tonyrossmcmahon · 1 year
The Boer War - ten things you didn't know!
The Boer War is a forgotten conflict that pitched the British Empire against a group of white settlers in Africa. Tony McMahon investigates.
The Boer War – a huge and bloody conflict that dominated the news at the turn of the 20th century. The biggest military conflict since the wars against Napoleon Bonaparte. And a grim foreshadowing of the two World Wars that lay ahead. Yet today, it’s large forgotten. Why? Below, I’m going to list ten things you need to know about the Boer War. But first, let’s go through some background so the…
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thetemplarknight · 1 year
The Boer War - ten things you didn't know!
The Boer War is a forgotten conflict that pitched the British Empire against a group of white settlers in Africa. Tony McMahon investigates.
The Boer War – a huge and bloody conflict that dominated the news at the turn of the 20th century. The biggest military conflict since the wars against Napoleon Bonaparte. And a grim foreshadowing of the two World Wars that lay ahead. Yet today, it’s large forgotten. Why? Below, I’m going to list ten things you need to know about the Boer War. But first, let’s go through some background so the…
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robertvorster · 1 year
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Voortrekker monument, Winburg
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logi1974 · 2 years
Südafrika 2022/23 - Tag 31
Herrschaften und Oukies!
Unser Urlaub geht zu Ende und unsere Geduld mit dem elendigen Loadshedding ebenfalls. Aktuell sollen ein Duzend Kraftwerke außer Betrieb sein. Stage 6 mit Stromabschaltungen bis zu 12 Stunden täglich ist jetzt die neue Norm - bis auf weiteres ...
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Heute Nacht ist dann auch in unserer Unterkunft das Backup-System in die Knie gegangen, ab 4 Uhr waren dann der Strom komplett weg. Da mussten sich die Batterien erst einmal wieder per Solar aufladen. 
Unsere Vorräte neigen sich ebenfalls dem Ende zu. Nochmal Lebensmittel einkaufen lohnt für die “paar Stunden”, die wir noch hier sind, überhaupt nicht.
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Da kamen wir auf die tolle Idee zum Rietvlei Coffee Shop zum Frühstück zu fahren. Der besagte Coffee Shop liegt im gleichnamigen Rietvlei Naturreservat südlich von Pretoria.
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Als wir los fuhren kamen wir erst einmal gar nicht aus dem Tor raus, weil das ja - richtig erkannt - elektrisch funktioniert. Da musste einer der Hausangestellten manuell zur Hilfe eilen.
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Um es vorweg zu nehmen, das war eine der (positiven) Überraschungen des ganzen Urlaubs. Aus unserem geplanten Besuch zum Frühstück wurde ein Ganztagesausflug.
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Das Naturreservat ist etwa 4.000 Hektar (40 qkm) groß und umfasst den gesamten Rietvlei Staudamm, der den Rietvlei Fluss staut. Das Rietvlei Reservat ist zwischen der Autobahn R 21 (OR Tambo Airport Highway) auf der Westseite und der R 50 ( Delmas - Bapsfontein ) im Nordosten eingeklemmt. 
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Etwa 400 Vogelarten nutzen das Reservat, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes “Ein Paradies für Birder”. 
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Mehrere Bird Hides erleichtern die “Jagd” nach den gefiederten Gesellen.  
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Einige davon sind auch mit Toiletten ausgestattet:
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Besonders erfreuten uns die zur Familie der Webervögel gehörenden langschwänzigen Widowbirds.
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Nur zur Balz legen sie dieses tolle Prachtkleid an und tanzen in der Luft, um die potentiellen Gegner und natürlich die Damenwelt zu beeindrucken.
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Wir konnten uns gar nicht satt sehen, da wir dieses “Tanztheater” jetzt zum allerersten Mal sehen durften.
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Das Reservat beherbergt aber auch rund 1.600 einzelne große Säugetiere.
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Geparden, Blessböcke, Weißschwanzgnus, Kuhantilopen, Elandantilopen, Steppenzebras, Wasserböcke, Riedböcke, Steinböcke , Grauducker, Büffel und Flusspferde können alle im Reservat gefunden werden. 
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Die Geschichte des Rietvlei Reservates reicht nahezu unglaubliche 200 Jahre zurück. 
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Bezeugen können die Historie die uralten Eichen, die noch immer um das alte Farmhaus, dem heutigen Coffee Shop, stehen. 
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Heute stehen darunter, im kühlen Schatten, die Bestuhlungen für die Gäste. Hier lässt es sich auch bei großer Hitze gut aushalten. 
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Die Vögel sind natürlich sehr an den Speisen interessiert, so, wie dieser Drongo hier, der immer näher rückte.
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Im Dezember 1836 erreichten die ersten Voortrekker unter der Führung von Andries Hendrik Potgieter das Gebiet, das heute als Rietvlei bekannt ist. 
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Daniel Elardus Erasmus war einer der Voortrekker in dieser Gruppe und war als „Doringkloof“ Erasmus bekannt.
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Er heiratete 1841 und wurde im September eingetragener Eigentümer der Rietvlei-Farm. 
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Nach seinem Tod hinterließ er den Hof seinen beiden Söhnen, die nördliche Hälfte Stephanus Petrus Erasmus und die südliche Hälfte Michael Christiaan Elardus Erasmus.
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Stephanus Petrus Erasmus „Swart lawaai“ und seine Frau Anna Catharina erbauten das historische Gehöft zwischen 1875 und 1904. Hier führten sie das Erbe der Viehzucht der Familie Erasmus fort. 
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Das Haus und die Farm, heute bekannt als Rietvallei, wurden 1912 an Donald Mackay Munro (geboren am 16. Februar 1872 in Faro, Bettyhill, an der Nordküste Schottlands) und seine Frau Ann Galbraith Murdoch, ebenfalls ursprünglich aus Schottland, verkauft. Sie hatten neun Kinder. 
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Munro kaufte einen 3.000-Morgen-Anteil der Farm Rietvlei. Ihr jüngstes Kind Betty wurde auf der Farm geboren. Er importierte ein paar Shorthorn-Rinder und baute eine reinrassige Herde auf, die auf landwirtschaftlichen Ausstellungen viele Preise gewann. 
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Der Hof war für damalige Verhältnisse sehr repräsentativ, mit einem sprudelnden kristallklaren Wasserbach, der durch den Garten vor dem Haus floss. Um das Haus herum befanden sich mindestens vier Obstgärten mit verschiedenen Früchten.
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Frau Munro war bekannt für ihre köstlichen hausgemachten Marmeladen und Gelees. Links vor dem Haus wuchs eine Catoba-Weinrebe und zwei lange Spaliere aus Weinreben wuchsen auf jeder Seite des Weges, der zum Haus führte.
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In der Mitte, dort wo heute sich heute der Pool befindet, war der alte “Löschteich”. Hinter dem Haupthaus steht heute noch das alte Backhaus, darin steht heute der Generator, der die Energieversorgung sicherstellt. Die Backhäuser errichtete man aus Gründen des Feuerschutzes immer abseits.
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Die Stadt Pretoria kaufte Rietvlei 1929, um die Stadt mit Trinkwasser zu versorgen. Im August 1938 führte Herr A. Weyers 67 Blessböcke von General Jan Smuts nahe gelegener Farm Doornkloof (im Osten) ein. Dies geschah, indem die Tiere zu Pferd von der Smuts-Farm zum Reservat getrieben wurden. Das Gebiet wurde später zum Naturschutzgebiet erklärt.
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Der Rietvlei-Staudamm wurde während der Weltwirtschaftskrise gebaut und 1934 fertiggestellt. Arbeiter erhielten 4 Schilling im Monat und die Erde wurde mit Maultierkarren weggekarrt. Der Damm wird vom Sesmyl (Six Mile) Spruit, fünf Brunnen (einer befindet sich auf einem angrenzenden Grundstück) und fünf Bohrlöchern gespeist. 
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Stromaufwärts vom Rietvlei-Damm befindet sich der Marais-Damm, der als Schlammdamm für den Rietvlei-Damm fungiert und dessen Ufer ein, bei den Locals, sehr beliebter Picknick-Platz eingerichtet wurde. Dazu wurden Toiletten gebaut und natürlich auch die beliebten Bird Hides.
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Ursprünglich war der Damm nicht öffentlich zugänglich, aber der Stadtrat von Pretoria plante das Reservat ökologisch und führte eine Reihe von Wildarten in das Reservat ein. 
