91062854-ka · 3 years
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Hair length:
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Outfit on Earth:
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Dress in the Heavens:
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Gender: Female
Age: 25
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Brown
Height/Weight: 5'7"/102 lbs
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Birthday: August 23rd
Ruler of Leo Minor Constellation
The Heir Princess of the Heavens
Friend to Tanbarun Royal Family (in the future)
The Leo Minor Constellation
Aide to the First and Second Princes of Clarines (in the future)
Goddess of Leo Minor Constellation
Leon (Father)
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Kyoko (Mother)
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Crush: Izana Wistaria
Prince Raji
Zen Wistaria
Kiharu Toghrul
Stella (pet bird that Kiharu Toghrul gift to her: later on)
Kai Ulkir
Shiira Eigan
Body type: Strong and flexible
Leona is optimistic, honest, kind, strong-willed and dedicated. Yet she's sarcastic and sassy, not afraid to speak her mind. She cares a lot for her friends and family, She's strong minded, cheerful and very hard working, despite being a demigoddess. She's intelligent, determined and has good health. She loves Ichthys' pranks, but she can get annoyed or concerned when his pranks goes too far.
Powers and Abilities:
Healing abilities
Decaying abilities
Agility and adaptability to environments and situations
Glow-in-the-dark hair
Prehensile hair
Control over the black rocks (later on)
Interesting Facts:
• Leona likes to call her friends by their nicknames sometimes, calling Ichthys "Ikky", Teorus "Teo", Huedhaut "Hue", Tauxolouve "Lou" or "Louie", Aigonorus "Aigo", and Zyglavis "Zig".
• Leona is the second god to have two special abilities; the first is Tauxolouve.
• Even though Zyglavis, Scorpio and her father never get along and her mother kinda does, she however does get along with Zyglavis and Scorpio because she doesn't act like Leon. She never understands why they don't like each other, no matter how hard she tries, they never told her or why the Department of Wishes and Punishments never got along either, so she gave up on asking.
• Leona loves to read books from the library or from online.
• Leona hates alcohol because she knew it taste weird and hears when people get drunk, stuff happens. So, she stays away from it and use her powers to bring water, juice or soda for herself.
• Leona loves stars, just like her mother, so they go stargazing, sometimes with her father as well. So, whenever she feels alone or homesick, she'll look up to the sky at night to see the stars to remember her parents and her friends by.
• Like her father, Leona loves meatballs simmered in tomato sauce. So, she and Leon shares them together whenever they have some father-daughter time. She also doesn't mind sharing them with other people.
• When her divine powers are unleashed, her left eye turns turquoise blue, and her right eye turns golden yellow.
• Leona loves to sing, so she took choir in high school and still sings after she graduates.
• Unlike Ichthys' healing ability, her healing power not only comes from her hands, but also from her hair, (similar to Rapunzel in Tangled) even when her hair is cut, her magic hair still works while the hair that's been cut turns auburn and loses its power. When something or someone is physically in contact with her hands or hair in order for the magic to work is, she sings a special healing incantation song, her hair also emits a glowing bright red when the magic activates.
• When she sings her decay incantation song to weaken her enemies, her hair glows dark red.
• After Leona lets her hair grow longer throughout the story, she can use her extremely long hair to grasp and manipulate objects and people. On many occasions, she has been shown using her hair as a rope to swing around, a lasso to grab/hold objects and people, or a whip in combat. Her hair also appears to be incredibly lightweight, as she is quite agile and is able to move around quite easily despite its sheer size.
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My baby boi
he’s so precious PROTECT HIM AT ALL COST
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hay-1611 · 6 years
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I've not uploaded here for a long time. and finally I can share my imagination with you.
it's very difficult to match and find each character to look similar, especially Shunichiro who is very difficult to find.
Here we go. [Part 1]
Shunichiro Tachibana 》 Lee Jin Wook
Yukihisa Maki 》 Yu Shirota
Toshiaki Kijima 》 Ryo Yoshizawa
Toma Kiriya 》 Yang Se Jong
Go Okubo 》 Sakaguchi Kentaro
Natsume Asaoka 》 Taishi Nakagawa
Taku Hayama 》 Johnny Huang
Enjoy ❤👌
Part 2 coming soon
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schemingyourmind · 6 years
Liar! Uncover the truth Live Action Movie Main Lead is being introduced!!!
to celebrate their 3rd anniversary of Doubt Series (Liar! in English), voltage inc releases several surprising news for the user that I guess we won't see it in Liar!
