#vren avitus
chocobothis · 1 year
i think ppl stereotypicall think that violence cannot also be an act of love because love is like a 'good' and 'pure' thing and therefore cannot be synonymous with violence @thebubbledragon
One of my best friends sent me this while talking about a book trilogy they had just finished reading. (The Green Bone Saga for the curious.) It's become one of those things that twists and turns in my mind. It's this call that I feel like I need to write a response for. My hearts sings out with something that my mind and fingers can't quite capture yet.
I sat down earlier trying to turn a variation of "violence as an act of love" into prose. What I wanted was that to be my drum beat. Something where I dove into it with that as the singular repeating line while each paragraph answered it. Those words are still stuck as sounds and feelings.
It touched me because I write so many things where acts of violence serve as acts of love and respect and acknowledgement. Hell, sometimes it's born from a tangled sense of compassion. Between my favorite ships and settings and tropes it melds in so perfectly. So many of my characters when cornered go, "I love you so much I'll fight for you. I'll take your place. I'll bleed for you without flinching."
The greatest acts of violence Solus carries out with the Force (and many outside) have been born of love. She respects loves a man so much they tear chunks out of each other on Concordia. Their blood splatters seems into the ground because this is as much a dance as the night before was. As their meeting had been with turns of phrase and looks and assurances half given. She loves Mandalore so much she burns parts of the Jedi Order and Republic Spy Networks. "Let them know what it feels like to have Outsiders invade their home." She breaks a friend's arm in three places as a village burns around them because she'll suffer no disrespect to her family. A man nearly two feet taller than her was tackled from a balcony as a distraction, as a show of prowess. All of the finesse of the Force, of her lightsabers (the gifted kyber burning orange), of most of her training as a warrior in favor of a brutality fueled by love. Him and his brother were endangering her family, defiling her home, and it would stop. Later when Inquisitors caught her and her family her riduur died; he died knowing he couldn't win but he could buy his two riduurs and their children time to escape. She dug so deep into the Force a shockwave echoed seemingly across the time and space. Them and their forces died because would lay waste to everything to protect her children, her family, her home. There's so much more drawing from her and her love that appears as violence. Later, she juggles the world for her riduur as she works to take their home again and again. She's guide and advisor and assassin and the rock to build upon.
Nico Bright loves Claire Redfield so much she ingests a variant of t-virus to save her. Her body bleeds antibodies because fate is fickle. It doesn't change but it hurts. Later she fights a man with decades of experience over her and wins. (A shotgun is a great equilizer.) There's blood and broken bones and bruising on her end. Her own life was in danger and that fuels her. But, even more so was he hurt people she loves. It's an act she'll never be able to undo, what he did to them and countless others, but she can stop it from happening again. It ends here and it ends now and it ends with her almost hyperventilating body thrown so deep into this she becomes calm. She protects civilians (a title she no longer views for herself) with a calm tone and good leadership and acts of violence. Because it keeps them safe from the zombies outside their little SUV. So many of her brushes with bioterrorism are born from this unyielding love for humanity and others even if it almost breaks her.
There's so many more; Alijah Kastor who hunts people who could kill her with her hands tied behind her back, Lumi Kirrin bathed in blood from such a young age to defend the basic rights of others, Jazari Naaji who acts for love and family no matter the personal cost, Vren Avitus who makes herself in a guide and assassin and solider to save her sister and her loves, Fe Cataegis who has a panic attack so intense she throws up because she hates travel by water but this fight needs her more. Sosha Soruna is canon but she helps reclaim a home that is not her own wearing none of the trappings of those around her; it's violence in the act of love because this is Jila's Home and she wants her girlfriend happy.
There's just something so twisting in violence as an act of love that calls out. It's the answer to the question of "What would you do for those you love?" with a defeaning, "Anything."
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ffxvficrec · 3 years
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A couple of call outs -
- We have listed relationships [platonic and romantic], ratings, and Archive Warnings - With that in mind, please tread mindfully! Remember to look at the tags before reading.
You can also check out the AO3 collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ffxv_oc_week_2021/works
Fire and Steel by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
General Rating
“Aesta Impes.” She doesn’t offer her name so much as flings it out into the space between them and dares them to say something about it.
Overland, Through Spirit by chocobothis
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Teen Rating
“The odds for you are low, Avitus,” he briefly looked at her. “Two passes to seven fails. Do not make it eight.”
