#volo's eye is really good tbh
megalomari · 6 months
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made some questionable oculary decisions on my first run lol
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grandmother-goblin · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass: A'ras
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Quick Facts:
Height: 6'5"
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: bisexual (monogamous, but he does have a history as a bit of a rake)
Gives excellent hugs, cuddles, and massages.
Extremely difficult to anger and is really good at keeping calm in stressful situations - this has made him the de-facto leader several times in his life. He's ambivalent about being in a leadership role.
Eager and excited to try/learn new things (that is how he ended up with Volo's eye tbh lol). Definitely takes the "you only live once" thing very seriously.
Favorite activities include sleeping and metal working (he makes his own jewelry).
Very responsible and quick witted. Overall, a very kind person. Quick to admit when he's wrong and will take actions to correct himself.
Playful and has a good sense of humor.
Can sometimes come off as condescending (he WAS raised as a Githyanki, after all lol). He really doesn't mean to though lol.
Used to being a lone wolf and free spirit, so he doesn't always communicate as well as he needs to (like he'll wander off without telling anyone because he needs to get food for the group and just assumes his companions know what he's doing.)
A bit of a flirt (in a very polite way).
Doesn't take "hints" well even if they are obvious and he knows exactly what you're hinting at. If you want him to do or know something, he wants you to just tell him directly and won't do anything about it until you do.
Can be stubborn and selfish, especially if he feels like things are a waste of his time.
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ethanharmonia · 5 months
The Hisui Trio in my AU!! :D
(they dont know how to dress up 😔)
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I wanted to make reference sheets for the three, even though i took a ton of inspo from many things but its for investment i promise i promise
Those three are friends in this AU, they are all in the present world and they are like a family to each other tbh, they might get into a few arguments but they talk it out later on.
To be fair i think those three would give each other kisses, not in a romantic way though, its just more of a platonic thing i guess??
The three of them own dragon type pokemon, from gen 4, 6 and 8 (me like even numbers dont mind me), i kinda felt like these pokemon fit them best by personality (im not exactly sure for 100%)
Dropping the lore here :
The only way Adaman and Irida could go back and out of Hisui was by Volo taking them with him by going through portals with Giratina, of course the two of them got frightened at the sight of Giratina showing up right in front of their eyes for the first time but they got used to it later on.
As a gift of gratitude from Volo for still being accepted by Adaman and Irida even after everything he's done in the past, he made and gave a clone of Origin Dialga and Origin Palkia to them so that they could also travel through the portals or around the world without his help (he's getting tired from babysitting them pls let him live).
Adaman and Irida just live with Lucas, Dawn and Barry in Twinleaf Town, sometimes Volo comes by to visit them and hang out with them. Lucas and Dawn dont have memories of Rei and Akari, so they have no idea of what Volo used to be back then, if they would then oh boy they would try to kill him.
{With Dialga} Adaman possesses Steel type powers (or Metal Bending as they say), he uses it a lot for combat but also for reaching high places if he cant go up there or reach it by climbing, he bends the metal into a form of a long rope in order to get up there.
{With Palkia} Irida has Water type powers (or Water Bending), she is not really the type of a person to fight but she rather heals others, it also works on pokemon too, though sometimes she can kick ass once in a while if anyone drives her mad.
{With Giratina and Arceus} Volo has all the elements, including Dark type powers but he never uses those as he only sees the bad in them and never wishes to use them, reminding him a lot of Cyrus {bro hates him more than anything}, with Volo being an Archon, he can summon pretty much every pokemon, including the legendaries and mythical ones, and the ultra beasts, even though the legendaries are gods too and are feared by many, Volo however just sees them as misunderstood creatures/beings, as he has a better bond with them than with his own people.
Volo despises humans, he only sees the bad in them as he has only seen the bad things that humans did, and with Volo being isolated in Arceus's realm and being there for about 280 years (met Arceus at 20), he cant really change his opinion about it, even if he has friends that are different than the rest of the humans, Volo still has doubts that humans are good, unless proven to him. Sure, Volo is the archon and savior of this world and he is trying his best to make the world a better with no wars or catastrophies, he hates humans, but he just wants peace, but he is aware that even if this happens one day then the peace wont last forever, the world cant remain peaceful for eternity, theres always going to be something happening all the time and he will have to deal with it on his own.
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This would be Volo and his Dragapult (canon)
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Imagine praying to god, and this is who you're praying to
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Character sheet in undercut.
