#vivenna warbreaker
cosmereplay · 4 months
Day 21: Fantasy
Rated Teen for a mildly suggestive scene, Eshonai/Azure, mild Warbreaker spoilers, Oathbringer spoilers. Cross posted on ao3 Check out this art by @lamaery that inspired me!
“Curiosity, Resolve, Surprise,” Azure mused as she lay atop her wife. “I think that’s my new favourite combination.”
Eshonai ran her fingers through Azure’s hair, which had turned orange-red. “I can tell. I got the Rhythm of Victory out of you,” she murmured to Amusement, which Azure felt as both a pulse of vibration and a friendly yellow. After they'd worldhopped to Nalthis, something wonderful had happened between them. When Eshonai spoke to Rhythms, Azure experienced them as sound and colour at the same time. Eshonai said the same about the colour of Azure’s royal locks, that she experienced them as Rhythms.
So far, it had been a spectacular honeymoon.
Azure hummed in pleasure, nuzzling her wife's chest and hugging her close. I could almost fall asleep here, warmed by the sunlight...Then she caught the angle of sunlight as it hit the inside of the carriage. It was a deeper angle now, no longer touching their makeshift bed, made of the two carriage benches pressed together. 
“Oh colours! We’re nearly there!” 
She sat up and scrambled off Eshonai. She cleaned them up the best she could, then started throwing on clothes as she peeked out the window. “Don’t look yet,” she warned her wife.
Eshonai pointedly looked down, busying herself with getting dressed. Azure caught a drift of pale orange sound as she buckled her belt, and she couldn’t tell whether the anxiety was hers or Eshonai’s. It had been at least a hundred years since she’d been on Nalthis, let alone anywhere near Idris itself. She was half-surprised the kingdom was still standing; she had been fully befuddled by the fact that the main road was now solidly built and well maintained. 
“Is this what you wanted?” Eshonai asked her to Amusement. She'd covered her eyes with one of her sashes.
“Yes, that’s perfect,” Azure grinned, then turned and knocked sharply on the wall of the carriage. “Stop here!” she called out.
Slowly, they came to a stop, and by the time the coachman opened the door for them, they were ready. Azure went first, then took Eshonai by both hands and carefully led her down the steps to the ground, where Eshonai wrapped an arm around Azure’s back.
They took a few steps forward into the lush summer grass, dotted with purple and white flowers. The smell of the wind made Azure feel young and hopelessly naive. She breathed slowly, taking in the view of Bevalis, the capital city of Idris. 
It was as she remembered, a small city of thatched, single story buildings nestled in the centre of the valley. She could pick out the palace even at this great distance; it was still easily the largest building. She was surprised to see that the buildings were not all painted white; spots of colour dotted the city here and there. The sight made her smile.
“Well, oncemate? Can I look yet, or does Idris need to put its clothes on, too?” Eshonai joked.
Azure snapped out of her reverie. “Yes! Yes I think Idris is ready for you to see it. Here it is, the place where I spent my childhood.” 
She lifted the cloth from Eshonai’s eyes, and Eshonai gasped, looking up, down, slowly spinning, trying to see everything at once.
“Everything is so green!” she exclaimed to Joy. “And the fields are massive! Storms, the mountains are huge! Is that snow? How can they be green and snowy at the same time? Are there two different seasons happening at once?”
“Kind of,” Azure said thoughtfully, but Eshonai kept rambling, stepping forward and pointing.
“How does your city survive at the bottom of the mountains like that? Don’t the rains wash it out with every storm? Or do you not have storms here?”
“Not like Roshar.”
Eshonai looked up and breathed deeply, smelling the wind, and then she looked down, brushing the grass with her foot. “The plants here are so tame. I want to kick them,” she said to Joy.
Azure laughed. Eshonai’s curiosity, and her joy, were infectious. She could tell her hair was turning a scandalous yellow, and she didn't care one bit.
“I’ve got something even better,” she said, grinning at her wife. “We’ll pick them. Let me show you how to make a bouquet. It'll be almost as beautiful as you.”
Eshonai hummed to Joy, and Azure wondered how she could be so lucky, to find a woman who made everything yellow.
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gal-palanaeum · 5 months
The need for Trust by Elsefaller
Rated Teen, 12,000 words, Vivenna/Khrissalla Khrissalla has just left Scadriel, and is visiting the Palanaeum to research Rosharan history around Surgebinding. She bumps into a familiar awakener who seems to be struggling, and wants to befriend her. She ends up doing so and more.
