#page 5308
pesterloglog · 10 months
Kurloz Makara, Meulin Leijon
Act 6, page 5308
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dirkspanelcollection · 6 months
Every page Cronus Ampora is in
Part one
(most of)the chat screenshots from page 5308
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inatyzzy · 1 year
Best and worst pages of homestuck so far?
ooo this is a fun question
shit did you mean favorite and worst in terms of panel art or in terms of like of feelings and beats?
uhh panel art first
worst (because it just makes me icked to look at)
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best (cause its a vibe i relate to and stim to when listening to music)
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ok if you mean beats and story and shit- check here:
so worst first is kinda cheaating cause its one of the dancestor games! its 5308. only specifically because the part with cronus and mituna made me so extremely uncomfortable in a way i hadnt felt with the comic before?
for a more lighthearted answer, pretty much any page with roxy pre game entrance. i love her now, but i could not stand her during her alcoholism.
best page is hard. its really easy to say [S]GAME OVER. for its visuals and bouncy flow and ups/down or [S]ACT 6 ACT 6 INTERMISSION 5 for the pure wholesomeness that was really needed (cause sometimes you just need filler happy moments, eg witcher 3 with geralt and ciri)
but that feels cheating since theyre animations? so im going with very specifically 6,017 cause it made me cry for the first time and really changed me to caring mostly about what happens to/with terezi. maybe its just be being a libra and so looking to relating to her without realizing, but i really did relate to her plight and yeah it relaly got to me
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anti-vistoron · 2 years
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Toro no Ori - Chapter 22: Online / Download
Thank you Quietus for the raws, Varrick for translating, @copernicus-translations for cleaning, Ahuva for proofreading, and @thedigitalpen for quality checking!
We are speed. Page 5308 isn’t missing, it was simply removed in the volume, so we did that as well. No idea when we’ll release the next one, unfortunately I can’t promise that we’ll be faster, but I can promise you that we’ll probably finish the manga!
Link to join our Discord server in case you want to chat about the manga: https://discord.gg/APE3ajVV7w
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fefairys · 9 months
Mituna, and the dancestors in general really, are so weird to try to discuss because I feel like the divide between fanon and canon for them has always been pretty big. The exception being Meenah, mostly because she gets the most time as an actual character.
yeah meenah and aranea are like, actual characters, whereas the rest of the dancestors are just parody characters by design. (this is because, fun fact for anyone who didn't already know, meenah and aranea were originally going to be the only named dancestors, with the rest left up to speculation)
obviously right now im trying to ask, what's everyone's thoughts on mituna, as presented in the webcomic homestuck? like, what do you think of his presentation? page 5308 is where all mituna content is btw (aside from ministrife i think) in case anyone wants to go back and get a refresher.
because my thought process on him is a cyclical loop and i dont think that i'll ever come to any sort of conclusion about it, really. for the rest of the dancestors, i actually have pretty solid Thoughts and Takes on them, but mituna keeps my wheels spinning, man.
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homestuck-book-club · 2 years
Week 18: Reading to 5309, which is 106 pages overall 
12 December (Monday)- 5204-5223 
13 December (Tuesday)- 5224-5243 
14 December (Wednesday)-5243-5262 
15 December (Thursday)-5263 (really big flash game) 
16 December (Friday)- 5264-5285 
17 December (Saturday)- 5286-5307 
18 December (Sunday)- 5308-5309 (also really big flash game)
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SCP Foundation art,  antimemes, part 2.
