robobarbie · 1 year
do the usernames of the blooming pcs have a reason? are they connected at all to their real names? (i seem to recall that you do have headcanons for their real names)
yeah ✨️😀
quest - kevin. [he just needs to find a home in this world]
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xyx - kevin. [a love for the road and a sense of adventure]
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nightowl - kevin. [a bit of a whorish mess]
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nakedtoaster - kevin. [everyone has a secret]
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
please put the eyes up as a print i BEG it’s so good and i need to be able to hold it up so close to my own eyes thank you
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Uploaded a couple of requested ones too :D I'm glad you like it <33
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emjee · 1 year
do you have any thoughts on veiling? i’m catholic, so veils tend to be….. extremely linked to things i don’t want to associate with. but i am kind of passively interested in it as an outward sign of my purpose in certain moments of reverence
Oh boy do I ever! I totally know what you mean though; when I was first investigating veiling myself I mostly found resources from very conservative Roman Catholic sources that had me going "ahaha no <3" Once when I was attending an Anglo-Catholic parish in grad school a man I had never seen before in my life grabbed my hand on the way out of church and gestured to my veil and told me it was "good to see someone doing things the proper way." I did not tell him to fuck off because I was in the House of the Lord and all that, but he had no idea what he was talking about.
I became interested in veiling when I was in college for similar reasons that you mention--I like tangible things that help direct my focus or intention in moments of reverence or spiritual concentration (I'm also a big fan of prayer beads, icons, stained glass, etc for this reason). I decided to first try it on a school trip abroad, just in a kind of "wear a scarf everywhere and when you go into a church, pull it over your head" kind of way, and I really liked it, and ended up having some really lovely conversations with a Muslim classmate on that trip about the differences between hijab (which she wore) and veiling in church, but also the similarities in terms of outward signs of inward spiritual dispositions.
What also helped is that I attend an Episcopal church where some women cover their heads--not with chapel veils, but with dupattas or headwraps or hats or because they're habited nuns. So I felt like less of an outlier and more like someone who was participating in a tradition that was still happening around me, but wasn't a requirement. I just needed to find the form that was right for me.
My dad also reminded me that my grandmother and aunt used to wear chapel caps and kept one in every handbag in case they had to run by church for altar guild. I actually ended up inheriting my grandmother's chapel cap and that's the one I wore consistently when I first started veiling, until it disappeared when I was in graduate school. Since then I've inherited caps from older women at my church who were happy to pass them on to me, and I've also received many dupattas from my church aunties who are happy to see me use them as a veil. During the choir season I wear a brown lace veil that matches my hair.
While I tried to do a lot of research when I first started out, and read the passages from St. Paul that some folks like to cite when talking about veiling, I've ultimately made my own meaning (derived from tradition) about it. Veiling for me is tied to the presence of the Blessed Sacrament* (I believe wholeheartedly in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist) so it's partly a sign of reverence, but also partly a way to set aside time in church as different from other times. That's why I'm also going to start veiling when I say my prayers at home (a tradition supported by practice in various parts of the world), to help me concentrate and set that time apart from other times.
*Fun fact, for this reason I don't veil on Good Friday! By the time the service is over there is no Sacrament left in the building.
I find it to be a really joyful and fulfilling practice. Also, not gonna lie, scarves are pretty, and matching scarves to Sunday outfits is fun.
Thank you for asking this, I am literally always down to talk about it.
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anghraine · 2 years
viveperdiemnoctemque replied to this post:
can i ask what you mean by “anglodor”? is it like. gondor modeled on english cities (of a certain time period)?
Oh, it's a term one of my followers came up with in replies to my rants about the perception of Gondor's culture and people as, well, Anglo (not in reference to a particular period). It's influenced by the fixation on Tolkien's English inspirations even though he was inspired by many other things and explicitly said so, and he emphasized this with Gondor in particular:
But this is not a purely 'Nordic’ area in any sense. If Hobbiton and Rivendell are taken (as intended) to be at about the latitude of Oxford, then Minas Tirith, 600 miles south, is at about the latitude of Florence. The Mouths of Anduin and the ancient city of Pelargir are at about the latitude of ancient Troy.
we come to the half-ruinous Byzantine City of Minas Tirith
In the south Gondor rises to a peak of power, almost reflecting Númenor, and then fades slowly to decayed Middle Age, a kind of proud, venerable, but increasingly impotent Byzantium.
The Númenóreans of Gondor were proud, peculiar, and archaic, and I think are best pictured in (say) Egyptian terms. In many ways they resembled ‘Egyptians’ - the love of, and power to construct, the gigantic and massive. And in their great interest in ancestry and in tombs.
I think the crown of Gondor (the S. Kingdom) was very tall, like that of Egypt, but with wings attached, not set straight back but at an angle. The N. Kingdom had only a diadem (III 323). Cf. the difference between the N. and S. kingdoms of Egypt.
The other influence is, of course, the Peter Jackson films, which made a few half-assed stabs at Byzantine imagery while mostly defaulting to general NW European or specifically English fantasy tropes and casting Anglo actors (some literally English, most light-haired as well) as the main Gondorian characters. This is especially glaring because it was clearly important to them that the Rohirrim "looked right" in terms of culture and coloring, but Gondorians, hobbits, etc are cast pretty much exactly the same and that umm choice has profoundly impacted the popular sense of what Middle-earth represents.
