#vivian dagger
totaleclipse573 · 1 month
Live Reaction of Orion trying to explain that his father (Starline) got captured by a Spider (???) to everyone else:
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This Guy man. What is This Guy's deal
(Unrelated but I love the way you draw them SO SO MUCH. THEMMM. I also adore how tiny Sakura is compared to everyone else. She is baby, must protect.)
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3rdculturesims · 2 years
Vivian’s Second Life: Chapter 11
Another day, another ride on the subway.
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Vivian passed through the glass doors, seemingly unaware that she was being followed.
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Faceman was in the cement shoe business, which is a polite way of saying that he was in the criminal career.
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Faceman wasn't the only gangster on the subway that day.
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Dagger, one of Faceman's goons, was going through their dastardly plan in his head.
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"It's simple, Mrs. Landgraab," Faceman had explained over the phone the other day. "We push her onto an oncoming train. No need for sophisticated plans involving pools or fireplaces. Just blunt force trauma. Your enemy will go splat!"
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What no one had counted on was that Vivian had spotted Faceman and his goons following her.
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Also, Faceman and his goons hadn't ridden the subway in some time and were unaware that glass barriers had been installed.
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There was a brief fight...
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...and Vivian easily came out on top.
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"Who sent you?" Vivian prepared to smack Faceman in his namesake when...
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"Police! I'm Detective Inspector Stephen Law. These dangerous men are wanted for crimes including building a fence around a swimming pool, hazardous fire practices, burglary, and breaking curfew as teens."
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"Scene of the Crime Officer Emilia Ho here. You must be Vivian Lau. Your reputation precedes you. Tell me -"
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"That's enough Emilia. I'm Detective Chief Superintendent Hastings Law. You did excellently, Vivian. These men are hardened criminals. DI Law, read them their rights."
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"We'll be taking all of your belongings. We don't want the other inmates to be jealous of your... High School Diploma."
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slumber party!
Yandere friend group x fem!reader
Tw: none that I can think of, reader is mentioned to have a childhood author randomly thought of, you can change it in your mind if you like. Not proofread 🌺
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⭐you grew up with your friends, having known eachother since diapers! Your parents often left you in a daycare since they were busy with their jobs, and that's how you met Cassidy. A bright and cheerful girl, capable of lighting up a room with her toothy smile. When she saw you crying in a corner, missing your parents, she hastily snatched a couple of crayons and rushed over. Sitting next to you and holding out a pudgy hand, offering the red crayon.
"hi! I'm Cassidy! But you can call me cassie.. what's your name?"
🛍️ skipping a few years, you and Cassidy were in first grade. Obsessing over my little pony and worms, when suddenly you came across Michelle. A prickly girl you've known since kindergarten, but she was always too stuck up and bossy to ever get along with anyone. She held out a chocolate with a furrowed brow, looking flustered as she moved from side to side, the way your choir teacher hated
"can.. may i.. play with you, please..?" You swore you could hear your homeroom teacher cheering in the background
🎀it was 4th grade, you, Michelle and cassidy were in that ripe age where all boys were Icky and gross and had all types of nasty cooties. The constant squabbling and booger picking you'd see from the aforementioned solidly confirmed it. You spotted the new girl, Vivian getting harassed by the class weirdo, some Asian fetishizer. So you bravely stood up, walked over.. and tripped on your untied shoe laces, landing face first into the carpeted floor. Viv gasped and quickly rushed over to you, making sure you were alright before letting out a soft giggle
"you should be more careful.. you're y/n right? You have a very lovely name"
💀 7th grade, the emo and dragon ball z kids were making themselves known. You were laying on the classroom floor, resting your head in Vivian's lap as Michelle dangled a vine of grapes Infront of your mouth. Giggling when you obediently opened and bit one off. The giggling stopped and you opened your eyes to see a hot topic magazine boy standing over you all.
"hey! You on the other girls lap! You're my girlfriend now." "...what."
After the boy almost got his shit rocked by your scarily protective friends, you Introduced yourself "y/n" "kiross.." the girls were glaring daggers at him
💕 9th grade, you were starting to see a pattern, a new member of your group joins every few years. So you were preparing yourself mentally, all while Talking and suddenly turning around to walk backwards. Not noticing the boy you were just about to bump into. Your friends quickly rushed forward to try and catch your ass, but it was no use. You fell straight into.. a soft body. The boy you fell ontop of blinked owlishly, before realizing it was you and giving a devilish grin. surprisingly he looked hotter than most guys in your class
"haha, looks like god answered my prayers to send me an angel, my name's Alexis. Nice to meet you"
🔪12th grade came, soon you'd be free from the hell hole known as public high school. You clinged and sobbed in Cassidy's arms, only 6 more months to go. Whining something about not having a boyfriend, ignoring how offended kaiross looked. You dramatically fell to your knees and held your hands clasped together towards the sky, yelling that you wanted a hot hunk and you wanted him right now... Only for an incredibly heavy object to land straight into your back. Sending you both to the ground as the thing made a grunt. Looking up, you damn near had a nosebleed to see the hottest man you've ever seen, daichio
"ah.. sorry pretty girl, you okay down there?" "yeah.. more than okay.." "alright break it up! No soliciting"
⭐after daichio joined, tensions rose in the little friend haven. Vivian and Michelle would squabble over anything involving you, daichio would purposely provoke kaiross to a fight, alexis would pick on Cassidy for always being so close to you. Until you finally had enough. Giving them the biggest tongue lashing they ever had as you yelled at them to be normal people for once and get along
🛍️...maybe it would have been better if they kept fighting, because now they were a hive mind. After secretly talking behind your back, Daichio and kaiross were like your guards dogs since they had the most muscle. Cassidy was your right hand, Alexis being your tutor. Vivian was your emotional support human, and Michelle was your fashion critic and healthy lifestyle planner. You didn't really mind since now they stopped being little bitches and you had free unpaid workers like Kim Kardashian
🎀you didn't even realize when your group suddenly started gathering attention. Becoming the most popular in the span of a few weeks, how? You didn't know. And quite frankly you didn't want to know. You just wanted a partner, good grades and a scholarship. Looks like your getting all three. People often crowded around your table or desk, trying to get all buddy buddy with you. Just for a little recognition. Your friends were docile until, well, the confessions came rolling in. But that's another story
Fun facts:
Cassidy goes by she/them and is a very friendly person. Naturally, people confess to her everyday but she only has eyes for you, bisexual!
Michelle's mom is a cop, and her dad a businessman so she comes from a somewhat well off family. She likes to go on shopping sprees and gives you any clothes she doesn't want, a lesbian in denial
Vivian is soft spoken and shy, wherever you are rest assured she's close behind, pansexual
kiross is inlove with you and it's very obvious, it's just that nobody brings it up, he goes by he/them and bisexual
Alexis is very demanding, you could consider him a female version of Michelle. Sometimes mich gives him any clothes she doesn't want, pansexual!
Daichio is a playboy and is good friends with kameron, he speaks English, japanese and currently learning Spanish, straight asshole. BORINGG
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kita98 · 6 months
Kallias about Viviane (ACOWAR?)
