#waifu lord drew thing
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I call this one "The Better of Two Evils" Of these two evils which one would you chose? Chapter 3 of BATIM is amazing!
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toldentops · 7 years
AX Summary...
So! I’m back from Anime expo!! I went the second and third day, and it was so fun! My feet are totally dead but totally worth it so yeah!! My bro @the-shark-lord went too!!
I saw some hella cool cosplays!! Please let me know if your face in in any of them!!
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I also got this really huge aizawa pin from the funimation booth, yes.
I bought a pokemon mystery box! I tried to load the unboxing video, but it didn’t work...
I got 2 cups, a beanie, a pokeball stress toy, some cards, and erasers! I’m salty that I didn’t get a plush....
Test Art
Tested out Marvy Uchida alcohol pens!! They are really nice
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I also tested Wacom tablets! It’s ok... The problem is that its so sensitive so my hand kept making marks and it was annoying...
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Also squish
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I also drew on that wall that they let people draw on
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Oh yeah my bro drew stuff too
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People I ran into
Met up with @shiny-1urantis!! He’s a cool dude, go follow him!
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I also met @bechnokid at the pokemon cosplay gathering, and she was dressed as Grimsley! Glad to see you again! :)
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Read more for pokemon cosplay gathering pics!
Le Pokemon Cosplay Gathering!!
Ayyy so this was the thing I was looking most forward to, and it was super fun!! I’m the decidueye in the pictures(there was another one but she left)... My bro is a primarina!
Here’s a group pic..
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All pokemon
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All trainers
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All NPC’s
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Characters from the anime
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Team Skull
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im fuckign dead someone was james getting his ass devoured by victreebel
Moltres james cracks me up
There was legit nobody for team magma, aqua, galactic, plasma, or flare RIP
Team Skull
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Somebody legit had a boombox and was blasting team skull’s encounter theme it was pretty amazing
Good guys vs. bad guys
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Gym leaders
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Trial Captain
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MVP Mallow cookin’ it up
Elite Four
Rip @bechnokid she was the only one but she rockin’ it
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Pokemon GO
Ok so there was a kickass articuno cosplayer who couldn’t get down the stairs so he just showed up and it was wild
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Magikarp Jump
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There was a sylveon in a wheelchair and she was precious
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Gen 1
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There were so many
Gen 2
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By the way, shoutout to that KICKASS UNKNOWN KINGDOM HEARTS COSPLAYER that was BOMB
Gen 3 rip
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Gen 4(everyone was chanting “WE WANT REMAKES”)
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Gen 5
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Gen 6
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Gen 7
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Ay lit
OK now I think we get into types
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Water(ayy my bro’s in there)
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Grass(THERE I AM and shiny-1urantis)
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That ninjask is really cool
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guzma and the bug catcher were trying to catch him lmao
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OK legit there were no ice types and someone was like, “IT’S TOO HOT” and it was glorious.
and then he showed up. our saviour
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Ghost(ayy it’s -a -m e)
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Solgaleo from earlier
Fairy(theres my bro again) also rip lunala is not a fairy type
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I’m surprised someone cosplayed turtonator that was lit
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The fam
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Anyways... Yeah!! There’s my anime expo experience...I hope I didn’t forget any pictures! Please let me know if any one of these are you!!
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So, this one isn't going to be much of a narrative story, really, just an account of my experiences meeting the cast of RWBY at NebKon. I'll try and make an actual story out of it, but no promises. You guys know, ZweI is a bit of a spazz when it comes to stuff like this.
ANYWAY, two days before the Kon our saga begins!
"ZWEI!" I hear after roaming the bus station for more than a few minutes. I look across the street and lay my eyes on Regular-Sized Jimmy. I say 'regular-sized' because in some circles I'm known as Little Jimmy. This Jimmy doesn't actually know me by either of those names and calls me my real one, but that isn't really anyone's business but mine.
So I grab my bag and haul across the street once the crosswalk lights permit me, and before I can even get in the car Jimmy begins to complain. This, that or the other, just general Kon stuff and things. This wouldn't be a problem if we hadn't had to drive all around Omaha during high-ish traffic and do fifty thousand errands even though one of us just got off a damned day-long bus ride.