She refused to answer until he locked eyes with her. If the last person to see Vren Avitus alive was Captain Drautos then he would remember her. That was something she wanted to make sure of.
“Yes, sir.”
Gaining A Blessing... by AmaraBliss
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
General Rating
Just a snapshot of when Amara goes to the temple with her father to receive the blessing from the Glacian in Niflheim.
Bromance by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
General Rating
In which three idiots fall in love and none of them knows how to say it.
The Fall by Starofwinter
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
Teen Rating
When the fighting starts, Leo is already halfway up the Citadel’s steps, ready to help with getting King Regis to safety, when Monica’s voice crackles over his earpiece: all available Crownsguard and Kingsglaive, the city is under attack. Begin civilian evacuations at once. His heart skips a beat, but he turns on his heel and starts to run.
Sunset by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
General Rating
Insomnia hasn't changed at all since it fell.
Promises to Keep by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
Teen Rating
At the best times, Leo is glad Aurora died before the worst of it began.
At the worst times, he envies her that.
Between Sunrise and Sunset by Megane
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Prompto Argentum & Original Character(s)
General Rating
Futurus and Prompto head out on a quest, just the two of them, in the World of Ruin.
New Growth by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Cor Leonis/Original Female Character(s)
General Rating
Cor gets home after a long day.
We Can't Start at the Beginning by Megane
Major Character Death
Prompto Argentum & Original Character(s)
Ten years can change a man, but ten years after the Last Sunset can absolutely ruin one.
The Ambassador's Daughter by AuroraRayXV
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Ignis Scientia/Original Female Character(s)
Not Rated
Once the Lucian ambassador's protégé, Aurora Legatia finds herself thrust into the unexpected role of Pathfinder for the Crownsguard, hunting for hidden royal tombs alongside the Hunters. As events unfold for the prince and his retinue, Aurora and her companions race against time to uncover the lost royal arms before Noctis sets sail for Altissia--but this proves a far more daunting task than she could have imagined. Treasure hunting for elusive artifacts, she learns, hardly scratches the surface of the challenges that await her in the outlands of Lucis....
Snare by Starofwinter
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Sometimes monsters have human faces, and sometimes aid comes from the unlikeliest of places.
We Could Have Been Anywhere, Anywhere Else by Starofwinter
Major Character Death
Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Original Male Character(s)
Teen Rating
The moon will sing a song for me I loved you like the sun
FFXV OC week by Fangirl_Reice
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Ignis Scientia/Original Female Character(s)
General Rating
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chocobothis · 2 years
Given the choice, would your OC prefer to be loved or feared by others?
(for any)
Resident Evil
Nico Bright: Loved. At the end of the day she wants the world to be better. That's not going to happen if people only respect her because they're scared of her. It's not real respect.
Javi Reyes: Loved. He's just a really easygoing, charming guy. You get more flies with honey and all.
Atanasija Kralj: Feared. She doesn't have to doubt feared. Love can change to hate in the blink of an eye. People who are afraid are predictable; either they're obey or rise up. And she wants people to know she's a reckoning acoming.
Vren Avitus: Loved. Everything about her is built upward from this selfless understanding of others. She's lived in fear and doesn't want others to do that.
Fe Cataegis: Feared. She's a medic because she wants to help people and that doesn't change. But, fear gets shit done faster some days. She wants whoever is against her to be afraid of crossing her. If they're too afraid to touch what's hers then they can be helped.
my very suited to my own personal tastes OC ask meme
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chocobothis · 2 years
How comfortable is your OC around those who are politically or socially powerful? Do they make a point of being especially deferent? Are they interested (or particularly capable) in playing the social game by being obsequious to their "betters"?
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Resident Evil
Nico Bright: Honestly, Nico hates having to deal with politicians or well-to-do benefactors. Almost all of them are snakes in the grass ready to fuck over people and TerraSave if they don't do the right song and dance. The idea that some people get to have that much power because of their bank accounts or who they know sickens her. Starting out, she acted a bit deferent because she didn't have any real power to her name. Once she had some stories and awards that changed. Now, she ruffles feathers when the fights are worth it. Due to her own skills and connections she's got, or can get, dirt on a bunch of people on Capitol Hill. Otherwise, she knows her rights to the letter and the spirit and will make senatorial lives nightmares. They may have set up the pieces but she'll show them how to really play the game.
