#vulpes originals
vulpescorpse · 9 months
I've had this idea rattling around in my brain for the last week, this edit took forever lol
I'd like to thank @leyley-graves for the sprites and @ashleys-coffin for the panels
[ Video ID: a slideshow of various images from the game "The coffin of andy and leyley" set to the song "It'll be okay" from friendship is witchcraft ]
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orofeaiel · 5 months
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Red Fox | San Juan Island, WA
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aviewtoakillmp3 · 5 months
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original by @/schul33e
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strijkdesign · 2 years
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"Foxes at midnight"
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sonichedgeblog · 1 year
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'Cosmo Vulpes' by Vulpini Studio Play as Klaus, a bounty hunter fox, with his jetpack and other gadgets. #SAGE23 https://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/cosmo-vulpes-sage-23-demo.1732/
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carrii-on · 2 months
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dog man
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ghost-qwq · 7 months
Music I think Fallout characters would listen to
(Butch, Veronica, Benny, Boone, Vulpes, Deacon, Danse, Curie, MacCready)
Fo3 (Butch...)
Butch: okay do I need to say that he listens to rockabilly????? He just... He does. Idk he seems like he'd like the Koffin Kats or something. ,, idk Brian Setzer kind of dude,, Stray Cats too
FNV (Veronica, Benny, Boone, and Vulpes)
Veronica: oh if you gave this girl ANYTHING she'd listen to it... Ngl tho she feels like a metal and punk girl...
Benny: if you think he listens to anything other than 50s/60s you're wrong. He likes the classics and refuses to listen to anything else
Boone: like... dad rock... that's all I'm confident about
Vulpes: Imma be fr with you, I think this freak doesn't listen to music. If he DID it would be some indie band and he'd be so annoying about it
Fo4 (Deacon, Danse, Curie, and MacCready)
Deacon: I'm so fr he feels like he would listen to Weird Al,, like that's all I can think of. He's a Weird Al fan 100%
Danse: we already know he likes country and bluegrass!! He's a Marty Robbins fan probably,, idk he feels like a cowboy country kind of guy. Big fan of sad cowboy songs
Curie: she likes classical music but is so intrigued by all kinds of music, she'd listen to everything at least once
MacCready: he probably kinda likes Rockabilly because of Butch but he definitely prefers rock classics
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ghastly-poltergeist · 7 months
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Sorry for Legionposting fellas but I have more aminals to share
Of course here's a version with Vulpes' dog pelt
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I know I could've made Vulpes a fox HOWEVER a sheep fits so well,,,,
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lordofryoshimacoast · 2 months
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My wretched little child, based off the fox in Greek mythology, Teumessian*! This was formerly an OC of mine known as Silver. (They've transitioned so proud of my bugly child)
(they can speak like a human because I said so 🐈)
They're actually the second Teumessian to be around in their lore. The first became a constellation. Carrying their parents'trait of being uncatchable, Teumessian carried on their parents'mission of punishing the small town who had wronged them long ago. It's not exactly sure what they did so long ago, but Teumessian carried on with their legacy regardless.
Teumessian only stopped hunting humans because the underworld army destroyed the town they were hunting at, and with their purpose completed, they left the area and took to assisting whoever fought the underworld army.
At least that's the draft I have right now, so far I'm happy with it. Freaky little moth fox thing. ((Moth elements of their design don't have any meaning aside from I wanted to make something vaguely nature-y))
*If you don't know them, you will now: Teumessian was a large fox who was sent by the gods to punish Thebes for a crime or whatever, the fox would hunt and eat people. The people from Thebes tried to hunt and trap it, but the fox was uncatchable. So for awhile they settled on just sending their kids into the woods month a month to feed the fox.
The fox was defeated after a guy sent a magical dog named Laelaps (a dog who was destined to catch anything it chased) after it. But because of both of their abilities, both of them were turned to stone.
(both of them are constellations, Canis major and minor I believe!)
