#wait til she hears about that short clip she's gonna lose all hope
georgeinamerc · 2 years
Ayeeee good afternoon bestie i totally fucked up my back yesterday and now I’m walking around like a 90 year old man djdjdjjd but hi hello how are you!!??? I have to do a bunch of shopping today and I’m not looking forward to it but at the same time I weirdly am, and then I’ve got to bake later 👀 if they come out good I’ll send you some pictures :))))
(Also! My pronouns are she/they ty for asking I realized I didn’t know pronouns with that other ask and I didnt want to scroll through your entire blog to figure out what they were I’m sorry 😞 )
I hope you have a happy day!!! :)))))
Goodmorning bestiee I'm sorry for answering just now but it just appeared in my inbox? anyways...
How did you fuck up your back huh??? interesting..🤔👀 (no no i'm just kidding lmao don't block me💀) HAHAHAHAHAH IM LIKE THAT MOST DAYS TBH i just have the worst posture when seated and when standing so i always look weird i'm sure! But seriously get well soon baby! I'm sending you a tight hug<33
uh I'm doing okay, I just haven't had a lot of motivation lately- not just to study but to just properly function like a human being lmaoo, this week (bc it's the last one before holidays) our classes are online so i've been rotting in bed watching my series and reading smut all day🤩finals don't exist in this little brain of mine!!
YESSS I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT THE SHOPPING PART for me it's like getting in the shower, at first you don't want to (but also kinda do?) and then you just can't get out bc you enjoy it IF THAT MAKES SENSE AND I DONT SOUND WEIRD-
Thank you for letting me know!! I wanted to ask you before but always got caught up in the rambling that i forgot about it- and that's on short memory!! No no please don't apologize, i don't even know if i've mentioned it before on my blog! I usually tell people when we start dming cause it's hasn't been needed before yk?? but yeah it's my fault, i should have them on my description thingy :(
I hope you have a happy day as well!!!!<333
0 notes
inahazzze · 5 years
It’s None Of Your Business
You’re passionately singing along to Harry’s album in your car while stuck in dead-stop traffic on the way home from work. You don’t know, but Harry is watching from the car next to you (1.6k).
***A/N - This is my first time ever posting fic so please give me some feedback!!! I’m in the process of writing a longer fic but I wanted to bite the bullet and post something short. A big thanks to @yes-daddy-i-will for coming up with the perfect last line!!***
On most days, you’re really bothered by heavy traffic. On any day but today, you’d be muttering obscenities under your breath at every stop and start of the cars in front of you. You might even let out a bit of road rage that you sometimes let slip when particularly frustrated. But it’s been a great day, and you don’t even care that it might take you an extra half hour to get home. Today you were praised by your boss, received a bonus that will pay for your upcoming car insurance, and there’s now a long weekend to look forward to. It’ll be the first real break you’ve had in months since starting as a full timer at work, and you’re looking forward to properly resting and seeing a few neglected friends. A year ago you would have thought that four days off in a row is nothing, but now you’re jumping for joy at the mere thought of what you could do with the time. You usually spend your weekends catching up on sleep and relaxing just enough to not feel like a trainwreck by Monday, and now you have two whole extra days to do anything that you want.
You’ve only been driving for ten minutes when the cars in front and around you all come to a complete stop on the highway. You can’t see anything but you assume that there’s been an accident or something of the sort. You can hear some distant honking and yelling but you are determined not to let anything ruin your mood, so you turn up your music to drown out the commotion. You’re listening to your favourite artist, Harry Styles. It’s been quite a while since his album came out but you’re still obsessed and listen to it on repeat. A car somewhere to your left is honking relentlessly, so you switch the song to Kiwi and turn it up even more to drown out the noise. It’s blasting through your speakers and other drivers can probably hear it but you’re in too good of a mood to care.
She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
And all the boys they were saying they were into it
Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck
She’s driving me crazy!
You’re so fully immersed in the song that it’s probably a good thing that the traffic isn’t letting you go anywhere. The lane to your right shifts forward slightly and a black Range Rover pulls up completely parallel to yours, windows aligned with your small vehicle. Its tinted windows don’t allow you to see into the car and you’re momentarily insecure about the fact that people can see you but you can’t see them. You glance at the cars to your left and the two in your line of sight are also expensive cars with tinted windows. This is what I get for working in a rich area of L.A., you think to yourself.