Oathbringer spoilers below the cut:
Vivenna had been through a difficult week. Sneaking through the Fused defenses surrounding Cultivation’s Perpendicularity had been no small task. Followed immediately by interrogation -and near execution- by the Horneaters  who had caught her in their Ocean. Her survival of both was either pure luck, or one of the Shards had blessed her. More likely it was the Nightwatcher, and she had yet to discover what her curse was. Perhaps her luck would spiral in the other direction soon, though hopefully that wouldn’t happen until she was done in Kharbranth.
She’d managed to find a caravan leaving the peaks and heading in that direction. With a few spheres, she’d been able to join them. However she hadn’t been able to get a spot on a wagon, apparently the Horneaters didn’t treat people with lighter eyes differently. That made sense to her, but was awfully inconvenient, and she had to settle for riding on a chull.
Riding one was a novel experience, she’d only ever seen them pull wagons. Hers was outfitted with a saddle similar to that of a horse, though moved much slower. It reminded her of days in her youth training to sit on horseback and be paraded around Idris.
The crustacean also reminded her of an ongoing argument she’d had with Beard about which animal was more intimidating. At least with horses it was clear when they became upset, and they couldn’t take an arm off.
But Beard was gone now, there would be no resolution to their lighthearted disagreement. She felt guilt churn her stomach like Skyeels fighting.
Vivenna was so busy feeling sorry for herself that she nearly lost the rest of the caravan. She looked around, realizing her chull had wandered off the road. She tugged on the reins and steered the beast back to where the others seemed to have stopped. 
She pulled up beside the Horneater woman who had been in the front, she was climbing down from her wagon and stretching.
“Why are we stopping?” Vivenna asked, the words sounded more commanding than she’d intended them too.
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foundfamilyhq · 10 months
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knightsgaydiant · 1 year
Vivenna’s thoughts on wearing pants by the end of Warbreaker read way too much like a description of gender euphoria for me to accept this character as cisgender.
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There are people who don’t like warbreaker 😩. How? Why? It’s one of my favourite cosmere books! I understand it’s a bit slow but the set up is so so worth it for the amazing payoff at the end! And it’s just so so good on a reread. Knowing what you know of denth and Tonk fah. Of Lightsong and Llarimar! It’s just a wonderful book and I get sad when people don’t like it or find it boring.
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cosmiciaria · 7 months
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My life to yours. My breath become yours.
Princess Siri, it was a joy to draw her. Fourth one in this art noveau experiment
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cosmerelists · 10 months
Hey Warbreaker Characters, Would You Fuck Your Clone?
Hey, did you know this meme originated in a Buzzfeed article? I sure didn’t! Anyway, what do you think, Warbreaker characters?
Susebron: I don’t want to fuck my clone because that would be gay sex and I’m not gay.
Siri: I’m not gay, but I would actually totally fuck my clone.
Vivenna: I’m gay, but I still don’t want to fuck my clone, that’s gross and weird.
Vasher: I don’t want to fuck my clone because my self-loathing is THAT strong.
Jewels: I’d totally fuck my clone because I want to know if I’m good in bed.
Denth: I’d fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?
Tonk Fah: I’d totally do all sorts of weird things to my clone that I’d be embarrassed to ask someone else to do.
Lightsong: To be honest, fucking my clone has always been my fantasy.
Llarimar: It’s basically the same as masturbating, right? So no big deal.
Treledees: It’s not the same as masturbating; it’d be like having sex with your twin. Wrong and bad!
Nightblood: I would not have sex with my clone because what if my clone is evil.
Blushweaver: Not only would I have sex with my clone, I’d probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once  because that’s how pro clone-fucking I am. 
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l3st1b0urn3s-707 · 4 days
Okokok, I'm really starting to like Vivenna. Not that I didn't like her before, but now that she's working with Vasher I'm really invested in her storyline. I think they have a reather good dynamic. Well, he did try to kill her once (or at least he was considering doing it). But at the same time he saved her from those guys on the streets and took her to a safe place. I think he's actually a sweet guy but he doesn't want to show it. But he treats her really well, even thow he's used to be rude to everyone. I think they'll be very powerfull together, and I'm really curious to see what they'll achieve.
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hayleyolivia · 5 months
This is one of my favorite books!
I started this uhm *checks watch* February of 2021. You want to know why I abandoned it? Because I didn’t want to draw Nightblood (the sword). So that’s some art reality for you.