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Character Chart
Character’s full name:
Rowan (No surname)
Reason or meaning of name:
He was born under a Rowan tree in the woods.
Character’s nickname:
Nobody really calls him nicknames, Ominis has "pet names" but people mainly just call him Rowan.
Birth date:  23rd of May 1860
Physical appearance
How old does he appear:
Looks his age. Maybe a little older.
Around 240lbs
Body build:
Very Muscular.
Shape of face:
Heart face shape.
Eye color:
Glasses or contacts:
Skin tone:
Slightly Tanned.
Distinguishing marks:
Small scaring.
Predominant features:
Pointed ears. Fangs.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Overall attractiveness:
VERY (again, same as Volo,my personal opinion😅)
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Favorite outfit:
Anything Comfortable honestly.
Good personality traits:
Fiercely Loyal.
Caring (to those he likes)
Bad personality traits:
Born Killer.
Generally Impatient
Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humor:
Dark (and dumb)
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Having a place to call home.
Character’s greatest fear:
Losing complete control of himself.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
Accidentally killing someone he cares about.
Character is most at ease when:
Being loved on by his partner/ being in the woods.
Most not at ease when:
Around strangers.
Enraged when:
Pushed too far, regardless of how.
Depressed or sad when:
Thinking about his parents/community.
Character’s soft spot:
Pets from partner, playing fetch
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
His partner knows yes, not just anyone knows he enjoys being petted, and playing dog games 🤣
Greatest strengths:
Ability to fully control himself in werewolf form.
His strength in general.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Can get too emotional.
Speaks before he thinks.
Biggest regret:
Running away when his parents told him to, the night their community was attacked.
Character’s darkest secret:
He doesn't really have any secrets.
Does anyone else know?
Type of childhood:
Up until the attack, peaceful and happy.
First memory:
Running in the woods with his Dad.
Most important childhood memory:
The night his parents were killed.
Current home location:
The Den
Currently living with:
Doesn't really "live with" anyone, but there's always people at the Den.
General muscle/Bouncer/fighter.
Relationship with her:
Had good relationship.
Relationship with him:
Had good relationship.
Only Child.
Ominis Gaunt.
Relationship with him:
Strong, intense, loving.
Hunting, fighting.
Plays a musical instrument?:
How he would spend a rainy day:
Being with Ominis or Honestly just sat in the woods relaxing somewhere sheltered, listening and watching the rain.
Spending habits:
Rarely spends a penny tbh.
Likes a drink (can get drunk)
Other drugs:
What does he do too much of?
What does he do too little of?
Extremely skilled at:
Same as his hobbies, Hunting, fighting
Optimist or pessimist?
It honestly depends on the day.
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Daredevil (he's the "going in there, guns blazing" type)
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Disorderly and messy.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure of himself
He can be rather unsure of himself quite often
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Doesn't really like people.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others?:
He TRIES too, but can't.
Best friend(s):
Love interest(s):
Ominis Gaunt.
Person character goes to for advice:
Marvolo, Ominis, and sometimes Aurora.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Most important person(s) in character’s life before story starts:
His community (until they were killed)
After story starts:
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 months
speaking of hair do you think there is any symbolism to the characters who have one eye covered by their hair like lusamine and gladion for example
Oh yeah definitively.
The typical trope of characters having one eye covering their is usually used to evoke shyness, simply not being a very social person, a hidden personality or past, or, you guessed it, ✨trauma✨. And of the characters that have these bangs, they are kinda fit the bill.
Lusamine is the most interesing to me, bc it tells us so much, both before and after we know her story. Before, Lusamine looks like a generally trust worthy person. She seems kind, parental, and incredibly devoted. But then you look at her hair, and how it interacts with her face. For the sake of this post, let's just talk about her bangs. Lusamine's bangs doesn't fully cover her eye. You can see it ever so slightly peeking out. It kinda acts like this...hood, i guess, leaving an overcast shadow around her face. It helps make her otherwise more kind face feel more.....ominous. Her smile doesn't exactly look kind anymore, and her eyes don't seem that welcoming. Like there's something more that your missing. And then you actually get to know her, both in her actions throughout the main game, and what you learn from Lillie and Gladion. Going with what I said before, I do think Lusamine is a woman defined by trauma ( honestly, as he rest of the aether family is), but also someone who is still very cruel to those around her, a stark contrast to how she appeared before. And all of that is still conveyed through her bangs. Hiding one eye, but not fully, her bangs acting as a hood that cast a shadow over her face....it's really good!