If it was any other day you’d probably be too embarrassed in stock-still traffic to sing your heart out. Usually you wait until you’re flying down the highway to roll your windows down and let your voice ring out in the rough breeze. Since you live in an apartment complex where there’s always someone around, singing in your car is your only chance to really let yourself go. It’s always been an outlet for you and you’re happiest when you’re singing to your favourite music. You don’t have to worry about anyone hearing, or complaining about the noise, or judging your voice. Singing in the car makes you feel free and happy, which is why you decide fuck it and sing as loud as you want while surrounded by other drivers who can clearly see and hear you.  
But I’m into it, but I’m into it
I’m kinda into it
It’s getting crazy
I think I’m losing it, I think I’m losing it
And are you losing it. The lyrics fly out of you as you sing along in a trance and bob your body to the beat as much as you can with the restrictive seatbelt.
I’m having your baby!
It’s none of your business!
You’re almost putting on a show of your own once the chorus hits, gesturing wildly in front of you and drumming on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. You glance into the rear view mirror and notice that you’re smiling widely, enjoying the moment. You’re doing all that you can do while stuck on the highway, and trying not to be annoyed by what is out of your control. If there was an accident, you just hope that everyone is okay. People in the cars around you are becoming more and more impatient, honking more frequently and leaning out their window to see what’s going on. There’s a man a few cars in front of you that has turned off his car and gotten out, walking forwards a bit and peering over cars to see the source of the hold up. There isn’t anything you can really do about the traffic, so you just try to drown it all out. You finish the chorus thrashing about in your seat and take a swig from your water bottle before the next verse.
It’s New York baby always jacked up,
Holland tunnel for a nose that’s always backed up
When she’s alone she goes home to a cactus
In a black dress, she’s such an actress
Driving me crazy!
It’s a little embarrassing that you have this part a little bit choreographed, because you’ve listened to the song so many times and it just sort of happened after a while. You’ve been told that you’re extremely dramatic, but right now you don’t have a care in the world about how ridiculous you probably look.
Before the second chorus, you’re thrown back into reality as the car in front of you moves forward a few yards, and you lift your foot off of the break for a moment before you come to another dead stop. The car to your right is still parallel to you, which is unexpected as there’s enough room for the car to move forward quite a bit more.
You’re at a standstill again, and fall straight back into the song. You’ve never been able to actually scream like Harry does in the song, so you just mouth along and punch the air to the beat of the drums.
She sits beside me like a silhouette
Hard candy drippin’ on me til my feet are wet
And now she’s all over me
It’s like I paid for it, it’s like I paid for it,
I’m gonna pay for this.
Your head is shaking back and forth by this point and your shoulders are bobbing one at a time. It’s an awkward and uncoordinated spontaneous dance that shows just how much fun you’re having letting it all go. You play around and improvise a harmony to sing along with Harry for the last chorus, even though it’s a bit of an odd song to create a harmony for. You’re having such a good time that you’re feeling a bit out of breath even though you’re sitting down.
As the song comes to a close, you notice some movement in your peripheral vision. The car to your right is rolling down the window closest to you, so that you can see into the interior for the first time. You barely even register that the passenger seat is empty, because you can’t see past the driver who is staring straight at you. It’s like your brain does a double take, even though you can’t move a muscle.
It’s the face you’ve only dreamed about seeing so close, and it’s weird seeing him anywhere other than on a screen. The first thing you notice is the hair clip sitting atop his head, holding his messy locks together haphazardly. It’s clear that he hasn’t shaved in a few days and he’s wearing a ratty t-shirt as if he’s just come from the gym. His eyes are covered by a pair of plain black sunglasses, but you don’t question for a moment that it’s Harry. If there was ever any doubt, it would have been immediately quelled when you glance down at his arm tattoos peeking out from under his t-shirt. Your eye is drawn to the rose on his elbow, which is resting against the window frame in a relaxed manner. Your whole body starts to feel like it’s on fire at the knowledge that it’s actually him. The boy you’ve been in love with for years from afar. The boy who wrote music that you cried to, sang to, and danced to. The boy who you assumed would never look you in the eyes like he’s doing now.
You don’t know how much time you’re staring at each other, whether it’s a few seconds or a few minutes, but eventually he begins to smirk. It’s such an intimate moment that you’re afraid to even blink. A voice in the back of your head tells you that Ever Since New York is now blaring through your speakers, but your focus on Harry has dulled everything else around you in a haze. You think he might say something so your hand reaches for the dial to turn down the music, seemingly of its own accord. You don’t break eye contact with him once.
