#vykos dreaming
osatokun · 8 months
New Orleans chronicle [long post]
Post for the people who comes in my blog and wondering who are the characters I constantly draw (and will go on drawing).
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All of them - PC and NPCS from the Vampire the Masquerade games I play. Most of them from the longest game I had with friends, with its ups and downs the game lasted almost 2 years. here is the main player crew:
Charles Arthur Drinkwater (real name Benjamin Thomas Fox) -242 years old Scottish Malkavian, personal little mew mew of the local Harpy, surgeon since he was 20, and consultant in the weirdest occult questions. I played him, he was my first serious male character and it was very interesting experience. Dakota Salmon (real name Numpai) - 200 something something (230? 240?) years old Gangrel. She was primogen of the local Gangrels until the entire clan was exiled from the city. Highly respected by the clan, strong woman with cold logic and warm heart. She came back to the New Orleans in hopes to return gangrels their place in the city. She was played by @fj0rge Veronica Sugar (real name Veronica ) - a 100 something something years old Toreador, part of the coterie Charlie is in. A singer and vampire with the most high rating of humanity in the city. Crazy enough to get into Charlie's adventures and support him. She was played by @maria-ruta
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Some of the names were taken form the New Orleans by Night book, but the characters are totally different. Plus our DM added just about every splat in the game. The game was set in 2022. From the foundation of the New Orleans it was ruled by Etienne Doran, Ventrue who always dreamed of making New Orleans the new Carthage. He drove the mages away from the city, united with local werewolves and in generally kept piece New Orleans (most of the time). However he was murdered in 1997 by unknown Gangrel, the entire clan was exiled, but no one ever found the assassin. Some of the names were taken form the New Orleans by Night book, but the characters are totally different. The game was set in 2022. From the foundation of the New Orleans it was ruled by Etienne Doran, Ventrue who always dreamed of making New Orleans the new Carthage. He drove the mages away from the city, united with local werewolves and in generally kept piece New Orleans (most of the time). However he was murdered in 1997 by unknown Gangrel, the entire clan was exiled, but no one ever found the assassin.
(here is Etienne and his sheriff and Brujah primogen Simon)
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Since then New Orleans was ruled by princess Marceline, supported by local harpy, adopted Etienne's childe, Rene. Rene is also one of the reason Charlie traveled to the New Orleans. They did their best, but no one had the charm of Etienne, who could stop the war with a single smile
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Now, to the main plot of the game (oh I'll try to be short) The main conflict is set around the prophecies of the future where masquerade will fall and the vampires (and werewolves) become part of the human society. Think True Blood style. Technocratic union mages,led by Eureka Jones returns in the city. As we learned much later,her department is trying to bring the project of integrating vampires into society to life. If her project fails, the future of vampires going to be..very sad. Charlie knew about this possible future from the very start which scared him a ton, but he could not ignore how much technocrats made to the people. And Rene, a true son of his sire, collaborated with mages for the future that he(and Etienne) always wanted. Eureka is magnificent but I have to finish her still..
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In the same time, the Sabbat pack lead by Sascha Vykos, comes to the New Orleans. He knows about the future of vampires, but wants to play the main role himself. To ruin Technocrats he aims to find Traitor, the mysterious figure who collaborate with mages in their experiments. Dakota returns to the city to help fight with Sabbat (and possibly return Gangrels their place in the city) AND (like Sabbat war is not enough) the mysterious Gangrel courier named Mohammed arrives to the city, carrying a small suitcase. With the ancient vampire head in it. Living head. As we learned later, the head is imprisoned by the angel Gangrel named Enkidu, the angel constantly chops Gangrel's head somewhere in umbra, not letting him to heal. Both Enkidu and Angel leads courier to the unknown destination, when one courier dies, the other is chosen to continue his journey. The existence of the head was kept in secret until the end of the game (not surprising Charlie knew this secret tho..),but Sascha knew about it and wanted to get the head to help him find the Traitor.(and, well, diablerise later as a treat) Mohammed and Dakota (he quickly grew on her and they kept their loving relationships even after the game ended)
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Long story short-the Traitor was Ada, Gangrel who killed and diablerised Etienne. Their souls willingly united and the developed a plan to bring new future to the vampires. In the end, Vykos pack was slain by Dakota, Ada, werewolf leader(poor lad died), Gangrels and one particularly charming Nosferatu. Gangrels was allowed to get back in the city, however Dakota and Mohammed (and Yaropolk) left to Russia, as they were sick of Camarilia and mages. However no one can deny that Gangrels led by Dakota played the biggest part in saving the city. What's Charlie's role you might ask? And where is his charming wife? Well, from the very beginning DM hooked me with a dream. Charlie saw a changeling in his nightmares, who asked him for help. And so, his personal storyline began. Of course he assisted other characters when he could, but his mine line is based around saving changeling. No one cares about them. They have no place in Technocrat's future, but now they are his family. He tried to find and then heal the changeling from his dream, who turned out to be young Balor princess, Monica. Her soul was stolen by the Settite leader(one of the two),mysterious Imhotep, who rumored to be Giovanni. Later Charlie learned that he's an actual mummy, which didn't stop him to awkwardly mess with the ancient creature. And poor Monica was in coma for the last 3 years, but thanks to her ability to travel through dreams she could try to seek help
