#voiid tag
libelelle · 2 months
Sending 80 krillion boops your way
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everyone on this site wants to turn me into a fine powder
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swamp-chicken · 1 year
it was very cold at the bus stop today but my heart was warmed when i started thinking about ogr ethubs :) all is cozy now (i love them)
welcome to my brain. they are shopping in the timre market together or something, idk. bdubs is asking etho what a banana is. he's never seen such a bizarre fruit and thinks etho is teasing him. there is no more fighting or pain
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voiid-vagabond · 2 years
1, 3, 6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23 👀, 29
1. How many words have you written this year? I'm gonna go by posted words, bc that's a lot easier to find out lol. I have written roughly 90.6k cumulative words this year!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I am so so proud of my writing in Can I Keep It Real With You? It's poetic, it's visceral, the fic itself is based off my favorite couplet in modern poetry.
I already answered 6 here!
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Scarian in Dust in Proximity! (bc I looooove prox with all my heart teehee)
13. What's your longest work of the year? It Fills my Vision, I Can Hardly Speak, at 14.9k.
14. What's your shortest work of the year? My shortest work is technically BLACK GREEN BLUE, a prelude to a much larger series that will get posted eventually lol, but since there's so little context for that one, we'll also say Cyclical counts. It's a oneshot, standalone, no outside context needed.
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? For VoiidVagabond it is Fluff, and TheGoldenOath it is Not Beta Read.
I already answered 19 here!
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? It's actually Anti-Decorum, that sob took so long to write, holy shit. Months and months and months (it even went through a fandom change).
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year? Barring one that I can't mention (bc it's a secret >:3) I did! Concept of Joy my beloved.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? Okay. This is so difficult. I really love this one bit from Dust in Proximity:
Scar propped his head up on one hand, staring at Grian like an ever-patient deity.
Was he yet deified? The glow of the single lantern that Grian hadn’t snuffed out ringed Scar’s head with red light. Was he yet more than a man, and less than a Sun? Grian felt a twisting in his gut, a wail that wanted to spring free of his lips.
Something about the sand between his skin and the sheets made him want to scream. This was not how it was supposed to go! It was running smoothly, like perfectly heated wax running down the slim side of a candle. The flame was contained and bright, the shape that it should be.
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goodtimewithetho · 1 year
Whichever wip the oracle (random number generator) chooses
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Please May the oracle pick the LL Ethdubs or Treebark fic 👁️👁️
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porgthespacepenguin · 2 months
For the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game, I choose 🐝
Great ask, nonny!
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Ooooh, boy. This could take a few hours. 😄 Alright, so this can in no way, shape or form be an exhaustive list, but ...
@essence-stealer World-class beta, dearest friend, adopted sibling, and all around a truly wonderful person. I'd *never* have completed NEWTS without their support. Fact. You're the best, darling.
@why-its-kai Whenever I feel down about lack of comments or whatever, I go re-read one of Kai's and I immediately feel better. 10/10 would befriend again and again and again if we were stuck in a time-loop.
@predawnite Well, let's just say a certain fic wouldn't be what it is without Dawn. *coughs in KW* Also they have the absolute best freaking prompts, bar none -- an inspiration to us all. And a truly cool person to know, as well. *high-five*
@celestialholz My fandom wife, who somehow still likes me even though she's been straying into BG3 fandom and I have... not. AND WHO MADE ME PLAY POKEMON AND GET TENDONITIS (I wish I was joking). Write Reduction and I might forgive you (joking, joking -- or AM I)
@mrporg My actual, RL, bona fide, patiently long-suffering spouse, who has been putting up with me for a very, very, very long time and now has to endure me on Tumblr too. Talk about supportive. Mwa! <3
Let's not forget:
@dustydahorse (the pinkest and awesomest of little bros)
@lordlexion and @voiid-vagabond (their comments single-handedly kept me posting NEWTS even when I wanted to give up -- fact -- and they're both awesome)
@anzstrek, @ellewood117, Bonesy, and all the others on the Qcard server -- you guys are the best <3
And lastly a wonderfully skilled artist friend of mine who I'm 100% sure will prefer to remain unnamed (but you know who you are!).
Here's a link to the Ask Game if anyone wants to keep playing!
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kingofthewebxxx · 3 months
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Who are you in this haunted house story?
The Dark Entity
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You’re not from here. You don’t need what they need. They’re fear is so…. trivial. They are small, so very small compared to you. They eat and walk and cry and laugh. You just watch. It’s fascinating really, their little rituals and their meaningless concerns. Sometimes you envy their small joys, or even their modest pain. They don’t know what it is to wait in the dark, unfeeling, as time passes over you as eternal as the sea. But my, how you are glad to have guests again. You see, over your many years, you've become aware of a secret: Fear tastes sweet.
Tagged by: @thecockysniper thank you!
Tagging: @dontcxckitup, @consultingsister, @endlss-voiid, @governmentofficial, @fortitudina (Ruby), @snarkyjuicebox, @qceensofkings, @collidingxworlds (Seb)
And you!
