#voc unit
m00ngbin · 2 months
I'm doomed I keep forgetting the difference between the Simpson Index and the Lincoln Index. I am in so much distress right now it's not even funny
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queeranarchism · 1 year
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[Opening panel of a comic, reading: “On July 1st we celebrate Keti Koti, ‘chains broken’ (say ‘kitty kotty’). The end of Dutch slavery! or well...]
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[On this day 160 years ago (1863) slavery was officially abolished in the Dutch colonies Suriname & the Netherlands Antilles. 45.000 enslaved people are now free. Slaveowner: “but now what am I going to do without my free labour?!” Government official: “oh so sad! here’s compensation!”]
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[Formed enslaved person: “Now what about compensation for the CENTURIES of free labour my ancestors and I were forced to do?” Slave owner and state official: “Hahahahaha nope” Slave owner: “In fact: to make is easier for ME you’ll be forced to work another DECADE for me! but I’ll pay you. A little.”]
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[The Netherlands made a lot of money from enslaved people; by selling them & by the work they did on the plantations in Dutch colonies. The power & wealth of my country is partially build on SLAVERY and 160 years later we still benefit from this.]
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[But until recently our colonial past was only seen as something positive... Former prime minister: “We need that VOC mentality!] (VOC= United East India Company)
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[White person: “Why should I celebrate Keti Koti?! My ancestors weren’t enslaved!” Other white person: “No, but YOUR ancestors might have been SLAVE OWNERS! just saying.”]
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[We all still benefit OR sugger from our history. And we can’t change the past... but we should ACKNOWLEDGE it. Image of a person planting a large flag with the word SLAVERY on the timeline of Dutch history.]
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[And because there are too many people like this White person: “What does some Surinamese holiday has to do with ME?!” ...we could definitely use a NATIONAL holiday! Other white person holding up a Dutch flag with the words “Built by enslaved people” on it.]
By Maaike Hartjes: https://comichouse.nl/author/hartjes/
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ltwilliammowett · 6 months
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Delicate grace awaits you today in door no. 5 - the Brig La Grace:
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Brig La Grace
More about her here:
La Grace is a replica of a brig from the 18th century. The original ship of the first Czech captain Augustin Herrman (who was among others employed by the Dutch VOC) bore this name during merchant and exploratory travels around Europe, United States, Caribbean and across the Atlantic Ocean.
La Grace was also renowned for her corsair activities. Especially well-known is her victory over two Spanish barques carrying sugar, tobacco and wine near the coast of Guatemala.
This modern replica is utilised solely to teach the art of old-time seamanship. Her crew is mainly from the Czech Republic.
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whencyclopedia · 8 months
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Dutch East India Company
The Dutch East India Company (VOC) was formed in 1602 by the Staten-Generaal (States General) of the then Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. The company was granted a 21-year charter with rights to trade exclusively in Asia and to buy valuable spices, such as nutmeg, mace, and cloves. Spices were in high demand in Europe to flavour food dishes and for use in medicines, and the company eventually gained a monopoly on spices.
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positivexcellence · 1 month
towwn: we’re partnering with @potterybarnteen to help rethink our home decorating habits, to challenge ourselves to use what we have and take only what we need! we made a few updates to tom’s space including this Sleep & Study Low Loft, which is GREENGUARD Gold Certified (and super functional!) and new bedding, which is all made from organic and responsibly sourced cotton.   ♻️upcycling heirlooms - thrift vintage treasures and hold on to art and family mementos to add creative style elements with history. using items that hold special meaning give a room character and help make a house feel like a home. bonus: it keeps unnecessary trash out of landfills!    💭thoughtful sourcing - be mindful of where you shop. Pottery Barn Teen’s commitment to creating sustainable spaces includes its GREENGUARD Gold Certification with furniture that use only high-quality materials tested for harmful chemical emissions as one of the 100 Most Sustainable Companies in the United States.   ⚡️energy savers - opt for energy-smart LED lights and smart power strips that turn off when not in use to reduce unnecessary power usage.    🎨clean paints - paint is an ever-present part of interior decorating, so finding an environmentally-friendly option can be a great way to protect the health of your family and the planet. look for low or zero VOC paint and paints with a GREENGUARD certification seal.   got your own eco-friendly home decorating ideas? drop ‘em the the comments below.