Gladion is a similar story: a kid who has been traumatized by the loss of his father and the cruelty of his mother bc of that loss. Unlike Lusamine, his hair fully covers his eye, with you only being able to see it from the side. Again, it's a good way of showing his personality: someone who has something to hide, someone who more than what you think, someone who is possibly hurting. But what makes his hair special to me, is that it really cements the idea that Gladion is an emo ass teen who wants to look cool. If I'm remembering correctly, Gladion's rips in his clothes where done himself? And between the posing and the clothes, you cannot tell me that Gladion thought the hair covering one eye wouldn't be the coolest thing ever. That he would look so cool and mysterious. But, to not bully him too much, I can also see his hair as a slight defiance towards his mom? I dunno how he used to look when he was young, but given how Lusamine pretty much controlled how he and Lillie used to dress, I can imahine the freedom of Gladion being able to do fuck all with his own hair. Though, ironically, if his hair wasn't always covering his eye ( quickly checked the pokeani to see if that was the case and it wasn't! both of his eyes where visible), it would have made him and his mom more similar design wise.
What I said about Gladion, can be said for Arven too, tbh. Hidden past, hidden personality ( as in he's a sweetheart), lot's of trauma- the whole package. I will say, it's particularly funnier with Arven, bc at least Gladion tries to look intimidating and still kinda acts like how you would expect him too. But Arven is so insistent that he isn't sweet and nice even though he very much is. His tough guy act is actively failing lmao. Fucking dork.
And I know, I know there's Cynthia and Volo, but I think you guys would get the point already lol. Though I think Cynthia is pretty funny too. Her bangs are definitely there to make her look mysterious, and she is, but what's hidden is that she's actually a lil goofy. At least in the anime she is. And she's pretty disorganized, which is something you don't expect a woman like her to be at first glance. Honestly, she's a very funny subversion of expectations here lol.
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iron-bullogna · 7 months
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realized I haven't shared my Tav with y'all yet!
this is my wild magic sorcerer Kvetavri (Kvet) and they are very much at their core a self insert (they/she) before brain wormie time, they were a fire spinner in a traveling act (though they had just gotten uh...for lack of better words, fired)
a bit of a jack of all trades, kvet really wasn't sure what they wanted to "do with their life". their magical ability was discovered at the age of 11 in a fiery (literally) fit of anger and emotion. it remained sporadic and intense like this for quite some time.
kvet's family wasn't very well off but did a good job of disguising it. their mother worked in a healing house in the lower city and their father did clerical work for the flaming fist after being injured. they have two older brothers, one in the flaming fist and one deceased. he did seedy smuggling work in and out of baldur's gate and it caught up to them. his death was what spurred kvet's initial breakdown at 11. their other elder brother followed after their father and joined the flaming fist. appearance wise, they have auburn hair and one enchanting and unsettling pale eye courtesy of Volo (played with minimal spoilers first go and had no idea what it did tbh) while the other is a pale green. (I was tickled to death when Yenna showed up and looked like mini-Kvet with reverse eyes)
as mentioned, kvet didn't know what they wanted to do with their life but was always a bit of a performer and ended up joining a semi-traveling act as a fire spinner/dancer as they are particularly gifted with magic surrounding fire. their scars are not from any sort of epic adventure or battle, but rather an accident. said accident being in the middle of a show, wild magic did wild magic things and summoned a cambion. it was a mess. lots of blood, screaming, and displeased patrons obviously. when they were abducted they had actually been sulking around Baldur's Gate feeling sorry for themselves after being "fired" from the troop they previously performed with. still a bit undecided on who their "canon" romance is but I initially romanced Astarion and Halsin with them!