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Das Nature-Reservat wurde 1948 proklamiert. Der Rietvlei-Staudamm versorgt Pretoria mit 15 % seines Wassers. 
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Die Straßen im Reservat sind gut gepflegt und dienen der Öffentlichkeit zur Wildbeobachtung und dem Personal des Reservats als Wartungsstraßen und Feuerschneisen. 
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Straßen teilen das Reservat in 31 Blöcke. Rotationsbeweidung wird im Reservat praktiziert, indem regelmäßig Blockflächen verbrannt und Lecksteine ​​als zusätzliche Fütterung verwendet werden.
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Das Reservat hat ein typisches Highveld-Klima mit trockenen, frostigen Wintern und durchschnittlich 724 mm Regen während der Regenzeit im Sommer. Die Temperaturen erreichen im Sommer bis zu 34°C und im Winter bis zu -2°C.
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Das Reservat besteht aus offenem Grasland mit welligen Hügeln mit einheimischen Bäumen, die in kleinen Gruppen gruppiert sind. Aufgrund früherer landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken wachsen im Reservat auch eine Reihe exotischer Bäume und Sträucher. 
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Die Silberakazie (aus Australien) ist der problematischste Eindringling, da sie keine lokalen Feinde hat und Samen bis zu 50 Jahre im Boden überleben können. 
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Das Reservat besteht aus einer Reihe verschiedener Lebensräume, die für erstklassige Vogelbeobachtungen sorgen. Die beiden Dämme im Reservat (mit Bird Hides) bieten offene Gewässer und Feuchtgebiete. 
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60 km gut gepflegter, meist geteerter und einigen unbefestigte, Straßen durchziehen das Reservat und ermöglichen den Zugang zu den verschiedenen Lebensräumen.
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Wir sind wirklich baff, da wir so ein riesiges Naturschutzgebiet, zwischen den Millionenmetropolen, mit einer derartig großen Artenvielfalt nicht im Entferntesten erwartet hätten. 
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Aus unserem geplanten Frühstück mit dem obligatorischen “nur mal gucken” wurde am Ende ein Ausflug von sage und schreibe 6 Stunden, die wir hier verbrachten - und wir sind davon vielleicht gerade einmal ganze 3 Kilometer doppelt gefahren.
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Übrigens werden von besagtem Coffee Shop auch Pirschfahrten angeboten. Die Gamedrives finden 3x täglich, jeweils um 8 Uhr, um 10 Uhr und um 3 Uhr statt.
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Zu besonderen Terminen gibt es auch Nightdrives. Buchbar sind die Fahrten über die Homepage, telefonisch oder eben auch direkt vor Ort.
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Wir sind total begeistert über unsere Entdeckung! Was für ein toller Abschluss unserer Reise ...
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha und der Hasenbär
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rausule · 1 year
Argitektuur. Argihete che to ira Latyn
Argitektuur , wees geduldig nou bou hulle , Die kenmerkende Suid-Afrikaanse styl van argitektuur, wat algemeen na verwys word as Kaaps-Hollands, is gebaseer op die tradisionele ontwerpe van Nederland, wat deur die vroeë setlaars na Suid-Afrika gebring is en aangepas is om by toestande daar te pas. Dit geld veral vir die bekende rolgewels, waarvan die eweknieë in baie stede in die Lae Lande te vinde is. Terwyl ruimteoorwegings dit egter nodig gemaak het om verskeie verdiepings hoog te bou, kon die Kaapse pioniers een verdieping gebruik, behalwe af en toe in die dorpe. Die klimaat het gelei tot die aanvaarding van die voorste platform, bekend as die stoep, waar inwoners die koelte van die dag kon geniet. Om dieselfde rede het hoë plafonne en baie dik mure gewild geword, asook luike wat toegemaak is om die son uit te hou.
Die meeste van die bouers was nie-Blankes, wat gewissel het van onervare Hottenne ua tota tot bekwame Maleise slawe wat, omdat hulle verplig was om materiaal van 'n growwer aard te gebruik as wat oorsee gebruiklik was, dikwels met modderstene en rofafgewerkte balke of vloerplanke van inheemse hout verskuif het. .
'n Kenmerkende kenmerk van Kaapse argitektuur was die 'voorkamer' of voorkamer, wat uitloop op die verskillende
leefvertrekke en gee toegang tot die 'agterhuis, of hoofsaal. ’n Sentrale binnehof was dikwels in skaduwee deur bome of wingerde. Dorpshuise was dikwels van twee verdiepings, met 'n plat dak, ook ontwerp om die perseel koel te hou.
Die koms van die Britte het style uit die Verenigde Koninkryk gebring, waarvan besonder goeie voorbeelde te vinde is in en om Grahamstad, Bathurst en ander plekke wat deur die 1820-setlaars gevestig is.
Suid-Afrikaanse argitektuur het 'n aansienlike agteruitgang ondergaan gedurende die 19de eeu, toe baie oulike huise bederf is deur die toevoeging van lelike sinkstoepe, of selfs deur die inbring van winkelfronte.
In die land het die omswerwinge van die Voortrekkers (q.v.), en die baanbrekerstoestande in die algemeen, gelei tot 'n mode vir wattel-en-klaar-strukture, sowel as die baie eenvoudige 'hartbeesthuis' wat op baie vroeë Transvaalse en Oranje-Vrystaatse plase gevind is. Veranda's het 'n byna universele kenmerk van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse gebou geword, dikwels versier met 'skrynmanskant'.
Teen die einde van die 19de eeu het staal en later gewapende beton gekom. Die pogings van sir Herbert Baker (q.v.) het 'n herlewing van die ou Hollandse styl en die evolusie teweeggebring
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awayafrica · 2 years
41 Best Places To Visit In South Africa
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South Africa is a beautiful country with incredible landscapes, wildlife, and people. It’s a perfect destination for travelers who want to experience something new. South Africa is one of Africa’s top tourist destinations because it has wonderful cities, including Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban, that offer amazing experiences.
Cape Town is one of the most scenic cities in the world and it’s home to Table Mountain, which is the tallest mountain in Cape Town and one of the most photographed mountains in the world. Johannesburg is South Africa’s economic hub, and it’s known for having incredible museums and a vibrant nightlife scene.
Durban is South Africa’s largest port and it’s known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant art scene. South Africa also has incredible wildlife. It has Big Five game reserves, including Kruger National Park, which is home to Africa’s largest population of elephants. South Africa also has 11 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
It also has numerous game reserves, including Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park, which is home to the world’s largest population of rhinos. Let’s explore this amazing country in detail.
Cape Town
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Located on the southwest coast of South Africa, the port city of Cape Town is nestled on a peninsula beneath the mountain called Table Mountain. From its flat top, you can take a rotating cable car for panoramic views of the harbor and city. From the top, you can also see the former prison of Nelson Mandela, now a living museum.
While the summer months are packed with visitors, springtime is a great time to visit Cape Town. This time of year offers great weather, lower prices, and few crowds. Daytime highs in spring are in the mid-70s Fahrenheit range. It’s still chilly on some days, but rainy days are few and far between. The weather in this season is ideal for outdoor activities and seeing the coastal blooms.
Aside from the sweeping views, Cape Town also offers a vibrant culture and a plethora of activities. It’s one of the few places where you can truly feel like a local. You can try hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, whale watching, or cage diving with great white sharks, among many others.
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Whether you’re planning a safari or a layover on your next adventure, the city of Johannesburg is an amazing place to visit. It’s the largest city in South Africa and the busiest airport on the continent. It’s a great place for shopping and dining, and you can learn all about what to see and do while you’re in town.
While you’re in Johannesburg, be sure to visit the Apartheid Museum, where you can learn about the history of black people’s struggle for freedom. Visitors can view World War II fighter planes and medals, learn about war medicine, and witness life in the trenches during World War I. 
This city also offers easy access to Pretoria, the country’s administrative capital, and the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO-listed paleoanthropological site.
Johannesburg is close to Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa, and the UNESCO-listed Cradle of Humankind.
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Pretoria is one of the country’s three capital cities and serves as the executive branch of government. In addition, the city is home to all foreign embassies in South Africa. Its neighboring cities are Cape Town and Bloemfontein, which are the legislative and judicial capitals.
For history buffs, a visit to the Union Buildings is a must-do. This building was designed by Sir Herbert Baker and opened in 1913. It houses the President’s office and is considered the executive seat of government. It features a grand view of the city and has beautiful gardens. While in Pretoria, you should also stop by the historic Voortrekker Monument.