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slushyseals · 1 year
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What is your favorite seal? Comment below!
Part of this blog's goal is to educate people about the different kinds of seals, so if you aren't sure read on and pick a favorite!
Water based Latex Popular for residential use because of the ease of application and ability to adhere to most substrates. These can be painted on and are suitable for situations where gaps / voids are very small and movement is minimal. Latex is can be prone to shrinkage and can pull away from the substrate creating gaps, allowing water to penetrate. You will often find water based latex seals in freshwater such as Lake Ladoga or Baikal.
Acrylic These are UV stable making them suitable for exterior applications, and are not prone to shrinkage. Acrylics can be difficult to apply and cannot accommodate significant movement. Contrary to popular belief, acrylic seals don't actually eat crabs!
Butyl Adheres well to a broad variety of substrates but can be hard to apply due to their stringier consistency. They have poor resistance to abrasion and struggle to accommodate movements that introduce shearing forces. They are not suitable for demanding building applications. You can find them across all of the islands of Hawaii, but don't get close because they're endangered!
Polysulfide Excellent flexibility even at low temperatures with little shrinkage or UV degradation, and can be used for underwater applications. Polysulfides are more expensive than similar sealants and have a tendency to have higher levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Though, a life expectancy of 10 to 20 years does compensate for the price somewhat. When most people think of seals, these arctic animals with their fuzzy white babies are in the top three!
Silicone Has excellent thermal resistance, good dynamic movement capability and good adhesion. They can be easily vandalised and tend to collect dirt. For certain substrates (such as stone), staining may also be an issue, in some cases making the use of primers a necessity. As weather proofing and air sealing applications silicones can be used structurally e.g. for bonding glass or metal to frames. Silicones are generally the most expensive but quality silicones have very good durability performance. These seals are often seen along the shores of La Jolla beach.
Polyisobutylenes Have similar properties to natural rubber but with improved durability, good resistance to chemical attack, and have very low permeability. These are commonly used as the primary seal for insulating glazing units (IGU) as they are capable of resisting the transmission of vapour and gases. The products are normally factory applied, rather than site applied. You can find Polyisobutylene seals all over the world, and they are the origin of Selkies!
Polyurethane Adhere well to the majority of different surfaces with little substrate preparation, and are generally the go-to choice for contractors. They have excellent resilience to abrasion and shear forces as well as having strong adhesion and movement capability. When male seals of this type reach maturity they gain a scent similar to gasoline! In fact, Ponsuke is a polyurethane seal!
No singular seal is universally superior or inferior to another. Some are simply better at certain applications than others are due to their innate physical and chemical properties. But we all have our favorites!
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learnwithmearticles · 2 months
Lawns and Variation
Lawns most often consist of grasses and clover kept short by mowing. For decades in the United States of America, they were an important aspect of conformity. To this day, lawn maintenance is a key focus of many Homeowner Associations (HOAs). Through media and HOA policies, lawns grown out of control are associated with neglected land and poverty.
A short, well-kept lawn can be very aesthetically pleasing. It also reduces concerns about ticks and other pests. Maintaining one through regular mowing can provide homeowners a reason to spend time outside, and be part of important routines that help people keep their lives on track. Additionally, a short lawn is ideal for outside activities for pets, children, and adults. Of course, not maintaining one’s lawn can also lead to fines if part of an HOA.
The negatives of monoculture lawns, however, far outweigh the potential benefits.
The Negatives
Reducing biodiversity is the best-known way in which typical lawns cause damage. Persistent mowing keeps many species of plants from succeeding. Low biodiversity directly contributes to low ecosystem resilience1. For example, when a pest or fungus comes along that wipes out one type of plant, an entire field or dozens of fields will be wiped out because they are all the same plant. That leaves the land susceptible to erosion, flooding, and desertification (i.e arid land).
Low biodiversity means worse conditions for other forms of life, as well. Regular mowing to keep the grass short and uniform also keeps different floral plants from growing, thus reducing resources for pollinators1.
Persistent mowing also acts as an unnecessary addition to greenhouse gas production. Gas-powered lawn equipment contributes significantly to CO2, NOx, and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions3. The amount of carbon equivalent pollution from lawn mowing and fertilizer use more than negates the benefit of carbon sequestration (CO2 kept out of the atmosphere) in grass yards2.