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kukai · 2 years
tagged by @gender777 !! tysm for the tag, it made me so happy :'3
when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite accounts (i'll just be tagging people instead, though!)
strobe light - siinamota
my all time favorite tbh... it's one of my first vocaloid songs and hence one of the first songs i have ever liked. i feel like over time, the song has taken on different meanings for me throughout different stages of my life. it's incredibly special :') fun fact! the mv is done by kenshiro morii, who also animated fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood's first ed "uso" by sid (another song i really love)!
shun ran (spring storm) - john
i actually started listening to this now as i type this... it's one of those songs that as soon as you hear, it just clicks with you. the desperation of it all... the mv is beautiful and every time i watch it i feel overcome with the same wave of emotions that i felt when i first saw it. also i associate this song very strongly with volo and someone actually made a MAD of him to shun ran and i have rewatched it approximately 50 times since i found it a couple days ago <:D
melty land nightmare - harumaki gohan
i would be remiss to not mention this song when it is where both my bio and carrd tab name come from! it was the top song of my spotify wrapped a couple years ago for a good reason :') a very gender song, if you will... i love so many of harumaki gohan's works, but melty land nightmare will always be my favorite... gives me the feeling of laying alone at night and pretending that i am the only person in the world.
lower one's eyes - nulut
god. where do i start. this song makes me feel so ill. i don't want to go into the extent of my feelings about this song because it's admittedly pretty embarrassing, but They Are Very Strong. i want the maid carnally though, i think that will be enough to surmise the gist of it. also shout out to lucisan- What who said that? (i apologize there are no english subtitles in the video i linked, but you can find them here!) if you're curious, you can feel free to ask me about it more in dms though :')
viva happy - mitchie m
ending it off on a feel-good and happy song!! this may not be my first vocaloid song (that would be "melt" by ryo), nor my favorite mitchie m song ("ohedo-julia night"), but i have a personal connection to this one and including the others would be cheating (and yet here i am anyways)... i have a vivid memory of finding this song doing my math homework in fifth grade and being absolutely floored by mitchie m's tuning!! i would say that was a watershed moment in my time as a vocaloid fan, when i realized "wow this genre is so large and diverse and music is cool, actually!" so it has a lot of meaning to me outside of being a catchy, cheerful song :)
i will tag @reshiram, @professorklaus, @silvally, @n-hospital, @epiqurean4dgarden, @anhura, @crossbell, @transflynnscifo, @alolannraichuu, and anyone else who wants to do this because i don't want anyone to be left out ^_^
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shiftperception · 3 years
I see your wielder (as opposed to trainer)=wielding pokemon like weapons, showing how evil this character is cause he sees his pokemon as weapons and tbh that flew over my head. cause when I saw his title I read it in the complete opposite direction.
I stared at it for a good second thinking oh my god. he’s a pokemon trainer. this wasn’t after thinking about it, just my first gut instinct. pokemon wielder Volo. he’s a pokemon trainer. Because they don’t use the term pokemon trainer in this game like. Ever. Outside of references to the future. Pokemon training isn’t a thing yet in Hisui in this time period. Pokeballs are a recent invention, no one has a full team of 6 except you and Volo!!, the wardens having bonds with their lords is treated as a notable feat. Pokemon themselves are often feared as these terrifying powerful creatures- you even see it in the evolution animation! There’s this threatening spooky silhouette with glowing eyes which is a really cool reflection of the way people feel about pokemon in this game imo! and if that’s how they feel about pokemon then oh my god. The player? Can you imagine?? Approaching pokemon without fear, being able to raise so many of them to be such strong fighters, treating these imposing beasts as friends and equals- even sharing such close bonds some evolve because of it cough cough. That’s something only a warden could dream of but no, you surpass even them. You’re something else, something more. A pokemon trainer in this world isn’t an everyday thing, they’d have this status, this almost mystical presence y’know. You don’t just raise a couple pokemon for science or self defense in the field or whatever, you wield them with skill and grace and mastery. idk going from not seeing a single trainer class use the word trainer to “pokemon wielder Volo” just struck me the same way the evo animation did I guess. that menacing shadow is how they view pokemon and “wielder” is how they view people like you. You and Volo. it low key gave me chills but not in the omg this villain is so evil way. In the fighting Red on mt silver way. you’ve battled through hordes of trainers with all sorts of titles from youngster to champion and suddenly this guy is simply “pokemon trainer” Red. He’s like you. In legends you’re the only one with a full team and no one’s an even match until you walk up and oh shit. “pokemon wielder” Volo. bla bla prove how bad you wanna meet arceus against someone who wants it just as bad, against another you.
tldr: not pokemon wielder (derogatory), but pokemon wielder (awestruck, because what else can you call them?). also sorry you can’t go off about the environmental storytelling of Cyrus having a crobat then expect me to believe friendship evolutions mcgee over here sees his pokemon as objects. I don’t care how evil he is Cyrus and co. have one crobat this guy has half his team and budew took too long even for me to keep as the team grass type. I don’t care how many of these you can catch fully evolved I don’t buy it. If you want a pokemon wielder (derogatory) Ghetsis and hydreigon are right there.
