#vongola 10th gen
ravensilversea · 5 months
The Varia Arc - This Means War
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shokoraa · 2 years
cruisin' through the apocalypse with my hitman because Namimori has no chill
cruisin' through the apocalypse with my hitman because Namimori has no chill
By: Ourliazo
Summary: A month after Tsuna is accosted by a handsome man in a suit claiming to be his new 'home tutor', the zombie pandemic finally hits Japan. And, really, nothing much changes.
Status: Complete
Words: 3,773  Chapters: 3/3  Language: English
Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: No Archive Warnings Apply
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Characters: Reborn, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians, Hibari Kyouya
Relationship: Reborn & Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sawada Tsunayoshi & Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians
Additional Tag: Alternate Universe - COVID-19, Alternate Universe - Adult Arcobaleno, Warning: Hibari Kyouya, Alternate Universe - Zombies, The First Thing You Learn Is That Reborn Is An Asshole, Adult Reborn - Freeform, Daily Life Arc (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Skull's Masochistic Streak, Fluff and Humor, I wanted zombies but got Covid instead, Fix-it fic for the pandemic?, Reborn and Tsuna's abusive and rather sadistic friendship
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hopeswriting · 10 months
he's a boy with so much love to give in him no one wants, and they're six boys and a girl who only want and need to be loved without having to prove themselves deserving of it first.
can i make it anymore obvious??
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No one could possibly convince the Vongola 10th's guardians to walk away from him when he's been trying to do that for decades now.
Tsuna is like "guys there's the door you can leave any time now we don't have to do this" and everyone keeps coming in and out of the room not even second looking at him like they know, okay?
They do whatever they want and that fact includes staying by Tsuna's side.
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lapseinrecs · 5 months
Boss’ Responsibilities
By DearCat @dearcat1
On Archive of Our Own 
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 1237 words
Summary: Reborn likes his social experiments. This one, in particular, is his favourite. 
My thoughts: I love it! It’s so great. The Varia is just confused by the puppy piling. I love Xanxus and Tsuna being bros, but this is cute too.
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stormsthatrage · 1 year
Have an angsty KHR AU (Playing fast and loose with flame lore and characterization. Also, I haven't figured out what the 10th Gen Guardians are doing during all this, but whatever it is, it involves So Many miscommunications.)
The AU:
Tsuna doesn't want to be a mafia boss. He hates the violence, he hates the danger, he hates knowing that if he messes up, it can get people killed.
But no one really listens to him. Not even Reborn, who just sees Tsuna's whole "I don't want to be a mafia boss" thing as a sort of juvenile rebellion phase.
(But it's not. Every time one of Tsuna's people comes home hurt, every time Tsuna has to inflict harm on the battlefield, every time Tsuna is exposed to the casual cruelty of the underworld, it damages something inside of him. It scars his soul. He hates it. He does not want to be a mafia boss.)
And then Timoteo's health declines. (These next two paragraphs were heavily inspired by Break These Chains on Me by Luki on AO3.) Tsuna, knowing his time is running out and absolutely desperate, tries to make plans to get tf out. Maybe he signs up for civilian university. Maybe he makes plans to travel. Maybe he tries to create a fake identity to just run. And Tsuna, who has learned to rely on and trust Reborn -- after everything, how could he not -- confides in him about these plans.
And Reborn -- who has never really understood why Tsuna hates the mafia -- thinks this is one last (highly irritating) attempt at a teenage rebellion. It's not entirely unexpected, what with the weight of being Don Vongola looming over Tsuna's shoulders. And so, in a true Disappointed Reborn fashion, he responds with a harsh but effective lesson. He plays along with Tsuna's escape plans for a bit, and then. And then. It's the day Tsuna plans to vanish, and Reborn sits Tsuna down at the table, with Xanxus and Timoteo, and tells Tsuna if he doesn't fall in line Bad Things are gonna happen to his people.
(Reborn does not intend this to be an actual threat. It's supposed to be a slap on the wrist. A sort of, "Yeah, you're a teenager, but you need to start conducting yourself more seriously, knock it off before I actually get mad." Sure, Vongola is threatening to kidnap Tsuna's mom, but the kidnappers are just going to take her out for tea and cake and a spa night, and when Tsuna shows up to rescue her she'll be fine. The real punishment will be the physical path to go get her -- Reborn has an Embarrassing Obstacle Course TM planned.
And so on, for all of Tsuna's precious ones.
Reborn does not consider that Tsuna might actually believe the severity of the threats. After all they've been through, after all they've done for each other, Reborn knows Tsuna would never believe that Reborn could actually hurt Tsuna's people.)