RSJ's errands include picking up the Bobb, one of the housemates, bringing her to Omaha Oriental THE COOLEST SHOP KNOWN TO MAN BY THE WAY IF YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF IN OMAHA YOU SHOULD MAKE THE SCENE so she can acquire Kon supplies, a phrase which here means 'all manner of Asian junk food', and stopping at Lowe's for something or other for RSJ to finish his cosplay.
Finally, we make it to their house. My bestie is still at work, most unfortunately, but the wonderful Mick is home. She'd stayed home sick from work, which is never a good thing to have to do, but she felt better by the Kon. Good times to be had by all. After a hug and a few words, I go straight to 'my room' which is in disarray because it's only a storage area.
Mick apologizes for not having the room cleaned and ready for me, and I tell her to do no such thing. Also, I have just realized, as in just now at the time of this writing, that I'm writing in present tense. It fits well, even though I don't like the style, so I guess I'll keep it just this time.
Around 11, my bestie texts me that his occupational imprisonment has ended. I'm so glad he'll be home soon. Once he makes the scene he knocks on my door and proceeds to crash into my bed. Hang time ensues, as it's easier to stay awake with him talking to me. The rest of the roomies are quieter than I'm used to, so I had been dozing off here and there.
DAY BEFORE CON! RSJ works frantically to finish his cosplay, enlisting much help from Mick and at one point trying to recruit me. I inform him that I'm terrible with a paintbrush and would do more harm than good. Ooh, did I mention the Bobb bought takoyaki and shared with us? Good stuff, as far as fried balls of cabbage and octopus go. That was the night before. Anywho...
I try and get a jump on my writing challenge, knowing full well the Kon will swallow all my time the next three days. Bestie has work again because EFF BUCKY AND HIS CONVENIENCE STORE I mean what? I said no such thing! How dare you incinerate that I can't use big words!!
Sorry... not sorry at all. WAHAHAHAHA
Get packed, stop for breakfast at two in the afternoon, and suddenly we're at the Kon.
And I see cosplay before we ever even park the car. A Garnet from Steven Universe walks by us and we cheer for them. A Doctor Mercy, like from Overwatch but not in her battle gear, parks next to us.
We finally make it into the hotel and I'm completely mystified. There's cosplay everywhere. Did I mention this was my first nerd convention? I go to the check-in area and show my three-day pass to acquire my t-shirt. Then, whatever my bestie and I try to do after that repeatedly becomes entirely derailed as I become enamored with every other cosplayer that walked by me.
RWBY cosplayers seem to be the order of the weekend. I see more Noras and Yangs and Rubys than anything, but there are Torchwicks and Neos and even the occasional Adam. As the Kon goes on I see more Blakes, which is never a bad thing as she's my fave, and Jaunes and Rens and PYRRHAS. I miss my waifu. It's a shame she was murdered, but it was destiny or something.
She was based on Achilles...
Bestie and I make a couple of panels, including 'Walking in Godzilla's Footsteps' which is basically constructing a city out of cardboard boxes and destroying it over an over again. We meet Avatar Aang and Toph Beifong as well as Lord Raiden and even the real Nora Valkyrie. She worked on the Kon staff and was ALWAYS in character. Someone even asked me if she was Samantha Ireland because she had the voice down so well
She wasn't. I tell you, SHE WAS THE REAL NORA! She escaped into our world and wreaked havoc upon us. Unfortunately, she didn't break my legs. Oh well, maybe next time.
Next panel we make is Voice Acting 101, featuring Erica Lindbeck and Arryn Zech. MY BAE IS IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME YOU GUYS! And she's talking to Barbie, apparently. Yep, Erica Lindbeck is the voice actor for Barbie. Every time you see those Target holiday commercials, THAT'S MY GIRL! Also, we find out that Arryn is a massive Digimon fan. Ah, can I count the reasons I love this woman?
The first RWBY signing is right after this panel. We make the scene to find that the line has wrapped around two hallways. After nearly two hours of waiting they close the door on us. We never even got close. Good thing they were signing all three days.