If you’re interested in learning about South Africa’s history, you should visit the Boer War Monument, a museum, and a renovated blockhouse. The museum has interactive exhibits, a huge relief, and is surrounded by a green area. It’s worth paying a visit, even if it’s just for a short break.
The Union Buildings, where Nelson Mandela took the oath to become the president of South Africa, is another historical monument worth visiting.
The complex includes a meter-high statue of Mandela, placed in a symbolic stance facing the city. The statue is an impressive conversation piece. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to access this building, so you may want to book an Uber or use public transportation.
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Visit Franschhoek in South Africa’s Western Cape for centuries-old vineyards, Cape Dutch architecture, and the Huguenot Memorial Museum. Hike the trails through the Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve and enjoy views of the Franschhoek Valley. See vintage cars on display in the mountain farmland.
The town was once a sleepy country retreat, but a property boom in the 1990s led to a dramatic rise in property prices. The region is close to Cape Town and has ideal summer weather. The area is now one of the most sought-after residential addresses in South Africa. You can also visit the Bridge House School, which is outside of town.
Visitors to Franschhoek can hike or take a bike tour of the area. Hiking trails take visitors through vineyards and fields to the top of hills with spectacular views. 
Franschhoek is also known as the gourmet capital of South Africa. Many of the town’s top restaurants are popular and book months in advance. Our favorite, Foliage, is a gorgeous place that features locally foraged ingredients. Another top-notch option is Le Quartier Francais, which serves a wide range of cuisines.
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Soweto is home to some phenomenal Catholic churches, bike tours, local markets, and lush green farms. And, for those of you who prefer nightlife, there are plenty of bars and clubs to check out.
While you’re in Soweto, don’t miss a visit to the Apartheid museum, which is a must-see cultural experience. You’ll learn about the years of struggle in South Africa by visiting this museum.
Soweto is also home to the Nelson Mandela house, the Hector Pieterson Museum, and a number of popular restaurants. Download GPSmyCity on your smartphone and explore Soweto with ease. You’ll be able to get offline articles and a personal tour guide, and you can take advantage of the maps.
One of the most popular attractions in Soweto is the Nelson Mandela House, which was his home for fifteen years before being sentenced to prison. Now a National Heritage Site, the building is decorated with Mandela family memorabilia and gifts from dignitaries.
You can also visit the museum that commemorates the students who died during the 1976 student uprising. While there, you can get a feel for the underlying causes of the riots that swept the city.
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To get a taste of Africa, visit the coastal city of Durban in eastern South Africa. The city is a mix of African, Indian, and colonial influences. The city has a seafront promenade that was recently renovated for the 2010 World Cup. The city is also home to the Durban Botanical Gardens, which showcase African plants.
Bike rides along the promenade are a scenic way to explore the city. The journey can take up to three hours, and you can see the city’s landmarks such as the North Pier and the uShaka Marine World. For the adventurous, the city has some great water sports and a skydiving center. There is also the world’s tallest swing in the Moses Mabhida Stadium, and many other sights and activities to enjoy.
Another highlight of the Durban sightseeing tour is a visit to the city’s oldest botanical garden, which was founded in 1849. The gardens showcase plants and trees endemic to South Africa. Visitors can also visit the orchid house and view the spring-fed lake. Visitors can also admire the jacaranda trees that have been growing since the late 19th century.
Aside from the sea, Durban also boasts a diverse culture and cuisine. It is home to the largest concentration of Indian descendants outside of India, so it’s no surprise that the city is home to many Indian restaurants. Whether you’re looking for authentic Indian food or a taste of South African cuisine, Durban has something for everyone. 
Kruger National Park
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The Kruger National Park is located in South Africa, in the Mpumalanga province. It is 250 miles (405 km) from Johannesburg. You can get to the park by air or by road. Getting there by road is easy, but you should make sure you have a vehicle that can handle the terrain.
The park is vast and unspoiled and it offers a variety of activities for visitors. There are bush walks, hiking trails, and safari rides. There is a good chance you’ll spot one of the Big Five if you visit the park. However, it’s also possible to get killed while in the park, although this is extremely rare.
The best time to visit the Kruger National Park is during the dry season, which falls between April and September. The temperatures during this period are comfortable, but temperatures can drop into the 40s overnight. Because of the low water levels and sparse vegetation, you’ll have a better chance of seeing animals.
The Drakensberg
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The Drakensberg Mountains are home to over two thousand examples of Bushman rock art, spread across 600 sites. Many of these paintings are centuries old.
Other highlights of this area include hiking and birdwatching. You can also participate in a variety of adventure activities like rock climbing and quad biking. The temperatures are pleasant during the day but can be cool at night.
There are several scenic national parks and game reserves in the Drakensberg Mountains. The Royal Natal National Park is particularly scenic, with its great differences in altitude. It also boasts over 300 species of birdlife. Among them is the endangered Cape vulture.
Blyde River Canyon
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If you are looking for an incredible natural wonder, you need to Visit Blyde River Canyon. This amazing place is filled with stunning rock formations and plenty of wildlife. It is also home to the famous Bourke’s Luck Potholes and the Pinnacle Rock.
The Drakensberg mountain range surrounds the canyon. The canyon is a deep cleft created when Gondwanaland split apart around 200 million years ago when Antarctica and Madagascar broke away from Africa.
The Blyde River Canyon is an excellent location for birdwatching. There are many rare species of birds that can be seen. Some of these species include the Pel’s fishing owl, blue swallow, and Taita falcon. The best viewpoint in the canyon is God’s Window, a set of seven hundred-meter-high cliffs with panoramic views of the Lowveld and Kruger National Park.
To see the canyon, you can hire a car and drive from Johannesburg. If you are unsure of your driving skills, you can also take a Bazz bus tour or book a package tour. To see the most of the canyon, it’s best to drive along the R534 loop, a 15-kilometer road, which allows you to take in all of the major attractions.
You can also enjoy hiking, fly fishing, and hot air balloon rides. You’ll be amazed at the incredible biodiversity in this area. This region is home to many species of fish, antelope, crocodiles, and almost every species of primate in South Africa.
Golden Gate Highlands National Park
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Golden Gate Highlands National Park is located in the Free State, South Africa, near the border with Lesotho. It is a large area that is known for its sandstone outcrops and deeply eroded cliffs. The park is also known as Brandwag rock.
This park is home to a wide variety of wildlife including the endemic black wildebeest, the rare zebra, and the mountain reedbuck. There are also caves with San rock art, and the Drakensberg is visible in the distance.
Golden Gate Highlands National Park is also an ideal location for birders, as it is home to more than 250 species of bird. It has many endemic and rare species, and its visitors can also see the beautiful bearded vulture from this park.
You’ll be able to see migratory birds here from November to April. Other notable birds include the Cape vulture, bald ibis, Jackal buzzard, and Martial eagle.
Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park
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The Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park in South Africa is one of the oldest proclaimed nature reserves in Africa. This park covers 960 square kilometers of hilly topography and is famed for its diverse wildlife and conservation efforts. It is located 280 kilometers north of Durban.
The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park is situated in the KwaZulu-Natal province. It is the oldest proclaimed protected area in Africa. This pristine area is a sanctuary for wildlife, as well as a major part of the region’s economy.
The park is home to the Big Five of Africa, including the lion and the leopard. The lion and leopard populations are comparable to those in Kruger National Park.
Another unique attraction in the park is the nyala, which is a small antelope. Its coat is chestnut-grey and it has spiral horns. The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park is one of the few places where you can see all three of these species.
The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi National Park consists of two distinct sections. The Hluhluwe section has lowlands and hilly terrain and wide valleys. The habitats of this section range from grasslands to woodlands.
This park is an excellent destination for birdwatchers. Birders can enjoy the variety of birds and other animals at this park, including night heron, black-bellied korhaan, and Temminck’s courser. Other popular species to be seen include the Klaas’ cuckoo.
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Bloemfontein, the city of roses, has a lot to offer tourists. It has many parks and gardens that are full of blooming flowers. The city is famous for its annual rose festival.
This town is home to the Supreme Court of Appeal, the highest court in South Africa. It also has interesting buildings like the Fourth Raadsaal and the Old Presidency, where Boer presidents once lived. It is also known for its competitive cost of living.
If you are a history buff, make sure you visit the Bloemfontein Museum. This museum offers educational sections as well as a realistic recreation of late nineteenth-century life.