Javi Reyes: He does everything in his power to avoid being near that sort. Even with his family’s status (doctor father, who did Doctors Without Borders, and LPN Mother) they made certain all of their children understood no one was better than anyone else. You treat the janitor with the same dignity and respect you would treat a CEO. He’s very charming so he tends to get by on that rather than deferring to others. But, if push comes to shove then he can blow smoke up someone’s ass to make the interaction pass faster. He absolutely makes fun of them after the fact though.
Atanasija Kralj: No one in their right mind lets her near the socially and/or politically powerful. She will fucking maul them. Being the orphaned daughter of rebels who were straight up assassinated (they believed in a Free, Self-Governing Edonia) makes her unfond of this sort. The fact her older, half-sister is full of reworded classism and some eugenic-y ideas doubles down on the loathing. She ultimately sucks at the delicacies of the social game because she’s not delicate about it. Talk shit, get hit. Funnily enough she does use proper titles during all of this.
Vren Avitus: She has the unique perspective of having been on both sides of the equation. Starting out, she’s a little Galahdian immigrant to Insomnia. Everyone born there expects her to understand she’s utterly beneath them for being Not Lucian. (She repeatedly points out Galahd only joined the Kingdom of Lucis about 500 years ago by force; so she’s technically Lucian too.) When she becomes engaged to a future count, things sort of kick off the ass-kissing. It also kicks off her being reminded that they’re her betters. Marrying Noctis and becoming Queen suddenly has everyone trying to kiss her ass, which she hates. Saying pretty lies doesn’t make her forget what they were like when they perceived her as powerless. She’s very, very good at the social game but less in only doing it by deferring to others. Her preference is playing stupid so people stop holding their tongues around her.
Fe Cataegis: No part of Fe was ever meant to kiss Insomnian ass. She has zero problems with verbally putting someone in their place. They can play backhanded compliments all they want (because she’s smoking hot and knows it) but it doesn’t work. Fuck them and the chocobo they rode in. She’s aware of her worth and it’s not getting increased by playing less than. The fact she’s the head medic of the Kingsglaive gives her room to be an “ice cold bitch” with very minimal repercussions. Yeah, they can kick her out but guess who also heals up a bunch of the Crownsguard regularly? It’s her. If absolutely pressed she can play the social game. She tends to lean toward being intimidatingly beautiful and cold to make people want to appeal to her.  
my very suited to my own personal tastes OC ask meme
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chocobothis · 2 years
🧠 👃 💐 for the OC of your choice
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
Vren is someone who is truly understanding. Sometimes she capable of inferring what people are thinking and/or feeling based on the circumstances around them. If not, she is also willing to ask. She wants to know what's up someone because it becomes her way to help. It extends to not just "good" people but to the "bad" ones and enemies as well. Part of working together to survive means seeing all sides. Make no mistake she doesn't let her understanding turn her into a pushover or excuse bad behavior but she Understands and offers the chance to change. It's a trait that helps her organize and lead Lestallum during the Long Night and what makes her an excellent Queen of Lucis.
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
She typically smells like ozone (from her lightning magic), cooking spices, leather oil, and sweet almond oil. When she was younger it was mechanics soap instead of ozone in the mix. When she wears fragrances she prefers something woodsy and very masculine.
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Her courting style, when she reaches that point, is very straight forward. She tends to say what's on her mind, something someone who she would be courting knows, so there's not really a lot doubt. There are feelings on her end, she would enjoy experimenting with them, and it's up to the other person now. As for wooing, she's all about cooking for people and handmade gifts.
Piping Hot OC Asks
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chocobothis · 2 years
I was tagged by @aceghosts to take a spooky creature quiz for my OCs!
Tagging: @thebisexualmandalorian @thebubbledragon @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess whoever else wants to do this!
Nico Bright
gulper eel
king of the deep sea. your whole deal is swimming around with your mouth wiiiiiide open. fearless. hungry.
Javi Reyes
the Moon
stunning. worthy of worship. so far away in the void of space....
Vren Avitus
vampire roommate
you're a GREAT roommate just....don't get blood on the carpets or we'll lose our deposit
Fe Cataegis
vampire roommate
you're a GREAT roommate just....don't get blood on the carpets or we'll lose our deposit
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chocobothis · 2 years
Does your OC have a notable respect for their elders? Do they believe that older people have the wisdom of experience? Or do they tend to think that older people have just had longer for their stupidity to become ingrained?
