#voting in the uk
tuttle-did-it · 1 year
Reminder that last year the gov't passed a law in voter suppression requiring photo ID.
Please watch this video from TLDR News explaining the situation, and then check if you have a valid form of ID to vote. The Tories are counting on the fact that you don't have a valid form of ID (especially if you're a student or young person, because statistically, young people are more likely to not vote Tory and not have an ID.
The Tories have been responsible for the rise of wealth inequality, more debt, the rising living costs, the dismantling of disability benefits, their intentional collapse of the NHS and privatisation that benefit their pockets, increase in homelessness, food bank use, rough sleeping, evictions, the housing crisis, the increase in student debt, the increase in hate crimes, the increase in poverty, the increase in knife crimes, the increase in suicides (especially by queer teens), scandal after scandal for behaviour of the MPs and PMs, and so much more.
The best way to start getting these Tories held responsible for their actions is to get better people in control during the election.
You cannot do this without an ID.
Please visit here to make sure you have a valid ID, and remember to REGISTER TO VOTE ASAP!
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cheerfulomelette · 23 days
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Key dates for the 2024 UK general election
Deadline for registering to vote: 23:59 on Tuesday 18th June
Deadline for applying for a postal vote: 17:00 Wednesday 19th June
Deadline for applying for a proxy vote: 17:00 Wednesday 26th June
Deadline for applying for a Voter Authority Certificate: 17:00 Wednesday 26th June
Polling day: 07:00-22:00 Thursday 4th July
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263adder · 9 months
Don't Lose Your Vote! UK Edition
Update: Tuesday 18th June 2024 is the deadline to register to vote for the general election.
A snap general election could be called any day. This will be the first general election that requires photo ID if you vote at the polls (postal votes 📫 are unaffected by the Election Act 2022).
If you don't have an approved form of identification (list here), you can apply for a FREE voter ID photo card. Find out more below or use these 5 minutes to register and get your ID sorted instead ❎ because, and this is important to know, the government really doesn't want young people to vote.
The Explanation
Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party, may call a snap election in 2023. (A snap election is a vote brought in earlier ⏱ than the one that’s scheduled 🕐) The UK’s next general election (for MPs and the PM) is meant to happen between December 2024 and January 2025.
A snap election happens in as little as 25 days 😨 between the announcement (aka the PM asking the House of Commons’ to approve the dissolution of Parliament) and the vote 🏃‍♀️
You must be registered to vote - currently over 8 million people are not. Unlike other a democratic countries, the UK doesn’t automatically register all eligible voters. You have to do this yourself. Here’s a quick reminder of how to register:
Over the past 15 years, it has gotten harder for British citizens to vote:
Families can no longer register to vote as a household 🏡 so young voters must register themselves (Cameron Govt)
Colleges and universities are barred from registering students 👨‍🎓 (Cameron Govt)
The Elections Act requires photo ID 🤳 for anyone voting in person (Johnson Govt)
Local elections (for city and town governments) in 2023 were the first votes that required VOTER ID. According to the Electoral Commission, over 14,000 people were turned away from the polls because they had not heard about the change.
The House of Lords tried to amend the Elections Act before it passed, to include more common types of ID, such as bank statements, bills, student ID, library cards and much more. This amendment was struck down in the House of Commons. A lot of the IDs included in the approved list are more likely to be owned by older voters than younger ones. For example, a 60+ Oyster Card is acceptable ID but an 18+ Oyster Card is not.
Here’s the important thing to know: voters who don’t have a driving licence or passport or other approved forms of ID, can apply for a free voter ID photo card. Watch the video below to find out how!
And finally, please, for the love of our democracy, vote.
"Democracy is not something you believe in or a place to hang your hat, but it's something you do. You participate. If you stop doing it, democracy crumbles." Abbie Hoffman
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vordemtodgefeit · 9 months
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‘nobody wants a general election, obviously’, says second PM in a row that wasn’t voted in by the general public, wasn’t even voted in by members of the party let alone the people he claims to represent, and whose party is predicted to lose said general election
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nausikaaa · 24 days
UK folks, the general election is set for the 4th of July 2024!
get registered to vote NOW! you must be registered by the 18th of June in order to be able to vote in this election.
check your constituency, as the lines have been redrawn.
check how your current MP has voted in regards to Israel and Palestine.
look into tactical voting; which party in your constituency is the most likely to beat the tories.
check you have a valid photo ID- if you don't, you can get a Voter Authority Certificate.
register for a postal vote if you don't want to/can't physically go the polls.
let's get the tories out!
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cultofcreatures · 1 month
If you do not vote this coming election, you are part of the problem. Full stop. I know you don't feel represented, I don't either, but shit *WILL* continue to get worse if you young people do not exercise your right to vote. Not only in the US, but the entire world. I am BEGGING you. Vote and then write your representatives, PLEASE.
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useless-englandfacts · 6 months
this probably goes without saying but fuck the uk for abstaining on the UN resolution demanding a ceasefire in gaza.
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spiralsketchbook · 2 years
I like the trend where no one wants to call him King and no one wants to call him Prince so now he's informally lost all titles and he's just Charles.
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roundclowns · 23 days
saddest part of Rishi Sunaks annoucement wasnt the fact hes trying to gaslight the country into believing that the Tories havent fucked us over for nearly 2 decades. It was the fact that nobody gives enough of a shit about him to just stand there and hold a brolly.
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marlinspirkhall · 15 days
UK citizens & residents, check if you have the right to vote, register to vote before 11:59pm on the 18th of June 2024 in order to be allowed to vote in the General Election.
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In 2019 one of my coworkers missed out on the chance to vote because he hadn't known he was eligible to vote as a Nigerian student living in the UK.
Voter registration for International Students
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toenzy · 5 days
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That didn't take long.
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Very important thing to note about the upcoming general election in the UK [4th July, register to vote now] that I was discussing with friends earlier today is that the set date feels very deliberately chosen, at least to us. In July, students [and others in that general age range] are between living places - either because they're moving from halls to a more permanent residence, or they're between residences, or they simply don't know where they will be living. Students are at home with family, under more pressure to vote a certain way and less likely to vote at all because of this. Young voices are less likely to be heard because of this. Young people who are voting for the first, second, or third time in their entire lives will find it more difficult to do so. Register to vote. Apply for a postal vote. Be heard.
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orionsangel86 · 24 days
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michaelgovehateblog · 2 months
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hiihavebrainrot · 23 days
Seeing some blogs trying to discourage people from voting in the upcoming general election. Don't pay them any attention -- voting does work, and your vote will have an impact, whether it seems like it or not.
Read the manifestos, research candidates, learn your options.
And if you've done all of that and you don't know who to vote for because you don't agree with any of them enough, and you aren't going to vote tactically, then spoil your ballot.
Because a spoiled ballot is better than no ballot at all.
If you choose not to vote, you won't have any impact on the voter turnout, and candidates won't know you're willing to vote if they are good enough. But if you do vote, but spoil your ballot, spoiled ballots are counted! And they impact voter turnout numbers. Candidates will know that there are people who are willing to vote, just not for any of them at present, and they will work hard to earn more support going forward.
This is our first chance in years to get the Tories out. Don't scupper it by not voting.
Don't forget your photo ID on the day!
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frogayyyy · 22 days
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find out how you can vote tactically here to get the tories out on the 4th of july
register to vote here by the 18th of june
remember to check you'll have valid photo id, or apply for free voter id here
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