mobilovesuprfotky · 3 months
9. cervna 2024
Sly jsme na nakup, objevily uplne super obchodak v Klobukoch. Nabraly jsme toho ale tolik, ze jsme to neunesly, a tak jsme si musely vypujcit vozik. Trapna a potupna prochazka pres cele Klobouky. Fakt randal. Ale byla sranda.
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sanitaske · 1 year
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Elektrický invalidný vozík
Vozík je ľahký s moderným dizajnom, dá sa jednoducho zložiťpozdĺž jeho osi (pohodlná preprava aj v aute). Má tiež sklopnú chrbtovú opierku.
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Na Trilogiq.com 🛒 nájdete širokú ponuku spádových regálov. Veľa možností ich nastavení a konfigurácií. V prípade, že nenájde to čo potrebujete napíšte nám : [email protected] ✉️ #trilogiq #production #trilogiq3d #mail #kontakt #stranka #regal #stojan #vozik #flow #rack #kolaje #ponuka #onlineshop #eshop #configuration #customer #followlike #followers #followme #followforfollowback #folow4folow #follow #centraleuropezone #page https://www.instagram.com/p/B7n_PdJp0UG/?igshid=1hh7ucco4rqcf
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adkanovakova · 6 years
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#slovensko #zdravotnictvo #desivy #starodavny #vozik #neskutocna #ostuda #nazaplakanie #rychloprec ... #being #seriously #ill for #over a #week by #now 🤒 I #took a #picture (#sorry for #poor #quality) of the #wheelchair in our #hospital 😑 I #cant #believe #theyre #still #using #such #crap 🤐 (na mieste Púchov) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btd-sYMF04V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11qe0o9qx6hwl
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ivanthecruel · 8 years
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#posh #promaru #atmaradost #naucilmetosprostyslovo #austria #hotel #room57 #mocveci #mackamesevaute #skoda #octavia #clever #vozik #vypadamejakopornoprodukce #jenkuci #publisherscz #cameraman #cameramanslife
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carinavet · 6 years
A Different Kind of Kiss
Today is a historic day: for the first time in galactic history, a human has joined the elite ranks of the Spectres…
“Can we turn that off?” the turian complained. “It’s hard to focus on the game.”
One of the two salarians at the table gave a quiet grunt, not really listening. The other had his eyes on the screen.
Commander Shepard is a highly decorated Alliance officer…
“Shepard?” the one watching the asari reporter said thoughtfully. “Shepard. Why does that name sound familiar?”
“You know I can’t remember alien names,” the other salarian said dismissively. “Erm, present company excluded, of course,” he corrected, giving the turian a small nod.
An image flashed on the screen: a red-haired human, obviously of military stock, standing completely still as a medal was pinned on her chest alongside so many others it was a wonder their weight didn’t drag her to the floor. The salarian watching gasped.
“What? What is it?” his friend asked, finally pulled from his strategizing.
“Nothing,” the other said, a bit too quickly.
Olis squirmed. “Well, remember that fiasco with that human girl?”
His friend’s eyes jumped to the screen. “That was her?”
“No, no!” Olis said quickly. “You saw her, remember? She,” he said, nodding at the Commander, “...was the one who found us,” he mumbled.
“What are you two on about?” the turian asked, giving up on the game.
“Nothing,” Olis said quickly while his friend burst into laughter.
“Something, obviously,” the turian said, watching the friend.
“It’s nothing,” Olis insisted.
“Olis, if you don’t tell the story, I will,” the friend threatened, still getting himself under control.
“It was years ago!”
“And it was hilarious. See, there was this human girl…”
“Stop! Stop. Fine. I’ll tell it. But remember, I was very young!” He took a deep breath. “There was this human girl. Alliance. We met at the club, while she was on shore leave. I think she was pretty young, too: I don’t really know how humans age, but it was her first tour, and she was still a private.”
“Similar to us,” the turian contributed. “Their military takes them at eighteen.”
“Anyway, we got to talking about … interspecies relations. Will you stop laughing, Vozik!” Vozik put a fist to his mouth in a futile attempt to control himself.
“You mean…?” the turian began.
“Yes. Remember, I was barely ten! I mean, I knew nothing could… come of it. But I was … curious.”
“Oh, this is rich.”
“Well, we didn’t have anywhere to go, so she snuck me onto her ship. Said the rest of her bunkmates would be enjoying shore leave so we wouldn’t be interrupted. We managed to get there fine, but then … well, turns out interspecies relations can be more complicated than we initially thought.”
