#w. jungmi
gmskyungho · 4 years
semana de exibição mutante, quinta-feira, noite de jogos.
                                  ༉‧₊˚✧ kyungho olhava fixamente para o montinho de cartas no meio da mesa, um ar de seriedade que não combinava em nada para o jovem conhecido por aí como o filhinho mimado de papai. uma das mãos apoiava seu queixo enquanto a outra segurava as próprias cartas, tomando cuidado para que jungmi não tivesse a chance de espiar suas jogadas. não era inteligente, mas era competitivo e quando se tratava de jogos como aqueles, seu esforço ia de 0 à 100. verde, carta verde. não tinha carta verde. “ah...” riu soprado, fingindo que havia acabado para ele, só para logo depois um sorriso vitorioso tomar os lábios ao que colocou com todo entusiasmo um +4 do uno no centro da mesa para a garota. “achou que um verdinho ia me intimidar?! toma! quero azul!” @gmsjungmi​
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gmsjohann · 4 years
thread: weird mind maps.
quinta feira, palestra sobre saúde mutante
Um segredo não tão secreto na vida de Johann sempre fora sua determinação para se tornar um médico. Ainda que já se sentisse velho para começar e que já tivesse falhado na missão de conseguir um estágio no hospital inúmeras vezes (afinal, suas notas eram sempre uma droga), ele continuava alimentando esse sonho com um afinco de dar inveja.
Muitos mutantes detestavam as palestras de saúde. Honestamente, às vezes eles diziam muitas coisas que o alemão acreditava serem balelas inventadas pelo governo, mas ainda assim ele as assistia com o interesse digno de uma criança vendo o live action de Scooby-Doo pela primeira vez. As inovações e pesquisas o faziam acreditar que haveriam coisas novas vindo por aí e que talvez, só talvez, seu sonho de trabalhar na saúde não estivesse tão distante. Queria desesperadamente transformar suas habilidades de cura em algo mais útil. Então assistia à palestra com um interesse aparente e quase ridículo. Tinha até um caderno para fazer anotações sobre o que achava mais interessante riscar o que acreditava ser uma mentirada inventada para manter os humanos entretidos.
Ao final de meia hora, a folha do caderno já era uma zona de rabiscos, setas e frases confusas escritas em caneta azul e vermelha, que só ele entenderia no futuro. Foi só então que notou o olhar de @gmsjungmi​ sobre seus ramblings bobos. Foi inevitável que seu rosto corasse, o que lhe era bastante raro devido à circulação fraca de seu sangue, e ele olhou para o lado tentando achar uma explicação plausível. “Não sei porque essas palestras me interessam tanto. Parece que estão dizendo um monte de idiotice, mas fico querendo saber mais sobre.”
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
misc 4 w/ jungkook and yoonmi?
a jungmi request! lmao this is like an outtake from bon voyage season 1~ you can find it here! thanks for the request luv, i hope you like it!
prompt: “Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
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Jungkook rummaged through his two bags. He couldn’t find his white hoodie, and he was sure he placed it right on top of his bags when it dried. He groaned to himself. Was it possible he lost something on this trip as well? How could he do that when he literally only had two bags of things? (Three if you count the camera bag)
“Hyung,” he asked Yoongi who was sitting on the bed and packing his ipad away, “have you seen my white hoodie?”
Yoongi pointed to Yoonmi’s side of the bed, “It’s literally right there.”
Jungkook stared at it for a few seconds before facepalming and picking it up.
“Wait, oppa, I was going to wear that,” Yoonmi called as she walked into the room.
“What’s wrong with your outfit now?” Jungkook asked her.
Yoonmi looked down at her clothes. She was in skinny jeans and an oversized shirt tucked into them. She was pretty sure the shirt belonged to Seokjin.
“Nothing,” she shrugged, “I just might get cold.”
“So wear a jacket, Mimi.”
“I was going to wear one,” she pouted. “Oppa, sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“I was literally going to wear this today,” Jungkook told her. “You can’t tell me you didn’t pack anything that even resembles a jacket or a coat?”
Yoonmi gave a guilty smile. Jungkook groaned. That meant she really didn’t pack an outer layer to wear.
“You’re the European,” he muttered, “Shouldn’t you know what to pack?”
“Technically, I was born in Busan. Plus, I haven’t been to Europe in seven or eight years!”
There was a fond chuckle from the side. The two maknaes turned to look at Yoongi who had just zipped up his bag and tossed a dark object at Yoonmi. It was his jacket that she had borrowed the day before.
“Wear mine so Jungkook can wear his,” Yoongi told her. “Jungkook, lend her your hoodie tomorrow. This way, no more arguing.”
