#myri antilles
magnetarbeam · 27 days
I'm actually lowkey against any visual-medium adaptations of Legends books because I don't want Jaina and Tahiri and Tenel Ka and potentially most of my favorite Star Wars characters to get their own counterparts to the Mara Catsuit Epidemic, or worse.
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Myri Antilles: We need to get this door open. Scut, give me your credit card. Scut: Okay. Myri, pocketing it: Thanks. Trey, break down the door.
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from-a-legends-pov · 4 months
Star Wars Legends Spotlight: The Wedding of Luke and Mara
In this last week of writer signups for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event, we’ll be celebrating Legends by spotlighting some key events, characters, and moments from the Legends continuity.
Writers: Help us add to the story! Sign up to write for the From a Legends Point of View fanfiction event now through June 2. Together, we’ll build a collection of Star Wars Legends fanfiction set during the time of the Original Trilogy. Use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines available here) and please encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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Our first spotlight is the wedding of the galaxy’s most eligible Jedi bachelor, Luke Skywalker, with former Emperor’s Hand and current Jedi Master Mara Jade in 19 ABY on Coruscant.
Why is this important?
Luke and Mara are in many ways the power couple of Star Wars Legends (along with Leia Organa and Han Solo). While Leia and Han were shown as a committed couple by the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker spent a fair amount of the Legends continuity in various ultimately doomed love affairs. Mara Jade, one of the most prominent characters to originate in Legends, was introduced in the Thrawn trilogy and clearly had some chemistry with Luke from the start, as well as going on her own journey from Emperor’s Hand to smuggler to Jedi knight to Jedi master before ending up with Luke.
How does it happen?
The engagement takes place toward the end of Timothy Zahn’s novel Vision of the Future, appropriately happening in the middle of a life-or-death situation. The room they are in is filling up with water, and Luke asks Mara to marry him. She says, “You mean, if we get out of this alive?” and he says, “I mean regardless.”
The wedding and the leadup take place in Star Wars: Union, a four-unit comic series written by X-Wing series writer Michael Stackpole. Most of the series deals with the more mundane events leading up to any wedding— choosing a dress, the bachelor / bachelorette parties, the wedding itself, and moments from the reception— but the happy couple being who they are, of course there is danger, intrigue, and shenanigans. There are actually two weddings: a Jedi wedding only attended by members of the Jedi Order early in the series, and a formal wedding that serves as a major event for the New Republic.
The Jedi portion of the wedding largely goes off without a hitch, but the New Republic ceremony is where the shenanigans come in.
We see Mara attempt to “say yes to the dress” only to be confronted with some of the worst fashion crimes imaginable, then find her dream designer out in the alley, having been originally prevented from preventing her designs by her evil boss.
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Luke’s bachelor party at the Red Rancor (attended by Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Gavin Darklighter, Talon Karrde, Wes Janson, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, Tycho Celchu, Kam Solusar, Corran Horn, Booster Terrik, and Lando Calrissian) ends in a bar fight instigated by a Moff who is trying to kill Luke / prevent the wedding.
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Meanwhile, the women (Mara, Leia, Tionne Solusar, Winter Celchu, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Iella Wessiri Antilles) have a spa day and then kick some ass in a slingball game.
The day of the ceremony is a major New Republic event, with people like Mon Mothma in attendance and Admiral Ackbar presiding. A Moff is determined to interrupt the ceremony and violently prevent the festivities, but Chewie, the Jedi, and the Rogues take care of that while those with parts in the ceremony carry on. Meanwhile, Booster Terrik has been tasked with keeping the children quiet during the ceremony, including his grandson Valin Horn as well as Myri and Syal Antilles and Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo.
Finally, we see the happy couple wed:
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…And various other couples at the ceremony get nostalgic about their own weddings as they enjoy the reception.
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silvercyclops · 6 months
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Been really in a customizing mood lately so I made a bunch of the EU kiddos including Adra Passik, my Oc Lillee Phanan, Jesmin Nelprin-Tainer, Antilles sisters Syal and Myri, and Kyp who's a solo kid in my heart
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forcesung · 2 years
Booster thought about it for a second, and then was distracted by more of Myri’s prestidigitation. “All right, girl, you can stop it. You’re hired.”
Myri froze in midshuffle and looked at him, wide-eyed. “Huh?”
“You were applying for a job. Right?”
She shook her head, bewildered. “I was practicing. Mom says it’s an area where I’m weak.”
Booster turned his glare on Iella. “Meaning you’re better at it than your daughter?”
Both women nodded.
“All right, then,” Booster said. “Iella, you’re hired, too.”