« He didn’t let her near Amarantha, either. Didn’t let anyone get a whiff of what he felt for his white-haired friend, who had no clue- not one- that he had loved her his entire life. »
It made me think of this scene in ACOFAS CH7 between Rhys and Az
« ‘Lucien is away right now.’
Az’s brows rose. ‘Where?’
I winked at him. ‘You’re my spymaster. Shouldn’t you know?’
Az crossed his arms, face as elegant and cold as the legendary dagger at his side. ‘I don’t make a point of looking after his movements.’
Not a flicker of emotions. ‘He is Elain’s mate.’
I waited.
‘It would be an invasion of her privacy to track him.’
To know when and if Lucien sought her out. What they did together.
‘You’re sure about that?’ I asked quietly.
Azriel’s Siphons guttered, the stones turning as dark and foreboding as the deepest sea. ‘Where did Lucien go.’
I straightened at the pure order in the words. But I said, voice slipping into a drawl, ‘He went to the Spring Court. He’ll be there for Solstice. (…)
‘Do you think he can handle being around Graysen?’
Az’s expressionless face was precisely the reason he’d never lost to us at cards. ‘Why should I be the judge of that?’
‘You mean to tell me that you weren’t bluffing when you said you didn’t track Lucien’s every movement?’
Nothing. Absolutely nothing on that face, on his scent. The shadows, whatever the hell they were, hid too well. Too much. Azriel said coldly, ‘If Lucien kills Graysen then good riddance.’ »
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slutforsnow · 4 months
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Chapter 9
TW/CW: Possessive/obsessive Coryo murderous thoughts
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When the train that weaved its way through the districts arrived at D2, Sunni practically leaped off the train and hugged her friends who were waiting at the station for her. The friend group was quite large, comprising of maybe 6 people.
"Cori, Sej, come here, you guys gotta meet my friends!!" She called, waving to the boys as they gathered their own + Sunni's luggage off the train.
Getting a closer look at Sunni's friend group, Coriolanus realized that she had a very mixed group of friends; black, white, desi, indian, boys, girls, androgynous, plus sized, and skinny friends. He didn't think negatively of that fact, though; he thought it was nice to see her have a large and very close group of friends. Most girls back at the Academy just just stick 1 to 3 people, and there'd be one poc at the most.
"Guys, this is Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus!" She introduced stepping to the side, allowing everyone to shake hands. "Cori, Sej, these are my friends Nero Amadeus; he/him, Maxima Benedictus; he/she/they, Nataila Catullus; any and neos, Viktor Dellis; he/it, Vivian Diamandis; she/her, and the twins Dele, & Demitri Chaconas!"
A chorus of hellos and heys and followed Sunnis friends as the boys shook hands and introduced themselves to Sunni's friends.
"So, Sunshine, how's the Capitol?" Maxima asked as the residents of District 2 led the Plinths + Coryo to the hotel where the Academy students would be staying.
"Uh, shiny," Sunni answered. "And there's more douchebags."
"Ha, fuckin' told you Vik!" Demitri interrupted, reaching over to smack Viktor in the back of the head. He simply ducked, snickering as they instead hit Sunni.
"Sorry, Sun, Vik ducked!"
Nataila laughed to herself as Vivian and Dele shared a look that read "they're so childish".
As the group chatted excitedly about plans for the week and caught up, learning about the Capitol as well, Coryo was glaring daggers at one of the males; Nero Amadeus.
Nero had his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he listened to the chatter, smiling as Sunni. He was happy to see her so excited and to be reunited with her friends but Coryo didn't know why and I was determined to get a straight answer out of the brunette or beat it out of him.
Cracking his knuckles and tossed his suitcase, which was actually Sejanus' that he was borrowing (read as stole), onto his bed once the group reached the hotel; all the Academy children were were on the top two floors and Sunni's group had the highest one.
"I don't trust that Amaedus guy," He huffed out to Sejanus.
"What? Nero? Why?" Sej asked, setting his backup suitcase on his bed.
"I dunno- I just get a bad feeling from him," He replied, tearing his hoodie off as he spoke.
"He seems pretty chill—besides, we just met the guy. It might just be your paranoia since this is your first time in 2," Sejanus offered, taking off his sweater and setting it on his bed.
"No, I don't think it's the paranoia. I'd know if it's the paranoia."
"Jealousy?" Coryo almost laughed. Him? Jealous? Over what? A girl that's not his yet?
"Jealousy, Sej? Really? Im not dating her, so why would i be jealous?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Friends can be jealous. Hell, I thought Sunni would've replaced me after me, dad, and ma moved to the Capitol, buy she still cares just as much after a decade," Sejanus answered, opening the curtains to check our the view.
"That's different, you're family," the blonde snapped, falling back onto his bed. The was comfy; it felt like it was made entirely out of feathers, and it felt way better than his bed at home.
"Yeah, I suppose, but we should trust them. After all, they've been around Sunni longer than either of us, and for the past 10 years, I've only seen her on visits."
Coryo scoffed and rolled his eyes, mumbling whatever. He was going to find out if Nero had a thing for Sunni and if he needed to dispose of him to make sure he didn't get a chance.
But he'd also have to make sure that no one else would find out about how Nero "went missing". He needed Sunni to completely trust him, no matter the cost.
An awkward silence filled the room, only to be disrupted by loud music entering the room. Coryo sat up, glaring at where the music was supposedly coming from; he didn't need a headache before the festival.
"The hell is that?" Sej inquired, coming out of the bathroom, zipping up his fly. Coryo shrugged, and the two left their room, to see what the noise was. Seeing a door was cracked open, they gently pushed the door open and Coryo feel his blood boil.
Nero and Sunni were dancing to some upbeat and chaotic aong, singing along with it as the others were laughing and talking about an itinerary that Sunni made at some point. When did she make an itinerary, Coryo had no idea, but he didn't care right now. All he cared about was separating his girl from some loser nobody.
"So do you guys plan on making everyone else deaf?" Sejanus shouted over the music, grabbing the others' attention.
"Sorry, Sej, this is what we do all the time!" Sunni shouted back, letting go of Nero so he could turn up his hearing aids once the music was off.
"Why?" He yelled back, walking into the room, followed by Coryo, who was glaring daggers at Nero.
"Why not? It's an homage to how we met; loud music," Sunni replied, laughing as Dele turned the music down.
"Yep: we were all at a skate park, testing our skates and boards and we started bonding over some loud music people were playing," Demitri added as Viktor kicked their ass in another round of COD.
"Dude, how do you get so good at Call of Duty?"
"Eh, having divorced parents who always argue make it easy to find time to game," He replied with a shrug.
"So divorced parents equals being a god at Call of Duty?" Nataila teased, grinning.
"I mean, in my case, yeah."
"So then what does having a dead parent equal?" Maxima inquired.
"Art skills," Sunni answered, hopping her happy little butt onto the counter.
Coryo made his way to her as the others gasped and told Sunni she was quote unquote "wrong for that" while trying not to laugh despite Sunni giving them permission to, when Sunni was laughing and laid his head on her shoulder.
She beamed at this sudden "affection," and gently scratched the top of his head.
"Hi, Cori," She whispered to him as the others, including Sejanus, started talking about things they could do for the first day of the festival.
