greasedupclown · 10 months
Kurloz just elboWVed my head off.
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volatilemariner · 1 year
christ, my legs are killing me.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Cronus Ampora, Mituna Captor
Act 6, page 5308
CRONUS: hey, chief. looking good today. is that a newv helmet?
CRONUS: easy there, it vwas a joke. of course its not a newv helmet. vwhat, do you think im retar... um, short on common sense?
CRONUS: did you see meenah go by?
CRONUS: she vwent that vway, didnt she?
CRONUS: are you sure?
CRONUS: listen mate, i dont mean to call you a liar, but i sawv her vwalk up to you.
CRONUS: i vwas spying on both of you from behind the hivwe ovwer there. i sawv you do a seriously groovwy face plant off the railing.
MITUNA: N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0 N0
#N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0 #N0
CRONUS: hahaha. youre really priceless, captor. havwe i evwer told you vwhat a cool cat i think you are?
CRONUS: i really feel like youre one of the only people i can open up to about my feelings. i guess it really does help to confide in someone vwho basically lacks the ability to repeat vwhat you say vwith any clarity or coherence, or evwen understand vwhat you said in the first place.
MITUNA: Y0UR3 571LL 70UCH1NG M3 4ND 1 D0N7 UND3R574ND WHY 7H15 15 H4PP3PP1NG
CRONUS: but truth be told, i alvways felt that vway about you before you evwen started havwing, vwell, your issues. vwe alvways had a good thing together, didnt vwe?
CRONUS: dont get me vwrong, i knowv you and latula are in a vwery committed matespritship, though lets face facts, she could obvwiously do better. and i mean much better. really she is just in a totally different league, she is charming and gorgeous, vwhereas you are, vwell... you, unfortunately. and i vwouldnt dare to intrude on your longstanding moirallegiance vwith kurloz, and not because he scares the shit out of me either. that just really seems to vwork, you and him, doesnt it? i dont get a peep out of him of course, not evwen if im super nice and compliment his hideous hair, and obvwiously i receivwe nothing but disgusting horseshit out of your mouth evwery time you open it. but you seem to bring good qualities out of each other, no? is it true, the rumor that you are actually lucid vwhen you talk to him, instead of behavwing like a babbling, vwertigo stricken imbecile?
CRONUS: but vwhat im trying to say is, you dont judge like the others. vwell, ok, you do, but i cant really take your vwitriol that seriously because you are so obvwiously retar... reticent vwith your true emotions. like for instance, vwho could i confide in vwhen i began to fully come to terms vwith this feeling deep inside that i vwas actually a human "born" in the body of a troll, but nevwer realized it until learning about the humans? nobody. except you, of course. you dont care that i am humankin. you dont mock me for it and trivwialize my tragic existence. vwell, you do, but the point im trying to make is that vwhen you mock me it doesnt actually mean anything, because evwerything you say is such putrid nonsense.
MITUNA: 1 W4N7 7H47 Y0UR H4ND 70 N07 83 0N MY 80DY PL3453
CRONUS: vwhat? no, come on guy. im just givwing you a friendly little shoulder massage, vwith one hand, like this. see? in a vway that seems vwery casual, like "bros" do. please dont make this more awvkvward than it needs to be.
CRONUS: i forgivwe you.
CRONUS: nowv hold that thought. im going to see if i can go catch up vwith meenah. dont followv me, because obvwiously youre going to cramp my style. hovw does my hair look? nevwer mind, you dont knowv vwhat youre talking about, ill just use your reflectivwe vwisor to check myself out. yes, looking great.
CRONUS: jeepers, youre a thick headed fella. i just told you to stay put. im going to try out some especially bold movwes on peixes ovwer there, really put out the vwibe, you dig? i dont think i need to remind you that your presence vwill be like spraying the area vwith libidocide.
CRONUS: uh, beforus to captor. hello, this is mission control, is anything getting through that helmet? i am saying that your presence is sexual poison, and if you are drooling nearby vwhile i chat her up, she vwill become distracted and havwe trouble picturing me naked. as a vwing man, i must say, you are a true fucking disgrace.
#true #fucking #disgrace
CRONUS: please stop apologizing so much, its really unattractivwe. at this point evwen IM not sure if i vwant to sleep vwith you.
CRONUS: nowv before i go, i just need to think of a good vway to break the ice. oh, ivwe got it! ill open vwith some jokes about howv hilarious it vwas vwhen you fell on your face ovwer there, and vwhat absolutely incredible fuckup you are on evwery levwel.
CRONUS: thank you for the inspiration, friend.
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vwanker · 2 years
*vwalking around san francisco vwith a huge tourist backpack and a confused, bevwildered expression as i repeatedly skim the pages of a book in my hand then look around evwen more vwisibly confused and upset* *vwhen you get a look at the book covwer you see its a travwel guide to budapest*
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ianlam · 2 years
香港最大停車場資訊平台,提供停車場、汽車服務、車房、油站等資訊。禁一個制,地圖會教你點樣行去!AI 計算,即時為你搵出最近你既汽車服務,一眼睇哂附近有停車場、油站、汽車服務等,快捷方便。
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Crown Princess Victoria’s walks through Sweden (4/5)
22nd October 2018- The Crown Princess hiked through her sister Madeleine’s Duchy Hälsingland
20th March 2019- Victoria visits Norrbotten, home to many of Sweden’s indigenous Sámi people
29th March 2019- Her Royal Highness walks through the mountainous province of Härjedalen
12th April 2019- The Crown Princess takes in the province of Halland, once the Duchy of her beloved great-uncle Prince Bertil 
26th April 2019- Victoria hiked through Västmanland and saw how the province has recovered from devastating fires in 2014 
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cumagic · 4 years
my vwrist keeps trying to dislocate and like? can you not?