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finartin · 14 days
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littol fox and mantis sketch, as a treat 🦊
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orofeaiel · 5 months
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Three-eared fox? | San Juan Island, WA
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aviewtoakillmp3 · 5 months
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faustquillpen · 2 years
Wayward Academy
Heya, finally actually posting the story where these weenies came from.  It’s in a script like format beginning with a narration bit, because i kinda want it as a visual novel or comic or something. Shrugs. Anyways I'd really appreciate any interaction with this post, I worked hard and I'm a little sad I don't have many people to yell about my Ocs with lmao. This blog is strictly art writing and oc rambling if that's interesting to ya!!!
It all started with a turtle. Yes, a turtle. No, I don't know why it caught my eye and no I don't think it's destiny or anything of the sort. Just... The right place at the right time?  Or... Wrong place at the right time?  ...Maybe it was the right place?  Whatever. It all started with that turtle.
It wasn't the kind of night you'd expect it to be off when this sort of thing happens.  It wasn't- It didn't- it *was* normal.  Warm with a cool breeze, the kind of night that gently reminds you that colder seasons are coming, the heat of a summer day giving way to a cool, refreshing night.  It was nice, is what I'm saying. Just a nice night.  Peaceful, quiet.  I was walking along a fence that marked the edge of a private hunting property, listening to the last crickets and peeper frogs singing their last songs of the season before they slept.  Or died.  For the crickets at least.  It had been a long day at a mindless, soul crushing retail job, and I just wanted to get back to my flat.
Then I noticed that turtle.
It was stuck on its back, i-i always heard they can't really get up once they're stuck like that but I never actually saw it. You'd think after, like, millions of years of evolution they'd learn how to flip themselves back but, whatever. It was a pathetic little thing, waving its little feet in the air and rocking back and forth.
Obviously I wanted to do something, why wouldn't I?  I'm not, not some, some ass who just leaves a poor animal in trouble. But what was I to do?  The fence stretched for as far as I could see in either direction, and the top was fitted with some nasty looking barbed wire to keep out trespassers.  I remember kneeling on the damp ground, ignoring the chill and looking at the poor thing, trying to think of what to do.  Was there a stick nearby?  Maybe if I... Just tried to get my hand through the chain link?  No, no, it was too far for... Either of those things.  And then I.. I..
You... You ever drop something when you're younger, and you try to just... *Will* it back to you, like maybe you have some sort of latent super power you'll suddenly realize by making your pen or-or remote fly over to you?  I guess I was trying to do that, as I watched it struggle, imagining a mental push from underneath, enough to nudge it over.
And... It did.  
At least, I think it did. I saw a blue... Swirly bit of light, kinda like those orbs on those... um, paranormal.. video... Things. It started next to the turtle, and-And it moved up and towards it, it actually moved *up* and the turtle, it... he Moved with it!  
I think I kind of... Dissociated there.  Maybe?  Or just a regular panic attack. Or shock, I guess. I remember... Staring, at my hands, just, staring, trying to... To see if maybe, I dunno, they looked different somehow?  Glowy like that blue mist too?  But no, they were normal.
Then I remember a shadow passing over me, and getting up way too quick, and tripping backwards over the curb and... Then nothing. I guess I passed out?  There's... No way to really know I guess, but I'm pretty sure I did.  It's really disorienting to be doing one thing and suddenly be snapped to another moment, like no time passed at all between me falling and me groggily listening to the conversation around me.
Voice 1
*Dry, uninterested* you killed him.
Voice 2
No!  He erm, he's just uh, I...
Voice 3
It's my fault anyway, I should of been more... Humany when I went to greet him. The look on his face though?  Like he never saw a giant lizard before!  Hilarious.
Voice 4
Well, we can't do anything about it now--
Voice 2
H-hey I think, I think he's coming to!  Is.. that the right word?  “Coming to?”
Voice 1
*M.c. (main character) opens his eyes, wincing as he slowly sits up, groaning weakly* 
Voice 2
Oh yeah!  The turtle!  
Voice 4
Keep your voice down Dylan, poor thing probably has a headache from that tumble.
Right right right right *backing away and getting quieter*
Voice 4
Hey there .... Buddy?  Are you doing okay, ah... That wasn't uh, what we meant to do-- do you even know what happened?
Mmmmnnnoo? *Still out of it*
Voice 4
Good!  Uh. Forget everything I said just then.  I'm sure that won't be hard to do, you seem uh... Not quite ready to understand words just yet.
Voice 1
Maybe he's just stupid.