“If you’re having my baby, love, don’t y’think it’s my business?”
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angryteapot · 5 years
Take Your Shot
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader
Summary: You and Steve are always bickering, but after a mission goes awry, you both take stock of your tangled thoughts. It’s a shot in the dark, and you hope your decision won’t ruin everything. 
Warnings: Cursing, slight angst, mentions of violence and injury
Word Count: 2083
A/N: This is for @barnesrogersvstheworld ’s 4k “Challenge” Challenge! The prompt is in bold. 
To be added to the taglist, send me an ask or dm! My inbox is always open if you want to chat or rant! <3 
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"Contact left! Hostages in play, dozen gunmen, suspected sniper. Request backup!" Steve threw his shield, knocking out more of the charging Hydra goons.
You vaulted over the explosion debris on the opposite side of the building, two throwing knives now embedded in the enemy's chests. God, they were everywhere. You sprinted to retrieve the knives, wiping the blood off on your sleeve as you stepped over the bodies.
"Backup imminent, Cap. Location?" You took a minute to breathe as you waited to hear his location.
"Southeast corner, it'd be nice if you hurry!" The location was accompanied by the grunts and hard breaths of hand to hand combat.
Grumbling to yourself, you ran through the remains of the building, on your way to assist the idiot. You mocked his earlier assessment of the situation during the morning's briefing meeting -
"Abandoned building, my ass. 'A few guards with hostage analysts,' he said. 'In and out job,' he said. Bullshit! It was supposed to be easy, but noooo, the idiot just had to trip the alarm and summon half of Hydra," you huffed, annoyed as you came up on the southeast side. Why did the damn building have to be so expansive?
"You know I can hear you, right?" Steve grunted and you could hear the sound of fist meeting flesh, then someone's bones crunching. "Any ETA on that backup?"
"Oops. Yeah yeah, gimme a second."
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Scaling your way up the wall onto the roof, you reached over your shoulder to grab the sniper rifle that was slung across your back. You settled in and started picking off Hydra agents one by one, but more kept pouring out of the tree line.
You growled in frustration as you ran out of ammo, "Why won't these bastards just die?"
"Y/N, I appreciate the expert sniping, I really do, but when the hell is our backup getting here?"
"Cap, I am the backup. Are you going senile already? You'd said it would be an easy job, so it's only me, you, and Falcon. And he's currently occupied with evacuating hostages, so you're stuck with me."
You rolled your eyes at Steve's frustrated cursing.
"Honestly, it's like you don't know me at all, not gonna lie I'm a little insulted," you sighed and discarded the rifle you had "borrowed" from Bucky.
Unsheathing your katanas, a gift from your friend Wade a lifetime ago, you gave them a twirl and jumped off the roof breathing out, "Maximum effort."
Hydra didn't stand a chance after that. You may not have been enhanced, but you were well-trained and ruthless. Your katanas swung like lightning, taking down countless Hydra goons as you made your way closer to Steve.
You had nearly reached him when you saw him getting ambushed from behind. Pushing yourself to run harder, you were mere feet away from him when, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a sniper a little ways off taking aim at Steve. Jump-tackling him, you pulled out a pulse grenade and shouted, "Shield!"
Confused but already complying, Steve pulled you to him and covered the both of you with his shield as you lay on the ground. Tossing the grenade into the air, it released an energy pulse that sent all the surrounding Hydra assholes back about ten feet, each one knocked out cold.
Both of you groaning, Steve helped you up, gritting his teeth and saying, "C'mon Y/N, we've got another wave coming."
Right when you stood you heard the discharge of a bullet and blindly pushed Steve away, gasping in burning pain as the bullet clipped you in the side, going clean through and leaving you with a large bloody gash.
"Y/N!" Steve's palpable concern was touching, but now you were pissed off.
Shouting in anger, you charged at the incoming Hydra group with renewed vigor, pain and bleeding be damned. By the time Sam arrived to help, you were covered in more enemy blood than even the Captain. A few stragglers remained, but Sam picked them off from above.
"That was stupid," Steve admonished as he helped you up from where you were now sprawled on the ground.
