#w: 5to10k
pepperonyfic · 2 years
The best day with you
Author:  tonystarktrash Rating:  teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): Family, fluff Film-specific: no Tropes: teacher au, au, teacher!pepper, dad!tony, face painting, first meeting, peter parker, peter is tony's biological son
Summary: “It's Friday?” Peter sits up so fast that Tony only just manages to pull back before the top of Peter’s head can collide with his chin. “Today's Friday?”
“That’s right,” Tony grunts, scooping Peter off of his lap and setting him on his feet. Peter frantically wrenches his pajama shirt over his head, he gets tangled in the sleeves and starts to struggle, but Tony is there to guide his arms free. Peter looks up at him with a flushed face, his eyes bright with excitement, and Tony wonders if he has somehow time traveled four months into the future and it is actually Peter’s birthday.
“Today's the Spring Fling!”
day 6 december prompt challenge: single parent au
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klanceficatalogue · 2 years
Do you have any whaere they fall out of love and theres like flashbacks to better times in the relationship thank you
anon why do you like to put yourself in pain like this - emily
Syrup & Honey by starlightment (5/5 | 61,082 | Mature)
When Lance decides to take over his grandmother’s highly-acclaimed coffee shop, he quickly realizes there are much bigger issues at hand than the struggle of carrying out his family legacy. Like his annoyingly handsome ex, for instance. Lance is determined to taste sweet success, but with memories of his romantic past making an unfortunate comeback, it seems like there might be more than just coffee brewing between them.
//minor character death, nsfw
a little bit of this by blondeslytherin (1/1 | 5,456 | Not Rated)
The first time Keith walks into Lance's bedroom, he sees his Lance's collection of trinkets. To him, they weren't that important. But over time, Lance shows him how much the little things mean.
5 times Keith found out just how much the small things mattered.
I keep forgetting (we're not in love anymore) by mottainai (5/5 | 19,875 | Teen and Up)
Keith broke up with Lance on a sunny Thursday afternoon. Even months later, Lance still can't understand why. He tells himself he doesn't care. He's lying. Everything changes when Lance is woken by a phone call in the middle of the night. Keith has crashed his motorcycle on the interstate, and Lance is still listed as an emergency contact. With no one else available, Lance has to make some tough decisions for the man he's still trying to convince himself he doesn't love anymore.
//character injury, panic attacks
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
5 Times Tony Showed Pepper He Cares
Author:  akasharpiegirl Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): fluff Film-specific: no Tropes: 5+1, five times, hangover, caring!tony, protective!tony, anniversary, massages, endgame fix it
Summary:  +1 time Pepper showed Tony she cares.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Careless Man's Careful Step-Daughter
Author:  akasharpiegirl Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): family Film-specific: no Tropes: meeting pepper's family, nervous!tony, protective!pepper
Summary:  It has been ten months since Tony and Pepper started dating and is now time for the annual Christmas celebration at Pepper's childhood home with her Mom, stepdad, siblings, nephews, and nieces.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
bring order to the whole
Author: tonystarktrash Rating: mature Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): family Film-specific: all throughout films Tropes: piano, endgame compliant, morgan stark, natasha romanoff, steve rogers, james rhodes, shy!tony, howard stark's a+ parenting
Summary: Somehow, playing in front of other people makes Tony shy and uncomfortable — Tony, shy and uncomfortable? — his cheeks will flush, he’ll start to stammer, and he’ll quickly shut the lid over the piano keys. Sometimes, when he’s in a good mood, he’ll pound out the opening bars of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, completely drowning her out as she tries to review Stark Industries’ daily stock performance with him. Occasionally, when he knows he’s in trouble, he’ll grin at her and play some stupid song from Star Wars. Pepper wouldn’t know it, having never seen the movies, but the heavy, intimidating notes are obviously for a villain, which she supposes she is to him. She doesn’t know any villains that actively try to help the hero become responsible, or any villains that keep the hero’s life from falling apart — but fine, she’s a villain.
day 5 december prompt challenge: familiar melody
TW: abuse
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
I dream in gold
Author: tonystarktrash Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): family, hurt/comfort, romance, angst Film-specific: post endgame Tropes: grief, anniversaries, dementia, pepper thinking about tony, endgame compliant, future fic, morgan stark
Summary: Pepper wipes her mouth with a napkin, nudging her empty plate aside, casting another thoughtful glance at Tony’s breakfast. She’ll let him sleep for a little while longer, she decides, leaving Tony’s plate and coffee when she clears the table. He’ll need to be up by 10 to take his medication for his atrial fibrillation, which he would absolutely forget to take were it not for Pepper. Speaking of pills… Pepper grimaces, opening up the Monday Morning compartment of her pill organizer, dumping out a small assortment of pills of various sizes and colors onto her palm. She’s gotten her blood pressure under control, at least, and Tony had very solemnly accepted the blame on behalf of Stark Industries when she had come home frazzled, freshly diagnosed with hypertension.