For many, yard maintenance also involves fertilizer and pesticide use. Fertilizer use contaminates waterways, primarily through rainfall, and causes algal blooms and decreased oxygenation in waterways. Pesticides can also pollute waterways. In fact, a majority of applied pesticides end up in soil, water, and air, and end up entering the food chain where they negatively affect a wide range of animals, including humans5. Pesticide contamination in humans has been linked to conditions like cancers, neurological issues, obesity, and neurological issues, to name a few5.
Lastly, lawns can need excessive amounts of water. On average, about 9 billion gallons of water goes to watering lawns in the U.S.A. every day6. This is made worse by poor watering practices, causing much of that water to be lost to evaporation and runoff. Water is considered a renewable resource, but that is contingent on proper maintenance and management.
Grass lawns around the world consume an abundance of resources and toxic materials to maintain. Maintaining a grass lawn is ecologically harmful because of pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum pollution, low biodiversity, erosion, and water use.
Cultivating native flora instead nullifies the need for these measures. Native plants are physiologically adapted to the local climate and conditions, and thus need less, if any, watering7. They are less likely to need pesticides or fertilizers, and their deeper root systems decrease soil erosion8. The reduced use of lawn equipment vastly improves air quality, and provides a much more interesting view than a monoculture yard8.
Transitioning a lawn from short, uniform grasses into a more biodiverse, environmentally healthy yard can be very difficult, and potentially impossible for some people. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, though. Fostering the growth of clovers instead of grasses, for example, can be a good step for your soil.
Clovers include about 300 species with native varieties in many parts of the world, including Europe, central Asia, North America, and Africa. Clovers generally need minimal maintenance and, if allowed to flower, provide valuable resources for native pollinators9. Clover is also esteemed for its nitrogen-fixing properties. Like many legumes, clover species pull nitrogen from the atmosphere and increase nitrogen availability in soil10.
Converting grass lawns into areas for various native flora has many benefits for the environment and the land-owner, who can enjoy beautiful flowers and bushes while improving air and water quality. While a clover lawn is not as beneficial in these aspects, they can still be an important way for people to start improving their lawn. Fortunately, many more websites now exist to guide land-owners in cultivating native plants. There is always something you can do to help.
Additional Resources
1. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1365-2664.13542
2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00267-012-9967-6
3. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-09/documents/banks.pdf
4. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/kaufmana/downloads/Kaufman%20Lawn.pdf 
5. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40726-018-0092-x
6. https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/www3/watersense/pubs/outdoor.html
8. https://archive.epa.gov/greenacres/web/html/index.html#
9. https://www.oneearth.org/the-various-advantages-of-clover/
10. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/its2.19
11. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1618866715000436
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fyeahcindie · 5 months
Another good band to check out is 遺忘曲線 Forgetting Curve from Guangzhou. =D
I have so little info on this unit, not even a weibo site. And I only just saw them featured this week on Zoo Chronicle 動樂記 channel. (very good channel for promoting mainland bands on YT)
I found these members: 何嘉棋 MusicK-Voc/Gtr, 雷子-Lead Gtr, 小北-Bass, Gihong-Drums.
The name 遺忘曲線 Forgetting Curve is a problem for people looking for the band, because it's a scientific/psychological term. The name comes from Hermann Ebbinghaus' The forgetting curve, which hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time. (wikipedia links).