In addition, you can visit the satellite museum, located in the city’s oldest building, which showcases the history of the Free State. You’ll also want to visit the Anglo-Boer War museum, which tells the history of the war from the Boer perspective. It includes art and dioramas, as well as audio-visual presentations.
Mapungubwe National Park
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When visiting South Africa, do not miss Mapungubwe National Park. The park is located in Limpopo Province, south of the confluence of the Limpopo and the Kolope Rivers. It is only 15 kilometers northeast of Venetia Diamond Mine and borders Mapesu Private Game Reserve.
The national park is comprised of rocky landscapes, sections of riverine forest, and archaeological sites. During your visit, don’t forget your passport and ID card. This is required for entry into the park. There are no ATMs inside, so you’ll need to rely on cash or credit cards to make purchases.
Mapungubwe is home to four of Africa’s Big Five animals. While there are fewer of them here, there are still plenty of other animals to see. You’ll be able to spot giraffes, eland, and a variety of antelope species.
In addition to game viewing, Mapungubwe has other attractions that make it one of the best destinations for wildlife enthusiasts. The Mapungubwe Museum is an excellent place to get information on the area’s wildlife and landscape. The museum also offers a heritage tour, which will take you on a journey through the park’s history.
Wild Coast
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Driving through the Wild Coast region of South Africa is a unique experience. The roads are generally unpaved and can be bumpy and slippery when wet. This means that you need to exercise extra caution while driving. The roads are also often in poor condition with massive potholes and eroded edges. You may also encounter reckless drivers who do not obey traffic laws.
The Transkei section of the Wild Coast is a glimpse into rural South Africa. It provides scenic views and glimpses into the local Xhosa culture. North of the Kei River, most villages are comprised of traditional fishing huts and the odd backpacker hostel. Although these accommodations are basic, they offer comfortable accommodations for visitors, making them an excellent option for a relaxed holiday.
Wild Coast offers excellent fishing grounds in the estuaries. The Kei River and Mzimvubu River are navigable for several kilometers upstream. The area is also home to numerous activities, including golfing, surfing, rock climbing, and canoeing.
iSimangaliso Wetland Park
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One of the largest protected areas in South Africa, iSimangaliso Wetland Park has plenty to offer visitors. The park is home to hippos, crocodiles, flamingos, pelicans, and elephants. Its highlights include Lake St. Lucia, which is the park’s centerpiece, Charters Creek, which is home to elephants, and Sodwana Bay, which is famous for its coral reefs.
This park covers over 820 square kilometers and is home to a variety of ecosystems. In fact, there are more bird species per square kilometer here than anywhere else in Africa. The park is a world heritage site. Thousands of species call this wetland home, including the Big Seven and loggerhead sea turtle.
The park contains a variety of ecosystems, including coral reefs, forests, and wetlands. In total, it is home to more than six-thousand species. Those are more than twice as many species as are found in the Kruger National Park.
Visitors to the park can choose to come during the dry season or the wet season for the best wildlife viewing. During the dry season, animals are more concentrated around water sources. During the wet season, however, viewing wildlife is easier and cheaper.
The iSimangaliso Wetland Park was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. Its name is Zulu for “wonderful” and it is certainly a wonderland of nature. It covers over 280 square kilometers of the Indian Ocean coastline. Its diverse ecosystem offers a wide variety of wildlife and is also a popular destination for bird watchers.
Sabi Sands Game Reserve
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The Sabi Sands Game Reserve is a private game reserve in South Africa, situated adjacent to the famous Kruger National Park. This game reserve offers visitors the chance to enjoy safaris to South African private game reserves. There are numerous safari lodges that offer visitors an opportunity to explore this beautiful reserve in the company of experienced guides and trackers.
The dry season is ideal for game viewing in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve. During this time, temperatures drop in the evenings. During this time, animals gather around water sources, which are few in the bush. The Sabi Sands Game Reserve is the best time to spot leopards, as the animals are habituated to human presence.
Madikwe Game Reserve
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To see wildlife up close, try the Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa. It’s a conservation area bordered by Botswana that includes grasslands, forests, and rocky hills. Hundreds of different species of birds and animals call the reserve home. Many animals and birds gather around the Madikwe Dam, which is located within the reserve.
The reserve is situated next to the Botswana border, so you’ll need to plan your trip accordingly. Also, it’s recommended to bring a small amount of South African currency with you. You’ll need this for smaller purchases.
A visit to the Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa is a unique opportunity to experience some of nature at its finest. Here, you’ll find one of the largest elephant populations in the world and hundreds of bird species. You’ll also see cheetahs, African wild dogs, giraffes, and hyenas.
West Coast National Park
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Whether you like to go on hikes, enjoy water sports, or simply relax on the beaches of the West Coast, you must Visit West Coast National Park in South Africa. This hidden gem is located between Yzerfontein and Langebaan, on the R27.
There are a number of hiking trails within the park. You can take short trails or longer hikes. Hiking trails include the Bakoor, Steenbok, and Strandveld Trails. You can also take the Postberg Trail, a two-day excursion. The park is accessible from two gates: West Coast Gate, which is nine kilometers away, and Langebaan Gate, which is sixteen kilometers away.
Visitors can see the footprints of Eve in the Iziko South African Museum. You can also hike to the Seeberg viewpoint, which is one of the best views in the park. The hike is about 4.6km, and it has some of the best views.
West Coast National Park is an excellent place for a day out. Located just inland of Saldanha Bay, this nature preserve caters to the needs of nature lovers and those who love to spend their time exploring nature.
This park was created to protect the Langebaan Lagoon, which is only one of three lagoons in the world not fed by fresh water. The Lagoon is an excellent spot for water sports, such as windsurfing and sailing.
The Garden Route
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Those who are interested in experiencing nature can plan a trip to the Garden Route in South Africa. One of the top things to do here is to visit the Knysna Elephant Park.
Another option is the Plettenberg Bay Elephant Sanctuary. Both of these places will offer you animal encounters, and the latter includes the chance to walk with a cheetah. There are also many whale-watching tours offered by Ocean Safaris.
Another popular attraction on the Garden Route is the Tsitsikamma National Park. There is plenty to do at this park, and the entrance fee is low. South Africans pay ZAR54 to enter the park, while foreign visitors pay ZAR108. Children under 16 years old can enter the park for free.
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Located in the Western Cape, Stellenbosch is a world-class wine town. It has a rich history of winemaking and boasts the perfect climate for growing grapes. The town also boasts picturesque vineyards and a unique ambiance that makes it a popular holiday destination. 
Visitors can enjoy scenic views while sampling the wines from local vineyards. Among the best places to try wine are Ernie Els Wines, Hidden Valley Wines, Kanonkop Wine Estate, and Guardian Peak.
In addition to the award-winning wines, Stellenbosch has a lot to offer in terms of sightseeing and shopping. The town also has art galleries, museums, theaters, and hiking trails.
During the summer season, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of sports such as golf, cycling, and horseback riding. You’ll have plenty of time to explore the town, explore its many shops, and taste the local cuisine.
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
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The first step in a trip to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is to make sure you know what to expect. The park is not as big as it seems and there are some rules that you need to follow. Those rules include taking your time and staying within the park. There are some things that you can do to make your stay more comfortable. You can also plan to stay overnight in a luxury lodge.
The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is divided into five different sections. On the South Africa side, you can stay in an area called Upington. The rest of the park is on the other side of the border. Make sure to check in at the reception before you enter, as the park has different rules for different parts.
Another good reason to visit Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is to experience the free-roaming wildlife. The park’s vast expanses and vast scenic landscapes are an ideal backdrop for an African safari.
Addo Elephant National Park
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Addo Elephant National Park is home to diverse wildlife and is the third-largest national park in the country, after Kruger National Park and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.
The park has everything from extinct Cape Lions to the largest herd of disease-free buffaloes in the world. It is also home to the southern right whale and the great white shark. You can even see all seven species of elephants in one place! Addo Elephant National Park is the only park in the world that contains the Big Seven.
During the dry season, Addo has a lower tourist volume, making it quieter. During high season, visitors will find the park slightly busier. From October to March, migratory birds arrive from the north. In addition to the elephants, you can also find hundreds of bird species in Addo.
Pilanesberg National Park
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Pilanesberg National Park is located north of Rustenburg, the North West Province. While the park is not large, it is home to diverse wildlife. You can experience up-close encounters with some of the continent’s most distinctive species.
Bird watching in Pilanesberg is especially rewarding during the summer months. Birders can check off over 80 species in one day, depending on the season. You can take a guided walk through the park, or you can opt for self-guided bird watching at the park’s bird hides.