Bestie and I make a short trip to Runza. Good eats, by the way. 12/10 would recommend. When we get back, we finally go to the hotel room and release most of the stuff we've been carrying and decide what we're to do next. I decide to take a rest before whatever the next panel I'm interested in, and I ended up crashing until after midnight and missing it. I catch up with bestie around 1:30, and we make the IT'S 2 AM AND WE'RE STILL GOING panel.
We roam around a bit longer after that before retiring to the room for all of two to three hours of sleep.
SATURDAY! The RWBY signing for this day is stupid early, so we leave the room by 8 and make the scene, and there's already a bit of a line. We end up in line behind a Penny, a Nora and a Ruby that are all friends. This Nora becomes known as 'Nora with the Hammer' because she had a Magnhild prop that was twice her height. Also, I need a title to differentiate from Duct Tape Nora who I met the day before and had an incredible cosplay.
Behind us are a couple fellow muggle folks, and Bestie gets to talking with them about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I pop in and out until they start talking about RWBY, at which point I spazz. Naturally. Oh yeah, the line finally starts moving, and before long we can see the doors of the room. Omaha D was the room in question.
Sometime during this wait, I see two professional cosplayers dressed as Ren and Pyrrha and beg for their picture. This happens a lot with different cosplays. Before much longer we're in the room and I can hardly contain myself.
Lindsay Jones notices my bestie's Rainbow Dash shirt and proclaims for the whole room to hear that RAINBOW DASH IS BEST PONY! Bestie warns her that she's in a gigantic den of nerds and that saying such things could start a rumble. She's Lindsay, though, so she should be fine.
I come next, and she thanks me for supporting the show. I tell her it's shaping up to be my favorite anime but that it will be tough to top Yu Yu Hakusho. "Excellent choice! I love Kuwabara!"
"HE'S ON YOUR SHOW NOW! OF COURSE, YOU LOVE HIM!!" I shriek as she signs my sketchbook and the poster for my niblings.
Kara comes next, and I mispronounce her name. She says nothing about it, instead lightly complaining about how the staff wants the signees to cut conversations with the guests short and that her favorite part of signings is the talking.
I'm swiftly approaching my bae, you guys. I'm shook that I'm this close to her. I'm clutching my drawing of her for dear life. Bestie mentions that we went to the VA 101 panel, and she apologizes. He goes on to mention the Digimon thing, saying that he's also a superfan.
"Ooh, Bob's Burgers!" Is the first thing Arryn says to me, noticing my favorite shirt. She asks where I got it after she signs my things, and even asks for a picture of it. THERE'S A PICTURE OF ME ON ARRYN ZECH'S PHONE YOU GUYS!! I'm still shook.
She mentions her boyfriend, as his name is Bob, and I say that I used to watch his show, The 100, but I lost track of it because I'm terrible at watching shows. "So, I made you something..." I say, passing her the picture.
"I'm sorry I made your eyelash game so strong, but I'm glad you like it!" And then I ask her for a picture. And my soul leaves my body as I snap the photograph.
On to Barbara, still buzzing hard from Arryn. Barb makes puns at my bestie, as he made a joke about the Yang cosplayer a few people in front of us. "DUDE, YANG'S ABOUT TO MEET YANG! tHE UNIVERSE WILL IMPLODE!"
"Yeah, especially if they start cracking jokes..." I mention. Barb signs us and makes puns at us. Lovely times.
And finally, we reach Elizabeth Maxwell. In addition to Winter Schnee, we find out that she voiced Lady Urbosa from Breath of the Wild. Bestie tells her that she's her favorite Gerudo. I get an Urbosa poster for her to sign, planning to give it to Bestie. She notices my shirt and we talk Bob's for a minute.
And our mission is complete, so we make our way to the nearest eats we can find. After filling our faces we find our way to the vendors' block and proceed to spend more money than is humanly necessary. Soon we catch up with RSJ and Mick at a panel on cosplay fabrics. Later we catch the RWBY Q&A, and times are great until that business with that one guy that is not our friend.
We also see Her Majesty the King leaving the bar as we're heading into the jam with Bard and friends. THE BARD LET ME PLAY HIS GUITAR! WE JAMMED SO HARD YOU GUYS! So did everyone in the place. It was a beautiful time, it really was.
