#trey courser
Myri Antilles: We need to get this door open. Scut, give me your credit card. Scut: Okay. Myri, pocketing it: Thanks. Trey, break down the door.
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
Orientation Headcanons for the Mercy Kill Wraiths
Voort: Irrelevant
Sharr: Gay
Jesmin: Ace Lesbian
Myri: Pansexual (she's also trans)
Scut: Doesn't know. Doesn't care.
Bhindi: Nebulously bi/pan-spec
Trey: Repressed Bisexual
Wran: Disaster Gay
Thaymes: Bisexual
Turman: Aroace
Huhunna: Lesbian
Drikall: Gay
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andhewept · 4 years
Kipp started, “What are you—?” The rest died in his throat as he saw the Gray Monk, with the strange tear-marked eyes, waiting for them in the tall grass like a sun-dappled wraith. His courser grazed nearby.
The wood grew quiet. The monk did not move. Squirrel could smell the sweat of the men turn sour with fear. These were not warriors. They were carpenters and the sons of bakers. Squirrel’s uncle was the only one of them who had killed with steel, but that was years ago, defending his family against Viking raiders. But if his uncle was afraid, he did not show it.
Kipp growled. “We’re seven and he’s one.”
They were, in fact, eight. Squirrel’s uncle had forgotten to include him. The others drew their swords with a single shining sound. Squirrel swallowed as he tried to lift his own sword, though he stayed a step behind the men who encircled the Gray Monk. The monk calmly drew his gleaming blade.
The monk held his sword low and loose on his left side. He tilted his head slightly as Tenjen shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Squirrel’s temples throbbed with tension. He watched the others huff and rev themselves for battle while the monk’s breathing never changed.
Tenjen roared and lunged, but the Gray Monk smoothly pivoted away from the strike and in the same fluid motion stepped backward into Tenjen’s path. Squirrel never saw the monk’s sword move until it stuck out of Tenjen’s back, slick with his blood. With a wet sound, the monk freed his sword, and Tenjen pitched forward into the dirt.
On instinct, Squirrel lifted his sword, but his mind was blank. A terrible buzzing filled his ears. His tongue was cat dry. The men’s screams were distant and their movements slowed as their swords swung and the monk spun inside their circle, his robes swirling, his blade catching the sun. He wasted nary an inch. His sword struck like a snake and men crumpled in its wake. He cut the tendons in the backs of their legs so they dropped like puppets, then severed throats and punctured hearts. There was no hacking, no cuts, no grazes, no fumbles of any kind.
The Gray Monk surveyed the scene of dead and dying men with his strange weeping eyes. He walked among the bodies and waited for signs of life. He nudged Tenjen with his boot. No response. He prodded the twins Kevin and Trey and finished them with a clean stroke through the heart. When it was Kipp’s turn, the monk readied the blow and—
“Don’t!” That was all Squirrel could say.
The monk barely tilted his head toward the word. He whirled around and . . . hesitated. Squirrel could hear the vibration of the blade beside his ear. His hands trembled as he pointed his cousin’s sword at the monk. Squirrel could not see the monk’s eyes beneath his deep gray cowl, only his strange tear birthmarks and a smear of blood on his left cheek. With a swift flick, the monk sent Squirrel’s sword spiraling into the trees. Squirrel squeezed his eyes shut and tensed his body for the blow, which he prayed would be clean.
After a few labored breaths, Squirrel opened one eye.
He was alone.
The monk was gone.
― Cursed, Thomas Wheeler
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Myri Antilles: You think you can kill them all without alerting the rest? Jesmin Tainer: Just watch me. Scut: How can I watch you? You just turned invisible. Trey Courser: And yet I was still able to check out her ass. That's why I'm a pro.
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Trey's got crazy strength. Jesmin and I think it's the Force's way of compensating.
Myri Antilles
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
Crackship proposal: Vestara Khai/Trey Courser
The Wraiths are getting a ton of clever new tricks because Trey wants to impress the hot girl who knows how to take down a frigate with only a mouse droid.
Meanwhile Vestara finds him so annoying and immature (even though he's two and a half years older) that she refuses to admit that it's working.
I should probably shut up.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
The Wraith lineup in Mercy Kill now owns my heart just as much as the original roster.
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magnetarbeam · 10 months
Listen, I really do like Trey, but it is so tempting to just. Constantly use him as a metaphorical punching bag.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
I really love all the next-gen Wraiths, but I'm really starting to find that Jesmin's my favorite.
How, like, terrifyingly competent and serious she is just sneaking around and gathering intel, especially on her own, but she's also just as much of a little shit as the rest of the squadron.
Twenty credits says that in the process of gaining access to the Concussor's auxiliary bridge, she could have shielded Trey from the torturous need to use the refresher that she was projecting into the Force around her, but she didn't because he was looking at her ass earlier.
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magnetarbeam · 4 months
Maybe it's just because I read TCW stuff first, but I don't think the dedicated writers of fic about post-ROTJ Legends tag enough. So here, I guess, is a list of some Legends AO3 additional tags I'd like to see that I haven't yet.
Lightsaber Retrieval Specialist Vestara Khai
Clone Darth Caedus
Lesbian Falynn Sandskimmer
Falynn Sandskimmer Lives
BAMF Vestara Khai
Transfem Ben Skywalker (Star Wars Legends)
Psychometric Ben Skywalker (Star Wars Legends)
Psychometric Corran Horn
Iella Wessiri and Wedge Antilles Adopt Cheriss ke Hanadi
Darth Caedus Being a Meme
Keshiri Culture & Customs (Star Wars)
Adumari Culture & Customs (Star Wars)
Vestara Khai Needs a Hug
Vestara Khai Gets a Hug
Ben Skywalker (Star Wars Legends) Gets a Hug
Healer Tahiri Veila
Shaper Riina Kwaad
Nen Yim Lives
Tahiri Veila | Riina Kwaad and Viull "Scut" Gorsat are Siblings
Yuuzhan Vong Shaping (Star Wars)
Twin Suns Squadron (Star Wars)
Warrior Riina Kwaad
Keshiri Species (Star Wars)
Keshiri Language (Star Wars)
Sarasu Taalon is an Idiot
Bisexual Trey Courser
Pansexual Myri Antilles
Trans Myri Antilles
Jedi Battle Meld (Star Wars)
Dathomiri Blood Trail (Star Wars)
Vestara Khai & Jagged Fel Friendship
Yuuzhan Vong Religion (Star Wars)
Jade Shadow | Mara Jade's Horizon-Class Star Yacht
Nonbinary Jaden Korr
Kenth Hamner Lives
Supreme Commander Gavin Darklighter
Rogue Squadron Leader Syal Antilles | Lysa Dunter
Wes Janson is a Little Shit
Genderfluid Corran Horn
Corran Horn Has Issues
Kyp Durron Gets a Hug
Abeloth's Planet (Star Wars)
Taras-Chi (Star Wars)
Chaotic New Jedi Order (Star Wars)
Kyp Durron Being a Dick
Kessel Slave Culture (Star Wars)
Antilles Family Feels (Star Wars)
Adopted Valin Horn
Adopted Jysella Horn
Planet Shedu Maad (Star Wars)
Ksstarr | Trickster | Jaina Solo's Yuuzhan Vong Frigate
Jaina Solo is Yun-Harla
Garik "Face" Loran Is Indirectly Responsible For Everything
Post-Battle of Uroro Station (Star Wars)
Post-Battle of Ebaq 9 (Star Wars)
Yuuzhan Vong Worldshaping | Vongforming (Star Wars)
Transitory Mists (Star Wars)
Bisexual Jaina Solo
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