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Resident Evil
Nico Bright: Growing up, she was very respectful of her elders because that’s just part of culture. You respect your elders or else. It was those Southern Manners hard at work. Now she takes what she hears with a shaker of salt. Yeah, there’s people who have wisdom of experience and they share it. There’s also a ton of people spewing the stupidest shit known to man as fact. Making it to an old age is as much luck as anything else. Then getting to be around Politicians and Rich People, most tending to be toward elder age, just cemented that actually these people are stupid, selfish cunts. Now she gives basic respect but anything deeper comes from them proving it.
Javi Reyes: He’s a former Catholic Boy from Colombia; Respect Your Elders was ingrained in him from conception. Between the ongoing bioterrorism trauma and living in America…he’s gotten fantastic at questioning his elders, superiors, and really everyone and thing. He listens to people like Chris, Barry, Carlos, and Jill, who all have first hand experience fighting BOWs, but with the others it's a mountain of salt. Yeah, that's what the protocol says but is this feasible in the field? Other people are really just pickled in their stupidity.
Atanasija Kralj: Well, it was a bunch of old politicians who basically signed Edonia over to the Soviets…so there’s been some deep dislike there from the get-go. A long life doesn’t mean a good or kind life. It just means they got lucky at not dying sooner. Now, there are people she does respect absolutely but they’ve all proven themselves first. There’s no blind belief or respect from her, well ever.
Vren Avitus: She’s a darling who offers everyone respect because that’s what you do. There’s no extra special respect for her Elders versus those in her age bracket. It got her in trouble a lot growing up. Because some people think they deserve absolute obedience as “respect” since they’re older. When she’s older it works in her favor because that level of equal fairness and understanding makes people trust her. Some people are very older and very wise from it; Cid Sophiar for example. Others are very old and full of rancid ideas; Mors Lucis Caelum, Somnus Lucis Caelum, etc.
Fe Cataegis: Her Granny spent a long time coaxing her into at least pretending to be respectful to her elders. This was part of a bigger problem where she tended to be disrespectful right out the gate if the other person was. So, it wasn’t really an Elder Problem as much as a “Everyone Problem”. Prodigious combat medic skills or not, she wouldn’t get to do jack if she didn’t get better bedside manner. It got fixed enough but privately she thinks a lot of old people just let the stupid freeze over. They could better themselves but choose not to.
my very suited to my own personal tastes OC ask meme
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chocobothis · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Share the first lines of 10 recent fic and tag ten people.
Tagged by: @ringnis Tagging: @thebisexualmandalorian @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess @synthwwavve and whoever else wants to do this.
Notes: I don’t have any recently published fics but I do have a bunch of drafts. So you get lines from those. For ease I’m sorting them by media and AU
Star Wars 
The One Where the Twins Happen in 21 BBY
- Solus was sprawled across the bed with one hand dangling off and the other cradling her stomach.
Main Verse/Any
- Sharing quarters with a Nautolan master came with perks, namely the tub.
- Hanging around a New Mandalorian bar served to piss her off.
Final Fantasy XV
Alternate Engagement: Bigger Amicitia Edition
When his morning started, Gladiolus Amicitia was more or less single.
Resident Evil
Weskbright (Forced Recruitment) AU
- The little religious dynasty paid a lot to be saved.
- Rebecca Chambers was his first darling after his decision to break from Umbrella.
Main Verse
- Therapy with the B.S.A.A. was going to be different.
- "I'll have a gin and tonic with extra lemon," she asked over the crowd.
- One of the scariest nights of their lives began with a simple message to their collective group chat: has anyone seen Nico?
- Chris' back porch was high enough for her to sit with her legs dangling off.
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chocobothis · 2 years
The thing about writing the Kingsglaive/my Glaive OCs, Noctis, and Ignis is really just how much of varying types of disabilities I get to write.
Noctis canonically has depression, PTSD, and chronic fatigue syndrome; his knee and back never fully recovered from the daemon attack of his childhood. Ignis is heavily scarred and blind in Verse 1 (and just heavily scarred in Verse 2). All of the Glaives have PTSD because how could they not. Nyx is so visibly depressed it hurts. Libertus dealt with an addiction to painkillers in the movie. There's so much going on.
