#vyn’s one is so. wow.
teffiyx · 2 years
belated Pocky day </3
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kissofthemis · 1 year
Hello, hello! May i ask a headcanon someone tries to flirt/harrass the nxx boys and the reader comes to save them! We love a badass reader ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ
Reader to the rescue! (*≧∇≦)ノ
"Wow, you're a doctor?"
Immediately you felt your stomach sink as you heard the tone in which this stranger cooed at Vyn. While out and about, neither of you had expected to run into one of Vyn's patients, who politely had referred to him as "Doctor Richter."
Sometimes you forgot how shameless other people could be, until presented with situations like this one.
"Indeed," Vyn replied curtly but politely. "But I'm afraid I'm not taking new patients."
That should have been the end of the conversation. Vyn, in his eerily calm but always courteous manner, had made his point clear.
Sometimes you forgot how shameless other people could be when they refused to take a hint.
"Oh, but doctor...!" The overly exaggerated whine grated against your ears. "I've got this odd spot, you see, and I'm worried," she whimpered, following after him. "Could you take a peek... down there... for m--"
You stepped up to block her path, arms stretched wide to make sure she wouldn't sneak past you. "My supervisor is busy," you told her flatly, barely able to swallow the venom in your tone. "If it's that concerning, surely I could take a look?"
She didn't reply, just stormed off with a huff and muttering choice words under her breath. With a sigh, you turned around to follow after Vyn, only to find that he had snuck back to your side when you were distracted.
"Supervisor?" he murmured, with a small smirk creeping onto his lips. Leaning over to whisper directly in your ear, he breathed, "Don't tell me, you want to be my assistant?"
"..." You swallowed hard as you fought to regain your breath, flustered at his proximity and his teasing. "Please don't hire me unless you want us to be sued for medical malpractice."
"Too much of a big shot to say hello? Didn't know Mr. CEO would turn out to be such a stuck-up prick."
Your eyes flickered nervously between Marius and the young man who was heckling him. His finely combed hair and well-tailored clothing revealed his wealthy status, but the harsh words coming from his mouth were hardly better than what one might hear in a middle school locker room.
"Marius, do you know him?" you whispered, trying to keep up with the CEO's long strides as he walked away wordlessly.
"Not really," he mumbled with a shrug. "Might have gone to high school with him, or something. He looks like a brat that would come out of that school, anyway."
A tug pulled at your heartstrings. You knew Marius was trying to act nonchalant so as not to feed the beast behind him, but you also knew that his teen years were a sensitive subject. He'd gone abroad for his studies, claiming it was solely to help further his career in art, but...
You knew he had been painfully lonely his first year of high school, in an overly sterile environment of rich heirs and dirty money that refused to befriend the youngest von Hagen.
"Awfully cocky for a guy who was second choice for his position," the former classmate continued. "I feel sorry for that brother of yours. Of course, assuming you didn't--"
Marius stiffened at your side.
Nobody brought Giann into their taunts.
Before Marius could say a word in his or his brother's defense, however, you stormed up to the rich brat with a fire in your eyes. "Excuse me, but if you want to keep flapping your jaw, you'd better start saying something intelligent," you snapped. "Mr. von Hagen is a very busy man, and he has a tight schedule. Time is money, and his time is very expensive." You lifted your chin and squared your shoulders, trying to make yourself look larger and more professional. "Do you know what his hourly rate is?"
The number made the young man's face drain of color.
"Now then, if you--or rather, if your daddy's wallet--can afford to schedule an hour with Mr. von Hagen, give us a call. If not, perhaps read a book or two. What a shame that you have such a big head, only full of hot air."
With that, you spun on your heel and stalked off after Marius, who had paused up ahead to wait for you.
"I'm so sorry!" you whispered as soon as the heckler was out of earshot. "I couldn't stand by and let him be such a jerk!"
"Don't apologize," Marius insisted. "Actually, it was a bit..." His voice trailed off, and instead of finishing his sentence, he checked his watch with a cough. "We're late."
"Marius, is your nose bleeding?"
"Now's not the time, Y/N!"
"Don't you look all stiff? C'mon, let's have a bit of fun."
In hindsight, you should have told Artem that the dress code for "dinner and a movie" was casual. Laid-back. Just two friends having a relaxing evening.
In your defense, however, most people wouldn't interpret "dinner and a movie" to mean "arrive in a suit and tie."
Even after coaxing Artem to take the suit jacket off, he still looked out of place in his dress shirt and slacks. The restaurant was nice enough where you weren't too concerned, and nobody could see the two of you in the dark theater, but as you walked along the city streets to find a bite of dessert....
Well, you'd attracted some unwanted attention.
"I have plans." Artem's reply was curt.
"Aww, this cutie here? C'mon, of course you're invited!" You instinctively covered your face as the reek of some sort of alcohol assaulted your senses. Wine? Vodka? Tequila? You didn't know or care. It was overpowering.
"We are not interested." Artem's tone was harsher, more insistent this time. He couldn't have been any clearer that he wanted nothing to do with this situation. "Let's hurry, now. Before the shops close."
"Aww, isn't that collar of yours so tight and hot? I can loosen you up real good, and my hours go all night lo-"
"Can't you catch a hint?" You smacked away the hand that was reaching for Artem's bicep. "He's being polite because he's considerate of your feelings, but I'm not! Go find someone else before I hook you up with Chief Darius for the night!"
That seemed to be enough to finally give you and Artem space to leave. Still fuming, you gritted your teeth as you walked a step behind Artem, eyes flicking wildly around the streets.
"I think you can relax now," Artem told you after a couple minutes. "Just one drunkard. It's still too early for most people to be in that bad of shape."
You sighed and unclenched your jaw. "I'm sorry. It's my fault for suggesting a place so close to North Stellis."
"No need to be sorry," Artem assured you, and the warmth in his voice helped you relax. "I rather like it out here. You can see the stars more clearly than you can downtown."
You turned your eyes up to the night sky, and a soft gasp left your lips as you took in the spectacle of stars and moonlight above you. "You really can! It's beautiful!"
"Yes," Artem murmured in agreement. While looking at the sky, you couldn't quite see his deep blue eyes gazing in your direction. "A captivating sight indeed."
"Are you some kind of con artist? You're the worst!"
The shrill shriek from the lobby startled you so much that you almost dropped the box of bits and pieces you were carrying.
"You can take it to an appraiser for a second opinion, but I--"
"No way! Pay to have some buddy of yours lie to me, too? You're scum!"
Luke had mentioned that he'd been swarmed with customers lately, both those looking for repairs and those browsing for antiques to purchase. You had offered to lend a hand to take some of that burden off. At first, he had hesitated, but when you mentioned you wanted to hang out with him more...
His mood turned 180 degrees, and he invited you to help him organize materials and keep him company this weekend.
Initially you had thought Luke was just too proud to admit he needed help. But now, you couldn't help but wonder, "How many visitors throw fits like this woman?"
"Is everything okay over here?" you asked at last, setting the box down next to Luke's desk.
The brunet cast you a look that screamed at you to step back. But if someone was causing a ruckus, you didn't want to leave Luke to handle it alone. You had offered to help out, and you were going to stay true to your word!
