#waige short fanfictions
writerfreak001 · 6 years
Prompt: waige + garage + studying
** This short story will take place BEFORE everything went downhill between Waige. It’s also a bit more saucy than I thought it would be and probably not what you had in mind, but I had fun writing it. ^_^; Enjoy!! **
Paige couldn’t believe how hot it was. Even though she was only dressed in a pink spaghetti-strapped camisole and black booty shorts (it was the team’s day off), the summer heat was making her feel like she had way too many clothes on. More than once, she had been tempted to walk around the loft buck naked while her man was out and about running errands, but the thought of Ralph accidentally walking in on her was not exactly something she wanted to experience, much less think about. 
Ralph was currently away at school, prepping for the junior high science fair, and she vaguely remembered Walter saying something about dropping Ralph off at Sylvester’s afterwards. So technically, she could very well strip nude and stride the loft in her birthday suit, but knowing how awkward it was when Sylvester accidentally walked in on her while changing out of her work clothes, she didn’t want to risk any other team members getting an All Paige Exclusive anytime soon. 
Paige fanned herself as she flipped through her favorite magazine, feeling a slow drip of sweat run down the right side of her face. Another dripped faster on her left side, plopping on her neck before running down beneath her cami. 
“All right, that’s it!” Paige exclaimed, having had enough dealing with the heat. She tossed her magazine onto the couch and marched to the bathroom just off of Walter’s bedroom. She absentmindedly left the bathroom door open and hurriedly slipped out of her clothes before turning on the shower. Setting the water temperature to cold, Paige stepped inside and closed the shower door. “Ahhh,” she sighed happily, “That feels so good.” 
Walter really couldn’t believe how horribly humid it was outside today. Despite dressing comfortably for the expected heat, he felt as though the sun could burn straight through his clothes with how hot it was. 
After he dropped off Ralph, he had returned to the garage and swiftly made his way to the loft. 
“Paige? You here?” 
“In here!” called out the company liaison, her voice sounding from the bathroom. He closed and locked the door to the loft and made his way over to his bedroom. Paige was, as expected, standing in the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around her chest. She combed her fingers through her growing hair to disentangle all of the knots before turning her attention back to him. 
“Hey,” she grinned ear to ear as she walked over to Walter and smooched his mouth with a popping kiss. “Did you get all of your errands done?” 
“Yes, and Ralph’s at Sly’s. Since it’s the weekend, Sly wanted to know if Ralph could stay the night.” Walter replied, his eyes lowering down from her eyes to her chest. 
“He can. I’ll text Sly later,” Paige replied with a nod, but Walter didn’t appear to have noticed. “Hey,” she snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, breaking his concentration, “My eyes are up here,” she said as she pointed to her hazel irises, causing Walter to gulp audibly before stammering out an apology. Laughing, Paige cupped his cheeks in her palms and muttered, “I’m kidding,” before kissing him again. Then she added with a knowing smirk, “Look however long you want.” 
Walter eyes didn’t move away from her eyes, probably afraid he was being tricked. 
Paige bit her lower lip, amused, as she walked back into the bathroom to pick up her clothes. Walter swallowed audibly when he noticed her towel rising up in the back, revealing the lower part of her curvy ass. Suddenly, he discovered a whole other reason why he was so damn hot, and it had nothing to do with the weather. 
Boldly, Paige removed the towel from her bosom to hang it up. Instead of dressing afterwards like he anticipated, she turned to him and said, “When I was wearing those earlier, it was so hot that my nipples were poking the pink camisole.I finally couldn’t stand the heat and needed to take a shower.”
That’s just... so. not. fair. 
Walter took a seat on the edge of his bead, hoping crossing his legs would conceal the problem he was having below, but Paige obviously saw through his attempts. However, she didn’t comment on it. Instead, she  asked, “Did you get your errands done?” 
“Y-Yep,” Walter cleared his throat and flashed a small smile. “I couldn’t b-buy the new hotspot for the office though... Ran out of time....” 
“Oh?” She asked while slipping back into her black gooty shorts or whatever they’re called. Next, she shrugged on her cami, and sure enough, her nipples began to make themselves known. 
He shifted a little before carefully continuing his response. “Y-Yeah. I had to pick up Ralph from school, get him over to Sly’s and come home to study that book you bought me on social cues.” 
“Gotcha,” Paige nodded slowly as she purposely pulled her camisole downward, revealing more of her pointed breasts before releasing the material to fly back upward. She then smirked that certain, wicked way that made his insides bubble to goo. Usually a wicked smirk from Paige meant some kinky social test she would want him to pass. This time was probably no different. “I want to test you,” she beamed. 
