#volta siblings
nightshiftpodcast · 2 years
Do the Volta siblings have a mom or did Gideon go full mad scientist and make them in a lab like the powerpuff girls?
All of the Volta siblings were born 👀 😌
Anymore information… you’ll have to hope we can fund season 2!
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The Volta Siblings
If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight
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becaexists · 2 years
No one asked for it but I've decided I want to share my playlists for Night Shift because they make me ridiculously happy
First up is my SebAngelo playlist! It's very long because I love them to the point where everything reminds me of them (It's called Peace Message bc Fen means Peace and Angelo means Messenger and I think it's a good ship name)
Second playlist is Platonic Bed-Sharing because holy hades do I these boys with all my heart, they deserve a playlist dedicated to just comfy platonic vibes
Last and least in songs is Protect What You Love, which is my Volta siblings playlist because I have serious brainrot about my personal heacanons to do with them + the dynamic between Rafe and Angelo is so intriguing to me, I really hope the family dynamics get explored in later episodes
Hope you enjoy! Feel free to make any recommendations of songs I should add!
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sozzledjuja · 5 months
A question that I'd like answered is wtf is the twins' problem with voltans? Like, there must be some type of discrimination factor in here, because Mephisto and Praxina (especially Mephisto, if I remember correctly) were always doing little side jabs at voltans.
Off the top of my head, I can remember this one in particular:
"You're pretty smart for a Voltan." - Mephisto, season 1, episode 25
It seems to me like there being racism in Ephidea isn't too far fetched. In terms of world building it would be interesting to see how deep it runs, and the "reasoning" behind it.
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 months
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web weaving; erebus & rhéa volta
"after all, what exactly is a family, if not a brotherhood and sisterhood afflicted with the same terminal disease?"
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
Either you die a hero or you live long enough to become a villain
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little-limerick-hater · 7 months
Sorry--one of my friends pointed out how funny it is that Limerick is named after the poem format most known for innuendos/indecency. Which wasn't my intention but now it definitely is.
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+ Sonnet being named after a poem used to examine the tension between elements is sending me into the stratosphere, bye.
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Something something, wow you two really stuck close to your structures, huh?
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thisismeracing · 8 months
I think that was me, yes !!!! I also lurked in ur anon tags to find an ask I sent you once and realized I didn't tag myself as ur anon .... BUT THOTS
i always have lewis + kids thoughts..... do I wanna have kids?? no. does lewis alter my brain chemistry? yes.
I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT LIKE setting about that man makes me think of what it would be like to have a family with him ??? it would be so so sweet I feel ...
BUT aside from that ..... I always melt at the thought of lewis being protective or jealous ... not in a toxic way lmao but ... subtle things like.. always having an arm or a hand on you and having you close at all times, or leaving small kisses here and there..... YOU KNOW ?? - 🩰
kjfksjf it's fine! so yayy bem vinda de volta, bestie!!!
omgggg I know exactly the feeling!! He get's 100x cuter when he's with kids, and the fact that they're good with them?! *chef kiss*
Ok, so mixed scenario, what if you have kids together, and you're out at the park someday, lewis is playing football with your oldest, and you're sitting on the picnic blanket with the youngest, they're struggling with eating an orange, and you're helping them by giving the bits so they only need to chew it. a young guy approaches you guy, he's friendly and all, and he's saying something about the weather and then about how your youngest looks just like you, and when you're about to reply, your oldest who's about eight years old is right beside you, a frown on his face and one arm around your neck, "my sibling looks like my dad, actually" and you're torn between laughing or telling him to try and be polite. It's a second before Lewis is right beside you guys scooping your drooling baby in his arms and turning to the guy with one of those small smiles of his, the one you know it's not all that friendly. "Hey man, nice to meet you," he greets, you before sitting by your side and pecking your lips. "Did you call for me, babe? I swore I've heard your voice," and you know exactly what he's doing. Safe to say the guy quickly bid his goodbye, leaving you to your little family, your oldest being just as protective as Lewis, and you know it's just a matter of time before the youngest learns with them and starts clinging to you too whenever strangers approach.
send me thots
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f3v3rdreamz · 4 months
- authoritative parenting style
- a bit more protective if you're around other scythes
- definitely shows you off to curie when he can
- if Rowan and Citra found out about you they'd see you as a sibling
- if you're younger he would be overly protective of you
- if you're older he would be more easy going if you're alone, but safe, while he finishes a Conclave or a Gleaning
- authoritative parenting style
- makes sure you're safe no matter where you are
- let's you help cook with her
- would try keep you hidden from the Scythedom
- has Faraday or Citra watch over you at times
- would tell you about her and faraday's past relationship
- somewhat uninvolved parenting style
- doesn't really know how to deal with children
- he tries to make sure you get the acquired affection everyday
- would have someone from the new order watch over you (almost always either Rand or Volta. Chomsky once had the duty of babysitting you and tried showing you how to use the flamethrower.)