"Do you work here?" The woman whipped her head around to glare at you, a harsh look full of malice and frustration. However, you sensed something else in there too: anxiety. "Are you here to call my boyfriend a liar, too?"
"I didn't say he was a liar," Luke clarified, interjecting before you could respond. "I just said--"
"You said this was a fake!" she snarled, turning her anger back onto Luke. "My boyfriend said he searched high and low to find me an authentic, vintage music box! You're spitting in the face of our love! Who do you think you are?!"
"I've been collecting and repairing antiques for quite some time--"
"As if!" she scoffed. "You're like what, 25 at most? 'Quite some time' my ass!"
Clearly, she did not want to listen to a word Luke had to say. She had already decided he was a scammer and an anti-romantic. Judging from Luke's expression, his patience was also wearing thin.
"Excuse me, miss? May I say something?"
She stomped her foot as she spun to face you, and for a moment you thought she was going to bite your head off to make a point to Luke. Luckily, your head was still on your shoulders for now, so you figured you would try to get as far as you could before one of those two snapped. "This man here is also a professional detective. He has a great eye for detail. I'm sure he has a reason for saying this box is not authentic." You saw her nose twitch, and you braced yourself for her to start spewing flames again. "Luke, why don't you point out which specific details are not 100% accurate to an authentic antique? Here, I'll bring over an extra magnifying glass."
Slowly but surely, Luke was able to point out a couple of minute differences that were hard to discern for an untrained eye. "While it's a beautiful replica, it's not a true, authentic piece," he declared finally. "Replacement parts will be easier to find for this model, as it's more modern, but... I think your boyfriend just got unlucky."
"So the seller... was the liar...." Her demeanor had changed entirely from when you first found her. She seemed dejected and remorseful, but also a little... relieved. "I thought it was off, you know. The coloring... Anyway, I kind of hoped you'd tell me I was wrong. I'm glad you were honest." She chuckled and shook her head. "I'll talk to him about it. We'll figure something out. Thank you, Mr. Luke, and sorry I called you a scumbag."
Once the door closed behind her, Luke drummed his fingers against his desk and called your name. "You didn't have to do that. I could have handled it."
"You looked like you were about to hit her."
"I would never hit a woman."
"Sorry. You looked like you were about to dislocate her arm."
He sighed. "I'm annoyed... but I'm grateful." He cast you a beaming grin, his sharp canines glinting in the half-light of the sunset. "Now help me clean off one more shelf, and then it's pizza on me!"
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actualbird · 1 year
HI!!! i wanted to ask ur opinion on how the nxx boys sneeze 😭 it was a hilarious thought because i was trying to sleep when suddenly i heard my dad make the loudest, most disruptive sneeze ever and i thought "thats so funny lol WAIT what if the tot boys sneezed".
i generally think the tot boys would be more "a-chooooo...." rather than a nuclear explosion but i need ur opinion. HOW WOULD THEY SNEEZE!!??
scream omfg i love this ask and i remember i actually talked about this with @samsspambox once forever ago so, without further ado
how the nxx boys sneeze
vyn: sneezes normal but my god he's super sensitive to allergies and, most of all, Pollen. which is hell, given that he loves to garden. but his easy workaround is just to wear a mask, and that usually saves him when hes working on his own garden. but come Pollen Season, and all the plants and trees spewing particles into the air, and hes a nose-clogged sneezy mess. his students know that when it's pollen season to not piss him off because he will be so cranky from all the sneezing and also the horrid feeling of only having one nostril unobstructed
artem: sneezes the Loud Dad Sneeze. he is the disruptive sneezer, the nuclear explosion. he is sneezing like how a lion roars deeply to establish its territory lines, except artem isnt a literal lion and does not do this on purpose. his sneezes are LOUD. the type of loud that makes people want to ask artem if hes okay afterwards cuz it's so loud it seemed like it dislodged a rib or something. it's immensely comical, given artem's usual quiet nature, that his sneezes are a force of nature. he could sneeze in his office and people all the way over in the pantry would hear it. he is, and i cannot stress this enough, so fucking embarrassed about it.
marius: the sneeze that keeps wanting to happen but Doesnt happen. you know, the cliffhanger sneeze, the sneezes that are like "ah...aaAAAHH...AAAAAAAHH—" and then the resulting "choo" doesnt happen. and this Not Happening just Keeps Happening. it's agonizing. marius will start a sneeze at 9:55am but the Conclusion Of The Sneeze only happens by 10:03am, once hes already in a meeting with the board of directors. how unsightly, he KNOWS, but the worst part really is the sheer anticipation. what marius would GIVE to have a normal sneeze.
luke: the tiniest kitten sneeze on the planet, and always 6 times consecutively in a row MINIMUM. back during the NSB Days(TM), the fearsome Agent Raven arrived at the training class he handles with a slight cold, saying he'll just monitor and teach and give pointers while socially distanced. the trainees were so scared cuz "wow, hes still coming in even when hes sick, how TERRIFYINGLY DEDICATED, to be expected from the FEARSOME AGENT RAVEN." and then luke steps back and grabs a piece of tissue, obviously rearing for a sneeze, and the trainees thought "oh i bet his sneeze is the Loud Disruptive one, just like his own scary fighting skills, to be expected from the FEARSOME AGENT RAVE—" and then
it's the smallest, cutest sneeze. one after the other. and another. and another. it was like hearing a squeaky dog toy get squeezed several times vigorously. it was like how you'd assume a pixie sneezes. it was like the sound sprinkles and pink bubbles would make if those could sneeze.
once luke is done with his consecutive sneezes (that, for the life of him, he could not stop) he promptly death-glares at the trainees and they all agree to Never Bring It Up.
but the consecutive kitten sneezes still follow luke through his life and all the way up to, yep, the nxx team being able to witness it
mc: awww, it's been so long since ive seen your cute sneeze!!
luke, nose clogged: it's [sneeze] not cute! [sneeze]
marius: it's so cute, i think my heart is melting
luke: shut [sneeze] up!
marius: AAAWWW, is the big bad agent having some twouble? >:3
luke: dont you f[sneeze]ucking patronize [sneeze] me!
mc: do you need more tissue?
luke: PLE[sneeze]ASE
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jelloia · 8 months
// tot enduring light spoilers
KAJFDSL so i just finished playing through all the endings in the new event and ok first i have so many thoughts...
but i gotta say, i love how whenever a bad ending happens, marius's first instinct is to go boss mode and break the fourth wall
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also, the ending where you choose marius to go CRACKS ME UP like especially vyn's response:
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I WAS CHOKING READING THIS cause of course vyn expects marius to fuck up!!
but marius fucked up EVEN MORE than vyn expected by starting a WHOLE ASS GANG WAR
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vyntilador · 2 years
Hi It's me from the Tiktok,I Have this Headcanon On Tot Boys Being a Dad Like I'm Sure Artem is gonna Spoil His Children ESPECIALLY Marius Like The moment he hears His Child Mumbling About "Wow This Kitty plushie looks cute" and He be Like "Then Get em" he might Also Buy the Whole Store(I wish a had a marius in my life) AND for Luke,Like i think he's gonna be A Chill Dad yk Like Setting a prank together with his child and do cute Stuff y'all Mostly go out to Have a Family Bonding Since Luke is Busy being a Detective (a hot One) and lastly Vyn i think He's the Type of that Who Enjoy Reading his Children a Story When it's Bedtime and he's the type to also Gossip with his Children like "Dad there's this Kid-" and he go like "C'mere Tell me all about Ur school and stuff" LIKE ISN'T CUTEEE and While Us Just Watching Them Interact and Smiling like an Idiot, anyways This is just What i had in mind ofc ur free to Say no to my Idea But Yeah That's All,Hope you have a good Rest!🖤
Father, May I?
