#wachowski clan
quazart · 1 year
I wonder if because of the implication that Tails never had parents to begin with, he strongly attaches himself to both of his new adoptive parents, whereas Sonic emulates Tom in many ways while Knuckles gravitates more towards Maddie possibly because they never had a dad and a mom respectively
I couldn't agree more.
While Sonic had grown closer to Tom, and Knuckles to Maddie, I also believe Tails equally leans towards both, if the case is he never had parents.
If Tom is doing something with Sonic, whether its bonding stuff or chores, Tails will hang around to help or supervise( he likes to ride on Tom's shoulders when he does this) His dad or older brother inviting him to join the second he's in view. The same would occur when Maddie and Knux are together, aswell. Whether they're just watching tv, cooking or having a yoga session, they receive him with open arms. Teaching him along the way.
But above all, Tails favorite family activity would have to be movie nights. When he's got his whole family on the couch, with him right in the center, watching the chosen movie of the night, together. He has both his parents at his sides along with his brothers. Even Ozzy was here, laying at the foot of the couch, watching with them. Or is he asleep? He can't check. Everyone is under one big blanket snuggled together, so he's immobile for the time being. But he wouldn't have it any other way.
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What kind of roles do you expect Tom, Maddie, Tails and Knuckles to play in Sonic 3? It's not like they can just sit on the sidelines while Sonic and Shadow have all of the fun!
Hey Darlin’!❤️✨
I believe that Sonic 3 and the Knuckles series are events that occurred at the same time. Meaning that Maddie, Knuckles, and Wade split up for one team. Tom, Sonic, and Tails are another.
Maybe the events that we see for Knuckles are meant to be his telling/perspective of they events that happen during the third film. Maybe Sonic 3's story is so big that it needed a show to tell what was going on with Knuckles and Maddie. Sure, we all read the synopsis for the Knuckles series, but I also think that it’ll provide details that lead up to the third film.
In short, badass Maddie and badass Echidna warrior do the side missions in retrieving the emeralds like SA2's missions. Both the TV series and the movie are meant to go hand-in-hand with each other. Why not have these stories connect in that manner as well?
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utterly-ridiculous0-0 · 3 months
Egyptian Mobian echidna remake! + Opossum
A opossum in my front yard.
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Most tiring sketch I’ve ever made in my entire life. If I’m honest, I was guessing what to put here. My hand fell asleep and my arm is tired so I’m going to pet the possum outside. (Not really, I am just joking!)
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aphantimes · 1 year
As a warrior and a stronk boy, Would Knuckles like protein shakes and use them to help build his superior bulk?
If it passes his strict rules for what goes into his body, then maybe. He would be the kind of obsessively comb over the ingredients before consumption. I could see Movie Knuckles being really into them once he finds one that he deems suitable, with Maddie's help.
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pianokantzart · 5 months
My Theory on Pachacamac and The Iblis Trigger
There is talk about how much they changed Pachacamac from a warmongering, power hungry tribal leader, to a goofy grandpa figure, but I think the truth of Pachacamac's nature might be somewhere between the two interpretations. Despite his friendliness, you can't forget he did lead a clan that wiped out the owls with a singleminded focus on capturing Sonic and reclaiming The Master Emerald. Pachacamac, now a ghost, has visited Knuckles to tell him he needs to expand his tribe. There are no other echidnas left, so he asks the sole survivor to take on an apprentice. "Show him our customs, teach him our traditions, and soon our tribe will grow once again."
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There is no acceptance or acknowledgement of the fact that the clan's current situation is the result of a bloody feud and the destruction of an entire race besides their own. There is also, unsettlingly, no acknowledgement of Tails, Sonic, or The Wachowskis as members of Knuckles' clan.
While there are questionable elements to Pachacamac's approach, his motivations are at least understandable. Knuckles is a minority– the last of his tribe and the only surviving member of his species, so of course his old chief wants to see their traditions and culture preserved.
Things only get really weird when Pachacamac takes hold of Wade– Knuckles' apprentice and the soon-to-be new addition to their clan–and rewrites history. Rather than the tale of a lone owl that the echidnas hunted down in a quest for power, the story is instead of an entire flock of owls that were the aggressors, killing off Knuckles' tribe and burning down his village for no reason other than for the sake of the slaughter.
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Similarly, Knuckles isn't described as a lost child left behind, but a fellow warrior who battled alongside his father until the bitter end.