“Test me?” 
“Yeah. Let’s see if you can read my social cues.” 
Paige approached him ever so slowly, gently plunging her fore finger and middle finger to her mouth before swirling her tongue around the digits. However, in Walter’s mind, her fingers weren’t the object of her desire, but a rather more obvious substitution. She moved in closer and started walking her wet fingers along his stomach towards his chest before sending them back down, lower and lower until her palm rested between his legs. 
She grinned and bit her lip. “Well? What do you think I’m thinking?” 
Walter inhaled sharply when he felt the belt buckle and zipper of his jeans slacken before his button was popped open. With crazy snail-like speed, Paige’s fingers folded underneath the waistline of his jeans as she began to slide them off of his hips. “W-Why tell you,” he naturally arched his back to help her remove his pants, “when you can just show me what you want.” 
Paige gave him a sultry grin as he signaled to his boxers still clinging onto his waist. “Good call,” Paige smirked, ridding him of his boxers as well, bringing Walter a bit more comfort in the process. “You get an A. Now lay back and just enjoy being my teacher’s pet for the next couple hours or so.” 
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Waige+ wedding anniversary
Paige was annoyed and upset and angry and pissed off as hell at Walter Patrick O’Brien for forgetting their wedding anniversary. She had wanted to stay in bed all day and take him to oblivion before pampering him with breakfast; launch him to outer space with her mouth and make him see stars all morning long, and between lunch and dinner, she had hoped to give him a Paige O’Brien exclusive featuring some sexy negligee  before giving him a nice, sultry massage in the bathroom after a long, steamy bath surrounded by the scent of cinnamon from the candles she had bought last month. Then, for dinner, they would have pizza on the roof, and then she would be his dessert. It was a foolproof plan! She spent weeks, no months, scheming the perfect anniversary staycation to top last year’s, but… 
Read the full version here  → AO3 | FFN
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writerfreak001 · 7 years
Waige: 28, 30 and 31.
Since it wasn’tspecified, I’m hoping I pulled these prompts off of the correct list. Heh. ^_^
28) “You’re so cutewhen you’re angry.”
A/N: Rated T forsuggestive themes.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”
Walter cocked an eyebrow and blinked, unsure how to respond.“Huh?”
Paige smirked and moved to caress his shoulder blades as sheslowly walked around him. “You heard me,” she muttered softly. “You’re damnsexy when you’re angry.”
“That’s not what you said,” Walter immediately responded,and she grinned.
“So, you did hearme.”
“Yes, I did, but…” Walter, clueless as to what brought thatcomment on, stared at her with utter confusion as she hooked her arms aroundhis neck. “Care to tell me why you,” he smiled a little and chuckled, “thinkthat?”
Paige thought for a moment and bit her lip as if she was rememberingsomething that might make him a little uncomfortable. “Today… when we were inthat control room, and you were yelling angrily at the client for putting thosekids’ lives in danger… it… well,” she licked her lips and flashed a sultrysmile, “it was adorable… and downright sexy… and,” she pinned him against thekitchen counter and pressed her body hard against his, “Mama’s been turned onever since.”
It was true; she was going to go crazy if she didn’t get anyWalter time anytime soon.
“Because I was angry?” Walter was incredibly confused. Howwas anger a turn-on? Whenever Paige was angry, it made him feel sick with worrythat she would leave him. Or snap at him if she was angry at someone else andcouldn’t execute her wrath appropriately. When it comes to her anger, Paigewasn’t too different from Happy, and that sort of temperament often made Waltercringe whenever he was the object of her fury.  
“No…,” she curled her fingers into his hair, “and yes…, butno.”
Walter relaxed as her fingernails lightly scratched hisscalp. It took all his mindpower not to succumb fully to her slow, wonderfuladvances. Perhaps his mind was already turning to goo; perhaps not, but he knewhe needed some sort of context to her short reply. “W-what do you mean?”  
Paige pressed a soft kiss to his throat, eliciting a low, gutturalmoan from him. “You were so protective of those kids,” she whispered softlyinto his ear, her tongue darting out to caress its shell. “So hot and so sexy.”
Walter understood somewhat what she was trying to say and smirked.“And you like that? Me losing my temper because of some jerkass jeopardizing thelives of kids for personal gain?”
“Uh-huh,” Paige purred before kissing him fully on the lips.Before he knew it, she popped her mouth off his hand grabbed his hand beforeleading him towards the ramp. “And don’t worry about Ralph,” she mindlessly repliedas if she could read his mind, “He’s staying the night at Sly’s.”