But Tsuna. Well, Tsuna's on a different page. This life is killing him, slowly, and when Reborn tells him that he never intended to help Tsuna escape, it hits Tsuna like a full-on betrayal. And while mere minutes before, Tsuna knew that Reborn would never even dream of harming Tsuna's people, Tsuna no longer can trust this. Tsuna fully and absolutely believes that Reborn's threats are real, and that there will be permanent consequences if he doesn't comply.
It gets worse.
Tsuna thought Reborn actually cared about him. Reborn had, slowly but inevitably, become something like a father to Tsuna. But in that moment, Tsuna realizes that he actually was just a job all along.
And Xanxus. Tsuna also thought Xanxus cared about him. He thought they had come to an understanding. He thought they were starting to become brothers, of a sort -- bonded by battle and trauma and shared responsibilities, by nights complaining to each other over dinner or over the phone. And as Tsuna sits across from them, hearing his people threatened and knowing he is, in fact, going to be forced to Italy, he comes to believe that none of that new brotherhood was real.
And Tsuna realizes he has no choice. He never had a choice. He will end up in Italy, as Don Vongola, no matter how much it is going to kill him inside.
And worse: the people he has come to love clearly do not love him back. If they did, they would not be doing this to him. And sitting at that kitchen table, seeing the disappointment in Reborn and Xanxus' eyes, he knows that he is never going to be enough.
But he knows, he knows, that he isn't going to survive Italy without having them in his life supporting him. Because even if they don't love him, he does, truly, love them.
And he comes to the conclusion that if he remains as he is -- weak, useless Tsuna -- not only will he inevitably lose them, but he just flat out won't survive the life stretching out (long, so long, and so so desolate) before him.
So he uses his flames.
He images the mafia boss that they want him to be (as he perceives it). He thinks about all the characteristics they must want him to have, all the things they expect him to want, and he conjures an image of this better Tsuna in his mind. And then he harmonizes with it, becomes one with this false image of himself.
But it doesn't work, not all the way. There are still bits of him, the original, weak, disappointing Tsuna left. He can feel it, in the dread at the thought of the life before him. In the shocked-hurt he feels at this betrayal. In the agony of knowing that they don't care about him, they never cared about him, they only care about his title.
So he puts those bits of himself in ice.
And suddenly, the years ahead don't seem so bad. Suddenly, the betrayal seems reasonable -- after all, wasn't he acting so silly, so juvenile, trying to escape like that. Suddenly, it doesn't matter that they don't love him back -- of course they don't, why would they love him? -- all that matters is he loves them. As long as he keeps himself in check, and matches their expectations, nothing is wrong.
Tsuna looks at them, sitting across the table, and complies with their demands.
Reborn does, for a moment, think that it happens a bit too easily. There's none of the usual screeching, no dragging of the heels, no protests. Right then, Reborn fully expects it to boil over at some point in the future. (He thinks, maybe, that Tsuna is playing along now, but will have a teenagery-protest again as it gets closer to the time they leave for Italy.)
(It never happens.)
Reborn thinks, merely, that Tsuna has put on the mantle of maturity. It's a little ahead of schedule of what he was expecting, but then again, Tsuna has always exceeded expectations.
Time passes. Timoteo's health declines. He dies. Tsuna goes to Italy, and becomes a mafia boss.
(It's a golden age. Tsuna is just as compassionate and selfless and determined as Reborn always knew he would be. There is a peace, unlike anything the underworld has ever seen, because of his rule.
This peace is a result of the core of Tsuna peeking out. It always would have happened.)
It's five years into Tsuna's reign before people begin to realize that something is really, really wrong with Tsuna.
They do figure it out, eventually. And when they do, when they realize what happened and what caused it, it breaks them, just as much as they broke Tsuna all those years ago.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I wanna give you my fav KHR BNHA xovers. There are some concepts in there that I think will give you some good ideas.
Role Model by Luki (KelpieCodyne)
Xanxus is stuck in Endeavor's body precanon for a little bit and he corrupts/helps Touya.