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feroluce · 3 years
How long do you think Ingo's been in Hisui? He looks older and his position/team suggest a good bit of time, but anime loves making things take way less time than they should and Pokemon has things like Cyrus being under 30 or how much Grimsley aged in the 2 years between B2W2 and SM that make aging hard to gage. I wanna know your take :o
I see a lot of people place him in his late 30s - early 40s, which I think is totally still plausible because yeah, it really is hard to guage that kind of thing in a pokemon game. But honestly? I think it's also possible for Ingo to be as young as his very late 20s. I think a lot of the reason people place him as older because he has kind of a slouch and the bags under his eyes, but plenty of people look like that in their 20s! Source: me.
As for how long he's been there, at least a year? I think it could easily be several years tbh, but it doesn't really have to be just for him to have an evolved team and be a Warden. Like playing the game yourself, how long does it take for you to befriend a pokemon til it evolves? It takes time, yeah, but not really THAT much time. And look at Volo; he starts out with a Togepi, a pokemon that evolves through friendship, and by the end of the game, he's evolved it into a Togekiss.
For his title as Warden, I think skill is way more important than time for that job. Most of the Wardens are adults without much mention of how long they've been doing this, but there are two we know MUST be reasonably new: Liam and Sabi. They're both children. They CAN'T have had that much experience. Having experience is way different as a child than an adult. But they were both still chosen to serve their Nobles and they fulfill those roles well! So even if Ingo hasn't been there long, he clearly has more than enough skill to be appointed Warden anyway.
Actually, I feel like one of the stronger indicators that Ingo's been there a while is from him escorting us up the mountainside. It's so difficult to navigate that it's deemed necessary we be given a guide, but Ingo knows the place like the back of his hand.
He gets you all the way to Lady Sneasler at the Clamberclaw Cliffs without a hitch, despite what a horribly long and winding path it is. Even when Melli snuffs out all the torches, Ingo is able to easily lead you through that dark cave without hesitating, and is confident enough in his ability to do so that he tells you not to stray too far from his side. Maybe it's just my directionally challenged ass, but that seems like the kind of thing that takes a bit more time to master.
So with all of that, I think he's possibly only been there like 1-3 years? But there's a lot of wiggle room in there.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Ace Anon
Thank you so very much for allowing me to basically self-insert (wow) as I really do enjoy how you write the characters' thoughts and feelings. 
I just want to say that I had a very different experience while playing Pokemon Legends Arceus compared to everyone else. I went in knowing practically everything about the game. I never actually thought I would be able to get to fully play the game. I never thought I would get to own a copy of the game. And in some ways, I never actually wanted to play the game. (Game Freak, the story is not good there's no actual ending also why did you steal the man?) I just wanted to see Ingo (The people who I watched play the game did not understand how important he is) and I know somebody who already had a copy/beat the game. They didn't want me to use their copy, Instead, they bought me a brand new one. 
Long story short. I had to experience the game (And those graphics) In person. Every time I play these games It takes me forever to do anything.  it was Filled with me cursing game freak, Reluctantly doing Quest because I still want to help people despite the fact they are going to kick me out, and looking Volo dead in the eyes and saying “you are a disgrace to your descendant” ((Do not worry I appropriately engaged with the proper characters such as Cyllene and Professor Laverton))
Of course! I’m happy you enjoy the way I write everyone ♪(´▽`) Tbh, I’m in a slightly similar boat. I originally was interested in PLA, thinking it was open world. Then I learned it was like Monster Hunter, with a hub and different areas, and all interest kinda dropped, ngl. I like Monster Hunter, but that style of gameplay never interested me tbh. I was still interested enough to watch some people play it, and it wasn’t too bad. I learned most of the story from streamers before I played it myself.  But then in the pokemon tag, I learned Ingo was in the game. And I loved Ingo lmao. I don’t remember much of my first playthrough of Black and White, but I remembered the twins. I remember spending hours playing the battle subway, and thought the twins were silly and really neat! I even had a small crush on them, but there was never really a lot of content with them online. So, when I learned Ingo was in the game, I had to have it. He’s my boy. Even if i’m upset that they refused to do anything with Ingo in the post game. (Let the man go home!!) I’m happy he’s here. And i do enjoy doing missions and little tasks, so i did end up enjoying the game more than i thought i would.