Anyway I finished it. Because sometimes I think about the people who run the Coppermind, and I want to be helpful.
If you have no idea what Im talking about, feel free to carry on scrolling — 😅
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ridetheluck · 1 year
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Warbreaker is a comedy
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jazzy-kandra · 1 year
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An Azure at Kholinar sketch...which I forgot to post here! Sorry bout that...
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readingwitharthur · 4 months
i did it! i finally finished warbreaker.
man what a boring book, the plot? boring. the characters? boring. the ending? not boring but it felt so rushed that i couldn’t enjoy it.
lightsong dying? for the god king? rest in peace my beloved lightsong, you deserved so much better.
the dynamic between vivenna and vasher was a nice addition towards the end, nightblood is one of the best characters of the cosmere.
from what i gathered online the sequel won’t be happening any time soon and i hate brandon sanderson for that.
back to stormlight, next book is edgedancer (people told me to read it before oathbringer)
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gal-palanaeum · 4 months
Perfect Pastries and Pasta by Radiant_And_Alone
Rated General, 3000 words, Vivenna/Jasnah Soulmate AU where the first words spoken to you by your soulmate are written somewhere on your body, to navigate this everyone has their own catchphrase to greet strangers. Vivenna has spent her whole life waiting for the nice Jewish boy who is a bit of a nerd. Instead, she gets a snippy, smart, uninterested uni student.
5/5/2018 Vivenna flicked on the coffee machine and grabbed the portafilter. She yawned, early mornings weren’t her forte. She glanced at the door. They’d only just opened, but being on site of a University meant they had lots of early customers. The door chimed as a pretty girl walked in. “Can you get it please?” Greg shouted from the back room. “Just have to finish counting the stock for today.” Vivenna itched at her arm, her soulmate words had been getting itchy the past few weeks. The woman was tall and her long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail. She waved at Vivenna. “Jewish people were found in large amounts in Rome despite bans on their presence in the city in 139BCE.” The woman said her words in a disinterested manner. Vivenna was too shocked to remember the sentence she was supposed to say upon talking to strangers, it was a ridiculous phrase her father had decided on for her. “I’d like a large black coffee with no sugar, please, to go.” She smiled the smile of those on four hours of sleep. “Never thought I’d meet you in a coffee shop.” Vivenna finally managed to say. Her soulmate’s face tightened. “Oh, of course. On the morning of my final.” The stranger glanced around the empty coffee shop. “Look, I don’t really believe in all this, can we just forget about this?” “Forget about this? You’re my soulmate! My dad has been waiting for years for me to meet a nice Jewish guy! And you turn out to be a rude Asian lady?!” The woman looked deeply uncomfortable and slightly offended. “I don’t have time for this, I’m sorry. I’ll give you my number and we can talk about this tomorrow. Now I can I have my coffee and some space? I’ve got a history final today.” Vivenna almost jumped across the counter but acquiesced. As she turned to the coffee machine she could hear her soulmate scrabbling down her number.
Vivenna handed her the coffee. “Uh, you never gave me your name?” “Jasnah.” “Oh. Cool. Vivenna.” “Right, here’s my number. Goodbye Vivenna.” Jasnah turned and left. Her purple coat flapping slightly behind her. Greg stepped out of the back room. “Morning Viv. How’re ya doing?.” “I think I just met my soulmate.”
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kaladinstorms · 1 year
brandon sanderson: this young woman is one of the protagonists in my book. she's recently been pushed into a new situation where she's very inexperienced but she has magic powers. her mother is dead and she lacks a father figure. a lot of people remark on her hair. brandon sanderson: during the story she meets an older man who also has magic powers but he has much more experience and confidence. his wife died years ago in an event he blames himself for but it explains his character and motivations in the book. brandon sanderson: they work together using their magic powers to try to save their people from evil.
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knightsgaydiant · 1 year
“Vivenna is lgbtq” “all at once?” “yeah”
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no-0ne-0f-consequence · 5 months
Warbreaker as a Story About Growing Up
I recently (within the last several months) read Warbreaker for the second time, and it struck me that through each of the main storylines (Siri, Vivinna, and Lightsong) there is a prevailing theme of maturing and taking responsibility. This theme manifests itself in different ways according to the different characters, but it can be found in all three of the plot lines. Allow me to explain.