"Hey, Sunshine," He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.
"You okay?" She asked, gently lifting his head to meet his semi-relaxed gaze.
"Just feel better around you," He lied to her. Well, he wasn't really lying, but he couldn't say he was claiming what's his. He couldn't scare her off. He wouldn't scare her off.
"Okay," She replied, smiling and letting him go back to nuzzling her. Fortunately for Coriolanus, Sunni didn't notice the hateful and murderous glare he was sending towards Nero, who was chatting absent-mindly with Maxima.
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Late into the afternoon, once all the Academy students were settled, the group had set off to explore District 2 and everything that had been set up.
Games, of course, for the little kids who had rich families or the Academy kids who had younger siblings or students who wanted to relax and feel like a child again, but also dancing, music, and all sorts of different delicacies. It was so wonderful, filling, and fun that they all felt calm. Even with the occasional dead dad or divorced parents jokes, which Coryo learned were coping methods that Sunni and Viktor used to cope with the loss, everyone felt happy.
But Coryo wasn't happy. People were calling to Sunni, getting hugs and having her full attention. Sejanus, at one point, had to restrain Coryo from committing any more crimes again because a guy hugged Sunni for 2 minutes too long.
Sure, Sunni reassured him and said he was "just a friend," but Coryo had countered with "friend's don't have their hands way too low where they shouldn't be." Which eventually led to Sunni nodding but telling him he didn't need to jealous because they guy was 15 and just really tall. At that point, Coryo let it go and gave in but has held her close to him, not wanting anyone to pull her away from him. As the group walked to another restaurant to check out the place, Sejanus shot Coryo a text wearing a shit eating grin.
Sejanus: Not jealous, hm? You haven't let go of Sunni since we found out about the loud music lmfao
Coryo rolled his eyes, seeing the text. Of course, he wasn't going to let go of Sunni. People could've turned against her after she was transferred to the Capitol, for God's sake! He had to protect his girl, even from her own friends if he had to.
Then Sejanus sent Coryo another text, but it was a photo of Coryo with his arms around Sunni's waist and holding her small hands in his and he had his head on top of hers.
He smiled a little at the picture and saved it to his phone before putting his phone in his pocket.
He'd make that his lockscreen later.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Is there a way ROs would notice MC is mad at them about something or want to have a talk? Like calling them a nickname, their full name or in a specific tone?
Also can I ask for short reaction of MC being upset at something (not too serious) and going full Queen Vivian at them like the one in the 'prank war's ask? 👀 (somehow can only think of Felix being in that position)
Is there a way ROs would notice MC is mad at them about something or want to have a talk? Like calling them a nickname, their full name or in a specific tone?
Margaret: If MC used her full name since she typically goes by Margaret or Lady Margaret - it would definitely get her attention.
Felix: would notice MC's tone for sure, although he would definitely still be teasing or make a joke (out of nervousness because he'd wonder if MC is super mad or something)
Constantine: would notice a tone change or if MC just referred to him by his last name "Dimas"
F: Nickname such as "Fre" (pronounced like Fray) would get F's attention since that's what MC used when they were younger in this type of situation.
Now, onto the reactions...
Felix freezes at your tone. but he places a grin on his face as he spins around to face you. "Missing me already? I haven't even left yet."
You narrow your eyes. Felix swallows. "You can't go around insulting nobles to their faces," you growl at him. "Do you even realize how much work you're making for me?"
Felix takes a step forward. "You're not really, mad, right?" He winks at you.
You take a deep breath and then smile sweetly. "Of course not." He lets out a relieved sigh. "But I'm thinking a night in the dungeons would serve you well."
He gasps and shakes his head. "No, no. This body belongs in a bed, not a dark hole." You shrug.
"Don't test me, Dimas." You glare at Constantine with gritted teeth.
His eyes widen. You've been on edge for a couple of days and he didn't mean to upset you but it's easy when you're so overwhelmed.
Constantine lets out a sigh, unsure how to make you feel better. "I'm sorry, perhaps I should go." He turns to leave but your voice causes him to freeze.
"No. You're staying put." He glances at you over his shoulder. Your arms are crossed and you're staring daggers at him. He nods his head and steps away from the door, resigned.
You storm into Vivian's office, furious gaze landing on Margaret. She raises an eyebrow at you. "Margaret Sophia Rosi!"
She recoils at the use of her full name and glares at you. Vivian clears her throat. You both turn to look at her. "I'm going to get a snack." The Queen quickly exits.
"Well? What's this about?" Margaret asks, arms crossed.
You hold up a now crumpled letter. Her face pales and you let out a huff. "You should know better than to keep me in the dark."
F is stacking shelves in the library when your footsteps come to a stop behind him.
F's hand freezes and a shiver goes down their spine as they have a flashback to your 14th birthday where you used that same tone with them. Slowly, they turn to face you, a nervous smile on their face.
You let out an exhausted sigh. "Don't 'hi' me! You know exactly why I'm here."
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sunnysidevans · 2 years
Sunshine & Cowboy Hats (3) - S.Rogers
Summary: Now as the summer is in full swing, you are still rebuilding when the bulldozer comes, tearing the rebuild to the ground. You continue to strive for peace with the loveable blue-eyed cowboy at your side.
Pairing: Cowboy!Steve Rogers x SingleMom!Reader
Warnings: (18+), angsty, mostly fluff, steve being the most supportive dude ever, some swear words but not many.
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The hospital fell silent. You feel Steve tense beside you as your hand falls to his, giving a reassuring squeeze.
“The one and only” Ransom smirks, the same smirk he’d send your way whenever he got his way. “And who the hell are these people?” Steve steps up then, he knew you could take care of yourself, but he also knew, this man was no one to be messed with.
“Family” Ransom looks him up and down, scoffing at his response. A roll of his blue eyes as they fall back to you. “Where is my daughter?” you roll your eyes, turning back to the doctor at your side.
“Can I see her?” you ask as he nods, leading you back to the room where Vivian waited. “I’m coming too” you turned at that, daggers sent Ransom’s way. “You are not” he scoffs, “like hell I am, I am her father” you shake your head. “I am gonna take care of my daughter and if she wants to see you that is her choice” you snarl.
Following the doctor back to the room, you smile at your daughter's smiling face.
“Momma!” she squeals, arms held out in your direction as you smile. “Hi Baby” you make your way to the side of her bed, sitting to pull her into your arms.
“You okay?” you cup her cheeks, smiling as she nods eagerly. “I’m okay, I-I don’t know what happened” you shake your head, kissing her forehead.
“You are okay, just gotta drink more water when you are outside okay?” she nods, biting her lip, eyes falling to the door and back to yours.
“Can I see Steve..?” she hesitates, as if she’d be scolded for wanting to see her favorite man. “Of course” you smile. Pulling your phone from your back pocket, shooting off a quick text.
Steve feels the vibration in his back pocket, pulling the phone out he can’t help the smile that makes its way on his lips.
He follows the directions you gave him, soon finding the room.
He can hear Vivians giggles from the hall. Pushing the door open with his shoulder he can feel his heart double in size. You are sitting in the bed beside your daughter, holding her to you as she giggles.
