#vrischik rashi
monecabhava · 10 months
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2024 transits :
Saturn in Aquarius 4H aspecting 6H/10H/Asc
Rahu in Pisces 5H aspecting 9H/Asc- Ketu in Virgo11H
Jupiter in Aries 6H aspecting 10H/12H/2H until May/1
Jupiter in Taurus 7H aspecting 11H/Asc/3H
*** u can use this prediction from moon/
lagna/ mahadasa lord
Scorpio start the year with direct Jupiter in 6H and retrograded mercury in Asc both ruled by mars in sag/2H, their attention goes into rearranging their life matters and the routines they used to have, might start with buying or throwing some possessions, rethinking about what they own and managing these matters, motivation to solve some debt problems and making efforts to have a better financial managements, desire to change somethings related to physical appearance, developing healthy habits and routines ( i recommend trying a totally new approach to your habits and routines rather than things you tried in the past but didn't stick), curing a health problem, Scorpio might suffer from mental pressure and a feeling of isolation and detachment from home and usual social circle so just go with the flow in this aspect, disturbance in comfort and one's space you might start to feel like your surroundings are suffocating and limiting you so put the efforts to make your space as comfortable as possible for you, adding prayers/meditation/ spiritual activities to your daily routine is recommended, create a good stress management program for yourself. Until May it's a good time for Scorpio to put the efforts in daily life habits and slow, small steps that will eventually build the bigger picture for them, be careful from burning out in career, from obstacles with bosses/work environment too, putting the hard work will pays for scorpios after May. Possibility of having romance with a foreigner/ someone with different background, this person might introduce you to something new, growing interest in unusual matters, might develop some unique hobbies, interest in astrology and occultism, astral travels or matters related to detaching from the body/ using subconscious mind, interest in pleasure, foreign travels, trying substance/psychedelics, alcohol etc. Might try gambling and fall in debt, sudden changes in romantic life.
After May jupiter transits to Scorpio 7H, their social life starts to be more active again, alot of interacting with foreigners, partnerships and starting business/deals, increase in fame and reputation, ( if a 7H/Dk dasa is going on then possibility of marriage), detaching from the usual social circle, might feel hopeless or detached from their own usual desires and dreams, Scorpio this year might struggle with the feeling of fulfillment rewards/achievements are not enough or not of interest to them, Definitely a good time to practice detaching from expectations as a concept. They're so into seeking a form of enjoyment this year especially with 5H rahu and 3H aspected by jupiter so they will have to keep a balance when it comes to what activities they choose to enjoy. Meeting people/friends they used to know, leaving a community or organization you used to be a part from.
A song recommendation for you ✨️
May your year be full of blessings & fulfilling ❤️
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vicharodaya · 2 years
आज होगा मुनाफा या झेलनी पड़ेगी आर्थिक परेशानी? पढ़ें अपना आज का राशिफल
आज होगा मुनाफा या झेलनी पड़ेगी आर्थिक परेशानी? पढ़ें अपना आज का राशिफल
आज होगा मुनाफा या झेलनी पड़ेगी आर्थिक परेशानी,जानिए क्या है आज का राशिफल? मेष राशिफल (Mesh Rashifal, 28 October 2022) आज आप समाज और आम लोगों से वाहवाही प्राप्त कर सकेंगे. साथ ही आपको आर्थिक लाभ भी हो सकता है. परिवार और वैवाहिक जीवन सुख और संतोष से भरपूर रहेगा. वाहनसुख प्राप्त कर सकेंगे. प्रियजनों के साथ प्रेम के पल गुजार सकेंगे. आपके विचार अधिक उग्र बनेंगे और आपके व्यवहार दूसरे पर हावी होंगे. आप…
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jeevanjali · 7 months
Grah Gochar In March:मार्च महीने में होने वाले ग्रह गोचर, जानिए तिथि और समयGrah Gochar in March: भारतीय ज्योतिष में नौ ग्रहों का राशि परिवर्तन बहुत प्रभावशाली माना जाता है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार जब भी कोई ग्रह एक राशि से दूसरी राशि में प्रवेश करता है तो इसका प्रभाव सभी राशियों के जातकों पर पड़ता है।
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🌞 - Surya , The Atman , The Animus, Father Archetype
The sun represents the true essence of the higher self of the personality.
That which we truly are when we let go of the bindings that pull us down.