Vren broke the same leg three times in a battle and had it medically broke a fourth to reset it properly; it pains her from then on out. She's had part of her ribs sliced into by a daemon's katana along with a solid line down her torso. Those will never go away. At 18, she gets kneecapped so hard in Altissia she's more or less in a wheel chair for months after. So much magic moved through her she compared it to being unmade then remade again; she put on such a lightning storm in grief and pain and angry it looked like Ramuh himself was there. Then she does it again at the end of the World of Ruin; and it takes her out just the same. Not to mention she's on the spectrum, is full of PTSD from even before being a Glaive, and is clinically depressed and anxious.
Fe's nonverbal a lot of the times (she's verbal for work) and tends to sign or use texts/written words. It's unsure if it was something present from birth or from drowning when she washed up on the shores or Galahd as a toddler. The traumatic brain injury that follows leaves her no memory of the first three years of her life. She has no idea who she was before Galahd or even who was traveling with her. That drowning leaves her with such crippling aquaphobia the one time she has to take a boat she has a panic attack while crying and throwing up the duration they're on water. Her back is mottled with scars from shrapnel in the field where when all else fails she throws herself over her patients as a shield. One leg has intermittent burn scars from ankle to thigh from fighting a wraith; it's bone clubs crushed some of her bones too. There's so much PTSD from being a medic in some capacity since she was 12 and a full resistance soldier since 16. Becoming a Glaive just gave her magic to heal with instead of potions and sutures; the horrors weren't much different.
And all of them keep going no matter what because they can't give up, no matter how hard it is. Because they've not come this far to only come this far.
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chocobothis · 1 year
OCs and Writing
My Writing
Main OCs (Star Wars, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy XV)
(under construction as I sort out the fucking layout with this hellsite)
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Solus Ve’tra/Solly Vetra
Ships: LumiSolus, PreSolus, BoSolus, BoPreSolus
Lumi Kirrin
Ships: LumiSolus, FennLumi
Jazari Naaji
Ships: MereelJazari
Alijah Kastor
Ships: GreyAlijah, KananAlijah, HeraAlijah, KanerAlijah
Jila Vizsla
Ships: SoshaJila
Jai Ve’tra
Ships: JaiHarti
Perrine Kryze
Ships: n/a
Kloe Monroww
Ships: n/a
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Veronica “Nico” Bright (Vera Bright)
Ships: Brightfield, Valenbright, Briveira, Weskbright
Javier “Javi” Reyes Valencia
Ships: Reyennedy
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Verena “Vren” Avitus
Ships: Vrenis, Vrenoct, Ravren, IrisVren, PelnaVren
Feronia “Fe” Cataegis
Ships: LibeFe, FeNyx, LunaFe, FeLibertusNyx, FeLunaLibertusNyx
Nereida Sal
Ships: AraneReida
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chocobothis · 2 years
5 OTP Songs
I was tagged by @aceghosts and @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess to share five songs for my OTPS. Since I saw other people including lyrics I’m absolutely jumping on that part too. Because I am nothing if not a giant fucking sap. I’m doing four ships including breaking down some polyships into smaller parts.
Tagging: @thebisexualmandalorian, @thebubbledragon, @heavensong, @thuriweaver and anyone else who wants to do this! Seriously, anyone not tagged that wants to jump in please do so. Because I adore OTPs and songs about them.
Y’all don’t know this but you are so proud this isn’t like 50%+ Taylor Swift.
PelnaVren (Pelna Khara x Vren Avitus)
(They’re my darlings from FFXV, my fandom before Resident Evil took over, and I am forever going to be in love with how in love they are. Literally, he’s Vren’s very first love so there’s such a sweetness to it no matter how many years pass. He calls her “Sunflower” as a pet name. Vren’s so much light that flowers may as well grow toward her. It’s at odds with someone born only “half-alive”. Her strongest type of magic is also lightning.)