On Sunday, Bestie got signed by Todd Haberkorn for a friend of ours, and as he waited he found a Weird Al cosplayer WITH AN ACCORDION! Dance party shenanigans ensue, naturally.
We catch up again later and make the 'How'd We Do' review panel and Closing Ceremonies. We're super bummed that the Kon has just ended. We eventually make it back home, and I crash on his floor before I realize what's going on. The next afternoon I catch a bus back to Louisiana, still spinning from everything.
So yeah, that's how Remnant was made... or something.
*makes heart eyes for forever and a week*
Day 18: A VA dressed as their character
For once, I have more than a rant for this day. XD
But yeah, meeting them all was glorious.
Oh yeah, i’m finally caught up. Well, i will be when I finished the next fic. Formal wear. Hmm...
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akirotempest · 6 years
My Favorite Anime’s of 2018
So if I haven’t explained by now, I don’t really have the time to make a youtube video for this like last year which sucks because I would actually put effort into it and make it funny ect. And also considering that winter season as started might as well do it now. So instead of a well put together video, you get a blog post on an almost dead site yay! So incase you were curious on my list for whatever reason, my top 10 favorite anime’s of 2018!
Number 10 - Overlord Season 2&3
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It had been about 2 and a half years since Overlord’s first season aired back in the summer of 2015. And it certainly leave an impression on the Isekai genre as a whole. Fast forward to Winter 2018 and damn, the amount of Isekai animes increased almost ten fold with their being at least 1-3 every season. Overlord  would have its work cut of for it so really stand apart from the rest. And for the most part, it did. It expanded on the world by giving more characters screen time than in the past and seeing how they handle certain situations without Lord Ains and helping to set up a new season. Season II was well worth the wait. If you could get past the first 3-4 episodes of build up that is. The second half felt more interesting and just better written the the first half with could be a drag to watch.  It was pretty surprising to hear at the end of the season that season 3 would be airing in the summer, just 4 months later. But unlike season II, season 3 to me was mostly a bore. It had its moments here and there and certainly gave a few more characters a little bit of a spot light and attention, however, the cgi has some of the worst of the series and of the year as whole. I’d say as bad as Berserk’s remake cgi which is considered to be some of the worst all time. Even though season 3 was mostly a miss, I’m still game to see more of these characters and see their eventual conquest of the world. 
Number 9 - My Hero Academia Season 3
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How far My Hero Academia has come since its debut in Shonen Jump back in 2014. Right as Naruto had ended its 15 year long run, My Hero, unknown to most at the time, would take the torch shortly after and run with it. Since then its become arguably the second biggest if not the biggest anime in North America only behind Dragon Ball Super (DBS Broly will make sure of that). Two very successful season’s, a movie screen all across NA. So much so that an extra week of screenings were added. 2018 was certainly a great year for the My Hero franchise as a whole. Season 3 continues right where Season 2 left off as the first half see’s students from classes 1-A and 1-B going on a field trip to an training camp to help hone their powers even more. However, the newly formed League of Villains launch an attack on the camp grounds with their own objective. The climax of the first half see’s All Might face off against his greatest enemy, All for One. With the final moments of the battle being some of the most memorable in not only shonen history, but of all anime. The second half seeing the students trying to go for their hero licenses which will enable them to use their quirks for heroic purposes without needed a pro hero with them. While the final results are a shock, the second half just can’t compare with the first. The final episode of the season is definitely worth the wait. Not only does it wrap up this portion of the story, but sets up the now highly anticipated season 4. Without spoiling it, shit’s about to get fucking real.