SCP-4087 - Absence of a Knife by The Great Hippo: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4087
SCP-4144 - The Most Important Meal Of The Day by Mortos: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4144
SCP-4473 - You Make Me Feel Like by Tanhony: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4473 
SCP-4804 - The Pulp is Fictional by not_a_seagull: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4804
SCP-5009 - Catch-22 by tupacofficial: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-5009 
SCP-5308 - A Collection by TheBlueHour: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-5308
Antimemetics Division Hub by qntm: http://scp-wiki.net/antimemetics-division-hub
CASE COLOURLESS GREEN by qntm: http://scp-wiki.net/case-colourless-green
Fresh Hell by qntm: http://scp-wiki.net/fresh-hell
"Nobody" HUB by Dr Hockenberry: http://scp-wiki.net/nobody-hub
djkaktus's Proposal III (The Way It Ends) by djkaktus: http://scp-wiki.net/djkaktus-s-proposal-iii
Patreon | Author Page | Art Hub | Twitter | DeviantArt | Lofter
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locatingself · 3 years
Colin McCahon
‘To Colin McCahon the essence of Christian Art appeared to lie in its absolute honesty. It seemed that a work of Christian Art could be produced by a man not living a Christian life and that such a work need not necessarily be good art or its subject matter be religious. McCahon came moreover to the opinion that Christian Art needed to manifest the suppression of the artist’s personality in his work, that is, an utter humility before the spirit of the work. The work hadto be honest and not “declaiming anything about the artist himself”.’30
L. Beiringa. (1975). Colin McCahon: ‘Religious’ Works 1946–52. 
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Artist. C. McCahon. (1950) Easter Morning. [Painting]. Auckland Art Gallery. https://www.aucklandartgallery.com/explore-art-and-ideas/artwork/5308
‘From the end of 1946 until the early 1950s McCahon’s drawings and paintings reflected his interest in religious art. Selecting his subject matter from popularly-known biblical events and stories, he reinterpreted them in settings of contemporary New Zealand landscapes, putting emphasis on the spiritual and human values implicit in each scene.Towards the end of 1946 McCahon completed I Paul to you at Ngatimote 1946 (page 67), the first painting in which he placed a cast of biblical characters in the New Zealand countryside. 
Although the landscape itself is not paramount in the painting, the titling of the work specifically situates the biblical disciple Paul in a particular New Zealand locale, a farming community on the east bank of the Motueka River near Nelson. By choosing Ngatimote – the correct spelling of which is actually Ngatimoti, and which translates as ‘belonging to’ or ‘place of’ Timothy in Maori – McCahon alludes to Paul’s Letters to Timothy in the New Testament.In this year Gordon Tovey, with whom McCahon had studied in Dunedin, was appointed National Supervisor of Arts and Crafts. A significant feature of Tovey’s directorship was his promotion of the idea that Maori art was on a par with art produced by New Zealanders of European ancestry. This recognition contributed to an already growing interest in Maori culture.
Several of the images were based on McCahon’s memory of Renaissance paintings he had seen in books and chosen for their existential human meaning. Equally, people, places and incidents observed in McCahon’s daily life functioned as triggers. To use but one example, a power-line repairman observed climbing a telegraph pole became a figure climbing a ladder leaned against the Cross in Crucifixion (For Rodney Kennedy) 1947 (page 70).’
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Artist. C. McCahon. (1947) Entombment (after Titian). [Painting]. Te Papa. https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/object/44138
‘Colin McCahon’s interpretation of the execution of Jesus Christ on the cross borrows as much from a vernacular New Zealand setting and European Renaissance art as it does from the Bible’s high-tempo Gospel of Mark. McCahon’s plasticine-coloured hills and sky sing with primary school vibrancy. In the background, Jerusalem’s Temple curtain – which tore in two at the moment of Jesus’ death – is flung high from a simple country church. The speech balloons of Christ and those mocking him below, meanwhile, gain their sense of immediacy from the visual language of comic strips and small-town grocery store signage and packaging.’ 
Christchurch Art Gallery. (2020). As Time Unfolds. https://christchurchartgallery.org.nz/collection/82-50/colin-mccahon/crucifixion-according-to-st-mark
‘While I was at Rodney’s this weekend I saw your Crucifixion painting. It struck me greatly. Not that I am a competent critic of style; but this I found very moving. A Presbyterian rather than a Catholic occurrence. I mean – rawness, Christ suffering, not Christ triumphantly Son of God. The tags of speech are surprisingly successful, recalling (a) cartoon strips and (b) stained glass windows, though there one usually sees only the names of saints.’ James K Baxter in letter 
In McCahon’s work, Christianity is contextualised in NZ. This is really interesting because we are so used to seeing Christianity in Greek and Roman settings. But What I love about this is that Christianity is for every nation and is intended for all people, and so it should be linked to people, contextualised to their way of life. McCahon does this by bringing in the vernacular to these scenes . I love this because Jesus was God incarnate, and he lived a total human life - with eating, and being tired, and working for a living. Jesus lived the vernacular life, as well as the spiritual! They entertwine! One informs the other. Coming back to that spiritual linking to the physical world. 