The Pilanesberg area has a history that dates back to the late nineteenth century when it was home to rebel Zulu warriors who fled the wrath of Shaka. 
Game viewing in Pilanesberg is easy because the animals tend to congregate around the big dams. The scenery is magical and you can be confident of seeing the Big Five. Sadly, the leopard and buffalo are not common here, but you can expect to see lions, elephants, and rhinos.
Cape Winelands
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The Cape Winelands are located in the Western Cape province. Previously known as Boland, it has a population of 787,490 as of 2011. The largest towns in the region include Paarl and Stellenbosch. There are also a number of small towns scattered throughout the region.
The Cape Winelands are beautiful all year round. The warm summer months are perfect for alfresco dining, while autumn and spring are gorgeous with their foliage. Visiting during these times will also allow you to spend some time relaxing on the beaches of the Garden Route.
In this area, there are several hiking trails, and there are plenty of opportunities to stay active.
When visiting the Cape Winelands, you should also take the time to explore the town of Franschhoek. This town has a Provence-like ambiance and attractive Cape Dutch architecture.
There are several wine estates in Franschhoek, including Le Petite Ferme, Chamonix, and Mont Rochelle. The names of these vineyards reflect the early French Huguenot influence in the region.
Tsitsikamma National Park
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Tsitsikamma National Park is a marine reserve located on the Garden Route. It boasts deep gorges and towering yellowwood. Visitors can hike the Mouth Trail, which crosses the suspension bridge over the Storms River or take the Otter Trail which leads to Nature’s Valley. Here, you’ll find Cape batis and other small mammals.
Tsitsikamma National Park is the perfect destination for hiking enthusiasts. The park offers a network of 12 hiking trails and contains a stunning range of indigenous vegetation. The Otter Trail, for example, is a 48-kilometer journey through the native fynbo forest. Shorter hikes include the Blue Duiker Trail and Waterfall Trail.
The Tsitsikamma Section contains a variety of cultural heritage sites, including Khoisan caves, rock art, and shell middens. There are also remnants of the timber industry and fishing villages. The park is actively working to map its cultural heritage sites and establish an oral history collection project.
Boulders Penguin Colony
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The Boulders Penguin Colony is a unique place to see penguins in South Africa. Located in a compact cove with large boulders, this place is home to nesting and waddling penguins. It is a great spot for a day trip or a longer stay.
This penguin colony is home to about 3000 African penguins. These birds can be extremely dangerous, so they should be handled with care. Fortunately, the Boulders Penguin Colony is not the only place to view penguins. You can also visit Betty’s Bay, located on the Garden Route.
Boulders Beach is a popular destination for visitors to Cape Town. The beach has a warm climate and golden sand. Visitors can also swim in the ocean. The water is warm enough for swimming, though it is restricted to areas on the shores on either side of the main penguin colony. Boulders Beach is also near Muizenburg, one of the most popular surfing beaches in Cape Town.
The Boulders Penguin Colony is open year-round, but the best time to see them is during the breeding season, from February to August. While these are the best months for viewing penguins, other times of the year are equally fascinating.
Dolphin Coast
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If you’re looking for a way to get away from it all, you might want to visit South Africa’s Dolphin Coast. This region is located about 40 kilometers north of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. It is home to many dolphins and is nicknamed the Dolphin Coast.
Located on the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, KwaZulu-Natal’s Dolphin Coast offers a variety of activities. From beach life to golf and scuba diving, this coastal region has something for everyone. Whether you’re into surfing or scuba diving, the Dolphin Coast is sure to be a fun getaway.
If you’d like to experience the beauty of the Dolphin Coast, don’t miss the sunrise. This breathtaking view is truly magical. As the sun rises over the ocean, the colors turn from fire to cotton candy. As you watch the sunrise, you might even be able to spot a school of dolphins frolicking in the waves.
To get a feel for the area, start in the town of Ballito, a town located 40 km north of Durban. It has a population of approximately 19,000 people. You’ll find dolphins on its north coast shoreline. Despite the town’s small size, it offers a safe, quiet place to spend your time.
In addition to the Dolphin Coast, the area is home to some of South Africa’s most beautiful beaches. Some of them are protected by breakwaters and lifeguards, so you’re likely to get in a good swim. There are even places in the area for the kids to enjoy a day on the beach.
The Cradle of Humankind
The Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site is comprised of more than three hundred limestone caves. It is one of the most significant archaeological sites in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to numerous fossils and almost complete hominin skulls.
The museum features world-class exhibits on the development of humankind over the past few million years. One of the best-known sites is the Sterkfontein Caves, which have one-third of all human fossils. Visitors can also view the world-famous Australopithecus skeletons.
The area has unique geological features, including limestone caves that have been in use since prehistoric times. This area is home to a large variety of fossils, including the remains of prehistoric animals.
The world-famous Sterkfontein Caves are another great place to visit. These caves contain many fossils of hominids dating back 4 million years, to the time of human evolution. Among the fossils in these caves are Mrs. Ples, a 2.1 million-year-old Australopithecus skull, and Little Foot, a nearly complete Australopithecus skeleton.
Mossel Bay
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Mossel Bay is known for its wide Santos Beach and the 19th century Cape St. Blaize Lighthouse, as well as its Bartolomeu Dias Museum Complex, which includes a Maritime Museum, Shell Museum, and botanical gardens. You might also want to visit the Post Office Tree, which has served as a collection point for mail since 1500.
The town is nestled on the Cape St Blaise Peninsula. It boasts the only north-facing beach in South Africa, two Blue Flag Beaches, and over 60 km of clean sand. The town is also home to the National Sail Training Academy. Mossel Bay also has many activities for visitors, including surfing, windsurfing, water skiing, and hiking.
Mossel Bay is an ideal location for families who want to enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings. The town has numerous restaurants serving local cuisine and seafood. There are also four municipal caravan parks, as well as several hotels and B&Bs. It is also home to many whales, which move through the bay each year.
Mossel Bay is located halfway between Port Elizabeth and Cape Town, making it an ideal getaway location. It is also part of the Garden Route, which is known for its beautiful scenery and mild climate. You can enjoy the ocean views while taking in the historical sites.
Plettenberg Bay
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When you visit Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, you should not miss the amazing Birds of Eden sanctuary, which is home to a great variety of species of birds. These beautiful animals live in the forest and you can go for a tour of the park and view some of their amazing displays. 
The town is home to several renowned beaches. The Lookout Beach is a popular surf beach, and the Lookout Deck is a great place to have a drink. Central Beach is another popular summer beach and is the stage for the Plett Rage festival. Lastly, the Robberg Nature Reserve has five kilometers of Blue Flag beaches.
You can also enjoy some wildlife at the Keurbooms River Nature Reserve, which is located five km northeast of Plettenberg Bay. The name of this reserve comes from the keurboom tree, which is native to the area. In the months of August and December, the region is covered with pink-mauve flowers.
The Keurbooms Lagoon, which extends north for a few kilometers, is also a popular destination for birdwatchers. The narrow bush-covered sand spit separates the lagoon from the ocean, and more than 200 species of birds can be found here.
There are a number of attractions in Plettenberg Bay, including the Whale Sanctuary. In addition to whale watching, you can also explore the town’s award-winning wine route. The town is also home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites. If you’re looking for a relaxing holiday destination, Plettenberg Bay is a great place to go.
Langebaan is a town located on the eastern shore of the Langebaan Lagoon in the province of the Western Cape. The town is known for its beaches, restaurants, and quaint shops.
In the summer, the town is alive with young people lazing around on the beach. However, if you’re planning a trip to Langebaan during the off-season, you can expect the place to be pretty quiet. On the weekends, you’ll find locals messing around on their boats, or just enjoying a quiet day on the beach.
The area surrounding the lagoon is a birdwatcher’s paradise. It’s home to the largest colony of kelp gulls in South Africa. You’ll also find many interesting bird species in the surrounding veld. The area has several bird hides for bird-watching enthusiasts.
For those who love sports, the beautiful flat waters of the Langebaan lagoon are ideal for sailing. The region is also a world-renowned venue for water sports events. Visitors can enjoy kite surfing, water skiing, and other sports. The waters are ideal for swimming, as well.
Umhlanga is a resort and residential town located north of the city of Durban. It is part of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, which was established in 2000 and encompasses the greater Durban area. You can find a variety of activities and attractions in Umhlanga.