The two maknaes exchanged looks before nodding and following Yoongi’s instructions.
“I can wear it tomorrow then?”
“Tomorrow, Mimi.”
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lexaprodream · 3 years
what i rmr of this dream 11/25/21
met a ginger hipster drainer on the sidewalk ended up at his apartment we kissed it was kind of a party a guy asked me to play league with him but it looked like runescape when we were playing. there was another loona comeback. i walked around? i was on a bus my parents were there on their way to work my mom was telling me about a gift she got me and was like u must really treasure it huh and i for rlly stressed out by the obligation and was like no and got off the bus and told them to stop talking to me. my he person robyn was there earlier with the ginger guy. i rmr she was talking to me abt something but he was like whispering and flirting with me. when we were making out he was sitting down i was standing up and he grabbed my waist and pulled me in and asked for consent and everything . he was a davis student . i went to another party with him and jungmi ben and mae. jungmi was mad at the guy i played league with bc he went to one of their dk shows and recorded songs and posted them on his ig story without permission. the ginger guy spit in my mouth a little bit when we were making out it was gross. me and the ginger guy fought at this party? i think i was joking around and acting stupid and he said it was annoying. it was something more specific than that but i don’t remember now. other details uh. i asked league guy for his name and he thought i meant in the game he was like oh i’m #2 see here and i was like no irl and he was like why everyone wanna kno stuff abt me and i was like it’s good to categorize this info in ur brain. the ginger guy had a lot of houseplants and i was like i will not b able to take care of these for u. there was a part where i had to show my dad these emails between some1 and this problematic uoutuber they were fighting but my dad was rlly impatient and thought it was stupid. she had a song where she gets her tits out in a grocery store and dan and phil are featured in it. i had this convo w mae and ben where they were joking abt me being japanese and i was like i’m chinese and they’re like just bc whatever asian is convenient for the situation. lucas was there at some point but i didn’t talk to him.
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poppieplots · 7 years
chain reaction; jungmi & jieun.
At 12PM, at the cafeteria; w/ @ygxmimi
Era como se o nó em sua garganta tivesse se conformado com a posição e decidindo se instalar no local permanentemente. Ela realmente não devia ter feito isso, se exposto assim, sido sincera assim. A garota que ocupava a sua menta claramente não sentia o mesmo por ela e o sentimento de rejeição que aquele chat criado na noite de ontem lhe trazia era gigantesco. O nó só aumentava toda a vez que olhava para o seu histórico de mensagens e a vontade de desabar em chorar também. Mas estando completamente exposta no refeitório da academia, essa ultima parte estava completamente fora de questão.
Os pensamentos sobre tudo que havia acontecido a consumiam sem igual, a dúvida e o nojo consigo própria não ajudavam absolutamente nada em melhorar seu sentimento. Talvez tivesse sido melhor ter jogado um "thanks but no thanks" assim que Daniella falou o que falou e ter se poupado de se machucar como se machucou. Ela deveria estar feliz com a rejeição, really. Afinal, não era ela que falou que não conseguiria ter uma relação com uma garota? Que não conseguiria a beijar sóbria? Então! Isso era um motivo de felicidade, uma dor de cabeça a menos. Então por que ela estava tão mal? Tão triste?
Mas ela não iria se deixar abalar por isso, não. Iria não só tirar a estrangeira de sua cabeça, mas como também iria tirar as outras duas que inevitavelmente confundiram seus sentimentos.  Principalmente a coreana mais velha, que havia decepcionado toda a visão que Jieun tinha dela com a conversa de ontem. Iria sair da vida daquelas meninas e poupar todos ali de futuras brigas. Não é como se ela merecesse alguma coisa daquelas, também. Suspirou, tentando esconder a tristeza e todo essa crise interna que estava passando por. Cutucou a comida em sua frente, sua fome inexistente, mas sabia que os treinos mais tardes seriam pesados, fazendo então com que a garota levasse o garfo à boca. A última coisa que faltava para si era além de tudo passar mal fisicamente por comer errado.
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ygxcherry-blog · 7 years
[text] I think about you when I masturbate so I guess you could call it love.
(00:02am) cherry: You should stop thinking of me and start asking me for help, Mimiyah!