It’s also interesting to note that McCahon was influenced by poet James K Baxter, who after sobering up and becoming a Christian, felt God calling him to serve a small Maori community ‘Jerusalem’ - a Maori settlement on the Whanganui River. Baxter went there to serve the marginalised people of the region. These artists also serving people... linking to the marginalised people. showing the relevance of Christ in relationship to us in every day, and to the marginalised in society.
‘In late 1968, as a result of a dream in which he heard the call ‘Go to Jerusalem’, Baxter travelled to a Maori settlement of the same name on the Whanganui River. Here he founded a community based on a fusion of Christian and Maori spiritual values. It provided a base for marginalised people – the drug-addicts, alcoholics, unemployed and homeless whom Baxter called, in Maori, his nga mokai (‘fatherless ones’) – and a place for sanctuary and healing. Here, in 1970, he wrote what is perhaps his best-known and acclaimed poem cycle, Jerusalem Sonnets.’
The pilgrimage of these artists McCahon and Baxter from art to faith, struggles with alcoholism, to serving the marginalised - particularly Maori people in NZ is really interesting to me personally because I am increasingly having dreams that head more this direction... eventually want to live up north with my partner to serve his iwi, having recently gotten involved with some volunteering work in conjunction with Auckland city Mission we have interest in serving marginalised people. And I keep trying to think how this all fits in with being an artist/designer. It’s very cool to know that people have travelled a similar path as creatives.
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C. McCahon. (1979). May His Light shine. [Painting] Cornwall Park. https://www.mccahon.co.nz/cm001517
Also interestingly, McCahon’s work - particularly this religious period of work, got absolutely shredded for being ugly and a pretentious attempt at being religious. While quite honestly some of the depictions of Jesus scare me a bit because they are rather ’plasticine’ I think McCahon had a genuine heart that wanted to link these Biblical stories to vernacular Kiwi life, and did not want to avoid suffering. Even thinking about his context - NZ in a time that was filled with poverty Post war and the hard work of the land... these subjects have a deep relevance that in our modern western comfort we think we do not need.
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C. McCahon. (1970). Scared. [Painting]. Te Papa. https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/object/763435
‘A stark, blackboard-like image, Scared contains a brief text scrawled in white: ‘I am scared / I STAND UP’. These two phrases go to the heart of McCahon’s preoccupations: a confession of existential anxiety, couched in the most direct language, followed by a resounding declaration of courage and faith. The sense of urgency is reinforced by the script, which is hastily applied, spattering dots of white paint against the dark background.’
I love this so much. The rawness in McCahon’s work is the communication of a real faith. A wrestling that chooses to trust God regardless. the way faith infiltrates and touches all aspects of life. Someone who had failed and had doubts and struggled and chose faith regardless, and honest as every Christian should be, revealed his need for the grace of God. I also love the way McCahon uses text, this ‘typographical’ work makes me think about the link to design and the use of type to communicate.
M. Bloem, M. Browne. (2002). Colin McCahon: A Question of Faith. Craig Potton Publishing. https://www.mccahon.co.nz/questionoffaith
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I found your questions to be quite intriguing. I'll try to form some answers based on what we know from the comic.
"what about “family” “boy” “girl” “mom” “dad” etc???"
They probably wouldn't have that. Troll "families" are generally considered to be a Lusus and their little grub. So I'd imagine they have one word for 'lusus' and that's it.
"would they have their own signs for genders?"
Despite the fact that their reproductive organs are pretty much... universal, meaning every troll has the right equipment to breed with any other troll, they do differentiate between girls and boys. So yes.
“lesbian” “gay” “bi”???
Again, because of the previous point, technically all trolls are "bi". BUT there are some trolls (like Kanaya) who have a preference for trolls who identify as female.