It's the king , the royal , charishma , spotlight , father figure , expression of creativity , self esteem , pride , selfishness too.
Sun in Aries ♈ - Mesh Rashi.
The Sun finds it truest expression in the sign of it's friend Mars. Here he is free to express himself in a true manner , to shine bright, to take initiative, to create , to create something worthwhile, self confidence runs high , goal driven.
Sun in Taurus ♉ - Vrishabh Rashi.
Here the Sun indulges in the pleasure of accumulating resources , wealth & sensual pleasures. Pleasant , companionable & comfort oriented. Focus on beauty & wealth . Strong financial intelligence . Artistic taste & collection of valuable resources.
Sun in Gemini ♊ : Mithun Rashi.
Here the Sun deals with life with intelligence and humor. A touch of adolescence and a penchant for communication. Dexterous , eloquent speaking , crafty skills and a light hearted approach to numbers , life and living :).
Sun in cancer ♋ : Kark Rashi
Sun in it's friendly Rashi seeks rooted environments of caretaking, nourishment , emotional attunement , sheltering and schooling. It shines bright and feels patriotic towards its motherland. Sensitivity is enhanced . Supports & defends home. Home is where one's heart is. 😌🌞🪄
Sun in Leo ♌ : Simha rashi
Sun here likes to shine bright . Loves to express itself in various forms . Dramatic. Romantic, needs to be centre of attention, self confident , regal , loyal , a bit self centred, generous and large hearted , full of vitality & life :).
Sun in Virgo ♍ : Kanya Rashi
Sun here inclines itself toward service , healing and intelligently dealing with life. Analytical and intellectual. Healing energies. Kind and helpful . Hardworking & sincere .
Sun in Libra ♎ : Tula Rashi.
Sun here immerses itself fully into the relationships with the other , thus forgets itself. Likes harmony, beauty & sense of fairness. Love to serve their partners . Can make great lawyers & attorneys . Should maintain a healthy balance between self & others :)
Sun in Scorpio ♏ : Vrischik Rashi
Here the Sun imbibes the power of Mars in astral waters and subconscious and thus undergoes death , transformation and an alchemy of its innermost nature and leads a life of power & strength backed up by the depth of its intense emotionality.
Sun in Sagittarius ♐ : Dhanu Rashi
Sun here follows the adventure of his lifetime. Righteous , carefree , kind and optimism guide his heart . Helpfulness and generous nature . A happy go lucky. Honest , blunt , creative and full of vitality . A traveller of life itself. Expansive spirit.
Sun in Capricorn ♑ : Makar Rashi
The Sun here takes up life seriously and imbibes a sense of maturity. Responsibility and a sense of oldness . Father in his son's sign. Here he yearns to contribute to the society. Status conscious, financially conscious & hard working.
Sun in Aquarius ♒ : Kumbh Rashi
Here the Sun loves to connect with all the networks of society. Lucky and gains through connection. Friendly and fair. Values friendship and loves the exoticness . Detached yet connected. Intellectual and broad minded . Galactic and spacious . Full of ideas . Evolves.
Sun in pisces ♓ : Meen rashi
Here the Sun loves to swim in the oceanic waters of the subconscious, the astral world. Kind , patient , artistic, poetic, compassionate . Highly intuitive . A healer , shaman. In this world but not of this world. Is slowly learning the art of letting go.
Looking for the self in addiction does not help. :)
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jan-media-tv · 5 months
Scorpio Vrischik Rashi Monthly Horoscope Prediction May 2024
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vahnikana · 11 months
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Vrischikasana, which when translated from Sanskrit means Scorpion Pose. Vrischik means scorpion, and asana is pose or posture. Along with the warrior pose, this is one of my favourite poses in yoga. Difficult to master, beautiful to look at, offering so many benefits for the body and the mind.
Similarly, Vrischik rashi means the sign of Scorpio, where rashi means constellation.
Like the people of the Vrischik sign, Vrischikasana is not easy, but once you get it...amazing.
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dvarapala · 3 years
tessa’s big syzygy masterpost
Udyati lives in the Netherlands, in a port city called Katendam. Within Katendam, you have a small town called Alderesch. All in all, it’s a good place to live. If you ignore the fact that someone got murdered once, that several bodies turned up in this small town and that there is a drug problem that no one wants to admit is there. You can find a lot of old people in Alderesch. Lots of families consisting of moms, dads and young kids, dotted with some single parent families and their kid(s).