- if you saw him doing a mass gleaning, he'd definitely feel somewhat guilty
- permissive parenting style
- tries his best to appear strong for you
- keeps Goddard away from you at all costs, with Rand and Chomsky he'll sometimes let you bond with them in anyway you can
- always trying to keep his emotions in check when he's around you
- if he happens to scare you he'll immediately apologize and try to comfort you
- let's you hold his hand when you'd like to
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vodyaniks · 11 months
You know how the Devorak siblings pronounce eachothers name's a bit different (as well as Mazelinka i think??)
Like Ilya- Ilyushka, Portia - Pasha
I made a list of how i would do the same with some other Arcana names
Nadia- Naden'ka, Nadyusha,
Asra- Asrik(??)
Portia- Pashen'ka, Pavlik (kinda sounds like a bird name)
Ilya- Ilyusha, Ilyushka,
Muriel- Murochka, Murzik (a common cat name that means purr)
Lucio- Luchik (sounds like the word sunshine), Lusya
Valdemar- marchik, martik, Vladya, Vladik, Vladyusha
Valerius- Valera, Valerchik, Valya
Volta- Volya, Voltyusha
Faust- Faustyusha, faustik
Malak- Malchik(??? Literally means lil boy)
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annacake · 3 months
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Rime's youngest siblings: Volta Blue, Cloud, and Marine; still live at home and are enjoying the playground equipment in the back yard
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praxinasshanila · 2 years
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Aurora, Princess of Volta
The first of my many Lolirock ocs: Aurora is one of Auriana's 32 sisters - although she's only a half sister to Auri on their father's side. She has a questionable relationship with her family after being separated from them and Isolated by Gramorr. She's a bubbly but ambitious and tenacious girl - determined to not be looked down on for only being "half a princess".
~full profile/ backstory under the cut ~
Favorite Color:
Red orange
Daggers (she always carries a few, just in case)
Magic o/c! Her crystals are a rust orange
Sunshine, powerful magic, festivals and celebrations, attention, jewelry
the cold, the dark, fire, a lot of her siblings, being looked down on
👍 bluffing
👍self reliance
👍 charismatic
👍 resilience
👎takes things too personally
👎a little self absorbed
👎easily swayed
Confined spaces
-like most the princesses of Volta, Aurora was captured by Gramorr when he attacked their realm. Much of the family was kept together but Aurora wasn’t one of them. Being left isolated in a small prison cell for year has given her some serious claustrophobia 
When gramorr conquered Volta he was met with resistance and in the fight the palace was destroyed. Aurora remembers trying to escape only to have her path blocked by flames. Her fear is very reasonable
3. Small animals
She just doesn’t like them, something about a small creature is just off putting to her. She’s not a fan of Amaru
Practicing her spell craft
Performing (dancing and singing)
Taking long walks
Eating new foods
Back Story
Aurora is one of many princesses of Volta. She’s the closest sister to Auriana in age, being just a little bit older than her. She’s only a half sibling to Auriana, her father is the King but she has a different mother. Despite being among the older children, because she’s only half royalty she’s pretty low in the running for the throne.
Aurora was never really close to any of her massive family. As a young child she and Auriana were friends because they’re so close in age, but after they’d both hit their shanila Aurora started to notice how differently they were treated.  Her shanila was of course a big deal and treated as such, but once she was past it her life returned to business as usual. Auriana on the other hand was treated as a maturing princess who needed to learn to be in charge of things given that she was reasonably in line for the throne. This was the biggest hit to Aurora that made the gap between herself and her siblings a solid issue.
When Volta fell she, like most of the royal family, was imprisoned by Gramorr. While much of the family was kept together in a single cell a number of the older children weren’t lucky enough to be kept with their family, Aurora was one of those children. She was kept on her own completely isolated for years, because of this she became even more disconnected from others. Her time in Isolation made her very independent and self reliant but also very self absorbed. She’s always been the only person she had to count on and also the only person she’s ever had to worry about.
Since Gramorr’s defeat she’s been trying to make up for all she missed growing up in his prison, and a lot of her personality and likes have formed around that. She loves spending her time outside, enjoying the sunlight that she barely saw before. After years of isolation she loves being the center of attention, she’s taken to showing off in any way she can, and she particularly loves celebrations for giving her lots of opportunity to do so. Much like her sister she enjoys performing, both dancing and singing.  Since being freed she’s started working with her brother and Izira’s resistance force to help repair the damage Gramorr did to Ephedia. She’s a little jealous of the relationship her brother has with her other siblings, but she hopes working alongside him will help bring her closer to her family.
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Bestie! pls i can't handle this much kindness!
@becaexists (... tho maybe I don't need to tag you?!!?)