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While looking for changelings to find the one who called him, he met Glinda, the cursed Balor ex queen, imprisoned by other changeling house, Beaumayn in 1999th. Her changeling self fell asleep and she was guarded by a chimerical Dragon (who could take human form ),who acted like her abusive husband. While trying to learn who Glinda is, Charlie looked into her soul and immediately fell in love for the rest of his life. During the game they even ended up getting True Love merit Q_Q
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A little backstory: as a teenage changeling queen Glinda saw the prophetic dreams about the end of the changelings. When she looked for the way to save her people, he was talked by Pentex and Nephandi into bringing a little apocalypse. Using the energy of the Red Star they'd bring a strong old spirit into the world, put it into Glinda's body and let her give birth to a new changeling-spirit creature, that will destroy the half of human population. Since Changelings get their powers from the dreams and fantasy, they will become stronger, because people will start dreaming more, hoping more, believing in magic and stuff. In fact a naive teen was talked into rape. The other house, Beumayn, freed Glinda's chimera, the Dragon, and burnt her in the chimerical flame, trying to kill her changeling soul and the spirit inside her. However, the spirit escaped to the Umbra and the connection with him helped Glinda survive. He forgot who she was, and the Dragon became her jailer, acting like her over controlling husband. However, the spirit creature lived and gained power with time, wanting to fulfill it's purpose and destroy the world.
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During the game, Charlie found Monica, traveled into Umbra to the gates of Arcadia to get the healing for changelings and another Imhotep's victim. Healed them all, fought the Dragon on the Changeling court and freed a demon named Folly. With the help of the demon he turned Dragon into a simple human and won, freeing Glinda. The demon escaped in Europe and was out of the scene most of the time, but kept reminding Charlie about himself in many ways. Charlie learned that Monica's father was killed by her own mother, Imhotep's cultist, and adopted young Changeling. He also introduced her to a werewolf of the same age, Joshua, wanting her to have day-walking loyal friends wo she won't be alone. Later on they started dating, and in return Monica tried her best to represent Charlie to Gilnda in the best way possible. Glinda, Charlie and Monica quickly started to live together, Charlie tried to keep peaceful relationships between changelings and vampires/mages (or better say not making it worse).In the end, mages, vampires and Glinda united to destroy the old spirit without harming changeling. And Charlie, Glinda and their newly created chimera Jeff (who they consider to be their son) located Imhotep. Stole his power jars (I'm too tired to phrase it not in a silly way, but think of Baldur's Gate 3 quest with a mummy), destroyed most of them and watched Imhotep's army of ghosts destroying his body. Charlie offered the fame for killing Imhotep to another Settite leader, Manon, and in return she joined the ritual of the spirit's killing. Charlie knew that mummies are immortal, sooner or later he will come back, so he and Glinda dedicated their lives to the searching of the way to permanently trap Imhotep's soul and prevent him from stealing lives again. They lived +/- 6 more years in New Orleans (but traveled a lot), and then left to Egypt. Glinda stopped aging, gaining a lot of energy from their constant adventures and, possibly, connection with her true love. Monica, however, lived normal human life, forgetting she was a changeling once. She married Joshua and became a writer under the nickname Little Spider. Charlie made sure to collect savings for her, got her home, and the old Monica's home became a freehold for the new Balors. Ofcourse A LOT things happened in the game. And Charlie's story goes beyond one game, he have a lot of adventures in my imagination. But I hope that's enough..for the start! Some of the characters I managed to draw. I was so charmed by Glinda I just draw her most of the time haha
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Dragon (Gregory Dequir) and Imhotep
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More finished arts for this game -> here Gangrel line up by @fj0rge -> here Nosferatu line up by @fj0rge -> here Veronica's references by @maria-ruta -> here and here and more Veronica here
More characters drawing by Ruta -> Jake(brujah) Jack(Gangrel) (Veronica has a J boyfriend collection) and silly guys Sad Charlie and Veronica comics by Ruta -> here
Thank you for reading!
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ryttu3k · 8 months
I'm curious abut Sascha Vykos. Do you know which novels or splat books would be good to read to learn more about them?
*cracks knuckles*
Number 1 book you need to understand Sascha's background is the Dark Ages Tzimisce clan novel by Myranda Kalis, which has them as the main character (along with their lover, Ilias cel Frumos) and explains why they're... like that. Just a goddamn amazing character study, also completely heartbreaking and singlehandedly made me change my view of them from "haha wtf what an edgelord" to "they're my baby and I'm gonna fight a methuselah for them". Set between 1232 and 1234, if I've managed to maths right.