Umhlanga’s beaches run for miles along the beautiful coastline and are perfect for sunbathing. The iconic lighthouse also attracts visitors, and beach-goers can take a boat trip, go diving, or snorkel. You can also choose to experience an inland adventure, such as zip-lining or paintballing.
Umhlanga is a popular destination for vacationers, and its village charm has made it one of the country’s most popular destinations. A popular tourist attraction is Umhlanga Rocks or the Place of the Reeds.
This town was once a sleepy vacation village but has been transformed into a cosmopolitan residential area, similar to Johannesburg’s Sandton. It offers beautiful sea views and the lighthouse, which is situated to the south of the town.
Formerly Nelspruit, the city of Mbombela is the capital of the Mpumalanga Province and gateway to the world-renowned Kruger National Park. This park is home to elephants, zebras, and rhinos. Besides the park itself, Mbombela boasts man-made rainforests, Sudwala Caves with their unusual rock formations, and the Jane Goodall Institute’s Chimp Eden sanctuary.
While Mbombela is accessible at any time of year, many people prefer to visit it during the winter. This climate is mild and ideal for sightseeing. The city also hosts a couple of festivals during this time of year. In winter, Mbombela experiences little rainfall, but the summer months can be hot and humid.
Visitors to the area can visit the Kruger National Park, which is known for its Big 5. These animals can be seen only in private safari jeep tours, so make sure you book private safari jeep tours to see these animals. The park also features hundreds of bird species and other animals.
If you’re a foodie, you’ll love Paternoster, a small town located just outside of Cape Town. It has a laidback atmosphere and a variety of local cuisine. The town has plenty of art galleries, cute local boutiques, and farm stalls. Its quaint, white-washed streets are home to artisan-crafted homewares, local artwork, and other wares.
If you’re planning a trip to Cape Town, consider taking the scenic route to Paternoster. The R27, a scenic highway along the coast, is the fastest way to reach the town. Along the way, you’ll be treated to panoramic ocean views, and you’ll be sure to spot some crayfish.
During the summer, indigenous flowers blanket the hills and fields of Paternoster. These wildflowers come in all sizes and species. While the indigenous flowers are one of the main attractions of the town, there are also many other things to do while you’re there.
Hiking, mountain biking, and fishing are all popular activities. If you love water sports, ocean kayaking and diving are also great ways to spend your vacation in Paternoster.
God’s Window
For nature lovers, God’s Window is a definite must-visit. Set 700m above sea level, this beautiful viewpoint overlooks the Kruger Lowveld. Visitors should take care to hold onto the railings when on the cliff. While enjoying the sweeping views of the Kruger Lowveld and the surrounding mountains, you should also be prepared to breathe in a lot of fresh air.
God’s Window is located in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. It is best to visit it on a clear day to see the most breathtaking sights. From the top, you can see the Kruger National Park, the Lebombo Mountain range, and the Three Rondavels. Be sure to book your trip to God’s Window well in advance.
God’s Window is a scenic viewing gallery located on the Drakensberg escarpment in Mpumalanga province. From the top, you can enjoy panoramic views of the Lowveld, the Lebombo Mountains, the Kruger Park, and the Mozambique coastline.
For a beach getaway, Hermanus is the place to go. This town lies southeast of Cape Town, South Africa, and is renowned for its whale-watching tours. It is also home to Volklip Beach and Grotto Beach, both of which overlook Walker Bay.
Hermanus is a seaside town southeast of Cape Town in the Western Cape Province, famous for its whale-watching opportunities. Hermanus is also home to two beautiful beaches, Volklip Beach and Grotto Beach, overlooking Walker Bay.
Visitors can also spend time at the Whale House Museum, which features informative displays and a suspended whale skeleton.
One of the best places to experience whale-watching in Hermanus is Gearing’s Point. This vantage point, located above the harbor, offers a spectacular view of the ocean. It is also home to a telescope and benches. It also has a restaurant that serves locally-sourced food.
The town of Knysna is one of the most popular holiday spots in South Africa. This coastal town has a rich history and a quaint town feel that will charm visitors. Its famous Knysna Forest has several hiking trails. You can view the local wildlife and check out the endangered Knysna turaco.
The town is located on the Garden Route in South Africa. The streets are lined with art galleries, seafood restaurants, and cafes. Knysna is bordered by the sheltered lagoon, which is protected from waves by Knysna Heads.
Visitors can also walk through the Featherbed Nature Reserve, which has trails through milkwood forests. The Knysna Forest is a remnant of the once-vast montane forest.
The climate in Knysna is mild throughout the year. Even if you’re visiting during winter, you can still enjoy the town’s scenic beauty. Whether you’re planning to spend a romantic getaway or a family holiday, Knysna has something for everyone.
The town also boasts an annual Oyster Festival that attracts visitors from South Africa and beyond. At this annual event, you can expect to enjoy live music performances, wine tastings, and themed activities. If you’re a foodie, you can join a cooking class.
Cape Agulhas
Cape Agulhas is a coastal town at the southern point of the continent. It’s about 30 kilometers south of the regional center of Bredasdorp. 
It’s a haven for shipwrecks, which are preserved in the Shipwreck Museum near Bredasdorp. Visitors can see the wreck of HMS Birkenhead, a British ship that was wrecked on this site in 1804. The Meisho Maru 38 is also visible on the Cape Agulhas shoreline.
If you’re planning a visit to South Africa, consider a day trip to Cape Agulhas. While many tourists stop in the city to see the famous Cape of Good Hope, they rarely make the drive to Cape Agulhas. It’s worth the drive, and one of the best days trips from Cape Town. Here, you’ll discover a natural wonder with breathtaking views.
The area is located near the dividing line between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It also offers some of the best fishing in Africa. The area is known as the Cape of Needles because of the high winds that can cause waves as high as 100 feet offshore.
Located in the Eastern Cape Province, Gqeberha is an ideal place for nature lovers to visit. The town is home to diverse wildlife and numerous beaches. Visitors can also experience the Donkin Heritage Trail, which takes them through the Old Hill neighborhood. The area is also famous for whale spotting.
The city has a subtropical climate and warm water, which make it an ideal place for water sports and swimming. The town also has a picturesque harbor and is a popular place to go fishing and windsurfing. Dolphin-watching tours are also available from the harbor. Whether you’re a family or looking for a romantic getaway, Gqeberha has it all.
The Donkin Heritage Trail provides visitors with a good overview of Gqeberha’s history. It features the Campanile, which was built to commemorate the 1820 Settlers. It also includes Fort Frederick, which was built in 1799.
You can also visit the Horse Memorial, which commemorates horses killed in the Second Boer War, and the Piet Retief Monument. Other places of interest include the Victorian houses along Newington Road and Feathermarket Hall.
The train ride from Cape Town to Gqeberha takes just over three hours. The train ride will allow you to experience some of the beautiful scenery en route.
The beautiful town of Paarl, South Africa, has plenty to offer visitors. Located on the Berg River, Paarl is a beautiful setting with spectacular views. You can take a picnic or take a walking tour to explore the town. You can also stop for a light meal in the town’s cafe.
A visit to Paarl will provide you with a chance to experience its culture and architecture. The town has some of the oldest European settlements in the country. The town has a diverse culture, with descendants of African, Khoisan, and European slaves.
The town is also home to many Italian prisoners of war and Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. San rock art is everywhere, and the town’s mountain is named Tortoise Mountain.
While you’re visiting Paarl, make sure to spend some time in the city’s historic center. The historic center is filled with charming buildings and a monument to the Afrikaans language. After visiting the monument, you can wander through the town’s picturesque vineyards. You can also check out the oldest church in South Africa, the Paarl Cathedral.
If you’re looking for a scenic getaway from the bustling metropolis of Cape Town, Paarl is the ideal destination. This city boasts several outstanding wineries and historical buildings. It’s also known as the ‘pearl of the Western Cape and is situated at the foot of the second-largest granite outcrop in the world.
Venda Region
Visit the Venda region and explore the pristine landscapes. The Soutpansberg Mountains offer spectacular views and many outdoor activities for visitors. If you are interested in local culture, you can visit the village of Mukumbani. Here, you can enjoy the local art and culture and meet some of the Venda people.
The Mashovhela rock pool in the Morning Sun Nature Reserve is one of the most sacred sites of Venda culture. This rock pool is considered the second most sacred site. The Lemba are African Semites who believe themselves to be Black Jews; they only marry within their tribe.
In addition, they use snuff to communicate with their ancestors. This ceremony has two main functions: teaching the girls how to become wives and bringing fertility to the next generation of Venda people.