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So, knowing that Pachacamac's version of events is wrought with lies leads to one very serious question: What is the true story of Knuckles' battle with Iblis? If there's one thing we know about The Echidna Clan, it's that they are fixated on raw power. They're a warrior-focused society where the best fighter gets the highest honor and the most privileges. They were the ones who crafted The Master Emerald from the seven chaos emeralds. They were the ones who tracked down Sonic when he was a child with the intention of obtaining his power, before Long Claw wiped them out in her final struggle.
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And who else do we know that was accidentally unleashed in a reckless pursuit of power?
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Iblis, the raw power of the sun god Solaris. Iblis, who was sealed away within a child using the power of the chaos emeralds.
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Now, there's no doubt that "The Flames of Disaster" in the SCU are very different from "The Flames of Disaster" in Sonic 06. In the movie universe the flames are merely a type of wieldable power rather than the name of an apocalyptic event. However... what better way to rewrite the fact that the echidna tribe nearly caused the end of the world and locked an immortal fire demon within an echidna child, than by pretending that The Flames of Disaster is just an inherent ability Knuckles unlocked through an epic battle?
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What if "The Flames of Disaster" wasn't a power he obtained through a magnificent fight, but a power he survived after it was thrusted upon him by his elders? ... What if one of the many, many reasons reasons his father didn't let him join the fight was out of fear of what would happen if he cried?
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the-sky-queen · 29 days
In the second movie trailer they showed us the scene with Tom on the lake where he told Sonic his moment would come. And that kinda ended up being the central connective thread of the movie. It kept being brought back up until the final fight with Robotnik where Sonic declared "THIS is our moment"
Now, in the movie 3 trailer, we've got another talk with Tom, and this time he's telling Sonic he's found his family and he hasn't changed where it's most important. In his heart. SO. Going by the second movie's logic, I'm going to predict that that's going to be the third movie's connective thread. Sonic is going to be TESTED. Given every reason possible to change who he is inside. I'll stop beating around the bush and just say it.
I think Shadow is going to kill (or at least greatly injure) one of the Wachowski clan. And I think Sonic is going to go Dark Sonic because of it.
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mama-qwerty · 5 months
I don't think Knuckles is moving in with Wade or anything, but he's definitely taking Knuckles with him whenever he visits his mom
I have a feeling Wade isn't going to be away from his family (well, his mom anyway) for as long as he was before. Weekly phone calls at least. Facetiming. Regular emails with new music for her.
And I think Wendy would ask after Knuckles.
"How's our little guy?"
"He's not 'our' little guy, Mom. He's the Wachowski's."
"Oh don't be so picky, Wade. He's a Whipple in our hearts, you know that."
"Yeah, I know that. He's fine. We go bowling once a week. And he hasn't caused any insurance rate raising damage in a month!"
"He's such a good boy."
And yes, whenever Wade plans a trip back to see her, he checks with Tom and Maddie for when will be a good time for Knuckles to come along. And the boy wears his finest hat, usually bringing some dessert and a few movies he thinks Wendy would like.
Wendy has taken to calling herself his Nana, which caught him off guard at first. He wasn't sure what the term meant. But after Wade explained it, he lowered his head with a soft "hmm", before looking back to her.
"It would be an honor. Nana."
Wade hadn't seen his mother look so happy in a long time.
Wanda kinda huffed and sputtered about it when she heard, but even she sometimes slips and calls Knux "little bro".
Knuckles loves the Wachowskis, but the Whipples make him feel accepted in a different way. In some ways he feels like he were back in his village, the youngest of the clan once more.
And it makes him happy.
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katlyntheartist · 30 days
I also want to say that, as someone who's seen nothing but hate for the Sonic movie universe, I like that you make art and comics for it. It's nice to see someone make fun art and is making a cool comic about this universe, which I'm excited to see what you do with it :)
First off:
And second, thank you! I really enjoy the SCU and while I have my problems with it and acknowledge it's flaws, it's still a fun universe with so much untapped creativity that I hope to explore with in my au comic. And the fact that people enjoy the comic so far and also like the fun drawings I do of the Wachowski clan, makes me so happy. thank you guys 😊
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bexorok · 5 months
Poorly written Sonic movie 3 pitch/outline pt. 2
Amy introduction scene! I thought for a long time about how Amy would fit into the story of the movie universe if she was included. I made her a sort of historian that’s been obsessed with the history of the chaos emeralds, the war between the echidnas and owls, and the subsequent consequences it had on the hedgehogs involved. I also wanted to include some of her main game lore by including fortunetelling. Plus a little scene setting up the catalyst for the main plot as well as family shenanigans.