1. releasing of Doubt: 裏社会編(i translate this into Liar: Undercover World's dark secret)
2. another limited edition file of Uncover the truth series
3. Live action movie!!!!!
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well, Doubt User waited for another 6 month to get further info about this. (yea, from august to february)
when I saw the official web, there's only teaser pic of live action's heroine and comment from her. you may check the website here.
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there's also a comment from the heroine's cast, Akane Hotta, regarding Doubt live action series (ps: rough translation):
"when I had a talk about to be a heroine for this, I couldn't hide my happiness and insecure feeling and thinking about the offer. I decided from my heart to took this role because I already play the game before the offer comes to me. the shooting started from October 2018. the film itself already wrapped, thanks to the Staffs and another casts' support. this is my first time became the main role and I hope you can enjoy my work!"
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another teaser pic。 what do you think?
we still waiting for another cast, especially Yuikawa Itaru's and Shiga Soutarou's role (this is maybe only me lah). is there any johnny's boys from the cast? /bricked
you can follow more update from their twitter (please take a note that it's in Japanese)
let's into my first impression about this.
i still cannot comment about the boys because it's not revealed yet. I must admit Akane is pretty but i still cannot sense 'strong woman' like Uncover the truth's heroine from her yet. her hairstyle is kinda weird 違和感, idk if she didn't curl her hair, i guess it would be better. (I personally thought that her look is similar with office deception's heroine)
aaaaaand, I actually prefer Keiko Kitagawa for the heroine. thanks to Nazotoki wa Dinner no ato de drama live action, sometimes i felt that heroine look is based on Keiko's Reiko ojousama 😂. But she may too old for these kind of role soooo.... let the younger actress do their best la!
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kyaaah Reiko ojousama and Kageyama~
but please don't let my opinion affecting your opinion tho.
i will update this after the further info comes.
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bmsa93 · 6 years
Maybe a spoiler but not 100% sure...
Apparently Kaga is called a mad dog by the other detectives and I find this extremely hilarious😂😂😂.
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pheohunch · 8 years
"how could yoyou like kbtbb so much its about sex trafficking? Play a nicer game" well I do play nicer games it just I really love kbtbb why? Well I love the dark twist to it how it says your not always gonna meet a prince charming and that love takes its time to grow before you can actually see it and I mean there are other voltage games where the mc is forced to do something she doesn't want to do hell there's a worse game with a similar theme by the name of bidding for love  where the auctions are fake and the guys know its fake yet continue to sexually assault and do terrible things where as in kbtbb where the auctions are very much real all the guys do is just scare her a bit or act like complete assholes but that's just them being them where as in bidding for love they pass some of the pain they caused mc as just acting or "oh we got you we didn't mean to do this without your consent but it was all fake haha" and tbh kbtbb kinda played safe it still had its dark moments sure but its realistic way with relationships where they don't just rush into it and marry the next day no it took them 3 god damn seasons to warm up to each other and get used to one another before they could truly be comfortable and that's what most relationships are like especially with most of the bidders backgrounds eisuke is a rich business man who has women left right and center trying to get him not for himself as a man but for his money so of course he's gonna be an ass at first he's testing the mc if she will fuck off once she has that green paper plus its eisuke who is known anyway for being a bit of an ass a sexy ass but still an ass And for ota well if some people paid attention to the story other than the pet kink going on you would know he was betrayed by many people and had his art stolen many many times so of course he will have little trust in people he meets and plus the women he meets are most of the time trying to get some of that cash and maybe a painting or two and then fuck off so yh he's not gonna open his arms and have you run into them right away it takes time before he breaks the koro wall and says your name and yes the whole koro shit is his way of saying "I don't want you too close to me" and I'm talking about eisuke and ota because they are the most understood characters in the game and people hate them for it and just focus on eisuke being an asshole and ota having treat mc like a dog and don't look past and finding the meaning find all of it the amount of messages this game gives is just wow and some people just don't see it I admit I was one of those people but I've looked again and thought wait a minute so that's what that means like damn yh people can like what they like but hating the game cuz of your first impressions of two characters just damn don't judge a book by its cover and read between the lines  Im probably gonna get hate for this rant but eh IDC it needed to be said
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tinisprout · 3 years
Ok hear me out... What if I make a TBZ smau with the plot of one of the voltage.inc games? If you have any idea of what I'm talking about then leave in the notes which one I should do.
