#wacky wahoo lore
definesanity · 5 months
Mind telling me about your air, water, and earth deities? Is it just a copy paste of you guys or no?
Not quite?
There are many Deities who's Domain (what they are the Deity of) are those, but the Primordial Deities are the ones based on I, River and Gunter.
They are: Awyr, Primordial Winds, who is the Primordial Deity of Wind; Scea, Primordial Ocean, who is the Primordial Deity of Water; and Zemlya, Primordial Stone, who is the Primordial Deity of Earth.
They act quite like us, I guess I could say? But, then again, not quite, just in a way of... well, 'contentness', if you will.
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4dmc · 1 year
I made this vent post quite a long time ago. I still stand by what I've posted, though there are grammar errors AND looking back, I feel that it looks hateful on the og but that couldn't be further from the truth.
Also someone said that they thought I interpreted the og Dante as lacking depth, so I'll clarify now.
I do like DMC. Its oddball blend of gothic supernatural Judeo-Christian themes with a ridiculously cheesy and too powerful for his own good protagonist are always fun and intriguing to try around.
The og Dante, despite all the B-movie Japonized Western Noir shenanigans he has running for, is a man of many interpretations.
I do think Dante has MORE he has going for. Manga after manga of him in it, Dante is shown to have baggage. Kamiya Hideki saying he's "afraid when doing his thing" is nice to know but... I feel like we SHOULD know that by now, right?
To me I think it's not just fear but exhaustion. Perhaps it must be exhaustion. He's killed thousands of demons by now, including his own brother (And Vergil has PLENTY of baggage as well..). And nothing's changed much in his world. That aspect would be nice to explore even further right ..
But it's been 2 decades already, and I feel like despite loads of supplementary media (some are in this vague state of semi-canon? Retroactivity?) about Dante and the characters, there's this distance or gap in between the tone/focus on their stories when we're experiencing them in the games.
Like it's okay to have supplementary media to support the games' on-going narrative..😬.. but I feel like it became the other way around, if that's even what happened.
I also have to say this..as much as I deeply appreciate the DMC fandom's efforts on providing more interpretation on the gaps of the franchise's lore (especially before 5 came out), I can't help feel that Capcom has to really rely on the efforts of the fans when it came to polishing out what were even the events that game didn't provide.
Sure, it's interpretation and lore-diving that has so many of us clamoring like bees to pollen, and it's probably a very lucrative move on their end.
But on criticizing it on how legible it's narrative is structured and the on-going story has gone so far, all I'll say is that I've managed to understand the fandom's collective interpretation and it's trajectories, MORE SO than what Capcom has provided. It's so colorful, and there's at least an understanding of Dante's characterization AND pushes the envelope even further with him when it comes to fanfics, compared to the Too-Safe-Everything-Is-Cool-Again-Nothing-To-Worry-Look-He's-Doing-Wacky-Wahoo-Pizza-Moments-Again!-Isn't-That-What-You-Wanted moments he's always expected to go through..
And now that DMC has Pinnacle Of Combat and an upcoming Netflix Anime (and I'm calling it now, even if it's not from Adi Shankar or the one being teased in the Tudum Drop Trailer, it's still the one that's gonna be made because Capcom has already seen how lucrative enough DMC seems to be for their higher-ups & shareholders and such..), what are they adding and subtracting in the lore now, or is the anime gonna be like Arcane LOL type of adaptation, etc. IDK...
In closing this new mess, I just wanna say that DMC fans deserve a much bolder move on the og as a character.
I remember (quite vaguely, if anybody has any research on this article/artbook, lemme know because I'd read that, I crave for info) how their lead writer Bingo Morihashi has wanted to do something about DMC's story for quite a while now, but Hideaki Itsuno himself advised against such a move because it wouldn't fit the style and expectation about DMC.
If this is true, I'm like ??????? 😨
Bingo Morihashi is a novelist by career. I'm not wondering why so many of the supplementary novels are written AND taken well by the fans because I believe what he has written was always crucial to DMC. However why such skills aren't put in the same vein for the games? The games are the highlight of the franchise! It would be even more lucrative if they had let Bingo Morihashi do his thing (I really want to find this article/written interview..)
Video games today benefit a lot from narrative. It always did but with the tech today, video game screen writing is even more significant today!
I don't blame Itsuno (again if that was true....) because I actually understand because he knows the DMC fans😓 and yes I'm sure his experience with DmC has lent to some decisions from his part.
But imagine the better possibilities with the og Dante. I really think it's been long overdue to push some new boundaries with DMC.