NXX boys as dads</333
Genre: fluff ofc but I'm adding angst parts after every story bcs it's my specialty duhh(I WAS BORED SORRYYY)
A/N: BESTIE UR A GENIUS THIS IS RLLY CUTE TOO😭😭😭 IMMA HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS ONE TYVM SRY IF I REPLY TOO LATE SCHEDULES PRETTY TIGHT</333 also i might make this into 2 parts bcs it might take long idk depends if I finish this quickly!! Sorry for the wait<3
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Vyn Richter
He doesn't rlly flex it often in the stories (except when he literally showed to their faces that only he had an invitation to that one Pluto cruise ship lmao
Speaking of cruise ships, he'd definitely be renting/buying a whole cruise ship for your daughter's birthday or if she's not into those, he'll arrange for her birthday party in the ballroom in their castle/family mansion in Svart
Honestly, he never wanted to ever come back to Svart if it wasn't for his little princess</33
You told her a bedtime story saying that her dad is a king and you're actually a queen which makes your daughter a princess
The story was supposed to make her sleepy but she ended up getting too excited and literally begging her father(Vyn) if they can come to their castle (he didn't agree at first, hesitant onto how the people of Svart and most importantly, his father woulf react but who cares his child wanted to go there so why not🙄)
Yeah with that said, after that, he just went on a spoiling spree on his daughter but he won't overdo it ofc🤷‍♀️ He doesn't want her to turn into someone condescending and just a bad person as a whole and with that kind of raising technique of his, she grows up into such a sweet girl and he sometimes can't help but smile stupidly with how his daughter resembles her mom so much 😭
Angst part
Ok so me and a friend of mine had this hc where like I forgot most of it but it was just how if Vyn decides to leave you and come back to Svart (he doesn't know that you have a child together so u ended up raising your daughter alone)
Can you imagine the shock on his face when he passes by the house he used to live with you in Stellis, only to see you playing in the rose filled garden with a little girl
You turn around to the sound of your name being called, hesitant but you still did it as you recognized his voice. He stood in front of you in formal attire, looking down on you with a soft glimmer in his eyes, seemingly shocked and feeling guilty
He asks you why you didn't tell him about your daughter but you immediately interrupted him saying that he never gave you a chance to speak
If you let him in your lives again, he'll make sure that his daughter lives the best life, guilty with how he almost made her live the same childhood as him</3
But even after the second chance you gave him, you desperately picked up the broken pieces of your heart from the ground as you tear up at the sight of the father of your children and the King of Svart, Vyn, being wedded to a woman on equal footing as him.
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Artem Wing
Mkay so first of all, uhm TWINS?? Lets say it's a boy and a girl. Well the girl resembles you in EVERY way possible. She's stubborn asf but determined with whatever she puts her mind into. She sometimes pushes his brother into doing stuff he loves like inspiring him yk??
Her brother tho, she's like Artem lmao💀 He's usually calm and silent in a corner somewhere doing arts and crafts while his sister is in the middle of the room singing twinkle twinkle little stars from the bottom of her heart
You'd think that the sister would be the protector between the two of em but it's actually your son. He's kinda timid and shy but he won't tolerate any unjust actions towards his dear sister</3 (You nudge Artem and chuckle at how much your son resembled your husband</33)
When it comes to what your children want, like toys, clothes etc, I wouldn't say that he'll buy anything they want (that's a lie he actually buys them whatever they want when you're not within the vicinity lmao)
It usually goes like this, your daughter is asking Artem to buy both of em something because their friends have it and he'll usually refuse when you're there but the moment you go out to buy groceries, you'd just end up dropping the bags of grocery you had with you the moment you come home as you lay your eyes on the newly bought bikes that looks expensive asf in front of your home LMAOOOO
Yall remember that one personal story where he spent millions for us during the investigation?? He'd def do that to you and your children
They aren't even born yet and he's already having your house renovated for their rooms, already buying shit ton of toys, going to the mall ONLY for food and suddenly, hes calling you over to ask if this little baby onesie would look cute on your children</3
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Luke Pearce
Also twins ngl. Energetic ones at that
Twin girls?? Absolutely (do yall know the fanarts of Lukerosa with this daughter named xiaxia😭😭😭)
Well lets just pretend theres two xiaxia's here
Anyway, he's like those uncle/grandmas that give you chocolate or money in secret when your parents aren't looking
Like maybe before you all eat dinner, daughter 1 is already hungry and is sulking bcs you didnt let her have a bite of the ice cream and here comes papa Luke to the rescue, passing her a piece of chocolate discreetly 😭
Gives your daughters piggy back rides especially when going out to family night outs or when just going to the park to have a little picnic. Or at weekend nights when you're both not working, you're all in the living room laughing softly at the 3 of em seeing them dance in the middle of the room to some children's music
OH AND ARRON IS DEFINITELY SUCH A CUTE UNCLE TO THEM OMGGG hes giving them plushies, money...toy guns..(as soon as Luke found out about it, he's immediately banned from coming over lmao/j)
Hes vv soft to his princesses but he isn't too soft that he gives them everything. I'm not rlly sure but I think he'd like practice disciple with wanting stuff like, 'Do you want the chocolate or the animal plushie? If you get the chocolate, it wouldn't last very long but if you get the plushie, you'll have it forever!'
Goes to your childhood home sometimes to hang out in the attic where you and Luke used to play in and introduces your girls to Sherlock Holmes</3
Just the best dad overall tbh
Angst part<333
He was very hesitant with having children with you with the thing abt his life and his line of work but the moment that he sees the smile on your face slowly dissipate and turn into a look of gloom, he feels guilty for even hesitating for a moment and immediately hugs you
He knows he won't be around for a while so even if he really wants to give your children proper discipline, there are moments where he just spoils them to their hearts content
Sometimes at night, he sits alone in the balcony of your own home and he smiles softly knowing that you now have little angels to look after you once the time comes.
The burden of all of these dawns on him tho. Like, what would your daughters feel like when they realize their dad's gone? What if his work as a spy results in his family getting hurt? Or worse, what if one of them gets pulled into the NXX stuff?
There are times where guilt and despair overwhelms him so pls go easy on him amd always give him cuddles<33
Your touch used to bring him comfort but why is it that when you brushed your hand against his face to wipe his tears away as you laid half conscious in his arms, it brought an overwhelming sense of fear and guilt?