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softshark-koichi · 4 years
A little headcanon brainstorm on Koichi's past life:
First thing first: We don't know shit.
I scrapped the Internet. All pages that had Samejima in it and we can barely find stuff about him we is me but I like to think we're many people in there. Only on the wiki page you can find the following:
Koichi Samejima
"A member of the Ice Dragon's from the Hong Kong branch.."
So he's originally supposed to work in HK, China.
who was sent to help Soryu on Soryu’s grandfather’s orders."
We know for a fact that until S2 orS3 I don't remember , the Ice Dragons boss is Soryu’s grandfather Ryuu-something.
"..He’s the polar opposite of Inui and the two of them joined the Ice Dragons the same time, which sparks a rivalry on who's superior..."
By polar opposite he's much more calm, analytical and let's say mature? He is still very stubborn tho. I wish Voltage writers would use that small info to give the duo depth. They're showcased and shown as parallels but it's never really explored in game 😭😭
"..Soryu’s grandfather had saved him from a dangerous situation when he was younger back in Hong Kong..."
I really want to know the nature of that event. Like was he on a school trip? On a vacation with friends? Just travelling alone?
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hungnitan · 5 years
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*So, we have CHIKAGE as KEI !!! Kinda suprising since I pretty sure think he would appear as Hinakawa, but then again yeah he’s pretty similar to Kei and I can’t think anyone close enough to him in personality, ability and background as Chikage maybe Hisoka but... not height XD
**I kinda like his prebloom card (eventhough it’s bit differ to Kei in anime) but... HIS BLOOM CARD !! CHIKAGE FACE IMMEDIATELY MAKES ME REMEMBER TO TSUMUGU KIDO (Our Two Bedroom Story Voltage.Inc game)
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*This one pretty right on my prediction (since it’s only Tasuku or Omi) and WHAT A HIGH LEVEL OF COSPLAY HERE !!! Even I think for a sec to think who’s that (hahahahaha)
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*WE HAVE ANOTHER HIGH LEVEL OF COSPLAY !!! I JUST CAN’T STOP LAUGHING HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Liber even wrecked Sakyo’s hair here !!! I know it’s Ikemen chara but to think even this wrecked hair !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I even stopped for almost ten second just thinking who’s that and can’t guess until saw the banner name.
For now I guess few role right,  so we only have Arata (SSR), Hinakawa and Ginoza (SR) role. Since we have Chikage as Kei it become unpredictable for Arata’s role but the nearest I can think it’s Itaru (if it’s really him, we gonna see action scene that kinda like Winter act 8 in Zahra country) And it become unpredictable too for Hinakawa’s role, the nearest one maybe Masumi but he already appeared on previous event and event collab before. The one I can think most it’s Banri since he’s kinda all rounder too. For Ginoza’s role, moreless same like Kougami role. MUST BE IKEMEN CHARACTERS, pretty thin and higher than Ginoza (like Itaru, Banri, Tsumugi)
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kpopotomeboo · 5 years
Rin Yakumo - S1 Main Story
From “My First Last Kiss” by Voltage.inc.
Free until 30/09/2019 in the Love 365 app!
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lovable character
Great character development
Interesting plot
My Review:
I really liked how Rin and the MC are able to banter, and you can really see their relationship develop over the story. It’s interesting how they both know that they like another person and support eachother till the end! (The story had me rooting for the two all the way till the last chapter!! 😆) Rin himself is such an angel, remembering things about the MC that even she forgets. He’s very thoughtful, perceptive and bashful, but open to telling you how he feels. A sweet guy indeed- much like his cakes at ‘Parole’~! ✨🥰
Give him a shot if you haven’t already!