Amy introduction scene
Cut to a distant planet. The captions read “Mobius”. We zoom in and see a hut on the beach. We go through the wooden doors of the hut to reveal a single room with a bed, table, and chair. Lining the walls are bookshelves with books on mobian history, the chaos emeralds, ancient documents describing the master emerald, different hedgehog clans, and fortune telling. At the table sits a pink hedgehog with what looks like tarot cards. Next to her is a document like a newspaper, with an article about the confirmation that an energy release had been detected, and was thought to possibly be from the long lost master emerald, which was thought by many historians to be myth. Amy brushes it to the side and takes three cards from the stack in her hand.
Amy: Alright cards, I don’t know what to do. The emeralds have caused countless wars, and most of the hedgehogs were wiped out because of it. But still, I want to seek them out. It's a piece of my history that I thought was gone forever. Please, tell me, is going to earth really the right thing to do?
The cards in her hand glow pink, then she places them down. She flips over the first card, revealing an image of The Hierophant holding one of the chaos emeralds.
Amy: The first card is meant to symbolize the person receiving the reading. The Hierophant is a master, and represents learning. I think it's saying that I’m knowledgeable about the chaos emeralds, but going to earth could teach me more.
She stares at the card for a moment, as if expecting something to happen. The cards remain still. She sighs as she flips over the second card. It is the image of a 7 pointed star upside down, The Star reversed. At each corner of the star in the image is a chaos emerald.
Amy: The second card is supposed to connect me to someone else. The card is upside down, which means this person is “at odds with their true nature”. I don’t really know anyone else looking for the emeralds, or at least no one that's going through an identity crisis. Could this be someone I haven’t met yet?
The second card suddenly glows and floats in the air.
Amy: Well, I figured that one out at least.
She flips the third card to reveal The Hero (not an actual tarot card, I just wanted something unique to connect to the story). The image is of a hedgehog with the seven emeralds surrounding them, they are glowing a goldish yellow color, and have quills sticking straight up.
Amy: This is supposed to represent the future between me and the person from the second card. Does this mean that I play a part in the hero’s story?
Again, the card glows and starts floating next to the second card.
Amy: That just leaves the first card. Maybe it's not talking about something I need to learn. I’m not someone who can use the emeralds myself, but maybe there's someone out there that can. That's it! Someone connected to the emeralds needs my guidance to become the hero!
Finally, the first card glows and floats alongside the others. The rest of the deck begins floating and spinning until they are all shuffled and neatly stacked in place, then go back to Amy’s hands.
Amy: Thank you, cards! You haven’t steered me wrong yet!
She runs out the door, and we zoom into the newspaper that was left behind.
Exterior: Wachowski household
The sun is starting to set, and the Wachowski’s are all eating their meals. Knuckles has a small stack of hamburgers on his plate, while sonic has a chili dog. Tails has already finished and is tinkering with a gadget away from the table.
JoJo is next to him looking at what he’s working on.
JoJo: What's this one supposed to do?
Tails: This is a prototype for one of my inventions. It's supposed to counteract the energy generated by the chaos emeralds, but since I don’t know the energy frequency I’m testing it using other frequencies.
He looks over to see the adults huddled around a Television that's been set up outside. It’s currently playing a football game. Maddie and Rachel are to the side talking, while Tom and Randal are on lawn chairs intensely watching the game. Tails turns to point the remote at the television and presses the button. Tom and Randal are confused when the screen suddenly goes dark. Tails and JoJo giggle to themselves.
JoJo: Does it work on other stuff?
Tails: Sure! Want to mess with sonic?
JoJo: You bet I do!
They turn to look at the table, where sonic is playing a game on a handheld device. Tails adjusts a tuner on his remote and hits the button. Sonic's game device suddenly goes dark, and he lets out a gasp.
Sonic: No! I was about to get a new record!
He looks over at Tails and Jojo, audibly laughing.
Sonic: Tails, what did you do?
Tails: Me? How could I have done something from over here?
Sonic squints his eyes, then turns back to his device. He turns it on and sees the battery is still full. He tries starting up his game again, and Tails hits the button. Before he can release it, Sonic runs up behind him.
