobby
always gossiping with his sister and his mother
sometimes gossiping with michael
michael is really in touch with fashion
and his favorite humour tv show is the office
michael wants to have a small family with you and live in a nice house with a huge backyard to your children play around
what turns him on is you wearing a tight silk dress, it almost kills him
✨P I C N I C S D A T E S✨
he’s my husband dream
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ohoh-inmortal · 2 years
Hi could you write a Tom Hagen x fem reader please? The reader is Don Corleone’s daughter or someone important to the family ? Thank you 🥰
Hi there 😊 this is the first chapter of a fiction that has been sitting in my drafts for months since I rewatched The Godfather, but I never thought someone would be interested in a Tom Hagen x reader so I never posted it. I hope you enjoy it!
A la piu bella
Pairing: Tom Hagen x Reader
Summary: Coming back to the Corleone family after so many years brings back a lot of memories, not only for you.
Warnings: none for this chapter.
The distant sound of tarantellas and the cheering from all the people felt like home.
What excited you the most was the anticipation of what would be Connie's face when she saw you: after 10 years away and many letters exchanged, you'll finally be able to hug your childhood best friend. It seemed like it was only yesterday when you would get together to fancy singers and actors, or go on holidays and sneak up to watch boys.
The Corleone house brought back a lot of memories of your childhood, playing with the two youngest siblings of the family while your fathers took care of their business. Your father was loyal to them; so loyal he took his whole family to a different country after things had spiced up between the families.
Resentment filled your innocent heart at the time, but you had since become a woman who enjoyed her newfound home in Buenos Aires.
"Connie, my darling, look at you!" your father raised both hands in excitement, looking at the bride.
Behind him, you seemed to be a child again; trying not to chuckle under your big hat, waiting for the bride to get close enough to surprise her.
"Mario!" Connie hugged him tightly "I'm so glad you could make it. May I ask, who is this?" she looked behind him.
As soon as you took off your hat to show yourself, Connie let out a squeal so loud it could break glass. Both embraced each other tightly for a long minute.
"I can't believe you're here" Connie whispered into your ear.
"I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world," you smiled.
The family -and therefore, the business- had grown since you last had been there. Your father had soon left her alone to catch up with old bats while Connie had to greet more guests, so you felt like an outlander.
Though the sea of new faces you couldn't name, a familiar one came across with a charming smile. Mike, who you once only thought of as your best friend's annoying little brother, was now a full man and soldier, even with a beautiful woman by his side.
"Mike!" you cheered and waved your hand. He smiled in response and quickly walked over you with the blondie following his side.
"Nina, is that you?" he frowned with his mouth open in surprise.
After introducing both, he began explaining how you were acquainted to his family -as he did it with everyone his girlfriend, Kay looked at-
"You know, when Connie first started school kids were mean to her" he gazed at his sister "but before we could do anything about it, a girl from her class had already humiliated the boys' wits" he raised his glass from the table the three of them were seated.
"Really?" the woman, Kay, looked between the two.
Before she could answer with modesty, her father joined them with a loud and long greet to Mike.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Sitting on his chair, Vito stared outside the window of his office. With this quantity of guests, it was expected that a lot of them would want to ask favors. Two men had already been there, accepting that they would have to do the same when the family asked; the baker and the mortician.
"Mario Scaglione is here" The godfather announced with a hint of surprise, staring at the man outside.
"And with a younger wife, it seems" Tom approached the window to take a look "I'm sure he'll request to see you later. After all, he has been away for years"
"No," his father raised a finger "I request to see him, but first Michael"
Tom just nodded, already walking out of the office to find his brother. Through the hundreds of voices and noise, he heard a laugh so melodic yet so genuine he thought he was about to face nothing below a movie star.
Approaching Michael he realized its owner was no one but the woman accompanying Mario Scaglione, and he took a deep breath before walking to them. He wasn't going to repeat the Luca Brasi incident.
"I'm sorry to interfere" he flashed his best polite smile.
"Oh, Tom! Come 'ere" Michael greeted his older brother.