Iella smiled. “Only if we get the approval for Corellia. But if we do, Myri and I will work for free.”
“Hey,” Myri protested.
“Well, for tips.”
“Done,” Booster said.
—Legacy of the Force: Exile, Aaron Allston
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dxnniquee · 3 years
ὃν κατὰ θυμόν : dramatis personae
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padawanmax · 3 years
Of the Fel children, Wynssa is the one who is closest with their maternal cousins, the Antilles. She was very excited to no longer be the youngest in the family and enjoys comparing deception techniques with Myri and discussing different star fighters with Syal, as well as laughing with her elder cousin about both being named after her mother.
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belindafish123 · 7 years
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Happy father’s day! Here are Wedge and his daughters. :D
I haven’t read any comics of the girls yet so all the appearances of them come from wookieepedia, lol
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Darth Maul Tattoos
This is my own reference guide to Maul's tattoos. Anyone is free to use this as reference if they want.
1. Conception
"Maul’s whole body had been designed by McCaig, “based the idea of peeled flesh and muscle patterns.” Some of his preliminary drawings for EP1 included costumes that revealed some of Maul’s arms, chest and legs, but they were obviously never produced. Alas, the official reasons for the tattoo designs will perhaps never be known. McCaig speculated that the tattoos became the mark of the Sith. “In my mind, he’s covered from head-to-toe. Every inch of him.”
2. Concept Art + Visual Guide
“If you were to strip the flesh off your face right now...the muscles would form a Darth Maulish pattern.”
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Chest, Torso, Back, Hands
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Legs, buttocks(😳), Feet
"McCaig added that lots of people called up with suggestions for the tattoo designs for Maul's body. “Especially women -- who were suggesting different patterns, especially red spots on his butt.” Another take on that idea was given on in a report of one of McCaig’s lectures, this one at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, TX - he stated that in addition that he had created a drawing of Darth Maul for his wife, showing the Sith Lord from the waist down and added that there was a big red dot on each butt cheek!"
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I imagine that Maul's legs would follow a similar design as his arms. His knees would be completely tattooed with lines branching out from it, following the flow of muscles and tendons. I've noticed that his backside is less intricate than his front, so I want to believe hiss butt would be solid black.
For his feet, his tattoos would be similar to his hand. The top of his feet would have simple tattoos following the tendons, branching out for each toe, ending at the cuticle. His soles would be tattooed solid black, toe pads included.
2. In-universe
"Male Dathomirians, the Nightbrothers, such as the Sith Lord Darth Maul, had natural striping that they embellished with tattoos."
"The Nightbrothers were a tribal group of Dathomirian (Zabrak-Human hybrids) men subservient to the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Shortly after birth, a Nightbrother was subjected to an initiation ritual in which he was submerged in an oily bath, energized with spirit ichor conjured by the Nightsisters' use of magicks, and covered with tattoos on their chests and faces. Sometimes, the tattoos were applied to the Nightbrother's entire body - this was the case with the Sith Lord Darth Maul. The Nightbrothers' tattoos marked them as the Nightsisters' kin and warriors, and also showed which Nightbrother clan they belonged to.
Maul was a member of the Nightbrothers before being taken by Darth Sidious to be trained as his apprentice. Maul's tattoos, thought to be linked to the Sith, actually came from the warrior culture of the Nightbrothers. His entire body had been garishly and ceremonially tattooed in red and black pigments by his mother when he was less than a standard year of age (before he was taken by Sidious), symbols which showed his Nightbrother heritage. Later stripped of his black Nightbrother markings, Maul was left solely red-skinned. Agonizing Sith Tatoos were applied personally by Darth Sidious in an attempt to cleanse Maul's mind. Savage Opress also wore tattoos."
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girlbossk · 3 years
time for x-wing: mercy kill! beginning with a look at the dramatis personae and what the wraiths have been up to for the last thirty years: the only og wraiths in the dramatis personae are face, wedge, and piggy. face and wedge are now retired but piggy teaches math. we’ve also got myri antilles and jesmin tainer, a yuuzhan vong (!!!), and general stavin thaal, who i’m like 90% sure is the guy with the voicebox who was part of lecersen’s conspiracy and then killed everyone in said conspiracy when things started to go south. from fate of the jedi.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
Vestara, after redeeming herself: "I don't think I want to be a Jedi yet. I think I want to try to choose my own path in life."
Ben: "Like what?"
Vestara: "I'm a really good pilot, and I'd like to exercise that more."
[Ben and Jaina exchange a mischievous glance]
Jaina: "We might be able to help you with that."
Myri: "I know blatant nepotism is a time-honored tradition for the Rogues, but this is a first."