Out of this World by Luki (KelpieCodyne)
Series of the 10th Gen ditching the Mafia by running to another dimension. Feat. BNHA and Pokémon. Hibari is only in the Pokémon world
Youth by TitleUnwanted
Inspired by KHR, Hatsume makes her own 10 Yr Bazooka. It doesn't quite work right. But. 1-A gets to enjoy 5 yr old Izu.
in your eyes i see (a world so wild and free) by Zakyuu
On Hiatus but very good premise. Immortal Tsuna is Izu's dad. He frets that his son is Quirkless in a world of Quirks. Izu's worried about how to explain that his dad is a Mafia Don without getting anyone arrested. Inspired by Lying is Bad for the Soul by Hayato (TheLennyBunny), where Giotto is immortal and falls for Nana... after Iemitsu. Tsuna is Gio's son.
curiosity kills the cat (but satisfaction brought it back) by bonesetblues
Tsuna is stuck in the BNHA world in the body of a cat. Tsuna takes back all the jokes he might have made about Reborn. This is awful.
Unbound by Sky by Quess
Even ten years later Tsuna manages to get pulled into some time travel shenanigans—courtesy of Lady luck giving him the middle finger. Maybe someone should tell Shoichi and Spanner that you shouldn't leave a portal to another world open while guests are in their lab.
Featuring the young Todoroki siblings and Tsuna taking care of these kids because goddamn they need a mentally stable adult that won't take shit from a man-child projecting harder than a child beauty pageant mom.
The Vigilante Boss and His Failed Retirement Plan by Fey_StoryTeller
It supposed to be a joke, a drastic one where Izuku faked following Katchan's advice to take a leapt of faith. Then the fence on rooftop gave up on him, dying with tons of regret awaken the sleeping sky in his soul. Reminding Izuku that he was supposed to be on retirement for life and the next one- which is this one.
Unfortunately, Hyper Intuition was a bitch to deal with in a world of hero and villain, and he thought he could take advantage of the abundant human resource of heroism in this world. You'd think the world doesn't need more heroes or a Vongola.
old light still slants through by lunarctus (nex_et_nox)
I don’t want to die! Izuku screams in that underpass, drowning under the sludge villain.
Why don’t you let me help you with that? says a voice in the back of his head.
Izuku doesn't have a Quirk.
What he has is good instincts, unexplainable nightmares he can't remember, and a cat named Natsu.
My absolute favorite! Uncompleted, hasn't been updated in a while, but so amazing.
Renew by readerdreamer5625
Oneshots about what happens when 4 yr Izu meets Reborn in his dreams and the consequences of that.
So amazing, it made my brain explode with ideas, because author was so right about Sun Flames. Please read this, Ray, it'll spark ideas, I'm sure.
Alaudidae by AmbroiseFrambroise
As a Quirkless boy, the son of Hibari Hisashi and his wife Inko should be weak, right ?
Wrong. Hibari Kyoya is reborn in a strange world where people are just herbivorious as ever, but with powers. He promply decides to be a hero to be able to legaly beat up strongs opponents and restore Order.
Good Luck, UA and the world. You're going to need it.
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ophairetart · 2 years
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After finishing watching mha i realize they all very similar to each other lolol
Deku getting his powers that was passed on just like Tsuna did and that they r both more of a hands on type of fighting
Deku - 9th gen
Tsuna- 10th gen
Both Iruma and Tsuna uses rings to activate their powers
And they r all dorks and are/going to be the the number 1!!!
Iruma- demon lord/king
Deku- #1 hero - One for all
Tsuna - The vongola boss
- Thank u for listening to me Ted talk lolol
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stepswordsen · 27 days
【KHR AU】 XanLena ❤️💜🔥🪷
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Nguyễn Selena (Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên) 💜🪷
Figured it's been a long time since I posted about my wife, Selena~
Nguyễn Selena is my KHR OC who is a Vietnamese non-binary assassin. Her Vietnamese name is Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên.
Her name, Selena, means "moon" 🌙
Her Vietnamese name, Liên, means "lotus flower" in Sino Viet 🪷
In my KHR AU, she joins the Varia as one of their members and lives at their headquarters with the rest of the core Varia members. My wife has NB flag colours~
My wife and her NB swag~ 💜🖤🤍💛
I mainly ship Selena with Xanxus.
In KHR, Xanxus is the leader of the Varia, an independent assassination squad under the Vongola mafia family. He was initially one of KHR's major antagonists.
Selena 💜🖤🤍💛🌙☁️🪷
English name: Nguyễn Selena (グエン・セリナ)
Vietnamese name: Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên (阮月雲蓮)
Japanese alias name: Gen Suzuha (阮月雲蓮)
I resketched Selena's hair recently 💜
I resketched these quickly so it's not as refined but I'm still experimenting/trying to decide how I want Selena's hair to be drawn, whether I want to keep the curls in the back or not.
I feel like her ponytail is pretty iconic to her design. So if Selena got a TYL (10 Years Later) design, then I'd just add a bun on top of the ponytail.