"Mr. Scaglione" Tom shaked his hand "Ladies"
He stared at her for a split of a second and she could feel the familiarity in his blue eyes. It was enough for her face to turn red, but she could blame the summer sun. She turned her stare to Kay and smiled sheepishly.
"The old man wants to see you" he patted Mike's shoulder "And then you, Mr. Scaglione"
"You don't mind staying with Nina for a while, don't you?" Mike took Kay's cheek in his hand.
"Not at all," she smiled softly.
"I'm sure we'll get along soon" you winked.
Raising his eyebrows, he quickly turned around to be followed by both men. Turns out Scaglione hadn't got himself a sweet cherry after his wife's passing, it was none other than his youngest daughter.
A few memories of you running around the house playing with his youngest siblings, or later reading women's magazines in Connie's room came back to his mind. You were a couple years younger, and him being a teenage boy didn't look at you twice.
As his tall figure left your eyes followed his every step, until a small giggle snapped you out of her thoughts.
"Oh, I'm so sorry" Kay apologized shyly "I just-"
"There's no need to" you smiled warmly "He was my first crush, I hadn't seen him since I was a kid, that's all"
It was the truth: every time Connie would invite you to play at her place was the perfect excuse to take a few glances over the Irish boy.
When you finally reached your pre-teens, it was hard to look away from him. On a specific holiday both families spent together, you recalled how you would look at him with doe eyes while asking him to explain the dumbest things.
You shook your head at the cringey memory, it was the last summer you had spent with them. Tom, even as a young man, was stern as he seemed to still be: not a single smile had crept his face when you tried to approach him back then, and in part, you were grateful for it. You were too young, to immature.
"Connie, they will hear us!" you whisper-yelled.
"Not if you stop talking!"
Both were sneaking behind Tom and Sonny's bedroom door, waiting expectantly to hear the male-gaze they had on women.
"She was stunning! You should've seen her, knockers the size of two oranges, and her stare said 'kiss me and take all my clothes'!" Sonny's excited voice said.
"Yeah, whatever you say" Tom retorted. He was as well composed as now.
None of you could help but chuckle at the story, and suddenly the door busted open.
"Get out of here, you bratty kids!" Sonny shouted.
You turned around to run chuckling, and for the first time, you saw the blond boy crack a half-smile too.
A/N: I've added a bit of the books-lore in here. There, Tom fooled around with Luca Brasi's girlfriend (Not knowing she was) resulting in Luca almost killing him.
This isn't beta-read and I wrote it on my phone so there might be some mistakes. Also, I know is a reader insert but I decided to give it a name and surname because is easier for me to write it that way
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waltzchristophh · 3 years
the wedding ♡
sonny corleone x reader blurb
kinda got carried away with this one lol. i am unapologetically in love with sonny corleone. disregard the strange format haha i don't get it either ;o woc friendly as always :) enjoy
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"oh god, i want you on my lips..."
connie had been your inseparable companion since childhood. the two of you were only 15 when you left for (your state). you never anticipated your family's sudden move, and weren't given the chance to a proper goodbye.
years later, you returned to new york, scraping up enough money for a modest apartment in the bronx.
by pure coincidence, you stumbled into mrs. corleone at a sicilian bakery in manhattan. more than delighted to see you again, she invited you to connie's upcoming wedding as a surprise.
the journey to vito corleone's long island mansion was strenuous; you didn't own a car, and biked most of the distance
the guards promptly opened the gates for you after getting the 'okay' from mama corleone
as you struggled to lug your beaten yellow bike up the crowded gravel driveway in heels you felt a presence at your side, "you need a hand honey?"
his voice was coarse yet smoother than honey
his eyes studied your side profile as you kept your gaze to the gravel, not daring to face him
"that who i think it is?" he asked, the edges of his mouth curling into a sly grin
you knew connie's eldest brother, sonny, as nothing more than a hot-headed nuisance that teased you mercilessly as a teen - which made your feelings for him all the more confusing
finally, you rolled back your shoulders and looked up to face him, trying hard not to smile back at the grinning bastard
"there she is!" he laughed, pinching your soft cheek
you swatted his hand away, turning your head in an attempt to mask your embarrassment. "stop that, sonny!"
eventually, he carried your bike into the front entrance, insulting your beloved vehicle the entire way.
