#warbreaker fanfic
cosmereplay · 7 months
Day 21: Fantasy
Rated Teen for a mildly suggestive scene, Eshonai/Azure, mild Warbreaker spoilers, Oathbringer spoilers. Cross posted on ao3 Check out this art by @lamaery that inspired me!
“Curiosity, Resolve, Surprise,” Azure mused as she lay atop her wife. “I think that’s my new favourite combination.”
Eshonai ran her fingers through Azure’s hair, which had turned orange-red. “I can tell. I got the Rhythm of Victory out of you,” she murmured to Amusement, which Azure felt as both a pulse of vibration and a friendly yellow. After they'd worldhopped to Nalthis, something wonderful had happened between them. When Eshonai spoke to Rhythms, Azure experienced them as sound and colour at the same time. Eshonai said the same about the colour of Azure’s royal locks, that she experienced them as Rhythms.
So far, it had been a spectacular honeymoon.
Azure hummed in pleasure, nuzzling her wife's chest and hugging her close. I could almost fall asleep here, warmed by the sunlight...Then she caught the angle of sunlight as it hit the inside of the carriage. It was a deeper angle now, no longer touching their makeshift bed, made of the two carriage benches pressed together. 
“Oh colours! We’re nearly there!” 
She sat up and scrambled off Eshonai. She cleaned them up the best she could, then started throwing on clothes as she peeked out the window. “Don’t look yet,” she warned her wife.
Eshonai pointedly looked down, busying herself with getting dressed. Azure caught a drift of pale orange sound as she buckled her belt, and she couldn’t tell whether the anxiety was hers or Eshonai’s. It had been at least a hundred years since she’d been on Nalthis, let alone anywhere near Idris itself. She was half-surprised the kingdom was still standing; she had been fully befuddled by the fact that the main road was now solidly built and well maintained. 
“Is this what you wanted?” Eshonai asked her to Amusement. She'd covered her eyes with one of her sashes.
“Yes, that’s perfect,” Azure grinned, then turned and knocked sharply on the wall of the carriage. “Stop here!” she called out.
Slowly, they came to a stop, and by the time the coachman opened the door for them, they were ready. Azure went first, then took Eshonai by both hands and carefully led her down the steps to the ground, where Eshonai wrapped an arm around Azure’s back.
They took a few steps forward into the lush summer grass, dotted with purple and white flowers. The smell of the wind made Azure feel young and hopelessly naive. She breathed slowly, taking in the view of Bevalis, the capital city of Idris. 
It was as she remembered, a small city of thatched, single story buildings nestled in the centre of the valley. She could pick out the palace even at this great distance; it was still easily the largest building. She was surprised to see that the buildings were not all painted white; spots of colour dotted the city here and there. The sight made her smile.
“Well, oncemate? Can I look yet, or does Idris need to put its clothes on, too?” Eshonai joked.
Azure snapped out of her reverie. “Yes! Yes I think Idris is ready for you to see it. Here it is, the place where I spent my childhood.” 
She lifted the cloth from Eshonai’s eyes, and Eshonai gasped, looking up, down, slowly spinning, trying to see everything at once.
“Everything is so green!” she exclaimed to Joy. “And the fields are massive! Storms, the mountains are huge! Is that snow? How can they be green and snowy at the same time? Are there two different seasons happening at once?”
“Kind of,” Azure said thoughtfully, but Eshonai kept rambling, stepping forward and pointing.
“How does your city survive at the bottom of the mountains like that? Don’t the rains wash it out with every storm? Or do you not have storms here?”
“Not like Roshar.”
Eshonai looked up and breathed deeply, smelling the wind, and then she looked down, brushing the grass with her foot. “The plants here are so tame. I want to kick them,” she said to Joy.
Azure laughed. Eshonai’s curiosity, and her joy, were infectious. She could tell her hair was turning a scandalous yellow, and she didn't care one bit.
“I’ve got something even better,” she said, grinning at her wife. “We’ll pick them. Let me show you how to make a bouquet. It'll be almost as beautiful as you.”
Eshonai hummed to Joy, and Azure wondered how she could be so lucky, to find a woman who made everything yellow.
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Ive decided I'm going to start taking commissions!! Here's how it works:
1. Send me an ask or a DM with your idea
2. Well talk about fic length, plot details, etc.
3. Pay half the commission price and I'll get to writing, the last half will be paid upon posting. (Let me know if you want to be tagged in the post or if you want me to send you a link to it once it's done!)