Then there is the Jyotisha system. It is assumed that it is as many lightyears away from our solar system and the milkyway as the Triangulum Galaxy is. Udyati never looked into it. Within the Jyotisha system, exists the Rashi Galaxy, which is made up of many small planets, and twelve big planets - appropriately named ‘the twelve’. 
Meen: the drowned planet, led by the Regent of the West: Samudra. He oversees the Drowned Girls. The Drowned Girls are strange, alluring and dangerous. They have enhanced senses and are capable of swimming at great speeds in the (underwater) pools of Meen that are connected to each other. Furthermore, they have unique voice boxes, capable of luring whomever they want to the pools in order to drown them.    
Vrushabh: Udyati’s favorite planet. It is always in flux. Nothing is static. Nothing stays the same, except for the DAWN BAZAAR, which is the beating heart of the planet. There, you can buy anything and everything your heart desires and then some; money is very important on Vrushabh, as are material things. As is one’s energy, and one’s time.
Tula: The planet of justice. This is where criminals go to get tried. However, people are giving into corruption because of Pishacha influences. This is where Sharad is from. It has two districts: AHAMKARA - where the wealthy live - and TAMAS- where everyone else lives. The people from Tula are capable of telling whenever anyone else is lying. However, they themselves cannot tell lies.     
Karka: It rains iron. Literally. The planet is cut in half. One part is bathed in perpetual sunlight, the other is swathed in perpetual darkness. This is where Grishma lived. 
Simha: Home to the Mahavidyas (beings that know a lot, if not all), and the planet that seems to be the place regular beings go to when they want to travel to and fro. It looks very futuristic and technological.
Makar: A planet that is well known for it’s sandy beaches, aquamarine seas and sun. It’s paradise. Or is it?
Dhanu: Desert planet. Very few people live here. Even fewer have what it takes to survive here, much less thrive.
Vrischik: Lots of orchards. Lots of greenery and rice paddies. Everything is connected to a network akin to mycelium; people - mostly farmers - know when you step foot onto this planet. 
Mesh: The planet that is filled with skyscrapers and other tall buildings and flats. It’s a maze. You could get lost forever, wandering until your feet fall off.
Kumbha: Somehow connected to Mithuna. Woods and mountains all over. Mahendra’s planet.
Mithuna: A planet with caves and old ruins. People used to come here to pray. Kuvera’s planet.
Kanya: The planet of ice and snow. Udyati’s least favorite planet. 
See here. And see here, as well.
There are many beings wandering around the Twelve. Kinnaras and Kinnaris. Visha Kanya’s. Vetalas. You name it. They’re there. People who fell in love with the Homo Daeva and had kids with them, and their descendants’ descendants, too. 
The Regent of the South, Antaka Zaman, commands the shadows (and some say, the dead). His Antakadutas could very well be called reapers. He is the one who knows and feels when a new Pralaya is coming. He is also married to Kalindi, Lady of the String and Thread, who is always looking to accrue more power.
The Regent of the West, Samudra Zaman, lives deep underneath the waves. He has no partner, nor children. He counts the Drowned Girls among his many daughters and enjoys living a life of solitude. 
The Regent of the North, Kuvera Zaman, is short and stout and lives on Kumbha with his helpers amidst the ruins. Though no one has seen him for ages and ages. His area of expertise is wealth, and many a people have joked that he should have lived on Vrushabh instead. He does not appreciate the joke.  
The Regent of the East, Mahendra Zaman, is as mysterious as he is whimsical. He also goes by the name of Mukunda but there are also people out there who believe they aren’t the same person, but twins. It’s complicated. Much like Samudra and Kuvera, he too has helpers: Mukundadutas. Legend has it he can be found on not one planet, but multiple, as he travels around, never quite capable of sitting still and staying in one place. 
Though many find Pralayas annoying, it is as natural as taking a breath. It has it’s place in the way of the worlds; like life, like death. Pralayas are circumstances that happen - occasionally - and during that period of time, you can consume power or get consumed by others. You could, in theory, consume the power of a Regent and take control of their domain. Antaka Zaman always knows, and always feels, whenever a new Pralaya is coming. A Pralaya lasts seventy-two hours or three days. The old must make way for the new. It’s kind of like spring cleaning but on a larger scale.
There are whispers in the shadows about Mahapralayas too, but those are just that: whispers. 