You tried not to flinch from the anger in his voice as you spat back, "Yeah well, I saved your life. And I do stupid shit all the time, so I don't know why you're so surpri- mother fucker!"
You hissed as he put pressure on your side, right where the bullet had clipped you, as he threw your arm over his shoulder to help you walk.
As he flew overhead, Sam's voice came over the comms, "Cap, Y/N, jet's ready for takeoff. You guys all good?"
"Yeah Sam, we're good. A little injured, but I'll make it 'til we get to med bay. Hostages taken care of?"
"Yes ma'am, they're in the cargo hold. I'm heading to the jet, see you both there."
Steve remained stoic, you could practically feel the pissy energy he was emitting. Choosing to also remain silent, you continued to the jet, keeping the tense silence until the hostages were dropped at S.H.I.E.L.D. and you were back at the compound.
After landing, you gave Sam a friendly slap on the back on your way off the jet. Next stop - med bay.
Dr. Cho tried to convince you to use the regeneration cradle, but the thing gave you the heebie-jeebies, you'd rather have a scar than simulacrum "skin." Blech.
Freshly stitched up, you trudged back to your room to shower all the blood and exhaustion off. You took your time under the hot spray, letting it wash away your frustrations. As the water beat against your back, your thoughts turned to Steve - the cause of your frustrations. His silence and contempt on the earlier mission was maddening.
Sure, what you did might have been stupid, but you all made stupid decisions when a teammate's life was on the line. He may not have approved, but saving Steve's life was something you wouldn't compromise in a million years. He was too precious to you, but of course the big idiot didn't know that. To be fair, nobody else knew either; you hid it a little too well behind sarcasm and anger.
Sighing and shutting off the water, you stepped out and toweled off, cursing as you saw the seepage on your bandage. You dried off and slathered on some lotion, getting dressed in your underwear and low-slung sleep short, opting to put on a sports bra only so as not to agitate your wound any further.
"Barely out of med bay, and you've already managed to re-injure yourself?"
You looked up to see Steve leaning against your desk, arms crossed and muscles bulging from his smedium shirt.
Feeling a little flustered and defensive, you drawled, "Come to ogle a girl, Rogers? I thought you 40’s boys were more polite."
"Not ogle, berate," he corrected as he reached behind him and pulled out a first-aid kit. He gestured for you to sit on the bed, and you did, albeit reluctantly.
"I was going to do that myself, y'know. I'm not a child that needs to be coddled by mommy dearest,' you sneered as he knelt in front of you.
"Really Y/N? Because you'd have a hell of a time trying to patch yourself up, judging from the location of the bleeding."
"Ow! Gently, you asshole! Or if you're gonna be medieval about it, at least give me a damn bottle of whiskey to numb the pain." You winced as he tore off the seeping bandage.
"I thought you went to med bay for this. Didn't Dr. Cho fix it for you?" Steve looked equal parts concerned and aggravated.
"I don't want to be made of plastic, I'd rather have a scar. So yeah, if by 'fixed me,' you mean 'stitched up,'  then she did indeed fix me."
You heard him mumble something about 'stupid girl,' and tried very hard to not unleash your full fury.
"I'm sorry, what was that? You wanna talk about stupidity? That's rich coming from the guy who jumps 30,000 feet out of a plane without a parachute!"
He raised his voice right back as he cleaned the wound with antiseptic, "I'm enhanced! You are not. You could've died, and that would have been on me."
"If I hadn't pushed you out of the way, the bullet would have pierced your heart. Try walking that off, asshole. See how much your enhancements help you then. Besides, better me get killed than you, I’m less important than Captain America."
"Not to me! I can't lose you, dammit Y/N, don't you understand that?" He angrily, yet still so gently, tended to your wound and placed a new bandage over it as he berated you.
You were stunned. Since when did Steve care if you lived or died? All you ever did was fight. Granted, you bickered to cover your true feelings, but he always seemed genuinely frustrated with you. You took in his slightly elevated breathing, his steady hands as he picked up the dirty cloth, and his unwavering glance when he looked back at you.
"I don't want to fight anymore," you said quietly, more meaning to the words than he knew. You were so tired of hiding your feelings. You glanced at him again, seeing something soft in his eyes as he sighed in agreement, you hoped you weren’t imagining it. His warm, gentle fingers skated over your side, checking his handiwork as he knelt in front of you again. You decided to throw caution to the wind. If this bombed, then at least you'd have your answer instead of this stupid pining.