You can still send in an ask or request without it being a commission, but please keep in mind it may not be written.
⚠️Most of my fics are tickling related. This does not mean I won’t write a fic without it!! If it’s something you want to leave out we can absolutely do that!⚠️
I've worked out I can write about 2,000 words an hour. So it’s easiest to just do it by hour.
Hourly minimum for a writer in my area is 16$ an hour so, for example;
2000 words would be 16$
4000 is 32$
8000 is 40$
Star Trek- original series, new movies, discovery, and strange new worlds
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
My Hero Academia
The Stormlight Archives
Most things in the MCU
I'm more than likely forgetting some things so please reach out regardless of it's on the list so we can discuss!!
Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!! More fics are coming regardless, so no pressure if there's something you want to see!
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gal-palanaeum · 8 months
The need for Trust by Elsefaller
Rated Teen, 12,000 words, Vivenna/Khrissalla Khrissalla has just left Scadriel, and is visiting the Palanaeum to research Rosharan history around Surgebinding. She bumps into a familiar awakener who seems to be struggling, and wants to befriend her. She ends up doing so and more.
Oathbringer spoilers below the cut:
Vivenna had been through a difficult week. Sneaking through the Fused defenses surrounding Cultivation’s Perpendicularity had been no small task. Followed immediately by interrogation -and near execution- by the Horneaters  who had caught her in their Ocean. Her survival of both was either pure luck, or one of the Shards had blessed her. More likely it was the Nightwatcher, and she had yet to discover what her curse was. Perhaps her luck would spiral in the other direction soon, though hopefully that wouldn’t happen until she was done in Kharbranth.
She’d managed to find a caravan leaving the peaks and heading in that direction. With a few spheres, she’d been able to join them. However she hadn’t been able to get a spot on a wagon, apparently the Horneaters didn’t treat people with lighter eyes differently. That made sense to her, but was awfully inconvenient, and she had to settle for riding on a chull.
Riding one was a novel experience, she’d only ever seen them pull wagons. Hers was outfitted with a saddle similar to that of a horse, though moved much slower. It reminded her of days in her youth training to sit on horseback and be paraded around Idris.
The crustacean also reminded her of an ongoing argument she’d had with Beard about which animal was more intimidating. At least with horses it was clear when they became upset, and they couldn’t take an arm off.
But Beard was gone now, there would be no resolution to their lighthearted disagreement. She felt guilt churn her stomach like Skyeels fighting.
Vivenna was so busy feeling sorry for herself that she nearly lost the rest of the caravan. She looked around, realizing her chull had wandered off the road. She tugged on the reins and steered the beast back to where the others seemed to have stopped. 
She pulled up beside the Horneater woman who had been in the front, she was climbing down from her wagon and stretching.
“Why are we stopping?” Vivenna asked, the words sounded more commanding than she’d intended them too.
Keep reading
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knightsgaydiant · 8 months
Just the level of tropeyness in Vasher/Vivenna interactions! Like...um... are you guys seeing this?? Like I'm not saying it's good, honestly it's kind of cheap, but like it is just blatant romance tropes, like not at all subtle, this reminds me of so many fanfics I read when I was fourteen. (tw rape mention because of fucking course there is)
“You,” she whispered. “Me,” he said between bites. She looked down at herself. She wasn’t wearing her shift anymore, but instead had on a set of soft cotton sleeping garments. Her body was clean. She raised a hand to her hair, feeling that the tangles and mats were gone. It was still white. She felt so strange to be clean. “Did you rape me?” she asked quietly. He snorted. “A woman who’s been to Denth’s bed holds no temptation for me.” “I never slept with him,” she said, though she didn’t know why she cared to tell him. Vasher turned, face still framed by the patchy, ragged beard. His clothing was far less fine than her own. He studied her eyes. “He had you fooled, didn’t he?” She nodded. “Idiot.” She nodded again. He turned back to his meal. “The woman who runs this building, he said. “I paid her to bathe you, dress you, and change your bedpan. I never touched you.” She frowned. “What . . . happened?” “Do you remember the fight on the street?” “With your sword?” He nodded. “Vaguely. You saved me.” “I kept a tool out of Denth’s hands,” he said. “That’s all that really matters.” “Thank you anyway.” He was silent for a few moments. “You’re welcome,” he finally said. (Warbreaker, Ch 43)
Vasher looking after her while she's sick. Vasher making it about Denth instead of answering her question (which btw dick move Vasher, not at all how you should reassure someone who's just come out of being unconscious in a strange new place). Vivenna rushing to reassure him that she didn't sleep with Denth even though she has no reason to care what Vasher thinks. Him downplaying the rescue. Her thanking him anyway. Him not knowing how to respond because he's not used to people appreciating him.