Ajamila Narayan has lost many a thing in life. His love, his children. His honor. He is cursed to live forever, never to die unless his shadow gets stolen. He attempts to restore his honor by teaching as many young ones as he can find. He teaches them the noble art of Kalari. Udyati Rao is his latest and final student.
She fell in love with Udyati’s dad. At first, she didn’t know he was a Homo Daeva, but always felt there was something off about him. When he told her, she demanded proof, but didn’t love him any less. He always had her heart. It was his to do with as he pleased, and so he broke it into a thousand pieces when he cut her out of his life. Ankita has a no-nonsense attitude. She raised Udyati on her own, without anyone’s help. She’s strict, but fair, and works a lot, and hard, to provide for herself and her kid. (Secretly, she knows of her kid’s powers and thinks it’s best to shut the doors forever. Lest she loses Udyati like she lost her love.)
Her dad is the one who passed Udyati’s abilities onto her. Sharper senses, sharper reflexes. The agility. The ability to heal. And the ability to sense energy and energy signatures. Though she has inherited many things from him, she has not inherited the healing factor that all full blooded Homo Daevas have nor their long lifespan. 
Upon first glance, some would say that they are monsters, made of darkness, fuelled by darkness. And they are. But what not many people know is that those monsters were once people, who did awful stuff during their lives, and then died, and then came back as Pishachas. Pishachas are intent on eating flesh and drinking blood, but draining of energy will also do in a pinch. A word of advice: don’t get bitten or scratched by them. Ever. It’s Udyati’s job to kill them.
See here. And see here.   
Dvārapālas are kinda like bodyguards / security guards. They are expected to put their lives on the line to protect everyone from the Pishachas. especially the Lords of the Four Cardinal Directions and the princes and princesses of the Twelve: Varsha, Grishma, Hemant, Shishir, Sharad and Vasant. It is both a title and a profession and one is born into it. 
They are the masterkeys that open doors; that is to say, they can use existing doors and gateways to go anywhere and, with enough time and training, are able to use their own blood to conjure up doors and gateways whenever or mark doors or gateways that they intend to come back to later. These doors and gateways can, technically, also be drawn upon beings. Though if that happens and they are used in such a fashion, those beings will lose their lives.
Also, marking doors or gateways won’t work with every door or gateway. Sometimes doors or gateways close, never to reopen again.
A downside to this is that they can’t just be tracked by their Prana (energy). Every time they spill their own blood, they can be tracked through that, too.
Given enough time, or through other circumstances, some Dvārapālas no longer need physical doors or gates but can open them anywhere, anytime even in places there, by all rights, shouldn’t be any doors or gates.
Homo Daevas are aliens that live on one of the twelve planets in the Rashi Galaxy. They look human but they’re not. They have longer lifespans. Their senses are sharper. They can sense energy and energy signatures. And they can heal themselves and others.
As stated before, hybrids can sense energy and energy signatures, can heal others but not themselves and do not inherit long lifespans biologically though can make sure to get one through curses or boons - through powers taken or given during a Pralaya.
Prana is the energy inside of every being. It courses through Nāḍī paths alongside one’s veins. Ajamila taught them to strike the places where those paths converge into nodes. His students do so by striking several pressure points on the body.
If Udyati strikes a pressure point on someone’s arm, for instance, her opponent will lose all feeling in said arm, blocking their energy and if they have them, their powers. With time, however, those nodes will reopen themselves naturally. Or Udyati can unblock them if she so pleases. 
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tabijastroservices · 5 years
Difference between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology
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Accuracy may be based on your perceptions. In terms of the mathematical calculations, both Western Tropical and Vedic Sidereal are accurate if the free online astrologer has applied the correct formulas for whatever chart or whichever purpose is served.
The impact of the celestial bodies on the lives of human beings on earth is known as Astrology. The planets, zodiac signs, and houses are all an inevitable part of astrology. Astrology in India is one of the oldest known studies of heavenly bodies. It is known as the Vedic Astrology which evolved in around 5000 BC. Western Astrology, Chinese Astrology and Horary Astrology are also well known forms of Astrology.
Are Vedic astrology and Western astrology different?
Yes, Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology are quite different from one another. While western astrology works on the study of horoscopes, best Vedic astrologer in India makes predictions based on placements and transcends of planets and stars. Let’s have an insight into the difference between the two astrology systems.