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copper-wasp · 2 years
copper-wasp??? THEE copper-wasp???!!! It's good to see u back writing and whatnot and I'm happy that I happened upon ur blog again 😭 Nothing to say, just hope ur days become more manageable and ig I'll be cheering u on from the shadows!! Your updates are still top tier ngl. Hypothalamus? Hypothetical? Ionno but he look priddy, maybe I have another game series to... catch up on the lore.......yeah...........
Oh nonnie, ur makin me blush! Ty for your kind words, I'm glad to be getting back into posting more regularly! I'm also back on my bullshit with wacky wahoo pizza man so expect much more Dante ^______^
(Also are you talking about Hythlodaeus? From critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy 14? Because I need that twink destroyed.)
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Tru tru Dante is poster boiii for the franchise. Maybe DMC6 can work as like prelude to the big shit in 7 or just a story about loose ends like Mundus - which is perfect since they are in hell now lol or make Dante Inferno esque 2.0. I lowkey hope they can focus on Dante tho, along w his standing as Nero and Vergil tries to wade through their own rekationship challenges. I actually like how in RE, Leon is shown to be world weary and almost not interested again but pulled through and Chris now is hinted to have 'questionable' moment in RE8. All in all, it's just going to be interesting for like 'good', player-focused, champion character to have the chance to just be tired and open.
Dante’s already weary, though — he’s not burnt out in demon hunting but you’re all but told flat out that he is a pretty deeply depressed person behind closed doors and that the wacky wahoo pizza man act is just him showboating/performing for people. You can genuinely feel how tired he is of Vergil’s constant shitshow in 5 and how resigned he is that he’s going to have to ‘kill’ him again. The fallout from those kinds of feelings don’t just go away after that long because the problem has stopped... actively being a being a problem.
My best guess is they’ll use a 6th game to round out Nero’s trilogy and go from there. Just a guess, though. Really, they have the third member of the family back in fighting form, so they can pretty much do whatever they want.
I never know what the fuck is going on in RE and have given up trying. DMC shifts some of its lore around or figures is out later, but at least it’s (mostly) consistent. Which is surprising, I’d have figured it’d have been the other way around.
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devilglow · 5 years
@anammxlech replied to your post: If I ever stop talking about my pure hatred over...
Character: has valid reasons behind their anger and the lore makes sure to specify why they are the way that they are .
The fandom: oh ew whiny
this is so common i hate this , iT’S G R O S S
Nero: Has literally known loss ever since he was a child, lost his own adoptive parents to a demon attack, turned into a child soldier in the name of survival, lost his own brother after being forced to fight him, has literally been called “the son of a prostitute” and made to feel useless/a mistake of nature so for Dante, someone that Nero looks up to to an indescribable level, to call him dead weight/useless it’s like Nero’s own mother told him she regrets ever birthing him 
The VAs: Literally point out how the dead weight comment was unneeded and it, understandably, hurt Nero to a ridiculous degree
The fandom: God he’s so whiny why couldn’t he just let the dead weight comment slide? Geez he’s such a whiny little shit of a brat how dare he feel angry over Dante calling him useless as well? Leave his wacky wahoo pizza man uncle alone he’s done nothing wrong, ever, in his entire life and he doesn’t deserve Nero’s disgusting whiny complaints uwu
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koboldburrow · 6 years
also Slugpine happened yesterday
This olde-timey fantasy Hogwarts has an extremely Powerful DM because it runs weekly 
(It’s the one where I’m playing the 12 year old Glamour bard)
We got some real juicy snippets of Plot in that one, almost right off the bat, but first: the Divination Wizard who was lookin’ to do a Portent Bully got a real big surprise (and so did I, honestly??) when he tried to sabotage Beatrice in potions class with a real shitty Portent of like.... 4 or something? And he got the sensation like he was trying to Portent a statue or something, and the roll actually ended up being a 10 instead. (Which was enough to get me and the player paired with me a solid B in that class, wahoo)
One of the NPCs who chills with us figured out he was doing a Portent bully and went “hey what the heck,” and Beatrice was all “oh wait THAT’S what was going on? huh.” Divination boy got all huffy about it and Mind Spiked her in the middle of lunch, so NPC was “uh whoa okay instead of a fight in the middle of the cafeteria let’s go to a practice room” 
except: that’s a wizard up to his ass in damaging spells, and I’m a bard who went as hard on support/debuff as possible, so with his Lucky rolls to evade any status I could slap on him, Bea did not stand a ghost of a chance at this lmao 