A Venda sacred site is Lake Fundudzi. This lake was formed by a massive landslide and is believed to be filled with spirits. Although it is one of the rare inland lakes in South Africa, visitors are not allowed to go to the shore, because crocodiles live there.
The Venda region is located in the Northeastern corner of South Africa, bordering southern Zimbabwe. The Venda people originally came from the Great Lakes region in Central Africa and built a capital, D’zata. Today, the ruins of the ancient city are a national monument. The Venda are a fascinating group of people with a rich cultural heritage.
South Africa is a traveler’s dream come true: amazing wildlife, beautiful mountains, and so much to do, it’s a year-round vacation destination. The Rainbow Country is rich in cultural diversity, with over 11 official languages.
South Africa is a beautiful country with incredible landscapes, wildlife, and people. It has one of the world’s highest numbers of lions and rhinos. It also has thousands of species of birds and hundreds of species of mammals.
You’ll see the Big Five on their famous safaris, explore semi-arid deserts, visit stunning beaches, and much more. You can experience all this and more when you plan a trip to South Africa with Visit South Africa today!
South Africa is unlike any other, and you’re sure to experience unforgettable memories on your trip here.
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what if the cashier at walgreens started calling you "mevrouw" and you asked them about it and they said nervously that you have voortrekker eyebrows
Yall have got to start using words when you talk to me
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novumtimes · 6 hours
Attractions to explore around Pretoria
Pretoria is home to a number of interesting attractions worth exploring. The destination is an effortless and beautiful blend of history, culture and natural beauty. As such, it offers a diverse experience for different kinds of travellers. From breathtaking natural beauty to history-rich attractions and iconic monuments, there is undoubtedly something in store for you. Here are a few attractions to explore in and around Pretoria: Kruger House Museum Picture: Sourced Located just a block away from Pretoria’s iconic Market Square, Kruger House is a treasure trove of history. The building was constructed in 1884 and stands as a testament to Victorian architecture with a unique twist. It holds intriguing artifacts from the era of Paul Kruger, offering insightful information about his life before his European exile. The museum preserves the authenticity of its unpretentious ambience and showcases memorabilia which is true to its original charm. Pretoria Botanical Garden The Pretoria Botanical Garden is located in east Tshwane and originally formed part of the University of Pretoria’s experimental farm project. It is a birdwatcher’s paradise with over 198 bird species. These include species such as hawks, falcons and eagles. The garden does its best to protect the abundance of indigenous fauna and flora. It is also the perfect spot for hikers as there is an array of cycads, aloes, tree species and succulents to see and explore. Voortrekker Monument Picture: Getaway Gallery The Voortrekker Monument is a beacon of history standing tall on a hill with its granite structure basking in the sun’s glow. Inside, the monument is a treasure trove of historical narratives, each corner whispering tales of the Afrikaner people’s Great Trek. The panoramic views of Pretoria from the top are the cherry on top of this enriching experience. Union Buildings The Union Buildings draws hundred of visitors daily. (Picture: Sourced) The Union Buildings are a testament to architectural grandeur. The buildings, which serve as the South African government’s seat, are adorned with expansive gardens and a statue of the late struggle icon Nelson Mandela, embodying the nation’s spirit. You can embark on a guided tour as you marvel at all the beauty and learn more about the country and its history. Hennops Waterpark Picture: Sourced Keen for some water fun? Hennops Waterpark is a bustling hub of activity, especially during peak season. It draws crowds who come to enjoy its extensive facilities. The park offers a lively atmosphere and maintains a family-friendly environment with designated areas for different age groups and activities. Expect to enjoy some swimming and sliding, as well as the opportunity to explore the park’s natural beauty. Hennops Waterpark offers the opportunity to make the most of your leisure time in a safe and enjoyable setting. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Source link via The Novum Times
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titou-nz · 18 hours
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God’s Window - South Africa
La tribu MaPulane avait baptisé la rivière du nom de Motlatse.
Le nom Blyde River fut donné en 1844 par les femmes de voortrekkers, qui attendaient leurs époux partis sous la conduite d'Hendrik Potgieter, à la recherche d'une route vers la baie de Delagoa. Ne revenant pas et les croyant morts, elles baptisèrent « Treur River » (rivière des pleurs) la rivière au bord de laquelle leur campement était dressé. Elles partirent néanmoins à la recherche de rescapés et c'est au bord d'une autre rivière qu'elles nommèrent « Blyde River » (rivière de joie), qu'elles les retrouvèrent tous et bel et bien en vie.
La Treur et la Blyde se rejoignent aux « Bourke's Luck Potholes » avant de plonger dans le Blyde River Canyon.
La Blyde River fait ainsi référence à un évènement historique, partie intégrante de l'histoire afrikaner.
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travelsbliss · 1 month
Pretoria, South Africa: A City of Jacarandas and History
Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa, is known for its stunning purple jacaranda trees, historic monuments, and cultural diversity. From exploring the Voortrekker Monument to enjoying the vibrant neighborhoods, Pretoria offers a blend of history and natural beauty. 🌸🏛️
📍 Discover Pretoria’s top attractions: Best Places to Visit in Pretoria, Africa
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kahztiy · 1 month
YD6-41 flirting with consciousness on a drive through the savanna
The hands of my wristwatch flashed, 10:00. My mind launches glimpses to find my past route. Connecting stretches of roadway through waving savanna hills. Oxen and wagon vestiges meandering tracks east. Shining specks changes I’ve witnessed over the decades punctuating once Voortrekker outpost. I bring back my mind, to driving the Bakkie up the leafy Sunnyway. At the 7/25 nameplate, I swerve onto…
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robertvorster · 1 year
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Voortrekker monument, Pretoria
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logi1974 · 2 years
Südafrika 2022
Herrschaften und Oukies! 
Bald geht es wieder los… 
Wie immer machen wir wieder eine selbstgebastelte Rundreise mit einem Leihwagen - ohne Dachzelt, denn wir sind “Warmduscher” und wollen im weichen Bettchen schlafen.
Es geht wieder ganz in den Süden, nach Südafrika, denn unsere Wildcard ist noch bis Ende des Jahres gültig und da wollen wir noch ein bisschen was von abarbeiten.
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Dieses Mal fliegen wir ab Brüssel nonstop nach Johannesburg. Ob wir nach Frankfurt fahren oder nach Brüssel, ist für uns von der Entfernung her egal. Die Airline unserer Wahl ist in diesem Jahr die Air Belgium, eine noch recht junge  Fluggesellschaft, die seit diesem Herbst erstmalig auch Südafrika anfliegt.
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Die Fahrzeugpreise sind in diesem Jahr für die Leihwagen astronomisch - das hatten wir bereits in Schottland bemerkt. Die Car Hire Companies reduzierten während der Zeit des Lockdowns ihren Bestand drastisch und kommen nun mit der Nachfrage, jetzt wo alle wieder uneingeschränkt reisen dürfen, gar nicht mehr hinterher.
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Deswegen gibt es in diesem Jahr für uns nur einen kleinen, kompakten SUV: einen Toyota Urban Cruiser. Gebucht über einen örtlichen Vermieter. Entsprechend müssen wir für die 4 Wochen unser Gepäck etwas einschränken. 
Auf Grund des desolaten Zustandes der staatlichen Unterkünfte im Krüger Nationalpark, werden wir dieses Mal nicht im Krüger übernachten. Hinzu kommen noch die zunehmenden Überfälle auf der Anfahrt zu den Gates des Krügers, bei denen mit unvorstellbarer Brutalität vorgegangen wird.  
Unsere Route sieht in diesem Jahr so aus:
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Vom Flughafen in Johannesburg, geht es, wie schon beim letzten Mal, in das Dinokeng Game Reserve, eine gute Stunde nördlich gelegen. Ein idealer Start in die Reise und die Big 5 gibt es auch noch. 
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Weiter geht es in die rund 150 Kilometer lange Bergkette des Waterberg Massivs in der Limpopo Provinz. Da die gesamte Region malariafrei ist, sind hier in den vergangenen Jahren etliche private Wildreservate mit vorzüglichen Unterkünften entstanden.
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Anschließend besuchen wir den Mapungubwe National Park (früher bekannt unter Vhembe Dongola National Park). Der Park liegt im Dreiländereck Südafrika, Botswana und Zimbabwe, am Zusammenfluss von Limpopo River und Shashe River.