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(SPOILER(?) Photos screencapped from Chapters 13 and Bonus Story)
Well, that’s my first review ever. Hope you enjoyed!😂😂✨🔥💕
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This reminds me of。。。。someone 。。。。
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Of course。。。
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hay-1611 · 6 years
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Taki : what do you want for your b'day?
Mc : I don't want anything, I just want to be with you
Taki : fine.
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seisukeseirin · 6 years
Nemurenai yoru Tonari ni iru kimi mo Yokokao wa nanda ka setsuna ku miete Dareni mo ienai kodoku wo kimi wa Sumorasete ii kurunda ne dakara Nee, kimi kara afuredasu Omoi subetewo Ore ga kowarerukurai dakishimeru yo Nee, dareni mo kurenai futari no sekai Ore ga mamori kiru yo Kimi dake zutto aitsuyo to ari
A sleepless night You as well For a moment somehow your profile can be seen You can't tell anyone how lonely you are So you can let me have it Hey, it overflows from you All your thoughts I'll embrace you until I'm about to break Hey, our world that I will not give to anyone I'll protect it You are always the only one
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bossvg · 7 years
I just bought Kyosuke’s route from Rose In The Embers! Let me tell you that I do not regret getting his route like…omg the story is so mesmerizing and captivating. Omg but Kyosuke..omg I just love him 😩 he is so charming and I love the way he flirts and jokes around but he doesn’t joke around in a very mean way like some other voltage guys do, he jokes around like in a sweet flirty way like omg my heaRt can’t take it!! he has such a beautiful kind heart even though he is going through a lot 😩 I need to protect him no matter what 😤❤️
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~Get to know me a little more!~
Mun!Yuki: Tagged by @madisnorm, @kyaruun, @the-sloth-woman, @queenie-peachy, thank you so much~! Forgive me for doing this on here. XD
Sport: Golf~!
Vacation: Hmmm... I think I went to California to visit family? :)
Kiss: Never once in my life did my lips ever lay upon another’s.
Drink: SPRITE!!!!!
Phone Call: My Sister. XD
Song you listened to:  “FAKE LOVE” by BTS~!
Kissed someone and regretted it: Never kissed anyone.
Gotten drunk and throw up: I think when I was visiting Mexico with family? ^_^;;;
Laughed until you cried: Oh my god, it was from a livestream I was watching a few days ago. XD
Do you have siblings: Yup~
Pets: I can’t have one. T_T
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown, almost looks black.
Long or short hair: Long hair~
Piercings/Tattoos: None, but I still plan on getting myself a tattoo!
Zodiac: Gemini.
Since when do you have your blog: Huh... well my main was made four years ago; This ship blog was actually two years ago! :)
What’s on your Blog?: On this blog, Diabolik Lovers, My CanonxOc ship and the babies; While my main one is full of multi fandoms, such as Mystic Messenger, Voltage.inc Otome games, etc, and memes~
What’s your kink: Teasing~ I love to tease people~ I have others but I shall keep my lips sealed~
Did you ever want to slap someone: Here’s a better question... WHO THE FUCK HASN’T?!!!!!
What can you tell about your personality:
* I am a switch: meaning I’m both submissive and dominant~
* I live for angst; I’m the Mistress of Angst!!!!!
* I am pretty much lovable but idiotic dork~! XD
* I’m the type that prefers blunt honesty instead of sugarcoating words.
* I have a huge yet strange thing for Tsunderes and Kuuderes.
What do you hate:
* Insects.
* Lack of character development in well-written stories.
* Boredom.
* When others think it is okay to take someone’s idea, claim it as their own by changing it all to their liking and leave out things they don’t like from it. (This is specific due to a personal experience)
* People that are just so close-minded.
Hugs or Kisses: Why not both~?
Lips or eyes:  Eyes. I always find myself captivated. XD
Older or younger: A little older.
Hands, Chest or Butt: Hands because they are warm and they feel safe to me when holding onto them.
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lxvescramble · 7 years
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I can not believe that Voltage.inc ended Love Scramble.😭😭😠😠
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