Astrological calculations
Vedic astrology is based upon Jyotish Vidya, where the position and movement of celestial bodies are calculated. It takes into account the real positions of planets and stars with respect to certain celestial bodies that remain fixed or permanent in the same position. This system is also known as Sidereal Zodiac.
Vedic Astrology (also referred as Indian astrology) was promoted by ancient astrology specialist in India. They passed on their knowledge and wisdom to generations. Later, this was recorded in written form and became the core of Vedic astrology.
Planets and signs ruler ship
Vedic astrology anticipates the events in a person's life taking into account planets like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. It is believed that Uranus and Neptune are insignificant for astrological calculations as they are too far. So, their placement and movement do not create any impact on natives. Free astrologer in India looks at the date, time and place of birth to design the Kundli, which gives an idea of the nakshatras and Mahadasha. The Vedic astrology chart is always square in shape.
Western astrology is also referred to as Tropical Zodiac. This system was evolved around 2000 years back by the Greeks and the Babylonians. According to this system, the Sun is believed to be the most significant as it is at the centre of the solar system. Sun has a great impact on the planet earth. The Western Astrology assigns a sun sign to the natives according to their birth date. The western astrology chart is always circular in shape.
Zodiac signs and constellations
Western Astrology: Western astrology has twelve zodiac signs such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Western Astrology includes planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto to predict future, which is not considered by Vedic Astrology. Besides, Western Astrology does not consider constellations (Nakshatras).
Vedic Astrology: On the other hand, Vedic astrology signs have twelve Rashis such as Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischik, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha, and Meen.
For calculation top astrologer in India make use of 27 lunar constellations(each one covering a span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes), called Nakshatras namely Ashvini, Bharani, Kritika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Purva Shadha, Uttara Shadha, Shravan, Dhanishta, Satbhij, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Abhijit and Revati.
12 Astrological Houses
Online joshiyam reveals a lot about you and your relationship discover your personality and relationship compatibility. The astrological houses and planets indicate aspects of life of an individual. Houses explain the working of a planet in a native’s life. These houses are numbered from one to twelve. Let’s take a look on the houses in astrology.
First House: It is located on the left side of the horoscope wheel and represents the personality of the native which helps in interpreting the temperament of a person.
Second House: It helps in understanding the native’s self- worth, the status of the financial condition of the person.
Third House: It shows the communication skill of the native, which implies how the native perceives facts.
Fourth House: This house represents the circumstances that affect the childhood of the natives and also relation with family members.
Fifth House: It represents the creativity of the individual. It also represents romance and pleasure.
Sixth House: It represents the quality of work one delivers. It also represents factors like health and hygiene.
Seventh House: It shows the marriage of the native. It also shows the partnership in business and life.
Eighth House: It deals with sex, death and also financial losses.
Ninth House: It deals with the thought process of the individual based on foreign trips and different philosophies.
Tenth House: It represents the career and goals of the life of the native.
Eleventh House: It represents the native’s relations with society.
Twelfth House: It represents the hidden factors that are not in control of the person like enemies and psychological problems.
Time, solar and lunar system
Vedic Astrology uses Vimshotarri Dasha system (a method to time the planetary system) while analyzing the planetary transits for future events. On the other hand, Western Astrology does not use Dasha System. For free astrological advice, it studies the planetary transits based on their advances and movements. 
Western Astrology seems to rely more upon the movement and placement of the Sun. So, the emphasis is more on psychology, the personality, character of an individual. On the other hand, the Vedic or Sidereal system is a Moon-based astrology system which covers all the aspects of life.
The synopsis
Astrology studies cosmic objects and it anticipates events that can be expected in the future. Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology are two different systems that have some key differences which can be discerned. Vedic astrology is used on a daily basis in India and not just for interpreting natal charts as it is believed to be highly accurate in its predictions. It is also widely used to make daily decisions or to determine an auspicious time for a ritual or the start a major undertaking (Muhurta). Whether you go with Vedic Astrology or the Western Astrology both are correct, you should consult a best astrology website in India, who has the right knowledge to guide you.
Tabij.in is committed to provide you online astrology solution with accurate calculations and exact interpretations of planetary positions to help you to know in depth about the immediate future that lies in store for you in near future. To get your personalized online astrological solution, you can call on +91 9776190123 or visit Tabij.in.            
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shanidev · 5 years
Vrischik Rashi - Saptahik Vrischik Rashifal - Vrischik Rashifal - गुरु र...