Also by Myranda and set around a similar time (shortly after the fall of Constantinople) is the Road of Sin book (set around 1205). Sascha (then called Myca) narrates the introduction and first chapter. It does specifically focus on their history with the eponymous Road, but has a lot of interesting character details, along with their relationship with Ilias.
For modern Sascha, there are two. First is the original Clan Novel Saga (set 1999), although in this case, I'm not recommending just the Tzimisce novel, but rather the compiled editions. There's a bunch of Sascha content in the Assamite book as well, since they're quite involved with one of the characters in it, and it also includes extra, exclusive content, including my two favourite chapters - a story by Lucien Soulban (Sascha's creator), and an epilogue by Janet Trautvetter, mostly about Jan Pieterzoon but with Sascha being fairly prominent in it.
Fair warning, CNS was written in 1999 and has. Mm. Edgelordy moments. We do not talk about The Foetus Thing :|
The other, probably most important one is Beckett's Jyhad Diary, which I would recommend for literally anyone interested in VtM in general. Sascha has minor appearances and mentions in a bunch of chapters, but is extremely prominent in the chapter Dreams & Nightmares (also by Myranda Kalis/Sarro). She also wrote the chapter Azhi Dahaka, another must-read relating to Sascha.
The timing for BJD is... less clear, because at least a few of the people involved have said it's set in 2005, but also there's one chapter where an event that explicitly took place around 1999 or 2000 is said to have taken place "sixteen years ago", so. Let's just call that early 21st century.
Most of the rest of the books are chronicles, plus one city book - their origin book, Constantinople by Night (1197, IIRC?) by Lucien Soulban, Philippe Boulle, and Joshua Mosqueira-Asheim. Others, in chronological order by setting, include Bitter Crusade (two chapters, Fiendish Winter and Dying Embers, the latter covering the Fall of Constantinople in 1204), Under the Black Cross (1225), and a whole bunch of the Transylvania Chronicles (Myca/Sascha appears in book 1 in Dark Tides Cresting (1314), in book 2 in Haceldema (covers the Convention of Thorns, 1493), in book 3 in An Angel's Plea (1680, also has the most hilariously thirsty description of Sascha I've ever seen in my life), and in book 4 in The Accounting (1998).)
Seriously. Here's their Transylvania Chronicles 3 character sheet:
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They appear in two of the Giovanni Chronicles books, three (1882) and four (same, in a flashback that also has my baby Anatole), in the Nightshade scenario of the Gehenna book (1999), although that's since been retconned out of existence, along with chunks of the Clan Novel Saga, mostly to do with the approaching Gehenna stuff, and in particular Anatole's fate. It's still worth reading just for some fascinating ways the world could end. Finally, they appear in the House of Lies chapter of Nights of Prophecy (1999?).
Aside from those, they also have little appearances and mentions in other books, including letters and notes throughout chapter 7 of the Revised corebook, a rather amusing little reference in chapter 4 of the Victorian Age corebook, a detailed profile and character sheet in Children of the Night although that book pisses me off because it put Beckett, Anatole, and Lucita on the front cover but didn't give us sheets for them!, and the opening letter of the V5 Sabbat book, which you can read here (and then ignore the rest of the book and get the Revised-era Guide to the Sabbat instead).
So yes! They show up a lot, and all through the game's history. The three most important ones to read, I think, are the Dark Ages Tzimisce novel, the combined Clan Novel Saga, and Beckett's Jyhad Diary, then the rest just depending on interest in the era or broader story, since Sascha is less involved in those.
Have fun! They're an absolute hot mess of a character and I adore them!
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meatcrimes · 10 months
had a dream that there was another vtm tv show and i played the vykos and then i discovered the tumblr/twitter fandom for my sascha and i lost my mind. like there was this one tweet with an edit of me with my arms wrapped around someone i was about to feed off of and the caption was “Anna Lastname’s Vykos saying ‘you’ve been a bad, bad girl’” and the sheer number of horny replies/qrts made me blush
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saschas-void · 2 years
I was Sascha Vykos in my dream today.
It was delicious, I enjoyed it greatly.
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Their screams do little to repair what is broken. The satisfaction of their final gasps only give us brief respite. And the mess we have made...ugh. Being what we are, many assume that we prefer a mess. But it is quite the opposite. 
Ah...but perhaps even this setback is not without its perks. We are now free. Free to roam, wander, drag our feet or run with the wind. But still. It is never fun to lose one’s haven to foolhardy hunters.
Oh well. Another night, a different dream, perhaps. We will make it our own, as we always do. 
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robotslenderman · 3 years
I rediscovered last night that if I knit for an hour before bed, I sleep like a baby.