“What happened?”
“We didn’t know enough about each other at the time to realize we weren’t … compatible. ...She didn’t know what a cloaca was,” Olik muttered very quickly. Vozik broke into renewed peals of laughter.
The turian kept his voice level, though the plates on the side of his face twitched. “What did you do when you realized?”
“She was … not happy. She started screaming at me, horrible things -- I think, my translator didn’t pick up all the words -- and I started getting dressed as fast as I could. But she caused enough of a commotion that,” he nodded his head towards the screen, now showing an interview with the human ambassador, “Shepard came in to see what was going on.”
The turian finally broke. “Oh, I can imagine what she found,” he laughed.
Olik squirmed in his seat again. “Yes. Well. I was half dressed by that point, but Dunn -- that was the girl’s name -- was still totally naked. Shepard put two and two together. Dunn completely froze, I started dressing even faster, and Shepard starts lecturing the both of us on what is not acceptable behaviour on a military vessel. Dunn just sat there on the bed, still naked, through it all, and eventually Shepard escorted me off the ship -- I thought to have me shot, or imprisoned, or something. But then, once we were alone on the docks, she just started … laughing.” He shot Vozik a dirty look. “She waved me away, still laughing, and I hurried home, and I’ve stayed away from Alliance soldiers ever since.”
“You know, I ran into that girl again a while back,” Vozik said. “What’d you call her? Dumm?”
“Sure. She recognized me. Took me a minute to remember that spot she’s got on her face.”
“Whatever. Anyway, she was about as happy to see me as you were to tell that story tonight. But I asked her how much trouble she had gotten in. She said Shepurd had her on latrine duty for a couple of months and wrote her up for ‘conduct unbecoming Alliance personnel’, but hadn’t actually told anyone what happened.”
“Really?” Olik asked. “That’s surprising. Humans officers seem about as trustworthy as turians. No offence.”
“None taken,” the turian said. “But that’s the mark of a good officer: hammer the lesson home, but not in a way that makes you resent it. Maybe the humans have hope after all.”
“After the stunt those tourists pulled last month?” Vozik asked skeptically.
“Hey, I said maybe.”
“Isn’t your commander a human?” Olik asked.
The turian sighed. “Are we going to get back to the game or talk about humans all night? I’d like to take your money before your lifespans are over.”
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esyyter · 6 years
Nekem még sose szerették el senkimet, csak úgy elhagytak, mint a menetoszlop. Én álltam, ők meg ponttá zsugorodtak. Így alakult ki az a borzoló, bár nyilván alaptalan véleményem, hogy aki engem elhagy, az befejezi magát a szeretést. Eltávozik a szeretettelen antarktiszi hósivatagba, jégtiszta hidegbe, s olyan formában létezik tovább, ahogy a pingvinek: sokadmagával, elegánsan, szólóban álldogál.
Nádasdy Ádám: Az antarktiszi hósivatagba
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ninexcz · 2 years
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Nákupní vozík 91 x 35,5 x 38cm, Termo od ninex.cz https://www.ninex.cz/Nakupni-vozik-91-x-35-5-x-38cm-Termo-od-ninex-cz-d523791.htm (v místě NINEX.cz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcpFbwFtwUf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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djolens72 · 3 years
A tek što se može sa nogama da se radi i uradi gdi da odšetate, otputujete i odpešačite, popnete se na vrh vrbe i brda i drvene bandere pride…Možete da se zatrčite i preskočite jendek, ondak da u jednom cugu skočite sa čardaka u seno i dobro uvaljate u isto.. Možete da pukušate da izmerite koliko vam je zemlja koju vam je onomad baba ostavio u amanet a znate koliko ima da se vozikate sa…
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View On WordPress
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detaxe · 3 years
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antirus · 3 years
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Kvôli jednému prevozu netreba platiť prenájom vozíka predsa.. • • • • #antirus #russia #rusko #trailer #vozik #road
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icons-forever · 4 years
Gilmore, M. G. (2006, August 10). The Long Shadow of Led Zeppelin. Rollingstone.Com. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/the-long-shadow-of-led-zeppelin-184055/
Puterbaugh, P. P. (1983, November 10). Anglomania: The Second British Invasion. Rollingstone.Com. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/new-wave-1980s-second-british-invasion-52016/
Browne, Exposito, Grant, Greene, Grow, Hudak, Kreps, Martoccio, Newman, Shteamer, Spanos, Vozik-Levinson. (2019, April 1). 50 Greatest Grunge Albums. Rollingstone.Com. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/50-greatest-grunge-albums-798851/mother-love-bone-apple-1990-798865/
Pelly, J. P. (2019, September 3). Lana Del Rey Norman Fucking Rockwell! Review. Pitchfork.Com. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/lana-del-rey-norman-fucking-rockwell/
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Aktuálne počítame vyexpedované riešenia v 100kách kusov týždenne.