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Molly Tuttle
Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody
Let me inside, wish I could get to know you
Sunflowers sometimes keep it sweet in your memory
I was just tongue-tied
Wondering headshake, tired eyes are the death of me
Mouthful of toothpaste before I got to know you
Line By Line (feat. Karen Morris)
Love's too big for a love song
If I tried to sum it up I know I'd get it wrong
Four chords, three minutes, you'd never fit in it
So I just take you line by line
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
Like I'm still not convinced that I won't be too much for you someday
Ready To Love -KSHMR
I hope this will last forever
You are more than just a phase
Your smile brings me out the darkness
You are all I need tonight
Flowers hanging in the window
Match the color of your eyes
Dancing in a ball of fire
Each move with no compromise
I can't live the same without you
Your heart makes me come alive
You bring joy through all the sadness
Let's not do it unless it's done right
Favorite T-Shirt (Acoustic) - Jake Scott
I been sittin' here tryna figure out
What did I do right to be with you right now?
You were kissin' my neck, you were makin' me nervous
And none of our friends would believe it
You were puttin' your hands up under my shirt
Makin' fun of the way I was breathin'
And you look so good it hurts
In my favorite T-shirt
Electric Love - Paravi
Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
All I need is to be struck (Oh)
By your electric love
Brightfield (Claire Redfield x Nico Bright)
(When Nico was younger Claire saved her from a zombie; Nico had survived everything up until that final one. It wasn’t a special zombie, just a generic human one, at the edge of the camp zone but she was so tired that when she fell, she thought that was it. Nico was in love with her a little then but didn’t figure that out until several years later. Her flipping love into a religious/holy experience is trying to rewrite the religious traumas of her youth; the fire and brimestone and homophobia that told her she’d go to hell for loving a woman. There was some agonizing on Claire’s part before they got together because Age Gap. But, then it ended up being so, so worthy.)
Haunt You (feat. chloe moriondo) - X Lovers, chloe moriondo
Loved you from the first time that I saw you
In the kitchen with your hair under a baseball cap
Couldn't find the words to say one single thing
Oh, I never knew someone could make me fall like that
Now I can't picture my lifе
Without you by my side
Can't let you go
I'll nevеr let you go
Cherry - FLETCHER, Hayley Kiyoko
And your voice real low when you talking to me
You're saying something and I'm thinking one thing
Your lips when you bite 'em like this
And I'm blushing real hard, got me moving my hips
You're across from me and it's hard to breathe
You're such a dream, I'm dying to see
Oh, if it's real, if it's sweet, if you taste just like a
Bubbly - Colbie Caillet
I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying dry and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'Cause you make me smile
Baby, just take your time
Now holdin' me tight
religion (u can lay your hands on me) - Shura
We've been talking on the telephone for hours at night
Whilst I've been thinking about kissing you
I wanna consecrate your body, turn the water to wine
It could be LA, it could be Heaven
If you're an angel, can I be your God?
You in all your glory, it's not confession
Baby, don't apologize
Fall Into Me - Forest Blakk
The day that I met you
The world had just spit me out
On my way to the bottom
Sure I'd never be found
Fall into me
And I'll catch you, darlin'
We'll dance in the street
Like nobody's watching
It's just you and me
I'd fall for you twice
If that's what you wanted
I'd give you my lifе
From now till forever
I'm falling in love with you
Ovеr and over again
Cleonight (Claire Redfield x Leon Kennedy x Nico Bright)
(They were independently together with each other before Claire was the one to go, “Hey, we’re already all dating each other...what if we just all dated as a unit?” Because the other two would’ve continued on like the dumbasses that they are without bringing it up. Leon’s got a lot of self-worth issues for many reasons. I add religious trauma as one of them. So, I think he also tends to view love as this thing he kind of doesn’t deserve because it’s holy. Claire and Nico work to correct him.)
Daylight - Shinedown
I was diagnosed with a fear of getting too close
Had to tell the ones I love I was on the ropes
I'm not the only one whose life's been pulled apart
You saved my life, not once but twice
You keep me free from falling
You saved my lifе, make it all alright
When I don't feel like talking
You makе sure I always see the daylight
ANGELS - Chase Atlantic
Calling on my angels (Ooh, yeah)
It's getting darker and I'm starting to get anxious (Ooh, yeah)
Pleasure and pain feel the same to me (Same to me)
I lost my faith, but I still believe there's something (Oh, yeah)
Blood in my eyes made it hard to see (Oh)
I went out searching for an angel then you came to me, my darling
Cloud 9 (ft. Tegan and Sara) - Beach Bunny & Tegan and Sara
I don’t wanna seem the way I do
But I’m confident when I’m with you
But when they love me, I feel like I’m floating
When they call me pretty, I feel like somebody
Even when we fade eventually to nothing
You will always be my favorite form of loving
Holy - Zolita
Worship your body as you walk my way
You're the only one who can make me pray
I fall at your feet, your breath defined
And underneath my skin's an intrinsic shrine
I love you most, but I'm not worthy
I'll give my soul, sacrifice me
Cause your love is holy
I'd rather drown in your ocean
Than wither on the shore
Undying devotion, feel you in my core
Veneration, this faith's got me high
Nothing without you, live for you till I die
Till I die, till I die, till I die, till I die, till I die...