There is also a British band by that name.  If anybody has some links for 遺忘曲線 Forgetting Curve, please let me know. =)
Links:  Spotify
There is/was another Guangzhou band we featured called Yu Fei Men 與非門 (weibo), searching for their name led to the computer term 与非门 NAND gate. (chinese wiki link)
I loved this band, this song is from 2003:
The English wiki page has some good info, including releases and members. Jiang Fan 蒋凡-voc, Atsing 阿庆; A Qing, prog/gtr, San Shao (三少) songwriter/DJ
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quidditchfest · 2 years
Quidditch Fest 2022 Masterlist
The Quidditch Pitch Incident Thefrancakes | @the-francakes Explicit, 11k
Fear ~ Fall ~ Fly Dexiha | @assassinsdragons Gen, 2k
Practice Makes Perfect [Art] sugareey | @sugareey-makes-stuff Explicit
Harry Potter and the Half-Guard Prince vocatives | @vocative   Mature, 4k
Learn To Fly Ladderofyears | @ladderofyears Explicit, 26k
swift as an arrow saltwatergarden | @talkingtravesties Mature, 6k
Lust is Blind veelawings | @veelawings Explicit, Digital Watercolor
take me, please (where i'm supposed to be) Melacka | @melacka Gen, 2k
The Puddlemere United Calendar Fiasco of 2002-03 TheLadyGia | @theladygia Explicit, 9k
It Takes Two to Tango [Art] Anaxandria | @anaxandria-writes Gen
Leathers and Lace doshu | @vdoshu Explicit, 8k
The Puddlemere United Calendar Fiasco of 2002-03 TheLadyGia | @theladygia Explicit, 9k
Krum’s Bum doshu | @vdoshu Explicit, 3k
Ron Weasley’s Sexy Little Problem greenmegsnoham | @greenmegsnoham Explicit, 4k
We’d like to thank our creators and fans for making this year’s Quidditch Fest so great!
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Exploring Modern Condo Interior Designs
Living in a condo combines comfort, community, and the elegance of city life. As more people move into urban areas, the need for trendy condo interiors increases. We see changes from smarter space use to the integration of modern styles. Today, condo interior designs are tailored to city dweller's needs and wants. This article digs into the current trends molding condo interiors and how these designs redefine city living spaces. Practical Simplicity: With the busy urban life, uncomplicated yet functional designs rule the condominium scene. This style prioritizes neat lines, organized areas, and multi-use furniture that enhance usage without losing chic appeal. Convertible sofa beds, wall-attached storage solutions and others capture this trend, They make smaller condo units appear roomier and more welcoming. Green Design: An important part of modern condo interior designs is bringing elements of nature indoors. With green design methods, we add natural aspects like plants, daylight, and organic materials to create peaceful living spaces that encourage a strong bond with nature. It could be a wall adorned with various plants, big windows overlooking parks, or the use of eco-friendly wood accents. This design brings a calm and relaxing vibe into the heart of bustling city life. Smart Homes: Advancements in smart home tech have changed condo living, offering improved safety and energy efficiency. With features like automatic lights, climate control, voice-activated apps, and security cameras that can be accessed remotely, smart tech integrates well with condo life. It increases comfort while cutting back on energy use and carbon emissions. Flexible Spaces: Urban condo dwellers are embracing versatile spaces. Condo designs now serve many uses, courtesy of open layout plans that flow from one area to another. With things like foldable desks, movable partitions, and adjustable furniture, residents can personalize their living areas to suit their shifting needs, enhancing usability without giving up on style. Unique Lighting: The key to a condo's ambiance is in its lighting. Statement light fixtures have become a trend, giving a bold and unique touch to modern condo spaces. Whether it's big hanging lights, creatively built chandeliers, or simple track lights, these mood setters add personality and depth to the overall condo design. Handmade Items: As mass production grows, so does interest in handmade craftsmanship in condo design. Custom furniture, bespoke fabrics, and handmade accessories add warmth and truth to modern condo spaces. They bring a touch of individuality. Things like handwoven carpets and hand-blown glasses add timeless elegance and class to condo life. Green Materials: More and more people are thinking about the environment when they design their condos. They are using sustainable materials like used wood, poor old glass, and friendly fabrics. These materials are good for nature and help make condos that don't hurt our world. Things like energy-saving appliances and low VOC paints do the same. They also cut down on carbon and make condo living healthier and happier.
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Johannes Steendam - Orang Kaya (Indonesian leaders), 1621. Skulls carved out of nutmeg. 1621 is the year the Dutch United East-India company (VOC) committed genocide on the Banda islands to secure the nutmeg monopoly
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logi1974 · 2 years
Cape Town (Afrikaans: Kaapstad; Xhosa: iKapa) is located on the shore of Table Bay, Cape Town, as the oldest urban area in South Africa, was developed by the United East India Company (VOC) as a supply station for Dutch ships sailing to East Africa, India, and the Far East. Jan van Riebeeck's arrival on 6 April 1652 established the VOC Cape Colony, the first permanent European settlement in South Africa. Cape Town outgrew its original purpose as the first European outpost at the Castle of Good Hope, becoming the economic and cultural hub of the Cape Colony. Until the Witwatersrand Gold Rush and the development of Johannesburg, Cape Town was the largest city in South Africa.