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svweettalk · 3 years
👀 Okay, so what are the tattoos? And what's the next one?
uhh. god.
got a spade/heart on my right arm, almost in my armpit lmao. and the other's a kiss on my thigh.
i vwas thinking something like, idk. a guitar? idk. i vwasn't really planning it that hard.
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dirtiedcrowvn · 5 years
i really should try and talk to some of yall follovwing and make some friends outside of the cro squad. h
anyone interested in talking to me? i dont bite promise. im friendly and not horny.
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asktheseacowvboys · 5 years
Its past the cliffs on the south end of the beach
I usually run to the edge and back for my vwarmups but theres some really cool places in there that i go to practice magic
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trolldannyzuko · 6 years
@posthelms said: B0ld 0f y0u tw0 assume 1 have a b0dy tw0 sh0ve 1n a l0cker
bold of you to out yourself as a nerd like this. 
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greasedupclown · 8 months
I like VWhen people don't have a real concept of hoWV to animate someone VWalking forVWard so you get someone in an emotional scene in an animation sliding at you like this gif.
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volatilemariner · 1 year
god, finally.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Cronus Ampora, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5308
CRONUS: wvell vwell wvelvlw...
CRONUS: i sawv you vwalking my vway, and i had this smooth line all ready to go.
CRONUS: but for some reason i decided to open it vwith a tongue tvwister?
CRONUS: vwery nice ampora, starting your killer line with three consecutivwe 'W' vwords in a rowv.
#W's are hard #theyre hard and no one understands #(V's too)
MEENAH: what uh
MEENAH: was your killer pickup line goin to be
MEENAH: or should i ask
CRONUS: sigh, nevwer evwen MIND, its so ruined nowv.
#just nevwer EVWEN
CRONUS: i just sawv you strutting in my direction, vwith all of your impressivwe moxy and confidence, for the first time in, howv long?
CRONUS: and i got a little excited. i vwas going to blowv you out of the vwater vwith that line, but, i guess nothings changed?
MEENAH: guess not
MEENAH: sounds like youre still the bard of tries too hard
CRONUS: oh, nice. you alvways knewv howv to tvwist the fork.
CRONUS: actually, all you girls are quite adept at tvwisting your respectivwe utensils.
CRONUS: the guys too, now that i think about it. can i ask you a question? why do all you pretentious scenester types enjoy being so cruel to especially sensitivwe and artistic people?
MEENAH: so i take it even after a billion sweeps here with a boat load of eligible spook shorties to mack on
MEENAH: you still never got any action
CRONUS: first you tvwist the fork, then you use it to pry into my personal life? thats really just so svwell of you, meenah.
CRONUS: vwithout commenting specifically on that, (because seriously, VWHAT? so rude), i vwill say that it gets vwery frustrating after the first fewv epochs trying to make heads or tails vwhat people are evwen LOOKING for. i mean, in ANY quadrant.
CRONUS: nowv, please don't tell anyone i said so, but you and i both knowv pretty much all these people should feel honored to go out vwith a guy like me.
CRONUS: vwhat being royalty and all, and not evwen slightly put off by dating dowvn on the spectrum. i mean, really, howv much more evwident can i make it to evweryone that im really a cool, progressivwe, easy going dude, vwho doesnt take the social order seriously or buy into any of the stereotypes? first of all, as if the hemospectrum scene isnt 8EYOND played out.
#you should be sticking your fork in THAT
CRONUS: i barely EVWER evwen bring up my high social status. it couldnt be LESS of a big deal to me, but i think people maybe are still intimidated by it? theyre probably putting me on a pedestal, in spite of all my easy going assurances that my royal lineage is something i nevwer evwen think about. like, no friend, i am just like you. vwe laugh at the same jokes, listen to, vwell, to some extent, the same music...
#i at least USED to listen to music you like #does that count?
CRONUS: all these cats and kittens, im telling you. theyre alvways drawvn to the freaks and rejects. you havwe to be 8ROKEN in some vway to get a little concupiscent attention.
#cats #kittens #freaks #rejects #broken
CRONUS: they nevwer seem to givwe the time of day to a guy vwhos sensitivwe, and listens to people, and sticks to his poetry and music, and i guess... just someone vwho tries to be there for them.
#sensitivwe #listens #poetry #music #there for them
CRONUS: hovwevwer, the bright side of my vwarious rejections is that is has helped me craft a privwate list of people vwho are objectivwely fucking terrible, vwhich id be happy to share vw...
CRONUS: meenah? vwhered you go?
CRONUS: crud, she vwalked avway vwhile i vwas saying stuff.
CRONUS: really blewv that one in record time.
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violetbard · 6 years
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hopereturn · 3 years
it's hard to put all of my emotions into vwords but, lovwing jet is so easy and freeing?
i vwake up and i see him and i just get filled vwith some much joy and lovwe for him, and i just knowv things vwill be alright.
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