“Steve!” her squeal could be heard from miles away.
“Hi sweet girl” he smiles, making his way to her awaiting arms. He sits beside her, wrapping her in his arms as she falls into his chest.
Her small form fit perfectly in his arms. 
He sends you a sympathetic smile, his arms rubbing soothing circles on Vivians back as she lets out a content sigh. “What are you going to do?” he mouths as you shrug, biting your lip.
“I don’t know..” you mouth back. He sits back to let Vivian lay back, her head falling back into his chest as you smile down at the two of them. Soon, the door is pushed open, Ransom’s sinister smirk the first thing you see. “Daddy?!” Vivan gasps, looking up at the door, he grins. “Hi baby” he makes his way in the room, You stand at the end of the bed, arms crossed across your chest.
Hand falling to his chest to stop him from moving any father. “This does break the restraining order, but she is happy to see you, I wont take that from her” you snarl under your breath, watching his eyes as they watch Vivians smile, not only directed at him but Steve. He holds his hands up in surrender, making his way around you.
Sighing, you make your way out of the room, Steve hot on your tails. You pace as the door closes, pacing the fluorescent lit hallway. “Hey” you look up at Steve’s voice, he steps in to stop your pacing. 
You stood in Steve’s arms for what felt like forever, his arms felt like a safe haven you never wanted to escape. The opening of the door startled you as you stood back to your full height, making eye contact with Ransom as he sent a smile and wave to his daughter. His eyes falling to you completely.
A smirk makes it on his face as he tsk’s. “You know, I give you credit I really do” he made his way to stand in front of you, he stood taller than your short stature. “You hid from me for months.. You hid her away from me” he shakes his head, hand on his hip. You can feel Steve tense beside you. “I hid from you for a reason, Ransom '' he shakes his head and a roll of his eyes as he scoffs.
“A reason? There is no reason to keep a girl from her father” you shake your head. “Let me guess, he took on the daddy role?” he points to Steve whose head perks up. “You moved on so quickly from me? So quickly from what we had?” you let out a deep breath through your nose.
“We had a toxic marriage, there was no love in that marriage excerpt for that little girl in there” you point to the door, “she was the only love that came from our marriage ransom” he shakes his head then with a scoff. “We are in love” you roll your eyes. “No Ransom we are not, we are far far from being in love, maybe in the past but far from it now” you feel Steve’s hand on your waist, looking at the man in front of you.
“I think it’s best we take Vivian home” Ransom looked like he could throw daggers at Steve as his jaw clenches. “I will take our daughter home” you shake your head.
“I will take MY daughter home” you push past the two of them and make it in to see Vivian. 
Shutting the bedroom door quietly, falling into the wall beside it quietly as you sigh. The whole car ride home trying to explain why dad was now here and why he nor Steve came home to tuck her in was extremely hard.
Running a hand down your face you push off the wall to make your way downstairs. The quiet knock at the front door makes the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. Slowly making your way to the door, you open it slowly, two redheads standing side by side with sad smiles and two bottles of wine. You send them both another sad smile, moving aside to show them inside.
“You okay?” Wanda speaks first, her voice soft as you nod slowly. “I am, I can’t let him bother me anymore” you mumble, making your way to the kitchen to grab three wine glasses.
“I can’t believe this even happened” Natasha’s voice is quiet as she opens the bottle of wine beside you. “I do” you shrug, sliding the glass to her to pour them out.
“He’s not one to stop until he gets what he wants, he wants me and Viv” sipping on the glass you look between the two women in your kitchen. “Thank you for coming here” you whisper, holding the glass against your cheek as the two smile. “We love you, I know how hard it was to leave Steve there” Wanda smiles.
The smile that makes its way to your face as the idea of Steve has you blushing at the coo’s from the two women. “Vivan was upset he wasn’t here to tuck her in” you sigh, crossing your arms across your chest. “I’m not happy about it” you admit with a shrug. “He was upset he couldn’t follow you, but he also understands where you were coming from” you nod, biting your lip.
“I feel bad I upset him” you admit, looking between the two of them, tears rimming your lower lash line. “I feel bad this is even happening, to him, to Vivian” you whimper, letting the dam break that you were holding back. You fall into Natasha’s arms as she was the closest to catching you. “Oh love” Wanda is there, arms around you in the most nurturing way.
There in the darkest hours of the night you cried to two women you least expected to have in your life.
The glasses of wine left and long forgotten.
Steve couldn’t help to pace, biting his lip as he fought his mind and heart. He wanted to go to you so badly, he wanted to comfort you as he knew the toll Ransom took on you.
He also knew he had to respect you and your boundaries. “You need to relax” Bucky speaks up from the barn door, looking at him with a shake of his head. Steve jumps, looking back at his best friend. “I can’t relax knowing she’s hurting,” he admits, petting the horse in front of him, who does nothing but huff.
“I know how much her and Vivian have grown on you, I know you want to be there” he nods, looking back at Bucky. “The both of them mean alot to me” he admits, looking back at Captain, who stood with his head in Steve’s hand. “Maybe.. you should head over there, check on her” Steve’s head snaps to his best friend quickly.
“I need to also respect her wishes and leave them be” Bucky shakes his head, looking at the blonde hopeless man. “I think you know that didn’t pertain to you Rogers” he nods slowly. “Go” Bucky speaks again, Steve running to his truck faster than his feet could carry him.
He knew he broke too many laws on his way to the house, he would deal with the consequences another day. He wanted to get to you. Pulling into the long driveway he takes note of the vehicles in the driveway, just hoping he didn’t see Ransoms.
Quickly getting out of the truck he slams the car door, cringing as he makes his way up the steps. He lifts his hand, the door opening before it connects to knock.
“Get in here” Natasha whispers, pulling her best friend into the house.
“Woah woah what’s going on?” Steve pulls the hat off his head, sitting on its spot on the couch, looking between the two red heads. “I think the only thing that can help is you” Wanda speaks first, his brows pulling together as he looks between them. “I put her to bed, she cried for almost an hour” he nods slowly.
“She just needs you” Natasha admits as he nods again, now fully understanding. “I’ll take care of them” he slides the boots off his feet, leaving them by the front door so he does not track the dirt and muck through your home. “I got this” he smiles as they both nod, looking back at him as they make their way to the door, sending him a soft smile.
He makes his way up the stairs slowly, trying to miss the creak in the stairs to avoid waking you and Vivian. He moves to the door, taking a deep breath to prepare, seeing you so vulnerable.
He pushes the door open slowly, peeking around the door to take in your sleeping form. He smiles to himself, shutting the door quietly behind him. Making his way to the bed he sits beside you slowly.
You stir, feeling the bed dip beside you as you roll over, hand falling to his back. “Hey sweet girl” he whispers, hand falling into yours as he intertwines your fingers.
“Steve?” you mumble, voice full of sleep. “It’s me, get some sleep” he kisses your hand, he smiles as he notes the way your lashes fall across your cheeks, you were so peaceful.
“Lay with me” you mumble, pulling on his hand as he soon falls into the covers beside you.
He wraps his arms around you tightly, pulling you into his chest, tucking you under his chin.