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chrislaplante · 29 days
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𝟗 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬.
tagged by: @freakarus. ty!
tagging: @grote5que, @morb1dg1rl, @coastercrushed/@hangtenn, @nuks, @allevils, @00sgoth, @miercolaes, @cannib4l, @thegiftofcruelty, @poetdeads, @endlss-voiid, @s4ith, @hollowvictory, @malignantdevil. :)
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frostise · 1 month
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your heart belongs to the sun
you are a wildfire waiting to happen, one lit cigarette away from catastrophe. you are passion itself, full of rage and joy and love and pain. you are the driving force behind change, so why are you afraid of it? not all that is new will hurt you. let others into your life. you will not burn them. you do not cause harm inherently, you are wounded. you will heal. i promise you will heal.
tagged by: @endlss-voiid (thank you!! ♡)
tagging: @mad-hunts, @shesolar, @thewomanwholaughed, @kingzde4d, @masquenoire, @question-marked, @proto2099, @celerem, @littlebadger, @ratwhsprs, @sinfullysweettea, @emmatriarchy, @red-hemlock, @sifonie + any moots who see this ♡
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petitsdieu · 3 months
Hara Ora has appeared! What to do?
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Woohoo Marry Flirt Run away
tagged by: i love dash theft @endlss-voiid tagging: @fawnworked @klaeus @elenaes @ohfiendangelical @bairdsings @muchallure @corruptedforce @fleshedfear @caracarnn @cava1ier @nightmarefuele @v1ctimplagued @loyalborn + ANYONE this is fun short and sweet.
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swamp-chicken · 1 year
Missing Bdubs so desperately that I submitted to the mortifying ordeal of gushing over his base build to my brother who doesn't know the hermits 😭 they said it was a cool build though... I miss him :( when will my sleepy guy come back...
AWWWW this is so sweet!! excellent work-- your brother recognizes the building prowess of our guy.... now infect him with the other stuff... the frightening smile. the "i'm gonna kay my ess." the "he loves me"
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voiid-vagabond · 2 years
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[ INTRO ] 🐰 🪐
Voiid/Oath/Saturn | 22 | he/him
Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Voiid, but you can also call me Oath or Saturn.
I like a lot of different things and I will reblog all of those different things. I do not spoiler tag. I also tend not to tag for triggering topics/images. This blog can and will contain suggestive/adult content.
[ LINKS ] 🌻 📝
I have a plethora of OCs, which I never talk about, and a tag for inspiration about them: voiid's little guys. I also absolutely love getting asks about them, so if you ever want to know more about a name you see in that tag, I will talk about them forever.
I really like getting asks in general, so check out some ask games I would love to get questions for in this tag: ask the voiid
This is my AO3 account. My pride and joy: VoiidVagabond
Fic sideblog: @the-golden-oath
Merlin sideblog: @propheticlizard
Danmei sideblog: @rainbow-golden-core
Naruto sideblog: @sexywifesasuke
[ FANWORKS ] 🎨 🏳️‍🌈
A garashir fanvid set to the song Scar by Cloud Control.
YouTube | AO3
Everybody read my fic series Mother, Father, Open Wound to understand this incredibly niche meme I made.
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Crown under the cut. Look closely 👀
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red-hemlock · 3 months
This picrew + the last song you listened to
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Tagged by: @ratwhsprs
Tagging: @dontstepinmypuddle, @frostise, @corvidamned, @endlss-voiid, @externalconceit, @tootyfuckingfruity, @fathertofatality, @sifonie, @the-wonderland-jinx (Annnnd anyone else who wants to do this! <3)
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angelicfoole · 1 month
﹠.       ♡       ◞       ⊱       𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒    ;     to  whom  does  your  heart  belong  to? 
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your  heart  belongs  to…  your  lover!
you  were  never  loved  as  much  as  you  deserved  growing  up.  your  heart  catches  fire  when  you  feel  the  love  of  another  now,  and  when  you  return  that  love  you  do  so  with  the  full  force  of  your  soul.  to  you,  love  is  like  air,  your  lungs  are  begging  for  it  with  every  beat  of  your  heart.  you  are  passionate  to  the  end,  you  embody  the  bones  of  your  ancestors  who  were  buried  together.  you  are  just  as  loved  as  you  are  human.
tagged by: @endlss-voiid (thank you ♡)
tagging: the lover to whom juliet's heart belongs to - @cosmicfoole , and whoever else wants to do this!
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kingofthewebxxx · 16 days
Mun VS Muse
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Borrowed from: @tapalslegacy
Tagging: @asrielbelacquaaaa, @sharpenurdamnknife, @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins (Astrid), @imprvdente, @baby-royalty, @endlss-voiid and you!
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destincd · 1 month
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the protecting nurturer
you have the heart that belongs to a warrior's mother. you ache for your loved ones and you'll fight to preserve their smiles. you take care of the people around you. you want them to feel safe and warm. you do anything to protect those around you, even if it's from themselves. you have an eye for the details no one else realizes they need. you're the one that makes a house a home. you make sure it's safe because you know what it was like to be afraid of the places that should have been comforting.
tagged by: @endlss-voiid tagging: @godstrayed; @valorums
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frostise · 2 months
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tagged by: @ratwhsprs (thank you!! ♡)
tagging: @shesolar, @warled, @ontimez2, @endlss-voiid, @dontstepinmypuddle, @brutalmasks, @littlebadger, @arkhambird + everyone else is free to steal it!
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