Number 8 - How Not to Summon A Demon Lord
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Now... with all the stuff I post and talk about, one might think that Ecchi anime would be my favorite type of anime. Surprise! It isn’t. So when I saw this I was turned off by it think it would be another High School DXD type of deal. Because that went so well this year. But when I sat down to watch it I was surprised that I found myself binging the entire show with 2 episodes yet to air. The story follows a video game otaku shut in whom one day gets teleported to another world. Where haven’t we heard that opening before?! But to his surprise, he’s not himself, but as his avatar from the game he played, which he was an OP Demon Lord. The two girls that summoned him argue over who gets to keep him as in this world, the summoned one is enslaved by those whom summoned it. However unknown to all 3, when one of the girls trys to command him, a spell he casted on himself reflects the magic back and now he has enslaved both girls. We’re still here for the plot right? The show then follows them trying to undo to find a way to undo the spell. To me, it had the SAO affect where the plot might of been dull, but the characters worked well off each other. Especially where the main character is OP, he doesn’t know what the hell is going on half the time as even though he’s a demon lord, he doesn't mean to be. If you’re a fan of the Isekai genre and want to wash away the taste of last years, In Another World With My Smartphone, then I defiantly recommend giving this one a try.
Number 7 - Skilled Teaser Tagaki-San
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This ones a bit of an odd one. The plot is a girl named Tagaki teases her classmate Nishikata. Although he one day vows to get back at her, he fails every single time. The whole anime is essentially a bunch of shorts like in the original manga. It was something adorable and sometime to just watch to pass the time with. Nothing that made you think too hard or was made out to be more than what it is. Although toward the end of the series; a bit of story does come into play with an ending that certainly left those whom watched all the way til the end wanting more. 
Number 6 - That Time I  Got Reincarnated as a Slime
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This would defiantly be in my top 5 best anime of the year and just narrowly missed the top 5 of my favorites. Slime is about a man whom gets stabbed and passes. But wouldn’t you know it... He gets teleported to another world yay!!! However he is reincarnated as a slime. Which in most another world animes (except for Konosuba), slime’s tend to be weakest creatures in the world. This little slime however, gets granted with a very OP move that he exploits to it’s fullest. Without giving to much away, the story revolves around him and his adventure in this new mysterious world along with the companies along the way. 13 episodes and I haven’t gotten tired of discovering more of the world and its races. I want to know what happens next because the characters once again, make the show a memorable one. 
Number 5 - Laid Back Camp
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Alright the top 5! What did I enjoy more than My Hero and Slime?! An anime about 5 girls that go camping. That’s it. That’s the whole show. Although I will admit, this show isn’t for everyone as, it can get rather boring. With that being said, this has got to be one of the most comfiest anime’s of all time. A show where you can just turn on and shut your mind off from everything going on in the world. The art of some of these shots has got to be some of the best animation of the year. Some of the best moments are when the characters see a lake, a mountain, the sky at its most beautiful moments just before and after the sun rises. All locations visited in the anime are locations in real life where the crew drew inspiration from and recreated it. Seeing the characters react makes the viewer feel as if you’re right there with them experiencing it for the first time. A no pun indented, laid back anime that makes you appreciate the world we live in just a little more. 
Number 4 - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai 
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This one in all honesty is extremely hard to explain the plot of. At first glance one might think, oh where we go, another harem.  And even though it almost instigated a war of who is best waifu of the series, it became so much more. Most people who have seen this agree that it pretty much will become an instant classic and on most people’s list, anime of the year. The story follows Sakuta Azusagawa as he one day finds a girl dressed in a bunny suit in a library. However, he seems to be the only one to notice her as no one else bats an eye. The girl who’s name is Mai finds it to be intriguing as well. Calling this  Adolescence or Puberty Syndrome, Sakuta decides to figure out what exactly is going on. Along the way, he forms a friendship with Mai and helps another’s who suffer from the syndrome. The basic summary does not do the show justice, but I still highly recommend it to anyone. 