You let out a heavy content sigh into the shirt he wore. “How’d you even get here?” you mumble, feeling the rumble of his chest under your head. His large hand was comforting as it made its way up and down your back, “Bucky kinda told me to stop moping around and come check on you”.
You can’t help the smile that makes its way on your lips as you nod. The comfort of his arms around you, you can’t help the sleep to take over you again.
“Go to sleep sweetheart” he runs his hands through your hair, nimble fingernails scratching at your scalp. Steve laid beside you as your breathing mellowed, signaling to him you had fallen asleep.
As he held you to his chest, he knew at that moment he was not gonna let anything happen to you or Vivian. 
Steve stood beside you, hand in yours as he stood in his nicest button down and nicest pair of pants, the man owned a pair of khakis, surprising you when you saw him pull them on this morning. “You may be seated” you sat beside your lawyer, Steve beside you. You can feel Ransom’s eyes on you, shooting daggers at the man beside you.
Steve realized he was far from being worth the suffering and way past letting him get under his skin. “I would like to start today by saying we will keep this civil, the life of a child in our hands” the judge began, motioning to herself and the jury. “Let’s begin with opening statements” your lawyer stood from her seat, adjusting her jacket.
“Good morning ladies and gentleman” she began, eyes on the jury as they began to hold their pens and notepads, ready for the arguments to begin. “I am representing my client today to protect a sweet innocent little girl” she began pacing, you knew Ransom’s lawyer was just as pissed as ransom to see her walking the courtroom.
She finalized your divorce with ransom, she was ready to fight for Vivian too.
You looked up at the soft comforting smile of your lawyer. “Hey” she whispers, hand on yours as she holds the tissue box out to you. “I know how much of a dick he is to you” she begins, keeping her hand in yours. You nod, wiping your cheeks with the tissues.
“Listen to me, hey, look at me” you look up to meet her eyes, biting your lip. “When you are ready”she whispers, sending you a grin. “I will take him for everything he is worth, especially to protect you and Vivian” you smile at that, nodding with a sniffle.
“I will make sure he never sees you or that little girl again, you can bet on that” you nod again, pulling her into a hug as she hugs you tight.
“I’m sure it is no secret who the man is sitting here today,” she continued, standing in front of the jury. “A man who took his families prized possessions, a man who murdered his grandfather” Ransom’s lawyer stands, “objection!”. Falling back in your seat you sigh.
“Hey” you look over at Steve’s soft whisper, sending you a smile. “We got this” he squeezes your hand, lips to your knuckles in a soft comforting kiss. You nod, sending him another soft smile and another squeeze to his hand, turning back to the judge. “Counselor” you lawyer nods then, “I’m sorry, murder accusation” she corrects herself, sending a smirk and wink your way.
“How would a young five year old be safe with anyone of this act? Someone who can do something so malicious, accusation or not” she nods, she notes the way the jury begins writing in the notebooks. “Nothing further” she buttons her jacket, walking to sit beside back in ehr seat as you send her a grin.
“Counselor” the judge nods to Ransom’s lawyer who stands with a cocky grin. “My client is a good man” he starts, you can’t help the eyeroll, you’re surprised they didn’t roll into your skull. “He has done nothing but care and love for his daughter, as well as her mother” he stands beside the jury then.
“But, she has taken that from him, his daughter” he nods, shoving his hands into his pockets. “After the finalization of the divorce, she packed up and ran, taking his daughter with her” you can’t help the eye roll then. “Taking her states away to hide her from the one person he adored the most, her father” you scoff, covering it with a cough as Steve's hand makes its way to your thigh.
“Don’t play into it” your lawyer’s voice can be heard beside you in a whisper. Ransom’s lawyer continued on, throwing to the jury how you stole his daughter away from him and took away the only person she loved, tearing you apart at the idea of you with another man who was now one of Vivian’s favorite people. 
The judge stood from her seat, gavel slammed down as she sighs. “I’m calling a recess, we will return in fifteen” she makes her way to her chambers as you sigh, head falling to the table.
“We got this in the bag” she rubs your back in soft comforting circles as you nod slowly. “You are doing amazing” Steve speaks, sending your lawyer a warm smile as she nods.
“We’re gonna get him” she agrees, standing from her seat. “Go out and get some fresh air, I’ll see you both in fifteen” you nod against the table as she sends a stern look to Steve as he nods. “C’mon sweet girl” Steve stands, hand on your elbow as he helps you stand, handing falling to yours instinctively.
You follow beside him, hugging his arm as you make it out the doors. “C’mere” you collide with his chest, wrapping around his waist, sighing. “We got this in the bag okay? Just like she said, she’s ready to fight for you and Vivian” you nod against him, standing straighter as his hand stays on your waist.
“I can’t let this man control my life anymore” you sigh, shaking your head as your hands fall on your hips, on top of Steves. “You won't” he admits, kissing your temple as he pulls you back into his chest.
He feels the buzz of his back pocket, looking down at the text with a smile. “Bucky and Nat ask how you are doing” you look up at him as he shows you the text, you can’t help the smile.
“Tell them surviving” you giggle. 
Fifteen minutes flew by as you followed beside your lawyer and Steve back into the courtroom. You take a deep breath as you sit down at the table. This was it. You would have full custody of your daughter, visitation as approved by you.
No more ransom at your neck about anything. Putting you down at the way you look at Steve, the way you looked at him at a time in his life.
The way Vivan had fallen for him as hard as Steve did for her. “Court is now back in session, Judge Reed residing” the woman made her way back to her seat.
“Welcome back” she nods in the direction of both of the lawyers. “I would like to hear closing statements at this time and we will let the jury converse” you nod slowly, looking over at your lawyer who sends a grin in your direction.
“We’ve got this” she stands, making her way to begin winning over the jury. You can see their pens moving quickly, writing and taking everything she says to heart. Your lawyer nods at the jury, “that is all” she makes it back to sit beside you.
Ransom’s lawyer begins, standing as he makes his way to the jury to deliver the final. The hopeful nail in the coffin for this part of your life. 
The jury conversed for hours. They made their way back to their seats in the matter of half an hour. Envelope that held your and Vivian's futures in their hands.
Judge Reed spoke first, “Can the head juror please stand” soon the young woman stood, looking between you and Ransom. You felt Steve tense beside you, his hand falling into yours out of instinct as you watched her open the envelope.
“We rule in favor of Ms.(Y/L/N) of full custody, with visitation upon approval of the appropriate party” you sobbed, falling into Steve’s arms.
You and Vivian were free of her father. Free of the insults, free of the snide comments and dagger he’s sent your lover's way. “You bitch!” Steve stands at the sound of Ransom’s voice. You stand beside him, a smirk on your lips, wiping your cheeks before you turn to him.
“Ransom” you can hear his lawyer mumble to him as he pushes past him to meet your eye. You smirk, looking at him with a raised brow. “Justice is served” you smirk, arms crossed across your chest as she snarls. “You can not take her from me, bitch!” you shake your head, looking at him.
“Looks like I just did Ransom” He lunges then, Steve pushes you behind him as he takes Ransom by his collard shirt. “I suggest you leave, peacefully” Ransom scoffs, pulling himself from Steve’s grasp as he brushes himself off.