Walter couldn’t help the grin forming on his lips. “Then Ihave you all night?”
“Yep,” she grinned wickedly. “All night.”
Walter smirked. “Can’t wait.”
30) “If you roll youreyes at me one more time…”
A/N: This story isangsty. Rated T for language.
“If you roll your eyes at me one more time…,” Walter couldn’teven finish his sentence. He usually wasn’t one to make childish threats, buthe was too exhausted to care right now. He knew he fucked up, and he hadalready apologized innumerable times since the incident a few weeks ago, butobviously, Paige wasn’t going to let it go this time. There were only so manysecond chances she would give him before she wouldn’t be able to take it anymore.
He knew he wasn’t the easiest boyfriend and certainly wasn’tthe greatest father-figure for Ralph, but he always tried his best to show thathe really loved both Paige and Ralph. Despite his flaws and continuousstupidity, Walter loved them more than life itself. But maybe Paige didn’t feelthe same way anymore. This was their fifth fight in the past three weeks, andit always seemed like everything was his fault.
Even though, most of the time, it was.
“You’ll what,” she huffed, daring him to finish hisstatement. She balled her hands into fists and took a large step towards him,not intimidated by his taller stature. “You’ll fire me?!”
Walter’s shoulders dropped significantly. He couldn’t dothis anymore. He couldn’t fight back just because she dared him to. As much ashe wanted to give her a firm answer and ensure her that he would never go downthat path again, he couldn’t. Instead of jumping the gun and thinking forhimself, his face fell and his throat tightly at the mere thought of Paigeleaving again. Without much else to say, he swallowed thickly and asked, “Doyou w-want me to?”
Paige angry expression softened tenfold, and tears threatenedto fall. His response obviously wasn’t the one she was expecting. Her voiceshook as she answered as well.  “Ofcourse not, dummy.”
Her response wasn’t what he was anticipating either.
After what he did, she should want to leave immediately. Hewouldn’t blame her if she did, but he would be so much lost without her. Waltersank to his knees and exhaled loudly. Paige immediately dropped down in frontof him but didn’t move towards him as she watched him fall apart. She instantlyfelt guilty for the way she had been treating him for the last few days.
“What do you want from me, Paige?” His voice was desperateand wavering. He clenched his fists as his whole body shook with fear andemotional agony. “I cannot tell you how sorry I am for what happened during thatmission a few weeks, but it’s been eating me alive, and I feel sick to mystomach every time you give me the cold shoulder. It seems,” he sniffed loudly,“It seems like no matter how many times I apologize to you, it isn’t goodenough. So, what do you want, Paige? What do I have to do so you won’t be madat me anymore?”
Paige inhaled a deep breath and exhaled slowly as a tearfell down her cheek. She never meant to cause him this much inner torment, andshe hated seeing him like this…. She was such a horrible girlfriend for blaminghim for something that was completely out of his control.  
Perhaps it was best if she would just leave… Maybe he couldbe happier without her in his life…
But she couldn’t will herself to rise. She couldn’t leavehim alone, not like this. Not when he felt like his world was about to crumbleon top of him.
Paige’s shaky hands hovered towards him and slowly clutchedhis fingers. “Nothing,” was the only response she could will herself to say inthe moment.
Her response caused his teary eyes to immediately find hers,and she almost regretted speaking at all; the fear in his gaze was so palpable,so real, so suffocating. She hated herself for making him feel so dejected.
Hesitantly, she moved closer and enveloped him in her arms. “Youdon’t have to do anything,” she calmly and softly explained, holding his headclose to her heart. “I’m the one who needs to apologize,” she bit her lip andsqueezed her eyes shut to keep her tears from falling. “I shouldn’t have reactedthe way I did; I shouldn’t have blamed you for Ralph’s decision to help on thecase. I heard you over the comms; you told him not to interfere, but he didanyway. A-And when I saw him lying there…, unconscious and injured, I g-gotscared,” her voice broke, “Even though he only ended up having a concussion anda broken arm, I felt like my whole world stopped that day…, a-and because I-Ileft him with you…,” she clutched him tighter, “I’m so sorry, Walter. I’m sosorry. I never meant,” she hiccupped, “I never meant to hurt you like this.”
Walter inhaled a shaky breath and slowly rose until he wassitting lethargically in front of her. With a trembling hand, he reached acrossthe distance between them and caressed her cheek as his thumb wiped away herfallen tear. She clamped her hand over his and leaned her cheek into his palmas she let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“Please don’t leave me,” he pleaded, his voice thick withemotion, and she closed her eyes and kissed his palm reassuringly.