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becaexists · 2 years
So I made the Volta family in the sims and Rafe just starved to death because he was too busy painting...
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sweet-dining-car · 1 year
do you have anyone race engine headcanons? (Greaseball, Rusty and Electra)
So sorry for getting back so late but I had to get EVERYTHING down
Rusty probably joined Boy Scouts tbh, he just has that Boy Scout vibe abt him
Rusty is the son of Poppa and Belle but spent most of his young years with Poppa which is why when he was first introduced to Belle he didn’t have a great view of her (More abt the Poppa and Belle situation if ppl wanna here abt it)
Rusty tends to get crushes quickly with like any coach that would pay attention to him but he really fell HARD for Pearl. Like he was actually in love then, not just a crush
Rusty has rust because of really bad eczema(rust), like from a young age
He is about 1.5 years younger than Pearl but like 3 years older than the Rockies
The Rockies are his half siblings via Poppa (still part of my Poppa-Belle lore)
Once he is with Pearl, he doesn’t feel the same strive to race. He still competes in the upcoming Championships because he has to defend his Championship as part of the rules but he chooses to lose because he doesn’t really want to be a racer anymore and prefers to be a shunter
Rusty and Pearl live pretty content lives in the yard
Rusty has tried to become friends with Electra and Greaseball. He sort of has with Electra but they don’t really hang out much, but they are on pretty good terms. With Greaseball however, Greaseball seems to be rather cold to him. Rusty doesn’t actively avoid him but he does choose to not spend time with Greaseball
Later on Rusty and Pearl end up having 2 trainlets, Rosie and Will.
Rosie is a pink steam train who acts like Pearl and Will looks just like Rusty
In a high school AU Rusty is in band and is on the water polo team
Electra was adopted and greatly loves his moms, they are one of the few people that can tell him to do something
While Electra has that whole Electronics thing going on, the first person he had ever been involved with was Volta and they know each other very well
Electra likes to experiment with their hair and they like to try different hair styles and colors
Electra did go try to find his birth parents (because he was abandoned) but it all came up empty
He wants everyone to love him just to ensure that he won’t be abandoned again
One if the reasons why he chose to race in the first place was to get people to notice him and just in case his biological parents saw that he won and would try to find him or see how successful he was without them
He generally feels mixed feelings towards his parents
I don’t think it’s really a hc cuz it was confirmed but Electra is Gender Fluid and Bi
Electra doesn’t really like the freight but he is ok with the Rockies because they sometimes braid his hair for free
Electra didn’t like Greaseball because he naturally got attention and Greaseball getting attention was Electra not getting attention which made him feel more abandoned
In “No Comeback” Electra just went back to his parents house, hand a good long cry, stayed the weekend to talk about his need for attention then went back to the year feeling better
Completely random but in a high school AU Electra drives Greaseball to school, cuz I say so. They aren’t even really friends, their parents are. (Taken from a line in the rap and I just couldn’t stop thing abt how funny it was)
In high school AU, Electra would have been in the fashion club and the swim team
Ahh yes Greaseball 🥰💕
Greaseball is dyslexic (coming from a dyslexic)
He first met Dinah when they were young cuz they just so happened to cross paths
Greaseball’s father was a pretty bad dude who got Greaseball to think that diesel were better than any other rolling stock. Eventually in his teen years Greaseball realized that everything that his father said wasn’t true but some of it he still believed unconsciously
When Greaseball first started to date Dinah he didn’t really know how to handle a real steady relationship and a big growth step for him was when he told Dinah this instead of just telling her that instead of just being quiet to her
He had many flings before Dinah but he never felt like anything would be quick with her, she just felt different
Greaseball wanted to be just like his dad when he was young but in his teen years he realized that his dad wasn’t the best like he though he was and came to find that his father was quite terrible especially to his mother
Now Greaseball love(d)s his mommy to pieces
His mother died right after he won his first championship. He was so torn up about it that he became very depressed and thought about quitting racing. Dinah was there to comfort him and it just so happens that around this same general time Greaseball made it official with Dinah
Greaseball tried for years to fix the way that he thinks to be less narcissistic but he greatly struggled with it and often ended up not thinking of others
He never really meant to uncouple Dinah, he just thought about how he wanted to get back at Electra
Greaseball has a very hard time sleeping without Dinah next to him
Greaseball and Dinah would have gotten married about a year after the race
They had between 5-8 trainlets (they were pretty busy…)
Once Dinah was pregnant the first time , Greased said that it would be his last season of racing
He then became a racing instructor
In a high school AU he would be on the football team and the wrestling team as well as being part of the weightlifting club
He can in fact whistle and he does for Dinah only
That’s all I think!
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gaygryffindorgal · 28 days
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web weaving; the volta siblings + but daddy i love him
"i forget how the west was won i forget if this was ever fun i just learned these people only raise you to cage you"
iason and skylla belong to @potionboy3
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