“This” he points to you, standing behind Steve, “is far from over” he pushes past everyone then. Pushes the doors open as he makes his way out of the courtroom and your lives.
You grab him by the shirt, pulling him to connect your lips, hands falling to the back of his head to pull him closer. His hands wrap around your waist, he kisses you as if his life depended on it.
One thing about Steve is he cherished these moments where he could kiss you anytime he wanted. The softness of your lips never failed to amaze him, soft and pillowy.
He cupped your cheeks in his soft calloused hands, pulling away to rest his forehead on yours.
“Let’s go get our girl” he whispers, smiling as you nod, hand resting on his as you pull him down to your lips again.
He kissed you breathless every time, it was almost his goal.  “Let’s go get her” the smile on your lips was almost contagious as you walked hand in hand from the courthouse. 
As soon as the truck came into view Vivian knew. She couldn’t wait for you and Steve to get home.
As she went to bed last night, aunt Natasha told her that Steve and mommy would be home by morning. She squealed at the sight of Steve’s truck, running out the front door before Bucky could catch her to put shoes on her feet.
“Daddy!” She screamed, stopping you and Steve in your tracks, he looked at you as you looked at him, eyes meeting bucky’s at the top of the porch steps.
He stopped, crouching to her level to catch the five year old. He catched her with a grunt, hugging her to his chest as she squealed. “Hi darlin” he grins, pulling her to his chest again as she hugs his neck tightly. In that moment you realized.
Steve was more of a father to Vivan than her own father, she looked at him as if he held the world.
He looked at her like she was his world. You followed behind them, your family, as you made your way inside with them.
The summer sun was hot, beaming down on you in the tanktop and jean shorts that adorned your body. The hussle of the family pulled you from the potato salad you were mixing.
The sight of Steve and Bucky tossing your daughter in the air, quick to catch her as she laughs, the pool water beneath her to catch her if they didn't. You can’t help the smile to make its way  to your lips, wider than you think possible. “You know” you look back to see Wanda, shooing her own children into the pool with the boys.
“I think you were the best addition to this family” pulling her into you, giving her a side hug you sigh gently.
“This is my family” you mumble more to yourself than her as she nods, giving you a squeeze. “Yes it is”. You follow behind her with food in hand as you watch the kids in the pool.
“Food!” you yell, them all hurling themselves out of the pool at the mention of substance more than the bomb-pop popsicles. Steve picks Vivian up to set her on the deck, climbing out of the pool after her as he wraps her in a towel, drying himself off in the process.
They make their way to you, smiling. “Hi you two” you grin, pulled into the warm chest of your boyfriend. “Hi” he whispers, kissing your lips as if his life depended on it. “Ew” you hear Vivan gag as she walks over to Tommy and Billy. You smirk, pulling the cowboy hat off his head, even with swim trunks, no look was complete until he wore his hat.
You plop it on your head as you shoo him over to the food, giving his ass a slap as he passed by. You were thankful for that damn ad you saw on your way into the state, the stark rodeo.
The damn black cowboy hat that led you to this, standing here with your own family. People who loved you and your daughter unconditionally.
Who knew a cowboy hat could change so much in the span of a few short months.
As your blonde cowboy smiled at you like you held the world, you realized in that moment you were more than thankful for that cowboy hat, and the cowboy who wore it. 
a/n: that is it! i honestly loved writing this lil guy and honestly this was something I've never seen in the AU world and I just hope every one loves it as much as I do. :)
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hi ash !! id love to hear abt ff16 ash & vivian !! whats their dynamic like, how did they meet, what does the rest of the hideaway think abt their relationship ? - @dmclr
HELLO!!! :D!
I'm always so happy to talk about my gf V.ivian!
As for like. Irl me, it was love at first sight! I followed 16 really closely when it came out, literally bought a whole new console for it. I remember seeing V.ivian in the State of Play and having an *Oh.* moment.
But as for my S/I, she met V.ivian in the Hideaway after C.id and M.id saved her from the assassination plot in Kanver. I think that Ash was in the Hideaway pre-timeskip too, but she was always a little lonely. It was established that she likes to read and likes to study, but is a bit of a goofball too. She's very close with H.arpocrates and sees him as a grandpa!
But once the new Hideaway comes along, Ash hangs out in the Map Room with V.ivian! V.ivian is a little cold and stand-offish at first, but she had a soft spot for Ash. Ash had a passion for learning, and V.ivian had a passion for teaching.
I'm still deciding about this, but I was thinking that Ash isn't native to Valisthea. V.ivian helps explain things to her and it's not long before they're catching feelings. Ash is kinda characterized by being a bit of an awkward loser, but it's very obvious that she has it bad for V.ivian.
As a result of Ash's general nerdiness, she gets along very well with J.oshua! They're also the same age. She sees C.live as a big brother also.
Pretty much the whole Hideaway is in on it. There's actually a sidequest in which C.live helps Ash pick flowers for V.ivian!
(During that quest, Ash is a party member! She fights with two twin daggers and helped defend the first Hideaway as well. Her combat lines are quite funny.
"Can I say it, C.live?"
"Say what?"
Then she makes her voice all deep, putting on her best British accent.
"T.orgal! Kill!")
Asta frequently teases Ash about her crush on V.ivian too.
"Oh, but the Map Room is so dim! It's only you two there! Surely no one would notice if you leaned in and-"
Anyways, Ash and V.ivian begin to date during the game! V.ivian is a lot softer whenever Ash is around and has been shown to smile quite often around her. They're both people that have struggled to fit in with the world, but they find a home (a Hideaway, if you will BAHAHAHA) in each other. They're also just both total nerds that love studying together.
The Inner Thoughts in the DLC mention that V.ivian stays up very late studying, so Ash is always dragging her to bed and telling her to rest. V.ivian appreciates it a lot.
Ash's inner thoughts mention something about her not feeling like she deserves someone as great at V.ivian, but to V.ivian... Ash is just amazing. She's never quite been a jokester, but Ash's puns make her smile. She loves that happy look in Ash's eye whenever she finds a good book.
They're side characters so there's not too much going on, but you see their relationship blossom throughout the later part of the game and they're super cute methinks!
V.ivian N.inetales the woman of all time!
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NSP Character's Zodiac signs
♑ Capricorn: Wesley Hastings, Kerrim Caulfield, Quin
♒ Aquarius: Dr Feldman, Dr Lam
♓ Pisces: Jenny Holt
♈ Aries: Alex Kelly, Vivian Godfrey
♉ Taurus: Diego & Vanessa Alvarez
♊ Gemini: Justin James, Olivia Lark
♋ Cancer: Cam (beloved) Archer, Phoebe Chen
♌ Leo: Mira Zafar, Lea Parrish, Spencer Williams, Piers Almeida
♍ Virgo: Angelo Volta, Miles Beaumont, Heather Duran
♎ Libra: Agent Rayner
♏ Scorpio: Sebastian, Dagger (beloved), Lisa Fen, Joey Finch
♐ Sagittarius: Adair North
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ladychlo · 2 years
hi can u recommend me some trans literature please!!!!
Hi love! I'm so sorry, I'm awfully late to this! I tried to download some so they can be accessible to you but I might have a problem with my drive! anyways these are some of which I've read and some on my reading list!