He hugs your body closer to him as tears fell continously from his face, hurting at how his princesses will probably have to grow up without parents.
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Marius von Hagen
He spoils them. No negotiations, no questions asked.
He has a son too btw!! (his son hates him lmao)
Your son hates it when his dad hogs or steals all your attention which then ends up having a mini Marius sulking and hugging your legs asking you with a pout if you love Marius more than him LMAOOOO
I forgot where I read this but I think its the personal story???? idk i forgot Where the cat sneaks in to his home and just hates him overall
Your son would def wanna keep the cat and claim that the cat is now his "accomplice"
Yea but with all that aside, Marius is definitely soft for his son</333 He inherited everything of his dad but he has your eyes which makes him more vulnerable to puppy dog eyes of your son when he asks his dad to get him something
He's well aware of his footing in society so he knows how to stand up to himself well. Or if paparazzi surrounds you, poor baby would scream at them and tell them how he hates them for making his mom(you) have a hard time
Surprisingly, the reporters feel bad and start making way for the three of you to go home
Marius is definitely proud of him for standing up for himself and his mom. Speaking of that, he's another sucker for his kid when you're away. You could literally blink and the moment you open your eyes again, there's suddenly a mountain of toys around u lmao
Angst part
Marius is also very aware of how dangerous it is to live in front of the camera and being exposed to the judging eyes of the public so he tries his absolute best to keep you both safe. Including with scandals, where it's said that PAX CEO Marius von Hagen is having an affair with someone else while having a family of his own. His heart breaks into a million pieces as he looks down on his son thats literally crying and hitting his leg with little to no force because of how hard he was crying.
Hes cursing his own dad on why he has the guts to make u cry like that. His last straw snaps as tears swell into his own eyes as he bends down to pick up your crying son and he hugs him tightly.
He considered leaving PAX and having someone else run it seeing how bad of an effect it left to his family but you begged him to stay there seeing how important the company is but what you didnt expect was that he'll someday put his company first before his family.
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A/N:I think i kept turning away from the og plot im so sorry😭😭😭 i made this at 12 last night bcs i couldnt sleep so m sorry if it does look too good💀💀
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auradia · 2 years
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am I the only one that’s sad that we didn’t get any nxx group chat messages for the new year(s)?
like I want to see them all passive-aggressively wishing each other a happy new year dammit please I need it
therefore since hyv did not bless us with new nxx groupchat shenanigans I will make my own. (under the cut)
luke and marius, stalking the gc at 11:59 PM: come on, just turn to 12 already….. come onnnnn…
the clock ticks to 12:00. and then….
NXX Groupchat:
12:00 AM
Luke: Happy new year, Rosa!
Marius: happy ne-
Luke: Alright, alright… happy new year, marius :)
Marius: hmph. i’m still gonna get you back for that.
Vyn: Why must you be so petty? I was trying to watch the fireworks and the notifications disturbed me.
Marius: well doc just have your phone on silent
Marius: it’s not that hard
Vyn: If you did not disturb me I would not have to put my phone on silent.
Vyn: Also, do not call me “doc”.
Marius: all right doc whatever you say
Luke: Wait a second
Luke: Vyn I think this is the first time I’ve seen you up after 9
Vyn: It was New Year’s Eve, and I would not want to miss such an occasion.
Vyn: Ah, before I forget: Happy New Year, Luke.
Marius: seriously??? no happy new year for me? unfair.
Vyn: Perhaps I would consider it if you did not attempt to get on my nerves daily.
Luke: Should I feel bad or should I laugh?
Vyn: You should laugh.
Marius: WOW DOC
Marius: ok but why ARE you still awake
Marius: i don’t recall you ever saying you were excited for the new year
Vyn: Oh, yes. I forgot to say, me and Rosa are celebrating together.
Luke: Wait, what???
Marius: WHAT
Artem: You’re with Rosa?
Rosa: Yeah, Vyn invited me to watch the fireworks with him! They’re really pretty :D
Luke: Why didn’t you tell me you were free? We could have spent the night together with peanut!
Marius: why didn’t you tell me missy? i’m hurt :(
Artem: I was not aware you were with Vyn.
Rosa: Sorry, guys. I thought you all said you were busy. :(
Luke: I can always make time for you!
Marius: missy, i could’ve made a space in my schedule for you…
Artem: Rosa, if you ever want to spend time with me, I can request a break so we can spend time together.
Rosa: Guys… thanks, but you really don’t need to waste that much time and effort on me…
Artem: No time spent with you is a waste, Rosa. I don’t want to hear you saying that again.
Vyn: Artem is correct. You deserve it.
Marius: wow that’s like the first time i’ve seen them agree with each other
Luke: @Rosa since we missed the new year’s, do you want to come over in a few days so we can have some fun in the snow?
Vyn: …
Artem: …
Marius: …
Marius: dang, should’ve asked earlier
Rosa: Uh… well-
Rosa: I would love to!
Luke: Yay!! I’ll text you tomorrow about it then
Rosa: By the way, thanks for the wishing me a happy New Year. Happy New Year to everyone here, too!
Rosa: I should probably go to sleep now, since the fireworks are over. Goodnight, everyone!
Marius: sweet dreams missy
Luke: Goodnighttt
Artem: Goodnight, Rosa.
Vyn: Ah, Rosa. I will prepare everything for you. Please wait, I am coming.
Marius: wow doc’s really texting instead of just talking they’re literally in the same place
Artem: That does seem quite inefficient.
Artem: Speaking of inefficiency, don’t you have work to do? I recall that Rosa mentioned that you said you were busy during the New Year’s celebrations.
Marius: wow. rude. i’m still doing work just taking a quick break
Marius: besides don’t you have work to do too
Artem: …
Artem: I suppose I do, yes. I am also simply taking a break.
Marius: copycat
Luke: Guys… just do your work
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celamoon · 2 years
Hi! New anon here! I know I should be sleeping rn, but like…y/n confessing thier love for the tot boys in the rain? 👀 I know it’s cheesy but I love cheesy 😭 (I would like either a fic or hc, you can choose :) ) -G (come to think of it, there isn’t much Tot content 😀)
There was a lot for a little bit and then it all died off 😭. Ofc! (Oh my god anon I'm so sorry this has been in my drafts for over a year I'm so sorry)
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Warnings: None
It's been so long since I've written for tot ngl (even longer now oops)
It's raining
It's pouring
the old man is snoring
You've just finished arguing with him over the newest case, and the both of you are in a flurry of emotions
You're wet from the rain, and you blurt it out
Artem is like *shocked pikachu face*
and he immediately rushes to apologize
1. because he's also in love with you
2. because he made you worry
and you're like blinking because you haven't registered that you even blurted it out
and when you do, you're a mess
Don't worry, Artem will take care of you 😭
You're out in the rain playing with him
idk I peg him to be a rain person
it's light rain
you two are dancing in the rain
all cozy
You know that one tiktok trend of ppl dancing to snowman in the snow? Yeah, that except you two are in the rain
There's classical music playing in the background
You two are waltzing outside
you lean in to rest your head on his chest after the dancing, and Luke runs his fingers through your hair
You mumble something against his chest
"God, I love you so much..."