"Hey Steve?"
"Yeah?" He looked up at you, still kneeling before you, with his stupidly blue eyes and gorgeous lashes.
"I'm about to do something stupid."
"Well we've established you're always doing something stupid, so how is this any different?"
"Right. You'll probably ignore it anyway."
You look at him for a second longer before grabbing his face, taking a moment to look into his shocked and confused eyes, and then you kiss him fiercely.
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Go big or go home, right? Well you certainly went big. Not just a peck or hesitant kiss, oh no, you put everything you had into that kiss, all the feelings you'd been holding back for so long. After a beat, he'd started to kiss you back, albeit hesitantly.
You pulled away, blushing and breathless. Steve was struck speechless and blushing, lips now a pretty shade of red to match his flushed cheeks. His expression, however, was very closed off.
"Yep. Okay. Sorry, message received, it won't happen again. You can sweep it under the rug like everything else."
Well you were thoroughly embarrassed now, and slightly heartbroken, yep it was time for an escape. As you tried to get up, Steve - still kneeling in front of you on the bed - snapped into action and moved his arms to cage you in.
"What if," he licked his lips and cleared his throat. Well damn, if he was going to reject you, could he do it a little less seductively?
"What if I don’t want to sweep it under the rug? What if I want… What if I want you to do that again?"
Steve readjusted his hands, thumbs now caressing the bare skin of your hips as he spoke, oh so softly.
"What if I want a redo? A chance to kiss you back properly? What would you say to that, hm Y/N?"
His voice was gravelly and sinfully low, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and the soft caress of his thumbs on your hips had your mind in a tizzy.
"I'd say," a deep breath and you continued, "I'd say that whenever you want to yell at me, you should kiss me instead.”
He leaned in closer to you, whispering against your lips, "Then I guess we'll be kissing more often than not."
"Asshole. At least you'll finally be putting that pretty mouth to good use," you smiled against his lips.
"Mmm, that's not very nice," he murmured, silencing your next words with a very thorough kiss.
If he kissed you like that every time you fought, you’re brain would be too mushy to form words, so you supposed there would indeed be more kissing than bickering in the future. But you were entirely okay with that, and you were sure Steve would be too.
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Druck episode 5 reaction
This episode was full of delightful TMI!
Episode 5
Clip 1 - Video games
Matteo is the one who seems to give Jonas a little nudge toward speaking with Hanna. 
 Lol Jonas, CHILL. You see each other all the damn time. In fact you were saying it just a few episodes ago.
But then again, he’s not being passive-aggressive or denying that he’s upset like other Jonases. He’s openly saying what the problems are, her ignoring him and hiding him from her dad.
Also they look pretty settled and happy and are about to make out before Jonas is called back to his game. Like … this is a reasonably healthy relationship? This is fine? It has its bumps but they have good communication skills for the most part, considering they are teenagers.
If their relationship is more stable than the other versions at this point, and they can address their issues pretty directly, what’s going to be the problem that tears them apart?
Clip 2 - Hanna and Mia
They’re on bicycles together! That is the universal symbol of love.
Lmao, an American dad. Mia jumped up about a thousand points for that line about “I’m defending the pussy of my daughter even if it’s the last thing I’ll do.” What a very good, very in-character observation.
This isn’t that important of a scene if you know the truth of the situation with Jonas, but if you were new to it, yeah, it’d be relevant to address just why there’s that reluctance for Hanna to let her dad meet Jonas. 
Clip 3 - The crew, minus one
Sam’s blue teeth are very cute! I kinda love how random this detail is.
Kiki’s Dreaming University shirt seems like the most Kiki-ish attire I can imagine.
All of these girls need to be kissing Amira’s ass soon. I feel so bad for her. Have any of them reached out to her at all? Sam even points out that Leonie and Sara were probably being racist to her. Don’t sleep on that! You all let her down!
Kiki is awful but not gonna lie, I’m kind of entertained by her conviction about everything. Of course the girls want to know out what it’s like to make out with Alexander! She has the stats on when is the average time to lose your virginity! She has references for Alexander’s orgasm giving skills!
Sam’s look when Kiki mentions Til Schweiger, lol. She is fantastic.
I’m really glad they’re planting the hints about Kiki’s eating disorder early and having Mia recognize them. Although at least those green drinks have nutrients in them, not like she’s subsisting on Diet Coke and gum.