So she kinda just played along and let him blast her, keeping herself alive with that one Glamour thing that gives you like 5 temporary HP until she was down to like 7 HP or something and the crew was all “uhhh do you wanna keep going or stop before someone gets really hurt”
and she just shrugs and goes “oh, I’m not the kind of person who holds grudges, I thought we were just doing this so Divination could look all tough and feel better about himself” 
so NPCs are all “god Divination boy you’re so childish how could you pick on someone like this,” party members give her a lil heal, and fey warlock and illusion-centric wild magic sorc are all “hey while we’re competing let’s have a cool-off to see who can do the dopest spells”
some nat 1s and Wild Magic surges later, and sorc faceplants in a botched backflip, ends up an invisible potted plant outlined by Faerie Fire, and warlock’s cool shades have been busted by Shatter despite his cool boasts that he sorted his archfey’s socks right on the first try
Bea’s like “well that was fun, lemme Song of Rest for all of us while we head to Social Studies. And also Enthralling Performance. Let’s do that too.” She charms a handful of party members just in time for class to begin. It’s less social studies and more “how to function socially you weird wizardy nerds,” so class objective is to compliment the prof in a way that isn’t awkward or creepy. Bea just uses the charm to be like “well, just pretend you’re complimenting me,” gives most of the party advantage on their rolls as a result, knocks her own Persuasion out of the park because Bard, it’s a win/win time all around.
Shits and giggles aside, the next day comes, and there’s another ye olde newspaper about a strange attack where animals or monsters or something were summoned and wards were circumvented - this is something that apparently happened to Druid’s circle before she showed up here, and she like... singlehandedly fended them off, but we still don’t know wtf she beat up or who did it 
We also notice a student from another house is missing and the rest look pretty worried about it, so we’re all “hm aight let’s help look for her.” 
we find her
She’s been impaled on a lamppost on the third floor of a tower
Paladin’s Find Traps suggests there’s one like ten feet from the impalement site, Druid finds out she’s still barely alive, but poisoned and also HAS A LAMP STUCK IN HER, Pally Lays on Hands to stop the poison and do a heal. I’m kinda like “okay can we cut the lamp down so we can get her to the infirmary without removing it and risking her bleeding to death.” Paladin tries to go “no let’s keep her here” but NPC chimes in like “no that’s actually probably the best option,” so warlock summons his pact weapon and chops it on down
While we’re getting her ready, Bea tries to get to the bottom of the poisoned thing. Turns out, fucked-up student has a bite on her arm that Bea identifies as having come from a MASSIVE HUGE venomous snake. Professor Darkmagic, who is definitely not Snape at all totally really, shows up, has her moved to the infirmary, gets the details on what happened. He tells us not to talk about this to anyone and stay in the dorms until further notices, classes are cancelled, etc. As we’re turning to leave, Paladin spots some kind of weird glowy blue rabbity-thingy-animal with wacky antennae. Bea wants to try and chase it because fuck what tha teacher said, Paladin says “no we gotta go sit in the dorms because fuck what tha plot hook said WE GOTTA BE GOOD AND LISTEN TO TEACHERS”
So we go wait in the dorms instead, and since that’s it for plot and DM has nothing else, Divination boy spends a little more time doing Portent experimenting. He tries it again on Bea while she’s doing some innocuous thing or another, and once again, it’s a better roll than he had tried to give her. Okay, so it’s not that the Potions room has some kind of anti-potion-exploding-and-wrecking-everything protection affecting it, right? So he Portents warlock, and it works exactly as planned. Maybe it’s a bard thing?? He tries to tarot-read the NPC lore bard, it works as intended. He tries to tarot-read Bea, he somehow draws cards that aren’t part of any known arcana like Scales or Wings or etc, and the result still manages to be “hey things are gonna go pretty cool for you.” 
Bea kinda shrugs and goes “must be because of my awesome cool family’s awesome cool ~gold dragon ancestry~, which I also have,” Divination is so utterly bewildered that he’s just “okay I’m gonna go write to my mentor about this” 
That’s where we leave off for the week 👀
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definesanity · 5 months
Can you list off a few of Llizel's deeds and achievements?
Stopped more than 10,000 wars through negotiations.
Stopped 1,000 wars through force 'for the Peace'.
Has been dubbed "The One Who Could And Would Kill Someone, But Is (Probably) Too Nice To"
Llizel purged the Earth of its magic, and became the patron Deity of Diianas.
They have constructed many different buildings.
They once ran a charity. They might reopen it...