Anyway I just had an ADORABLY domestic Nastasya/Sascha dream.
So I was Nastasya, but for some reason I was still living my actual life. Also no longer a vampire apparently because daylight. In the dream I'd just made the trip to uni but Sascha was with me. I'd passed out on the bed, which the landlord hadn't had time to make for me, and Sascha wandered off to do something else. I woke up and we texted back and forth. At one point I tried to make a joke but Sascha one upped me with their quip, so I posted a screenshot of the conversation on social media and said "Sascha has no right to be funnier than me." I don't remember the context at all but Sascha's punchline of "A moustache?" was apparently the epitome of comedy.
I conked out again, exhausted by the trip up. Woke up to hear Sascha pottering around the kitchen, but I was still sleepy so I didn't get up. They must have known I was awake, though, because they went and sat on the bed. (Cue me wondering if I'd been snoring.) When I still didn't get up, they cuddled up to me.
When I still didn't get up, they tried to suffocate me with a pillow. 🤣
After I confirmed I was definitely awake now (lmao), Sascha told me that there was chicken in the kitchen and they had no idea how it got there.
"Yeah, Mum gave that to us," I said, "she likes to send food up with me when I come up to uni."
Sascha was like "oh, she must have picked it up when she went shopping."
"well obviously"
Then we started making plans for what to do that night. I said, "Well, we can do one of three things - we can do a full food shop; we can do a small food shop at the servo this arvo and we can go out to dinner afterwards and get shitfaced, orrrr... we can stay home and fuck."
"... Why not all three?"
"Sascha. I do not have the energy. Besides, can you even maintain a boner when you're shitfaced?"
"(Offended) Yes!!!"
The dream ended not long after that when a neighbour kid knocked on the door to retrieve something they left in the apartment. They met Sascha, became convinced they were Evil (I mean...) and started not-so-subtly saying some incantations/prayers to protect them from Sascha so I kicked them out. Someone else left their sunnies on our table. I woke up before I could bang Sascha. I've been CHEATED.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
ok i read Becketts Jyhad diary but i cant remember the bit u talked abt of him and Vykos fucking???? pls tell me what page to look for at least, its for research purposes i swear
Oh Nonnie, Nonnie, this ask brings me such joy.
I assume you’re referring to this post, where I listed people Beckett has expressed and/or experienced romantic/sexual interest in. Or @dreamofconstantinople‘s ask about kissing and the desk. It’s basically fanon that, after the plot talk, Prospero really did lock those two in the room, and they worked out their emotions on the desk.
Outside of fanon, there hasn’t been an official White Wolf/World of Darkness/Paradox published scene of Sascha and Cuthbert gettin’ it on. And so we remember: one can’t spell subtext without “butt sex.” Vykos/Beckett feels appear in “The Drowning of Rasputin” and “Dreams and Nightmares.” I recently read the Vampire: the Masquerade - Beckett comic, and Sascha expresses a violent fascination with our dear feral nerd. They keep sending Sabbat goons to track Beckett, and it comes off like a weird proxy murder-flirt.
@the-bloody-masquerade posted these delightful screenshots from “The Drowning of Rasputin,” if you want a tease! I also heartily, heartily rec @brightstorm98 to chat about all things Vykos/Beckett. The pairing has the sizzling potential of enemies-to-lovers, redemption, and hurt/comfort, especially if one does a deep dive into Vykos’ character and uses the Road to Sin material.
Good luck with your research, Anonymous! Thank you for the ask: always happy to talk about Beckett sexology.
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paramnesiax · 4 years
Kindred History in a Nutshell:
[Some Kindred do something good] Some Asshole: Is anyone going to fuck this up for absolutely stupid, petty reasons?
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indulgentia · 3 years
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list your fav characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.  ♡
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Vampire/The Masquerade:   Sascha Vykos.  Cuthbert Beckett.  Nines Rodriguez and I’m legally obliged to include miss Lucita D’Aragón.
Mo/Dao Zu Shi:   Jiang fucking Cheng.  Jin Guangyao.  Lan Sizhui.  I used to have Wangji among my top favs but the novel kinda ruined him for me.
D.Gray-Man:   Lavi.  Road Kamelot.  Alma Karma
2/H.A:   Chu Wanning.  Ye Wangxi
Kimetsu /No/ Yaiba:  Tanjiro Kamado.  Giyu Tomioka ( I planned to add him here at some point maybe??? )
Vertigo’s Sandman:   Death of the Endless.  Dream of the Endless.  ( also Constantine if you count him in Vertigo’s universe?? )
Mortal/Kombat:   Kuai Liang/Subby.  Hanzo/Scorpion.  Kung Lao.  Kitana.