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volot · 3 years
what's a scenario you really want to write volo in but haven't had a chance to yet?
›   ❝   munday questions.
guess who has to put this under a cut bc they got wordy... meeeee
oh this is genuinely a really tough question... i had to rattle my brain around because i have so many good thread ideas in the works with others that my usual check-list feels checked off, but i thiiiiink... i'd really like to dabble with something regarding the sinjoh ruins, past or present. it's something i've talked about before and i'm working some plotting stuff out with a friend right now, but outside of that there are a few different avenues i'd like to explore with it! the ruins of alph, too. less of 'haven't had a chance' and moreso 'i haven't really voiced my thoughts on it.' i want to write more involving the celestica too, but might be more of a drabble thing than an interaction thing.
other than that... legendary / mythical encounters are always something i'd like to explore ( i know i owe knight's darkrai an ask so i'm :eyes: ), whether they go pretty alright, mediocre, or horribly terribly bad for volo.
thinking about it and tbh i have to wonder what it'd be like to throw volo at any of the modern gen villains, especially ones who had tried conquering gods of their own? you know, talk villain shop. in general, i'd like to do more with my modern verse, so i'll have to write up a proper verse explanation for it when i'm more awake!
this did remind me though that i'd love to throw him at a cyrus sometime, but i don't know if there are any active that i've seen? i think it'd be a fun time to dissect their similar-but-different worldviews and means of going about them. also how do you react when this run into this survey corps' captain's great-great-great-grandkid who wants to do what you do but like, not in the way you wanted to do it, you know? encountering the protagonists from gen 4 in the modern day is something i'd like to poke at too; whether they remember him or not depending on if they got isekai'd back - or maybe they remember him from before getting isekai'd? - he sure would remember them.
volo... traveling. volo traveling to modern celestic town. volo... how volo met giratina, i'd like to see how other giratina mun's interpret it and play with their ideas on their dynamic and write out other people's ideas for it, because i love seeing people's perspectives / interpretations by things!
speaking of cyrus... my original blog headcanon that i'm kind of wiggles hand about now because i don't think it fully makes sense anymore given the lore we know Now but i'll probably turn into an au on this blog is like... volo being a vessel for arceus. or more specifically, a failed vessel of arceus that was abandoned late-creation process because it felt unnecessary and was left to live a normal life, so that's why he feels so empty, because he literally doesn't have a purpose. i don't really know how much i could do with it or what interactions i could squeeze out of it, but it's def something i want to explore either in drabbles or anything else.
'volo wins the battle with the protagonist' is something i'd like to chew on, solely because i'm curious on what would happen if he had won. i can't imagine it'd go as he'd planned and it would not be a fun time for him, but definitely something to throw at the wall. in relation to this, divine retribution if he ever did try to actually subjugate arceus would be interesting? i think arceus deserves to knock him flat on his ass from his pedestal. as a treat. another related to this is like... this is definitely probably something better suited for a drabble, but writing volo grappling with the fact that like if he did create his ideal world or try and force arceus to, it'd be impossible to fulfill because it's an extremely unrealistic dream for what he wants. i'd like to see him have to swallow that down.
god volo... i do think of him as a concept. no clue what i'd do with it yet, but i do think of it. cannot imagine it'd be smooth sailing for him though.
aura users... i've talked with a friend about his aura being very, very intense. he sure can't use it, but this is something i'd less imagine is a big scenario and more like 'oh that's a cool detail to note, i wonder if anything can spiral from this.'
outside of that... i just think general relationship building is neat. good or bad, healthy or toxic, whatever the case, i just really like writing dynamics against people and seeing what comes from that and where they could go, but again this is less 'i don't have the chance to' and more 'oh man i need to reply to my threads.'
sorry this got so long, i hope all this makes sense!!
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OHHHH WAIT ✨💢 for yr pkmn l.a s/i? >:D ( + 🤝 and my s/I if yr up for it!)
✨ -- I'll tell you about a friend of theirs
OOOO Volo is...so cool to me. It's almost unfair that he considers me a friend fjehxhdh I do Not consider myself up to his standards but he seems like he's friendly to everyone so tbh maybe he doesn't have any.
I could do without his...odd opinions about things tho! He's a bit weird- attractive...but weird.
6/10 for being a bit of a creep but 8/10 for being an unnecessarily attractive friend. No gold stars bc he isn't THAT cool.