Clip 4 - Adventures in gynecological visits
Starting the gyno scene with Khia’s “My Neck, My Back”… an INSPIRED musical choice.
Sam immediately sticking her fingers down plastic genitalia … relatable, tbh.
Oh god, I love this doctor. Kiki being like, I’m so old to lose my virginity! And the doctor being like, well, I was 26, he worked at a convenience store and he had a bad rash, I took him to the hospital and he was so grateful that we boned. All while opening the condom with her teeth and rolling it on the dick with a dreamy nostalgic look.
Sam thinking this is the cutest story ever! Another reason why she’s spectacular. She recognizes romance when she hears it.
Kiki slowly reaching behind for Hanna’s hand in alarm as they talk about bleeding, lol.
The doc just passing around the condoms like candy, how nice! And she gives her a prescription in what seems like an unrealistically short process (I don’t know anyone who got the pill without at least getting a basic checkup, getting their blood pressure checked, going over their medical history, etc. but it’s not like I know how every doctor in the world does it). 
Clip 5 - Hey look, it’s Hanna’s dad
(I was a little confused about when this clip aired, so I’m just going to treat it like a separate scene).
This part about not just learning by heart, but thinking outside the box has thematically to do with Hanna not being able to think for herself. Sure, there are different connotations in the context of education rather than social pressures, but it’s still relevant.
Oh, so Hanna is living alone. I want to know more about how that came to be and what the exact situation is with her dad and his other family.
Her dad takes the idea of an open relationship pretty chill and cancels on his girlfriend/new wife(??) to meet his daughter’s boyfriend, so points to him for trying to be a Cool Dad? Also, not overreacting at the idea of his daughter who lives alone having a boyfriend, so he’s not Mia’s idea of an American chastity-defending dad.
Clip 6 - Carmen the unseen hero?
I had heart eyes all throughout this clip and it was tempting to just post the whole thing.
The girls sticking condoms in Sam’s hair like they’re decorating a Christmas tree! The condoms placed strategically like nipples on Kiki’s chest when she lies down! We love the little details.
Sam not remembering her first time because she was drunk … alarming!
Not to be a creep but this conversation about female masturbation is a big part of why I like Skam in the first place! This is a good moment for teenage girls to see - a casual, blunt, funny discussion between other girls, acknowledging that it’s fine for girls to masturbate. Sam talking about her stuffed camel - hilarious.
So Kiki’s fantasy involves sitting fully clothed with Alexander and petting her cats … stroking their fur … she starts petting the bedspread…
What’s with all these versions of Vildes having a thing about cats? I mean I have a guess but.
Also Kiki didn’t mention that she won’t be involved in lesbian activity … hmMMM.
And then this conversation turns into bestiality jokes. Honestly ... relatable. You never let the cat/camel jokes die.
The dad walking in kind of awkwardly!! But in a laid-back dad way.
God, Alexander is a super weird lurker and already eyeing Mia and Kiki is just like this is my MAN :D :D :D
Is Jonas going to have the same secret? I really, really hope not. It makes no sense considering Hanna already knows.
Also Hanna asked him about Leonie like immediately, yet another example of them being direct about their issues. I guess they’re not going to have Hanna ask Matteo for the scoop? 
General Comments
This is still the remake I enjoy the most and of course it’s the one with the least content. They need to work on the social media as there definitely need to be more text messages and some of the IG content is off, like I think that Hanna’s IG stories were too early (Mia meeting Jonas and talking about going to the doctor a day or so before it actually happened in real time - correct me if I got that wrong). Someone give them a bigger budget and staff so we can get more stuff. But as far as the clips themselves, I’ve been pretty satisfied. At least this was a longer episode!
The doctor was excellent and my fave other than the legendary Skrulle. I can’t wait to see more of her. Though I guess if she’s a gynecologist it wouldn’t make sense for Matteo to visit her for sleeping pills, right? If they make it that far/if they do a close remake of S3 (which I don’t want, admittedly).
Every time I think I’m meh on Mia, I’m endeared by something she does, such as her interaction with Jonas in the IG story, or the American dad line.
I like the other girls, too. Hanna feels suitably insecure, Sam is just great, and Kiki, though often insufferable, I find to be a very convincing depiction of that personality type. I missed Amira though it was to be expected this episode. 
I don’t speak German so if I miss some context, feel free to correct me or elaborate.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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