Didn't redraw everything yet but just updated this for now
I redrew the bow and it has better lines but I prefer how pointy the shape of the OG bow was so I'll just combine the two eventually. I just wanted to get the new Selena down
Though both are nice! I just like how the shapes/silhouette of the hair are clearer now.
The XanLena chibis are pretty old doodles, so I'd like to redraw it sometime, but I still think it's cute ^^
My friend Feuri told me he likes how the softer upturned eyes of the OG Selena has a softer expression, so I'll keep both expressions ^^
I love both eyes in the Selena doodles hehe
Art Rambles
XanLena Doodle WIPs ❤️💜
Some recent + old doodles I drew before. I'm planning to refine them eventually!
Xanxus is wearing áo dài ("Long dress"), a type of Vietnamese traditional clothing
Selena is in her usual outfit I designed for her ^^
I think my art style is improving nicely! The way I draw faces is getting more refined
I'll redraw the hair later. I just sketched this quickly for now. Cuz I was just thinking about how I wanted to draw XanLena together more
I have a XanLena art idea in my head... Just need to get started with actually drawing it
Did a quick colour test today. I'll draw the rest later.
I wanna do a big XanLena piece eventually... And also XanLena in traditional Vietnamese clothing~ Matching couple clothing! 🥰💞
I rambled more about XanLena and Selena below.
You can read more under the cut!
I added context for my mutuals who don’t know much about KHR, but would still like to tune into my KHR AUs and KHR OC stuff. Feel free to read only if you want!
Vongola Family = The KHR protagonist, Tsuna, is currently training to become the 10th generation boss of the Vongola family. Tsuna and co. are the Vongola family’s 10th generation guardians.
Varia = The Vongola family’s elite independent assassination squad. Their leader is Xanxus.
Source: (X)
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Nguyễn Selena: Relationship Chart 💜
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Selena's Name Interpretation 🌙☁️🪷
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Misc Rambles
Sorry but I don't want to retype all this again so I'm just copy pasting from my Notion doc and side blog. I also included my rambles with friends!
Selena's info sheet and character relationship chart was inspired by FGO Materials' character profile formats where it lists a chara's general info, usage of pronouns, quotes, relationships with other charas, etc.
I still need to revamp the quotes with Selena's relationships with the other Varia members so I just posted Xanxus' part for now
Selena is the type who's calm and gentle but likes to keep to herself regarding matters that don't concern her. She's more aloof when she doesn't know the person well, but eventually opens up to the other Varia members.
I imagine Selena speaks in a really polite and formal way to Xanxus out of respect for him.
Xanxus and Hibari are my no. 1 fave KHR characters (tied) 🥰
Also used Glaze on my art as protections against A/I fart.
Also I'm just thinking of the recent FGO: Summer 7 event with Douman growing cursed morning glories (vampiric shikigami), flowers that suck blood.
Selena's man eating plants 🥰💞
Selena is very soft and gentle, but she can be a little unhinged, as a treat!
Selena is a gardener and florist (flower enjoyer and enthusiast)
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whiskeysmulti · 20 days
Hibari's Family Might Be Involved In Law Enforcement (Meta)
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I know this might not line up but some things have led me to headcanon Hibari might be the son of a police officer. We know he's often aloof, but it could be for a good reason, if his family is involved in law enforcement that means he actually can't get too close to people. General motif also could hint at a law enforcement background (tonfa, handcuffs, etc). It also would make sense as his position is the Cloud, and the Cloud's primary job is to protect the family from an independent standpoint. There could possibly have been several times the Vongola members were in hot water and what better way to get them out of it if one of their own is related to an officer. Imagine Tsuna or Gokudera facing charges and it's Hibari to the rescue at the last minute and it works because who wouldn't believe the son of a cop? Hibari is just as much a delinquent himself as the others but might get out of it more because his family name has pull around Namimori, and to me it makes sense that he could be the reason some of the members, like Gokudera and Tsuna avoided arrest at some points. Imagine Officer Hibari going to arrest one of the 10th Gen and Kyouya shows up telling him something like "no, he wouldn't do something like that, I would know I go to school with him, dad let him go." and it ends up getting them out of a lot of shit that could have been worse. To me it makes a lot of sense.
Bonus: One of the trading cards even shows Hibari in what looks to be a police uniform.
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I know it doesn't prove anything but it's what brought on this headcanon.