You don't realize it was loud enough for Luke to hear
Luke mumbles into your hair.
"I love you too."
Now both of you are a blushing mess in the rain
You catch a cold the next day and Luke stays to take care of you
He's escorting you home in the rain because his chauffeur can't come
it's not pouring but it's not like sprinkling either
and he doesn't have his car-
He's like joking about you clinging onto his arm to stay out of the rain
"Jiejie, if you get any closer I'll assume you're in love with me~"
You're like
"Yeah, I'm in love with you, you man child. Get closer, I'm getting wet."
Marius like stops walking
and you're like
You good?
Then you see his face and you're like laughing
his face is so red
He looks like he just left the sauna
"MARIUS??? ARE YOU OK???" - you in tears
He's fine
And he manages to recover relatively quickly
He takes you to the only cafe open at the ungodly hour that the two of you are out for your first date
okok for Vyn the two of you probably stay late at his office bc of work
and you're like oh wow it's raining cats and dogs
and Vyn's like "I can call a cab for you"
and you're like oh it's fine dw I can walk home
Vyn won't let you do that btw
He calls a cab for you and while you're out waiting you're like
hey Vyn?
the car is approaching
You go quiet until the car's here and you open the car door
"I like you a lot."
slam the door closed and literally speed off
Vyn's like wait I didn't even answer your confession and you're like blushing a violent red in the back of the car
He goes back upstairs and resorts to texting you instead
he asks you on a date :)
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leafatlaw · 11 months
Ep 29 pd thoughts
Ok to make my internal biases clear, I do not like the master. And while I am 75 percent sure we as an audience are not meant to like him, I borderline hate him as a character. And more so, I do not believe he is a good teacher. His initial tests were all random, and he did little to actually train them, and maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s better to actually teach people, not just mock and belittle them when they fail. Like maybe it’s just me, but, I think people learn better when given encouragement, not just beaten down to fuel your own ego, that wow you beat up a bunch of 18 yr olds.
Ok but the main reason for this post is my issue of dakotas test in epsiode 29. It’s no secret the master holds Dakota to a higher standard than vyn and will( aka he treats him worse), but the first test, the volcano one, is one where the teams relies entirely on Dakota. Which, huh, isn’t that the very thing you were trying to teach Dakota not to do ? But I digress, and that’s not the main issue here, my main issue is the weight of the world test.
In this test dakotas challenge is to carry the weight of the world and then at some point admits and asks for help from the prime defenders. Except( and please pardon me if I’m wrong in this) I don’t think that dakotas main flaw. I mean, it was just a few minutes ago he was literally talking about how he wanted them to stay together after they save Ash. And it was vync and will who were on the fence about that. And again, it really feels like this is a better test for vyncent, who has always had only himself, in a new world full of distrust and betrayals. Asking for help as a test would be for him a heavy thing. And William who feels he owes Dakota and adores vyncent, surly it would be more difficult for him to ask for help.
And therein lies the root of my issue, in an earlier epsiode, when Dakotas aunt, tells him “always the weight of the world with you” she is not commenting on Dakota holding the weight of the world on his own, but rather, Dakota trying to hold the weight of the world in the first place. Dakota loves too much, he trusts too much, he literally gave up his heart( which was killing him to keep, but he wanted to, in order to help more people). He wants to save the entire world, he wants to save everyone. That is his fatal flaw.
And I feel like the master saw Dakota as this self conceited kid who thought too much of himself, but that’s not true. He doesn’t think he can so it all on his own, but he feels like he has to.
That’s why the masters test failed, and Dakota barely hesitated asking for help. Dakota always the weight of the world is a bad thing, not because he can’t carry it all on his own, but that he shouldn’t be carrying it at all. I rest my case.
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flokali · 1 year
im so happy you agree because luke IS a puppy with a big heart !! i could talk about him all day because he's just so ?? my second favorite is artem. i love the little detail of being able to pull his tie down lolol
i haven't played in forever so im hoping the new cards are looking sick as hell! be careful not to spend too much ok?
- (luke lover)
OMG, Luke Lover !! I’ve limited myself, huhuhu;; Had a spiritual awakening when I saw the expression on my sibling’s face when I told them about the sixty bucks… I never thought a 15 year old’s gaze of disappointment could be so cold (TT)
Yes, Luke is so… puppy-coded, baby boy waited 8 years and never forgot you and is willing to sacrifice his own happiness and well-being for you, he makes me sick (positive). I love, love Luke because his love for MC is so pure and he’s just such an interesting character! Like, the little glimpses we see into his past, those 8 years training away from you, when he goes “Raven” and loses the spark in his eye, especially when it’s because he does it protect you (TT);; The scene in the first event, “Lost Gold”, where he breaks the guy’s finger? And is like… “talk or else you lose the other nine”, that’s one of the first times we see “Raven”, and it’s like, wow… do that again. And seeing him progress… especially his latest Sweet Chapter story, my boy is going through IT on the Main Story (all of them are tbh) but I’m delusional so the MS doesn’t exist for me and Luke is healthy, happy, blessed, rich, famous, loved, and totally 100% fine mentally and physically (^_^)
And Artem (TT), Mr. Wing give me one chance I’ll blow your mind and coc— he’s just so!! Malewife-house-husband-breadwinner-hopeless-romantic-coded, I feel like… even if you’re not an Artem stan, you can appreciate him! And! And! And! His tie… please, whenever I go bother him it’s the first thing I do, his face when you pull it down, the little blush before he fixes it, the way he adjusts it… he’s just so !!! There’s just something about how he’s the oldest LI but he’s also the shyest, the one who pins and pins to the point those around him are begging him to do something already! Celestine really is his number one hype-woman;; she’s probably going to be the one to celebrate the wedding the most when you get married (TT) And the little things he does to be with you? The watching romance movies, reading books, noting down things he thinks you may like, the going out of his way to be with you/near you, the way his demeanor changes when you’re around… All of his cards and stories are so !!!
Ughhh, I may love Vyn to hell and back (mostly to hell) but if I were MC, I have to say, Artem or Luke would probably be my choices as lovers. Don’t get me wrong, Marius and Vyn are probably one of my favorite characters in media, period, but Artem and Luke are peak boyfriend - fuck, even just friend - material. I don’t think there’s ever been a franchise where I’ve rooted so deeply for a character to end up with the MC/Player as ToT with Luke or Artem (+_+)^^
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vynegar · 2 years
enduring light SSRs liveblog thread, will be updated as i read. screenshots and spoilers!
adfjdaskj the card animation is so crazy there’s just so much motion in there xDDD
oh it’s set right before college graduation... rosa and luke will finally be able to graduate together :’) surely everything will go smoothly for them after graduating
kiki is here but with no sprite ): and she likes drawing!! (but is putting that on hold to also work on codebreaking)
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oh i know luke must be sabotaging again for rosa to not have anyone ask to be her partner for the dance
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luke rejecting a lot of girls’ invitations.... DON’T WORRY LUKE I’LL ASK YOU
kiki best wingman
oh luke has his parents in his universe :’) his dad got him a (rare and expensive) audio recorder pen before he started college (who wants to bet that it’s full of recordings of mc’s voice. and his parents)
also it’s probably a reference to the mp3 player in his 3rd bday card (which you can read my translation of *hint hint nudge nudge*)
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oh mhy you’re mocking us with this. like this is literally my account description just one character difference
but he will. he will.