💢 -- I'll tell you about an enemy of theirs
UGH MELLI. Hate that mfcking bastard >:[!!! Truly my rival actually, but tbh that would require him to actually be good at fighting me!! This is a one sided rivalry.
Yeah. We. don't like each other AT ALL. Egotistical bastards butting heads really (but I'm BETTER >:0 )
0/10 for being a BITCH no gold stars bc he hasn't won a single battle against me and also his a crybaby loser.
🤝 + a name or description -- I'll tell you how they'd interact with one of YOUR s/is from the same series :)
BESTIE You're in cahoots with my bro of course I'd imagine we're pretty close >:]!!!
Also I'm lovingly in the background rooting for you two, it's embarrassingly hilarious listening to Adaman talk about you with those lovey-dovey eyes like bro...I dunno how to tell you think but...he is so in love with you. He talks about you so much I wish he'd stop making excuses to ask you out. >:/
[But also, dude...I can only PRAY for you in regards to Melli. That man is a HANDFUL FJEHXHD Like I'm rooting for yall but if he does smth wrong lmk I'll kick his ass no explanation needed broseph- tho I'd kick his ass even if he didn't do anything wrong but like... give me an excuse to kick his ass please FGJDHCH]
Also ough...mysterious stranger from the weird rip in the sky??? You're....so cool....and I do enjoy having more people to enthusiastically talk about pokemon with >:]
10/10 for being the COOLEST friend [⭐ for your sick-ass pokemon team !!!]
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾. (pokeverse)
spotted at @villains4hire
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➤    So far the healthiest ship that I can justify is probably N for pokéverse. I’ve obviously got Volo and Adaman brainrot atm tho-
➤  I’m incredibly open, and have no triggers, so nearly anything- from pure fluff to smut, to hateships, it’s allll good. Just follow my rules of course.
➤  If they’re adults, I don’t really care tbh, as I married into a sizable age gap myself; Though I do require extra chemistry for young adults simply because they haven’t settled down, so to speak; it’s slower, but isn’t a ‘no.’  Felix probably has eyes more for men his age, but older is definitely no problem.
➤  Everything is suggestive until it’s bedroom-worthy; I don’t consider sex jokes and simple medical explanations as such. About as far as I might go, is someone teasing their partner in public. Makeouts are also generally fine until the muse gets aroused.
➤  On paper, no. If orientations match, I’m kinda like ‘yea ok let’s try it!’ but, I do In Character based replies; do Not rush them, if we haven’t plotted. Hoping that my muse will do X in the next reply isn’t gonna fly if you haven’t given them enough, IC.
➤  I’m mildly ship obsessed; it’s like, a default setting, but as you can see I don’t necessarily start shit until i catch a mun’s vibes very well and am comfortable. It doesn’t affect my reply speed either, platonic threads get answered just as fast.
➤ Mostly Steven Stone and Ilima. I shake my head and laugh because I have had shippy thoughts for Lysandre, but the muse mostly defaults to going feral and grrr bark bark- would most likely have to pre-establish before shit hits the fan for obvious reasons. Leon and Raihan could probably catch vibes, personality wise.
But I’ve also entertained mild ideas with Milo, Brawly, Marlon, Melli, and Wallace.
➤  I’d appreciate it a lot for comfort reasons, although technically if your character is smooth enough, it could happen IC.
➤  Probably Red and Blue, and Archie and Max. I’m mostly just vibin here
➤ Defo hella, not just romantically but in the sense of ‘duplicates can do whatever the hell they want.’
➤ Either ask or express your comfort with it OOC, or have your character flirt while not expressing discomfort OOC.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Bare with me... I'm feeling the big sentimental
I can't express to you how much Marvolo means to me, the emotional connection I have to him I've never felt for another fictional character.
No matter what happening in my life I can just look at a photo of Volo and it physically heals me (my favourite ones are those where he is smiling)
Anytime I need to disassociate from my real life I come here, like when I thought that you left for good and won't be posting anything at all I have to literally sit and think what I would do to escape to someplace better. (but also thankfully you didn't delete the blog entirely)
I lost all my photos a while back god knows how... And one of the main reasons I was sobbing my eyes out at midnight was that I had so many photos of Marvolo and Rowan and I lost them all.
There aren't many places in real life where I feel safe... Your blog is one of the few where I do, feel safe to say the first thing that comes to my mind (even if they are mostly horny thoughts heh)
I feel like I have said so much yet I still want to say more...