"would Alternian language have more words for murder and killing like in Latin?"
Yes probably. Casual murder is a pretty avarage thing to happen on Alternia.
"would they even have a solid sign language???"
See I'm not too sure about this. If a troll would need to use sign language, that means that they're deaf/mute or both. The alternian troll government (the Empress) doesn't care for weaklings, like mutants (Karkat) and the like; because when they grow into adults, they're sent out into space to be intergalactic soldiers, and serve the empire.
It's much more likely that if a troll is lacking something, or hatched with a mutation, they'll just get culled, or exiled, forced into hiding for the rest of their lives.
That's on Alternia. The troll planet that was influenced by Doc Scratch' evil.
However there exists a troll planet that was untouched by the Cueballhead, and that is Beforus. On Beforus, trolls basically had the opposite system. Where highbloods are obligated to help out the lowerbloods.
So unsurprisingly, you have Kurloz and Meulin who regularly use sign language.
"would words and mannerisms change depending on your blood color? would it be more fast and violent??"
I'll just tell you to check out the flash pages that introduce them. I think that gives you a good profile about the way they communicate with sign language.
"what about language in general? would low bloods be"
I really like the next couple of interpretations you wrote. They are very interesting, and I think I could see them as actual linguistic phenomena on Alternia. For example,
"would an olive blood speak with more chirps and chitters due to being around more animals?"
would make a lot of sense, at least for Nepeta, who lives in the forest, and was raised by a LITERAL CAT. When cats do their trilling it's basically for attracting smaller creatures to hunt. It would make sense for Nepeta to kind of incorporate it into her vocab or somesuch.
"what about high bloods?"
"would sea dwellers use bubbles and water in their language??"
Most of the characters' personalities are partly demonstrated with their typing quirks. That's pretty much the only source we have that could confirm these ideas, but I think when Feferi and Eridan say "glub glub" it's probably something like that.
"and what about attraction??"
I think that's pretty much up to the individual troll. Relationships in Homestuck tend to be used for character developement, or to demonstrate something plot related, not necessarily a sign of physical attraction.
On Alternia, being more mean and rough around the edges, and willing to murder means a higher status, but not necessarily that the troll is attractive. On Beforus I suppose it would be flipped around.
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Openbound pt 2
i mean a lot of the beforan trolls are objectively shitty but god DAMN is cronus bad.
oh.... mituna..... i love you....... i’m so sorry you’re the heir of fucking doom and therefore fated to suffer horribly. i actually like you a lot and you got dealt a raw ass hand.
also.... it looks like some of the coding for mituna’s lines are broken, his dialogue bubbles don’t actually cover all his dialogue.
ALSO ALSO alternate universe selves are NOT you, fucking HELL please c’mon, we ESTABLISHED this like a MILLION times, PEOPLE ArE NOT THEIr ALT TIMELINE SELVES. WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT TO UNDErSTAND.
cronus. and kankri. are both the fucking worst in completely separate ways and they amplify the horribleness whenever they are together.
karkat. karkat you have more natural leadership in your little toe than the condesce has in her entire fuckin’ body.
case in fuckin’ point: the way you’re helping build up terezi even though she’s a little sensitive because of her ancestor? while being 100% genuine and recognizing her unique abilities?
yeah. you’re a *great* fucking leader karkat.
(also knights always recognize when other knights are bullshitting it’s like a shared class trait. karkat’s calling latula the fuck out and he’s *right* all while not recognizing he’s doing the exact same thing)
god i can’t believe there’s another one still....
page: 5308
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Meenah Peixes, Cronus Ampora, Kankri Vantas
Act 6, page 5308
MEENAH: yo that was some scuzzy repartee there even for you crodog
CRONUS: the last thing my feelings need is your harsh judgment. i just cant handle that, on top of evwerything else youvwe done to me.
MEENAH: what the fuck else i done to you??
CRONUS: you ignored me.
CRONUS: this is serious. please dont dismiss my emotions like that.
CRONUS: look, i havwe an especially tortured and confused sole. i reelly cant afjord anemone more greef from you.
#eh? #ehhhh?