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rebornologist · 2 years
Hi!! How are you? So excited to catch you with your requests open because i LOVED that one you did with the arcos in college, and all around all your khr requests are literally soo good, thank you for your time and hard work! I'd love some hcs for the arcos as tsuna's guardians? Or anything else you're the most comfortable doing with this request ☺️🥰
Hello! I’m doing quite okay, just catching my breath after the long academic year. It’s nice to finally have a bit of a break. This is a really interesting request, thank you for submitting it! It’s def some food for thought hehe :)
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♡ Arcobaleno* as Tsuna's Guardians ₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ *sorry no Yuni/Aria/Luce :( </3 In this case I'm thinking that the Arcos would have been in the places that the actual Vongola 10th gen guardians were, if that makes sense..
I think Fon as a guardian would go absolute sicko mode much more often than he does in the actual series (never. he never does); I really like the idea of Fon being absolutely pissed beyond comprehension and wreaking endless havoc, something that he really really hates and is deeply ashamed of; I'm talkin punching down entire walls and collapsing buildings that he should not be able to tear down
But Tsuna has his back, and he knows that Fon's worst and most destructive side is not his entire character... the guy is still as chill as ever the other 99.99% of the time, but he holds himself to an impossible standard
Underneath all that peace, rattling beneath the floorboards of his very being, is uncertainty... the quiet storm brewing in him, even after all his years of martial training and mindfulness
He adopts a new sense of peace with himself through his relationship with Tsuna and the others, the type of peace that was more intuitive, less methodical and trained, if that makes sense.. I'd imagine his heritage has him a lot more wound up deep inside than he shows, since he's so outrageously zen (this might be reaching, ik lol)
But he is such a wonderful storm guardian, right in the middle ground between Bel and Gokudera in some way; He has a mix of strategy and intuition amidst combat (Belphegor) and adaptability (Gokudera); I imagine that his strikes never miss and he is nothing less than a one man army when it comes down to it
If you had put him in the ring conflict in Hayato's shoes, he would have definitely sensed the wire placement much sooner due to his familiarity with his own body, clothes and gear and all; however, he very much seems to be the guy to bring a stick to a knife fight... he bears very many scars from the ring conflict battle and he actually is a bit fond of them because it means that he made it out with his life and his friends :'(
Naturally he would be the right hand man, arguably one that calls the shots more often than Tsuna lmao; I can only imagine him chewing out some of the guardians (cough Skull and Mammon) for shirking their duties because Tsuna let them off the hook
He's a very capable right hand man at that! Giving Gokudera a run for his money, but I think similarly he was very cold and aloof to begin with, only opening up to Tsuna when he offered some home made treats to him (similar to what happened with Luche), and now he's like Tsuna's lap cat/scary dog privilege lol
He is not without his prankster and jokey side, but it takes forever for him to feel comfortable enough to stop taking everything so seriously. Tsuna's friendship really drew it out of him! He cannot help the small smiles that grace his features and chuckles escaping his lips whenever silly things happen with the gang :') Eventually, he becomes one of the main perpetrators of trouble, but you never see him own up to it because he's got such a stoic facade
He absolutely throws quiet tantrums over not having his morning coffees...
Also I absolutely cannot say anything about the way the sun ring conflict turned out, because Reborn is well versed in martial arts, but ?? Against Lussuria? Would they still have a similar showdown? I do not think so x.x so I will simply not reach that far in this AU
He’s the most aloof guardian, usually just stepping in since it’s an opportune time to test out his newfangled weaponry; He’s here because he’s pretty dead set on using the Vongola as means to create some ultimate world-ending machine
But Tsuna keeps him in check somehow, granting him a perspective on life and power and what to make of it, it softens Verde just a bit, but I can’t help but see him as the daemon spade equivalent in this scenario, just a little bit of a loose cannon, not really working for Tsuna… but he still feels following the don is the right way to achieve his end goal
Oh you already know he's killin it in the ring conflict, showing up fully loaded with the strangest contraptions and an eerie thirst for blood
He initially wasn’t supposed to be a part of this but he just kept showing up and had to eventually bear the rain position when Lal was out of commission, and I think that he brings some pretty different dynamics when he’s alone vs with Lal
Colonello is kind of like a heavy rain, a constant rain storm, more similar to (aha) a stereotypical storm type guardian than a rain
But it works in their favour! Peep my thoughts with Lal hehe
He would have somehow gained his guardian role after the ring conflict, methinks; possibly in the next arc for insert plot point reasons
He's a follower of Tsuna because he finds his resolve very impressive, and his willingness to put himself through the wringer for the sake of improving himself and protecting his loved ones
Colonello finds that reflection of himself with Tsuna, and despite how frequently he chews his boss out with their training, it's a way of motivating himself as well and he always goes the extra mile to prep recovery meals for everyone after training, despite his reluctance to admit that he cares for his family members