idealistic and a hero. yup.
aaron and younger luke but we don’t get sprites, just silhouettes. fine. whatever. just give me vincent in marius’s card and it’s all good.
wow. so mc asks to practice self-defense and luke IMMEDIATELY keeps his right behind him as a handicap, not even stopping to ask or offer. i hate him. that’s so hot of him
sorry i’m being so messy in the liveblog but if you’re scrolling this far then be ready
luke’s eyes described “as if they had absorbed the milky way” hmm okay writing team i may love you for that
AND we get fake relationship as their cover in this card?? thank you for the feast mihoyo 🙏
not another imagery of a cemetery in the rain
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(i call it luke’s despair expression and it kills me every time)
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okay. yeah. i teared up. bad end ✔
anyway i enjoyed the card story. i think most of it was a lot of fun, the action/tension moments were well executed, and the last twenty minutes or so were definitely brutal, oof. i’ll consider saving for this card but it’s definitely not a necessity. also i don’t think i’ll be translating it, or at least, it wouldn’t be a priority for me to translate.
unfortunately i actually DO have to sleep instead of reading the card stories all night like i would prefer :’) might watch some vyn bc i have no self-control but vyn/marius(/artem?) cards tmrw!
not a proper “live”blog since i read this at work so this is more of a review
but i really liked the story. possibly loved it, i’ll have to think about it a bit more
vyn’s personality is like... a little different in here. his earlier scenes have a LOT of his mocking unscrupulous people and not bothering to hide his disdain for them. remember how he was with that PUA in his personal story and that very disdainful expression he had? that energy x10. also a wider range of emotion/sprite expressions used with him
so honestly it’s VERY tragic that this was AI voiced bc it would have been so awesome to have jiang guangtao actually voicing him TT i’ll probably rewatch at least parts of it when other dubs release
the story reminded me a bit of his desert card since mc helps him unveil a conspiracy and he and mc need to work together to take down the true threat. like, this one definitely feels more gritty and grounded, and imo that’s closest in tone to the desert AU card; gufeng AU is meant to be like a myth/legend, and bakerlon was almost... whimsical? ANYWAY back to the main point, i liked how it felt more serious, they had to test each other a bit because trust (at first) isn’t certain, and i liked that a lot because doubt was such a big thing for their canon storyline. also i really like how they feel more like equals in this story! usually there’s a bit of an imbalance in identities where vyn is more powerful, but it definitely feels different in this one. maybe also because they made vyn more emotional/unstable (and have a very... luke-esque trope) in this one?
anyway, i liked it more than i thought i would. definitely considering saving for it and/or translating
oh my god. are they giving us a taste of marius as the ~domineering CEO~? I’M HERE FOR IT
vincent has me DISAPPOINTED when marius appears in the scene instead of him. I WANT TO SEE HIM SO BAD
it’s SO weird having rosa call him “mr. von hagen” (she’s his secretary :3)
NO!!! FUCK!!!! DAMN IT!!!! NO SPRITE FOR VINCENT!!!!!! 0/10 CARD!!!!!
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wowww we got this sprite too 😍 spoiling us with these cards
okay i think it was a good card but tbh i feel like his desert card just outshines. i feel like the plot was too similar in this one, and the parts that i were most interested in were done better in that card. but like it’s still a really good card!!
them SHARING “cloudbreak” as their codename...... TTTTTTT
sdjflkajdsfk rosa get it together!! why is she so much more coolheaded in the other cards
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yesssssssssssss when the highlight leaves their eyes >>>>>>>>
so many cold/humorless laughs from artem
omg he’s really panicked. so much. he spent like the last ten minutes with either that^ sprite or this sprite
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not sure of my opinion on this card plot bc dang this is kinda messy TT but zhao lu’s voice acting is godly so i’ll enjoy it
what the hell i think this is actually the bleakest ending. i think we both died TT
ok so. this is an interesting card. i can’t decide if/how much i would say that i like it but it definitely gives you sth to think about
(also like. i do Not think that my confusion about this plot is solely from il/literacy because one of the highest comments is someone trying to explain the plot of the card)
but anyway unlike the other cards where they’re kinda forced in situations with no better choice, i think artem and mc’s flaws and mistakes play a part in causing their bad ending. like. they were not on their game tonight. i’m sorry to say it’s an L for team cloudbreak
and that’s not always a bad thing!!! it’s very cool to see a character cause their own downfall!!!
but i think the flaws in question are ones that aren’t necessarily present in their canon personality, so YMMV on whether it’s an interesting character interpretation or if it crosses the line of ooc
this may be bc i JUST reread my post about artem’s personal story, him hiding something so important from mc and in that way holding her back is a little immersion-breaking for me. and mc being rather inexperienced and letting emotions win out when she needs to take action was also a bit much for me
but ALSO maybe that criticism is largely due to bias on my part, because you could probably make a really similar argument about gufeng marius, but i liked that card. maybe because it’s marius and i’ve been wanting tot to go yandere for so long i would reread it so i could analyze it more clearly but I DON’T HAVE THE CARD YET
honestly the more i think about it in comparison to gufeng marius the more accepting i am of the card
overall (my opinion)
vyn > luke > marius ?? artem
vyn’s card gets the highest ranking because i was invested the entire time and i can’t remember any major complaints about it (or at least about the story, i’m still sad that we had AI voicing for such emotional scenes)
luke and marius are pretty similar. not really any complaints but also not as much that lingers in my mind. i think luke edges out marius for me because there’s better foreshadowing with things that appeared earlier in the card showing up again later.
artem depends so much on how you feel about the direction they took with the characters that i can see it varying wildly. for me it’s still near the end though
ok to be FAIR. there could also be an argument made that vyn is a little ooc here. but he also had a very different background; instead of growing up as royalty and being instilled with gentlemanly manners, he grew up being told he would die at age 9 and still had his death predicted in the year the card happens and lived his whole life conscious of his mortality. and he used this borrowed time to heal as many injured people as he could, even against the wishes of powerful underground organization/s. so yeah i can believe that he could be rougher, sharper in tone, a little less coolheaded. also, consider : it’s very entertaining to see him like this
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actualbird · 1 year
you probably already saw this in ur notifs but i have been OBSESSED with everything tot you've posted ever since my tot obsession came back. like. OH MAN I VIBE WITH YOU. YOUR IDEAS AND DISCUSSION OF CHARACTERS. CHEFS KISS. poly ot5 is my everything especially bcs it gets DEEP into every one of them :D
and i was thinking about mc's parents meeting nxx. in a scenario where maybe, they need researchers and for some reason or whatever they need someone personal, who they can fully trust including maybe some nxx stuff.
luke looks at mc. mc looks at luke.
well, if marius von hagen needed them. surely they'd be allowed to leave the program maybe temporarily.
and that's how vyn, artem, and marius have their internal parental issues brought out in full force at the sight of mc and luke with mc's parents. like they're just coddling them in the Parent way and they're both enjoying it as a Son and Daughter would. and those three are just like Oh. Wow. That Looks Nice.
artem has both parents but like based on how he's lonely as a kid i know these sorts of interactions were surely few and far between. he would Not be so emotionally repressed. marius has a loving dad but a dead mom who people blame him for and austin has said himself that he Represses. like marius. and vyn? Disastrous. yeah they would be having a Moment with that sort of scenario
and the Moments they will be having when the parenting goes to them too. because i think mc's parents are the type to parent their kid's friends too. they see these sad boys and think. Adopted.
SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG ASJJFKWKS it's just given me a lot of Thoughts.
hello hello, and HAHA YEAH i did see in my notifs a lot these past few days!! im so so glad you enjoy my tot stuff, i was particularly surprised that u even managed to get to me super early posts. it makes me rlly happy to see even those still enjoyable now ;w;
also pls this idea is lovely, has such fertile environment for BIG FEELS!!!!
i rlly wish we knew more about mc’s parents in canon. like i understand that theyve been yeeted into the void for narrative/player-insert-ambiguity purposes buT I HAVE A GREAT NEED!! TO SEE THEM COME BACK!!! ALL THE INTERACTIONS WLD BE LOVELY
and gosh yeah jkvkjHVJAHFKS 3 SAD BOIS R IN GREAT NEED FOR SOME FAMILIAL LOVE!! it makes me really emotional thinking about how artem, vyn, and marius have less than stellar parent-relationships for all the reasons u mention. it’s either absence, neglect, or something else altogether that just resulted in a childhood where their parents couldve been better. they werent the worst parents in the world, but they all couldve been better.
im So For mc’s parents vaguely becoming pseudo-parents to the other three. i mean, they already did that with luke, whats 3 more neurotic grown men?
(sidenote 2: i joke sometimes that luke is unintentionally very good at collecting father figures. aaron, that Bar L owner, a bunch of mentioned NSB seniors he worked under. people see luke and go “wow is anybody gonna son-ify that young man” and then they dont wait for an answer, they just go for it)
itd be sweet and also entertaining if mc’s parents invited them all to a dinner. i mean, the nxx boys are the people she hangs around The Most so it’s basically like meeting her friend group! her….really weird and varied friend group who REALLY want to make a good impression.
[outside of mc’s apartment, artem, marius, and vyn stall on ringing the door buzzer]
marius: ok so before we go in, i wanna ask…….what gifts did u get her parents?
vyn: this better not be a way for you to flaunt your gift
marius: it isnt! im genuinely curious!! and also hoping i’ll be less nervous if i know what you guys brought!!!
artem: i bought a kitchen knife set and sharpened them myself
vyn: i purchased the best bottle of wine i could
marius: …cool. cool cool cool cool those are lovely and reasonable gifts and now im realizing i should uh. tone mine down.
artem: huh?
vyn: what on earth did you get?
marius: it’s fine, dont worry about it, im getting vincent to drive it away right now
vyn: WHAT
luke, phasing into existence behind them without a sound: so are you three thinking of going inside any time this century?
artem, marius, vyn: AAHH
itll totally be a fun dinner all together HAHAHKJAVFKJHAS
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dist0rt1on · 7 months
Dist0rt1on Tumblr Intro!
> Current Theme: Vyn Richter (ToT)
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☆) Masterlist
☆) Requests open!! (Inbox rules here)
☆) Account Intro
Welcome to the one and only, Dist0rt1on tumblr blog~
Feel free to call me Dis (any pronouns are fine)! Just like lots of other accounts; I'll post writings (mainly x reader fics), drabbles, or just silly little thoughts of silly little characters.
Anw, I write both SFW and NSFW (i think...) NSFW are going to be rare but i'll put up warnings so MINORS DNI ON THOSE POSTS!!!!
I have a giant writer's block a lot of times so expect me to appear and disappear from time to time (my 2020 wattpad account is crying on its grave)
I don't really proofread my works so much and my first language isn't english so so sorry if there are a lot of grammar mistakes 😭
If you're somehow still here (HOW but okay :3) I'm interested in many medias!! But my main/comfort media is actually Mob Psycho 100! I only add a media to my masterlist once I write a character on it so you might expect this one to come...
Aside from Mp100 I'm interested in Hi3, Genshin, Hsr, Pjsk, One Piece, Bsd, Crk, JJK, Mashle, and many more 🗣‼
Also my top 3 characters are all fool fraudsters 😭😭😭 Vill-V (Hi3), Reigen Arataka (MP100), Sampo Koski (HSR) they slay fr fr
If you're ACTUALLY still here (damn!!) I hope you'll like my writings as it is ^^ I struggle trying to 'perfect' my works. But in the end they still don't give off that 'wow' aura I want in my writings... Trying my best though 😔😔✊✊
Get well soon dis!!! (Maybe I'm mentally ill...)
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
tears of themis is an attorney game if that's what its called, there are several chapters and each one has its on trial and plenty of storyline for each chapters.
you also collect cards for the debates you'd have go through to proceed the chapter episodes ! as well as hang out with the boys (TM) on your home page and interact with them (open their shirts probably) (thats what i did with marius) (marius and his abs) (god bless im so gay for him) (idk bout the others) (i think you can unbutton vyn's shirt at most)
i want ssr marius cards now jesus fuck
Oh wow, that sounds tempting (not me being a pervert on main 😅😅) maybe one day I'll be able to play...
Probably when I can no longer update genshin 😄😄
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samsspambox · 3 years
the nxx as playlists
by sam, who had a little too much time on their hands and thought way too much about it 
heyo! so,, i made playlists based on a number of things! who they are, what songs i thought they might like, what’s their vibe(tm)... and i wanted to post them when i felt i finally got them so here we are! 
luke: idk, i wanted something that screamed ‘hey, ive been away for you for so long and im sad about it’. a lot of sad sounding songs but there are some nice happy songs! 
artem: honestly the one i spent a lot of time on mostly bc i feel i couldn’t do him justice without adding some rock songs since that pv with the sweater cemented in my head that he listens to rock. lots of ‘i was alone but i found you’ vibes. 
vyn: his is about how he hates love but also wants to fall in love. his has super chill songs with a lot of pianos except for a couple bc they just seemed to fit him so well. 
marius: a lot of newer alternative stuff! but theres also a couple of songs remarking duality and honestly has a lot of clashes within itself. some faster alternative songs but also some cute love songs thrown in there! 
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lunarswritings · 2 years
Inaccurate Random Tears of Themis Headcannons
I litterally don’t know what to write so if u wanna send an idea go for it, if you already sent one I didn’t get it so send it again! If u wanna use these headcannons for whatever just go for it
Warnings: small mentions of death and maybe ooc idk what I’m doing at this point, maybe angst?? Didn’t proof read as much as I should oops
During the 8 years Luke was gone. While Luke would go to the grocery store and go to the candy isle and look at the candy and chips him and Rosa used to eat
Sometimes he would buy Rosa’s favorite candy when he’s feelin a little emotional :(
When Luke was free sometimes he would look at Rosa’s social media to check up on her and even search her up and look at the cases she’s taken
Okay little theory here but I feel like Luke knows the whereabouts of Rosa’s parents since he worked for the government and has A+ searching skills
What if they’re dead and he doesn’t want to tell Rosa omg
Okokok off topic anyway
He checks up on em (if they’re alive) and makes sure they’re ok bc yk family whooo
I don’t think it’s been canon on when Artem fell in love with Rosa but I think it would be super cute if he had a small lil crush before chapter 1
He probably didn’t know it was a crush and thought of it as admiration?