MEENAH: i cannot
MEENAH: you are doing my fish pun thing while youre still tryin to hit on me
CRONUS: nyeh. vworth a shot.
MEENAH: dont ever say a fish thing again or ill gut you
CRONUS: you knowv, youre being a bit hypocritical here, dont you think?
MEENAH: what
CRONUS: taking me to task for ripping captor a sorely deservwed newv nook.
CRONUS: like you arent evwen more guilty of abusing the poor fella.
MEENAH: youre such a glubbin liar
CRONUS: oh am i?
CRONUS: tell me, pray tell, vwho vwas it exactly, in vwhich alternate univwerse, that used growvnup captor as a livwing vwarp drivwe in her spaceship for millenia?
MEENAH: hey that wasnt me
MEENAH: i mean
MEENAH: not yet... uh
MEENAH: alternate ways
CRONUS: oh sure. no grub sauce on your hands!
MEENAH: wow you did it
MEENAH: ampora you totally changed my mind about you lets start makin out immediately
CRONUS: just admit it. you havwe it vwithin you to be just as harsh to our behelmeted buddy as i am, if not more.
MEENAH: a girls gotta have fuel for her pimp ride know what im sayin
MEENAH: like
MEENAH: i probably took care of him good
MEENAH: you know how it is someones gotta take care of the guy anyways
MEENAH: and... yeah
CRONUS: oh, howv the rationalizations begin to flowv vwhen it suits your ovwerinflated ego. so vwery typical of the kind of people vwho reject me.
#i.e. literally evweryone
MEENAH: at least i dont think im an alien
CRONUS: vwhat? vwhat are you talking about?
MEENAH: look at you all frontin in that stupid getup
MEENAH: with your slicked hair and that dumb little wand in your mouth
CRONUS: excuse me. its not a vwand. you knovw perfectly vwell my vwizarding days are behind me. its called a "human cigarette" and apparently youre supposed to set it on fire.
CRONUS: although if you ask me, burning it seems like a vwaste of a perfectly good and cool "cigarette."
MEENAH: i heard a rumor you think youre a human now
MEENAH: that true
CRONUS: its a privwate matter. i dont see vwhy i should havwe to talk about it vwith you, and open myself up to more of your judgmental scorn.
MEENAH: sounds like another desperate cry for attention imo
KANKRI: I feel I sh9uld jump in here at this m9ment, Meenah, 6ef9re y9u inadvertently shame Cr9nus f9r his extremely delicate feelings 9f species dysph9ria.
CRONUS: no, kankri... man, you dont need to jump in here and defend me like this. i got it.
MEENAH: aaaand im gone
MEENAH: you bros can figure out your boring feelings without me
CRONUS: meenah vwait... awv man. just like that, shes out of my life again. you had to go and fuck it up for me, didnt you? some "friends" i havwe.
KANKRI: Listen, I was d9ing y9u a fav9r. Y9u d9n't need t9 6e dating any9ne wh9 can't appreciate y9u f9r wh9 y9u really are, 9r m9re imp9rtantly, which fantasy versi9n 9f y9urself y9u m9st str9ngly identify with.
CRONUS: yeah, youre probably right. she doesnt appreciate me. so fevw of you cats do, really.
#evwen the ones vwho literally identify as cats
CRONUS: to be honest, she might be right. sometimes i think i might only be saying im a human to get attention. maybe i should givwe it up.
KANKRI: I'd 6e extremely disapp9inted t9 hear that, if it were true. That w9uld 6e such a slap in the face t9 all th9se wh9 kn9w themselves t9 6e an alien while trapped in the pedestrian 69dy 9f their 9wn race. It w9uld 6e unspeaka6ly invalidating 9f their struggles and massively triggering t9 their em9ti9ns.
#TW #invalidated struggles #triggered em9ti9ns
KANKRI: 6ut f9rtunately, I kn9w y9u w9uld never st99p as l9w as that. Y9u understanda6ly have d9u6ts a69ut y9ur feelings and pr96a6ly d9wnplay them as a defense mechanism, since s9 few are prepared t9 rec9gnize the legitimacy 9f y9ur plight. 6ut I am, and I just wanted y9u t9 kn9w that I'm here f9r y9u, and am prepared t9 lecture t9 y9u extensively, I mean, listen t9 y9u extensively, a69ut y9ur ultra-imp9rtant pr96lem.