Lal Mirch
I think in this case, instead of having two mist guardians, Tsuna would have two rain guardians! It would not have happened in the same way as Chrome and Mukuro, but Tsuna just couldn’t say no to either of them and the two of them just work so much better together and greatly enrich the team as a whole, so there’s no reason to have to pick
Anyway, I see Lal as more of the flash flood type of rain guardian, wherein you don’t realize the rain is going to get super heavy out of nowhere, and by the time you start running for cover, it’s too late; that way, the two of them cover different bases and ultimately Lal is able to gain more control of combat due to Colonello’s more in-your-face, flashy fighting style; they greatly complement each other ! :)
Lal and Squalo would have been the fight of the century tbh, I don't know how she fought back then but I would bet that both of them are skilled in martial combat and pack firepower
Lal is kind of there because she feels like it's her job, but admittedly is a super softie for the rest of them, especially Colonello; Down time with the group is the only time she gets to relax and you won't see her sharing her feelings verbally, but she strangely is always freeing her schedule just enough to spend quality time with her loved ones, even with the resting pissed face gracing her beautiful features
Esper Mammon
They’re in this for the money, and they only like Tsuna because of how rich and powerful his family is lolol
Initially they say that they’ll never work for free, but they most likely will get their life saved by Tsuna a few times, and they hate the feeling of being indebted to this guy; Mammon attempts over and over again to just throw a wad of cash at Tsuna to feel like they’re no longer on the hook for their life debt (they never were!! Tsuna is not that kind of guy), and Tsunayoshi just keeps rejecting it over and over, insisting that he did it purely because it’s the right thing and there’s literally no reason to feel indebted…
Ding ding ding, Mammon’s grown attached and is now loyal to Tsuna for more than just money reasons; Life is short, that’s why they collect money and surround themselves with people they adore
Mammon would have totally used their illusions to skip school and make some extra cash on the side lolol and Tsuna ends up having to cover for their ass when the teachers get suspicious; Reborn is the trouble maker that tries to get Mammon busted B)
He somehow ends up doing a lot more secretarial work than he signed up for, because everyone else pushes it on him; He doesn’t mind at some point because it gives him so much leeway to slack off lolol until Lal catches him and gives him the ass beating of his life for it
He's a thrill seeker, and his humungous ego actually gets him in a lot of trouble. There are points in time where he feels like if he cannot succeed at something, the whole world is against him and he might as well just stop trying? Or to go balls to the wall with disregard for his life
Now, man is built like a tank and practically unkillable, but the amount of times that Tsuna and the others had to live through Skull's near-death experiences has made him a lot more aware of just how much people actually give a shit about him and how throwing all caution to the wind may not kill him yet, but pains his loved ones more than anything..
He's still the baby of the family though, despite him wanting to show up and be the cool guy, he's just a silly guy!! He also always arrives late to anything and everything and that's gotten them in trouble infinite times
me realizing I had to pull character flaws out of my ass to see the Arcos in a more well-rounded light, with room for character development (since they'd need to do that over the hypothetical course of the series if they were Tsuna's guardians) this rly juiced my brain but I might as well post??
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dailykatekyo · 1 year
I'm looking for a KHR fanfic that was deleted on FFN
I was too late to download it, and I haven't had any luck finding it on AO3. Was hoping someone could send me a download or knew if it was uploaded to a different site? Or if someone knows the url/title/author I might be able to use the wayback machine instead.
Premise is a University AU with the paring All/Tsuna. In the 1st chapter Tsuna as a child is shown meeting with someone (Checker-face maybe?) who asks him if he would rather live in a world where it's acceptable for only him to punch anyone in the face for any reason, or in a world where people would love him. Tsuna picks the latter option, the story continues to him now being at Vongola University where the characters (I remember it included members of the Arcobaleno, Xanus, Dino, the 10th gen guardians (unsure if Lambo (aged-up) was included), possibly Shoichi and Byakuran, possibly more, fall in love with Tsuna.
Other than the initial "wish" of Tsuna, it didn't have any other supernatural elements (that I remember).
It was also unfinished at the time. If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it!
If anyone can help out please reply to this!
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fightingthetides · 1 year
TYL Hibari & TYL Chrome
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| @blossomingbellflower (Bc I asked lol)
Yellow= Not totally on board with this, but mostly there Blue= I'm on board with this Red= Very situationally agree with this
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Reasonings under readmore
I like it platonically= I mostly like it platonically as I feel like they generally have a respect for each other. In canon I don't see that much to have made me feel otherwise. I can kinda see where some people may have seen it, but I don't feel it in my jimmies
It's okay i'm neutral= Same as above, I just don't really feel it in my jimmies.