Voice 4 
*Shrugs with a grunt*
Voice 4
... Rude asses aside... *Focuses back on mc* I'm Josephine
Voice 3 
You're 'supposta tell us your name now.
*Quietly, in a slightly sing song voice* told you...
*Glares at lucas, who seems to not care in the slightest, then turns back again to mc* you can take your time, love.  Ignore these louts
Voice 3
*Quietly* What's a lout...
I-- my name is- uh... Faust. Call me... Faust.
Ooookay then... Faust?  So uh... What do you ah, what do you remember?
*In background* I think it's a type of fish...
*Groaning again and rubs his head* theeere... was a tuuurtle...?
*Continuing in background*  why are we fish...?
Okay.... Okay you know that's good, actually.  I know uh, some people with head injuries only remember half their day. At least you uh, probably aren't too damaged?  Maybe. We hope so. We had nothing to do with it by the way.
Wait, I thought Riley--
Shush, shush shush...shhh *covering Dylan's mouth who says something muffled but that vaguely sounds like "what about the fish?"*
Voice 3, probably Riley
*Muffled laughs*
Uh...  Can I go home now? *Unsteadily getting to feet*
Maybe that's for the best--
*Loudly interrupting* We gotta talk about the thing!
Wh..what?  Thing?  I .. what?
*Getting louder* the thing you did!  We saw you do the thing!  *Excited pointing*
He's right 
I don't-
The-- the turtle thing, you made it go... Woosh?  No no, not a woosh.  More like a... A... Little... Tap...?
Look, I don't know what you saw, but it's not anything you need to... Do anything about. A turtle was stuck on his back, I... I watched him, some wind or-or something blew and he walked away. You can't... *Prove* anything else happened
Ain't getting away that easy bud, I asked the turtle, she said she was good and stuck before she felt a gentle push over.  I asked about the wind, she said there weren't any.
... You asked the--
Doesn't matter.  ... So do ya know the x-men?
We are *not* the x men
I'm more of a y man myself.
*Urgently* You guys are gonna overwhelm him...
*Incoherent chattering and bickering as the group discusses what they're going to do. Some words are discernable, such as "how are we gonna tell 'im" and "the professor said..." "hey what about the fish"*
Faust takes advantage of this by edging along the wall of the alleyway they had taken him to before breaking into a sprint when he clears the group. 
... Should we chase him?
Riley and Dylan (overlapping with each other and Josephine)
Majority rules!  *She breaks into a sprint into the darkness of the night, her form shifting into a sleek four legged beast as she runs*
Yeah!  *Runs towards where Faust went as well*
Wait-- no, stop. Ugh.  Can you believe these guys *she turns to Lucas, but sees that the spot he was in is now empty*
*Muttering* dammit...
Faust is breathing hard as he runs, finding himself in a nearby shopping district.  He loops around a few times, coming face to face with a giant reptile like creature with glowing markings that he fled from with a scream
*Between breaths* I... Have... *No* idea where I am.
He ends up at a dead end and looks around, it's empty and seems like a safe place to bunker down.  He turns to the entrance of it and takes a peek out, seeing no one but hearing running in the distance.  He turns back around to see if he can hide behind something, only to literally run right into Lucas.
OH JESUS F-- what, Why,  ...How?
*Lucas shrugs, his face indifferent as he leans against the wall of the alleyway, sliding down and sitting on the ground.*
Um... Aren't you gonna like... Grab me and take me back?  That's how this works right?
*Grunts and shrugs again, taking out a pack of cigarettes*. Want one, blondie?
Uhm... No, i-i don't think they're very y'know, healthy?
Well, picking your gums when you’re stressed isn’t healthy either.
Faust, stopping what he was doing
Fair enough....
-silence for a bit-
So uh...  What... Kind of music do you listen to...?
*Quietly stares* that... Was not what I was expecting you to ask.
Faust sits down next to Lucas, deciding that he was safer in the alleyway than running around a place he didn't know at whatever time of night it was.  They sit in silence for a while. 
Faust nervously looks at Lucas and then away from him a few times, trying to stutter out words. 
(interrupting the stuttering) So, blondie, seems like you have a fun little party trick you can do, hm?
I don't...