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Zwischen den Feiertagen haben wir uns noch einmal in die fabelhafte Raptor Retreat Game Lodge eingebucht. Dort hat es uns im Januar besonders gut gefallen. Leider standen uns dort nur 2 Tage zur Verfügung, was natürlich viel zu wenig war. Sharmaine, die Inhaberin, hat uns für den kommenden Aufenthalt ein prima Angebot unterbreitet und das konnten wir natürlich nicht ablehnen. 
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Auch der Panorama Route wollen wir eine zweite Chance geben. Beim letzten Mal konnten wir vor lauter Nebel die Hand vor den Augen nicht sehen. Allerdings fanden wir das Städtchen Sabie am gleichnamigen Flusslauf besonders nett. 
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Im Gebiet der "Greater Panorama Route" zwischen Lydenburg, Ohrigstad und Hazyview gibt es zahlreiche landschaftliche Attraktionen sowie hübsche Dörfer wie Pilgrim's Rest oder Graskop , die einen Besuch lohnen.
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Und auch der Marloth Park, südlich des Krügers, am Crocodile River gelegen, wird von uns noch ein zweites Mal besucht. Leider war das zauberhafte Foxy Crocodile Bush Retreat nur noch an Einzeltagen buchbar und deswegen entschieden wir uns für eine andere Unterkunft innerhalb des Parks.
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Letzte Stadion ist Pretoria, die Hauptstadt Südafrikas. Die Stadt ist nach dem Voortrekker und Nationalhelden Andries Pretorius benannt. In Pretoria geht es sehr viel ruhiger zu als im hektischen und übervölkerten Johannesburg. 
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Je nach Internet-Verbindung wird unser Blog dann möglichst täglich wieder über unsere Reise berichten. Falls es gar keine Verbindung geben sollte, was es hin & wieder auch mal gibt, werden die Berichte wieder im Anschluss hoch geladen.
Unser Reisebericht ist wie immer für alle gedacht, die einen ähnlichen Urlaub planen oder die gern wissen möchten, was man auf so einer Reise erleben kann - und natürlich für unsere Lieben daheim & in der Ferne. 
Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Lesen, Mitreisen und Mitträumen.
Euer Afrika-Team 
 Angie & Michi & der Hasenbär  
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trolledu · 2 months
~~~ ALBERTON ~~~
THE Voortrekkers Johan Georg (Org) Meyer and Hester Catharina Elizabeth (néé Mulder) came from Prince Albert with two wagons and made their way to the Transvaal in the early 1840’s.
Org sourced land and selected three farms, namely Klipriviersberg, Elandsfontein and Swartkoppies. The couple chose to live next to the Natal Spruit (today the open land on the corner of Hendrik Potgieter Street and Tenth Avenue, Alberton North).
Org asked another Voortrekker, Jacob Smith, to keep an eye on the farms, while he went back to Prince Albert to sell his farm there. He could not sell the land in the Cape and then decided to abandon it.
On his return, he decided to keep Smit as a neighbor and ceded Klipriviersberg to him.
When their son Johannes Petrus (Jan) Meyer was 13 years old in 1856, the family went back to visit their relatives in the Prince Albert district. During the return journey, Org died and was buried in Colesberg. The responsibility was on Jan’s shoulders to see the family safely back to the Transvaal. It rained heavily and they had to build rafts to pass over the rivers. The cattle had to be protected at night from wild animals and there was no dry wood for them to make fires.
In 1864 Jan Meyer married Christina Salomina Meyer (no relation) and set up house on land next to the Natalspruit, in the area now occupied by Alberton City.
Christina died on 31 July 1870 after the birth of their fourth daughter. She was buried in the farm cemetery that once lay next to the future Voortrekker Road. He re-purchased the farm Klipriviersberg for 500 pounds from Jacob’s Smit’s estate. In 1872 he married the widow Stephina Petronella Botha, born Strydom. The couple moved to Klipriviersberg.
The current farmhouse was erected in 1891 by the builder Kirton, who also built the Dutch Reformed Church in Heidelberg.
Jan Meyer’s widowed mother had remarried Abraham Viljoen. After Viljoen’s death in 1894, the farm Elandsfontein was divided between the Meyer children. Jan Meyer bought the areas now known as New Redruth, Randhart and Raceview. His brother Johan Georg (Org junior) bought the areas now known as Florentia and Verwoerd Park. The part of the farm that later became Alberton North, was given to the five Meyer daughters.
After the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, the Alberton Estate Syndicate of Germiston approached the Meyer family to buy land to establish a town, close enough to Johannesburg for work but outside the city. The land was sold for 20 000 pounds in 1904 and the new town named Alberton, after General Hennie Alberts, one of the members of the Syndicate.
Although Alberton was established in 1904, it was only proclaimed a township in 1909.
Alberton boasts the only family cemetery within a traffic circle in South Africa.
A boy by the name of Johannes Petrus Meyer bought 11 hectares of his father’s farm Elandsfontein at the age of 13. He built his house next to the Alberton spruit. When his wife died in, he decided to start a general store and built his farmhouse residence in 1890, which was miraculously left unharmed during the Anglo Boer War, and still stands today. Jan's brother took over the farm after his death. General Hennie Alberts purchased a portion of the farm Elandsfontein, and he decided on the name of Alberton.
The school Jan Meyer was named after the original farm owner. The affluent suburb of Meyersdal also refers to the family whose first farmhouse still stands today. Hennie Alberts Avenue in the suburb of Brackenhurst as well as the primary school Generaal Alberts is named after the town founder. The first official post office was opened in 1926. Street names in the Alberton North suburb were also renamed after Voortrekker heroes in 1938 to coincide with the 100 year commemoration of the Great Trek.
Development sprawled out into adjacent areas over the years, and today Alberton consists of 18 suburbs. Alberante, Verwoerdpark, Albertsdal, Alrode, Brackendowns, Brackenhurst, New Redruth, Eden Park, Florentia, Mayberry Park, Albermarle, Meyersdal, Alberton North, Palm Ridge, General Alberts Park, Randhart, Raceview, South Crest, Thokoza.
Alrode is Alberton's industrial suburb. Alrode, which is Alberton's industrial suburb, was established in 1943. One of the most notable industries to be established in the town during this time was CJ Fuchs (Pty) Ltd. Venturing into the production of domestic electrical appliances under licence from the American company Westing House Electric International, the business was relocated from central Johnnesburg to a newly-built, modern factory in Alrode in 1948. Until the mid-seventies, CJ Fuchs (Pty) Ltd would continue to grow into a multi-million Rand operation, employing thousands of people in several subsidiary companies within the group. After Carl Fuchs' death in April 1976, the company was sold to the then Barlow Rand. In 1973, he was also the first to be admitted as a Freeman of the Town of Alberton.
The construction of the Alberton Boulevard was a major development started in the late 1980s with the aim of converting a section of Voortrekker Road that runs past the Alberton City Shopping Mall into a pedestrian-friendly zone.
There are many well-established sports facilities and clubs for tennis, rugby, road running, boxing, wrestling, cricket, jukskei, netball, hockey, soccer, bowls, korfball and ring tennis in Alberton.
It is also home to the Reading Country Club and Golf Course.
Alberton was also home to the now defunct New Market Race Course, which is now a shopping mall.
Notable residents (past and present)
• Japie Mulder (Springbok rugby player)
• Arnold Vosloo (Actor)
• Carl Niehaus (Politician)
• Andrew Hall (Protea cricketer)
• André Pretorius (Springbok rugby player)
• Bernadette Coston (Protea and Olympian hockey player )
• Malcolm Marx (Springbok rugby player)
Alberton borders on the Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve, located on Peggy Vera Road, Kibler Park, Gauteng. This reserve is home to many wild animals, including zebra, red hartebeest, porcupines, black wildebeest, otters, blesbok, springbok, duiker and 170 bird species.
There are also Iron Age settlements dating from about 1500 and the ruins of a house built in 1850 by voortrekkerSarel Marais.
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4x4community · 2 months
OU Voortrekker Pas - Louvain
Forum: 4x4 Trails / Routes / Clubs Posted By: john_ysbeer Post Time: 2024/07/28 at 09:35 AM http://dlvr.it/TB9DLK
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rasmasandra · 2 months
Traveling in Africa South Africa
Pretoria the Jacaranda City The administrative capital of South Africa Pretoria a city in the Gauteng Province and is the administrative capital of South Africa and is known as Jacaranda City because of its many jacaranda trees. The Voortrekker Monument was built between 1938 and 1949 to honor the journey of the Voortrekkers. These were Boer pastoralists who took a journey north over the…
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