(It's worth mentioning, in addition, that most of these quotes are in reference to Númenórean Gondorians, who constitute most of the Gondorians we meet. But there are also other Gondorian ethnic groups, too, including people who are principally descended from the ancient inhabitants of the area and described as short and dark-skinned. The book's description of them in the book is pretty racist and colonialist IMO, but their existence is canon and they're depicted as unambiguously heroic, so even fidelity logic didn't require the casting and imagery to be Like That.)
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elucubrare · 3 years
your tag for cicero “mark t garbanzo” is truly amazing. i love you and i love that tag. have an incredible day
channelling the spirit if not the practice of Mr. Garbanzo, I can't claim credit for it (that was someone on twitter) but if I can spread it I will be very happy 
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sytco · 3 years
hi!! i have recently gotten into gncd and i know what you mean, there aren’t a lot of goldenness on tumblr. i really really liked your sungyoon office piece, it’s really cute and i would love to see more about how he figures out his feelings!!!!
🥺🥺🥺 hi 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and first of all thank you so much for reading my writing you LEGENDDDD and for telling me what u thought about it 😭🥺🥺🥺
yes it's true...i've dedicated myself to stalking the golden child tag and my own posts blink back at me it's a vicious cycle.....but!! i hope you'll stay active as a goldenness here hehe so we can get to know each other better :]] thank u again!!! i really really appreciate it!!!!!! -ju♡
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forever5hines · 3 years
happy shinee day!!
i think shinee was the first kpop group video i ever saw, although i can’t be positive bc that isn’t when i became a shawol. i think i saw a bit of the sherlock mv with my friends, but i didn’t get sucked in at that point.
fast forward to 2014/2015, when i was starting to listen to kpop and one of the songs that i saw mentioned as a must listen was sherlock! i thought it was incredible and also weirdly familiar, and that is when i started actually watching shinee content. view era was my first as a shawol and it was incredible.
View era is such a lovely era to get into SHINee too... it was amazing for so many reasons. Sherlock is a must listen indeed, I think I listened to it too much at one point but it's still chef's kiss
If anyone wants to share how you became shawol!! Get over to my ask box and let’s talk, it’s SHINee day and I want to hear about you
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what is the first and last mercedes lackey book you liked?
The Fairy Godmother! It is wonderful, but….well, I had read exactly the correct amount of fairytales to know what it was getting at, but hadn’t swan-dived into fic yet, so couldn’t differentiate. It was my first introduction to adult fantasy and adult romance and PERFECT for it, gentle and trope-y enough that I could slide right in. It really was influential, personally—and to this day I think about it often, particularly regarding the concept of fairytales forcing real lives to fit themselves into stories (which is fascinating and worth exploring.)
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cakesandfail · 6 years
viveperdiemnoctemque replied to your post: I just did one of the bravest things I’ve ever...
that’s never an easy email to send, but you did it and that’s fucking amazing. great job.
Thanks! Yeah, it was scary but I've been thinking about it for ages so I'm glad it's done.
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calculover · 10 years
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 27: Fears? 28: Last thing that made you cry? 29: Last time you cried? 30: Meaning behind your url 41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? 48: Last prank call you remember doing?
22 - twenty minutes including breakfast... when i don't care.. which is 90% of the time
27 - i don't know how to start answering this UM heights and public performance are the major ones
28 - an inferiority complex o o p s
29 - already answered
30 - i'm shit at calculus bc i go to nerd school where everyone is far better at it, but i like to mock myself
41 - yesterday, "you're useless" 
48 - i don't do prank calls i stay in school and close to jesus
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emjee · 5 years
dude i read your emma. fics and then came here and turns out someone else was driven as feral as i was by that kiss scene!!!!!!!!!!!!! also your fics are my favorite ones for emma, and i am eagerly awaiting any more ideas you have because they are SO GOOD.
yaaaaay I’m so glad you like them! Thank you for reading and thank you for stopping by to tell me such lovely things! Listen, the first time I saw that kiss scene in theatres my internal monologue was basically that tweet that’s like “unfollow me now, this is the only thing I’m gonna talk about for months” and now here we are. I have a couple more fic ideas that I’m planning to work on this weekend, and I can’t wait for y’all to read them.
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anghraine · 5 years
brambleberrycottage replied to your post: I still think about all those stretches of time...
Oh, my a if you ever get the time. THIS sounds sooo good
viveperdiemnoctemque replied to your post
“I still think about all those stretches of time when Aragorn and Éomer...”
when you have the time or energy or discipline, i would be the first reader of this fic! or even an avid audience for any thoughts that you have about this situation!!!
Thank you!! I have a bunch of scraps of barely-started Fourth Age fics that always end up running into ... something, but hopefully someday one of them will get somewhere.
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elucubrare · 5 years
i started following for the classics memes, but it’s good content all the way down, baby!!!
"good content" is....kind.
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cakesandfail · 9 years
viveperdiemnoctemque replied to your post:oh no I’m having feelings make it go away
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reemthememe · 10 years
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today-is-tuesday-too · 10 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers. ♥
1. i like my eyes
2. i like that i'm a voracious reader
3. i like that i have a good relationship with my family
4. i like my hands
5. i like my ability to make terrible puns
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