Like it's honestly kind of trash... I just kind of live for this kind of trash, y'know what I mean?
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llycaons · 1 month
at times warbreaker's romance is weirdly adherent to a fanfic-esque virgin ingénue betrothal plot as a young princess, referred to as nothing more than 'vessel' as her sole duty is so provide an heir, is delivered as part of a marriage agreement to a terrifying immortal decades-old omnipotent god-king worshipped by a people utterly alien to her and fed by constant human sacrifice. however humiliated and alone she finds herself in the vast palace she is unable to leave, she finds her companion and the city itself completely different to her expectations and finds herself reveling in its culture and even flourishing in many of its aspects
which is all well and good for her but she keeps going on about how ~tender~ her husband is despite the fact that he's more shown naivite and ignorance imo and the fact that she's 17 is slowly driving me mad like oh she's blushing while snuggling her fifty-year old captor on the bed just in her shift? BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE THEY'RE MARRIED? THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU'D SAY YOU - hang on gotta get home so I can make this meme edit
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eerna · 2 years
Hi I don’t know if you mentioned it and I just missed it but I was wondering if you finished Warbreaker and if so did you like it??
Yes to both!!! It was very fun!! Right afterwards I fell into the fanfic hellhole and then finals hellhole so that got my mind off books for a bit, but Wednesday I'm officially done with the exams and I'll continue my Sanderson journey
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
Where’s the best place to find RE fanfic
archiveofourown dot org slash users slash warbreaker
ayyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
A mediocre fanfic where Vivenna learns of the lack of Vashers knowledge of Nightbloods whereabouts
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quillsand · 4 years
the amount that i am reading lately! we love to see it!
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Okay, so I can’t write a vampire Chansaw AU. There’s just too much romance and development in Sherwood in it that I can’t do just yet.
But can I write a cosmere Heathers crossover
Where the MCs get sucked into the cosmere universe and stuck on different planets
Imma just outline this here while it’s in my head
I can BS some event that gets them there, which means I have 5 people to stick on various shardworlds.
Scadrial... hmm. Scadrial’s gonna be the second most fun, but also the easiest because there isn’t a fuck ton of detail like Roshar. I want to stick Veronica here, but I also want to put Chandler here because watching the demon queen of Westerberg get stuck in the hell of ash and despair that is mistborn era one would be hilarious. Yeah I think I’ll do that.
Roshar is Veronica, boom and done. Fuck if I try to write this there will be soooooooooooooooo much research to do on Rosharan history....
Who’s the poor bored sucker who gets stuck on Nalthis.... I think Mac. I think she’d like it there.
JD I really want to stick on Threnody, but I don’t think we really know enough about Threnody yet. I could do it but probably not. 
Duke.... I think Duke gets Sel. It’s all academic and stuff, and Duke’s a big nerd. I’m being nice to her. 
That leaves Sel, Taldain, and First of the Sun. And a lot of others we don’t know about. Sel is boring, but it’s better than those other two. Ooh wait, unless I put a couple characters on the same world. 
The obvious combinations are Chansaw (for romance that I can’t do so I won’t do this one), Chandler and JD (so they can reconcile in fun, live threatening ways), and Chanduke (so they can do the same). I’d probably do the second, stick both of them on era one Scadrial and make them suffer. Like, Chandler’s miserable and JD takes pity on her because he’s a good fighter and helps her survive.
The first few chapters would be them learning what the hell happened, and some side character introduction. Maybe some MC cameos from the cosmere stories. Besides Hoid, Hoid I’ll have show up constantly. He’ll be the guy who jumps between worlds and talks to these weirdos. 
So they’ll get into a kind of stable position, and then we start to see some weird stuff. Suspicious worldhoppers, people being followed, maybe with Veronica some spren activity because she’s obviously gonna be a surgebinder. Chandler gets to be a Mistborn and JD is... either a really skilled misting or a feruchemist. Ooh, or he spikes himself and can switch out his powers, but Chandler doesn’t know. Yeah I like that. 