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redvfx1 · 4 years
Vrishchik Rashifal 2021 | Scorpio Horoscope | Vrischik Rashi ka Maha Upa...
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sashok108-blog · 4 years
vrischik Rashi 2021/Scorpio 2021/ rashifal 2021 vrischik/aastrosai guru
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subir-astrologer · 4 years
Based on the given birth detail information DOB 22-06-1999 at 17:38:00 PM in Shillong, India, the analysis is made according to KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
From the horoscope it is seen that the ascendant is vrischik lagna / scorpion ascendant with ketu in 3rd house, Saturn and Jupiter in 6th house, sun in 8th house, venus mercury and rahu in 9th house, moon in 11th house and mars in 12th house.
The moon is in chitra nakshtra in knaya rashi / virgo moon sign and the current running mahadasa period is of rahu ending on 27-09-2022. Then it will be Jupiter mahadasa period till 27-09-2038.
In order to know about marriage from a horoscope then firstly we need to study if it is a promised in the horoscope or not. Once it is confirmed that the marriage is promised then only one should go to next step to know about the timing of the event and that is done by studying the mahadasa period.
To study about marriage one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord and its Saturn strongly signifying 2,3 and 5th house as its untenanted in planet level, venus – 6,7,8 and 11th house in nakshtra level and 6,7,8,10 and 11th house in sublord level.
The current running mahadasa period is rahu and its signifying 6,7,8,10 and 11th house in planet level, mercury - 8 and 10th house in nakshtra level and venus -6,7,8 and 11th house in sublord level. Here venus is in conjunction with rahu and hence will also signify the house qualified by rahu.
The next mahadasa will be of Jupiter and its signifying 4th house in the planet level, ketu – 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11 and 12th house in nakshtra level and mars – 1,5,10 and 12th house in sublord level.
From the analysis I conclude that marriage is promised in the horoscope and the native will get married only in the Jupiter mahadasa period as rahu mahadasa period is in the end of it period and it is not supporting the event strongly. Even from dasapravesh padhatti ( not given analysis ) also the marriage is not taking place in rahau mahadasa period.
From further analysis of the jupiter mahadasa dasa period in antardasa level ( analysis not presented ) I conclude that the marriage will happen in the year 2023.
My best wishes to the native for a bright future.
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Red Coral (Moonga)
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Red coral (Moonga) is a deep red organic stone made out in the deep sea by oceanic creatures called coral polyps. The stone is extremely successful in treating Mangal Dosh and guarantees success in management roles, sports, trade, and wellness.
Who should wear Moonga stone?
Connected with Mars, a brutal planet which rules courage, confidence and physical strength, red coral is worn to increase weakly placed mars in a person’s horoscope or to benefit from its convenient position.
Astrologers suggest Moonga ratan for Mesh (Aries) and Vrischik (Scorpio) Rashi.
Western astrology recommends red coral for Aries.
Red coral can also be worn by people with the following zodiac signs- Sagittarius, Pisces & Leo.
How to wear Red Coral?
Weight– 2 carats to 4 carats.
Color– Deep red color.
Metal–  It should be studded with Gold, Silver or Copper Ring.
Finger– Ring finger of the right hand.
Day and Time– On Tuesday morning, between 11 am to 1 pm, wash red coral with Ganga Jal for 5 minutes.
Mantra & Chanting Times– Aum Ang Angarkay Namah , ॐ अं अंगारकाय नमः (108 times)
Red Coral (Moonga) Benefits
Amongst all the types of coral, red coral is considerably more famous due to its astrological pertinence and is identified by several names including, ‘Marjaan’, ‘Sinduja’, ‘Maheya’, ‘Vidrum’, ‘Praval Ratna’, ‘Musaragalva’, ‘Latamani’, ‘Mangalmani’ etc. The wearer arises out of a complex phase of Mangal dosha, more easily by wearing this gemstone.
Successful Real Estate Business– In Vedic astrology, Mars is known as the ‘Bhoomi Karaka’ controlling home and property. Therefore, red coral assists people struggling in places like real estate, interior decoration, mining, oil investigation, and real asset administration industries.
Success in Team Management, Administrative, Leadership Roles– Connected with the energetic planet Mars, the stone assists the wearer by improving his team improvisation skills. Popularly known to teach courage, ambition, and focus, it is extremely advised for individuals serving in Army, Police, Sports or other fields where a big deal of environmental and psychic strength is needed.