Number 3 - A Place Further Than the Universe
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This is one show that really hits home on a multitude of levels. The story is very quite simple. Four girls who travel to Antarctica. That’s about it. How can that simple plot be relatable is the slightest? I’m pretty sure we’ve all at some point or another day dream of completing our goals in life, our plans our ambitions, that you’ll one day get to. One day, not today because of school, work, responsibilities, not feeling up to it, money being an issue. But one day you’ll get to it. Maybe. It’ll turn to days, weeks, months, years even before you even think about doing it. And before you know it. You’re youth is gone, and won’t be able to do the things you once dreams of doing. Maybe all you needed was that one sign or push to get you moving. This is where the main character comes Mari comes in. She has plans and goals she wants to achieve, but the fear of the unknown and anxiety have always held her back. It all changes when she one days meets a girl named Shirase, whom is the complete oppose of her. She will not let anyone or anything stop her from achieving her dream of reaching Antarctica and searching for her mother. Her mother disappeared 3 years ago and has been trying to fund her way there ever since, despite everyone around her ridiculing her for it. Inspired by this Mari takes that step that she’s been needing and joins Shirase. This attracts two other characters whom have their own reasons for joining for they have also been looking for that push. The rest of the show is them bonding and having experiences they would of never had. The second to last episode is where things really hit the fan. The outcome was known already, but now she’s able to move on and live her life. It was made more special that the journey was made with friends. Reminding us that some experiences, are best experienced with those you love and care for. To not be afraid of the unknown, to take the step toward your dreams instead of them remaining dreams. 
Number 2 - Sword Art Online: Alicization 
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What the fuck?! Sword Art? Is actually good? What the fuck is going on?! Even though Sword Art is one of my all time favorite series, I will admit, most of it is horrible. Alicization pretty much makes up for most of the bad. We once again follow Kirito as he’s trapped in this new world after being stabbed with a syringe and goes into a coma. Stupid way to get him in there but regardless, this is where the story takes off.  Without giving anything away, if you’ve ever been a fan of Sword Art I highly recommend giving this a try.Because what’s better than one Kirito? Two Kirito’s! With one being blonde. 
Number 1 - Darling in The Franxx
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Well, we’ve come to this. My favorite anime of the year, Darling in the Franxx!! It had everything, character development to where each character actually something to offer, ever changing story that left us wanting more, amazing mecha fights and action, a romance that was fleshed out and very well written. Arguably the best anime of 2018. These 15 episodes were simply amazing. Because the series ended at episode 15. Because nothing else happened after. There totally weren’t 8 more episodes.... That completely fucked this series. Studio Trigger literally had no idea where to take the show and it became a cluster fuck. What was a shoe in for anime of the year became one of the most disappointing anime’s of all time. I could probably make a whole video on why it is...... BECAUSE FUCK STUDIO TRIGGER, AND FUCK YOUR SPACE BATTLES. at least we had SSSS. Gridman.. heard that was okay.. 
Number 1 - Hinamatsuri
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Where do I even begin with Hinamatsuri. I haven’t had this much fun with a comedy since Konosuba. The story is one day, a yakuza member named Nitta has something fall on his head. When he checks to see what hit it, he sees a girl inside this egg shaped box whom turns out has amazing psychic powers and is named Hina. He reluctantly takes her in. For being a comedy/ slice of life anime, this show has amazing character development . By the end of the show, most characters are almost new people by the end of it. The direction of this was handled extremely well and not rushed. It felt more fluid than forced which felt natural for these characters. I had a great time seeing all these different characters interact with one another. A few thing the series touches on are homeless, humanity, running way, acceptance, family, gambling, and money. Each character deals with one or more of these and explores them in depth. And makes one appreciate what we already have. If you’re a fan of comedy and slice of life, then I highly recommend watching. 
Well there you have it. Surprised you’re still even here. But thanks for reading all the way through. I really appreciate it. Fuck Darling in the Franxx. 002 and Ichigo are best girls though...
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Sonic vs Metal Sonic from "Sonic CD". Metal sonic is my favorite sonic character. Hype for sonic mania and forces
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My favorite shovel knight characters
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Bendy Boi
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This monstrosity is called Time Drain. I made him for a story I'm writing. He control time and stuff
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Second ever Tumblr post. This time its Kirby!
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Larfleeze the orange lantern from the green lantern comics
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Third drawing on tumblr. If you know what game this if from, you have great taste in games. This is one of my favorite games. In case you cant read the text i put it below Bottom Text: "Why have worlds when everything is meaningless without her..." Top Text: "Why have all worlds end when i can have my perfect one."
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My first drawing on Tumblr. Not that bad huh?
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Bad timez
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Shovel Grumps
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My original character "Necrobone" hes an evil villan bent on world domination and can bend reality to hid will
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