(00:02am) cherry: So... do you masturbate everytime you think of me? 😏
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mmjungmi-blog · 5 years
sources: @mmchoa + @mmjungmi​   ╱   ◀◀    r e w i n d   ;   ━  ↺ ▶
her gaze is deprived of the usual wildfire, the dull thud that burns beneath her rib cage isn’t the spirited burn of her heart for once. like a doused flame, this time it’s just the stinging, smoking barrel of defeat, disappointment leaving her weary. she had been training too hard for losses quite this hard, hadn’t she? didn’t her mother, jidam tell her that if she chooses to continue pursuing quidditch, she should at least be good at it? that quidditch wasn’t ◦ in her cards ◦ so maybe it’s a waste of time ( jungmi had flared up indignantly, because it’s her life and she fucking likes quidditch ) yet here she was, losing miserably. she grips her broom tightly in her left hand, still suited up in her ( dirty, filthy, sweaty, grass stained from where she had splattered onto the ground after veering too close during a chase ) quidditch uniform, watching the crowd disperse with eyes like fingers flickering over files: searching for something specific, context clues for where she might be filed away. in this case, more or less where jungmi had left her before the match. the burning in her ribs grows two-fold at the knowledge that not only did so much of the school ( both schools, she cringes ) see her spectacular loss, but as did her best friend. the ones she loves. she sighs. ah well. not like she was ever cool in the first place. what reputation does she have to lose? even after all these years at quidditch, she wasn’t good enough; life goes on.
her wave is tempered down by her mood in a way that looks like water gathering in a tarp and drooping in the center, but she doesn’t bother to hide it. her expression going from an oh-there-you-are smile to a pout in about three seconds ( like an upset child who saw a loved one after a long day ) strolling up with all the normal presence ( chin up, shoulders straight, long strides for a girl with approximately zero height and less legs ) she normally mustered, without the flare. where she normally would throw herself with some reckless abandon into a hug, this one is folding herself upon the warm and familiar frame of @mmchoa​, sweat and icky be damned. her arms wrapping around the other girls waist with a frazzled sigh. “i heckin lost.” ( she says like choa might not have seen like; like her friend may have averted her eyes to avoid watching the ensuing crash ) her broom brushes the ground as her grip goes slack, “can we go get something to eat?” her eyes scan over choa’s shoulder at the gaggles of people still remaining around the loud area ( none of which are looking much at her, but their presence alone makes her skin crawl with insecurity ) “if i have to stay here one more minute i’m going to lose my mind. i know it’s almost curfew but,” she leans back finally ( it had been almost too long of an embrace for a girl playing herself off as mostly fine ) (( at least in mannerisms )) “please? please please, i’ll pay~.” she lifts her broom and her eyebrows at once, “i’ll drive.” that part is teasing, well aware of what the sight of the broom might mean to her best friend but, she can’t help it. she really rubs in the charm, just to be safe, masking her inner conflict with smiles and cuteness and the thoughts of spending some one on one time with choa ( it helps just a little, actually )
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mmjimin · 5 years
♡ written w love &  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  for @mmjungmi .
if initially you look at the kwak siblings, six in number, spread in age and personality, it seems masterfully crafted. as though they were hand picked by fate, the extensive lineage to follow that of a true seer. perfectly sampled. there’s a little of it all among them, each little duck unique in its own way. they shared several things. each of them. ⁺ the disarming need to flee from the claws of divination. ⁺ an alarming awareness of the political tensions surrounding their family, in both maeobsa and wizarding world view. and a certain energy to them that only the kwaks can summon. and that’s where it ends. abrupt cut off, a sheering spell to draw a line in the sand. with some kwaks, things were balanced, some of them were closer than others. in personality, in spirit, in relationship. an irrevocable truth was this  ›  jimin bares a difficulty relating to most any member of her family. this extends to the way her relationships are handled in most things but, with jungmi in particular it becomes › complicated.
jimin stares down her nose, irradiated brown surrounding black pin pricks, as she narrows an unenthusiastic gaze at jungmi across from her. having been dragged aside by her younger sister with a disapproving mom look that’s way more jidam than she’s quite sure jungmi intends. that’s just a part of the gig. being on her sister’s bad side. clearing her throat, a tone of frigid perdition. “you should lose the habit of treating me like i’m anything but your noona, jungmi.” 
had she learned nothing form the years? jimin scalds herself. so long she had been painted the bad guy, relaying orders from jidam, requests if she worded it kindly. too many years of jimin making the kids do homework, of distantly informing them that what they were doing was thoughtless. just for jungmi to come behind her like a heralded angel, brushing away tears, kissing boo-boos, selling points of anarchy and chaos. it’d be funny. but it’s just exhausting. jimin hates it. “what’s wrong this time?” she’s too irritated. as much as she loved being a scapegoat on the pyre for what she might admit is the best of them, she isn’t in the mood. picking debris from her hair, tremor shooting up and down the length of her spine with compressed rage.
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