Dig the vibes, but not the ship itself= prefacing the next one- aesthetically they have a fun look and an interesting dynamic. As a ship though--- mn.
Aestheitcally it's GREAT= They do have a fun visual when together. I won't even lie.
I like it in theory= I think it's a fun theory to think about, but I don't personally really feel it. I'm sure in threads maybe that can change. Everyone has their own portrayal and understanding and therefore a ship can surface from it, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Not my thing= Yeah-- I just don't feel it in my jimmies.
I'm open to it= While i'm mostly neutral to it, i'm honestly not that open to it on blog. If it happens it happens, but I don't really see it.
I'm conflicted about it= I STRONGLY feel this because I feel as though we've seen that the 10th gen are supposed to be parallels with their 1st generation counterparts. Daemon came into the Vongola due to Elena's influence. Mukuro was talked into joining as a guardian and his 'vessel' of sorts in doing so was Chrome. They mirror eachother, and the bond Mukuro and Chrome share cannot be denied and I personally cannot overlook it. I think as they parallel Daemon and Elena, I cannot in good faith, really ship Chrome with anyone else but Mukuro. Hence, don't hold your breath with shipping any Chrome with my Hibari. IF it happens, I won't fight it. Chemistry is a wild thing. Otherwise... no.
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hopeswriting · 1 year
okay, breaking my silence on this i guess, so have one of my author’s notes from one of my stories. sorry not sorry, peace and love on planet earth <3
Listen to me, LISTEN TO ME. I know in canon it seems like the 10th gen wants to become mafia, or that they're okay with it at the very least, and that they don't care that Tsuna very much doesn't want to become mafia until the very end, but it's because they look at a different choice from Tsuna. For Tsuna, his options are to either become mafia and Vongola, which'd mean dragging all his friends into it too, or somehow manage to make Vongola give up on him so none of them will have to become part of the mafia. And so of course he tries his very best and his hardest to somehow achieve the latter, however unrealistic it is and how little power he has to do that, if at all, as Vongola is the strongest mafia family in the world. But he has to try anyway so none of them will become mafia, but first and foremost so none of his friends he loves so much will become mafia against their wishes, especially when it'd only happen because they happen to love him back, the last legitimate Vongola Decimo candidate.
But for the 10th gen, the choice in front of them is to whether turn their backs on Tsuna so to be free from the mafia, or keep standing by his side even if it means they become mafia. Do you get what I mean? For them, it's always about Tsuna first and foremost before it's ever about Vongola and if becoming mafia is something they want. They look at Tsuna and the life he's being dragged to, very much caring that he doesn't want any of it and yet doesn't have the power to stop them from dragging him closer to that life, and ask themselves: "Do I love Tsuna enough to let myself be dragged to that life too, so I can help him see it through and find as much happiness as possible from it?". And of course, of course the answer is yes and comes to them as naturally as breathing.
And so they give in because they must, because they don't have (yet) the power to fight back against it and win. Because should they not be willing enough, they might decide they wouldn't mind making them part of their world even if it means breaking them to make it happen, and they wouldn't have (yet) the power to stop it from happening. To stop it from happening to Tsuna.
And so they willingly let them teach them how to be a mafioso so they'll be able to stand their own in the world they're forcing them to become a part of. They willingly let them teach them how to be a powerful mafioso so they'll be strong enough to protect each other from and survive in the world they're forcing them to become a part of. And then maybe to even still be happy in that world. (And then maybe to even break free from that world.)
They're all doing it for each other despite none of them wanting any of it. Because they care about loving each other and doing justice to that love more than being able to do the things they want. Do you get it? Please tell me you get it!!!!
i’m not saying their friendship is perfect in every way. i agree it isn’t and it’d be boring if it was anyway, but also it’s very much by design. because khr is all about growth, about being a better person than you were yesterday and doing better by the people around you than you did yesterday. it’s about this group of kids who were strangers and had many more reasons to not mesh well together than to get along, who came together anyway and built a bond so strong between them, it survived through and was the strength that allowed them to see through all the mafia bullshit thrown at them no kids should ever have to go through.