Kapstadt (Afrikaans: Kaapstad; Xhosa: iKapa) liegt am Ufer der Tafelbucht. Kapstadt wurde als ältestes Stadtgebiet Südafrikas von der United East India Company (VOC) als Versorgungsstation für niederländische Schiffe erschlossen die  nach Ostafrika, Indien und in den Fernen Osten segelten. Jan van Riebeecks Ankunft am 6. April 1652 gründete die VOC Cape Colony, die erste dauerhafte europäische Siedlung in Südafrika. Kapstadt wuchs über seinen ursprünglichen Zweck als erster europäischer Außenposten am Castle of Good Hope hinaus und wurde zum wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Zentrum der Kapkolonie. Bis zum Witwatersrand-Goldrausch und der Entwicklung von Johannesburg war Kapstadt die größte Stadt Südafrikas.
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What Are The Best Paint Finishes For Different Rooms In Your Home?
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When it comes to decorating a home, the most important element is often the paint. The color and finish of your walls can set the tone for each room in your house, from cozy nooks to large entryways that make an impression on visitors. Selecting the best paints and finishes for different rooms in your home can be daunting, but with the right knowledge, you’ll have no problem creating a beautiful space that feels like home.
In this article, we’ll explore which types of paint are ideal for different areas in your home. From high-traffic hallways to low-light bedrooms, there’s something perfect for every corner of your dwelling. We’ll also provide tips on selecting colors and other materials that complement all spaces while making them feel inviting and comfortable. With our guidance, you’ll be able to curate a living environment that’s unique to you and reflects who you are as an individual or family unit.
By taking into consideration factors such as lighting, traffic flow and personal preference when choosing paints and finishes for different rooms within your home, you will create an interior design scheme that speaks to your own style—and invites warmth and comfort in equal measure. Read on to learn more about how best to achieve these goals!
Types Of Paint Finishes
When considering the best paint finish for different rooms in your home, it is important to understand the types of finishes available. Eggshell and satin finishes provide a soft sheen that reflects light well. These are great options for walls and ceilings as they offer a delicate glow. Semi-gloss is another popular option, providing more reflective properties than eggshell or satin but still having an understated look. Matte finishes give off no shine at all and are perfect for hiding imperfections on walls and ceilings. High-gloss paints can make any room pop due to their glossy appearance; however, this type of finish is not ideal for surfaces with many flaws as those will be much more visible with this kind of paint.
For areas where durability is key, such as kitchens and bathrooms, semi-gloss and high-gloss paint will hold up better over time than matts or eggshells do. For living rooms and bedrooms, softer finishes like matte or eggshell will create a warm atmosphere while still being easy to clean if needed. Ultimately, choosing the right paint finish depends on both personal preference and functional needs. With careful consideration, you can find the perfect paint finish that adds character to each room in your home.
Factors To Consider When Choosing A Finish
When choosing a paint finish for different rooms in the home, there are several factors to consider. Durability is of paramount importance when selecting a paint finish; this will ensure that the chosen finish can withstand wear and tear from everyday use. Sheen level should also be taken into account, as it affects both price and performance. The cost of the product must also be considered, especially if on a budget or if painting an entire area. Colour selection plays an important role in creating atmosphere within any space, so do some research beforehand to get the desired look. Environmental impact is becoming ever more significant when making decisions about interior design products – opting for low VOC paints may come at an additional cost but could prove beneficial in terms of air quality. With careful consideration given to these criteria, homeowners can choose the best paint finishes for their needs with confidence.
Kitchen Walls
When it comes to selecting the right paint finish for kitchen walls, there are several options available. From glossy finishes that add a modern touch to matte finishes that create an inviting atmosphere, each type of paint offers its own unique benefits and aesthetic appeal.
Glossy and semi-gloss paints provide added durability when compared to flat finishes; they also help with cleaning up any messes or spills in the kitchen. Glossy finishes can give your kitchen walls a contemporary feel while still providing adequate protection from wear and tear. Semi-gloss paints tend to be less shiny than gloss but still offer good resistance against moisture and grease splatter. Both types of high-glaince paints are best suited for kitchens where frequent wiping is required.