Excellent Digestive Health & Immunity– The advantages related to health after wearing red coral exceed almost every other gemstone due to its power to rebuild digestive, circulatory and mental health. It is also worn to promote immunity and psychic concentration of the wearer.
Red Coral Prices
Relying on the origin, color, shape, and overall clarity, the cost of red coral can reach between ₹500 to ₹15000 per carat. Furthermore, additional factors like general availability and plastic treatment can majorly impact the stone prices.
Origin– Japanese red coral is excessively unique and therefore draws luxury pricing from ₹ 5000 to ₹ 15000 per carat. Italian red coral price limit also tends to settle on the leading end, flexing between ₹ 500 and ₹ 4000 per carat. Indian red coral is comparatively common and more affordable in terms of cost.
Color– Deep red, shiny corals are fancied over dull, faded or pale ones. Moonga stone price per Ratti extends further for clearly saturated and deep red gemstones.
Shape– Being a natural gemstone, red coral can simply break from stress and therefore traded in and as cabochon stone in oval, round, capsule and triangular shapes. In case, quality and weight remain mutual, triangular stones are more costly than any other shapes.
Clarity– Clarity of red coral is explained by how deep and smooth its outside is. Gemstones with inclusions, pits, and scars are costed on the cheaper end. Moonga stone is fairly high for a perfect, bright red coral.
Carat Weight– Red corals are usually discovered in big sizes, meaning that a smooth, scarless red coral pulling above a few carats is costed in significance to its scarcity.
Treatment- The red coral is treated to improve its color, however, can be produced in labs as well. Artificial gemstones appear in and as plastic, wood or polymers. An authentic one is significantly expensive than the fake ones. It is better to buy red coral that is accredited by approved laboratories to avoid getting fooled by the fake dealers.
Red Coral Quality
A nice quality red coral becomes from a reputed origin, manifests shiny red color with a smooth, pure lustrous surface.
Origin– Italy remains to be the most famous origin, producing excellent quality red corals for more than two centuries. But, other areas including India, Japan, Algeria, USA, and Taiwan are also known globally for producing great quality, natural red coral stones. Australian and Taiwan red corals are majorly fit for jewelry purposes.
Color- Red coral does not develop in a wide range of colors, however, it’s color may differ in strength. Its color can range from warm red to dark pink to dark red. However, Ox-blood red coral, revealing bright red with a secondary tint of orange is more popular in gemstone the gemstone world.
Clarity– Being a dark and dusky gemstone, clarity in red coral is found y its surface markings, texture and light. Insertations in this stone may happen as blemishes, black spots, groove pits or wood grain effects. Highest quality red coral is smooth, bright and flawless and with no inclusions.
Why 90% of the people are not getting results from Red Coral (Moonga)
The red coral gemstone which is also known as the Moonga or Praval is a very important gemstone. According to the Indian Vedic astrology, it serves the planet of Marks which is considered as a symbol of energy, ambition, vitality and blood circulation. marks are also considered to be the warfare God in the planet authority. The Red coral stone, therefore, is believed to raise the energy levels of Mars in the horoscope of the person who wears it. However, in many cases, red coral won’t work. Do you know why? Let’s find out!
Is it real?
The market is flooded with fake gemstones. There are dealers out there who sell fake gemstones at their original price. So, the chances are, that the red coral you’re currently wearing might be not the real one. A phony or fake red coral won’t work, no matter what you do. An original red coral stone encompasses the following characteristics or properties.
Is it Heated?
There are stones that are original red coral, however, they are heated. Heating is basically done to improve the color or clarity of the gemstones. In the certificate, it is clearly mentioned that if the stone is heated, then you won’t get the desired result.
Is it Treated?
Most people are unaware that red coral is heated at extremely high temperatures to “enhance” their color and clarity. These processes may improve the stone’s beauty, but not its value. And wearing these treated stones won’t provide any astrological benefits.
​What is Coral Gemstone?
Coral stone is one of the very few organic Gemstones like Pearl and Amber. It is an opaque gemstone. Coral is not mined from the earth. Coral is biologically formed and procured from Deep Ocean.
What is the meaning of Coral Gemstone in Hindi?
Coral is called ‘Moonga’ in Hindi. Coral is an important astrological gemstone. Red Coral represents Mars (Mangal) Planet in Vedic astrology.
What are the Benefits of Coral Gemstone?