Listen, I don't know what you want but--
Listen.  *He throws aside the cigarette* There's nothing wrong with what we saw, exactly, but there are people out there who can and will take advantage.  If you just... Hear them out, I think it would make a lot more sense.  I don't really like being pulled around either, but at least we don't have to deal with fighting government goons or whatever would come after us. 
I-- ... I dont-- ... *takes a breath* o-okay.
Lucas nods as the sounds of footsteps come closer, Faust turns his head to the source of the noise. 
You never saw me. 
*Turning back* I-- *the alleyway is empty*. .... Right, might as well, I guess.  *Sighs*
Dylan is panting and leans against a wall while trying to get his breath back 
Hey... Faust...  Don't skip leg day... Or you'll end up like this.  *He half sits down and half collapses*
*Josephine and Riley wave as they walk over*
Told ya I smelled him over here
... So you could of tracked him without giving him a heart attack this whole time?
*Considers for a second* ... Nahhh.
Josephine rolls her eyes before addressing Faust
Sorry about ... All this *she sweeps her arms around as if referring to everyone* We want to talk to you, truly we do.  The rest got ahm... A little excited?  We didn't think we'd find anyone like you this soon to be honest.
It's, it's fine, I needed to get some uhm... Exercise anyway.
where's Lucas?
Probably jumped off a building to get to bed faster
Wait what, what did you, what?  Wait w-wait --wait!  Is-is he okay?
 *talking over Faust*. So anyway,  We got a proposition for ya.  How'd ya like to live with all your living expenses paid while learning how to use your powers n'... Other boring education stuff.
not going to lie, that sounds like a scam.
... yea I said that too. 
It's not though!  Truly, the Professor seems like a really nice dude, if not a little...
he's super weird dude, but not in a bad way, like cool weird.
... Eccentric.
Faust: ... Not sure if I can deal with more of that, to be honest.
Listen, we really think that it'd help, we... Haven't quite started yet ourselves but... It all seems really nice.
 ... So you're bringing me into something that you don't even know 
 I.. uh...
We get extra credit if we help find more people!
 *grabbing at Dylan to try to quiet him down, he tries talking while muffled by her hand*
Oh.  *Sounding legitimately disappointed* so... It's not me.  You just want to get some extra benefits then?
*Sheepishly* I... Was going to tell you?
I'll try this... This whatever it is out.  It's not like anything can get much worse, could it?
*Confidently* things always can get worse!
*Cutting in* but they won't!  *Quietly* I hope...
*Handing Faust a bit of paper* here, this is supposedly when the first orientation is, we'd really really really like it if you came with us?  No pressure.
Faust, reading out loud
Dear Student,
To my momentous delight, it has come to my astute attention that you have the unique requirements to be invited to the brand new prestigious Wayward Academy. This is a place for those who do not belong anywhere else, who could not possibly come to their full potential without the support of our diligent staff... (Jeez these are a lot of big words) ... And we wish to formally invite you to our orientation and interviewing process to find out where you can fit in our family.  Any who bring a friend or enemy who also shows potential will receive extra amenities that have not yet been decided upon, but we promise they will be quite a treat! I am excited to also inform you that this letter of invitation also serves as a confirmation of a grant that will be awarded to you if/when you are approved for admittance which will pay for lodgings on or off campus.  I would be honored if you would allow me to interview and learn about your talents and how you would fit in here.  Please consider a visit!
With utmost respect and excitement,
Professor Xavier J. Winter
*Everyone is quiet for a while*
well, see ya!  *Leaves*
I- uh- we'd really like it if you came.  At least to let us treat you to a meal as an apology for... The trauma of tonight.  Please uh, consider?  *Coughs awkwardly* I'll uh, hopefully see you there...?
*As he's walking away* I... Guess?
*after a few more seconds*
... I still don't know where I am.
I found my way home eventually, of course. I guess that's kind of obvious since I'm here and not uh, frozen to death or mugged or eaten by animals.  And uh... I-im honestly not quite sure... What else to say...?
"My dear Faust, welcome to the Academy."
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carrii-on · 2 months
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ghost-qwq · 8 months
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me when uhhh art dump,, typical Fallout sillies
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ghastly-poltergeist · 7 months
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Sneak peak WIP for my next post giggles evily
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