#vote for whoever you want
Cirie for AFP 💗
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spacedustmantis · 1 year
with how rough these past few days have been i don't know if my ego could take it if i were to not be voted gillion understander.. so um. help a guy out maybe?
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rmbaloncesto · 4 years
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sunshinehighway · 7 years
yes emmerdale have fucked robron up and no i’m not at all happy with them for it but of course i’m still going to vote for emmerdale at the soap awards?? they’ve had some incredible sls this year; ashleys dementia, hollys death, ssw and i’m not going to punish the cast for iains stupid mistakes 
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nyanloser · 8 years
We all have the right to vote for whomever we choose... unless it's trump.... fuck trump...
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leupagus · 8 years
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I ran into this dude in August; today he tried to frighten people waiting in line for early voting here in Austin. There was also an InfoWars “reporter” lurking around there earlier, trying (and failing) to get people to talk to him. The reason I know about the InfoWars guy? I was there shopping -- this Randall’s is my grocery store. I live five blocks away. From this.
I want anyone who says “Hillary totes committed crimes and be in jail” to look at this and tell me that you think the people who agree with you, the people who drive around and around a polling place yelling at people, are doing it because they think she’s guilty. That they’re calling her a lying bitch cunt crook out of wholehearted conviction in their calls for justice. That they’re saying she should be locked up purely because they believe she’s broken some law.
And then look me in the eye and tell me you’re any different.
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marubits · 8 years
I love trolling conspiracy theorists and Trump supporters on Candid.
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jawnbaeyega · 8 years
Y’all we gotta stop tearing down and trying to drag Black folks for who they’re choosing to vote for in the Democratic Primary. Neither candidate is perfect on race issues, neither has had a perfect response to Black Lives Matter protesting during/interrupting their rallies/speeches. They’re both white liberals and thus will do what white liberals do. There are reasons to prefer Bernie and reasons to prefer Hillary. We need to trust Black folks to make their own political decisions based on their own set of priorities and concerns. Reasoned debate and discussions are great, but we can’t be out here dragging Black Civil Rights leaders, prominent Black women, and the mothers of murdered children over not supporting our preferred white politician. Please, we gotta let Black folks live.
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jimmprin · 9 years
Yeah exo deserves to win but they still have a lot more years and Big Bang is not going to make music for another 3-5 years??
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softmoonlite · 9 years
no offense but aaron’s second goal against galatasaray should be the champions league goal of the season tbh…
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thechekhov · 12 years
This is a website that uses your zipcode to give you an example ballot, along with a list of candidates and links to their websites.
DO NOT IGNORE YOUR VOTING RIGHT. You are either participating, or helping the other guy get elected because THEIR supporters actually bothered to SUPPORT him. 
Remember to vote NO on both Constitutional Amendments! :)
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wumyun · 12 years
opalwhisker replied to your post: If you voted for Exo as artist of the year….. ...
i haven’t even voted but i don’t think its fair for u to judge others based on who they voted for. who is and isn’t deserving isn’t up to just u. it’s people’s opinion who they vote for. if u don’t want exo to win fine, but don’t be mean about it plz
You know what. I'm actually going to apologize for this post I made. Because I realized I'm being highly hypocritical and going back on a post I made awhile back stating how I hated everyone posting stuff about B.A.P vs Exo.  So sorry everyone.
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