Syal, finishing her second glass of Whyren's Reserve: "We all have to start somewhere."
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Jesmin Tainer: I know plotting when I see it. That's plotting. Myri Antilles: Maybe they're scheming. Jesmin Tainer: No, scheming looks different. That's definitely plotting.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Everyone will ask this but: Wes Janson
Congratulations on getting there first! XD
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (hm, guess there’s not an option for “actually me”… I always wanted to grow up to be Wes, I’m extremely confused that I apparently have done so but I’m not complaining?)
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (this is very much an “I want to be him and also I would bang him” sort of situation ^_^ he’s hot and understands both fun and boundaries. I would have an amazing time :D)
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (we were just discussing this. I have a complex relationship with Hogwarts houses. It’s difficult to come up with anything except Hufflepuff that Wes could possibly be, but depending on how you define Hufflepuff, it seems like there ought to be something else too…)
best quality: His wiggles *koff* Er. That’s a tall order. His complexity, I guess? Which seems like sort of a cop-out answer, but… everything contributes. The first time I requested X-wing fic for Yuletide, I said something about “Wes Janson in all his multifaceted weirdness”, and that’s still what I find fascinating, that he’s about one step short of being three different characters in a get-along shirt and it works. (Also his PTSD presents almost exactly like mine. That’s the very first thing that drew me to him, waaaay back in the day.)
worst quality: Good damn question. Before I happened to the fanon, Wes tended to be portrayed as sort of this douchebro character with no real redeeming qualities, so it’s… difficult for me to really admit he has any flaws because I’ve put so much effort into fleshing him out. I used to think I’d find him infuriating in person, but then I wound up in this bantery bickering working relationship with one of my supervisors and it was just entertaining. So I’m not really sure. His tendency to think he’s unfit for civilian life, maybe? He would be so good in civilian life. My first Wes fic was him babysitting Syal and Myri Antilles, and I still want to revisit that sometime.
ship them with: Hobbie mainly, Fab Four OT4, for some reason I’m weirdly drawn to Wes/Castin as a crackship even though I would not touch Castin Donn with a ten-foot pole myself. And there are a lot of people I figure he’d be down to fuck without it necessarily being a relationship. (I’m still pondering always-a-girl!verse Wes/Plourr fuckbuddies… ^_^ Hasn’t gone anywhere yet but hopefully it will someday.) Not Luke, though. Luke is too much of a little-brother figure. Luke does not get invited to the Hoth orgy. (Another fic that hasn’t gone anywhere in particular yet…) It’s not a major squick, but it’s something I would have to be sold on.
brotp them with: EVERYBODY! XD Okay, mostly Fab Four and Jek Porkins, because Wes really doesn’t interact onscreen (on-page) with much of anybody outside his squadrons. But I always love it when fics put him on undercover missions with other people, even if they’re not very good fics; I saw one with Winter once where I loved the concept, I really want to see him and Iella partnered on something that involves All The Sharpshooting, I have another fic idea that still hasn’t gone anywhere where Leia needs a bodyguard/pilot for an undercover mission and she picks Wes because he’s the most versatile and also they’ve bonded on the shooting range (I agree that Leia needs a lightsaber but I also wish people would remember what a good shot she is with a blaster) and then there are Rebel Shenanigans. I want to see him and Piggy saBinring hanging out during the time they were wingmates, but I feel like that conversation would get a lot more mathematical than I am qualified to write. :D And I headcanon that Shalla taught him some hand-to-hand during Solo Command, or at least helped him brush up, because he’s a lot more confident in his skills (and probably more proficient) by Starfighters of Adumar than he is in Wraith Squadron.
needs to stay away from: Other people tend to have funny snappy answers to these. I do not. Kell Tainer, maybe? Although me being me, I’m still trying to sort of nudge them into being, if not friends, at least awkward friendly acquaintances. (Irenka had an amnesia idea, we were taking it in opposite directions, mine got tangled up with Leverageverse, it’ll be a while.)
misc. thoughts: *points upward* I have all the miscellaneous thoughts on Wes. All of them. ALL OF THEM. :D
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corelliaxdreaming · 7 years
Title: I’m Already There Fandom: Star Wars Legends (NJO) Characters/Ships: Wedge Antilles/Iella Wessiri Antilles, Syal & Myri Antilles Rating: G Words: 525 Summary: Wedge struggles with having to be away at war while his daughters are at home missing him. Note: This is meant to be set like early in the Yuuzhan Vong War, but I haven't read anything remotely near that period in the timeline, so just indulge me, ignore anything that doesn't fit, and call it AU if you need to.