Duke is a forger, freaking duh. And she obsessively studies it too, and gets stupid good at research to be able to use it for everything. She likes stamping herself because she’s insecure and stuff.
Mac.... uh... well, she’s stuck on Nalthis, so the only thing she can do is get lucky and fall into a lot of breaths. I could see that, though. We need Nightblood cameos. Possibly more than cameos. Holy fuck I need Mac with Nightblood fanart right now, that would be hilarious. 
V-sauce herself gets to be a Knight (though this would take place in like early book 1, because or else Nightblood has to be in two places at once). I’ll have to look into the orders; hopefully one fits her that we know a lot about. I could see her being a Lightweaver. Also I know Veronica should be- 
Hold your chulls
Veronica has to be on Sel, no way she’s not a forger. That makes waaaaaay too much sense to not be the case. I only wanted her on Roshar because it’s like the most detailed and important planet and she’s the MC, but now that I think about it I really do like the idea of Duke being a surgebinder. She and Chandler could get into so many fights and it’d be funny. Plus that’d make the fic really Duke-centric, which I like. Sorry Veronica. And Duke would so be a Lightweaver, she has a mentally broken Shallan-ish air about her. 
JD as said’s probably gonna be a hemalurgy buff, and he finds out about compounding at some point. He also constantly betrays and rejoins the party, and you never know when to trust him. He’d eventually be a good guy of course, and they’d need his cobbled-together compounding abilities to fight.... whatever the main plot of this requires them to. 
Ah yes the plot. That’s kinda important.
So obviously some big worldhopping organization, probably an OC one, wants to stop the cosmere plot. So they did something dumb, probably with aluminum. But they fucked it up, and somehow they dragged the gang into the cosmere and scattered them around on different planets. But that organization answers to, I dunno, the 17th Shard or something, and they don’t want the latter to know that they’re planning something. And our MCs are just evidence of the attempted crime, so they need to be gotten rid of. So it’s an interplanetary manhunt, where the gang needs to avoid dying and take down the organization (I need a name for it) so they can reveal their illicit activities to Frost or someone. The plot needs work, but whatever.
Uh, I’m gonna outline the hell out of this because I’m bored. I’m not really sure why, because, well, who is this even for? Who is both an obsessive Heathers fan and an obsessive cosmere fan? Basically no one, but when has that stopped me
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cosmereplay · 7 months
Day 15: Haunting
Rated General, Jasnah/Shashara, Jasnah & Shallan, Rhythm of War spoilers. Also posted on ao3
Shallan approached cautiously, hoping to catch Jasnah’s attention without interrupting her. Her former mentor sat in a comfortable armchair she’d moved beside the window of her study. There were sheets of papers on her lapdesk, and she had a pen in hand, but her face was propped against her safehand as she leaned to the side, looking out over the mountains surrounding Urithiru with a sad expression. Jasnah made a lonely figure against the diffuse light from outside, as if her dark silhouette were etched into the glass of the window. The woman was a mountain herself; eternal, resilient, impossible to move.
She stood in front of Jasnah, then leaned to the side, trying to catch her gaze. She smiled as she leaned. It wasn’t like Jasnah to be daydreaming, and she was eager to tease her for it.
Jasnah’s eyes caught hers, though she didn’t move her head right away. She seemed to melt, emerging from wherever her mind had taken her. Shallan’s smile fell as she saw a longing in Jasnah’s eyes.
“Even though the rain is below us, it does still affect us sometimes,” Shallan said, her original reason for seeking her out forgotten. “Are you missing someone today?”
Jasnah smiled wanly. “I miss quite a few people. But yes, I suppose I am.”
“This isn’t your usual missing though. You have a desperate look to you.” Shallan’s eyes lit up. “Do you have a crush? Is it Inadara? You can tell me.”
The Queen scoffed. “Certainly not. Her work is middling at best. Besides, I am already in a relationship. Even if I had such feelings, it would be unseemly to admit to them.” Her hand moved subtly, resting on top of a page.
“Ah ha! So you admit you have feelings for someone!” Shallan exclaimed.
“I literally just said I would not admit such feelings, if they existed,” Jasnah said, but she was starting to smile.
Shallan paced, considering the options. “You said you suppose you are missing someone, which means it’s not a usual type of grief. Someone you’ve never met, perhaps. One of the great men of your studies?”
