#jk i love u
stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve knew exactly why he was laying on the roof that cold night.
It had started when he had volunteered to help Wayne Munson salvage what he could from his trailer, he'd done it under the guise of helping around town, but he knew that this was something he needed to do. Anything of Eddie's he put in a box for Wayne, a box of memories and a lost future. He was methodical and grieving but he continued.
Until the book.
He'd put many of Eddie's books in the box, some were ruined but some just had singed or dirty edges. But this book, this book had been left open slightly, just the cover, showing the inscription.
To my little moon,
I love you and remember I'm never far if you look up at the stars, know I'll be there watching you.
Mom xxx
Steve had slid the book into his jacket, finished packing, and left.
The book had been about space, the stars, the moon, everything other than their little world. Steve had never known so many facts about one topics but he read it all, cover to cover, about the stars, about the moon.
Tonight was the first full moon since then. Steve had climbed up onto the roof and waited. It was cloudy, but Steve waited. Finally, the clouds slowly moved apart, and there it was, a beautiful, bright, full moon.
"Hey, Eddie."
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kaqura · 1 year
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he's such a weirdo omg
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bilbao-song · 7 months
secret rocker santa participants needed!! (11/20/23)
don't worry this is probably the last post of this nature for the year, but u know the drill: currently we are most in need of fans of following musicians and bands (or even just people with a passing interest in them):
⁃ jimi hendrix ⁃ simon & garfunkel ⁃ the beach boys ⁃ fleetwood mac ⁃ the eagles ⁃ tom petty
everyone is welcome (the only requirement is that you’re a fan of some kind of music from roughly the 50s-90s) and there’s plenty of time left!! these are just the ones that so far seem like they’ll be the hardest to match, which means more fans signing up would be very helpful :^) if you or your followers fit this criteria, please consider reblogging this post!
remember, sign-ups are open through november 28th and anonymous messaging begins december 1st :-)
➜ more information about secret rocker santa ➜ F.A.Q. page ➜ sign up here! (or here if you’d prefer to stay on tumblr)
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inseparableduo · 11 days
Ppl who turn my angst into something soft
How dare u
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inkybinky · 2 months
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@xx-y0sh1-xx WHUH ????
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whispering-depths · 4 months
astarion just crit failed TWICE in a row on the first DC 5 lock I had him pick this playthrough... I'm about to leave his ass right here on the beach I stg
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blindmagdalena · 5 months
Amy your response to that soulmate ask was a bit heartbreaking and I will be sending my therapy bill😭
can i therapy you with soulmate fic instead???
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kruinka · 1 year
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CLOSED i habe enough now thank u for 600 first 8 only bc theres someone camping on call rn 🫠
can be other fandoms pls send an ask so its easier for me to see whos first anon is ok too!! u can lie to me but u cant lie to urself
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grnherbs · 1 year
feliz cumpleaños a mi pequeño pedrito <3
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robinruns · 2 years
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Frank you shady bitch! I see you covering up thr Bob figurine in the that Black Parade set!
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charmingbrute · 1 year
shit the lgbt community found me again
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s0livagant · 2 years
The worst thing abt living in the same time zone as most of the fan base is that when I check the tag in the morning nothing has been posted since the night before bc we were all asleep skjlskdjsjsk
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inseparableduo · 8 months
brain blast
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
i agree with anon except im not straight and woudl also like to suck on ur tits
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bluehwale · 1 year
notice me senpai 🥵🤤
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beanxiv · 3 months
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satoru gojo who has the biggest sweet tooth ever but won't hesitate to offer you a bite of his kikufuku-- even though it's his favorite.
satoru gojo who, when you shake your head to him buying you an expensive gift, buys it for you anyways, because no amount of money will be more valuable than seeing you happy with a what he's bought you. especially when he knows its his name on the card that's being slid through the reader to purchase whatever it is you set your eyes on.
satoru gojo who readily pulls his blindfold/sunglasses off in your presence because only you quiet the overlapping, draining echoes in his head.
satoru gojo who peppers you with kisses for as long as you let him, because you deserve to feel just how much adoration he has for you.
satoru gojo who takes you out to gorgeous high-end restaurants, having the both of you dress up just as gorgeously. not to mention, throughout the night you'll hear endless compliments of how "that outfit really compliments your figure," or how, "that color makes your eyes look so pretty." and so on and so forth, satoru can't run out of compliments when you give him so much to talk about
satoru gojo who is the best at princess treatment. do not try opening your own door around him. he will do somersaults to get there before you can. you know those tiktoks of people rolling over the top of the car and dropping onto the ground to open the door for their significant other? yeah, that's satoru.
satoru gojo who surprises you with those giant, beautiful bouquets that have money and your favorite snacks in them because he loves to see your expression when he hands it to you
satoru gojo who loves to show you off. he'll send the gc with him, shoko, and suguru endless texts about how he loves his s/o so much and how he's so lucky to have them. and he sends especially petty messages sometimes about how suguru and shoko are still single while he's happily married (he'll say this before you're even engaged)
satoru gojo who used to not get flustered by anyone because-- well he's satoru gojo-- he's the one who gets people all flustered up. but when you came into his life? try as he might to talk smooth and be flirty, you turned him into a stuttering mess sometimes. he'd play it off when he got lucky, but whenever you caught him off guard? he'd blush to his ears, glancing away and all.
satoru gojo who always texts you if he's at the store to ask if you want him to pick up something for you while he's there.
satoru gojo who, if you're sick, will act like you're dying in his arms. he'll panic, rushing around to get you medicine, whatever snacks you're craving, etc. he showers you in kisses and cuddles like they'll be his last
alternatively, satoru gojo who, when he gets sick, demands attention 24/7. you're not there when he wakes up? he'll pout and be upset until he's had his fill of your cuddles. loves when you feed him while he's sick, it makes him feel so loved and taken care of.
satoru gojo who loves when you ask for his opinion. which outfit is nicer? well both of them look perfect on you, but that one brings out your skin tone. which show should you watch? what about the one where you'll love to watch together? it makes him feel so important when you ask what he prefers.
satoru gojo who kicks his feet and giggles when he gets a text from you. he's on a mission with suguru, shoving his phone in suguru's face giggling over whatever you said. the phone is so close to his face that whatever is on the screen isn't even legible at this proximity but it makes satoru skip like a little schoolgirl as he and suguru walk to wherever they've been assigned to.
satoru gojo who asks shoko for advice since she's a friend of yours. asking her questions like, "should I get them this or this?" or "do they like this or this better?"
satoru gojo who starts a book or tv series just because you recommended it to him. because when has his beautiful partner ever steered him wrong? this applies for any advice you've given him too
satoru gojo who makes you an example for megumi. "see this, megumi? your standards should be this high! look how perfect y/n is, you should find you a partner like that too!"
satoru gojo who shows you megumi's picture album of when he was younger because he loves to see the two most important people in his life bonding, even if it means embarrassing megumi.
on that note, satoru gojo who's apartment is filled with photos of you and megumi and all his friends and family, and his phone's wallpaper is a picture of you too
satoru gojo who watches old tapes of you and him in high school together a lot whenever you're on missions without him. the nostalgia makes him miss the times when everything was okay in high school, but it also makes him so grateful that he finally managed to make you his after pining for you for so long
satoru gojo who's possessive but in a boastful way, you posted a tiktok? he's the first like, comment, and save. spams your comment section saying, "THATS ACTUALLY MY S/O" and whatnot because he's absolutely obsessed with you
satoru gojo, the strongest sorcerer, who is absolutely no match for you because the moment you make eye contact with him, he just goes weak and can't say no to a single request of yours
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