The main thing is that you've felt safe since day 1 and I can count on my hands how many people in my life have made me feel that way
I can't see through the tears anymore so I'm going to end it here <33
Love you so much
Wolfy 🐺
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I cannot fucking express right now how much this ask touched me. I swear to god, im speechless. 🥺
What lovely words to tell me, Wolfy 💕
I was never going to go forever in general, just from HL stuff.
Your support and love has been amazing, and I really appreciate it, like, A LOT 💜
I'm so happy that my little world helped you in some way, hearing that makes me smile. 💚
BIG love to you, Wolf, seriously ❤️🤍
I do remember at one point that I had said if I left the HL fandom, I'd be taking my blog with me.
I've since realised I don't want to do that because of the bond I have to this blog now and you guy's.
Tbh, the last few days was mainly me saying goodbye to HL side of things. Because I'm not going to be posting HL content anymore (aside from a few audio's that I may make to use up my 11labs letters, then after that, I won't be posting the HL stuff anymore. And at first I thought that was also going to include my OC stuff, i'm still on the fence about what I wanna do regarding content on my OC's, but i'm happy posting murder hubby pics for now, I will make some audio's of him too, I still don't know if its worth me writing anything currently, and I wanted to take a break from doing written posts anyway for the time being, I really don't know what I wanna do.
All I know is that RIGHT now, my heart is still VERY invested in my creation of Marvolo, and tbh, Rominis too (Ominis being the only HL character I still care about because of what i built with him and Rowan) so it's hard to decide what I want to do right now in regards to written posts. I've had so many people reach out and tell me to stay and JUST write Marvolo / OC stuff if that's what makes me happy, and I mean, they're right, I should just do whatever I want, but my brain isn't my friend at the moment.
I've got pictures to post, and those 11labs letters to use, I'm just kinda taking each day as it comes to see what I want to do.
I've also had people tell me my HL love might spark again when HL2 comes out, which let's be real, isn't going to be for a long time I reckon, but yeah, I'm going to keep this blog up definitely, and I'm still going to be around ❤️
Sorry to blabber on 😅
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melleonis · 6 years
so my box of 100 random d&d minis (and one marilith which i ordered special because who (tf) do you think i am?) came in the mail and here is a countdown of the twelve best:
TWELVE: darkmantle. always good to have a mini of a squid or a squid-like creature, even better when they have a ring of eyes around their head ELEVEN: giant fire beetle. “giant” in terms of beetles. actually a rather small fellow. CR 1/8 in the monster manual. honestly i just like the little guy, he seems honest. TEN: a pretty neat elf fighter with a war hammer and a shield and some very nice angular art deco stylings NINE: the base of her mini tells me she’s named “Snig the Axe”. goblin with the good pointy goblin hood and an axe as big as she is. a Character. you can tell. EIGHT: a kraken priest mislabelled as a tridrone. easy mistake to make, one’s a humanoid from the sea, one’s a dang inverted pyramid with legs. this mini has taken what i think was just a kraken-evocative tattered cloak in its Volo’s Guide art and turned it into a weirdly insectoid sextet of limbs coming off his back. strange choice but i like it. SEVEN (tied): a coupla thri-kreen. thri-kreen own. that’s the whole story here. SIX: a kamadan, according to its base. i don’t know what’s the use-case for a big jaguar with six snakes coming out of its shoulders, but if that eventuality arises i am gonna be prepared. FIVE: a girallon. big john-carter-ass white four-armed tusked gorilla motherfucker. this just fucking full-on Heavy Metal-style rules. FOUR: allegedly a githzerai, but i really get more of a yuan-ti vibe off of this guy? i guess that’s supposed to be a scarf but i’m interpreting it as a snake. reeeally good Action Pose on this guy. billowing hooded half-cloak, clenched fist, upthrust wavy scimitar. THREE: scarecrow. easily the scariest-looking guy in the whole box. took the very good creepy art from the Monster Manual and successfully turned it into an inch-high icon to terror. TWO: six knobbly arthropod legs and a cyclopean daddy long-legs cephalothorax. called a “Mad Slasher” according to the base. you did it, you stripped the arthropod monster down to its bare essentials. ONE: a dang robot with a big old hammer, a dorsal fin, and a mechanical crab-claw. the base calls it a “Hammerer” which seems...more like a job than a name, to be honest? but yeah. the best of a pretty good box tbh.
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