Inu/Yasha:   Kikyou (SUE ME BITCH).  Sesshoumaru.  Hakudoushi
Darkstalkers:   Felicia.  Lei Lei/Hsien-ko ( another one I’ve meant to play one day?? )
Street/Fighter:  Vega.  Juri Han.  Chun-li ( the very reason I know I’m not straight since I was young )
tagged by: @kathexismania​  ( thank u mi amorcito ♡  ) tagging: this was too fun! Y’ALL SHOULD DO IT ( and tag me so I can see it ♡ )!
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Nigel appears at the Congregation Palace looking rather pale-faced and worried. Anatole, who is trying to coax one of the kitties down from the Rowan tree in the courtyard, senses something amiss immediately and hurries over to his ghoul and boyfriend.
“Nigel?” The blonde asks. “Is something wrong? Are you hurt?”
Nigel shakes his head. “No! No...I’m fine just uh...I ran into someone on my way home...and uh, they uh...uh...”
Anatole pushes some stray red locks from in front of Nigel’s glasses. “Who was it?”
Before Nigel can answer, the smack of high heels against concrete is heard. A figure dressed in all black - sweater, boots, and pants all from high end designers. Dark violet painted nails gleam in the flame light as they put a cigarette to their pale peach colored lips. Big yet sharp hazel colored eyes, green brown flecked with amber, stare holes into the pair. They smile, then they laugh softly, as though someone had cracked a joke.
Anatole finally speaks. “Mx Vykos...we were not expecting you to pay us a visit for a time yet.”
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osatokun · 2 years
Sorry if you wrote about this already, but I was wondering what town you play your chronicle in? Do you have any canon characters from the lore or is there more of the characters your storyteller made up?
Yes I answered the town question here ==> https://www.tumblr.com/osatokun/711068220478701568/is-your-chronicle-is-in-any-specific-city-vampire?source=share
As for the canon characters.. it depends on what can be considered canon ! We have names. But most of the canon characters shaped to fit the ST's view of the story ! For example, a lot of our kindred npc's are from "new orleans by night ", but according to our ST mostly he took the names, but not personalities! Do they count as canon characters ?
N.O is under sabbat attack rn and the leader of the attack is Sascha Vykos
Aand we have Enkidu. At least his head (his living head). He's the reason sabbat came to our city. But I think he's very different from the books and probably doesn't have split personality. Just a single chill angel resting inside his dreams and chopping his head off every night .
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ryttu3k · 10 months
Current masterlist of BG3 runs
Spoilers for most game ends and outcomes.
Complete: Custom Tav 1 (Tae, pastel drow druid/cleric, romanced Karlach)
In Process: Dark Urge 1 (Tavias, resist!Durge half-elf sorcerer, romancing Astarion)
Pending: Dark Urge 2 (Sativa; Sativa 1.1, Sativa 1.2, Sativa 2.1, Sativa 2.2), Custom Tav 2 (Sascha), Custom Tav 3 (Etavia), Astarion 1, Astarion 2, Astarion 3, Astarion 4, Karlach 1, Karlach 2, Gale, Wyll, Shadowheart, Lae'zel, unknown respec run
[current spreadsheet]
Custom Tav 1: Ta'varin 'Tae' Arkenval (see also: here). Chaotic good pastel fluffball. Surface drow, level 11 Circle of the Land Druid, level 1 Cleric of Eilistraee. Romanced Karlach, went to Avernus with her and Wyll.
In Process
Dark Urge 1: Tavias, resisting the Urge. Soft boi, trying his best. Wood half-elf, Draconic Ancestry Sorcerer (Gold/Fire). Romancing Astarion and Halsin.
Dark Urge 2: Sativa, gives in to the Urge. The first murder will be her softer side. High half-elf, Bard/Storm Sorcerer. Will have Ascended Astarion, Dark Justiciar Shadowheart, Vlaakith-sworn Lae'zel, Would-Be God Gale, Minthara. Jaheira gets sacrificed to Sarevok. Karlach, Wyll, Halsin, and Minsc absent.
Branches twice - both start with hooking up with Minthara then starting a romance with Astarion. Sativa 1.0 stays with Astarion, Sativa 2.0 offers Astarion to Araj, sleeps with him, and they break up, before romancing Minthara. Sativa 1.1 and Sativa 2.1 reject Bhaal and destroy the Brain, Sativa 1.2 and Sativa 2.2 become Chosen of Bhaal and claim the Brain in his name, with all characters ending up thralls.
Custom Tav 2: Sascha Vykos, aasimar and unintended enabler of chaos. Romancing Gale, God end. That's God end, not good end. This is... definitely not a good end.
Custom Tav 3: Etavia. Tiefling Cleric of Selûne, full Enemies to Lovers romance with Shadowheart. Probably a fairly standard 'good' run.
Astarion 1: Romances Gale. Respeccing from Thief to Arcane Trickster after 'channelling the Weave' scene. Soft 'they can fix each other' run.
