#w/ncesties go DIE!!!!
marlborodean · 3 years
i don't say it enough, you are so loved. this is the only thing i've ever had any faith in. — 2x20 "What Is and What Should Never Be" / sam & dean + grace by florence and the machine
for @hauntedwreck and @motelhaunt <3 watch in HD on youtube
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croc-odette · 3 years
listening to hammond song = thinking about my ideal spn ending which is sam deciding to stay at the bunker and dean deciding to leave with cas to finally do something that isn’t hunting and sam and dean both awkwardly hug and say goodbye and talk about meeting up again, but it’s clear that they’re not really sure if they’re ever going to see each other again or WANT to after everything that’s happened. and dean drives away in the car and sam and eileen watch them leave, and we see sam’s back as he stays out a few moments longer alone after the car disappears before going back inside
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lobotomycas · 3 years
I am absolutely inconsolable dont text. sam was 22 when he died cold and scared and tired and muddy in a ghost town after he'd been forced to battle royale with a bunch of other absolutely terrified 22 year olds and dean was suicidal with guilt. luckily for him he knew how to make use of that and he made a deal and got sam back. but was it fair? sam died for nothing and no one and, since we never got any evidence either way, most likely went to heaven. dean died for sam and was sent down to hell. sam was given a few more slow lonely decades on earth and had to accept that the price was his big brother's soul in hell and was it fair? does it matter? dean doesn't care about fairness he just cares about keeping sam safe. that's all that ever matters because that's his job. it's his job to keep him safe and, literally, he's either going to do it or die trying. this post doesn't really have a point. w*ncesties shut up
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destielette · 3 years
Lmao at *ncesties being mad at shippers for celebrating Saileen wedding and being like : leave Sam alone and don’t use his tag for a non existing ship.
One: A ship exits the moment shippers decide to ship two characters (persons) together , that’s why it’s called "ship", idiots.
Two: You know Sam doesn’t belong to you, he doesn’t belong to J*red either, shippers can write and tag whatever the f they want in their own blogs and there’s nothing you can do to stop it and you know why: Because you’re a minority.
So go and try to upvote w*lker because its ratings are laughable.
Or die mad about it.
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Observations made while blocking a whole bunch of people on a post calling for jensen’s head due to this past weekend’s con:
-The demographics are overwhelmingly 18-25 years old. I think the oldest person i saw was 27 and the youngest merely described themselves as a minor
-The ones who only liked the post generally had next to no posts on their blog at all. One was actually empty
-The blogs almost always had negative information in their bio: “I’m trash”, “W*ncesties fuck off and die”, “if you’re a cockles shipper you’re disgusting and should feel bad”, “here posting spn cringe lol”, etc, etc.
-For the earlier ones i checked all of their posts because maybe they gathered more information on what happened at the con or did some research and later counteracted their previous statement without deleting it. Overwhelmingly there was absolutely no posts on analysis, no posts on actual information gathered such as videos, text conversations, body language analysis, nothing, and many doubled down on their hatred for jensen despite showing no evidence as to what his crimes might have been other than a twenty-some word post. One person even posted “i don’t know what’s going on and i’m happy with that.”
-The vast majority of people were queer in some way, or otherwise did not note sexuality/gender markers
-A couple were reblogging a post calling out Misha for some questionable jokes he made, pulling up receipts from as far back as 2012 about some questionable jokes that, when i looked at them myself, i found rather unimpressive or inoffensive. Admittedly in poor taste, but nothing outrageous, and nothing seemed to be recent.
-Most of them were new fans, as noted by comments such as “just got sucked into supernatural”, “guess this is an spn blog now”, etc etc.
Disclaimer: This information was not gained via any sort of particularly valid scientific method and my approach was not very consistent.  Just observations that i made about patterns of demographics and behavior. This is not intended to bismirch anyone’s name. I admit to going into this with a bias, as i was, as stated, going to block them. Also, this is not comprehensive: after the fiftieth person it started getting dull so i stopped.
Interpret the above as you will, with the knowledge that it is flawed and biased.
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anthonycrowleymoved · 3 years
like i like this ep but the only people who like this ep are w*ncesties but i’m NOT a w*ncesty i just like weird concept eps and a concept ep where they DIE and have to go through their memories before they can be resurrected is AWESOME it’s a COOL CONCEPT the script writers just got weird and added in something that made it w*ncesty for NO CLEAR REASON like they could have not done that and STILL HAD THE SAME EP!!!!! IT ANGERS ME IT’S A COOL CONCEPT AND A COOL EP BUT EVERYONE WHO’S AGAINST INCEST (IE NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE!!!!) DON’T LIKE IT!!!!! BAD!!!!!!
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darcyesque · 3 years
Supernatural Season 5 Review/Thoughts
wow. it's season 5. really feeling the brain rot
Notes: I'm gonna get a chance to talk (in person!!) with some other fans on the 25th or so and if I remember, I'll make a post about that!!
Things I liked:
alr I thought the 4 horsemen thing was pretty cool, especially with Death at the end of the season, his entrance,,, *chef's kiss*
ellen and jo!! :))
cas is getting so much funnier and I love him with all my heart(the 99 problems whore thing)
crowley! is so funny!