( I’m Already There )
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silvercyclops · 1 year
I don’t think I’m really going to write much about the wraith kids but I want to write down my ideas for them just to use as a reference so don’t mind this
Kell and Shalla: Jesmin and Doran Tainer-Nelprin. Neither of those names were Tyria specific so I figured I could just carry over the kids. I imagine jesmin as the older child by two years. Jezzie isn’t force sensitive but Doran is. Maybe tyria trains Jezzie as an antarian ranger because she feels like she’s in her brothers shadow due to not being force sensitive? Jesmin I feel like would be more outgoing and friendly whereas Doran is shier and tends to keep to himself. The wraiths are officially disbanded in my fanfic canon, but I can see Jesmin (and myri but we’ll get to her) trying to reform it so she can prove herself. Jesmin is always trying to prove herself whereas Doran would like nothing more than to never be noticed.
Facs and Phanan: Lillee Phanan. She’s definitely the one I’ve developed the most but she’s also the one who’s solely my creation so I guess that’s fair. Lillee is autistic and feels most comfortable viewing the world through a screen. She’s very tech savvy but also likes to be in the know and religiously uses whatever social media Star Wars has. She’s nervous constantly and her resting expression can only be described as “skeptical”
Dia (and elassar):Adra Passik. Adra is like a stereotypical American teenager if stereotypical American teenagers were green and had lekku. She loves fashion and makeup and can be a bit vapid but has a huge heart. Lillee is pretty much her only friend because shes kind of a huge loser with big dreams. Believes in all of elassars good luck charms.
Tyria and falynn: ok so I keep flip flopping between them running an orphanage on tatooine or being the cool jetsetting rich aunts who show up every few months with expensive gifts and stories that children shouldn’t be hearing.
Now for the OT kids because I’ve already written jaina in a story
Wedge and Luke: Myri, Syal, and Ben Antilles-Skywalker. Luke heard a voice calling out in the force that turned out to be baby Ben, but he wasn’t expecting baby Ben to be a triplet. He and wedge decided to bring all of them back to the temple and raise them as “their” kids. All of them keep their canon personalities except syal and myri get to actually interact as more fun loving myri tries to get her more nervous and serious sister out of her shell.
Han and Leia: Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Organa (you try and tell me han wouldn’t take leias last name look me in the eye and tell me he wouldn’t) again, pretty much the same as canon except since there’s no vong invasion or anything bad after that, jacen doesn’t fall to the dark side and anakin doesn’t die. Instead there’s just a running joke that everyone thinks jacens evil because his resting face is only describable as “Kubrick stare.” Kyp is also the official fourth organa child and has no creepy almost romance with Jaina :)
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forcesung · 2 years
The orange speeder did a complete barrel roll as it roared over two lanes of traffic, then dropped precipitously into the gap where Wedge stood. He forced himself not to flinch as it came to a stop, its bow only a meter from him.
The pilot was a woman in her early twenties. Her eyes were hidden behind dark goggles, and her hair was a riot of colors, every lock seemingly a different hue. She pointed a gloved finger at him as if aiming a blaster pistol. “Hi, Dad!”
Wedge scrambled across the speeder’s bow and over its windscreen, dropping into the front passenger’s seat. “Myri! I thought you were supposed to stay at home, keep it secure.”
“Plans change. Are you mad? Spelled, ungrateful?”
“No. Let’s go.”
“Just a second, we’re waiting for—”
The speeder rocked and sank almost to ground level from the impact of something landing in the backseat. Wedge spun, saw a flash of awful green jumpsuit and red beard, and kept himself from swinging his pistol fully into line.
Then he caught sight of the eyes behind that preposterous red beard. “Corran!”
Corellia’s resident Jedi Master grinned at him.
Myri hit the thrusters, and Wedge was shoved by acceleration into his seat back, toward Corran. He continued, “So Iella’s message got to Mirax.”
Corran nodded. “And my wife got the message to me, and I got to your quarters in time for Myri to get me here. Everybody got something. Hey, girl, keep it down to fifty meters or lower.”
Myri waved at him, cheerfully ignoring his advice as she climbed to near rooftop level, but then her ballistic course reached its apex and she began a stomach-twisting dive toward a traffic lane a few blocks away.
“Sorry it was such a mess,” Wedge said. “I really thought the disguise and side-door gambit would throw off pursuit.”
“It did,” Myri said. “Mom says the main hit teams were assembled front and back. We missed about three-quarters of the assassins this way.”
“Oh. Good. Please tell me that all that stuff will wash out of your hair.”
“It will. But the tattoos are permanent.”
Myri laughed at him.
—Legacy of the Force: Exile, Aaron Allston
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