#turman durra
Piggy: Now we bust our way in. Any ideas? Sharr Latt: We could try scaling the wall.  Piggy: That's a little too obvious. Think dumber.  Thaymes Fodrick: We could knock on their door.  Piggy: Too dumb.  Thaymes Fodrick: I was joking.  Turman Durra: We could knock on their door. Thaymes Fodrick: I just said that! Turman Durra: Yeah, but you were joking. I thought the idea deserved more serious consideration.
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
So that scene in X-Wing: Mercy Kill where Turman, as Embassy-Who-Climbs, is given a deed to Bastion by Thaal?
Yeah, that was a pretty hard thing to believe at first, but Thaal absolutely is powerful enough to do that, especially working with Lecersen.
In summary: When do we get the plot of the Wraiths just breaking into Reige's office and declaring without preamble that they legally own his capital?
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
Orientation Headcanons for the Mercy Kill Wraiths
Voort: Irrelevant
Sharr: Gay
Jesmin: Ace Lesbian
Myri: Pansexual (she's also trans)
Scut: Doesn't know. Doesn't care.
Bhindi: Nebulously bi/pan-spec
Trey: Repressed Bisexual
Wran: Disaster Gay
Thaymes: Bisexual
Turman: Aroace
Huhunna: Lesbian
Drikall: Gay
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
The Wraith lineup in Mercy Kill now owns my heart just as much as the original roster.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
Currently on a reread of the scene in Mercy Kill where Thaal gives "Embassy-Who-Climbs" - actually Turman in disguise - the deed to Bastion, and asks his aide about Head of State Reige's reaction when he finds out Thaal gave away his capital.
And I have to wonder: Does Turman still have that?
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