"you still cruisin' around on this piece of shit?"
"hey, it has sentimental value!"
he insisted that he would buy you one brand new, but you declined
the ceremony went smoothly, and connie was overjoyed to see you again
you sat with a glass of wine rested in the palm of your hand, perpetually exhausted from the non-stop drinking and dancing of the wedding reception
a drunken fredo took it upon himself to join you at your empty table, getting uncomfortably up-close and personal with you
"hey, how ya been y-y/n?" he burped
it wasnt long before sonny came to your aid
"aye- freddy, get a move on, will ya?"
fredo stared blankly at his brother, completely dumbfounded
"what are ya waiting for, a kiss on the cheek? get lost," sonny ordered
fredo scurried away to michael's table without another word
you masked your chuckle with a slender hand, "thanks, sonny."
"anytime, toots. what'd'ya say we head inside, huh? i got somethin to show ya."
you shrugged why not and allowed him to lead you into the mansion by hand
you pinched the edges of your satin dress with your free hand, lifting it to keep from tripping
"slow down, sonny!"
"better learn to keep up, y/n."
the two of you arrived in what you remembered to be his old bedroom. you were never allowed into it, of course, but it appeared to be untouched since the last time you saw it
"alright now, close those big eyes'a yours"
you hesitantly closed your eyes one by one, smiling like an idiot
"hold out your hand."
"if you pull something sonny, i swear to god."
when you opened your eyes, you found a gold-plated gemstone bracelet resting comfortably in your hand. it was a sacred family heirloom and the only tangible piece of your mother you had left
"no fuckin' way. sonny!"
he had his hands fixed in his pockets, smiling humbly
"i found it after you left, and i knew what it meant to you so uh, i kept it for a little bit; in case you came back."
in that moment you wanted to hug him with every fiber of your being; to kiss him on his soft pink lips; to lay with him on that very bed, and never let go
"i can't believe it. you don't know how much this means to me."
the sonny that stood before you was a version of him not many had the pleasure of knowing. he was kind, gentle, considerate
tom hagen entered the room, alerting sonny that the family photos were ready to be taken
you slipped the bracelet onto your wrist and coyly exited the room, returning to the reception
you watched as the corleone's prepared for the family portrait, waving shyly at sonny with a soft smile
"c'mere," he beckoned, as the cameraman readied his device
connie encouraged you to join him, waving you over
(forgot to mention! sonny's wife and kids don't exist in this au)
sonny snaked a strong arm around your satin covered waist, and reeled you into his chest
afterwards, the cameraman insisted to take a picture with the two of you alone
you planted a kiss on sonny's deep dimple as the camera flashed
you smiled into his light stubble and felt yourself melt beneath him
you danced with him for the remainder of the night, and just as you were about to leave he offered to drive you home, but not without taking you out to eat first
the two of you spent the evening sharing milkshakes and laughing loudly at a nearby diner
sonny played your favorite song on the jukebox and it was a miracle to you that he even remembered it
he dropped you home with a slow, tender kiss
"pick you up tomorrow?"
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melis-writes · 1 year
When I first saw you post a picture of your Michael figure, I honestly thought it was life-size 🤭😂 And it made me think you must be absolutely, totally invested in - like, you must dedicate your whole life, even your floorspace to - The Godfather and Al Pacino. Then I realised a few weeks later that… ohhh, it’s just a normal size figure!! Lol!!
BAHAHAHA COULD YOU IMAGINE ME WITH A LIFE SIZE MICHAEL CORLEONE STATUE/FIGURE?! 🥵😳 Actually lmao that's not hard to imagine at all knowing me. 😂
Mr. Corleone is a smoll man enjoying his time on my shelf! 😂💓 He is a 1:6 scale figurine!! ❤️❤️❤️
I am thinking about getting a lifesize Vito bust in the future, but I hear they go up to $2,000+ easily. 😭 Totally worth it though lmao.
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