The older woman’s face turned to a mask, and Shallan knew she was on the right track. She glanced down at the desk, noticing a piece of art. “Is it an artist?” Shallan asked eagerly, making a show of looking. “I don’t recognize it.”
Jasnah squirmed! Oh yes, Shallan was on the right track. “I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit this,” Jasnah said, tapping her fingers on the page she was hiding, “but I’ve been trying to appreciate the arts more, and I found this piece to be quite inspiring.” She proffered the art–a reproduction of what must have been a much larger painting. It showed a figure in the midst of battle, very clearly a woman. She was holding up a sword, and the soldiers surrounding her seemed to be reaching for it. There was a strange darkness to the sword that made Shallan feel like she was being sucked in.
“It looks like the Assassin’s Blade!” Shallan said. The sword bled black smoke, much like Szeth’s.
“I believe it’s the very same. In researching that damnable sword, I discovered a fascinating scholar. Glorysinger, also known as Shashara. The sword still speaks of her as if she were still alive. She was brilliant. Clearly an artifabrian of the highest calibre, and an exceptional scientist. In the end, she was also a warrior.”
“Kind of like you,” Shallan mused as she leaned in closer, examining the painting. She looked up to meet Jasnah’s eyes. “Though I hope your time as a warrior isn’t your end.”
“After good training, there is only hope,” Jasnah said. “I’ll certainly try to be careful.”
For you maybe. I can also pray, Shallan thought, and determined to write a glyphward for Jasnah’s safety that night. She nodded to the page Jasnah's hand was covering. “So, what are you writing? Notes on the painting?”
Jasnah tapped the page in a manner Shallan was starting to recognize as embarrassment. Pattern buzzed delightedly from her skirt.
“Are you writing poetry, Jasnah?”
“Don’t act like that. I’ve written poetry before. For your wedding, in case you need a reminder,” Jasnah snipped. 
Shallan just grinned. “No, this is different. Are you writing a personal poem for your beloved Shashara? Inspired by a painting? I must see it!”
“You have no authority here,” Jasnah said, too defensively. Shallan knew she had her. 
She grabbed it faster than Jasnah could react. “We’re peers now, and any good poet requires an editor,” she said, taking a step outside of swiping range.
Jasnah rolled her eyes and huffed, then looked back at Shallan with a suffering expression. “This is why I don’t take wards,” she drawled. “If you must read it, provide me some actual critical feedback. You aren’t reading this for fun.”
“No, no, of course not,” Shallan said absently, already scanning the page.
We cannot be. Yet  you turned your words into touch. My hand on ink,  you, ink in hand. My touch into words.  Your turn. Yet you are not.   …can we
Shallan could feel the distance all too easily. She thought of the months writing her brothers, only able to convey her support through a spanreed. She thought of the beauty of old art, remembering a time she had seen a precious original that Dandos the Oilsworn himself had painted, and the feeling of connection through time to a distant master. She thought she could understand a little of Jasnah’s feelings.
“This is beautiful, Jasnah,” she sighed. “It shows a mingling of minds, and yet it’s an unfinished conversation. That ‘can we’ hangs in my mind, like last note when I wasn’t ready for the song to end.”
Jasnah nodded, taking the poem and looking at it. “It’s the nature of studying ancient scholars. In a way, they always have the last word. This Shashara, she haunts me. More than anyone else that's gone before, I wish I could speak to her.”
“Thank you for showing me,” Shallan said sincerely. She looked outside, over the white mountains peeking out over dark, roiling clouds that even the sun couldn’t penetrate. “And don’t worry, I won’t tell Wit you have a crush on a dead woman.”
Jasnah rolled her eyes again. “Thank you for your critical feedback,” she said sarcastically.
“No wait!” Shallan took the page back, reading the poem over, two, then three times. “How about this–you wrote ‘words’ here, but you use it to mean the scholar’s internality, right? ‘Words’ is a little detached. A little intellectual. What about replacing it with 'self’ or ‘experience’? Something more intimate.”
The Queen leaned back with her eyes closed, considering. When she opened them again, she appeared confused. “What could be more intimate than one’s words?” she asked.
That’s so very Jasnah, Shallan thought, and felt a fondness at what amounted to Jasnah’s admission of a deeper part of herself. That was something precious, too. “You know what? You’re right,” Shallan said warmly. “In that case, it’s perfect.”