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
Dagger: On Butch Women by Lily Burana
Invisible Lives: The Erasure of Transexual and Transgendered People. by Namaste, Vivian K.
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
For Today I Am A Boy by Kim Fu
Yes, You Are Trans Enough by Mia Violet
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Serrano Julia
Transgender History by Stryker Susan
Why Wanting in Arabic by Trish Salah
GENDERqUEER: voices from beyond the sexual binary
ComQueer and Trans Artists of Color: Stories of Some of Our Lives by Nia Kingplex
Trans Like Me by CN Lester
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial by Stanley, Eric A. and Nat Smith
Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique by SA’ED ATSHAN
Bad Girls (Las malas) by Camila Sosa Villada
Las Biuty Queens by Iván Monalisa Ojeda
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What if reader return kiross feelings what would the friend group reaction be
-silver anon
cassidy is sobbing, screaming, hysterically throwing themselves around like the grudge. You were supposed to love her! Just like you promised when you were kids!
Michelle is planning kiross's death. nails impatiently tapping against the desk she propped her elbows against, holding up her head by placing her chin on it. She's going to make him regret ever being born
Vivian is smiling through the pain, secretly glaring daggers into kiross's head. And maybe even glaring at you, why the hell would you fall in love with that asshole of a creep? She's so much better..
alexis is now physically bullying kiross. It seems a day doesn't go by where the two aren't full on MMA brawling on the school's front lawn. Who knew Alex was so strong?
Daichio will not so subtly threaten kiross. How dare you steal his girl? Do you want your brains battered all over the sidewalk? No? Then stay away from y/n. (It doesn't work)
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darkestspring · 1 year
Drinking party with yandere hubbies part 1 😂
Aegon : why is everyone allowed drinks except me !?
Cerise : because you're a lightweight dear.
Vivian and Daeron laughing at Aegons misery : 😂😂😂
Baelon ii : there's a story there isn't it ?
Eloise : t...the last time he was drunk he tried kissing me thinking I'm cerise...
Aemond : should have chopped his hand off for that shit !
Helena : oh dear...
eloise, trying to hold aemond back: husband, i-it's supposed to be a fun party. Please just sit next to me.
aemond, glaring daggers at aegon: i'll get you later.
aegon, hiding behind cerise: im sorry!!!!
baelon ii, holding helaena: just one nice party.
vivian, feeding daeron slices of apple: good boy!
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bcrgondy · 2 years
closed starter for :   @slumberpcrty​
    “    who’s that ?    ”        fidgeting with her earring ,     vivian with her impeccable charm and poise bends her cheek towards the bump of her shoulder in such a way as to make room for her son so he whisper  :       “     pamela .    ”           there’s a tonal shift that indicates surprise  ------    familiarity even ,        before he could disguise it  .      “      i know her from    [      ...      ]     work ?   ”       sebastian and vivian exchange suspicious glances  ,       pearly teeth displaying in faux innocence  .     the flat of his mother’s palm comes to cup his cheek as if holding a nestling  ,       him soft as a kitten purring in her hand  .     “     work .    ”       echoes after him  ,       skepticism coating that forked tongue ,        but the inquiry takes a backseat upon rupert’s arrival ,    date a few steps behind ----     looking particularly uncomfortable to be the center of attention  .     his parents exchange pleasantries and forged smiles  ,           kissing each other on the cheek like judas .    "      rupert ,    ”       she greets warmly  ,    as though there are not daggers aimed at his throat  .      “      what a lovely surprise ,     ”        it’s a power-struggle  ,           both tugging at the end of the same rope  ;        some days  ,     sebastian thinks they’re both still    very much in love   ,     in the ways wolves are in love  -----    teeth bared  ,     ready to main each other at the slighest sign of weakness  .  a twisted   ,      strange kind of love ------   why else keep playing this ?    “     if only you rsvp’d ,     i could’ve easily accomodate you and your ------ friend  ,     better .     maybe rustle up a pop-tart .      ”      that plastic smile stretches thin   ----- in contrast  ,     rupert’s seem to radiate with venomous pride .   “      ah ,     you know me  ,     darling  -----  i couldn’t pass on the opportunity to surprise you ,      ”      of course he couldn’t .    “    don’t you look like a   demonic succubus .    ”        they continue to exchange jabs while sebastian remains ever the faithful pawn  ,     perched by his mother’s arm ,    looking at the girl as though they’re both look as though they’re being held hostage in the scene of a crime .       “     hey ,     pompom  ,       ”        sebastian offers a     low wave  ,        she does the same  ,      sucking in her lips into a thin line  ,      not daring to utter a word .      good god ,     there’s barely room to breathe .         “    sebastian ,    ”        vivian's body instictively shifts into something defensive   ,      tightening he grip as rupert calls for his son  ,        who looks positively unbothered by the chaos  ,        as if this was any other saturday  ---------- and it might as well have been .       “     how have you been ?     is it two months sober  ,      now ?       your mother must be so proud .      ”          some shallow attempt to embarass him  ,      to which he raises his glass of water ,     mimicking his mother’s faux smile before she can intervene .      “      every day a gift .     ”         cue the eyeroll  ;     scans the crowd one more time to be met with disappoint  ,       and decides to leave before this conversation drives him to snatch a flute of champagne  .        “       wanna go grab a drink ?    ”     he offers to pamela   ,    who looks      hesitant   ,       hand grasping at air   ----- her partner too engaged in its repartee with his ex-wife to offer comfort .      “     trust me ,      this can go on awhile .     c’mon ,     ”      he snatches her hand before she can protest  ,      pulling her away and into the crowd  -----   there’s safety in numbers  .    and like a   magic trick  ,            as they slip through bodies seamlessly    ,      bubbly champage appears in his right hand  ,       quickly handed off to his partner in suffering .
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“      thanks for the rescue ,     ”         away from the subtle bickering   ,     she seems to   relax    a little  ,     though  ,      he can tell there’s    something    lodged in her throat  .     “    sebastian ,  i   -----     ”          he cuts in ,    not waiting for her to finish that thought .     “     it’s a judgement free zone  ,      no worries       [       ...       ]      i’m the      last person      you need to justify your choices to .       honestly  .      i just thought you might need a drink  .   ”       swallowing whatever she was gonna spill  ,        he playfully nudges her shoulder making them both laugh at the ridiculousness of it all .     “       you're here just to support you mom ?      that’s ----  sweet  .    you must be really close .    ”         there’s a beat .      “      are you here all by yourself��?     ”        he doesn’t bother looking through the crowd this time  ,       trying to adjust his expectations to reality  ------    who would willingly choose to dive into a pool full of sharks anyways ?    “     i guess i am ,     ”        doesn’t hide his      disappointment     at that  ,       but keeps that smile pinned to his face like a shield   .    “      my date’s a no-show  .     ”      ah .     her tongue clicks  ------     he could swear she looked    pleased    with that piece of information  .     “     well ,       i’m sure you won’t be lonely for long ,   ”        nudges him towards the sea of women that’d be hushing their voices at the furthest corner  ,       plotting how to go about their bids  ,     from what he could gather ----   chirps of jovial laughter echoes throughout the room  ,      mixing in with the loud chit-chatter of strangers and clinking of glasses .       “     you know ,     i’m sorry about all this  .     i know i should’ve been more firm .     i told rupert i didn’t wanna come and cause  all this drama ,      but ,   you know how persuasive he can be .     ”       sebastian just nods  ,      numb  at these childish antics at this point  ------    bribed her  ,      if he had to guess  ------ a new car  ,      maybe ?     “       it’s not your fault  ,    pompom .    my whole family has a  -------     flair for the dramatics ,       in case you haven’t noticed ,      ”         he gestures towards the place  ,     undoubtedly crafted to leave an impression    ----   his mother had truly    outdone     herself .       “      at least it’s never boring  ,     right ?    ”
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“They told me you were dead” Vivian rasped, glaring hard at the man before her. Though ice filled her words, her eyes swam with unbridled grief. How, she thought desperately. How can this be possible? She still remembered that day; the chaos that followed an explosive ambush, her mother and father barking orders over the noise, Azazel whisking her away to safety while her caretaker, her only real friend in the world, ran to the other side the moment they broke into her childhood home. Vivian grit her teeth; the cold, crystalline shards swirling around her fingers sharpened like daggers.