Sonic: Caught ya red handed!
He wraps his arms around Tails and flips him upside down as he squeals. JoJo watches and laughs. Sonic starts tickling his sides in revenge.
Tails: No! Wait! I’m sorry
He giggles as he squirms around trying to escape.
Sonic: You should have thought about that before you messed with my game!
He’s grinning as he does this, showing he’s only playing around and not really mad.
Tails: (laughing) JoJo, help!
JoJo: I’ll save you, Tails!
She tackles Sonic, making him drop Tails. Knuckles finally looks over at them from the table.
Knuckles: You are having a brawl without me? Dishonor! I shall join the fight and be victorious!
He runs over and dog piles onto them all, they all laugh.
Maddie and Rachel notice the commotion from the yard chairs next to the TV that's been set up.
Rachel: Don’t play too rough now!
Maddie laughs while looking at them.
Maddie: It's alright, Rach, Knuckles has learned to control his strength around JoJo. He would be devastated if he ever hurt her.
Rachel: I know, I just still worry, you know?
Maddie: Maybe if you get to know them better you won't worry as much.
Rachel: Alright, I get it, I should spend more time with you all. I want to make up for lost time, really, but me and Randal still don’t know if we want to move here. I mean, what if that crazy doctor guy comes back?
Maddie: Then you and JoJo will have the three bravest boys in the universe to help protect you.
They both smile and look on as the kids playfully wrestle with each other. JoJo and tails have teamed up against sonic, while knuckles critiques sonics wrestling skills.
The game on TV ends, and Tom changes the channel to the news station where a live broadcast is taking place.
News reporter: This is Scarlet Garcia coming to you with breaking news. Town Square was sent into chaos this afternoon with the sudden break in of the government building.
All heads turn to watch the news story.
Reports are coming in that several top secret files have been stolen. It is unknown who could have been responsible for this break in in broad daylight, but strangely enough, none of the security guards even saw the suspect. One minute the files were contained, the next they were gone.
Sonic: Hm… Top secret files, huh? I don’t know, you don’t think it could be-
Tom: Let's not jump to conclusions. We don’t even know if Robotnik survived, much less if he’s going around stealing government documents.
Tails: True, but maybe it's worth looking into. It does sound like something eggman could be interested in.
Maddie: I don’t know guys, are you sure this is worth the trouble?
Knuckles: worry not, mother, our investigation will not involve unnecessary violence. Unless, of course, it is Robotnik, in which I will not hesitate to bring him to justice.
Tails: With the new Cyclone, it shouldn’t take very long. We’ll be home before you know it.
Sonic: I think they’re right, if there’s even a chance of it being eggman, we should look into it.
Maddie: If you guys are really sure, then I trust you.
Tom: We’ll look after the emerald while you guys are gone. If you guys need us, or if anything goes wrong, you better call us right away.
Sonic: Don’t worry, dad. Well be sure to be careful.
JoJo: Can I go too?
Rachel: Absolutely not!
Tails: Sorry, JoJo. Maybe later I can give you a ride in the Cyclone to make up for it.
JoJo: (disappointed) Alright.
Rachel: Only if you’re sure it's safe for her.
Sonic: Come on guys, time's-a-wastin!
They all hurry to the garage, which has been noticeably expanded. They enter and on the far wall sits the new and improved Cyclone, decked out with additional seats, a turbo jet engine, and a glass dome.
They all get inside, except for Sonic who sits on the wing of the plane. The garage door opens, revealing an extended driveway meant to be used as a launch pad. The tornado takes off as The rest of the family look on.
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anartistwhowrites · 2 years
Edit: I meant to say Jojo's brother, not sister. My bad XD
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I really love how the Sonic 2 movie had Knuckles be adopted into the Wachowski clan instead of having him fucking off to parts unknown, guarding the emerald alone and being lonely again.
He finally gets a family again, after years of being not just an orphan but also the last of his tribe(I cannot imagine the loneliness). It was really sweet and a pleasant surprise for me🥺
Yeah! That's an example of how deviating from the source material can be good thematically. The Sonic movies are about found family, Knuckles' story of loss and isolation parallel's Sonic's, so him taking the emerald to Angel Island or something wouldn't really work
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nonbinarycharmybee · 2 years
Lilo and Stitch is a massive fav among the Whipple-Wachowski clan
Sonic is like "Wow, this movie about a superpowered blue alien getting adopted by two humans really speaks to me! I wonder why that is? I'm sure it's nothing!"