Let’s start with the most obvious, Siri. You can pull more than one theme from Siri’s story, but I want to focus on “putting away childish things.” When we first meet Siri, she takes pleasure in being “unimportant” and the lack of responsibility that comes with it.  While her siblings study and prepare for their duties, she spends her time exploring on her own and bringing colorful flowers to the children of her city (which is not encouraged by her religion). Mab the kitchen mistress calls her out for skipping her tutoring and “shirking responsibilities.” Because of this carefree attitude, when Siri is thrust into her role as the god king’s wife she is completely unprepared and forced to mature quickly. Throughout her time in the palace of Hallandren she learns responsibility and control. By gaining control over herself (example: controlling her hair while talking to the god king’s priest) she is also able to gain some control over her situation, which can be seen as she takes charge and uses her position in the palace as “vessel” to her advantage. By the end of the story she has matured quite a bit, which can most obviously seen in the control she gains over her hair color. Despite these changes she never loses her joy and wonder. Good thing, too, as Suesebron says it is one of the reasons he likes her. 
Now for Vivenna. Vivienna is set up to be the complete opposite of Siri. She studies diligently, maintains complete control over her composure, and puts her duty above all else. Her father thinks of her as “composed, simple [modest], hard, and capable.” The perfect Idrian and the perfect daughter. Vivenna seems to think highly of herself as well, saying that if she had been sent to the god king she could have stopped the coming war. Vivenna’s character arc is about realizing that she doesn't know as much as she thought she did. Through the course the story she is completely humbled, and her worldview and understanding are challenged. In order for her to mature she must first realize just how immature she was in many ways. Vasher points this out when he comments on how “stupid” she was to be manipulated by Denth. But Vivenna does learn, and she does grow in maturity and wisdom to the point where she is able to free Vasher from Denth. When at the end of the story she chooses to go with Vasher it is with a new understanding of herself and the world. She knows that she can’t go back to what she was before. She has been changed too much. With her newfound maturity she chooses what path she will take, without having others plan her life for her. Interestingly, her maturity manifests itself in a way that could be considered immature as she learns to lighten up. Specifically I’m referring to when she called Vasher “wartlover the ugly” as they set off together (as out of place as this line may seem it does demonstrate her character development well). When she rejects the propriety expected of her as a princess, in a way she is rejecting the old, naive self that lived a sheltered life in the castle taught to hate the Hallandrens. She is more world-wise now and has grown into her own person.
Lastly, we have Lightsong. I thought about calling this post "Warbreaker as a coming of age story" but Lightsong never comes of age. He is a fully fledged god, after all. Still, his story begins in a similar place as Siri's. Lightsong treats his role in the government and religion of Hallandren flippantly, and says that the other gods do the same. The only duty he takes seriously is his reviewing of artwork, and even that he is tempted to brush off on occasion. His journey to maturity kicks off with his obsession of who he was in his previous life. Interestingly, "finding my identity" is a common theme in many coming of age stories. The other driver in Lightsong's story is, of course, Blushweaver. She encourages Lightsong to step up as a ruler and religious figure of Hallandren (although she does so to gain power in the court). Slowly, influenced by his troubling dreams and the memory of someone important to him, Lightsong begins to take more responsibility to the point where he takes sole control of a large portion of the lifeless army. Even so he continues to treat much of his new involvement like a game, as can be seen by his brash attack of the Phan Khal in the tunnels. The danger finally becomes real to him when Blushweaver is killed. In the end, though, Lightsong is able to accept his role as a god and give his life for Susebron, something he previously had said he would never do. 
If Siri, Vivinna, and Lightsong’s stories are about taking responsibility, then one possible interpretation of Denth’s story is giving it up. Denth’s motives are never really explained by the story, but Vasher accuses him of simply selling his sword to whoever will pay. Denth does have his own goals - killing Vasher being the main one. It is also possible that Denth wanted a war between Idris and Hallandren, but he never says as much and there are no reasons given as to why it would be advantageous for him. With the information we are given, Denth can be read as using his position as a mercenary as a way of having someone else to blame. He does not decide what his employers want him to do - he simply does it. (Honestly, upon further reflection this isn't an interpretation I'm 100% sold on, but it fits the theme of this post so I thought I'd mention it.)
Returning to Susebron, with all this growing up and maturing that happens throughout the book, I would have liked to see Suesbron mature a bit more as well. By the end of the story he still seems a bit too childlike to me. Ah well. That’s another topic for another time.
P.S. I was going to cite all the chapters I reference here, but I only have the pdf download from Brandon’s website which isn’t the best for looking things up. I guess you’ll just have to trust I’m not making this all up lol
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