Astarion 2: Defying devils and diabolists to fall in love instead (Karlach and Wyll). Will end in tragedy because Karlach always dies in a spawn Astarion run, and also Gale is going to sacrifice himself ;_;
Astarion 3: T A D P O L E T I M E . The gods never saved you - the mind flayers did. Siding with (and romancing) the Emperor, using illithid powers and the astral-touched tadpole, and Ascending. Taking over the Netherbrain alongside the Emperor, all others ending up thralls.
Astarion 4: Romances Halsin. Multiclassing into Druid for wildshape shenanigans. Become d i r t w i z a r d.
Karlach 1: Romancing Wyll and Astarion. This time, she lives! Finishes in Avernus with her lovers.
Karlach 2: Romancing Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Chooses to become illithid and ends up staying with her lovers in Faerûn.
Gale: Romancing Astarion. The one where they make each other better instead of making each other worse. Respeccing to Storm Sorcerer (but keep a level in Wizard for scroll learning).
Wyll: Romancing Karlach and Astarion. Finishes in Avernus with his lovers (hopefully). Multiclassing as Bardlock, because fancy dancer.
Shadowheart: Romances Karlach and Lae'zel. Chooses to keep her parents alive, but then has to choose to stay with Karlach, since she also encouraged Wyll to stay with Mizora to save his father...
Lae'zel: Romances Shadowheart and Karlach. Chooses to become illithid to save Orpheus from having to do so, then opts to kill herself rather than live as a mind flayer.
Unknown!: Everyone gets respecced! Origin run or Tav/Durge? If Tav/Durge, play Rogue or someone who learns Knock. Currently thinking: resist!Durge whose Dream Visitor looks like Alfira in an attempt to guilt trip them into doing what the Emperor wants. Arcane Trickster Rogue. Definitely more 'trickster' than straight-out evil, enjoyed causing a bit of chaos, which is very moderated by the brain surgery into the more harmless realm. Gnome? Gnome would be kind of fun. Romance or nah?
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strikeslip · 4 years
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Jaroslava Argyre, Obertus Tzimisce. Seer. Occultist. Good Christian Follower of the Nailed God. Loyal to the Codex of Legacies. Loyal to the Dream Circle and her sire’s dark experiments. Born in the Carpathians. Born to one of the founding families of Constantinople Kindred. Bearer of many contradictions. "Jarushka" to her favorite Gangrel bodyguard. Domitor to her husband. Mother to her herd.
Childe of Mycah Vykos. Destined for the Sabbat. But first, the city is burning...
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brightstorm98 · 4 years
For the Character Ask Meme, you must know I will ask about Beckett :D
But of course! For there is no character who concerns my fandom efforts more than the fair Gangrel boi-o!
How I feel about Beckett:
Well, to be fair, I kinda ignored him at first. My first run of Bloodlines 1 I wasn’t so much interested in the lore and just wanted to discover all the character interactions with the Anarchs that I could. On repeated play throughs however, he started to grow on me. One day I eventually looked up his character online and well, I took the bisexual vampire Indiana Jones bait hook, line, and sinker 😅 He’s an absolute delightful character - not a Gary-Stu (he has realistic flaws and has made PLENTY of mistakes over the years), intelligent and open to new ideas (big brains are SEXY), has a rather attractive character design (other than that phase in the 90’s where he had Jerry Seinfeld hair he’s always had long dark hair and I mean come on, who can’t swoon over that?), he’s a middle-aged character which, especially in modern media, you do not see that often (age representation FTW!), and of course...did I mention bisexual? I think I may have but just wanted to be sure I got that in there.
People I ship with Beckett romantically:
If you’ve never read any of the novels/sourcebooks that feature dear Cuthbert, he’s very popular with like...literally everyone and anyone he meets. Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch, doesn’t matter. They all are hot for him, and based on some of the stuff in Jyhad Diary, goodness does he know it 😆 That said, he seems rather choosy with who he totally opens up to friendship wise, so the same can only be assumed to be just as exclusive, if not moreso, for romance.
For romance, out of the many candidates out in the night and based on Beckett’s canonically established sexual preferences:
Anatole for the guys, because come on, they have gay couple goals written all over them! Whether or not they have a sexual relationship is up in the air, but no one who has ever read anything between these two can deny that there is capital L LOVE between them. Anatole’s thrown parties for Beckett, misses him when they’re a part, and of course in the Gehenna timeline visits Beckett in his dreams to try and help him despite having met Final Death. Since he’s alive and well as of V20 and onwards, I hope one day we get a bit more of an in-depth look into their relationship because even if it isn’t “canon”, the seeds of romance have been sown for these two! (Honorable mentions go to Vlad Dracula ((yes you read that right and yes they canonically fucked and Beckett is a bride of Dracula and no I’m not making this up read Jyhad Diary)) and Hesha Ruhadze).