CRONUS: vwowv. thanks, pal.
CRONUS: youre right. my feelings really are real. not fake, like the huge disappointing fraud that magic turned out to be.
CRONUS: i guess the truth is, deep dowvn i alvways knewv i vwas a 1950s-style human greaser.
CRONUS: i just needed to finally be introduced to human culture to make sense of those feelings.
KANKRI: W9nderful. I'm s9 happy y9u have f9und the light 9f truth within y9urself. N9w j9in me in tagging 9ur discussi9n with righte9us warnings, as we c9nsecrate y9ur disadvantage in the h9ly annals 9f Pr96lematics.
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voiceovernexus · 6 years
Take heart, Meenah! It's only been almost two years (at least by our standards) since you started your ghost army quest. You're bound to find someone out there to help.... right??? 
Kira Buckland as Meulin (https://arachnidsgrip.co.vu/) 
Lunarch as Kurloz (https://lunarchitect.tumblr.com/) 
The complete cast list can be found here: http://voiceovernexus.tumblr.com/post/22411586910/cast-list
Read Homestuck at http://www.homestuck.com/ All images, characters, and dialogue belong to Andrew Hussie. This is a non-profit fan adaptation of his work. 
This episode covers (the latter half of) page 5308 of the comic. 
Editing: Kinda Red (https://kindagreen.tumblr.com) 
Music Credits can be found in the video description.
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Best Times to Post on TikTok in 2022: Maximize Your Reach
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Oh, neat, I just accidentally found the suburb debugger on page 5308 of Homestuck
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kathpad · 7 years
Voltron Shiro-Centric fic recs
Fanfictions about Shiro, that are Shiro-centric or have Shiro as the main character,- because we all need more of our precious Space dad.   ♥ - I personally recommend this Story.
This list is not finished yet
Part 1: Non-Pairing
Hurt!Shiro or Sick!Shiro
♥ Parasite Knight by VelkynKarma [Chapter 14/14 Words:86,840] “You may refuse all you like, Champion, but I have found the one thing in the universe that can be absolutely counted on is that everything that exists desires to survive. Even you. Perhaps especially you.” Something’s not right with Shiro, but it may go far deeper than anybody anticipated.               
The Opposite of Sorrow by nightwalker [OS / Words:6,165] Shiro takes a hit from a druid spell that causes its victims to just quietly give up and die. Fortunately he's got six good reasons to keep fighting. Light of the Galaxy by thekingoftrash [OS / Words:5308] Sometimes, it's the aftermath of freeing a planet that gets you. OR Shiro's hurt, Hunk's helpful, and Lance and Keith argue over the proper grammar usage of quiznak. Hurricane by a_fearsome_thing [Chapters:2/2 / Words:4778] Shiro is injured and very pragmatic about it. Hunk is decidedly less so. Silence is Golden by VelkynKarma [OS / Words:10,291] It's just a sore throat. It's really not that big a deal. But the rest of team Voltron doesn't really see it that way—and Shiro's taking a day off whether he likes it or not. Senmō by The Otaku With Hazel Eyes [Chapter: 2/2 Words: 5,078] While under the effects of an alien fever, Shiro dreams of another time when he was sick. Confused and ill, he cries out for the only person he thinks can aid him- his mother. (A moment of Shiro bonding with the paladins stemming from him being sick, and a look into his thoughts. Two-shot.) Phantom Limb by Paint_the_Angsty_Memer [OS / Words:2,295] Patients who undergo an amputation, often feel sensation of where the missing limb was, as if it's still there.The symptom is called phantom limb.It's as if the body can't accept that a terrible trauma as occurred.  The mind is trying to make the body complete again.Patients who experience phantom limb report many different sensations.  But by the far the most common, is pain.         Not Ready to Die (Not Yet), Pull Me Out by realityisiron  [OS / Words:872]        What Shiro hadn’t told any of them was that when a lion had settled in his bones, death had settled right beside her. Shiro being the Black Paladin had some unfortunate implications. Part 1 of the series Train Wreck   ♥ Giggle at a Funeral by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [OS / Words:2,375]        Stranded and wounded on a planet, Shiro is bleeding out. Luckily, he can still contact his team. Unluckily, he's well enough to talk at them. ♥ One Hundred Percent Probability by VelkynKarma [OS / Words:14,004] Shiro has no one to blame but himself for getting stuck on a mission with Slav, really. And of course it has to go all wrong, because really, when does it ever not.    