Shadow watches Nani squirting Stitch with the spray bottle and turns to Wade. "We could do that with Eclipse" (Wade: NO.) (Side note, now I'm thinking of Eclipse hissing like a cat only for someone to spray him in the face XD)
Silver having a Stitch plushie! Silver hears "Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten" and starts crying quietly.
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What is everyone’s hopes and ambitions for the third film?
For me, I would love to see some wholesome Wachowski Clan bonding moments (I.E., family camping trip and game nights). I’d also love to see some Shadow and Maria moments! Gotta see these siblings in action!
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starlightbelle · 2 years
So is Sonic the oldest sibling in the Wachowski clan or is he the middle kid?
Because he has middle sibling energy but he was also the first one adopted so technically does that make him the oldest?
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*leaves 3 Fitbit fitness trackers for Sonic, Soneca and knuckles*
"We've been asked about this already." Soneca said.
"Yeah, I already broke mine." Sonic said, "These, uh, aren't made for speed like mine." He held up the glitching device. Knuckles was busy bragging at his.
"Ha HA! My brother has defeated yours, Fit-of-bit! And soon, so shall I! You and your kind are no match for the mighty Hedgehog and Echidna warriors of the Wachowski clan!"
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John Wick Capítulo 4 assistir filme online completo + download grátis
Assistir filme - https://john-wick-capitulo-4.blogspot.com/
John Wick encontra uma maneira de derrotar o Clan High. No entanto, antes que ele possa ganhar sua liberdade, ele deve enfrentar um novo inimigo e seus poderosos aliados.
Supervisionado pelo coordenador de dublês Scott Rogers, as sequências de ação aqui são melhor descritas como maratonas de massacre. O diálogo é tão substancial quanto a gavinha de uma teia de aranha conectando uma linha de tanques militares. E quando o capítulo 4 desliza para a comédia absoluta - como a cabeça de um membro da SWAT repetidamente bate em um tambor taiko em uma batida satisfatória - a solenidade do que veio antes permite que as piadas continuem. Stahelski sugeriu que esta poderia ser a última vez que veremos Wick, com a franquia se ramificando em filmes derivados e programas de TV. Se assim for, será uma herança cinematográfica bem protegida.
Enquanto reflito sobre "John Wick 4", a última entrada na franquia hitman criada por Derek Kolstad, lembro-me de todas aquelas maravilhosas cenas de luta na série de TV "Batman" de William Dozier, de 1966. Cada episódio apresentava uma enxurrada infinita de socos como o de Adam West. Caped Crusader e Dick Grayson's Boy Wonder venceram dezenas de criminosos que emergiram da toca. Palavras onomatopaicas animadas rolavam pela tela a cada golpe violento. Você mal podia esperar por esses momentos. A violência é domada em comparação com os tiroteios no submundo de Baba Yaga, mas os dois estão espiritualmente ligados enquanto nos sentamos em um teatro escuro antecipando aquelas cenas de ação de tirar o fôlego. “Alguém, por favor, dê uma arma a este homem” de fato.
Com cada filme de "John Wick" vem um tempo de execução mais longo. A quarta parte está a apenas meia hora de ser o dobro do primeiro filme da série. Então, o que você ganha com a última entrada superdimensionada? Mais sequências de ação para começar e a maior contagem de mortes da franquia. Não me pergunte quanto. Digamos que é mais do que "John Wick: Capítulo 2", onde a média foi de 114-128. Com 2 horas e 49 minutos, “4” é muito longo. Existem algumas cenas que deveriam ter terminado no chão da sala de edição e a sequência da escadaria de Montmartre no final (300 degraus ou 432 pés) é completamente ridícula, mas muito divertida. Adereços para o dublê de Reeves, Vincent Bouillon, que realmente caiu de todas aquelas escadas.
O ex-kickboxer e dublê Chad Stahelski, o diretor por trás dos quatro filmes de "John Wick" e dublê de Reeves na franquia "The Matrix", foi influenciado pelos métodos de filmagem de Lana e Lilly Wachowski, onde a frase "menos é mais" não significa nada. Na verdade, você poderia dizer que eles acreditam que “mais é menos”, traduzido, não existe exagero.
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