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hoidthevoid · 6 years
Do you think we’ll ever get a Cosmere horror novella or short story?
tbh i think Shadows for Silence comes pretty close to the horror genre, but that’s mostly bc i’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to that stuff. 
but I’m also gonna venture a guess that SfS is the closest we’ll get to a full fledged horror story within the Cosmere, because while there are definitely elements that could be expanded into horror stories within the Cosmere novels (Inquisitors, Dysian Aimians, mistwraiths, Shades, post-Reod Elantrians, Nightblood… heck, any of the magic systems could be used effectively for horror. esp Shardblades. can you imagine??) Brandon’s style tends towards explanation of elements of a story, which is directly contrary to a lot of the horror genre–we fear the unknown, so an increasingly terrifying mystery contributes a whole lot to a successful horror story. Brandon also tends to like to wrap things up at the ends of books, at least somewhat, which is also not something horror novelists generally do (leaving the reader with a sense that the horror-inducing thing is still out there or w/e gives a lingering sense of fear. that’s how I understand it, at least), and overall tends towards messages of hope and optimism, rather than fear and despair. so… maybe? it’s possible? but, personally, I think it’s a little unlikely. 
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gal-palanaeum · 7 months
Honesty and Kindness by rarepairs_only
Rated Explicit, 1500 words, Blushweaver/Mercystar Blushweaver visits Mercystar’s palace and…convinces…her to help.
Teen-rated excerpt with Warbreaker spoilers below the cut:
Blushweaver popped a grape into her mouth before offering the bowl to Mercystar. The other goddess sat on the other side of an over-stuffed couch, legs crossed primly. Her face and figure were gorgeous as always, their radiance managing to almost atone for the sin of the hideous gold and orange dress she wore. The ruffled skirt and fitted bodice clashed terribly with the yellow tufted cushions that seemed to cover every surface in the elaborate sitting room of this gods-forsaken palace.
Colors, thought Blushweaver. If I had to live in this hideous place I’d have given up my breath long ago.
Despite the horrors surrounding her, the Goddess of Honesty and Interpersonal Relations managed to hide her disgust and smile benevolently at Mercystar.
“So anyway, we were talking about prudent preparations,” she said earnestly. “Lightsong and I have decided it’s wise to consolidate security phrases for the Lifeless so that if one of us is…indisposed…the others can step in. It's clearly what's best for Hallandren, don't you agree, dear?”
Mercystar furrowed her brow, obviously thinking hard.
“But…aren’t the phrases supposed to remain secret?” Her voice was slow and girlish. “Did Lightsong really agree to this plan? He was here just the other day and didn’t say anything about it. Maybe we should wait and ask him.”
Blushweaver seethed internally. She glanced around at the priests standing on the outskirts of the room, faces stoic. No one was going to give her what she wanted, it seemed. She didn’t want to wait for Lightsong and she only partially trusted him, anyway. It was always highly suspicious when someone refused to be seduced by her. Not a single person besides that frustrating man had ever rejected her advances during the fifteen years since her return, in fact.
The thought suddenly gave her an idea…
Keep reading
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waffle-sorter · 7 years
New entry for the Fic Wish List: Lift, Lopen, and Nightblood have adventures together.
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dawn-the-rithmatist · 4 years
My feelings about pictures in books have changed so much over time
Child me: an absolute must. No way I’m reading books without pictures. The more colorful the better.
Tween me: picture books are for kids, I’m an Adult™️
Teenage me: I mean, I guess if there’s art, that’s cool?
Me now: gIvE mE tHe CoNtEnT
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Okay, I was going into a bit of a slump and I wanted to give Warbreaker my full attention, because it really is quite interesting, so I just put it on hold and spent the last week binging the ACOTAR series...Yes, all the way up to ACOSF. And I blame it completely on my mutuals. You all know exactly who you are. 🤨
@evolving-dreamer @sirendeepity @bookologist @kingandfireheart @ssardothien @gwyn-berdara-is-top-notch @ghostiewriter @vanserrasvalkyrie @polaroidsintheocean @feysandfeels
And also, because of a few fanfics from the following people:
@daevastanner @simpingfornestaarcheron @tealnymph24 @mercurianbisous @hlizr50
I honestly do not know how I managed to finish the series THIS quickly, and my mind is a dumpster fire right now. I'll probably write out my thoughts about it, once I can recover a bit and recall some of the plot and my reactions...😅✌🏼
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