day 7 december prompt challenge: celebrating anniversary
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Phase 1
Author: FriendLey Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): humor, family Film-specific: post cacw Tropes: getting back together, peter parker, matchmaking, fluff, shenanigans, au, peter is pepper’s son
Summary:  After Civil War, Tony hatches a plan to get back together with Pepper. With a little help from her son, Peter.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Near Miss in Dubai
Author:  Snoot37 Rating:  mature Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): angst, drama Film-specific: no Tropes: pre relationship, pining, protective!happy, protective!tony
Summary:  Tony's parties have never been much fun for Pepper. But when she finds herself in trouble, what will she do? How will Tony react? Warning for adult situations.
TW:  attempted rape
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pepperonyfic · 3 years
confessions of love
Author:  kickcows Rating: mature Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): fluff, smut Film-specific: post iron man 2 Tropes: love declarations, happy hogan, getting together, first time
Summary:  Tony has to head to New York, and requests that Pepper joins him. It’s time they talked about their relationship, and what to do about it. That is, if Tony can finally work up the nerve to do it. Set after the events of Iron Man 2 and before the events of the Avengers.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Vacation, Anyone?
Author:  deedeejadexo Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): family Film-specific: no Tropes:  peter parker, vacation, dad!tony
Summary: “Took you long enough,” Tony calls, pitching his head slightly over his shoulder as he tells his presumed wife to be, eyes never leaving his sketches, “I was about a minute away from grabbing the suit and coming to look for you.”
“Were you worried about me?” Came the very young, very male familiar Queens accent from behind him.
Tony visibly jumps, dark eyes popping wide open and mouth dropping in a silent gasp. He whisks around defensively and instinctively, drawing himself up into his full height as he lays his eyes on the familiar red and blue clad form of whose ass he was about to kick.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Author: FriendLey Rating: teen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): humor, family Film-specific: mid endgame Tropes: missing scene, peter parker, reunion, supportive!tony, endgame fix it, the avengers,  bamf!pepper, rescue!pepper
Summary:  This is me taking the 12 second Pepperony battle scene in Endgame and extending it into something more.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Cheeseburger First
Author:  swayingwires Rating: teen Word Count:  5-10k Genre(s): domesticity, angst, hurt/comfort Film-specific: mid iron man Tropes: happy hogan, cheeseburgers, food, missing scene
Summary:  Three months. No cheeseburgers in sight. Happy drives Tony home, with detours.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Author:  NeonDaisies Rating:  gen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): romance Film-specific: iron man 2 Tropes: missing scene, pepper thinking about tony, tony thinking about pepper
Summary:  Facts without interpretation are just facts. Facts colored by perspectives become stories. This is the story of IM 2 through the eyes of our favorite characters.
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pepperonyfic · 2 years
Author:  AGoatAteMyNameTag Rating: mature Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): drama Film-specific: no Tropes: alcohol abuse, mutual pining, broken up, getting back together, sobriety, canon divergence
Summary:  Leave, leave, leave! Her mind screamed at her, the beginnings of panic seeping into her veins. Get out while you still can! You can have a normal life. One without blood and state secrets and your heart flying around in a surprisingly fragile titanium gold alloy suit.
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pepperonyfic · 3 years
Last Night
Author:  HLJ137 Rating:  Gen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): angst, romance Film-specific: mid iron man Tropes: canon divergence, getting together, worried!pepper, drunk!tony
Summary:  Tony and Pepper stand on the roof after their dance at the gala. But instead of pulling back, Pepper gives into her deepest desires and kisses her boss. Afterward, she worries that she has ruined their relationship, but Tony, who had been drunk the night before, doesn't remember their kiss at all
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pepperonyfic · 3 years
Darling Boy
Author:  ironfamjam Rating: gen Word Count: 5-10k Genre(s): angst Film-specific: all throughout films Tropes: death, endgame fix it, car accident, palladium poisoning
Summary: Everyone's fates are written in the stars and Life and Death carry out their duties, never interfering.
Until Tony Stark.
“It’s time now isn’t it?” Tony looks at Death, eyes pleading, broken, bright, “Aren’t I done yet? What’s the point?”
Death sits down next to him, smelling like the earth after rain, embers turning to ash, the salt in the ocean. “Darling, your story isn’t over yet.”
“Why not.”
“How can a story have an ending without a compelling middle?”
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