The female half of the spectrum was tricky. I think he will always be in love with Emma Blake, his love interest from the Victorian novel Trilogy, and since White Wolf likes to resurrect characters we saw die these days in lore, perhaps she’ll come back! I certainly hope so, that lady deserves a break. Beckett does best with a calm and dedicated feminine partner who balances out his impulsive and sometimes wishy-washy loyalties, and Emma is the perfect candidate for that. She inspires humanity and tenderness in him and he in turn gives her strength and courage. They’re just too cute together and I want them to have a happy ending some how, some way 😭 (Honorable mentions go to Lucita de Aragon and Carna the Tremere).
I also have to mention Sascha Vykos because oh boy, is there chemistry between these two in Jyhad Diary. They’ve reached a truce at the moment in the canon and Beckett finds them “handsome and beautiful”, so there is ample opportunity for a enemies-to-allies-to-lovers arc here. They both actually have quite a bit in common interest-wise regarding seeking out knowledge and looking for answers about what it means to be a vampire. Maybe the answer they’re looking for is with each other...
My non-romantic OTP with Beckett:
This has to go to Lucita de Aragon. They are just too good together as partners. While they may have or have had a sexual relationship, I don’t see them as true love interests because I think especially at this point Lucita is kinda done with men, at least from a romantic standpoint. They’re undoubtedly best friends and are able to tease one another, help each other out, and of course turn plenty of heads when they walk into the room together. Lasombra-Gangrel besties who can fuck you up, basically 😂 (Honorable mention goes to Okulos the Nosferatu. He might have gotten it if not for his behavior in the Gehenna timeline, and I know it’s pretty much ignored in the canon atm but it’s hard to just forget about. Sorry Okulos. Try not to be such a prick in the future).
My unpopular opinion about Beckett:
Hmm...this is a hard one. The only thing I could really think of is that he maybe needs to learn how to ask for help more often? He tries to be a one man show (possibly to keep people from stealing his discoveries like his adopted sire did, possibly to keep the few close people he has safe) and that gets him into trouble a lot. He’s gotten lucky and gotten out of a lot of jams on his own or by sheer luck that someone found him.
One thing that I wish would happen/had happened to Beckett in canon:
I wish we could have seen him interact with characters in Bloodlines that he later hangs out with in Jyhad Diary like Damsel and Smiling Jack. Would have been really cool to see and hear with Michael Gough voicing him!
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lotusdelusion · 4 years
          Wan Kuei ( “vampire” ) verse Complete Sheet!
   ( firstly created as Mo Dao Zu Shi x World of Darkness crossover, but very adaptable to any fantasy setting. )
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Nᴀᴍᴇ:  Kuanda Yu  ( 宽大玉 )
Aʟɪᴀꜱ:  Jade General  ( Yù Jiāngjūn -- 玉将军 )
Bɪʀᴛʜ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ:  June 6th, ≅ 740 CE  ( Gemini )
Bɪʀᴛʜᴩʟᴀᴄᴇ:  Youzhou ( modern Beijing, Hebei province ), China
Sᴩᴇᴄɪᴇꜱ:  Wan Kuei ( 万鬼 ), an amalgam of supernaturals like vampires, ghosts & wraiths. Loosely inspired by the Jiangshi myth. They feed on the energy of the living, which can be obtained from flesh, blood and, in some cases, even from breathing. While somewhat similar, they rot under sunlight instead of burning like vampires would and are unable to pass their curse forward or form blood-bond.
Fɪʀꜱᴛ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ:   ≅ 760 CE, during the rebellions against Tang Dynasty
Oᴄᴄᴜᴩᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:  Soldier / General; Ancestor  ( the formal leader of a Court or a region among the Kindred of the East );
Aʟɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ:  Chaotic Good ( Makes his own way. Has little use for laws and regulations. Follows own moral compass, which may not agree with that of society )
MBTI ᴛyᴩᴇ:  ISTJ  ( Logician )
ABILITIES ( Dispiplines )
Bᴇᴀꜱᴛ ʙᴏᴅy ( ●●●○○ ):  allows them to dominate, control, or make use of the beasts of the field.
Bʟᴏᴏᴅ ꜱʜɪɴᴛᴀɪ  ( ●●●●● ●○○○○ ):  Derived from godbody of water used by the first Wan Kuei, allow them to control and alter properties of their and/or a target’s blood. 
Gʜᴏꜱᴛ-ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇ ( ●●●●● ●○○○○ ):  Ghost-Flames are not real flames, instead they are spiritual fires fueled by Qi. To access the energy, a Kindred learns to handle the searing pain involved in channelling the spiritual energy through their body.
Iʀᴏɴ ᴍᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴ  ( ●●●●● ):  drawn from its strength and rage, it grants the Wan Kuei the ability to resist all kinds of damage ignore or resist injury, even from magic, fire, and sunlight.
Oʙʟɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ( ●●○○○ ):  overwhelms another person’s mind with the Wan Kuei’s will, forcing victims to think or act according to the Wan-Kuei’s decree ( will not be used unless otherwise plotted! ).
Pᴏᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ( ●●●●● ●○○○○ ):  this discipline defines the superior strength that Kindred possess. Allows them to leap great distances, lift massive weights and strike opponents with terrifying force.
Note¹:  Almost at a Bodhisattva level on the modern nights, this sheet is loosely based on the sheets of Lucita de Aragón & Sascha Vykos. However, in the first centuries of his life, he only possessed Ghost Flame 2, Iron Mountain 2 and Potence 3.
Note²:  The majority of these Disciplines relies on “strength” and “stamina” attributes. I have also included “potence” which is not a discipline described on the original KoE corebook for I refuse to use any kind of “exoteric” power. 
Dʜᴀʀᴍᴀ :  Thrashing Dragon                •    Rᴀɴᴛɪɴɢ:  8
Nᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ:  Adjudicator                             •    Dᴇᴍᴇᴀɴᴏʀ:  Bravo
Dɪʀᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ:  South ( known for their vicious tempers, south-aspected Wan-Kuei are the dynamos of society, challenging old beliefs. Although their fellows often consider them insufferable, they are tolerated by their Elders for their formidable intellects and fighting prowess. )
Rᴀɴᴋ:  Ancestor                                    •    Sᴇᴄᴛ:  Laughing Rainbows
Aʟʟᴇɢɪᴀɴᴄᴇ:  His own Court first and foremost, but more open to negotiations and deals with Camarilla due to conflicts with the Sabbat.
Disclaimer: Conceptually I’m trying to add my own twits on White Wolf’s World of Darkness’ universe, in order to avoid any kind of problematic themes and contexts. I do acknowledge that, while seemingly innocent world-building for entertainment, the Kindred of the East supplement has a lot of problems, and I’ll do my best to avoid any kind of controversial inconsistencies.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ever since he can remember, Yu has always felt that people around him were prone to being weaker, sometimes mentally sometimes physically, sometimes in various aspects combined. This, in one way or another, was perhaps one of the reasons why the young man, in addition to nourishing a certain arrogance and distancing, also developed a strange sense of responsibility towards other people, even in a relatively simple peasant community ----------------- or at least that's how he remembers it. Right at his early years of living, social disparities and disregard for simple people from the lower classes began to arouse the fury of this already hot-blooded and short-tempered young man.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thanks to his physical strength and willpower, it was not long before the young man was noticed by an important general who was on the rise at the time, looking for new strength and willing men to join the rebellion against those who held power ------------------ just to take power for himself. However, the beautiful words and a cause for which he was able to fight quickly ignited a flame in the young Yu's heart, causing him to quickly join the rebel forces against the empire. Proving to not only be a promising soldier, battle after battle, conflict after conflict, the young man was soon able to ascend to the prestigious position of a General, using his cunning on the battlefield and his strength to crush enemy forces without failing. His strength and performance on the battlefield quickly became a reason for both fear and fascination, granting him the nickname “Jade General”, who fought with all his soul’s power.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ However, the glory wouldn’t last as long as he expected and soon the general who first noticed him began to grow paranoid and to become a potential threat to his own allies. And one of them was young Yu himself, who was from time to time victim of attacks within the rebel forces. Still, due to his loyalty and even bluntness, he was unable to see the real reasons for these attacks, how could he have known his beauty, strength and charisma could be a problem for his superiors to ascend to power? Until finally the very general he trusted so much ended up handing him over to the imperial forces on a suicide mission, where Yu ended up being captured and tortured for days until finally meeting his first death. Little did any of his opposers that, instead of having him dead, this only caused him to accumulate too much resentful energy, and instead of going to the spiritual world, his souls actually got back to his body, making him reborn as a completely different creature a fallen warrior Wan Kuei. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ At first, he rose from the pool of war cadavers like a ferocious corpse, devouring living creatures on the way, and after a few comings and goings, he was finally able to regain some consciousness just to realize that he had become the same monster his enemies feared so, having to run away from his own thirst for blood, even if he wanted to continue walking among mortals. He did try to go back to his family, but after the rebellion, his family was forced to either flee to a safer place or they were killed during the war; He was never able to find out which. After realising there was no chance of finding again them, Yu eventually gave up and sought for high priests and cultivators for help and little by little start to understand empirically the idea of becoming an actual living corpse and all its implications; Rotting under sunlight, the conjuration of chi-fueled magic. Things that no mortal would be able to do. 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Weeks became months, months, became years, years became centuries in a blink of an eye, and since no answer was obtained he decided to move forward and to travel to other places for answers, only for Yu to realise he had awakened in a completely new world, full of creatures that only mortals would only dream about --------------. or rather, have nightmares about.
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This product has long been part of the Sabbat rites.
Now you may enjoy it this Holy Week.
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