Matte or eggshell paint works well in areas where food preparation takes place because these types of finishes do not reflect light directly off surfaces, making them easier on the eyes. Matte paint tends to hide imperfections better than other wall coatings since it absorbs more light instead of reflecting it back into a room, so it's ideal for older homes with aging plaster walls or uneven surfaces. Eggshell provides slightly more sheen than matte but still allows some flexibility with color depth and texture variation due to its low luster finish.
In addition to traditional interior paint colors, you may want to consider incorporating creative elements such as faux painting techniques, textured designs, stencils, wallpaper borders or murals for accenting specific sections of your kitchen walls – all great ways to personalize your cooking space without having to invest too much time or money into redecorating projects!
Bathroom Walls
Bathroom walls present a unique challenge for paint finishes due to their high exposure to moisture and potential for mildew growth. Waterproof paints are the best option for bathroom walls; however, these can be more expensive than regular non-waterproof paints. If you're willing to invest in waterproof paint, it will pay off in the long run since it is resistant to damp areas and won't allow mold or mildew growth. Even if you choose not to use waterproof paint on your bathroom walls, opt for something that offers great protection against water damage, such as semi-gloss or eggshell finish. These two finishes offer a good balance between durability and aesthetics while still being able to withstand any splashes of water from showers or baths. It's also important that whatever type of finish you choose contains additives which act as a barrier against moisture so that no water seeps through into the wall below. Regardless of what kind of paint finish you decide upon, always make sure it has been designed specifically for bathrooms and damp areas before making your purchase.
Living Room Walls
When it comes to painting the walls of your living room, you want a durable finish that will stand up to wear and tear. The most popular sheen levels for interior wall painting are flat, satin, eggshell, semi-gloss and high gloss. Flat finishes provide excellent coverage with little reflectivity on walls that don't need frequent cleaning such as bedrooms or dining rooms. Satin is more reflective than flat but still has a smooth matte appearance. Eggshell has slightly more shine than satin and offers good washability in higher traffic areas like living rooms. Semi-gloss paint provides an even shinier look than eggshell but can be used on any surface including trim cabinets and doors. High gloss paints have the highest level of shine and can be too reflective if not applied properly; they should only be used in low-traffic areas where extra protection is needed from moisture or spills.
No matter which sheen level you choose, making sure you use quality paints with primer already mixed in will help ensure long lasting results when decorating your living room. Painting is one of the quickest ways to give your home a facelift without spending lots of money so make sure you take time to choose the best option for your needs. With some careful consideration of factors like color palette, textures, light sources and furniture placement, you can create beautiful spaces that showcase your unique style within each room of your house.
Bedroom Walls
Bedrooms are a personal space for individuals to express their unique style and preferences. The wall finishes in this room should reflect these values, while also creating an inviting atmosphere that encourages relaxation. Paint is the most commonly used material for bedrooms because of its low cost and versatility. While there are countless options available, certain paint finishes can be more suitable for bedrooms than others.
Matte finish paints are ideal for bedroom walls as they have a soft sheen that diffuses light without any glare or shine. This makes them perfect for areas where people might spend time reading or relaxing on their own since it minimizes distractions from reflective surfaces. They’re also great at hiding imperfections like bumps and cracks on walls so they can be used to camouflage design flaws without sacrificing aesthetics. Matte finishes come in a variety of colors, textures, and shades so you can find one that perfectly matches your bedroom's theme and decor.
Glossy paint finishes create a vibrant look with intense color saturation but may not be the best choice for bedrooms due to their tendency to show every dust particle, fingerprint, and smudge mark prominently against the bright surface. However, glossiness does provide some benefits such as making rooms appear larger by reflecting light onto all parts of the walls evenly instead of just concentrated spots like matte finishes do. To avoid dark corners in your bedroom, glossy paints offer good coverage despite being less forgiving when it comes to blemishes on walls.
Choosing between different types of paint finishing will depend largely on what kind of ambiance you want to achieve in your bedroom as well as how much maintenance you're willing to put into keeping up appearances over time. Consider factors such as whether you'd prefer subtlety or vibrancy along with ease of cleaning before picking out colors and textures for your bedroom wall finishes.