i AM saying that despite the... cracks on their friendship, the places where it comes together more loosely and superficially, the places where it doesn’t come together at all, they’re still genuinely friends. the 10th gen genuinely loves tsuna and cares about him and does care about the things he wants and the things he doesn’t want. like, is there room in canon to interpret all i said above in a less wholesome way that’d make their friendship less strong and genuine and organic? absolutely. is there room for interpretation in canon to extrapolate and explore how their friendship might not actually survive the test of time because they want and need different things from it? absolutely. and i mean that, because i myself am absolutely not against going down those routes and thinking about them and exploring them and reading about them (tho i do have yet to write about it haha). but canonically, whenever they look at all that sets them apart and at all that could break them apart, they always choose to overcome those things to come together anyway.
i’m also saying that it’s a little unfair to look at their friendship at the beginning of the manga, and base your opinion of it solely on it. because of course the early arcs, let alone the first one, is where their friendship was at the weakest and the least equal. it’s where they were the most and most often just not very good friends to each other. but that includes tsuna too. like yes arguably he was the one getting the short end of the stick giving and not receiving much back, but there’s a post on here saying he was (or is, i don’t remember) a bad friend to them, and like. yeah, he kinda was. because it’s literally his first shot at friendship, and then he doesn’t even get to try it in normal circumstances, far from it. it’s their first shot at friendship for all of them in their own ways and in less than normal circumstances, so of course they were clumsy and tactless and hurtful with it at times. but they put in the effort to learn to know each other so they could do right by each other, and it’s something you can’t possibly miss if you read the manga in good faith.
i mean, gokudera says this as early as the kokuyo arc, and entirely unprompted too:
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[ID copied from alt text: Panels from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
Bianchi says, “Let’s go, Tsuna.”
Tsuna hesitates, saying “Eh... but...”
"Please go ahead, Boss,” Gokudera says. “Get Mukuro!"
"Yes, I know, but still..." Tsuna says, still looking unsure.
Gokudera grins wide and reassuringly. "Once this is over, we'll all have some fun together."
Tsuna smiles, looking relieved and pleasantly surprised. "...Ri...right. We'll do that."
"'Course!" Gokudera says. /END ID]
he knows exactly what tsuna cares about and values the most: their peaceful and happy daily lives, and all of them being safe and having the freedom to enjoy life and each other’s company without worry. gokudera’s perfectly aware just why tsuna’s there and what he fights for: so they can go back to their peaceful and happy times safe and sound. so please don’t tell me gokudera actually doesn’t know tsuna and only cares about tenth/vongola decimo and the perfect version of tsuna in his mind he puts on a pedestal. (and i mean, don’t get me wrong because there is that too, but gokudera has always been able to see tsuna for who he truly is anyway, and it’s tsuna he’s always cared about first and foremost.)
now of course you still don’t have to agree with me by no means. you don’t have to think their friendship is all that deep or strong or equal or genuine and organic, if at all. it’s not that i don’t agree that both these takes are valid and based on canon, it’s not that i don’t see where these kinds of takes come from or that i don’t think there isn’t some truth in them, but if we’re talking strictly canon, if we’re trying to guess objectively and in good faith, independently of how we might feel about it, just what amano was getting at writing and portraying their dynamics the way she did, then you just have to agree that the intent was to show just how strong and resilient because of how loving and caring and trusting it is their bond is. i mean, it’s literally the heart of the story (that, plus tsuna’s and reborn’s bond). it’s those bonds that carry tsuna forwards, and so it’s the same bonds that carry the whole of the manga forwards. like i’m sorry, but you really just have to agree with me on this. (about how this is the take we’re most likely meant to take from the manga, that is, because again, whether it’s actually the way you, personally, receive it, or if you think amano managed to write it well and pull it off, etc, that’s of course for each of us to decide, and we’re not any less valid than each other no matter what our opinions are.)
so, yeah. idk how to finish this post lol. but i guess what i’m saying is that even tho i’m not gonna give examples here of the 10th gen caring about and loving tsuna and knowing who he is, and standing by his wants, wishes and needs, know that i very much could. so i guess this is also my “the 10th gen are genuine friends of tsuna who truly loves him and cares about him for simply being tsuna first and foremost, and their friendship is an equal one from both sides” propaganda post. which i actually already got to do once. and as long as we’re strictly talking canon, this is a hill i will die on.
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indigosprite · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about writing a future fic for Vongola tenth gen that ranges from them arriving in Japan for the first time to well—What’s best described as a turning point not just for Tsuna but for all of Them. Many other people in canon lead normal lives but are said to be in the mafia but guardians aren’t granted that same luxury. I wonder how much each of them change when they finally get real and decide to have a life of organized crime. It’s a conscious decision to do a little evil.
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fruitipng · 3 years
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He’s not just a baseball idiot he’s THE baseball idiot
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