I like jody:) she is very much a mom
dean's extremely homoerotic phrases he says to cas(blow me, the last person who looked at me like that.., one bert and ernie are gay, two you're not gonna die a virgin, y'all know what I'm talking about)
bobby can walk again!!! so happy for him!!
ahaha in 5x03, there's a part where cas just goes "dem-demons" and Dean tries to talk over him and it's so funny they're so MARRIED
in 5x04 when Cas gets Dean back in his own time, the LOOK Cas gives him,, he's in LOVE
Things I didn't like:
Zachariah :)) enough said about him
ok the whole sam dean trust thing near the beginning, absolutely HORRIBLE for him to do that
why?? did you need?? to kill?? two absolutely kickass female characters?? disgusting
ok. so at the end of the fan convention in 5x09, they make the cosplayers gay. i'm all for gay characters but you're kinda encouraging the w*ncesties here, ya feel me?
when sam and dean go back to keep their parents from being killed by angels and sam says he UNDERSTANDS why his dad did what he did?? NO SIR HE WAS A BAD FATHER!! NO!
dean got rid of the samulet. horrible writing really.
the last ep was kind of confusing and I HATE CHUCK ALSO WHAT"S GOING ON WITH CHUCK
Other Thoughts:
they completely threw the whole Jesse being a trickster out the window and never touched it again didn't they
hoo boy dean's reaction at dr. sexy,, that's not very straight of you ;))
they glossed over SO MUCH in 5x16 Dark Side of the Moon,, wowie we don't have time to unpack ALL THAT(sam's dog, "but when dad came home", zachariah calling mary a milf??)
The End?? so many questions about that, really
I thought Sam, Interrupted was really really interesting bc these characters OBVIOUSLY have mental illnesses and there's evidence of that and they're not getting addressed! anyway I made a post about some of the things I said during that ep
Favorite Episodes: Changing Channels, The End(it's compelling for some reason), Dark Side of the Moon
Least Favorite Episodes: Dark Side of the Moon, The Curious Case of Dean Winchester(a lil boring and they are so dumb in that ep), The Song Remains the Same(smh)
Episodes I cried at: Sympathy for the Devil, Abandon All Hope, Sam, Interrupted, My Bloody Valentine, Dark Side of the Moon, 99 Problems, Point of No Return, Two Minutes to Midnight, Swan Song
if you would like me to tag you, just let me know!
@nebica and @ethosien !
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heller-mads · 3 years
I honestly find it hard to be too mad at Jared. He does understand the show in that he knew Dean would want him out of the life, and Eileen was in the life.
Hi anon! First let me say, thanks for the ask, I always appreciate it! 
Second I would like to say sorry to everyone who wanted to stay away from all this. I know I said I wouldn't talk much about this and I would just post Saileen posts surrounding all this, but I did want to give this a good answer and not ignore it!
Answer under the cut for anyone who doesn't wanna see it! 
I wanna say I understand where you are coming from, but I disagree.
Anytime Dean knew he was gonna die, he always told Sam to go live a ‘normal apple pie life’, to get out of the life. And I think Jared fully understands that part. He knew Dean would want him to get out of the life after he died, and Sam did just that. 
But the thing is, Dean loved Eileen! Dean saw how happy she made Sam and he knew Eileen was good for him. Dean wouldn't want Sam to leave Eileen for some blurry face in the background. He would want him to be happy. 
And whose to say that Sam and Eileen couldn't live a normal life together? The both could have stopped being hunters and began their own life together, like Dean would have wanted. 
Bottom line, Jared saying that he Dean wouldn't want Sam to marry Eileen because of hunting doesn't make sense and it tears down all that character development.
But people aren't just mad about that.
Jared had said that Dean's ultimate goal was to die for "his number one". I'm sorry, but not only does this cater heavily to the B*bros and w*ncesties, and just translate a s bad Walker PR (which is essentially what it is), but it also puts Dean back so far in his character development. Dean did not fight his way through Hell and purgatory, fight for free will and defeat God, work on his anger issues and learn to finally believe that he is not just a monster and a killer (courtesy of Castiel) just to regress back to his suicidal codepency and die so his brother could finally be happy.
AND saying this was Dean's ultimate goal also gives the impression to people who relate and find comfort in Dean that 'your family can't be happy and live their lives until your dead.' 
Not only is what he said absolutely stupid, but it was extremely harmful, even if he didn't mean it like that.
Everyone who is angry and upset with Jared are completely right to be.
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the118firefam · 3 years
family don't end in blood = turns out, family does end in blood
i've spent fourteen years accepting myself and the fact that i deserve a nice beach vacation with my baby brother, my boyfriend and my kid who's also kinda god = im gonna die in a rusty old barn because of a fucking piece of metal, scared and with things i never got to feel or say with no one at my funeral except my bro and my dog
hunting rips the innocence away, let's not do that to our kid anymore ("i was never a kid!") = your son, who is barely three, is now god 🙏
cas' ending wasn't even contradicted, that's all they've ever seen cas as - a punching bag who is always gonna be treated as shit and is gonna die the minute he even feels minutely happy and that's exactly what we got. yes, he got resurrected but for what? helping restore a place that he never belonged to instead of going back home. he who gave up EVERYTHING to save the world, poured his heart out, died in the end? and his only family don't even acknowledge it besides scratching his name in wood WHICH ultimately they abandon.
have fun with your w*ncestie ending im outta here
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bubblegumbitchsam · 3 years
secret sam sideblog u never expected .................
here just because i love ruby w/ all my heart <3
w*ncesties preferably go die 
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