Better Man - 5 Seconds of Summer
New friends again and again, gone when the morning comes
Demons I tried to defend, but I couldn't get enough
Fading away, fading away
Wake up to someone with nothing to say
I'd never change, thought I'd never change
Then you come and change it all
With your love, your love
I'm a better, better man
Wrapped in your arms, I swear
I'd die for your love, your love
Briveira (Carlos Olveira x Nico Bright)
(They met through Claire, Chris, and being coworkers at TerraSave and absolutely did not mean to fall in love. They were just friends for a while which was more than enough. He calls her “Dandelion”, she calls him “bear”, and life was totally good. She was this little bright patch that showed up about 9 months after Jill “”died”” that made things a little easier. She even reminded him of a Jill a little; that Fire, Call to Action, Integrity, Intelligence, and Stubbornness. Also the tendency to just pick locks. It was something (beyond age) that had him agonizing over loving Nico romantically; was he loving Nico in her own right or as this replacement for Jill and a redo to keep her safe? The answer, according to Nico, is that he worried for nothing and she’s thrilled when he finally made a move. So was Claire who got to watch her delightful girlfriend pine over him. It was both cute and disgusting at how confusedly in love she was.)
Sunflower, Vol.6 - Harry Styles
I couldn't want you any more
Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
I couldn't want you any more tonight
I don't wanna make you feel bad, but I've been trying hard not to act a fool.
Lover - Taylor Swift
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out and take me home
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be over-dramatic and true to my
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat
Little Things - One Direction
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind, it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me…
Oh it's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things
If I let you know I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh
Heartbeat - Carrie Underwood
And tonight, I wanna drive so far, we'll only find static on the radio
And we can't see those city lights and I love the way you look in a firefly glow
Saying everything without making a sound
A cricket choir in the background, underneath a harvest moon
Standing on your shoes in my bare feet
Dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
I wanna feel you holding onto me and make me hold my breath
You pull me closer, my head on your shoulder
Baby, we won't need a song
We'll make a fallen star wish, one more slow kiss
johnny & june - Zachary Knowles
They say finding love shouldn't be hard
That's when I knew, that's when I knew
I can't believe it's been like seven years
So let's writе a story about what we do
I'll be your Johnny and you'll be my June
We'll last forever like superheroes do
Yeah, let's write a story, let's write a story
About me and you
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chocobothis · 2 years
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I was tagged by the lovely and wonderful @jillvalcntines to make some OCs in a picrew! To avoid being here all day and then some of tomorrow I went with only four. Because I am a fiend at making OCs and then giving them families, OC friends, etc. These are the ones that are mostly on my mind.
+ Veronica Marlene "Nico" Bright; She/They, Resident Evil
+ Javier "Javi" Reyes Valencia; He/Him, Resident Evil
+ Solus Ve'tra (eventually Solus Vizsla); Star Wars, She/Her
+ Verena "Vren" Avitus; FFXV, She/They
(I swear I use more than four letter names. These just happen to ge the ones that came to mind first)
Tagging: @pinkieperil @thebubbledragon @thuriweaver
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chocobothis · 3 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Vren Avitus, Axis Arra, Nelly (Final Fantasy XV), Crepera Lucis Caelum | The Rogue (Final Fantasy XV), The Clever (Final Fantasy XV), Nelly Certus, Original Characters Additional Tags: introspective, Meeting New Coworkers, Becoming Kingsglaive, Axis Arra is the pov of chapter one, He has a lot of feelings he’s projecting, FFXV OC Week Summary:
“The odds for you are low, Avitus,” he briefly looked at her. “Two passes to seven fails. Do not make it eight.”
She refused to answer until he locked eyes with her. If the last person to see Vren Avitus alive was Captain Drautos then he would remember her. That was something she wanted to make sure of.
“Yes, sir.”
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