Súčasná situácia si vyžiadala dosiahnutie absolútnej efektivity za stávajúcich podmienok.
Foto nášho plného skladu, s riešeniami pripravenými na odoslanie k zákazníkom.
#lean #expedicia #skladovepriestory #sklad #plnavyroba #efektivita #trilogiq #trilogiqslovakia #materialhandling #solutions #supplychain #rurkovysystem #dakujeme #dopravníky #vozik #stojan #kolieska #konstrukcia #vyroboknamieru
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goodsailors · 5 years
Pohon pro Marušku
Během vánočních svátků se pořádá mnoho charitativních akcí, ale pomáhat můžeme kdykoli. Na webu Konta Bariéry si třeba přečtěte příběh Marušky. Popoženeme její přání k vysněnému cíli?
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socrat28 · 5 years
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Caminante no hay camino se hace el camino al andar...son sin duda las exclamaciones líricas más conocida por todos. FOTO DEL DÍA #autovia #privesy #a #trailer #prives #naklad #trailers #truck #doprava #anh #nger #managing #neumaticos #dalnice #naves #dodavka #nakladni #nakladak #tahac #preprava #autodoprava #voziky #vozik #carretera #autopista #espa #llantasusadas #llantas #contenedoresdeneumaticos #socratesphotofilms (en Higuey Rep. Dom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6li7w4nWld/?igshid=z0562nihegde
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nemzetinet · 6 years
Új találmány hosszabbítja meg a zöldségek és gyümölcsök fogyaszthatóságát
Egy angliai innováció képes volt napokkal meghosszabbítani azt az időszakot, ameddig fogyasztható egy-egy zöldség vagy gyümölcs. A banánok szállítási ciklusa is hosszabb lett az új eszköznek köszönhetően. Az It’s Fresh! nevezetű angliai cég olyan bélyegnagyságú szűrőt fejlesztett ki, mely magába szívja az etilént, melyeket a csomagolt zöldségek és gyümölcsök bocsátanak ki, ahogy a bennük lévő hormonok „érni” kezdenek, vagyis amikor a gyümölcsök erjedésnek, romlásnak indulnak. A szűrőt már használják is a szigetország legnagyobb élelmiszeráruház-láncai, például a Waitrose, a Marks & Spencer és a Morrisons. A cég húsz országban 50 pilotprojektet bonyolít a céges ellátási láncokban keletkező élelmiszerpazarlás csökkentésére. A szűrő a zöldség- és gyümölcsboltok polcain való tárolást négy nappal növelte, a banán szállítási – leszedéstől a boltok polcára kerülésig tartó – időtartamát 70 napra sikerült vele feltornászni.
A banánoknál egyébként általában 14 napba telik a szállítás. Ez úgy történik, hogy leszedik a fáról például a Karib-szigeteken, ahol 36 órán belül hűtött teherhajókba rakodják. Nagyjából hat nap kell ahhoz, hogy az Atlanti-óceánon átkelve a banán Európa nyugati felén kössön ki, mondjuk Angliában. A szárazföldi szállítást még ezen felül kell számolni. Európában hűtött teherautókon szállítják a banánt az érlelőraktárakba, ahol a hőmérséklet 11 Celsius-fok. Itt 12–16 órán át áll a szállítmány, ahogy a levegő hőmérsékletét fokozatosan felemelik 17 Celsius-fokra.
Hengerekből vagy tárolókazettákból etilént eresztenek a helyiségbe, hogy katalizálják a gyümölcs érési folyamatát. A raktárt 24 óráig zárva tartják, majd a szellőzőrendszer bekapcsolásával kieresztik az etilént, s 3-4 napon át 17 Celsius-fokon tárolják a banánt. A gyümölcs húsában a hőmérséklet ennek dupláját éri el, vagyis rengeteg szén-dioxid és más gáz távozik belőle az iparilag szabályozott, gyorsított érés során. Összességében nagyjából 14 napba telik, mire a banán a boltokba kerül, írta a piacesprofit.hu.
Új találmány hosszabbítja meg a zöldségek és gyümölcsök fogyaszthatóságát a Nemzeti.net-en jelent meg,
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