Coral is the astrological gemstone of Mars – ‘Mangal’ planet as per Indian Vedic astrology. It’s beneficial for businessmen & professional related to real estate, agriculture, mining, construction, military, surgery, athletics etc. The diseases cured by Red Coral are heat stroke, headache, anemia, high fever, blood defects, piles, lack of calcium in the bones etc.
Coral is worn for which planet?
This stone is associated with Mars (Mangal) Planet as per Indian Vedic astrology. Mars is a masculine planet and radiated intense & fiery energy. Mars governs Soldiers, warriors, athletes, pilots, farmers, miners, constructors and property dealers.
Who should wear Coral gemstone?
Coral is recommended to people who have Mahadasha and Antardasha of Mars in a horoscope. Coral is beneficial for people in the bus the ness of Mining, chemicals, weapons, Gold, Steel, construction, Agriculture, Land Property. The professionals in Police, Defense services, surgery, Dental treatments, and architecture should wear Moonga stone for good opportunities. Lazy people should also wear Red coral stone.
What is the price of Coral Gemstone?
Coral price per Ratti varies from INR 500/- to INR 4000/- as per the quality. Italian & Japanese corals are the best in quality.
How to wear Coral gemstone in astrology?
Coral should be worn in the Ring finger on Tuesday. The ring should be made of Copper, Gold or any other metal alloy like Panchdhatu or Ashtadhatu. You can also wear Mala (Rosary) of 109 beads of Red coral.
How to buy Coral for astrological purpose?
Astrological Moonga gemstone should not have surface cracks and cavities. Stone should not have dull patches and black spots. Stone should be well polished.
What is Procedure to wear Coral Stone?
Coral is worn in the Ring finger on Tuesday. The ring should be made of Copper, Gold or other yellow metal alloys.
Coral stone is worn in which finger?
Coral Stone should be worn in the Ring finger on Tuesday for astrological benefits.
What is Coral Gemstone quality?
As Coral is an opaque gemstone, so the gemstone quality mainly depends on color, surface finish and polish. Italian & Japanese coral stones are best in quality.
Where to buy Coral gemstone?
Buy Certified Natural Coral stone from a trusted shop. Buy Coral with laboratory certificate for its authenticity. Brahma Gems deals in Certified Natural Coral stones & beads for astrological & Jewellery purpose.
Why Brahma Gems?
Brahma Gems is managed by GII certified professional gemstone experts.
Brahma Gems buys directly from mines/ manufacturers, so end user/ customer get the best price.
Brahma Gems have the widest range of govt. lab certified natural / Jyotish gemstones in all sizes carat shapes quality and price.
Each stone is Lab Tested for Authenticity/Purity & Verified for Astrological benefits.
Free govt. lab report with each and every gemstone.
Free pan India delivery.
Free making on silver and Panchdhatu
Free recommendation on gemstone by famous astrologer
Free checking of your old stone by a gemologist.
100% Energized & Activated Gemstones for best results in Astrology.
Customer Gets Certificate of Authenticity for every stone.
Free Gem Consultation by Experts, Procedure to wear.
Care & Cleaning of Red Coral
Because of their organic nature, Coral Gemstones or Moonga is both mushy and fragile and ought to only be cleaned with the wet stuff. Be careful from the chemicals as it may affect seriously. And as this stone is extremely sensitive and it needs special care. Below is the process of how you should clean and oil your Certified Red Coral Sapphire.
Do not use any other oil apart from cedar and make sure that oil is pure because using adulteration oil will destroy the quality of the stone.
Now, take out the stone from the oil container and put it on a soft folded cloth. Do not try to dump the stone immediately; let the stone absorb all the oil applied on it to seal holes and cracks that resembled over its surface.
Now pour pure cedar oil in a large plastic or glass container. Keep the amount of oil as much so that the stone completely gets soaked in the oil.
Wait for 24 hours and then clean-off the stone and wear it again.
Clean the stone with the moist cotton till the time its surface becomes brighter and clean. Now, set the stone for some time to get drained off water from it.
Original Source
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kundlilive · 6 years
16 November 2018 Surya का Rashi Parivartan लेकर आयेंगे आपके लिए एक नयी सौगात, वृश्चिक राशी में सूर्य
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rahuleshwar · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0fHDixQtOw)
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educratswebcom · 5 years
19 जनवरी 2020 वृश्चिक राशि इस दिन खतरा/Vrischik rashi 19 January 2020 rashifal #educratsweb
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