#viull gorsat
magnetarbeam · 8 months
Voices of the Force Tahiri is actually a huge biology nerd, but she still has a reputation to uphold and doesn't want to lose intimidation points, so Jaina and Scut are the only ones who know that.
Jaina keeps trying to tell her that it probably won't cost her that many intimidation points if they're talking to anyone who's seen Tahiri decapitate a guy by summoning a tiny black hole in the center of his skull.
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
Orientation Headcanons for the Mercy Kill Wraiths
Voort: Irrelevant
Sharr: Gay
Jesmin: Ace Lesbian
Myri: Pansexual (she's also trans)
Scut: Doesn't know. Doesn't care.
Bhindi: Nebulously bi/pan-spec
Trey: Repressed Bisexual
Wran: Disaster Gay
Thaymes: Bisexual
Turman: Aroace
Huhunna: Lesbian
Drikall: Gay
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magnetarbeam · 8 months
Got a new copy of Mercy Kill a few days ago, as my existing one is finally starting to fall apart, and I'm lowkey back on my Tahiri Veila | Riina Kwaad & Viull "Scut" Gorsat friendship tag bullshit.
Scut's such a fascinating character to me, and I'm too sleep-deprived to really talk about it in any detail, but I just really love the thought of it being like 31 ABY and him and Tahiri bonding over weird angst about cultural identity and them both ending up as biology nerds on a level Tahiri won't admit to anyone except Scut and probably Jaina.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
The Wraith lineup in Mercy Kill now owns my heart just as much as the original roster.
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magnetarbeam · 11 months
I think a version of Tahiri who didn't get her character assassinated should be friends with Scut from Mercy Kill.
I don't recall offhand how long Riina was on Zonama Sekot after the war, but if she comes back soon enough and they happen to meet, maybe she can give Viull some advice about figuring out what that intersectionality of Yuuzhan Vong and human means for him.
He seems to be pretty comfortable with it in MK, but I think there's a lot of room for more of an arc to show how he got there and stuff.
At the very least, it might work into my headcanons about Tahiri getting some subtle organic implants, kind of like what the Yuuzhan Vong did. I haven't yet read all the relevant NJO books, but I don't think I've ever heard that Riina had knowledge of the shapers' techniques. Sure, she could've learned on Zonama Sekot, but however that practice changes in their exile, they're still likely using their own tools, and not stuff that the rest of the galaxy would have access to. I really like the idea of Scut having helped Riina with her implants.
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magnetarbeam · 4 months
Maybe it's just because I read TCW stuff first, but I don't think the dedicated writers of fic about post-ROTJ Legends tag enough. So here, I guess, is a list of some Legends AO3 additional tags I'd like to see that I haven't yet.
Lightsaber Retrieval Specialist Vestara Khai
Clone Darth Caedus
Lesbian Falynn Sandskimmer
Falynn Sandskimmer Lives
BAMF Vestara Khai
Transfem Ben Skywalker (Star Wars Legends)
Psychometric Ben Skywalker (Star Wars Legends)
Psychometric Corran Horn
Iella Wessiri and Wedge Antilles Adopt Cheriss ke Hanadi
Darth Caedus Being a Meme
Keshiri Culture & Customs (Star Wars)
Adumari Culture & Customs (Star Wars)
Vestara Khai Needs a Hug
Vestara Khai Gets a Hug
Ben Skywalker (Star Wars Legends) Gets a Hug
Healer Tahiri Veila
Shaper Riina Kwaad
Nen Yim Lives
Tahiri Veila | Riina Kwaad and Viull "Scut" Gorsat are Siblings
Yuuzhan Vong Shaping (Star Wars)
Twin Suns Squadron (Star Wars)
Warrior Riina Kwaad
Keshiri Species (Star Wars)
Keshiri Language (Star Wars)
Sarasu Taalon is an Idiot
Bisexual Trey Courser
Pansexual Myri Antilles
Trans Myri Antilles
Jedi Battle Meld (Star Wars)
Dathomiri Blood Trail (Star Wars)
Vestara Khai & Jagged Fel Friendship
Yuuzhan Vong Religion (Star Wars)
Jade Shadow | Mara Jade's Horizon-Class Star Yacht
Nonbinary Jaden Korr
Kenth Hamner Lives
Supreme Commander Gavin Darklighter
Rogue Squadron Leader Syal Antilles | Lysa Dunter
Wes Janson is a Little Shit
Genderfluid Corran Horn
Corran Horn Has Issues
Kyp Durron Gets a Hug
Abeloth's Planet (Star Wars)
Taras-Chi (Star Wars)
Chaotic New Jedi Order (Star Wars)
Kyp Durron Being a Dick
Kessel Slave Culture (Star Wars)
Antilles Family Feels (Star Wars)
Adopted Valin Horn
Adopted Jysella Horn
Planet Shedu Maad (Star Wars)
Ksstarr | Trickster | Jaina Solo's Yuuzhan Vong Frigate
Jaina Solo is Yun-Harla
Garik "Face" Loran Is Indirectly Responsible For Everything
Post-Battle of Uroro Station (Star Wars)
Post-Battle of Ebaq 9 (Star Wars)
Yuuzhan Vong Worldshaping | Vongforming (Star Wars)
Transitory Mists (Star Wars)
Bisexual Jaina Solo
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