“I won’t,” she clutched his hand as if it was her very ownlife support, “I promise.”
And she never did.
A/N: I decided tokeep that mission as vague as possible because I didn’t want this story to beany longer than it needed to be. The next one is much, much lighter. I promise.^_^
31) “Wipe that smirkoff your face.”
Rated K.
“Wipe that smirk off your face,” Paige hissed harshly at herfiancé as they waited in the car for Ralph at the school parking lot, “It’s not funny.”
The older genius couldn’t disagree more, but he held histongue as his shoulders shook with laughter. He snickered quietly, and Paigelightly smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand.
“Walter,” she couldn’t keep a straight face and the cornersof her mouth twitched to smile, “Stop laughing! It’s not funny!”
“Then why are you laughing too?” Walter lifted an eyebrow,the laughing lines still evident on his face. Flustered, she crossed her armsand looked away, causing Walter to smirk ear to ear. “You have to admit,” heleaned in close to her ear and poked her arm playfully, “it was a pretty cleverresponse, and to only get off with three days of detention? That’s impressive.”
“Impressive?” Paige frowned. “You think of Ralph indirectlycalling his teacher fat is impressive?”
Walter nervously laughed. “Well when you think about it…,yeah. If Ralph’s teacher is as big as his principal was letting on, then itwould be logical for Ralph to question the man’s size relative to thedimensions of the classroom closet.”
Paige was not amused. “What well-behaved student would say,‘Are you sure you’ll fit?’ to his teacher after he grumbles about wanting toscream his head off in the closet?!”
“Ralph,” Walterdeadpanned before grinning a little. “And he is an impressive kid, is he not?
Paige glared at him. “We shouldn’t be encouraging thisrebellious behavior.”
“I’m not encouraging it,” Walter retorted, sitting backagainst his seat. “And I understand that the remark was irresponsible, uncalledfor and shouldn’t have been said, and I support any disciplinary action youplan to execute. I won’t lie, though, and say his comment wasn’thumorous.”  
Paige rolled her eyes. “Okay,” she relented, “I admit,Ralph’s offhand comment was a little… funny…, but we both know he’s been taughtbetter than that. I don’t want him to grow up, thinking that it’s okay to speakto authority figures like that.
“I do it all the time,” Walter muttered, but from the glarehe received from his wife, he realized it probably wasn’t the best response. “Imean,” he waved his hands in mock defense, “if you want, I can talk to him oncewe’re done here.”
Paige reached over the armrests and squeezed his handgently. “We’ll talk to him.” Sheoffered him a sweet smile and then leaned against his shoulder.
“Agreed,” Walter nodded before kissing the top of her head.And then a thought occurred to him. “Paige?”
“Is that Ralph’s teacher?”
Paige lifted her head and spotted the large man waddling hisway to his car. “Yeah, why?”
The genius tried to contain his smirk. “He definitelywouldn’t have fit in that closet.”
*A/N: This scenario actually happened to my dad when he was a kid, andbecause I thought it was one of the best things ever, I couldn’t help but useit in a FFN story. ^_^
If you’re unsure what happened, basically in my dad’s version of thestory, his eighth grade teacher was a pretty big person and easily got mad atthe class whenever they did something they weren’t supposed to do. One day, theteacher walked into the classroom and was already angry at something, and toldthe class that he was going to go and scream in the closet. OF COURSE, my dadhad to comment under his breath, “Are you sure you’re going to fit?”
The teacher was so enraged, he was speechless.
My dad didn’t even get detention. Heh. >:^]  
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writerfreak001 · 7 years
Requesting Fic Prompts! ♥
You can either come up with your own or use one of these two lists. If you use the lists, please indicate which one you’re using. List 1 • List 2
No smut requests please. 
I’ll write for the following pairings: 
Waige (Scorpion)
Yusuke & Keiko (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Kagome & InuYasha (InuYasha)
Kenshin & Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin)
Edward x Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Roy x Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Vincent & Catherine (Beauty & the Beast 2012)
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Requesting Waige Prompts
Please send your requests my way.
Only two rules:
Requests must be simple. Nothing elaborate, please. 
Example: Walter and Paige cuddle
Example: Waige + Movie Night
Example: Waige + dancing + garage roof top
(Please don’t requests Examples)
No smut requests allowed. 
I will tackle these requests first come first serve, and they will be uploaded to my “Euphoria” Waige Collection on FFN and AO3.