When it comes to choosing the best paint finish for each room in your home, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. From high traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms to living rooms and bedrooms, a variety of different finishes are available to meet any desired look or feel. It is important to understand the differences between flat, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss finishes so you can select the one that is most appropriate for each area.
For kitchen walls, an eggshell or semi-gloss finish is typically recommended because these types of paints clean more easily than other options. In addition, they provide a durable surface that stands up well against grease splatters and moisture from cooking steam. For bathroom walls, a semi-gloss finish is usually best since it offers greater protection against water damage while maintaining a smooth appearance that resists mildew growth.
Living rooms often benefit from either an eggshell or satin finish which provides good durability without being overly shiny. Bedrooms may opt for either flat or eggshell finishes depending on whether you want matte or slightly glossy look. Whatever type of paint finish you choose for each room in your home, make sure to pick quality products with long lasting performance!
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Dutch East India Company
The Dutch East India Company (VOC) was formed in 1602 by the Staten-Generaal (States General) of the then Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. The company was granted a 21-year charter with rights to trade exclusively in Asia and to buy valuable spices, such as nutmeg, mace, and cloves. Spices were in high demand in Europe to flavour food dishes and for use in medicines, and the company eventually gained a monopoly on spices.
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contremineur · 2 years
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Rose McLarney, from Nutmeg and mace
The Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC) began operating in South Asia, and over the next century expanded its colonial operations to Mauritius and South Africa. Laurens Real, Governor-General in the East Indies from 1615-1619, first introduced slave labour into the nutmeg plantations on Amboina in the East Indies, and his successor Jan Pieterzoon Coen (1619-1623 and 1627-1629) introduced it in the remaining of VOC settlements.
from here and here
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Wenceslaus Hollar, plate from John Nieuhoff, An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, emperour of China: delivered by their excellencies Peter de Goyer and Jacob de Keyzer, at his imperial city of Peking wherein the cities, towns, villages, ports, rivers, &c. in their passages from Canton to Peking are ingeniously described by John Nieuhoff, Steward to the Ambassadours; Englished and set forth with their several sculptures by John Ogilby (London 1669).
John Nieuhoff (1618-1672), Dutch traveller, was appointed steward of the mission to China under Peter van Goyer and Jacob van Keyser, ambassadors of the Dutch East India Company.
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aro-langblr · 2 years
Insight into Quechan (/kʷt͡sa:n/)
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[Image description: A photo of the seal of the Quechan Language Preservation Program with the Quechan Tribe’s seal centered at the top. /End ID]
What is the language called in English and the language itself? –  The language is called Quechan or Yuma in English, and it’s called Kwatsáan Iiyáa in the language itself. It may also be transliterated as Kwtsaan.
Where is the language spoken? – Quechan is spoken along the Colorado River in California and Arizona (United States).
How many people speak the language? – As of 2009, there were just under 300 native speakers.
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Which language family does it belong to? What are some of its relative languages? – Quechan is classified as Yuman > Core Yuman > River Yuman > Quechan. It’s closest relative languages are Maricopa and Mojave.
What writing system does the language use? – It uses the Latin script. – Sample text from wikipedia: Pa'iipáats suuváat. / Pa'iipáats nyaváyk suuváa.Pa'iipáats 'atáyk nyaváyk viivák, / athúus / athótk / aváts 'ashéntək alyuuváapətəka. / Tsam'athúlyəm éevtək uuváat.'Anyáayk viithíim, amanək, / tsam'athúly nyaványa, / tsam'athúly kéek a'ét. / 'Anyétsəts nyuu'ítsk.
What kind of grammatical features does the language have? – Quechan is an SOV language with 2 numbers, 4 persons (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and indefinite 3rd), and 6 cases shown through suffixes (nominative, absolute, locative, allative, ablative, vocative). It also demonstrates reduplication, switch-reference, and the accent goes on the final syllable of the verb stem.  – Quechan has 2 word classes (thematic and non-thematic), and the linguistics behind thematic word classes are an intricate topic. There are an endless amount of word themes; however, there are limits and rules to what classifies as a theme and how it’s implemented. I suggest looking here to learn more. 
What does the language sound like?
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What do you personally find interesting about the language?   – As much as I adore reduplication, the thematic noun classes are the most interesting part of this language to me. I also really admire how much effort is being put into preserving the language ^_^
Extra: Quechan Preservation Project Interview
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