“I spent ten years believing you were dead,” she said, unable to keep the quiver from her voice this time. “And now I find you’re alive and well? With him, of all people!”
The older man, this scruffy, wayward remnant of a life long past opened his mouth to reply; she wasn’t about to give him that courtesy. Not anymore.
“I was just a girl,” she cried, and as she did the ache in her chest spilled out across her face. “I was a girl, and I needed my father.” Why, she added silently, unable to speak it aloud. Why did you leave me all alone?
That one AU where the Ice Queen discovers Erik is still alive…💔
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Nov 19 - 25, 2022  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
An Understanding - @potionsprefect 🎭
Luke and Lily learn why one specific day always makes Victoria sad. [Hurt/Comfort; Domestic; Family]
Candy Thieves - @liaromancewriter ☁
One bowl of candy, four children. What could go wrong? [Domestic; Family]
Full Circle - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan meets someone from his past and realizes life is full of surprises.
Hide and Seek - @peonyblossom ☁
While relaxing, Sadie and Ethan help their youngest daughter with a game of hide-and-seek. [Domestic; Family]
Scarlet - @ofmischiefandmedicine ♥
Things get heated up during their Dagger Mountain getaway.
Second Chances - @jamespotterthefirst 📱📷🦃
Their son gets in a fight at school right before Thanksgiving. [Domestic; Family]
Thankful - @jerzwriter ☁🦃
Ethan and Kaycee’s Thanksgiving plans go awry, but they end up going better than they had planned. Feat. OH Gang
The Eleventh Hour - @inlocusmads  ☁
Ethan wallows in his sorrows. Hope eventually arrives in the form of a pajama-wearing, file-bearing, frantically-running Jane. [Proposal]
The Mystery Called Rookie - @ambraambrose ☁
Ethan has just one question: why didn't Valentine join the competition?
Unsure Words - @potionsprefect 🦚
Victoria asks Ethan about his comments in the interview, and is left feeling hopeful.
Untitled Fic - @ethanramseytwilight 🦚
Ethan is insecure and Catherine is there for him. [Hurt/Comfort]
Winter Wonderland - @trappedinfanfiction 📷 ☁
Ethan is taking Celia away on a small winter vacation. [Vacation]
This Life - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🎭
[extended: wip] All appears well in the Ramsey household until Louise suddenly leaves, throwing life into disarray. TW: Deals with abandonment Feat. Ethan Ramsey, Alan Ramsey, Harper Emery, Naveen Banerji, F!MC, Tobias Carrick
Part 6: When Life Turns On a Dime [1.1]
Part 7: Are We Ever In Control [1.4]
Happy Ever After - @liaromancewriter ☁
After a whirlwind romance, Max has an important question to ask Sienna. [Proposal]
Small Blessings - @liaromancewriter 📷
Five times Sienna was thankful on social media for having love in her life. [Domestic; Family]
A Little Detour: The Elopement - @jerzwriter ☁
With their planned wedding less than a month away, they hop on a flight to Vegas to make it legal.... all by themselves. [Wedding]
Best Men - @jerzwriter 🦚
Not everyone is happy to hear Tobias & Casey's news, but others help them through, and Ethan is elated with his new role. Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Consequences - @jerzwriter 🎭
Ethan is being a wonderful friend but fails to make a good impression on a new doctor. A displeased Vivian confronts her youngest son. Casey makes a new friend, and Jordan wants to make amends, but is Tobias ready?
The Perfect Thanksgiving - @jerzwriter ☁🦃
Tobias and Casey spend their first Thanksgiving together as husband and wife. [Pregnancy]
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Please, I loved the kidnapped scenario! But instead of causing mischief, what if MC manages to free themselves and comes back walking to the castle covered in blood and (superficial) injuries as if nothing is wrong?
Bonus point if it's a kind/sweet MC that just smiles and says "I'm sorry I'm late" to baffled guards and then their loved ones and ROs
ask and you shall receive! well, I did my best lol
below the cut, cw: reference to blood, death
Vivian, James, Anna, and the RO are hunched over a table in the war room discussing how to get you back. Suddenly there's a commotion and the guards turn to the door with their swords ready.
All eyes are on the door as you stroll through, clothing torn, dried blood caked all over you.
You let out something between a gleeful giggle and an evil chuckle, "I'm sorry that I'm late." Your smile only causes unease to spread throughout the room.
Vivian: Vivian is...impressed. And concerned. How did you get free? And who laughs about being kidnapped? Vivian makes a note to ensure you seek mental help. Outwardly, she offers her youngest child a smile, "No, darling, you're just on time."
James: James grins at his twin, then realizes you probably just killed a bunch of people. Are you okay?! No, wait, he's sure it's an overreaction, you wouldn't kill someone! He eyes the blood and scratches. "I'm fetching a doctor!" he says as he dashes out of the room.
Anna: Anna narrows her eyes at you. What the hell kind of laugh was that? Are you broken or something? She walks over to you carefully. You stare back with nothing behind your eyes, but an innocent smile on your face. "You need a bath," she says bluntly. You just shrug and say, "You're right - I shouldn't look this in polite company."
F: F is shocked by both your appearance and your demeanor. They want to check every inch of you to see how serious the wounds are. But...you look okay...so, right now, they just want to hug you and kiss your forehead. They silently thank the gods for your return. F's grateful that you can take care of yourself since they're not much of a fighter. They are a lover though and they plan to show you plenty.
Margaret: Margaret watches you carefully, relieved but curious. Her eyes carefully inspect every inch of you, from head to toe. Then she walks over and asks, "Do you need anything?" Her fingers linger on your arm. You shake your head. Then she disappears out of the room, daggers swirling in her fingers.
Constantine: Constantine is shocked to see you in such a state. After spending twenty minutes personally checking every scratch, only then is he satisfied. He doesn't care if you're covered in blood, he's still in awe of your magnificence. He resists the urge to kiss you and instead says, "I'll be back." The only thing on his mind vengeance.
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