Post-Season 2
what the living won’t let go by mumblefox [OS / Words:9132] After their battle with Zarkon, it takes Shiro a moment to realize that something's a little strange. It takes him even longer to fix it. a hollow nest to dream by lacking, Quadriviuum [OS / Words:14428] Shiro blinks and sees a black sun reflected on dark water, his own fingers wrapped tightly around his lion’s controls. Constellations spin overhead and a view screen flickers in front of his eyes, the images blending together like a poorly exposed photograph. There’s a sharp pull deep within his chest, a hook slipping in between two ribs that catches when it tries to lift free.Shiro becomes unfixed in space and time after vanishing from the Black Lion, slipping between alternate versions of his life. The paladins try to bring him back, but their interference could be causing more harm than good. Reconstruction by grimwoode   [Chapters:6/6 / Words:15,677]     When their explosive battle with Zarkon is finally over, the paladins are shocked to find the Black Lion lifeless and her paladin missing. Little do they know, Shiro has unwillingly entered his own battle where his very essence is in danger. With the help of the paladins and the Black Lion, Shiro has to pave his own way back to reality.   Out of Phase by LittleWhiteTie  [Chapters:5/5 / Words: 18,740] Shiro is lost, only able to contact the paladins during their dreams. He helps them through their nightmares when they need him the most, but it's getting harder and harder to find them as he starts to lose track of what's real and what's imagined. He's losing his grip on this reality, and his sense of self is beginning to fall apart. He's going to need their help to get back before he disappears entirely.  Finding Home by PencilofAwesomeness [Chapter:7/7 / Words:34,969]      Shiro is nowhere to be found, but the paladins aren't going to give up on finding him. Problem is, the galaxy is a big place to find one person.Shiro isn't sure exactly where he is, but he's determined to find his way back. But the road home is longer when one doesn't know where it is.  Part 1 of the  Finding Home series The Black Paladin by GriffinRose [Chapter 22/22 / Words:80,488] The empire is not as defeated as the team thought, which make's Shiro's disappearance that much more bitter. Everyone's a little lost and confused, some physically, some mentally. No one knows what's going on, and honestly the appearance of some Prince guy is the last thing they wanted. But they'll be damned if they let this prince stand in their way of finding Shiro. Part 2 of the The Black Paladin series  Wild Boys by cocopops1995  [Chapter 10/10 / Words: 13,575] Shiro wakes up back in Galra captivity. But he's not having any of that this time. This time he's determined to escape or die trying. Along the way he meets up with some familiar faces, some more unexpected than others. (Written before season 3 aired)  
Shiro & Voltron Lions
And I'll Form the Head by QueenofCheese (Supertights) [ Chapters:4/6 / Words:13,421] Five times Shiro pilot's a Voltron Lion that isn't his when he returns. And one time it is. In My Eyes by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [OS / Words:5,804]   After a fight with the Galra, the Black Lion has to take control of Shiro for a longer period of time.  Allura finds herself uncomfortable. Noise in the Cockpit by pentapus [OS / Words:2067]                 Piloting the black lion was unlike piloting any ship Shiro had ever flown. And it wasn't just the bizarre weight balance. It was that he didn't know on any given day how loud the Lion was going to be.Today was one of the loud days.
