beauh · 3 months
Sonic/Eggman: @beauh
Shadow: @ziova
Silver: TikTok - Make Your Day - Xzerixan
Editor: DecrepitParadox
Comic Creator: @topspin-the-fuzzy
That's one funny ass name sonic haha. I loved the way shadow is just instantly like "nope" to the rest of them lol. PLEAAAASE check out the original creator PLEEEEEASE.
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scarefox · 11 months
The adventure vlogs continue!
Now with subs on all of them, so I put them all together one after another
part 1
part 2
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thanks @ editor 😂
part 3
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leolaroot · 1 year
the new snw trailer is such mush to me. like I get that I'm not their target audience because I didn't love or even finish season one but good god I don't give a fuck about new Spock getting a cheeky peck from new chapel. and like yeah uhura voiceover it sure is CRAZY that all these characters are here in one place almost as if they had been predestined to almost as if this was some sort of prequel
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kristineknowlton · 1 month
Howling like a wolf
#voiceover #voice #challenge #actorlife #wolf
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hideousvampire · 1 month
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I love when the voiceovers in trailers straight up categorize some of the characters for us before we even get the season:
In the S3 trailer, we got Soren's voicover calling a specific pair of characters evil:
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Viren and Khessa.
Now we have the S6 trailer, and the song that plays in it has a line of particular interest to me:
We are the sinners
Let's take a look at who's on screen during that line:
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Runaan. Callum and Aaravos. Claudia. And Terry.
Runaan's an assassin. He killed Harrow, among many others. Callum keeps doing dark magic. Aaravos is manipulating everyone to do horrible things, including murder (see most everything Viren did under his guidance). Claudia has killed a lot of creatures and at least one humanoid, if not two.
And Terry, cinnamon roll that he is, killed Ibis.
They've all killed someone or something, as a deliberate choice. This puts them in a different category than, say, Amaya, who ended up shoving elves at the Breach into the lava when they tried to kill her.
The difference is the deliberate choosing, versus defending oneself. Amaya carries a sword, but she's known for her shield. She's a protector, and the Sunforge declared her pure of heart.
I wonder what it would say about these guys.
But this isn't an exhaustive list of TDP's sinners. There's one person who should definitely be here with the other killers, but he isn't.
Too spoilery.
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mcytblrconfessions · 5 months
the only thing stopping me from becoming an mcyt is that I'm going to uni and will be living in a dorm and the viceral hatred of my own voice and the thought of having to listen to said voice while editing videos and doing voicovers makes me want to crawl into a hole and die. I dunno how mcyts and other youtubers can do it
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sw4nduckling · 3 months
they funded a random person’s whole ass wedding but didn’t think to even include snippets of polin’s letters in the script or release a voicover promo reading them. how cute would that be, baby polin writing to each other and falling in love without even knowing.
imagine a post-part two promo just for their letters so that the audience has a better look into HOW colin realized he can love pen and LW. why he reacted the way he did after seeing her again from his tour in s2. we only ever got to see pen write as whistledown but not as she did with colin or anyone else for that matter. what an actual fucking waste im sad again.
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nwarrior777 · 3 months
I had this film in development since 2022, but it was abandoned after finishing storyboard and stuck in try to make voiceover. So i decided quickly make it to smth final-like looking.
it's still storyboard but with subtitles, a bit of sound for not making it 5 minutes awkward silence (i removed that i had on voicover), and epilepsy friendly feature (that card in the begining. link for epi-check preview film in discription on youtube)
Happy pride month!
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ilajue · 2 years
wow new defunctv can't wait for a zanny documentary of a specific piece of old media with beautiful editing and calming voicover, sure hope it doesn't destroy me emotionally forever
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roarzzz · 2 months
Inside out 2 Voicover
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beauh · 3 months
Sonic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCe0yt-Wc4gD_tJQjdv_XFQ - Omarice VA
Eggman: @beauh
Editor: @decrepitparadox
AMAZING comic creator: @klunsgod
I really hope they brought several whiteboards and computers for this, this is gonna be a long math problem to solve for eggman and sonic!
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rockyybeach · 2 years
Schrecklicher Gedanke: wenn ddf in der jetzigen Zeit spielen würde, hätte Bob einen TikTok Account bei dem er Videos posten würde wie 'Ein Tag im Leben eines Detektivs' und Videos für die neuen Fälle mit Voicovers bei denen er den neuen Fall erzählt mit Kameravideos, die er filmt.
'Am Abend musste ich mal wieder Beschatten gehen und habe mir extra zwei Dosen Cola Zero mitgebracht' (Video wie er im Auto Musik hört und Apfel isst)
'Hier bin ich mal wieder KO geschlagen worden' (Video wie Bob sich halb ohnmächtig aufrafft)
'Peter hat die Verfolgung aufgenommen' (verschwommes Video bei dem man Peter nur von hinten sieht, wie er wegsprintet)
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sillysymbol · 2 years
Every episode of The Hotel:
The guest: Hi yes i want a room🧑
The manager: Ok very good😄
The Manager (voiceover): murder is fun. 😈
The Lobby Boy (voiceover):I wish my existence wasn't dedicated to torment.😔
The Owner(voicover): I hate all of you people.😠
The guest: AAAAUUUGHAHAHG 😱(dies)
The Hotel (voicover) : teE HEe. ToRMEnt.😁
basically yeah.you got it
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blood-orange-juice · 8 months
I remember you commenting on the Chinese voice-overs a while ago. What’s your general impression of them? It probably feels different (characterization-wise?) compared to the other voiceovers?
Genshin Chinese voicover is so good that I prefer playing in Chinese despite not knowing the language.
I feel like it has a lot more nuance. English and Japanese translations seem to force characters into popular anime stereotypes while Chinese version feels more like a movie or a book. Perhaps they are just forced into tropes I'm not familiar with, of course.
(I'm sure tonal language also messes with my perception of emotions but meh)
I don't understand what the Korean version aims for, it seems to be doing its own thing in a corner. I don't know enough about the culture so I can't compare.
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angelicutz · 10 months
Trolls 3 Voicover but i speak English
Major volume warning
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