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Waige Prompts: Walter & Paige - family game night
“Walter!” The man spunaround swiftly and spotted Ralph running towards him, almost out of breath. Hehad his water rifle above his head, a signal that apparently meant ‘Don’tshoot!’ 
The older geniusimmediately dropped his water gun and raced to the boy as he bent over to catchhis breath. “What is it, Ralph?” Walter’s hands flew to his son’sshoulders. “What’s wrong?” 
“Mom is,” Ralphexhaled and inhaled deeply as his fingers clenched over his knees. “Momis...” 
Walter’s eyes grewwide in fear. “What happened? Where’s Paige?” He began to look for herbehind the boy, but she was nowhere to be found. “Where is she,Ralph?” 
The boy’s met hisslowly. “She’s... she’s stuck.” 
Read more here. :) 
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Waige + sharing clothes
This might not be in the way you’re thinking, but I found the premise interesting so I wrote something a bit different than what you’re more than likely wanting. I hope it’s enjoyable all the same. ♥
“You’re lucky,” Paige frowned as she secured the bandage on her boyfriend’s elbow before slowly easing it back to rest against his stomach. “Until Toby can examine your arm, you’ll need to keep it neutralized.” 
“I know,” Walter nodded slowly, aggravated at himself for snagging his arm on the barbed wire fence he was trying to jump over. “I should have paid more attention,” he grumbled to himself, but Paige heard his frustration loud and clear. 
“Walter, you were running for your life back there. Don’t blame yourself. Things like this happens.” She squeezed his hand and smiled. “Besides, you’re lucky the wire only gave you only one deep cut instead of shredding through your veins.” Paige patted his knee and leaned in to kiss him before jumping to her feet. “Stay here. I’m going to go see if I can find a sling in that First Aid kit Toby sent with us.” 
You can read the full story on either FanFiction.Net or ArchivesOfOurOwn. 
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I Can’t Stop
@emotionaldumpsterfire197: Waige + Rain + Argument
Warning: Angst + a take on what could happen after Walter learns the truth about Space. 
Neither could remember how the argument started, but both were out of breath, chests were heaving, and eyes were like liquid fire burning in the night as the rain drowned them in a deafening silence. 
Paige inhaled a deep, choking breath and swallowed thickly, and Walter flexed his fingers as he released a shaky breath. “Were you,” he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, “Were you ever planning on telling me?” 
There was a long pause before Paige found herself responding. “I don’t know. Probably not.” 
His voice cracked. “I see.” He began to move away from her. “You know?” He frowned as his voice quivered quietly, “Today may be the first day in my life I wish I was wrong about something.” 
“Wrong about what?” Paige’s eyes softened as she approached him, but he backed away, moving towards the door. 
There was a long pause as Walter opened the door. He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes as he turned away from Paige, not wanting her to see the tears in his eyes. “On days like today,” he replied instead, “I wish I never fell in love with you because, even though it hurts like hell,” he swallowed thickly, “I can’t stop.” 
Without another word, he disappeared into the darkness, leaving Paige behind.
She didn’t follow. 
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Waige + Hug
Warning: Megan feels
She didn’t have to remind him what today was as they slowly strolled along the beach early in the morning. 
She didn’t want him to forget and pretend this day wasn’t important, pretend everything was all right, like anniversaries didn’t mean anything. She knew it would hurt him, but he needed this. He needed to remember. He needed to mourn and know that it was okay to mourn on days like today. 
Not once did she speak to him, knowing he needed the silence to gather his thoughts and process this unfamiliar, unaccustomed feeling of remembrance. He needed to remember her, remember all of the good memories he had with her and even the bad ones too. 
And through it all, Paige would be there for him every second of the day. 
She turned towards him as he stopped and stared at the sunrise. Slowly closing the gap between them, she slid her arms around his torso and leaned into him, inhaling the fresh Downy scent of his shirt as his arms enveloped her, bringing her closer. 
Not once did his eyes abandon the sun as it painted the sky with colorful reds, oranges and yellows. He clutched her tighter and shook a little as tears fell from his eyes. 
“I m-miss her,” his voice broke, and Paige’s heart shattered from his emotional pain. She twisted in his arms until she was in front of him, pressing her body to his, and embracing him fully. His arms grasped her impossibly tighter as she soothingly rubbed his back. 
“I know, Walter,” she answered quietly, tears spilling from her lashes as she felt him quiver against her. Broken sobs soaked her shoulder as she buried her face against his chest and cried silently. 
“I know.” 
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