Shiro & Team Voltron
Give Them Shelter by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)  [OS / Words:3,488] Have some freakin' gen fluff, you goddamn animals. Of (Space) Dogs and Good Intentions by realityisiron [OS / Words:7753] When in doubt, get your friendly neighborhood Black Paladin a dog for his birthday.Well, considering you're in a galaxy far far away, at least get him a space dog.Nothing will go wrong probably. Playing With Your Food by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [OS / Words:1,720]     Shiro did not sign up for this grocery shopping trip.           Days of Gladiator Love by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [OS / Words:3,589] Turns out, there was a fair bit of merchandising involved with the Gladiator battles, especially with their more famous fighters. Apparently, this includes romance novels. Bridge This Gap by  BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [OS / Words:2,287] Forming Voltron comes with side effects. Kiss From a Rose by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [Chapters:6/6 Words:14,176]               5 times Shiro got kisses from the team, and one time he returned them Like Broken Satellites by itsthevoid [OS / Words:4,854]         Shiro has a history of losing the people he loves. what's needed by eugyne (AreteNike) [OS / Words:2,704]               The one time Shiro gives everything to his team... and the five six times they give it back. The Let The Spectrum In series by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [Works: 7 Words:139,444]
Aftereffects of Shiros time in captivity
(Everything that has the focus on his galra arm, PTSD, special skills he acquired etc.)
Oathkeeping by SassafrassRex (Serbajean) [OS / Words:5213] Dirt on your head. My dick in your mother’s rib-cage. Forgotten turtle’s egg. Wear a green hat. Fuck your second uncle. (And those are just from Earth). Shiro didn’t always have an Altean babelfish. But he figured it out eventually. OR Sport and violence and violence for sport are the universal languages.   ♥   Routine Maintenance by VelkynKarma   [Chapter 6/6 Words:50,777] Being an amputee with a prosthetic limb is difficult enough. Having a solid metal alien prosthetic forced on you by another species entirely is even worse. OR: Five times Shiro’s Galra arm caused him trouble in some way and another member of the team helped him out with it, and the one time the same arm is the only reason any of them survive. Part 2: Advanced Maintenance  [Chapters:2/? / Words:4,863] Maintaining an alien prosthetic limb can be difficult even with help from your friends. Fortunately, Shiro's able to get a little extra assistance from a few unexpected places. Like Forgetting The Words by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) [Chapter 6/6 Words:12,797] 5 times Shiro forgot about his metal arm, and one time he was comfortable remembering.    Part 1 of the Follow-Up series   Melody to my Soul by chidori-blossom237  [OS / Words: 6,840] When the group bring back a piano from the space mall, its presence causes an unexpected reaction in Shiro. Will he find the courage to face this new obstacle in front of him, or have the galra scored another point in their game of torment? Based on 8 prompt words. Post season 2 but Shiro didn't disappear after battling Zarkon.              
♥ Empty Night by BossToaster [OS / Words:5250]   From the Chicago Yellow Pages: "Takashi Shirogane – Wizard   Lost items found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or other Entertainment."When the Chicago Special Investigations Unit finds a murder victim surrounded by strange symbols and candles, there's one person to consult. Road Trip to End Times by VelkynKarma [ Chapters:4/4 / Words:20349] The outbreak is at its peak, and the country is in ruins. But there's still hope: Safe Haven, the colony on the West Coast. Reach it, and you'll find safety and a chance to rebuild a new life in this zombie-controlled world. If you reach it, that is. But Shiro doesn't intend to give up on trying. Not when he's got four teenagers desperate to find their families again under his protection. ♥   When the Wolfbane Blooms by a_fearsome_thing [OS / Words:20,055]   Shiro never makes it back to Earth, instead crash-landing on a planet filled with what seem to be giant wolves. Injured and without a ship, he needs to find a way home to warn the Earth that the Galra are coming. (the one where Shiro gets adopted by a wolf pack in space) ♥ something strange by ashinan   [OS / Words:3,453]         Shiro can see ghosts. The rest of the team can't. This isn't always a problem - except when it is. Part 1 of the Stranger Things series Geartooth by EndoplasmicPanda [ongoing / Words: 19,287] The Shiro they rescue in the desert the night before everything goes to shit isn't the Shiro Keith remembers. (Or: It takes a lot more than a rip in space, an armada of the universe's most menacing villains on his tail, and ten years of rewritten time to keep Shiro from protecting the only friends he's ever truly had.) Time travel AU. Author recommendation: BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) VelkynKarma
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