I bet he tried to start a small conversation with her and tried to give her a small compliment of her work and talk about something related to work because that’s totally relatable??
Poor Rosa did not get the message but she still admired him!!
Yk in that sr date Artem said he got a matching set of all his kitchen utensils
If he broke any of them or they worn out somehow I bet he bought the same set and has duplicates of everything just so he could replace that one tool so he has a small box for them
Artem would read the about page of every recipe because he thinks it’s important and is afraid he’ll miss something, even if it’s just a simple history of said meal he’s not taking any risks
As soon as Artem heard what Rosa’s favorite dish is, he searched up a recipe and kept making it until it was PERFECT, down to the seasoning
Bonus points if he knows your spice level
Ok so Idk what canon language Stellis has, maybe Stellis has its own language or maybe it’s Chinese or whatever dub y’all picked
But I feel like when Vyn first was learning the Stellis language he would use formal instead of causal for everything
Yk when ur taking your second language classes and there’s an informal and formal version for addressing people or yourself and other words
or maybe it depends on the language idk
As Vyn was learning the Stellis language he would almost never use informal words when he first learned it since he had his royal image and never used casual terms
I bet people thought his accent was either funny or cute but not in a bad way
Eventually he got better
But he gets really happy when a book he wants has it in the Svart language since he can read the book faster
Movies with Svart subtitles? He’s watching it
He probably takes longer to read documents in Stellis’s language but not like really long
“Wow he’s really taking up all the words and thoroughly checking!”
No he’s just trying to read the poor document
His speed improves tho dw
Vyn used to get a little bit self conscious since he stuck out a lot with his silver hair and he was a foreigner but he stopped thinking about it after a few months
Plus the fan club of Vyn maybe helped in some way?
If Vyn has a small idea of Rosa’s schedule or favorite places sometimes when he’s free he’ll visit or try to go to routes that match Rosa’s schedule
It’s like a “I’ll take a different hallway so I can see my crush for a few seconds” during school
There’s a 50% chance Giann did a “we’re going to Disneyland!” Prank where he’d wake child Marius at 4am to pack his bags and then tell him it was a lie
Marius def cried and went to his dad at like 4 am
Marius gives Disney kid vibes and he definetly loved Tangled
He loved Eugene
Omg what if Rosa and Marius did a rapunzel and Flynn rider costume for Halloween for funsies
Oh my god it’s perfect.
When Marius was in high school I bet at least once he got locked in the art room since he was glued in the art room and the teacher had to kick him out , imagine he couldn’t see him one time and he got locked in
He probably either
A: panicked and called his dad
B: texted his dad and fell asleep in there
Marius likes pineapple on his pizza idk why
Maybe he likes the idea of annoying people who hate it I suppose
Marius found out Rosa’s favorite lipstick/gloss shade and got the makeup department of PAX to make it so Rosa could get a PAX lipstick and for free
“It’s like you’re carrying a piece of me with you!”
Speaking of PAX
I wonder if Marius gives Rosa discounts
If she asked he’d do it anyway
Marius sometimes searches up Rosa online to see anything the news says about her
Maybe when they’re dating he double checks to see if there’s any article catching on their relationship
You know those edits people make of celebrities
What if people made edits of Rosa and Marius when their relationship was public
That’s so funny to think about
Marius would def look through that and look at the comments
Would def have beef with whatever news company said something bad about her
Rosa used to have a romance novel phase
Maybe in like middle school or high school since as a lawyer she doesn’t have time or think about romance
Until like a while after tho
Def would fangirl about them to Luke and get him to read said novel (which he did obviously)
She recites every piece of evidence before a trial and has planned out every possible response to anything the prosecution say the night before
sometimes teaches Vyn slang in Stellis language bc she finds it funny as Vyn contemplates the meaning of them
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satoruin · 3 years
➣ tot boys and how they confess
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pairing: artem, luke, vyn & marius x gn!reader
notes from lee: can you tell who my bias(es) are by this post?? but mmm first post for this fandom
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Let’s be honest here, Celestine set it all up for him and is the one who nudges him into doing it
Now she didn’t write the whole ass script he has pulled out though and this mf is memorizing it, constantly repeating it to himself under his breath or full out to his wall
There’s also a lot of cheesy things in his prewritten confession too, like “you’re my sun, moon, and stars” typical rom-com stuff he’s taken notes on
There’s no set time to his confession though, but everything has to be absolutely perfect
It specifically has to be a time where no one else is around and it’s just you two, he’s made you dinner while you both stay overtime in the office, he’s invited you into his office to work together on a NXX case or something to that degree of specificity
None of it goes to plan and his usually composed demeanor has collapsed
Mumbles it under his breath and is completely embarrassed as you try to coax it out of him
His whole face is flushed, even the tips of his ears as he fully confesses to you
It’s not what he had in mind, but when you accept and hug him he knows it’s good enough
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Now I love him but I don’t think he would confess before his death :/
He would leave behind some kind of voice note that intimately describes his feelings for you bc he doesn’t think you like him back at all :((
BUT idc about that and he would totally confess on a whim
Like the two of you are laying together and he’s just like “wow I love you so much”
But he says it out loud since as best friends you don’t keep secrets and he’s long learned he doesn’t really have a filter with you
It really only clicks to him when you say it back and he does a double-take and has a ‘wait, really?’ moment
He has to explain that it’s a romantic love for you and not a platonic one like you probably think and just really owns up to it
But when you’re like same he blushes so hard and is just “oh, ok”
Acts really weird doesn’t know what to do, and probably avoids you until you confront him and just kiss him to let him know
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He’s one sly mfer
Kinda drops subtle hints so that you can come to the realization you like him
He already knows you reciprocate his feelings of course, he would just like you to know before he confesses so that it’s not so messy
Once he picks up the signs of your realization like avoiding eye contact, getting flustered at any lingering touches, he makes his move
It’s just a nice afternoon tea with him and he brings it up in a casual and flirtatious manner, which isn’t weird since he’s so flirty anyhow
Watches your gears turn as you process his confession while smirking into his teacup
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Extra af
Also has a plan laid out in advanced
Most likely rents out an entire shop or restaurant so that it’s just you two
As much as he teases and flirts with you it’s very hard for him to confess his true feelings to you
Surprisingly doesn’t use any nicknames and uses your real name so that’s how you know he’s serious and not just joking around with you
Gets very blushy and does that thing where he scratches the back of his neck and doesn’t make eye contact
Immediately goes back to being cocky as soon as you tell him you feel the same “Yeah, I knew you couldn’t help but feel the same”
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