I think that's it so far! :D
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definesanity · 5 months
I just thought of this: How do the Ancient Deities react to Boundless? Or any of the Tomo family or other individuals randomly meeting this "new Primordial" somewhere?
The Ancient Deities are probably gonna go: WHAT THE FU
Philip, in particular, is gonna probably think, "Oh, they're neat."
Then Siegfried is going to say, "Can we stab them?"
Darlin' is gonna rizz them. Enough said. And will probably succeed lol
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definesanity · 5 months
I had an idea, tell me if you don't like it, of calling a convergence between our lores as the Grafted Multiverse/Omniverse, since your Omniverse I called The Apple Tree. It would be like if someone took the limbs of my lore/tree and grafted them onto yours.
My question to you is (besides if you like/are okay with the concept,) what individuals or groups would notice or care if the convergence happened?
I like it dw lol
The Primordial Deities would notice, and would be intrigued by it, needless to say, provided it does not damage The Apple Tree.
Darlin' would also notice, and think of it a good experience to have :D
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definesanity · 6 months
I ask because I thought of a situation of one character walking up to another character, gently grasping their face and looking in their eyes, just to say something like "Sorry, had to check the time" and walking off.
Tumblr media
Omg that's genius.
Do you mine if I steal borrow this idea xd
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definesanity · 5 months
What character of yours changed the most, from a design perspective rather than in lore, because of a change to another character?
Originally an OC for... SAO. Made by the design of the Dark Elf Guardians of OVERLORD, as Agro Isekai Tomo.
Then, when he became much bigger than originally intended, he became Philip, with Agro becoming a separate being.
Now, we have Philip Agro Isolde Tomo, from a simple OC to the most overcomplicated OC I have made, excluding Darlin'.
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definesanity · 5 months
(I mentioned in the reblog giving my Deity of Space the name Boundless for simplicity and as a reference to Ttymless)
How would the Primordial Deities react to if The Apple Tree, and all the connected universes, seemed healthier with the new connection to Boundless?
They would appreciate it. And then ask why the Primordial Deity of Space, Kcosmœs, has not done it yet lol
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definesanity · 6 months
There few deities that get along in my project, one pair is the god of space (not like stars, but as in "this thing is in this location") and the goddess of consequences.
Oh, neat c:
I think most of the Primordial Deities get along in my lore.
But some fall into categories.
Also def not me making the Air, Water and Earth ones based on me, River and Gunter lol
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definesanity · 6 months
Second Son First Daughter of Tomo
Drumming her fingers against the table, Gunnhildr finally saw you, and waved you over.
"Took ya long enough," she joked. "Something keep you?"
You nodded, looking away. Immediately, Gunn went from jokey to semi-serious in a blink of an eye.
She didn't say anything, but nodded.
You... slowly asked her: "Does she have any... trans friends?"
Gunn nodded. "'Course I do. I'm one of them."
You blinked in shock, which Gunn smiled at.
"Yeah, can't really tell, huh? People just say I look like a tomboy. Good enough, I guess. Still, I can assume you're gonna ask about if I'm happy, and..."
She gestured to herself. "Before I was Gunnhildr, I was Mikayl. It felt like... something was wrong, you know? When I realised, my family helped me out."
She pointed at herself. "And, well, here I am. Listen, though," she looked serious. "Just because I'm happy, doesn't mean everyone will be. It's a large undertaking and... it's a challenge you have to face prepared for any and all consequences."
You looked back.
...You then nodded.
Gunn smiled. "That's the ticket."
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definesanity · 6 months
Question: Do you have any characters with clocks or other time keeping apparatuses in their eyes or near their face? Not necessarily a real clock, but at least something functioning like one.
Yup: Ttymless, Primordial Time.
Lore dump:
The Primordial Deity of Time, and the Concept of Time Itself. Ttymless is a figure which, compared to the other 'Siblings', is rather mild. They always have a poker face, and a dry sense of humour. They also run a bar in-between time.
Their irises are actually functioning clocks; one displays time from one time, and the other, another time.
I could continue, but I think that's the jist of the answer lol
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definesanity · 4 months
Teaching The Unteachable
Gunn is losing her patience.
She has a lot of it, despite what many say. It just drains quickly.
Especially when her siblings are involved.
Kæl'hirr... isn't a direct sibling, but Gunn likes to think of her as one? Anyhow, she has been attempting to teach the silent girl how to use a phone.
Oh. Llizel. Grant her mercy.
It gave her pain, but she had to try.
Feelings. A pain in the ass but, alas, who's she to judge, right?
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